Tuesday, March 31, 2015

How the NC legal system and the courts failed Crystal Mangum


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Fake Kenhyderal said...

Hey Sid -- Don Barwig, President Obama's former Medicare administrator is on record stating that "Something like 2 to 3 percent of people who go into the hospital are going to have some pretty severe harm as a result...studies show that the rate might be as high as 12 percent. The harder you look, and the more you study the issue, the more errors you find."

Your comments are ridiculous. As a former physician, you should be ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Need to post this every day, even though Sid will never understand it.


Nifong Supporter said...

Fake Kenhyderal said...
Hey Sid -- Don Barwig, President Obama's former Medicare administrator is on record stating that "Something like 2 to 3 percent of people who go into the hospital are going to have some pretty severe harm as a result...studies show that the rate might be as high as 12 percent. The harder you look, and the more you study the issue, the more errors you find."

Your comments are ridiculous. As a former physician, you should be ashamed.

Hey, Fake Kenhyderal.

First of all, most people who are admitted to the hospital have a medical condition to warrant their hospitalization. For Mr. Barwig to say that 2 or 3 or even 12 percent of people are going to have some pretty severe harm as a result is not the same as saying they are going to die. Besides his statement is vague and ambiguous.

F said...

"First of all, most people who are admitted to the hospital have a medical condition to warrant their hospitalization.... his statement is vague and ambiguous."

Yes -- I am most definitely glad you are not practicing medicine. It appears you cannot understand basic English.

Mr, Barwig is clearly stating that there is a percentage of patients going into the hospital that are going to be harmed simply by going into the hospital, not by the condition that brought them there.

I see you haven't addressed Lance's question, either -- Why not?

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous F said...
"First of all, most people who are admitted to the hospital have a medical condition to warrant their hospitalization.... his statement is vague and ambiguous."

Yes -- I am most definitely glad you are not practicing medicine. It appears you cannot understand basic English.

Mr, Barwig is clearly stating that there is a percentage of patients going into the hospital that are going to be harmed simply by going into the hospital, not by the condition that brought them there.

I see you haven't addressed Lance's question, either -- Why not?

I think Barwig's study needs to be viewed to accurately assess it.

As I stated, those who enter the hospital are likely to be elderly, and may have chronic debilitating conditions that make them more susceptible to infections that are acquired in the hospital. This doesn't necessarily indicate medical malpractice. So although there may be some truth to his statement, I do not believe one is able to make realistic conclusions from the data gathered.

Nifong Supporter said...

Lance the Intern said...
"The article you referenced stated that people are dying due to medical errors... Not that they were dying due to care received in hospitals."

Sid -- Did you even try to look up the article?

Let me ask you a question -- Do you consider The sponge left inside the surgical patient, the medication injected into a baby’s IV at a dose calculated for a 200 pound man, the excruciating infection from contaminated equipment used at the bedside "care received in hospitals"?

Hey, Lance.

In answer to your question, I do consider a sponge accidently left in a person following surgery, an excessively high dose of medicine administered to a baby, and an infection caused by contaminated equipment or instruments as being part of hospital care. And morbidity does result from them depending on the degree of the problem and how soon the mistake is recognized and corrected.

These, like many medical errors and mistakes, differ from esophageal intubation in that they are not invariably fatal if not corrected immediately. As far as malpractice goes, esophageal intubation is probably one of the worst errors that can be made... that is why several safeguards exist. Unfortunately the safeguards did not protect Daye. With esophageal intubation brain death can set in within as little as four or five minutes. It is therefore incumbent upon its recognition immediately.

Lance the Intern said...

"In answer to your question, I do consider a sponge accidently left in a person following surgery, an excessively high dose of medicine administered to a baby, and an infection caused by contaminated equipment or instruments as being part of hospital care. And morbidity does result from them depending on the degree of the problem and how soon the mistake is recognized and corrected"

Then you agree that people are dying due to care received in hospitals -- contra your earlier statement. Glad to see you admit you were wrong.

Fake Kenhyderal said...

"As I stated, those who enter the hospital are likely to be elderly, and may have chronic debilitating conditions that make them more susceptible to infections that are acquired in the hospital. This doesn't necessarily indicate medical malpractice."

Nice Try -- But Don Barwig was specifically referring to errors.

Nifong Supporter said...

Lance the Intern said...

"In answer to your question, I do consider a sponge accidently left in a person following surgery, an excessively high dose of medicine administered to a baby, and an infection caused by contaminated equipment or instruments as being part of hospital care. And morbidity does result from them depending on the degree of the problem and how soon the mistake is recognized and corrected"

Then you agree that people are dying due to care received in hospitals -- contra your earlier statement. Glad to see you admit you were wrong.

Hey, Lance.

I never said that people don't die in hospitals due to medical care received. I just said that I didn't consider hospitals in general to be killing zones.

Let me know if further elucidation is required.

Nifong Supporter said...


This is to inform you that I am currently working on a project of immense importance. It should be completed within a couple of weeks... at which time I will post it on this blog site. I am aiming for a date to post it no later than the end of April.

Probably one of the most important postings ever on this blog site.

As you were.

Anonymous said...

FBI stats show that about 20,000 white women are raped every year by black men but there are 0 cases of white men raping black women.Does anyone have a theory as to why there is such a huge disparity when it comes to interracial sex crimes.My view has always been than in general white men don't find black women attractive but black men find white women very attractive.Can't say I blame them.That certainly has to play a part in it.

Anonymous said...

"Probably one of the most important postings ever on this blog site."

Presumes a fact not in evidence, that you have previously published matters of importance on this site.

Fake Kenhyderal said...

Well....The first ever important posting from Sid would fall into the ""...one of the most important postings ever on this blog site" category, wouldn't it?f

Anonymous said...

There was an article in one of the local papers today that said that faking being other people if it causes harm to any other is being considered for a new law making it a felony offense.

Fake Kenhyderal said...

Are you referring to me? It's clear to everyone that I am not faking being Ken Edwards (AKA kenhyderal).

Anonymous said...

... ok

Anonymous said...

You are an idiot.

Nice to see Whiny Kenny back to posting - though we all know he and Sid post as the anonymous a lot to make it seem like they have additional supporters on the site.

Anonymous said...

It is so weird, (actually just more projection but that does get weird at times huh), that you continue to accuse others of what you are and what you do AND expect others to believe you (or else). Your trolling is weird and abusive, to say the least.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
"Probably one of the most important postings ever on this blog site."

Presumes a fact not in evidence, that you have previously published matters of importance on this site.

Whether or not you consider postings on this site important or not, that is your opinion to which you are entitled. Naturally, I disagree with your assessment. When I made the statement however, I was speaking in relative terms.

Anonymous said...

" When I made the statement however, I was speaking in relative terms."

Regardless, anything you post here has zero importance. No matter how many times you add zero to zero or multiply zero by zero,you are still left with zero.

Anonymous said...

You think that of this blog, and yet you continue to troll here.


Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

You think that of this blog, and yet you continue to troll here.


April 23, 2015 at 10:27 AM"

To cause you to post comments like this one.

Anonymous said...

So you do it just to troll because you are an evil duke troll so that is what you do, or is there another reason?

Anonymous said...

Trolling only works if you can get something to take the bait. Stop taking the bait. Have a nice sausage instead.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous Anonymous said...

So you do it just to troll because you are an evil duke troll so that is what you do, or is there another reason?

April 23, 2015 at 12:40 PM"

It is just to manipulate folks like you into posting comments like these.

Anonymous said...

If there is no reason to it other than to cause harm of the type that cyberbullies cause, than it is that as well trolling ... cyberbullying.

Only a certain percentage of people ignore cyberbullying trolling ALL the time. Do you always ignore it?

Anonymous said...

What harm are you refering to? What comments have harmed you and how have you been harmed?

Anonymous said...

Why would you troll for a response questioning your trolling if it was not to cause some type of harmful reaction in order to illicit a response about your trolling?


Anonymous said...

What type of harmful reaction(s) are you talking about? What comments are, or might potentially be, harmful? Who has been or could be harmed by them? What harm(s) are you concerned they may cause? Or are you just playing the victim card?

If you are going to accuse people of doing harmful things, these are important questions.

Anonymous said...


Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's harmful. For example, I don't like Lima Beans or liver, but neither is harmful.

Just because someone does something you don't like or says something you don't agree with doesn't mean you are being harmed by it. You don't get to make them stop.

Anonymous said...

lima beans and liver are harmful to people who dislike them but are forced to endure them anyway

Anonymous said...

No, they aren't. They would only be harmful if you were allergic to them, they were improperly prepared and/or spolied.

We get that you don't like or agree with some of the comments on here, but how are you harmed by them? There is a big difference.

Anonymous said...


Is someone forcing you to be on this shlog and endure comments you don't like, or do youc ome here of your own free will and volition?

Idfs omeone is forcing you to view this shlog against your will, you should call 911. If you are being deatined at your computer against your will and are unable to get to a phone, let us know and we will notify the authorities on your behalf.

If you are coming to this shlog voluntarily and don't like what you see, STOP. Close your browser or look at something else.

Anonymous said...


tell that to the troll (you?) who posted this:

"Regardless, anything you post here has zero importance. No matter how many times you add zero to zero or multiply zero by zero,you are still left with zero."

obviously if they dislike the blog so much they should not be visiting it ... even just to leave messages like that so that they can:

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

You think that of this blog, and yet you continue to troll here.


April 23, 2015 at 10:27 AM"

To cause you to post comments like this one.

April 23, 2015 at 12:24 PM

don't you think?

Anonymous said...


You need to pinch off a new shlog. This one is fetid.

Anonymous said...


I met with Kilgo this week and he was disappointed that you chose not to be there.

Kilgo's friend and informant was a Player named Crowell. This Player, according to Kilgo, claimed he had no involvement whatsoever but was a wittness to the rape, perpetrated by non-Player, Guests. Kilgo has agreed to arrange a meeting for me with Crowell.

Malek Williams
Hillside H.S.
Class of 1996

Anonymous said...

Did Crowell see Mangum levitate?

Anonymous said...

Did Crowell see Mangum levitate?

Anonymous said...

I wonder why Crowell is not listed on the 2006 roster.

The Rectumfinder said...

Did Crowell see Mangum levitate?

No, he saw her masturbate.

kenhyderal supporter said...

Good work Malek. This proves everything kenhyderal has been saying.

Anonymous said...

If Kilgo says Mangum was raped does she go free for murdering Reginald Daye?

Anonymous said...

Now that Malek Williams has posted a comment on this blog that someone named Kilgo told him that he knows someone who claims to have seen Mangum raped at the lacrosse party, does Nifong finally get his law license back?

Anonymous said...

Can anyone besides Kenny see Kilgo?

kenhyderal said...

Here is the justice seeking duo; http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a8/John_Carlisle_Kilgo.jpg/220px-John_Carlisle_Kilgo.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/f/fa/Crowell.jpg/220px-Crowell.jpg

Anonymous said...


Welcome back!

Perhaps you can answer the question you have avoided on four separate occasions:

Do you believe that Sidney's time was better spent producing blogs than raising money to fund Crystal's defense?

kenhyderal said...

Perhaps it wasn't, given the rampant violation of the sixth amendment to your constitution, where provided Counsels are so under compensated that they do not provide what is the person's civil right. It should not have been time wasted had, appointed, Counsels listened to and learned from what Dr. Harr presented. As it was, none of them prepared the type of defence that was needed in order to prove Crystal's innocence

Anonymous said...

In the Durham / Duke injustice system, the problem is an inability to obtain lawyers who do not have a conflict of interest with Duke, and / or who are willing to assist in cases that go against Duke due to the corruption by Duke of the Durham / NC justice / political / legal system. In that regard, Mr. Nifong did the citizens of NC and Ms. Mangum herself no favors, and certainly made it even more difficult for equal and fair justice to be obtained by any when Duke is involved.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, Sid wasn't able to produce any evidence or even a single expert witness willing to support what he presented on this website. Moreover, his claims were inconsistent with the law and facts of the case.

If you rceall, Mangum's attorneys hired an independent medical expert to review Mr. Daye's medical records. That expert concluded that Mr. Daye died as a result of complications from the stab wound inflicted by Mangum.

Being both rational human beings and tethered to reality, Mangum's attorneys wisely chose to pursue other avenues of defense.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

Nice duke biased view of things, eh?

The defense expert said in essence that the death was a result of events that happened after the knife wound, not directly because of the knife wound ... but you know that by now ... and yet you continue on with your duke biased view of things ... do you believe your own view? ... or are you just hoping everyone else will go along with the corruption of the case and your 'nice' duke biased view of things?

Anonymous said...

The state's ME lied about the death blatantly and with obvious intent to defraud ALL of fair and equal justice in this case. Then the Appeal defense attorney completely left out the week that Mr. Daye was left brain dead by Duke's deadly malpractice and was ultimately taken off life support by Duke and his family to cover up what the state's ME lied and defrauded the state and ALL about. Really fairly blatant corruption and injustice for ALL.

Even Duke has been harmed because trust in their medical services and ability to take responsibility and accountability for their own malpractice is virtually impossible for any rational human with their roots in reality and an understanding of the nature of trust.

Duke's inability to take responsibility and accountability for their own medical and professional malpractice and errors of judgement and leadership etc. seems to be a very big problem.

Anonymous said...

Nothing you or Sid have said charges the reality that (a) two medical doctors concluded that Mr. Daye died of complications from Mangum's stab wound and (b) Sid has not produced any evidence or expert testimony to the contrary.

The reality is that Mangum was convicted of murdering Mr. Daye. She belongs in prison and that is where she is going to stay for a very long time.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

Every poster on this board who concludes that Mangum is responsible for Daye's death concludes that it was an indirect, not direct, result of the stab wound. Everyone concedes that the intubation Daye received was esophageal and was a significant factor in his death. Under the law, that is sufficient for Mangum to be responsible for his death.

Tin Foil, you are helping Mangum by pretending that other posters are expressing opinions they do not hold and by relying on Sidney and Kenny, who both have no legal trading or experience, for your interpretation of the law. I suggest you change nothing.

Anonymous said...

Duke's own medical records was the expert opinion and evidence of its own malpractice. That is why they were never addressed in this case, but were instead lied about, covered up, withheld, and obstructed so blatantly by so many.

Anyway, it is not fair and equal defense if the defendant has only one lunch break to consider defense options with an unsupportive legal defense team about the defense autopsy report that was requested over a year earlier by the defendant and the reason why several previous defense lawyers who with-held the evidence from the defendant were 'fired'. That is all in evidence and part of the public case and trial.

Anonymous said...

If the lawyers were serious in assisting Ms. Mangum in her defense, they would have given her the defense autopsy report when she requested it, and they would have put both Medical Examiners and the Duke medical people on the stand and questioned the discrepancies and the reasons for the death and the complications extensively, especially given the history between Duke and Ms. Mangum that all are aware of. In addition, they would have insisted that the DA investigate the state ME immediately instead of letting him go on to corrupt other murder cases like he did as well as this one.

Anonymous said...

What history between Duke and Ms. Mangum am I supposed to be aware of?

Anonymous said...

seriously? you really do not know what you are talking about on this blog do you?

Anonymous said...

Why don't you explain? Mangum falsely accused three Duke students of raping her. Many people at Duke supported this false accusation, in many cases long after it was apparent that the accusation was false.

Why did Duke apparently want three of its students framed for multiple felonies?

Anonymous said...

Because they wanted obamacare and not to pay for so many uninsured / underinsured poor people like they do in Durham and NC, etc. and ya'll presented the perfect political storm opportunity they were looking for in order to rile the 'black vote' ... don't you know?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Who's idea was it to have the party?

Anonymous said...


kenhyderal said...

Anonymous @5:04 said: "Every poster on this board who concludes that Mangum is responsible for Daye's death concludes that it was an indirect, not direct, result of the stab wound. Everyone concedes that the intubation Daye received was esophageal and was a significant factor in his death. Under the law, that is sufficient for Mangum to be responsible for his death"".......... For many months nobody on this board. including the much vaunted Cardio-Thoracic Surgeon Dr. Anonymous conceded that Daye's brain death was caused by an esophageal intubation. Thanks to information provided by Dr. Harr Attorney Vann agreed to hire Dr. Roberts. Continuing on with their campaign of denial they then switched to evoking Welch saying that Daye was being treated for some unspecified complications to the stab wound; rejecting that this alcoholic (296mg/dl) was in actuality being treated for delirium tremens. Had Meir done his job, subpoenaed hospital personnel would of conceded this and again they would of had to eat their words on that one too.

Anonymous said...

Kenny - it doesn't matter what the people on the board thought - it matters what those working on her case thought - and they talked to doctors, had the records, talked to experts. It's likely that all of these questions were discussed and answered, and they knew the answers would hurt Crystal.

As to no defense to prove Crystal's innocence - you've acknowledged they argued self-defense, the jury just disagreed - that was the only defense to get a Not Huilty. To say it wasn't presented and argued is just wrong. You are lying again. Why do you keep lying? It's why no one listens to you - you lie if you don't like the answer.

Lying and whining Kenny. It's too bad he's back.

Anonymous said...


Anyone can watch the trial and Dr. Harr's sharlogs and see that what you just said is not true but merely duke biased and anti-mangum motivated. Sure the duke medical people could have lied on the stand, but they would be contradicting their own medical records if they did so.

Walt said...

Again, Kenny is wrong. "For many months nobody on this board. including the much vaunted Cardio-Thoracic Surgeon Dr. Anonymous conceded that Daye's brain death was caused by an esophageal intubation. Thanks to information provided by Dr. Harr Attorney Vann agreed to hire Dr. Roberts. Continuing on with their campaign of denial they then switched to evoking Welch saying that Daye was being treated for some unspecified complications to the stab wound; rejecting that this alcoholic (296mg/dl) was in actuality being treated for delirium tremens."

I know you refuse to understand the law, but for those who are not as deliberately biased as you: A defendant will be held criminally responsible for second-degree murder if [her] act caused or directly contributed to the victim's death. State v. Jordan, 333 N.C. 431, 439, 426 S.E.2d 692, 697 (1993), State v. Welch, 135 N.C. App. 499 at 503, 521 S.E.2d 266 at ___ (1999). To escape responsibility based on an intervening cause, the defendant must show the intervening cause was "the sole cause of death." Sate v. Holsclaw, 42 N.C. App. 696 at 699, 257 S.E.2d 650 at 652 (1979).

The evidence was overwhelming and uncontested that the sole cause of death was complications from a stab wound inflicted by Crystal. Her own expert agreed. In fact, she agrees having chosen not to raise that issue on appeal.


Anonymous said...

omg Walt - she as in who? Ms. Mangum? Ms. Mangum supposedly filed a complaint with the state bar about the attorney writing the appeal because it was the attorney's appeal - NOT Ms. Mangum's. Why do you keep repeating that lie?

So the complications need to be put on the stand since that is what killed Mr. Daye - not the knife wound. Anyway - it was self-defense. Get real.

guiowen said...

Anon 6:31,
So do something about it. Hire a lawyer and have him/her present your arguments. What you do on this blog has no effect -- good or bad.

guiowen said...

Anon 6:31,
So do something about it. Hire a lawyer and have him/her present your arguments. What you do on this blog has no effect -- good or bad.

Anonymous said...

Again ... Sid, Kenny, Tin-foil assume that Meier, Holmes, Vann, Shella, and the rest never talked to Dr. Roberts about how she'd answer those questions - you are idiots. If they knew how the expert would answer, and knew that answer would be harmful to their client, of course they didn't put them on the stand.

kenhyderal said...

Walt said: " To escape responsibility based on an intervening cause, the defendant must show the intervening cause was "the sole cause of death." Sate v. Holsclaw, 42 N.C. App. 696 at 699, 257 S.E.2d 650 at 652 (1979)"......... And the sole cause of Daye's death was an esophageal intubation, unrecognized in a timely fashion while he was being treated for a condition totally unrelated to the stab wound; a serious and life threatening case of medical malpractice. The fact that Crystal`s action, of self defense, sent him to hospital is insufficient to invoke a Welch ruling. Sole cause esophageal intubation; unrelated to the wound period. No murder 1, 2 or manslaughter

Anonymous said...

Find me a lawyer g... who will present those arguments on Ms. Mangum's behalf and I will see what can be done about raising funds the lawyer requires beyond what the Public Defender's program in Durham / NC offers. Thanks.

kenhyderal said...

Anonymous said "Kenny - it doesn't matter what the people on the board thought - it matters what those working on her case thought - and they talked to doctors, had the records, talked to experts. It's likely that all of these questions were discussed and answered, and they knew the answers would hurt Crystal"................ To my knowledge and to Crystal's none of her Attorneys ever conducted such an investigation. I know these Attorneys, including the one who defended her at trial, lurk here. I've often asked him just to come on line and deny my charge of such a blatant failure.

Anonymous said...

The jury rejected self-defense, therefore Crystal isn't not guilty. You can disagree with it, but the fact you keep whining about it just destroys your credibility.

And, you and Sid keep saying what Crystal says or thinks, but you never provide any proof of it, or even communication with her - for all we know you are just making it up.

Whine and lie Kenny, whine and lie.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

You need to pinch off a new shlog. This one is fetid.

I have been busy working on one of the most important sharlogs ever produced. I am expecting to have it completed by Thursday and posted on Friday, May 1st.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
In the Durham / Duke injustice system, the problem is an inability to obtain lawyers who do not have a conflict of interest with Duke, and / or who are willing to assist in cases that go against Duke due to the corruption by Duke of the Durham / NC justice / political / legal system. In that regard, Mr. Nifong did the citizens of NC and Ms. Mangum herself no favors, and certainly made it even more difficult for equal and fair justice to be obtained by any when Duke is involved.

I do not exactly understand the point you are making. Further elucidation is required.

As far as Mike Nifong goes, the P-T-Bs had to get rid of him because he was a district attorney of integrity and independence and they were unable to control him. He was persecuted unmercifully as a warning to others that they had better toe the line, or else. The message has been very effective.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Unfortunately, Sid wasn't able to produce any evidence or even a single expert witness willing to support what he presented on this website. Moreover, his claims were inconsistent with the law and facts of the case.

If you rceall, Mangum's attorneys hired an independent medical expert to review Mr. Daye's medical records. That expert concluded that Mr. Daye died as a result of complications from the stab wound inflicted by Mangum.

Being both rational human beings and tethered to reality, Mangum's attorneys wisely chose to pursue other avenues of defense.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Hey, Abe.

What complication? Prosecutor Coggins-Franks, in her closing argument, said that an infection from bacteria that spilled from the laceration caused an infection that took Daye's life. Makes no sense and is not documented. Clearly, from medical records, death was due to his elective removal from life support due to his brain death secondary to the esophageal intubation. Dr. Roberts was not as independent as you would believe. She did everything she could in her report to protect Duke University Hospital, and to try to cover up for Dr. Nichols as much as possible.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
If the lawyers were serious in assisting Ms. Mangum in her defense, they would have given her the defense autopsy report when she requested it, and they would have put both Medical Examiners and the Duke medical people on the stand and questioned the discrepancies and the reasons for the death and the complications extensively, especially given the history between Duke and Ms. Mangum that all are aware of. In addition, they would have insisted that the DA investigate the state ME immediately instead of letting him go on to corrupt other murder cases like he did as well as this one.

Absolutely correct. All of Mangum's attorneys did their best to withhold the written Roberts report from Crystal. The first glimpse she had of it was during a lunch break well into her trial with turncoat Meier pressuring her not to have Roberts brought into the trial.

Nifong Supporter said...

kenhyderal said...
Walt said: " To escape responsibility based on an intervening cause, the defendant must show the intervening cause was "the sole cause of death." Sate v. Holsclaw, 42 N.C. App. 696 at 699, 257 S.E.2d 650 at 652 (1979)"......... And the sole cause of Daye's death was an esophageal intubation, unrecognized in a timely fashion while he was being treated for a condition totally unrelated to the stab wound; a serious and life threatening case of medical malpractice. The fact that Crystal`s action, of self defense, sent him to hospital is insufficient to invoke a Welch ruling. Sole cause esophageal intubation; unrelated to the wound period. No murder 1, 2 or manslaughter

From an enlightened commenter.. well worth repeating.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Again ... Sid, Kenny, Tin-foil assume that Meier, Holmes, Vann, Shella, and the rest never talked to Dr. Roberts about how she'd answer those questions - you are idiots. If they knew how the expert would answer, and knew that answer would be harmful to their client, of course they didn't put them on the stand.

What you fail to grasp is that all of Mangum's attorneys had as their main objectives to protect Duke University Hospital and the medical examiner. Their full intent may even have been to have her convicted of murder. By their actions, I would not be surprised.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Harr,

I think that the justice system takes their ptb issues a bit too far when they allow Duke to kill patients in order to frame well known victims in their judicial system, or even totally ignore the NC ME corruption, fraud, perjury, and obstruction of justice readily apparent in this case, and then use it as an exuse to not provide equal justice, protection, and fair trail to all, don't you? I mean, do they have a legal right to say I'm too afraid of what Duke and the PTB's may do to me if I actually do my job right (or similar)? Like claim they were terrorized or made to fear for lives or careers or political aspirations or whatever? Is there a law giving them the right to do that? What is it?

Anonymous said...

Sid said:

"What you fail to grasp is that all of Mangum's attorneys had as their main objectives to protect Duke University Hospital and the medical examiner."

Why would they do that?

You make no sense. I understand your theory of defense depends on a massive conspiracy to negate all the incriminating evidence and explain away the lack of any exonerating facts or evidence. Still, in order to fly, a conspiracy theory must be plausible and supported by facts and evidence. Yours fails on all counts.

No sausage for you.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

Why are comments disappearing?

John D. Smith said...


It does not help Crystal when you misrepresent the opinions of those with whom you disagree.

It is true that for many months, most of the posters on this board did not recognize that the initial intubation had been esophageal. After some time, I found the statement in the medical reports that confirmed this and noted that discovery in a comment.

In all fairness to the readers who missed that reference, Sidney was remarkably ineffective in conveying this information. I do not believe that he ever noted the specific statement, preferring to draw pictures. As you know, Sidney has destroyed his own credibility, as he is seldom correct about anything. Readers are justified in rejecting as false anything he has to say, unless they have conclusive proof. Although the proof existed, Sidney chose not to highlight it.

Contrary to your claim, readers did not switch to evoking Welch. Walt had raised that case early on. For inexplicable reasons, Sidney completely ignored it, apparently believing that the most effective defense was to ignore the law and to make no attempt to understand a common interpretation.

Even today, Sidney is oblivious to its possible implications. He believes that the initial prognosis for a full recovery and an esophageal intubation necessarily cuts off Crystal's liability. You are more nuanced, arguing that DTs required the intubation.

Although you refuse to provide case law to support your legal interpretation and rely on unseen evidence to support your medical diagnosis, you are more responsive to the arguments raised by others than is Sidney, who prefers to pretend that contrary information does not exist. Nevertheless, you have also destroyed your credibility through your professed belief in mystery rapists. We need specific proof.

Your theory may be worthy of some consideration, but only if you back it up. Do something productive. Your constant whining on an infrequently read blog may make you feel better about yourself, but it does nothing to help Crystal.

But you know that.

John D. Smith
New York, NY

kenhyderal said...

Sausage King said: "Why would they do that"..... For the Lawyers; poor compensation for the time such a cases requires especially when that time could be
spent doing more lucrative work. No commitment to do their best for indigent marginalized defendants. Unwillingness to take on the powers that be in NC, especially Duke University. For the ME's; grossly overworked and poorly compensated, a reluctance to harshly criticize the incompetence of a fellow professional thinking there but for the grace of God go I. This is especially the case when the defendant is poor and marginalized. None of the cast of characters in this drama, Lawyers and Medical Examiners were like an Atticus Finch. Only Dr. Harr comes across as a man of fairness, professional ethics, compassion and above all a seeker of Justice.

Anonymous said...

Except Dr. Harr is a proven liar.

Anonymous said...

And a noted fabulist.

Anonymous said...

Harr supports prosecutorial misconduct. How is that a man of fairness?

Anonymous said...

Above all, Harr is a fool. Why did you entrust Mangum's defense to a complete idiot?

Anonymous said...

Kenny, why did you desert Crystal in her time of need? He was facing potentially life without parole and you did nothing while she was forced to accept court appointed attorneys. You stood by silently when Sidney convinced her to represent herself. Are you as big an idiot as Sidney or are you just a troll, pretending to be her friend?

Anonymous said...

Harr supports a thug who murdered a child. That is not a seeker of justice.

Lance the Intern said...

Speaking of Shan Carter...There was an interesting article on Channel 6 from February this year. In the article, Psychiatrist George Corvin was identified as concluding that Shan Carter is delusional.

Corvin stated that Carter had become transfixed with the idea that judges, district attorneys, and his own defense lawyers were working against him as to not expose corruption in the court system.

Corvin called this a 'fixed false belief' that Carter had become attached to.

Sound familiar?

Anonymous said...

I see that Shan Carter is attempting to fire his attorney and represent himself. I wonder if he came to that conclusion or his own or if he had any encouragement.

Lance the Intern said...

More info about the city of Durham:

"Settlement papers show the city government paid $5,000 to resolve a wrongful-termination lawsuit filed by a former Durham Police Department lieutenant.

The deal with former Lt. John Shelton also stipulated that city officials will provide a “neutral” job reference.

Shelton, a figure in the Duke lacrosse case, lost his city police job in 2012.

His lawsuit alleged the firing was retaliation for his willingness to tell the truth about his doubts about the credibility of the rape accusations a stripper hired for a team party, Crystal Mangum, lodged against three Duke University men’s lacrosse players in 2006."

Read more here.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Dr. Harr,

I think that the justice system takes their ptb issues a bit too far when they allow Duke to kill patients in order to frame well known victims in their judicial system, or even totally ignore the NC ME corruption, fraud, perjury, and obstruction of justice readily apparent in this case, and then use it as an exuse to not provide equal justice, protection, and fair trail to all, don't you? I mean, do they have a legal right to say I'm too afraid of what Duke and the PTB's may do to me if I actually do my job right (or similar)? Like claim they were terrorized or made to fear for lives or careers or political aspirations or whatever? Is there a law giving them the right to do that? What is it?

I agree with you completely. Justice should be dispensed fairly, objectively, and without favoritism. Unfortunately I think that many in the state act out of fear of reprisal. Consider Gene Nichol and the attacks on his Poverty Center. Had he not been tenured at UNC, he would've lost his job. Mike Nifong lost his along with disbarment... and that is an example that scares most individuals. Also, those who kowtow to the P-T-Bs, such as Nichols and his criminal activities in Mangum's case, can be assured of immunity from prosecution... as has been the case thus far.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Sid said:

"What you fail to grasp is that all of Mangum's attorneys had as their main objectives to protect Duke University Hospital and the medical examiner."

Why would they do that?

You make no sense. I understand your theory of defense depends on a massive conspiracy to negate all the incriminating evidence and explain away the lack of any exonerating facts or evidence. Still, in order to fly, a conspiracy theory must be plausible and supported by facts and evidence. Yours fails on all counts.

No sausage for you.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

As has been explained by another commenter, attorneys are working in a legal system that is not equitably or justly applied... and if they do not comply politically they face consequences whereas if they tow the line they may very well receive significant reward. Such would not occur in a system that was completely free of corruption.

Nifong Supporter said...

kenhyderal said...
Sausage King said: "Why would they do that"..... For the Lawyers; poor compensation for the time such a cases requires especially when that time could be
spent doing more lucrative work. No commitment to do their best for indigent marginalized defendants. Unwillingness to take on the powers that be in NC, especially Duke University. For the ME's; grossly overworked and poorly compensated, a reluctance to harshly criticize the incompetence of a fellow professional thinking there but for the grace of God go I. This is especially the case when the defendant is poor and marginalized. None of the cast of characters in this drama, Lawyers and Medical Examiners were like an Atticus Finch. Only Dr. Harr comes across as a man of fairness, professional ethics, compassion and above all a seeker of Justice.

Thanks for the kind words, kenhyderal.

Nifong Supporter said...

Lance the Intern said...
Speaking of Shan Carter...There was an interesting article on Channel 6 from February this year. In the article, Psychiatrist George Corvin was identified as concluding that Shan Carter is delusional.

Corvin stated that Carter had become transfixed with the idea that judges, district attorneys, and his own defense lawyers were working against him as to not expose corruption in the court system.

Corvin called this a 'fixed false belief' that Carter had become attached to.

Sound familiar?

Dr. Colvin is the psychiatrist that was involved in evaluating Crystal.

Shan Carter is very intelligent, and has a great comprehension of the law. He would do much better representing himself, and I concur with his sentiments about the justice system.

Thanks for mentioning the article. Could you get a link? Thanks.

Nifong Supporter said...

Lance the Intern said...
More info about the city of Durham:

"Settlement papers show the city government paid $5,000 to resolve a wrongful-termination lawsuit filed by a former Durham Police Department lieutenant.

The deal with former Lt. John Shelton also stipulated that city officials will provide a “neutral” job reference.

Shelton, a figure in the Duke lacrosse case, lost his city police job in 2012.

His lawsuit alleged the firing was retaliation for his willingness to tell the truth about his doubts about the credibility of the rape accusations a stripper hired for a team party, Crystal Mangum, lodged against three Duke University men’s lacrosse players in 2006."

Read more here.

Thanks for the link, Lance. But after reading the article, it sounds that his claims regarding the Duke Lacrosse case are disingenuous at best. I hope he represented himself because the award he received would hardly cover attorney fees.

Anonymous said...


The way an attorney makes a name for himself and reaps financial reward is to earn a repurtation for representing his clients diligently and competently and getting good results. That's it.

Do you have one shred of evidence to support your wild conspiracy theory that Mangum's attorneys would betray theio rprofessional obligations and risk their livelihood to protect a non-party (Duke)?

Your conspiracy claims fail because they fly in the face of reason, are unsupported by any evidence and, quite frankly, are absurd.

Mangum lost because the case against her was very strong. The facts and the law were not on her side and she did not heed the advice of her attorneys.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

Shan Carter is very intelligent, and has a great comprehension of the law. He would do much better representing himself, and I concur with his sentiments about the justice system."

If youbelieve that, you show again you are incredibly stupid. But ten wuld have to be incredibly stupid to believe Shan Carter acted in self defense.

Lance the Intern said...

Dr. Colvin is a forensic psychiatrist ( a specialized branch of psychiatry where the medical and the legal worlds overlap). He has been testifying in cases throughout NC for years. It's not surprising he was the psychiatrist that interviewed Crystal to determine if she was competent to stand trial.

That you have the same type of 'fixed false belief' that led Dr. Colvin to declare Shan Carter delusional should be a warning sign to you and your supporters.

Lance the Intern said...

"Thanks for the link, Lance. But after reading the article, it sounds that his claims regarding the Duke Lacrosse case are disingenuous at best. I hope he represented himself because the award he received would hardly cover attorney fees."

It's not the amount of money, Sid -- it's the fact that Durham has to give Shelton a reference that states that Shelton was a “loyal and dedicated employee” who resigned “to pursue other endeavors.”

the city also has to sanitize his personnel file, removing from it “everything” related to the 2012 disciplinary proceedings.

That's a huge WIN for Shelton. Stating anything otherwise is just silly.

kenhyderal said...

Sausage King said: "Do you have one shred of evidence to support your wild conspiracy theory that Mangum's attorneys would betray theio rprofessional obligations and risk their livelihood to protect a non-party (Duke)............................."I didn't think a Chi-towner would be so naïve. Advocating strongly on behalf of a marginalized, indigent and unpopular client against the almighty Duke University there in North Carolina is what risks their livelihood. Unprofessional, of course. That is just one of the reasons the legal profession is held in such disregard. Sorry Lance, Walt and A Lawyer that's the reality of the public's perception. As immoral as it is the rich get better justice.

Anonymous said...

Still whining and lying Kenny.

Whining and lying.

Anonymous said...

"Sorry Lance, Walt and A Lawyer that's the reality of the public's perception. As immoral as it is the rich get better justice."

Like Sidney you are incredibly stupid.

Lance the Intern said...

Notice that Ken offers no proof, just more of the same "fixed false belief" justification that Sid does.

Ken -- Here's the way it works for you, Sid, and the Shan Carters of the world.

If you make an accusation that there is a vast conspiracy in place, it is up to you, as the accuser, to provide the proof that it is so.

kenhyderal said...

Lance, I don't believe in conspiracies. That's just the nature of how these things work in most cases. Surely you are not as naïve as Abe. If you can afford a "dream team" then despite guilt you can beat almost any charge. But, despite innocence, if you a poor marginalized minority with a half hearted and underpaid Court appointed Attorney you will get a third rate defense and will, most likely, like in Crystal's case be wrongly found guilty.

Anonymous said...

"if you a poor marginalized minority with a half hearted and underpaid Court appointed Attorney you will get a third rate defense and will, most likely, like in Crystal's case be wrongly found guilty."

Except that Crystal was rightly found guilty.

Anonymous said...


All you do is whine. I assume that you do so because it makes you feel good about yourself.

As you know, your arguments convince no one. Although you pretend that everyone is biased, hates Crystal, worships Duke lacrosse players, etc., the fact remains that your arguments are ineffective.

Essentially, you conclude that everyone should believe Crystal (or at least those parts of what she has said that hasn't been proven false) because you say she is trustworthy. You claim we should ignore those allegations that have been proven false because she was confused. Daye's statements, although largely consistent with other evidence should be disregarded because the DPD didn't press him and his statement were self-serving (unlike Crystal, who although she was facing first degree murder charges, was not self-serving). Thus she acted in self defense. The jury was wrong and should be overturned.

Your arguments regarding the esophageal intubation are equally convincing.

Although you are not trained in the law and have no experience, you conclude that Welch is inapplicable. You provide no case law to support your conclusion because none is necessary. We should disregard the legal analysis provided by Walt, A Lawyer, Lance and others because you say they are wrong. The cases they cite are irrelevant because you say they are.

You have concluded that Daye was being treated for DTs. Here, you point to the extraordinarily high blood alcohol content (finally, some evidence, real evidence!) as proof. You ask that we disregard the conclusion reached by Nichols and Roberts because you say they are wrong.

You overcome objections regarding the unseen interviews with attending medical by concluding that they must not have been conducted because you haven't seen them. As proof, you appeal to Meier to respond publicly to you and cite his failure to do so as proof that he conducted no interviews.

Crystal is clearly innocent if one disregards all of the inculpatory evidence known and used in the trial and uses all of the exculpatory evidence not known to exist, but would be compelling if it did.

Kenny, stop wasting your time and the time of your readers. You are not credible. You are not persuasive. Unless you make better arguments, you will convince no one and earn the mockery directed at you.

Posting on this blog will do nothing to benefit Crystal. Even if you were highly persuasive, nothing that you say here has any effect. Unless your objective is to convince some random reader that Crystal was unfairly treated, you are wasting your time.

I suggest you do something productive. Stop posting. Raise money and hire a lawyer. Have the lawyer get all of the prosecution and discovery files from Meier. Finally, the new lawyer can take direction from you and Dr. Harr regarding all legal and medical issues. You and Dr. Harr are the experts.

Good luck!

Lance the Intern said...

Ken- You know that not all of Crystal's attorneys were court appointed, yet you keep bringing up this tired old argument.

Look at the reasons her attorneys either left or were fired.

Let us know what you find.

kenhyderal said...

All of Crystals Attorneys were Court appointed. Crystal fired Vann who did no work and only visited to consult with her on a minimal bases while she spent months awaiting trial. Shella who was also doing absolutely nothing quit because she released information to Dr. Harr Holmes quit over the objections of Crystal citing a conflict of interest and of course Meier had to go to trial unprepared

Anonymous said...


Stop whining. If you felt so strongly that a court appointed attorney would not provide a strong defense, you should have raised money for a defense fund. You had more than two years.

guiowen said...

Here's my advice.
Have meetings, open to the public, at which you explain how Crystal was mistreated by NC justice. Ask the people at those meetings to contribute to Crystal's defense fund, and to try to persuade other people to do so.
Once you have done this, hire a competent lawyer. Sidney, who's not a lawyer, assures us he can get Crystal out, so it should be easy enough for a good lawyer.
Above all, STOP WHINING! So long as you are whining, you will convince no one.

Anonymous said...

Sid and Kenny have no proof of anything. They throw out allegations of conspiracies, with no evidence - when confronted with situations where they are simply wrong - they ignore it, and run and hide.

And, both still absolutely refuse to actually do anything that might help, or contact those that might be able to answer some of their questions - constantly bringing up excuses why they won't do it.

Whine and lie - it's all they do. Whine and lie.

Lance the Intern said...

Kenny -

IIRC, at least 1 of Mangums attorneys was not court appointed I believe it was Chris Shella.

Check this out and note Mangum's quote at the end of the article. Whose fault is it that Shella quit?


Walt said...

Lance, the intern wrote: "Notice that Ken offers no proof, just more of the same "fixed false belief" justification that Sid does.

Ken -- Here's the way it works for you, Sid, and the Shan Carters of the world.

If you make an accusation that there is a vast conspiracy in place, it is up to you, as the accuser, to provide the proof that it is so."

Ding-Ding-Ding, Ladies and Gentlemen, We Have A Winner!"

Anonymous said...

" Blogger kenhyderal said...

All of Crystals Attorneys were Court appointed. Crystal fired Vann who did no work and only visited to consult with her on a minimal bases while she spent months awaiting trial. Shella who was also doing absolutely nothing quit because she released information to Dr. Harr Holmes quit over the objections of Crystal citing a conflict of interest and of course Meier had to go to trial unprepared

April 28, 2015 at 9:05 PM"

Kenhyderal is incredibly stupid.

kenhyderal said...

The 6th amendment to your constitution guarantees legal representation. Court appointed Attorney's should provide a dedicated professional defence. That should be sufficient. That they rarely do, as in Crystal's case, is a scandal The defendant should not have to have supporters go out and raise money to get what is her constitutional right.

kenhyderal said...

whoops Attorneys not Attorney's

Anonymous said...

Whine and lie, Kenny, whine and lie.

You have no proof, other than your delusions, that Crystal's attorneys did anything but at in her best interests, and you still refuse to do anything to actually help.

You do realize what a pathetic joke you are right? Are you really this pathetic and stupid, or are you just having fun with poor delusional Sid and Tin Foil?

Whine and lie - it's all you do. Whine and lie.

Anonymous said...

"kenhyderal said...

The 6th amendment to your constitution guarantees legal representation. Court appointed Attorney's should provide a dedicated professional defence. That should be sufficient. That they rarely do, as in Crystal's case, is a scandal The defendant should not have to have supporters go out and raise money to get what is her constitutional right."

When Charls Manson was on trial, he flashed at the jury a newspaper with the headline, NIXON SAYS MANSON GUILTY, or something like that.Did thay jeopardize his right to a fair trial. No. He can not do something like that to himself and expect a court to say his rights were compromised.

Crystal's problems with her appointed counsels arose from her unwillingness to cooperate with them. She can not hinder her attoeneys'attepts to represent her and then claim she had incompetent representation.

Again kenhyderal shows he is incredibly stupid.

Anonymous said...


Simply because you disagree with the verdict doesn't mean Mangum didn't receive a competent defense.

The case against Mangum was very strong. She didn't make her case any better or easier by firing attorneys, choosing to represent herself for a period of time, disclosing discovery to Sid, or in the way she testified.

The outcome of the case is hardly a surprise to people who understand the law, know the facts and/or have seen the slow motion train wreck that is Mangum's life play out over the last 15 or so years. In fact, many commenters on this website correctly predicted the outcome years ago, when Sid was making ridiculous claims, like the DA offered her a deal for time served, that the charges would be dropped because the DA didn't want to (or could not) try the case and that a conviction was impossible, etc. You were wrong then, you are wrong now and you will continue to be wrong.

Nothing youor Sid have said or done has made a lick of difference for Mangum. In fact, the outcome of her case was exactly the same as it would have been if she had pleaded guilty at her arraignment, gave the Judge both middle fingers and said, "Yeah, I killed him. What are you going to do about it, old man?"

This was a case that cried out for a plea deal that took into account Mangum's mental health issues. Instead, acting on piss poor "non-lawerly" advice, she refused to seek or consider any offers and proceeded to trial. This is the natural result of her decision.

You have to do much better if you want a sausage.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Nifong Supporter said...

Lance the Intern said...
Notice that Ken offers no proof, just more of the same "fixed false belief" justification that Sid does.

Ken -- Here's the way it works for you, Sid, and the Shan Carters of the world.

If you make an accusation that there is a vast conspiracy in place, it is up to you, as the accuser, to provide the proof that it is so.

Hey, Lance. I did find that article about Shan. I'm glad you pointed it out to me... I'm going to use it in my next sharlog... which will be one of the most important that I've ever uploaded.

I had planned to have it posted tomorrow (Thursday), but there's no way. Will have it set to go on Monday, hopefully.

kenhyderal said...

@ Sausage King: Crystal's life was derailed by the Duke Lacrosse Team, their greedy Trial Lawyers and their fanatic apologists who purposely set out to discredit her in a most vicious manner. Those who are innocent of any crime are loath to make plea deals and are eager to testify. What Crystal needed was un-conflicted Counsel, who, unlike you, believed in her innocence. You, like much of the public, thanks to the campaign waged relentlessly against her for daring to accuse the elite of sexually assaulting her, have a distorted view of who Crystal is. Crystal is innocent of murdering Reginald Day, not by reason of insanity and not by being guilty of a lesser crime. The Justice system should seek justice not be part one big game. Peoples freedom is at stake. No evidence should be suppressed like for example Daye's alcoholism and the reason for the esophageal intubation that killed him. The Prosecution was every bit as evil as the Duke Lacrosse Trial Lawyers. Instead of seeking justice they also worked to discredit Crystal. The Duke Lacrosse Lawyers were seeking to discredit their client's accuser; the State to justify the wrongful and embarrassing charges they had laid and the criminal delay in bringing the charges to court.

Anonymous said...

None of that negates the fact the state's ME lied on the autopsy report which was then used to falsly arrest Ms. Mangum for murder by malpractice.

Or that the state's appeal defense attorney lied in the brief to cover up the state's ME autopsy report lies that covered up Duke's malpractice.

Or that every one of her trial defense attorneys also ignored that the state's ME lied on the autopsy report to cover up Duke's malpractice, even though their own defense ME stated in her written report that the state's ME's report was full of errors (re: lies) based on Duke's medical records - even going so far as to deny Ms. Mangum her right to have access to and defense legal assistance based on the defense ME report that confirms the lies and coverup of Duke's malpractice by the state's medical examiner.

Or that Duke never took responsibility as is required by law for their own malpractice that they themselves document in their own medical records.

Nothing changes those facts.

Anonymous said...

Way wah way Kenny ... That's all you do whine and lie.

Wah wah wah.

Anonymous said...


You are a liar.

Few people criticize Crystal "for daring to accuse the elite of sexually assaulting her." They criticize her of FALSELY accusing players of assaulting her.

You know that your "misstatement" is false.

I ask that you correct your statement and apologize to those whose motives you have falsely impugned.

Anonymous said...


How does Canada provide counsel to the indigent? I asked before and you ignored me.

Anonymous said...


Why is it "evil" to discredit a false accuser?

Anonymous said...

DSM-IV-TR defines delusional disorder with the following criteria:

A: Nonbizarre delusions (ie, involving situations that occur in real life, such as being followed, poisoned, infected, loved at distance, deceived by spouse or lover, or having a disease) occurring for at least 1 month's duration.

B: Criterion A for schizophrenia has never been met (ie, patients do not have simultaneous hallucinations, disorganized speech, negative symptoms such as affective flattening, or grossly disorganized behavior). Note: Tactile and olfactory hallucinations may be present in delusional disorder if they are related to the delusional theme.

C: Apart from the impact of the delusion(s) or its ramifications, functioning is not markedly impaired and behavior is not obviously odd or bizarre.

D: If mood episodes have occurred concurrently with delusions, their total duration has been brief relative to the duration of the delusional periods.

E: The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (eg, a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition.

Persecutory type is the most common type of delusional disorder.
Patients believe that they are being persecuted and harmed. In contrast to persecutory delusions of schizophrenia, the delusions are systematized, coherent, and defended with clear logic. No deterioration in social functioning and personality is observed.
Patients are often involved in formal litigation against their perceived persecutors.
The characteristics of deluded litigants are identified as:

A; Determination to succeed against all odds.

B: Tendency to identify the barriers as conspiracies.

C: Endless drive to right a wrong.

D: Quarrelsome behaviors

E: "Saturating the field" with multiple complaints and suspiciousness.

Patients often experience some degree of emotional distress such as irritability, anger, and resentment.

In extreme situations, they may resort to violence against those who they believe are hurting them.
The distinction between normality, overvalued ideas, and delusions is difficult to make in some of the cases.

Ken and Sid. please seek help.

Anonymous said...


Everyone should be able to agree that what Mangum did to the lacrosse players was legally and morally reprehensible. She is solely responsible for the damage to her reputation that resulted from her willful, wrongful and intentional conduct.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't call what has happened in this case a conspiracy per se, in that usually conspiracies are theories of an event that can be perceived in many different ways, and each view is perceived by those with differing views to be conspiracies or conspiracy theorists depending on perception.

In this case, the medical records are the facts in evidence. The coverup of the facts contained in the Duke medical records is documented in court and is in evidence, although the coverup went so far as to include the defense trial attorney assisting in the coverup by trying to ignore the defense ME autopsy report completely against the will of the defendent and by not providing any defense legal defense on behalf of the defendant in the matter, therefore not allowing the report to be entered into the trial itself. Does it look like a conspiracy? It could to many. Is it a conspiracy or just the way things are done when Duke is involved in the justice system, so not really a conspiracy theory, more like corruption and business as usual. You can't really be too delusional about that or be thought a conspiracy therorist about the view, cuz that is the way things are, conspiracy or not.

You could be delusional perhaps if you think that you can actually change the system without getting the system to agree to and participate in a positive change in the system for the benefit of all the people, not just Duke or the PTBs or whatever.

kenhyderal said...

Anonymous said... Kenny,Why is it "evil" to discredit a false accuser?"...................When you believe that your client may be guilty the strategy becomes label the victim as a "false accuser" and do whatever it takes lies, gossip, exaggeration etc. to discredit her

kenhyderal said...

You Duke Lacrosse apologists label anyone who believes Crystal and seeks justice for her as mentally ill and liars. It's just an extension of what you have done to Crystal labelling her as a violent, lying, drug addicted mentally ill prostitute. The Almighty classes gossipers such as you as worse then murderers

Anonymous said...


You didn't answer the question.

Why is it "evil" to discredit a false accuser?

You answered why it is evil to discredit an accuser that you falsely label a false accuser.

By all accounts, the defense attorneys believed their clients were innocent. After all, the prosecutor later conceded that there was no credible evidence to support charges.

Why is it "evil" to discredit a false accuser?

Anonymous said...

No, Kenny,

People conclude that you are a liar because you tell lies.

I asked you to apologize to those whose motives you falsely maligned. Now I demand that you apologize.

Anonymous said...


You ignored the question again.

How does Canada provide counsel to poor defendants who cannot afford counsel?

Anonymous said...

The better question would be why do you malign Ms. Mangum as you do when you know that the malicious maligning behavior you participate in could and probably would cause mental illness in some or even many, especially in those people whom you apparently seek to make ill with your evil malicous maligning who have already said and demonstrated that they are mentally ill and poor in an environment where the fact that mental illness therapy services are nonexistant or corrupted is widely known, and yet you continue on unabated? What is your excuse to justify your evil malicious maligning behavior? ???

Anonymous said...

Mangum made a false accusation.

Why is it "malicious" to criticize someone for having made a false accusation?

Walt said...

Kenhyderal wrote: "@ Sausage King: Crystal's life was derailed by the Duke Lacrosse Team, their greedy Trial Lawyers and their fanatic apologists who purposely set out to discredit her in a most vicious manner."

No, that is not the situation at all. Crystal derailed her own life when she decided to tell a lie.

"Those who are innocent of any crime are loath to make plea deals and are eager to testify."

That is true, but Crystal decided to get on the stand and lie. That's not the mark of an innocent person.

"What Crystal needed was un-conflicted Counsel, who, unlike you, believed in her innocence."

"You, like much of the public, thanks to the campaign waged relentlessly against her for daring to accuse the elite of sexually assaulting her, have a distorted view of who Crystal is."

First, she was not sexually assaulted. She lied about that. There is no distortion in the truth that she was not sexually assaulted or raped on the night of March 13-14 2006. It is not a campaign to discredit her, but it is appropriate to point out that she is being untruthful.

"Crystal is innocent of murdering Reginald Day, not by reason of insanity and not by being guilty of a lesser crime."

Yes, actually, she is guilty of murder in the second degree.

"The Justice system should seek justice not be part one big game."

The justice system did seek justice in this case. No game her. The law was applied to Crystal and she was found guilty.

"Peoples freedom is at stake."

Yes, sometimes incarceration is a necessary component of rehabilitation. In Crystal's case, she has been on a trajectory that inescapably leads to incarceration.

"No evidence should be suppressed like for example Daye's alcoholism and the reason for the esophageal intubation that killed him."

No evidence was suppressed. Two experts were available to assess the information. Both reached the same conclusion. Death was the result of a stab wound. One expert testified. The other, did not. The expert who did not testify was Crystal's, not the state's.

"The Prosecution was every bit as evil as the Duke Lacrosse Trial Lawyers. Instead of seeking justice they also worked to discredit Crystal."

She made that easy by lying. Although they never sought to discredit her, just her story.

"The Duke Lacrosse Lawyers were seeking to discredit their client's accuser; the State to justify the wrongful and embarrassing charges they had laid and the criminal delay in bringing the charges to court."

You seem to misremember the facts. The delays were caused by Sid and Crystal, not the state. Crystal discredited her own story by telling lies.

Crystal is, by all appearances, an unrepentant killer. She needs the rehabilitation that only a lengthy incarceration can provide.


Anonymous said...

Kenny - See characteristic E:"Saturating the field".

Anonymous said...

Walt said:

"You seem to misremember the facts. The delays were caused by Sid and Crystal, not the state. Crystal discredited her own story by telling lies."

kenny is a liar. He has proven it time and again.

"Crystal is, by all appearances, an unrepentant killer. She needs the rehabilitation that only a lengthy incarceration can provide."

Whether Mangum can be rehabilitated is open to question. Whether prison is conducive to rehabilitation is also subject to debate. Beyond rehabilitation, soceity needs to be protected from people like Mangum. Similar behavior in the future (by Mangum and others) needs to be deterred and, importantly, Mangum needs to be punished. Incarceration is an effective way to achieve all thee ends.

If Mangum comes out of prison rehabilitated, that would be nice. But I wouldn't bet on it.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

My bet is that Duke is intubating a few patients today and they have more of a risk of being killed by Duke by intubation malpractice then anybody who may make the bad decision to assualt Ms. Mangum in a restroom today.

kenhyderal said...

Anonymous said: "How does Canada provide counsel to poor defendants who cannot afford counsel"...... The same way as they do in the U.S.A. However the Justice System is not so corrupt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rLZ_TcMhMqU

kenhyderal said...

Anonymous said: "Kenny - See characteristic E:"Saturating the field"................. Not pathological when it has a purposeful motive. For example 9 years of daily screeds to discredit Crystal and those who support her ie. Duke Lacrosse Liestoppers

Anonymous said...


You still didn't answer my question:

Why is it "evil" to discredit a false accuser?

kenhyderal said...

Walt said: "You seem to misremember the facts. The delays were caused by Sid and Crystal, not the state"...... Absolutely and categorically untrue. Crystal was ready and willing to take the stand and give evidence about Daye's murderous assault on her from from day 1. When after months with nothing happening and Vann doing nothing on her behalf she fired him. Shella was doing nothing also and quit against her will, when Dr. Harr intervened. Meanwhile the State was not proceeding. Admit it Walt the right to a speedy trial is not respected there. In Canada Crystal's case would have been dismissed because of that delay

kenhyderal said...

@ Anonymous 9:43. I do not accept the premise of your question

Anonymous said...


Your you tube link is to Conrad Black's complaints about the US Justice system.

Black is rich. He was convicted and questions the fairness of the proceeding. You appear to agree.

Earlier, you stated that "if you can afford a 'dream team' then despite guilt, you can beat almost any charge."

These two statements are inconsistent.

Were you guilty of hyperbole or were you lying?

Anonymous said...


Thank you for finally answering my question.

I will reset it:

Is it "evil" to discredit a false accuser?

And more broadly:

Is it "evil" to discredit an accuser whom you believe has made false accusations?

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said: "Kenny - See characteristic E:"Saturating the field"................. Not pathological when it has a purposeful motive. For example 9 years of daily screeds to discredit Crystal and those who support her ie. Duke Lacrosse Liestoppers

April 30, 2015 at 9:34 AM
Anonymous Anonymous said...


You still didn't answer my question:

Why is it "evil" to discredit a false accuser?"

April 30, 2015 at 9:43 AM

"Blogger kenhyderal said...

@ Anonymous 9:43. I do not accept the premise of your question"

Kenhyderal again shows he is incredibly stupid.

Anonymous said...

" Blogger kenhyderal said...

Walt said: "You seem to misremember the facts. The delays were caused by Sid and Crystal, not the state"...... Absolutely and categorically untrue. Crystal was ready and willing to take the stand and give evidence about Daye's murderous assault on her from from day 1. When after months with nothing happening and Vann doing nothing on her behalf she fired him. Shella was doing nothing also and quit against her will, when Dr. Harr intervened. Meanwhile the State was not proceeding. Admit it Walt the right to a speedy trial is not respected there. In Canada Crystal's case would have been dismissed because of that delay"

Yet again Kenhyderal shows he is incredibly stupid.

Anonymous said...

" kenhyderal said...

@ Anonymous 9:43. I do not accept the premise of your question(that Crystal falsely accused men of raping her)".

Provide evidence that Crystal Mangum was raped. Thus far you haven't.

Anonymous said...

Whine and lie ... whine and lie ... typical Kenny posts.

Anonymous said...

Even Kenny has admitted that IF Mangum was raped, it wasn't by any of the 3 she identified and accused of the crime - so yes, it was a false accusation. He will whine and lie and try to make excuses for her - but he's admitted that it wasn't those 3 - so Kenny, it's not wrong to say Crystal lied about those 3 raping her is it?

Anonymous said...

The whiner talking about Speedy Trial - again, while it may not be fair, or right, it helps if you know the law before you start screaming about violations. NC does not have a speedy trial statute (though there is the Constitutional right) - that right doesn't kick in until at least a year has passed. It is usually over 17 months, on average (so half take longer) for a Murder case to be resolved in North Carolina - Crystal's was 19 months - so hardly beyond average - in addition, the NC Supreme Court has said that delays of 3 or 4 years are not unconstitutional.

Please stop making up law, feeding it to Crystal, and then saying that because her lawyers haven't done X they are betraying her. That's what's hurting her - like Sid's motions to dismiss - that the attorneys can't file - he tells her they are betraying her by not filing them, or Daye's prior record.

You are all a bunch of idiots who love to spout off and pontificate, but who don't actually know what you are talking about, nor do you listen to those that do - and you don't do anything to help, at all.

Pathetic bunch of losers.

kenhyderal said...

Anonymous said: Is it "evil" to discredit a false accuser?....................... The 8th Commandment says so and legally speaking it's not only a sin but knowingly doing that is also a crime. Crystal did neither the sin or the crime

kenhyderal said...

Anonymous said: "Crystal's was 19 months - so hardly beyond average - in addition, the NC Supreme Court has said that delays of 3 or 4 years are not unconstitutional"...... Shockingly disgraceful. Only in the USA!

kenhyderal said...

Anonymous said: "Even Kenny has admitted that IF Mangum was raped, it wasn't by any of the 3 she identified and accused of the crime - so yes, it was a false accusation. He will whine and lie and try to make excuses for her - but he's admitted that it wasn't those 3 - so Kenny, it's not wrong to say Crystal lied about those 3 raping her is it? .........................It was not a false accusation it was a case of misidentification in an acknowledged botched photo line-up. Those who committed the penetrating rape are still at large. Other serious crimes happened including sexual assault, kidnapping and theft.

Anonymous said...

Shocking ... whining and lying Kenny made excuses for Mangum's mistake. Mangum never lies, she makes mistakes - everyone else lies.

Whine and lie; whine and lie.

Wah wah wah.

Anonymous said...

"kenhyderal said...

Anonymous said: Is it "evil" to discredit a false accuser?....................... The 8th Commandment says so"

From http://www.wels.net/news-events/forward-in-christ/april-2010/eighth-commandment:

"The Eighth Commandment:
You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor."

Yet again kenhyderal shows he is incredibly stupid.

Anonymous said...

"It was not a false accusation it was a case of misidentification in an acknowledged botched photo line-up. Those who committed the penetrating rape are still at large."

Can there be a more graphic proof that Kenhyderal is incredibly stupid?

Anonymous said...


A false accusation can either be intentional or unintentional. A false accusation is one that is not true. Although you may claim the "misidentifications" were not deliberate, they are still inaccurate. Thus, Crystal made a false accusation.

The defense attorneys made several statements that they believed their clients were innocent. Thus they also believed Crystal made a false accusation.

I ask again: is it "evil" to discredit a false accuser?

John D. Smith said...

Walt and Kenny:

I must agree to some extent with Kenny. The delays in the NC justice system are unacceptable.

I too was frustrated in the lacrosse case as Nifong dragged out the discovery process for almost a year. The court does not hear non-discovery related motions until discovery is complete. I welcome Kenny's criticism of Nifong for those delays.

The initial delay in Mangum's murder case likewise was unacceptable. However, Walt is correct in noting that Mangum's decision to fire her lawyers, file frivolous motions and represent herself contributed to the delays.

Nevertheless, NC has a problem.

John D. Smith
New York, NY

Anonymous said...

Do you even know what "discredit" means? Or are you merely using your Humpty Dumpty powers once again? I guess you can reinterpret the 8th commandment any way you want -- that's what makes you a master debater -- but don't try this on us.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, I didn't add my name to the last comment.

Anonymous said...

wtfrack to ya'll want anyway?

ya'll are weird

go away


(that's the 'people's' state diddly btw - ya'll suck - your evil flag sucks - your evil duke trolling sucks - and you suck ... (that's the humpty dumpty meaning btw))


guiowen said...

Please mind your manners.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
I wouldn't call what has happened in this case a conspiracy per se, in that usually conspiracies are theories of an event that can be perceived in many different ways, and each view is perceived by those with differing views to be conspiracies or conspiracy theorists depending on perception.

In this case, the medical records are the facts in evidence. The coverup of the facts contained in the Duke medical records is documented in court and is in evidence, although the coverup went so far as to include the defense trial attorney assisting in the coverup by trying to ignore the defense ME autopsy report completely against the will of the defendent and by not providing any defense legal defense on behalf of the defendant in the matter, therefore not allowing the report to be entered into the trial itself. Does it look like a conspiracy? It could to many. Is it a conspiracy or just the way things are done when Duke is involved in the justice system, so not really a conspiracy theory, more like corruption and business as usual. You can't really be too delusional about that or be thought a conspiracy therorist about the view, cuz that is the way things are, conspiracy or not.

You could be delusional perhaps if you think that you can actually change the system without getting the system to agree to and participate in a positive change in the system for the benefit of all the people, not just Duke or the PTBs or whatever.

Thank you for your very interesting comment. You present a different approach to the issue which is intriguing.

My use of the term conspiracy has more or less to do with the organization of different individuals or entities to carry out a specific agenda... their cooperation by implicit or explicit means.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Walt said:

"You seem to misremember the facts. The delays were caused by Sid and Crystal, not the state. Crystal discredited her own story by telling lies."

kenny is a liar. He has proven it time and again.

"Crystal is, by all appearances, an unrepentant killer. She needs the rehabilitation that only a lengthy incarceration can provide."

Whether Mangum can be rehabilitated is open to question. Whether prison is conducive to rehabilitation is also subject to debate. Beyond rehabilitation, soceity needs to be protected from people like Mangum. Similar behavior in the future (by Mangum and others) needs to be deterred and, importantly, Mangum needs to be punished. Incarceration is an effective way to achieve all thee ends.

If Mangum comes out of prison rehabilitated, that would be nice. But I wouldn't bet on it.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Hey, Abe. A little over the top, aren't you. Mangum is not a killer because Daye was not murdered... at least not with a steak knife. His death should have been ruled an accident due to malpractice by Duke University Hospital staff.

On the other hand, Dottie Amtey, who strangled her husband with her bare hands, is a murderess... and she only got probation. Dr. Nichols maintained that she should have been charged only with assault in her husband's death as the real cause of his death was natural... a heart attack that just happened to occur while she was in the process of strangling him.

Do you agree with that?

Anonymous said...

"Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Abe. A little over the top, aren't you. Mangum is not a killer because Daye was not murdered"

Sidney again shows he is an incredibly stupid man.

Anonymous said...

Sid still completely ignores self-defense as well - because he knows that was fought, and that was the only way Mangum could have been not guilty - but that doesn't fit his conspiracy theory.

He also still refuses to admit he's wrong on felony murder, the prior record, and many other things.

Oh, and Mangum was supposed to be out long before now - and a new flog up, and all kinds of other things.

Sid, have you ever been right about anything?

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...
"Here is the justice seeking duo; http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a8/John_Carlisle_Kilgo.jpg/220px-John_Carlisle_Kilgo.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/f/fa/Crowell.jpg/220px-Crowell.jpg"

April 26, 2015 at 8:19 AM


I doubt Crystal appreciates your attempt at humor. If you knew Kilgo, you would know that, to avoid harassment by liestoppers, he will not disclose his and his friend's names. However, Kilgo and Crowell are willing to assist Dr. Harr in his search for the truth.

Malek Williams
Hillside H.S.
Class of 1996

Anonymous said...

Duke just seems to lie about thinks as a matter of policy.

They then manipulate the mass media into swaying public social consciousness and political agenda policy reasoning in whatever way they want (usually with a race, rape, or ptb fear factor theme).

The worst part, since all that is now to be expected of Duke so hard to miss and harder still to believe, is that they then expect the public to believe others lies they tell in order to cover up the first lies they told to sway the minds of the public.

They insult the intelligence of ALL people in order to create chaos in the society and public structure intentionally, maliciously, and without responsibility beyond what they reserve for the sake of those with deep pockets and their donors or potential donors, and therefore 'with say'.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...

Duke just seems to lie about thinks as a matter of policy.

They then manipulate the mass media into swaying public social consciousness and political agenda policy reasoning in whatever way they want (usually with a race, rape, or ptb fear factor theme).

The worst part, since all that is now to be expected of Duke so hard to miss and harder still to believe, is that they then expect the public to believe others lies they tell in order to cover up the first lies they told to sway the minds of the public.

They insult the intelligence of ALL people in order to create chaos in the society and public structure intentionally, maliciously, and without responsibility beyond what they reserve for the sake of those with deep pockets and their donors or potential donors, and therefore 'with say'.

May 2, 2015 at 1:04 AM"

You are as incredibly stupid as sidney and kenny.

Anonymous said...

no actually i read the local news - unlike you apparently


Anonymous said...

You may read the news, but you do not intelligently discuss it.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps you are one of Duke's ignorant students not aware of politics, race relations on the Duke campus, in Durham, NC, and the USA, and demonstrative of a rather evil sense of reason when formulating poor excuses for bad decisions and lack of good judgement who is used by Duke to further their political agendas in the media or elsewhere? ???

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous Anonymous said...

no actually i read the local news - unlike you apparently


May 2, 2015 at 4:29 AM"

No, you are just incredibly stupid.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...

Perhaps you are one of Duke's ignorant students not aware of politics, race relations on the Duke campus, in Durham, NC, and the USA, and demonstrative of a rather evil sense of reason when formulating poor excuses for bad decisions and lack of good judgement who is used by Duke to further their political agendas in the media or elsewhere? ???

May 2, 2015 at 6:14 AM"

No, I am actually very intelligent and discerning, unlike the incredibly stupid people who publish this drivel.

Anonymous said...

It is seriously hard to believe the 'ignorant' duke student's apology when Duke themselves had a bit of a bruhaha race relations media event about a college chant highlighting the call to lynch blacks fairly recently before the 'ignorant' duke student hung a noose from a tree and then gave the excuse that it was done as a pun used to invite his friends to join in hanging out at duke.

Noone can actually believe that excuse - yet Duke apparently does (betting that the public will be ignorant enough to believe the 'ignorant' duke student excuse???).

You see this, and then have to watch the lies in these Duke / Mangum cases go on unabated, knowing that ALL are at risk for what Duke is and does and has become because apparently Duke thinks the public is ignorant (or something)? I mean, you sit there and call everyone on this blog idiots, stupid, unintelligent, liars, deluded, ... - on and on. It never stops. So, if you can be taken for an example of what duke is and does - then what is your excuse for doing this?

guiowen said...

To the 8:16
Please understand that no one believes any of what you say.

Anonymous said...

You think you know what everyone believes evil duke troll it g... ?


Anonymous said...

Mind your manner, Tinfoil.

Anonymous said...

seriously, ya'll suck


Anonymous said...

Tinfoil, please try to behave yourself.

Anonymous said...

Why, does calling ya'll out for your 'ignorance' offend your lying, cyberbullying, evil duke trolling sensibilities?

Anonymous said...


Egads! Your histrionics, crude comments and incoherent rantings do not impress or persuade. Your vile blogdroppings enshitten us all. If you must comment, please do so with a little self respect, restraint and a sense of decorum. In other words, BEHAVE!




Anonymous said...


Perhaps we should ALL act like you?

How 'ignorant' are you?

Anonymous said...


I bet if you behaved people would stop mocking you so much. Why not give it a try? Whatever it is you are doing now certainly isn't working.

Anonymous said...

You'd mock a mocking bird given the opportunity, so really, why don't you just stop mocking, cyberbullying, evil duke trolling, and lying evil duke troll?

Got it? Or are you an ignorant duke student camped out on this blog?

Anonymous said...


If you behaved in socially acceptable ways I bet people would treat you much better. Why not give it a try, or is that a bridge too far for you?

Anonymous said...

I don't know evil duke troll?

What is the socially acceptable way to behave on a bridge over-run with cyberbullying, lying evil duke trolls? Seriously.

Anonymous said...

Make credible allegations, support them with facts and provide sources.


Anonymous said...

That is done here all the time evil duke troll. Again I ask: Are you an ignorant duke student camped out on this blog - being an ignorant, crazy-making evil duke troll?

Anonymous said...

I suggest that you try it.

No. I am not a Duke student. I have no connection with Duke.

Anonymous said...

Then why are you being an evil duke troll?


Anonymous said...

I'm not. Why are you being one?

Anonymous said...

I'm doing the socially acceptable thing to do on a bridge over-run with evil duke trolls - proving with evidence and argument (over and over and over again) that you are an ignorant duke student (wanna be?) being an ignorant cyberbullying lying evil duke troll (or wanna be?). Either way ... blah.

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