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Tracey Cline, the Durham County district attorney, will shortly be relieved of her position. The handwriting has been spray-painted on the wall like sickening graffiti for many months. In September 2011, when The News & Observer came out with its three-part series titled “Twisted Truth,” it heralded the official beginning of its smear campaign against Ms. Cline; and anyone with any familiarity with North Carolina politics and law, especially as practiced in Durham, knew back then that her days in office were numbered. I was aware from what I read in the newspaper that Ms. Cline was in the media’s crosshairs long before the publication of their “Twisted Truth” series.
As staff investigative reporter Mandy Locke stated in her article in the Sunday, February 19, 2012 edition of the newspaper, Tracey Cline has uncommon zeal in prosecuting those charged with crimes… and for that reason, she will lose her publicly elected position by virtue of the decision of one man… a superior court judge from Franklin County, Robert H. Hobgood.
According to the Saturday, February 18, 2012 edition of The News & Observer, the hearing that is to hold court, on what I believe to be a pre-determined outcome, will begin on Monday, February 20, 2012… Presidents’ Day… a national holiday.
The removal affidavit process was initiated in mid-January 2012 by Durham Defense Attorney Kerry Sutton. She was critical of Cline because of Cline’s repeated attempts to keep Superior Court Judge Orlando Hudson from hearing any of her criminal cases. Cline believes her attacks against Judge Hudson are a justified reflection of her passion for prosecuting the bad guys whereas her detractors, such as Attorney Sutton, feels Cline’s attacks against a sitting judge are detrimental to the judicial process and puts it in “disrepute.” In specific, Attorney Sutton has referred to some of Cline’s more colorful passages as “venom.”
Three actions by Judge Robert Hobgood since taking control of the proceeding which finds Cline in the hot seat do much to peel away veneers of objectivity and fairness. The alternatives to the decisions taken by the judge would have been preferable, I feel, and made it more likely that a fair and unbiased ruling could be reached. These important decisions are as follows:
One – Judge Hobgood’s decision to immediately suspend Tracey Cline was extremely prejudicial, and uncalled for. There was no impending threat to justice, life, or liberty had Ms. Cline been allowed to remain in her elected position until a determination could have been reached at the culmination of the hearing. Instead the only dividend reaped from this action was to force taxpayers’ monies to go towards paying the salary of an interim D.A. while Ms. Cline is suspended with pay. That is reason enough for allowing Ms. Cline to remain as the district attorney pending a final disposition.
Not only that, but issuing a suspension greatly prejudices the case against Ms. Cline, giving the impression that her conduct was so potentially hazardous that it required her immediate removal. Were I sitting in judgment of Ms. Cline in this matter, I would not have called for her suspension… as a matter of fairness.
Two – Judge Hobgood’s decision to deny Ms. Cline’s attorneys adequate time to prepare is a major disadvantage and handicap to the defendant. It is obvious that her attorneys, who were recently hired out of Pinehurst law firm, have not had time to get up to speed and prepare an adequate and effective defense. Delaying the hearing for several weeks is the reasonable approach in this instance. Denying Cline’s attorneys time to investigate, strategize, and build a case is not justifiable. It is like scheduling a boxing match and not giving one opponent the opportunity to train for the bout.
This is perhaps the main point of the three that bodes ill regarding the chance that Ms. Cline might hang on to her job. My understanding is that Attorney Sutton, who launched the removal process against Ms. Cline, argued against a delay because it would be inconvenient to some people involved. The initial delay of only one week that Judge Hobgood gave Ms. Cline, was stingy; and she required most of that time just to recover from a serious bout of pneumonia. Sutton also chided Cline for not being prepared when in Ms. Cline’s position to find legal representation without any conflict of interest is next to impossible.
I submit that the process of attaining true justice should be placed ahead of expediency and convenience. For Ms. Cline to receive justice in this hearing, it is imperative that she be given ample time to prepare her defense.
Three – Judge Hobgood’s decision to limit the scope of the hearing to statements Tracey Cline made against Judge Hudson. In other words, Judge Hobgood wants to take questionable actions by the media, mainly The News & Observer, and possible mistakes or misconduct by Judge Hudson out of the equation. By not allowing in questions put before journalists, how can she uphold a position that the media acted conspiratorially and with malice? By not being permitted to question the judge’s behavior and rulings in cases which she prosecuted, how can she prove bias on Judge Hudson’s part? Apparently, the only issue Judge Hobgood is willing to consider is Ms. Cline’s harsh diatribe against Hudson… period.
One of the commenters to my blog recently enlightened me with information that North Carolina is one of twelve states without a process for the general public to recall elected officials. The reason for that is because North Carolina is a backward state that has a little know rarely used law to allow a single individual to remove an official who was elected by the people. The more progressive states give the people the power, instead of a single individual, to remove the officials who the masses are responsible for putting into office. When Judge Hobgood removes Tracey Cline as Durham district attorney, he will be defying the will of the people who voted for her.
I believe in treating everyone with respect, be they judge, preacher, pauper, scoundrel, or Republican. Likewise we are all human beings with imperfections and frailties. There are no deities walking amongst us, and that includes those sitting on benches in our courtrooms. I believe in treating them with respect, but I do not feel they should be immune from vigorous criticism.
From what I can ascertain from Attorney Sutton’s complaint, she is appalled at the viciousness of the dialogue Ms. Cline directs at Judge Hudson… but from what I can tell about the judge, his skin is as thick as a rhinoceros, and he can take anything that Tracey Cline can dish out… or anything that I can dish out, although my basic comments about him have been in a lighthearted vein. For an example, I used humor in my comic strip – “The MisAdventures of Super-Duper Cooper” – to criticize his decision to deny Michael Peterson’s defense a new trial when it became known that his prosecutors withheld the existence of a tire iron that could have possibly been a murder weapon. Personally, I felt that that prosecutorial transgression demanded that the murder charge against him be dismissed.
I am not at conflict with Judge Hudson on all of his rulings. He was right on target when he dismissed the charge against African American Erick Daniels and freed him. Although he is deserving of a pardon so that he can receive compensation for the seven years of wrongful incarceration he served after his arrest at age fourteen, the racial-based policies in the governor’s office have denied his petition. The governor refuses to correct this injustice because Durham’s African American political leaders, such as Senator Floyd McKissick, and Representatives Larry Hall and Mickey Michaux, as well as Congressman David Price are enabling this discriminatory behavior by remaining silent.
I can appreciate the passion of Ms. Cline’s rebukes of Judge Hudson, but I cannot speak to the wisdom of them. My verbiage in complaints against U.S. Magistrate Judge P. Trevor Sharp tended to be a little spicy, but most importantly, it was accurate. My encounter with this magistrate judge stems from a lawsuit that I filed against Duke University in April 2011. The media has kept the public in the dark about the discrimination incident the previous year in which Duke University attempted to arrest me for being a Mike Nifong supporter. I complained about Magistrate Judge Sharp because, in making a recommendation adverse to me, he lied about the facts of my case in an attempt to boost the position of Duke University. As things now stand, I await hearing from the U.S. District Court judge about a decision regarding the defendants’ motion to dismiss; one which takes into consideration a recommendation that contains lies and misleading statements from the magistrate judge.
Finally, for anyone to believe that Tracey Cline’s ravings against Judge Hudson are capable of pulling the Durham D.A. Office or the justice system into disrepute is unrealistic. There is reason enough without that to draw such conclusions… specifically the 2010 and 2011 vendetta prosecutions against Crystal Mangum, the Duke Lacrosse victim/accuser.
Like the referee says prior to a coin toss, there are two sides to every coin. The fact that the suspended Durham district attorney has an unbridled zeal when it comes to prosecuting those charged with crimes, could very well be comforting to crime victims, their advocates, and those ensconced in crime-ridden neighborhoods. On the other hand, many defense attorneys may very well prefer going up against a district attorney who is more docile, passive, and compliant than Ms. Cline.
At all costs, justice should be strived for in any court and in every case. However, the outcome of this case is plainly evident. Judge Robert Hobgood is going to remove Tracey Cline as Durham district attorney. It’s a done deal. What is scheduled to proceed in court on Monday, Presidents’ Day, is nothing more than window dressing… a charade to give the appearances of justice being served. It is a deception for the unenlightened.
I would recommend that as soon as the court next convenes, the judge proceeds directly to issuing an order removing Tracey Cline as the elected Durham district attorney without any testimony, witnesses, or evidence. Since the outcome is foreordained and justice irreparable compromised, there’s no sense in inconveniencing anyone by going through the motions of holding a hearing. I am sure that Attorney Sutton would have no objections.
1 – 200 of 212 Newer› Newest»Well now, don't you feel foolish? Obviously, Judge Hobgood is giving Ms. Cline's attorneys an opportunity to review the case AND prepare a response to Monday's hearing.
Now to address your obvious errors:
1) The decision to suspend Tracey Cline was a good decision, as it freed her up (with pay) to work on her case and find a law firm without interfering with her day-to-day job as District Attorney. There is no way she could have done both. IMO, she should have been suspended without pay.
2) Judge Hobgood was limited by NCGS 7A-66 to "set [the] hearing not less than 10 days nor more than 30 days..."after the District Attorney received written notice of the proceedings and a true copy of the charges. Delaying the hearing outside of this window would place the judge in violation of the statute.
3) Judge Hobgood's decision to limit the scope of the hearing to statements Tracey Cline made against Judge Hudson is the correct one, because it specifically addresses the charges brought against Tracey Cline, and dismisses those charges like intemperance (since the document filed by Sutton did not prove Ms. Cline consumes alcoholic drinks), and that Ms. Cline knowingly authorized ADA's to commit acts constituting grounds for dismissal (think Ms. Garcia LaMarca).
The things Ms. Cline said (and wrote) about Judge Orlando Hudson are simply unprecedented. Ask you good friend, James Coleman.
Sid-ninny: "As staff investigative reporter Mandy Locke stated in her article in the Sunday, February 19, 2012 edition of the newspaper, Tracey Cline has uncommon zeal in prosecuting those charged with crimes…"
That included the wrongful prosecutions against Frankie Washington and Leon Brown, both innocent men. Tracey Cline's zeal is a zea to convict, although the prosrcution is wrongful.
Sid-ninny: "One – Judge Hobgood’s decision to immediately suspend Tracey Cline was extremely prejudicial, and uncalled for."
Just like AG Cooper's expressing his belief that the falsely accused Lacrosse players were innocent was prejudicial to Mr. Ni-nny-fong's ethics trial?
Sid-ninny seems to believe the Lacrosse players should have been presumed guilty so Mr. Ni-nny-fong could be exonerated of his all too obvious violations..
Sid-ninny, what renders the Lacrosse players innocent was that the crime for which they were indicted never happened.
Sid-ninny: "Not only that, but issuing a suspension greatly prejudices the case against Ms. Cline, giving the impression that her conduct was so potentially hazardous that it required her immediate removal."
Sid-ninny, it was Ms. Cline's antics which gave the impression that her conduct was potentially hazardous, not anything Judge Hobgood did/
Sid-ninny: "Were I sitting in judgment of Ms. Cline in this matter, I would not have called for her suspension… as a matter of fairness."
No, you would not called for her suspension because are biased and prejudiced, sp blind you can not recognize prejudicial or illegal conduct.
Why else would you refer to Crystal Mangum, the victimizes/false accuser as the victim/accuser.
Sid-ninny: "I believe in treating everyone with respect..."
No you don't. Since you started this blog, you have treated the innocent, falsely accused Lacrosse players and their families and their attorneys with anything but respect.
Sid-ninny: "I would recommend that as soon as the court next convenes, the judge proceeds directly to issuing an order removing Tracey Cline as the elected Durham district attorney without any testimony, witnesses, or evidence."
This is consistent with your belief that the innocent, falsely accused Lacrosse players should have been convicted although there was no evidence of, no witnesses to the crime for which they were indicted.
Sid-ninny: "I submit that the process of attaining true justice should be placed ahead of expediency and convenience. For Ms. Cline to receive justice in this hearing, it is imperative that she be given ample time to prepare her defense."
Tracey Cline had ample notice the hearing was coming, ample notice she would need an attorney.
1. Judge Hobgood was following the law. It says that if he finds probable cause (a standard that is employed every day in our criminal courts) to believe she violated Section 7A-66 then he must relieve her immediately. He reviewed the petition and found probable cause. Nothing prejudicial about that. Refusing to relieve her once he found probable cause would have been prejudicial.
2. Again, Judge Hobgood followed the law and set the hearing within the time limits in the statute. To have done otherwise would have been inappropriate. It's interesting how you want to ignore the law when it does not support your position.
3. Finally, the statute and the petition are very narrow in what can be considered. This is not a hearing on competency, just on whether Tracey Cline brought disrepute on the office. I think there is ample evidence in the public record that she did.
Lastly, you are quite the hypocrite. You criticize every prosecutor in the state for doing exactly what Tracey Cline has done. You demand that Tom Ford, or whomever be disbarred, run out of town or tarred and feathered. Yet when Cline uses phoney evidence to elicit a confession you think she should stay in office. When Cline files false statements in open court, you are willing to excuse it. That makes you, Sid, a hypocrite.
Sid has never been one to concern himself with the law and its fair and equal application. This latest post is one of the clearest examples of "if it suits my biased slanted racist view, then that is how it ought to be" Sid-isms. To publicly and repeatedly accuse a senior judge of raping people, having a reprobate mind of a monarch, and participating in a conspiracy to "get Cline"......Wow, Sid, I'll give you one thing, for sure. You are consistent. always looking for and endorsing the conspiracy theory...always blaming others....always taking the racist position. I can't wait.....when are we gonna hear that Hobgood has been paid off by Evans' mother?
Frankly, I think having this hearing is working to Cline's advantage....at least, so far. Sutton isn't exactly brillant in her questioning approach. On the other hand, HER attorney (who, by the way, is white....) seems to be scoring his fair share of points with the judge.
Cline has lost control of herself. The comment made by ONE reporter concerning Cline's "zeal at prosecuting" certain types of cases is offset by numerous accounts, from others in the media and elsewhere, describing her as ranting, over the top, more concerned with convictions than justice, and OUT OF CONTROL. funny how sid thinks the reporter, from the evil media, is "ok" because of the apparent positive inference in the "zeal" comment......but uniformly condems the evil media the rest of the time.
Cline claims she has had an illness bout for "about a week". The hearing notice went out to her weekS ago and she, being a lawyer, knew full well that the timelines for the hearing were set. Comically, she was late to the session last week. DIW had a photo of the courtroom that day, showing everybody else ontime, and waiting, for the time-challenged Cline to show up. Hilarious!
In the last post...."on the other hand, HER attorney"....means Cline's attorney. Not Sutton's...
Anon at 6:32 AM wrote: "Sid has never been one to concern himself with the law and its fair and equal application."
I have come to that conclusion as well. Despite his rare excursions toward justice, Sid is most concerned about the unfair an unequal application of the law in favor of his causes, no matter how unjust they are.
Lance the Intern said...
Well now, don't you feel foolish? Obviously, Judge Hobgood is giving Ms. Cline's attorneys an opportunity to review the case AND prepare a response to Monday's hearing.
Now to address your obvious errors:
1) The decision to suspend Tracey Cline was a good decision, as it freed her up (with pay) to work on her case and find a law firm without interfering with her day-to-day job as District Attorney. There is no way she could have done both. IMO, she should have been suspended without pay.
2) Judge Hobgood was limited by NCGS 7A-66 to "set [the] hearing not less than 10 days nor more than 30 days..."after the District Attorney received written notice of the proceedings and a true copy of the charges. Delaying the hearing outside of this window would place the judge in violation of the statute.
3) Judge Hobgood's decision to limit the scope of the hearing to statements Tracey Cline made against Judge Hudson is the correct one, because it specifically addresses the charges brought against Tracey Cline, and dismisses those charges like intemperance (since the document filed by Sutton did not prove Ms. Cline consumes alcoholic drinks), and that Ms. Cline knowingly authorized ADA's to commit acts constituting grounds for dismissal (think Ms. Garcia LaMarca).
The things Ms. Cline said (and wrote) about Judge Orlando Hudson are simply unprecedented. Ask you good friend, James Coleman.
So, you think that the judge did Ms. Cline a favor by suspending her... and that she should thank him? I don't buy that argument as being tagged with the term "suspended" is detrimental to her perception by the public.
Regarding her defense team, it requested weeks to prepare its case, not mere days. Again, the judge did Cline no favor.
With regards to the time constraints, surely the judge should have discretion on scheduling when doing so has an impact on justice... especially when it comes to a little known, rarely used law that has more elasticity than a rubber band.
Regarding the limited scope, you suggest that Ms. Cline's defense should be hampered by denying her the opportunity to question the journalists and the actions of the judge. I say, allow her the opportunity to present her best defense without incumbering her.
Sid -- The so-called "actions of the judge" (Orlando Hudson) have already been ruled upon -- with a ruling that there was NO evidence of bias. It's a moot point.
The time constraints are what they are -- Judge Hobgood can no more change NCGS 7A-66 than you can. Yet another example of your legal ignorance.
Let me ask you something -- do you honestly think Ms. Cline was performing her job to her utmost ability while at the same time preparing her preposterous case against Judge Hudson?
That is why I say she should have been suspended without pay -- you know she was working on her own case while on Durham's dime. (Note -- I never stated that she should "thank" judge Hobgood. This is yet another example of over-exaggeration and, quite frankly, plain lying that you do in a pitiful attempt to prove a point).
Ms. Cline's own actions are more detrimental to her public perception than any suspension could possibly be.
Cline is an embarrassment to her community. period. further, and more important, she is far more interested in sensationalism and public lynchings of people she thinks are guilty than she is in seeking justice.
Sid has NEVER been able to grasp the simple fundamental foundational premise of our justice system, i.e., a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law....and....the burden to prove an allegation/charge is on those who make the allegation. I am no lawyer so I can't say it with proper legalese, but I know enough about our justice system to know that "innocent until proven guilty" is one of the most, if not the MOST important features and underlying concepts in it. Sidney routinely ignores this FACT. He can't stand it that the lacrose guys were INNOCENT because his racist brain was just hell-bent on sending these "rich white men" to prison. As the NCCU student said, their guilt or innocence was not material, he just wanted 'em castrated. Cute.
Sid does not give a good damn about mike nifong. Nifong is of no concern to sid. All sidney care about is that giant bleeding ulcer in his gut that HE put there when HE found out that Sister was lying, that there was no rape, and that the men were innocent. He does not give a damn about Mr. daye, either. Or the three babies that have been raised in the middle of the hell that Sister has created for herself.
It's all about sid, his racism and his hatred for those who don't share his self entitlement, victimology world view
As others have said, "BAHAHAHA", Sidney know-it-all. Cline is getting a completely fair hearing, in accord with the law.
Enlighten yourself, Sid.
Sid. Open mouth insert foot, fella. The only thing funnier than your nonsense is the photo of the courtroom with all present, waiting for the illustrious cline to show up. Wow talk about disrespect for thr law and the court. You two ought to go be boyfriend girlfriend........frick and frack....the ignorance twins
Anonymous @ 8:03 said : "Or the three babies that have been raised in the middle of the hell that Sister has created for herself" .....Judge Jones, in the bogus arson trial against Crystal, heard sworn evidence from people who know Crystal. Enough evidence, I might add, to declare Crystal "a good Mother" and order that her children be returned to her. What evidence to the contrary do you have?
Ken: Judge Jones, in the bogus arson trial against Crystal, heard sworn evidence from people who know Crystal. Enough evidence, I might add, to declare Crystal "a good Mother"
I didn't follow the trial in detail. What evidence did he hear that supported his conclusion? I would appreciate a summary.
There's the fact that CGM was convicted of five misdemeanor charges involving child abuse...And that Richard Ramseier (the father of 2 of the children) was given temporary custody.
That happens to "good mothers" often, Ken?
Apparently, Canada has a different definition of "good mother"
ken-ninny-hyderal: "What evidence to the contrary do you have[that Crystal is a bad mother]?"
Ken-ninny, where is the evidence that Crystal was ever raped on the night of 13/14 March 2006?
Duck Kenny Duck!
Sid-ninny: "I submit that the process of attaining true justice should be placed ahead of expediency and convenience."
Judging from your vendetta against the innocent, falsely accused Lacrosse players, Sid-ninny, I say you have no idea of what true justice is.
Anonymous @ 5:26 said: "I didn't follow the trial in detail. What evidence did he hear that supported his conclusion? I would appreciate a summary"........... Transcripts of the trial are availabele. Attorney Dexter presented affadavits of witnesses as to her parenting. Nothing to the contrary, other then the events of the night in question were presented by the prosecution. In sentencing Crystal, to time in custody on the 3 misdemenor child neglect charges, (one for each child), that she was found guilty of, Judge Jones said "nothing that came up during the trial made him doubt that Mangum is a good mother" He then granted Crystal full custody of her three children.
Anonymous @ 5:55 said: "Apparently, Canada has a different definition of "good mother"...... Judge Abraham Jones is a Superior Court Justice in the State of North Carolina. He heard the evidence, so this Canadian is inclined to take his word for it.
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "Judge Abraham Jones is a Superior Court Justice in the State of North Carolina. He heard the evidence, so this Canadian is inclined to take his word for it."
Why won't you accept the evidence that Crystal Mangum was not raped?
Krn-ninny-hyderal: AG Cooper's office thoroughly investigated Crystal's allegations, something your friend Sid-ninny never did. No, this was not a court procedure, but it was a thoroughly conducted investigation. You obviously do not accept the conclusion of that investigation, that no crime had happened.
uh, gee whiz, kenny boy.....let's see....a criminal recrod BEFORE the rape hoax, drug abuse, drunkenness in public, child abuse convictions, and now charged with murder. hmmmmmmm, where I come from, that isn't exactly a flowing recommendation for motherhood.
Oh, in case you missed it, the same judge who made that comment about "good mother Sister" later said that ANY subsequent difficulties with the law "would alter his assessment".
You are so full of it, Kenny.
lord, kenny, I do believe you and sister have a little thaaaang goin'. how nice. Come on over to Durham sometime and visit with your dear friend. You did tell us that you two are close, right? I think that's sweet. Perhaps you'd like to donate some money to support her children? Or, better yet, how about you make a donation to the charity of choice for the Daye family in honor of the man Sister stabbed? How about it....?
Anonymous @ 4:51 AM said: "AG Cooper's office thoroughly investigated Crystal's allegations"...... Thoroughly?? Absolute nonsence. They never even determined who all were present.
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "Thoroughly?? Absolute nonsence. They never even determined who all were present."
Yes they did.
Have you established that there were unidentified people were present? Hardly. Your source is the word of an ignorant blowhard who has repeatedly demonstrated he knows nothing about the case.
I again remind the readers of your hypothesis. Unidentified men who were known to the Lacrosse players were present at the party. These unknowns raped Crystal. The Lacrosse players knew they had raped Crystal. But, when the rogue DA determined to prosecute three of the Lacrosse players, the whole Lacrosse team covered for the rapists rather than identify them.
These included the three who were actually indicted, who faced conviction of a first class felony, a long prison term, who received a lot of opprobrium(which was part of Crystal's victimization of them), and who incurred millions of dollars in legal expenses which they could have avoided by identifying those unknowns.
Why does Ken-ninny say these three covered for the unknowns? They wanted to avoid indictment for relatively minor crimes Ken-ninny alleged had happened.
We all know what Kenny is trying to do.....which is to just make himself feel all puffed up and self important, with his pseudo-intellectual (flaw) analysis of the lacrosse hoax. Frankly, his opinions fall into the same bucket as Sid's.....the trashcan. These wingnuts will never give up their "positions" because to do so would expose them for what they are......weak minded bigots.
Hilarious photo on the DIW site, folks. An old campaign photo showing Cline sitting next to bathrobe boy........
looks like the graduation class from "Hooked on Phonics, 101"...
Anonymous @ February 23, 2012 12:23 PM.
Your comment is right on.
I have left a number of comments on DIW noting the extent to which intellectual snobs, like Ken-ninny, will go in order to avoid admission that they got it wrong.
Anonymous @ 1: 11 (speaking to Anonymous @ 12:23 said : "Your comment is right on" ..... To me, it's nothing more then an ad hominem attack on my person.
Anonymous @ 12 :23 also said " I have left a number of comments on DIW noting the extent to which intellectual snobs, like Ken-ninny, will go in order to avoid admission that they got it wrong" ..... Have you posted them here as well?
Ooooooo ad hominy,no less. I knew you were full of beans and corn.
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "To me, it's nothing more then an ad hominem attack on my person."
To me it is you showing you will go to great lengths to avoid admitting you are wrong.
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "Have you posted them here as well?"
No. Until today, I did not have an example of an intellectual snob going to great lengths to avoid admitting he was wrong.
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Crystal Mangum is a victim? No white man would touch her.
Tracey Cline hearing going on now:
All motions to dismiss from Cline's lawyers have been denied.
Several people in the courtroom need cough drops...Just sayin.
15 Minute break to discuss the use of microphones. Neither Ms. Sutton nor Ms. Cline's lawyers want the microphones on their desks, because they're picking up discussions between co-counsel.
Looks like Victoria Peterson is sitting a couple of rows behind Ms. Cline. No sign of Sid in his J4N t-shirt, however.
Tracey Cline is now on the witness stand.
Tracey Cline: Judge Hudson is a "role model for me".
She found him to be "very fair".
She understood her constitutional and legal obligations of her role.
Blah blah blah about performance of the DA's office.
What this has to do with the hearing, I have no idea. I believe Ms. Sutton objected to the line of questioning, but was overruled.
Ms. Cline still talking about how murder cases are handled in "Dur'm".
Apparently, Judge Hudson asked Cline to sign a consent form about racially discriminatory statistics in the use of jury selection in capital murder cases in North Carolina.
She did not read the order, and did not sign it.
Rigt. Cline calls judge hudson a rapist with a reprobate mind and now he is her role model? What crap
Cline giving a long, rambling testimony about something -- apparently emails to Ms. Peggy and about the N&O.
If her briefs are like her testimony, I'm surprised she ever won a case.
Tracey Cline says she wishes she could have chosen her words better in her motions.
She keeps referring to the "victims", as though the DA's office is supposed to represent them.
That is a total misunderstanding of her role as DA.
OK -- I'll be honest with you...I simply had to give up on the Tracey Cline updates.
She is simply unable to give a 1 minute answer when a 30 minute ramble will do.
The hearing is over, and will start again at 9:30 Monday morning.
The woman is incompetent. Good lord, what a disgrace to Durham.
Lance the Intern said...
15 Minute break to discuss the use of microphones. Neither Ms. Sutton nor Ms. Cline's lawyers want the microphones on their desks, because they're picking up discussions between co-counsel.
Looks like Victoria Peterson is sitting a couple of rows behind Ms. Cline. No sign of Sid in his J4N t-shirt, however.
Seeing as how I live in Raleigh, and take public transportation, it would be extremely time-consuming for me to attend the Cline hearing. Time that is too valuable for me not to devote to other pressing issues, such as working on my Dukegate lawsuit and my epic flog of injustice.
Face it, my time is too valuable.
Nifong Supporter said...
Time that is too valuable for me not to devote to other pressing issues, such as working on my Dukegate lawsuit and my epic flog of injustice.
Face it, my time is too valuable."
Bahahahahah. Your epic flog? As they say, Sid, you are a legend in your own mind.
You da man, Sid, you da man.
Sid-ninny: "Face it, my time is too valuable."
Less valuable as one pre euro Italian Lira
Sid-ninny,I should have said your time per day is less valuable than one pre euro Italian
Sid-ninny: "Time that is too valuable for me not to devote to other pressing issues, such as working on my Dukegate lawsuit and my epic flog of injustice."
What epic flog of justice. What you are conducting is a racially motivated vendetta against three innocent Duke Lacrosse players. You are conducting this vendetta because they were not convicted or rape on the word of false accuser/victimizer Crystal Mangum.
So far as your lawsuit, which you compare to Watergate, let's have you amuse us by telling us why your frivolous suit has not received the same attention as Watergate.
Anonymous said...
Sid-ninny: "Time that is too valuable for me not to devote to other pressing issues, such as working on my Dukegate lawsuit and my epic flog of injustice."
What epic flog of justice. What you are conducting is a racially motivated vendetta against three innocent Duke Lacrosse players. You are conducting this vendetta because they were not convicted or rape on the word of false accuser/victimizer Crystal Mangum.
So far as your lawsuit, which you compare to Watergate, let's have you amuse us by telling us why your frivolous suit has not received the same attention as Watergate.
That's simple. The reason Dukegate has not received media attention is because the mainstream media is in cahoots with Duke University, and it has muzzled the story to prevent Duke from serious embarrassment.
Sid-ninny: "That's simple. The reason Dukegate has not received media attention is because the mainstream media is in cahoots with Duke University, and it has muzzled the story to prevent Duke from serious embarrassment."
Just what I expected of you, another manifestation of your deluded megalomania.
Sid-ninny, the only one seriously embarrassed by your frivolous lawsuit is you.
New phrase to add to our laguage: First we had the infamois "nifonged"as in screwed by an amoral jerk and now we have the "cline whine" as in , that mean old nasty raping monarch didnt like me no more cuz i done one or two little law bendin' things. Shucks folks, betcha sister is gonna be tellin us that she has been "harred" as in , i wuz harred by them evil whie oppressors an then i was harred by that big old drunken bully, so i just grabbed that tiny litte paring knife an i stabbed the sucker. Whats a girl to do??????
Sorry for the numerous typos. I am tying while riding on a train and the ipad is bouncing around.
Anonymous said...
Sorry for the numerous typos. I am tying while riding on a train and the ipad is bouncing around.
The bouncing must be pretty severe, as I'm sure it must've jarred loose a few synapses in your gray matter... that would certainly explain the content of your last comment.
Stop harring people, Sid. It's not nice.
Cline hearing live <a href ='http://abclocal.go.com/wtvd/livenow?id=8550604"> here </a>
Sorry -- bad html tag...meant to post"
Cline hearing live here
Well...Something just happened. Ms. Cline was testifying about some documentation that was (intentionally?) left out of the defense exhibits, and prosecution asked for an opportunity to approach the bench, and then....no sound, and they're taking a break.
Maybe he just REALLY needed to go to the bathroom....
Sid-ninny: "The bouncing must be pretty severe, as I'm sure it must've jarred loose a few synapses in your gray matter... that would certainly explain the content of your last comment."
Someone with as many disconnected synapses as you have is incapable of commenting meaningfully on this kind of subject.
Still laughing at "harr supporter" and the comment about the bouncing...and the typos. what a ditz you are, sid.
Cline is freaking out....bet she has drunk a gallon of water in the past hour. Nervous, just a little bit! She is incapable of giving a straight answer.
I like the "harring" comment myself.....just wait till Mangum goes on trial. we will get a stomach-load of the cline whine, the nifong sidestep dance and the harr, "gee whiz, I didn't mean to stab the big bad man, your honor"!
So far, Ms. Cline's defense seems to be "I don't remember". She also stated that she didn't go through the relevant court files for this hearing. Sounds like Sid.
Cline just admitted to "ex parte" discussions with Judge Hudson about one of her cases (Dorman, I think)...
She's getting testy now. I think she's realized she's getting into deep water.
Amazing....Cline actually reprimanded the questioning attorney with an accustion/question about whether he was listening to her answers! Holy Sxxx!! If a witness did that to one of her prosecutors in one of trials, she would blow her hairdo all over herself. what an arrogant woman....
the attorney who is questioning her is being totally cool, not taking her hostility bait, keeping it calm as glass
What the hell? "An indian with a sharp edged star in his chest"....Honestly, what is this?
If I were her lawyer, I'd ask for a break, and tell her to simply and shortly answer the questions.
wow, you can tell cline comes from two pastors....she is just about to climb up on the box rail, don her robe and preach. I expect to hear praise the lord any second.
Prosecutor after a ten minute rant from Ms Cline: "So......Is your answer "Yes"?"
wow, it's getting worse. she is rambling, going completely out to the bleachers in left field, not answering questions and preaching.....kinda feel sorry for her.....pathetic excuse for a DA.
Hearing back on. More "I don't remember" as a defense.
Doh! She filed her complaint with the Judicial Standards Committee the same day she filed her motion to recuse judge Hudson.
Cline rants, takes detours, sermonizes (I had no choice, I had to protect the citizens, the victims, etc.), and generally is evasive. Her role as DA is to focus on JUSTICE, not VICTIMS. She tries to act like an embattled crusader (shades of the wingnut Harr) who is the last warrior standing between Hudson the rapist and the poor citizens. Give me a break.......
Hudson had the cajones to do his job and to call her out, with consequences, when she bent the law to her own purpose. Hell hath no fury like an incompetent hysteric who gets her shorts in a knot!
Lance the Intern said...
Prosecutor after a ten minute rant from Ms Cline: "So......Is your answer "Yes"?"
Goes to show that he wasn't paying attention.
Lance the Intern said...
Doh! She filed her complaint with the Judicial Standards Committee the same day she filed her motion to recuse judge Hudson.
Your point being...?
Lance the Intern said...
Prosecutor after a ten minute rant from Ms Cline: "So......Is your answer "Yes"?"
The "harr supporter" responded: Goes to show that he wasn't paying attention.
Uh, no, hay for brains, it shows that she tried to obfuscate her answers, sidestep, dance, sermonize and otherwise rant for ten minutes.....without actually even answering the question.
Lance the Intern said...
Doh! She filed her complaint with the Judicial Standards Committee the same day she filed her motion to recuse judge Hudson.
From the "harr supporter"
Your point being...?
Well, sidney, you prove yet again how little you know and understand about the law. Same day filing meant Cline had no intentions, at any point, of following required protocol for justification of her complaints and motions. Try not to flash it so obviously, sid....it's embarrassing for you
Judge Morey was a Cline witness this week, stating that Cline's actions hadn't screwed up the Durham DA office. This...from the same woman who told us that Nifong had a reputation for truthfulness.
Perhaps if Sister beats the murder rap, Cline will hire Mangum to become her very own "Linwood".
God help Durham....
Lance the Intern said...
Doh! She filed her complaint with the Judicial Standards Committee the same day she filed her motion to recuse judge Hudson.
Your point being...?"
The one on Ms. Cline's head (and apparently yours as well)...Why don't you ask you're good friend, Law Professor James Coleman, what this means.
Forgive my misspellings...Too much time reading the documents Ms. Cline filed against Judge Hudson must have rubbed off on me.
"Lance the Intern said...
Prosecutor after a ten minute rant from Ms Cline: "So......Is your answer "Yes"?"
Goes to show that he wasn't paying attention."
No. it goes to show that, much like you, Ms. Cline can't give a 1-minute concise answer when a 15-minute rambling answer will do.
I think they must teach a course at NCCU called,"Improper use of big words, said with a loud enough voice and a big enough glare, will sounds important". Msssssss.Cline majored in self-pity, advanced tacky, I'm black so I'm special, don't mess with me or I'll label you a rapist, and proper-english,meh, who needs it!
I was particularly tickled by her comment that she had not called Judge Hudson (himself) a rapist but rather his rulings(raping the citizens). This kind of CXXX is the same bilge that spills out of the mouths of so-called Christians (aka, bigots) who say "we love you, Bruce, we just hate your homosexuality".
So, if Cline gets a pass this time, and gets her job back, I assume that the Durhamites who elected her will have a big rally. Perhaps the ever-popular courageous Peterson will be there to lead the celebration!
great line from Sutton in her closing...."Cline has taken a leap off the clif of impropriety"....
The judge is saying he will make a ruling but not willing to say when at this point. court in recess until he says he is ready to make his ruling.
Notice how Cline started coughing when it became time for Ms. Sutton to read Cline's own testimony.
She's just not a classy lady.
yep, that was so patently phony and contrived....why didn't Cline just stand up, walk over and cut Sutton? ya know Cline was sitting there, steamin' and murmuring to her paranoid brain, "that white bXXXX is gonna get hers....believe it!!!"
Wonder how/when the ruling will follow???? I don't understand whether the judge has only two choices, or multiple choices, in his rulings. Is it either she stays or goes? Or can he spank her fanny, or find that her behavior was all okie dokie, or, tell her to chill, or what? what are his options? For example, could he say that he won't make a ruling, pending some kind of action by the State Bar?
"For example, could he say that he won't make a ruling, pending some kind of action by the State Bar?"
This is what Judge Hudson did when a similar charge was leveled against Mike Nifong.
Funny -- Ms. Cline has a scheduling conflict on Friday. Lunch with the President's wife and "a thousand of her closest friends".
Anonymous asks on the last thread: "if you cannot prove Crystal was raped, why should I or anyone else have to prove she was not?"
Simple. Ken is a troll. He dictates the rules for his discussions.
He will discuss a theory as valid unless you can prove with absolute certainty that it is false (and if you were able to disprove one theory, he would simply shift to another). He readily admits that his standard is not consistent with legal requirements. Demonstrating that a theory is highly implausible is not sufficient to limit Ken's ability to claim the possibility that "something happened."
Please do not feed the trolls.
Harr supporter: "Demonstrating that a theory is highly implausible is not sufficient to limit Ken's ability to claim the possibility that "something happened."
I agree with that last statement, and it is not my intention to get Ken-ninny to abandon his claim that something happened.
I, however, can show the world he is a ninny by blowing his hypotheses out of the water and forcing him to make even more ridiculous attempts to salvage them.
Harr Supporter:
To put it another way, Ken-ninny-hyderal lives in a big glass house. I provoke him to throw stones and then watch his ineffective efforts to dodge the return barrage.
Anonymous in the previous thread ( now being brought to this thread) said... "If the defense can not get the suits dismissed, they might settle with the plaintiffs rather than let the case go to discovery. That is what happens when the defense knows it can not prevail in court"...... In the civil suit the burden of proof that nothing happened now shifts to the the three plaintifs. They, as well as other team members, might well be cross-examined under oath.
Harr supporter said " Please do not feed the trolls" The real trolls here post anonymously. They do not engage in debate and they resort to ad-hominen attacks. Distinguising one from the other is impossible. Some of them are out-right racist. Others like to throw in red-herrings like Victoria Peterson's homophobia
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "In the civil suit the burden of proof that nothing happened now shifts to the the three plaintifs. They, as well as other team members, might well be cross-examined under oath."
The minimum standard the plaintiffs must meet is a preponderance of the evidence. There is an overwhelming preponderance of the evidence that nothing happened.
If the defense were to assert that something did happen, the burden of proof would fall to them. They have nothing to show that something did happen.
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "Some of them[trolls] are out-right racist.
Your definition of racism is that innocent Caucasian men defend themselves against false charges of rape leveled by a Black woman.
The lawsuits have been ongoing for the past 4 to 5 years. Do you think the defendants have not been looking for evidence to bolster their case in those years?
That they are desperately trying to have the case dismissed before going to discovery is a strong indication the defendants have no evidence, that they do not want the plaintiffs' evidence to go public.
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "They(the three innocent Lacrosse defendants), as well as other team members, might well be cross-examined under oath."
Considering their behavior during the phony criminal case against them, they would welcome the idea of being cross-examined under oath.
The defendants are the ones trying to avoid being questioned under oath.
The central issue in the civil lawsuits is not whether or not a rape occurred but whether the three plaintiffs were wrongfully prosecuted. Since the three were indicted although there was no evidence to implicate them in the alleged crime, since the three were indicted on the basis of a wrongfully conducted lineup, since there was evidence Mike Ni-nny-fong refused to look at exculpatory evidence, since Mike-ninny-fong attempted to conceal exculpatory evidence, it is res ipsa loquitur they were wrongfully prosecuted.
Ken-ninny-hyderal, I give you another chance to try to squirm out of this:
Crystal alleged a semen depositing rape. SBI's tests for semen on the rape kit were negative. I concede it is plausible that SBI did only an Acid Phosphatase assay.
However, DSI did an assay for PSA. I have read that a PSA will detect semen 35% of the time when Acid Phosphatase assay is negative.
DSI's PSA assay also tested negative for semen. That is overwhelming evidence semen was not deposited on Crystal Mangum the night of 13/14 March 2006.
So how would the defense impeach that evidence. Bringing up other scenarios without supporting them with evidence of your own would not impeach the plaintiff's evidence.
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "They[trolls] do not engage in debate and they resort to ad-hominen attacks."
What you call an ad hominem attack is the demonstration that the hypothesis you give as to what happened on the night of 13/14 March 2006 is not plausible.
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "They(thr three innocent, falsely accused Lacrosse players), as well as other team members, might well be cross-examined under oath."
That is a certainty, when the case goes to discovery.
Will Kilgo come forth and testify under oath, to submit to cross examination. Considering his previous behavior, I think he will not.
Ken-ninny-hyderal, what might be revealing would be if the defendants call Crystal Mangum to testify. How well do you thin she will hold up under cross examination.
Ah, now we have Kenny hissyfit describing courageous peterson's bigotry and hate as a red herring. cute, kenny, and oh so typical of you.
sid harr is a disgrace to his former profession, which has, at it's heart the "do no harm" ethic, for having this woman's photo on his web site and for bragging about her (and others) "courage". what kind of courage does it take to be a racist bigot, kenny? and what kind of courage does it take to describe gay people as disease ridden perverts? and, what kind of wingnut would take arrogant pride in claiming a relationship with this pseudo-christian whacko?
You have no clue, pal. None. zip. ad hominy....beans and corn....yup, that's you.
Innocent until proven guilty, ken. ever heard of it? probably not. I guess they do it differently in dubai......over there, they seem to enjoy murdering women just for the "sin" of defying a man. Oh my goodness, you must love it over there.....
Mangum is innocent until she is proven guilty of the charges against her. that is how our system of justice operates. I know it's a hard concept for you....big words and all. but try to grasp it.
Don't you just love the comic strip that is durham? sidney must be near euphoric, what with all the exciting arglebargle spewing out of Cline these days. If she gets a pass on her vendetta against Hudson, sid will say she deserves MONEY and a reparations statement from Sutton and those evil white people. If Cline gets the boot, then sid will tell us it was all pre-arranged and part of the grand conspiracy. The evil heehaw white folks were gonna tar and feather Ms. Cline, no matter what....
so, either way, watch for the baloney blitz that will soon entertain us all.........
can't wait, sid....barf up a big old hairball of bullXXXX for us
Ken-ninny-hyderal, consider this:
Before the defense could argue that unknown males at the LAX party raped Crystal, they would have to establish that a rape did take place.
Meanwhile, the plaintiffs could establish, by an overwhelming preponderance of the evidence, that a rape did not take place.
Ken-ninny-hyderal, something more to consider:
Suppose the defendants could prove a Crystal was raped and that unknown LAX party attendees, non Lacrosse players, were the perpetrators. That would prove that the defendants did wrongfully accuse and prosecute members of the Lacrosse team. That would make the plaintiff's case.
Anonymous @ 9:26 said: "That would prove that the defendants did wrongfully accuse and prosecute members of the Lacrosse team. That would make the plaintiff's case"........ " Would they not have to show it was malicious?
Anonymous @ 4:26 AM said " Will Kilgo come forth and testify under oath, to submit to cross examination. Considering his previous behavior, I think he will not"....... Kilgo remains un-identified. He has no first hand information. Here is my understanding of the situation. Apparently he was told by a conscience stricken player who was present at the party and who himself is totally innocent, that he knows a sexual assult on Crystal took place. Kilgo's loyalty to this friend will most likely preclude him from coming forth. Perhaps, though, he could persuade this friend "to "do the right thing"
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "Would they not have to show it(Ni-nny-fong's prosecution of the Lacrosse players) was malicious?"
Yes. That should not be difficult especially with Ni-nny-fong's inflammatory pre indictment comments.
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "Kilgo remains un-identified. He has no first hand information. Here is my understanding of the situation. Apparently he was told by a conscience stricken player who was present at the party and who himself is totally innocent, that he knows a sexual assult on Crystal took place. Kilgo's loyalty to this friend will most likely preclude him from coming forth. Perhaps, though, he could persuade this friend to 'do the right thing'"
Kilgo at one time was claiming he had intimate, extensive knowledge of what happened on the night of 13/14 March, 2006. I say, what we have here is Kilgo backing away from that claim. That makes Kilgo non credible, which non credibility extends to what he says he was told by some anonymous Lacrosse player.
If said anonymous Lacrosse player did witness an assault, if that assault was perpetrated by non LAX players, there is no plausible reason why he would not have come forth by now.
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "Kilgo remains un-identified."
I believe some weeks ago you claimed to now kilgo personally.
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "Kilgo's loyalty to this friend(the unidentified Lacrosse player) will most likely preclude him from coming forth.
So he does not care whether or not he should show any consideration to a woman who claims she was raped. That's noble.
To my comment of March 1, 2012 10:47 AM I add:
If the unidentified Lacrosse player was innocent, he would have come forward by now.
To my previous comment I Add:
If the anonymous Lacrosse player has not come forth, that would indicate said Lacrosse player feared prosecution for something. If so, said Lacrosse player was not innocent.
Ken-ninny-hyderal, the bottommline on this so called innocent, unidentified Lacrosse player is, he does not exist.
Man In Black said...
Stop harring people, Sid. It's not nice.
Harring? Couldn't find it in Webster.
Anonymous said...
I think they must teach a course at NCCU called,"Improper use of big words, said with a loud enough voice and a big enough glare, will sounds important". Msssssss.Cline majored in self-pity, advanced tacky, I'm black so I'm special, don't mess with me or I'll label you a rapist, and proper-english,meh, who needs it!
I was particularly tickled by her comment that she had not called Judge Hudson (himself) a rapist but rather his rulings(raping the citizens). This kind of CXXX is the same bilge that spills out of the mouths of so-called Christians (aka, bigots) who say "we love you, Bruce, we just hate your homosexuality".
So, if Cline gets a pass this time, and gets her job back, I assume that the Durhamites who elected her will have a big rally. Perhaps the ever-popular courageous Peterson will be there to lead the celebration!
You needn't get carried away into flights of fantasy, as there is no way in Hades that the biased and selective justice system will give Ms. Cline her elected position of Durham district attorney back to her. No way. Durhamians who voted for her and who support her will find no cause for celebration.
At the end of the day, the only ones celebrating will be Mike Nifong detractors.
Anonymous said...
Don't you just love the comic strip that is durham? sidney must be near euphoric, what with all the exciting arglebargle spewing out of Cline these days. If she gets a pass on her vendetta against Hudson, sid will say she deserves MONEY and a reparations statement from Sutton and those evil white people. If Cline gets the boot, then sid will tell us it was all pre-arranged and part of the grand conspiracy. The evil heehaw white folks were gonna tar and feather Ms. Cline, no matter what....
so, either way, watch for the baloney blitz that will soon entertain us all.........
can't wait, sid....barf up a big old hairball of bullXXXX for us
First and foremost, Tracey Cline will not be restored to her elected position. She was removed from her job when Judge Hobgood suspended her. An interim district attorney is now in office and will be there until another one is elected. All of your hypothetical as to how I will react if Cline was to be reinstated are therefore moot.
Anonymous @ 10;49 said: "I believe some weeks ago you claimed to now kilgo personally" ..... No, I do not know Kilgo, personally. Nor do I know his identity. My only interaction with him came came, through a Raleigh attorney, as part of an effort to raise money for Crystal's bail in the Arson case and to help her three children.
Sid-ninny: "At the end of the day, the only ones celebrating will be Mike Nifong detractors."
That is correct. We liked it when corrupt unethical Ni-nny-fong was brought to justice. We will like it when Tracey Cline, who wrongfully prosecuted Frankie Washington and Leon Brown and who knows who else, is brought to justice.
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "No, I do not know Kilgo, personally. Nor do I know his identity. My only interaction with him came came, through a Raleigh attorney, as part of an effort to raise money for Crystal's bail in the Arson case and to help her three children."
But you consider his hearsay evidence credible.
Sid-ninny: "First and foremost, Tracey Cline will not be restored to her elected position."
You seem to think you can force the NC Bar to restore Ni-nny-fong's license. So why not use your stupendous powers to get Tracey Cline restored.
Nifong Supporter said: "An interim district attorney is now in office and will be there until another one is elected" ..... If her suspension stands could Ms.Cline run for the DA position again? And if so, what do you think her chances would be?
Anonymous @ 2:14 said " But you consider his hearsay evidence credible" ......Yes, in as much as it coincides with what Crystal has told me happened to her.
Kenhyderal says "If her suspension stands could Ms.Cline run for the DA position again? And if so, what do you think her chances would be?"
The statute (NCGS 7A-66) reads in part:
"At the hearing the superior court judge shall hear evidence and make findings of fact and conclusions of law and if he finds that grounds for removal exist, he shall enter an order permanently removing the district attorney from office..."
So -- a couple of things to point out...Ms. Cline's suspension is only a suspension until the judge either finds grounds for removal or not.
If the judges rules that there are grounds for removal, then Ms. Cline is permanently removed from office. My understanding (and I'm certainly open to correction) is that she could never be Durham DA again.
If, alternatively, he finds there is no grounds for removal, the judge terminates the suspension.
Anonymous @ 10:56 said: "If the anonymous Lacrosse player has not come forth, that would indicate said Lacrosse player feared prosecution for something. If so, said Lacrosse player was not innocent" No, apparently he has no involvement in the crimes against Crystal. Peer pressure and team solidarity are one factor. Another is the avaristic lawsuit against Durham that could be jeopardized by his testimony. What is not in dispute is, that as a result of their poor choices, lacrosse players suffered some public censure and some interuption of their education. They did come out of it as multi-millionaires,though. If they are culpable in any way then the fate of Crystal and DA Nifong is a travesty. I appeal to both Kilgo and that player to consider this. Incidently, I believe this friend of Kilgo is not the sole player who, being innocent, know what happened.
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "Another [reason why the unknown Lacrosse player will not come forth] is the avaristic lawsuit against Durham that could be jeopardized by his testimony."
There is overwhelming evidence that the Lacrosse players were wrongfully prosecuted, and that the prosecution was malicious. A lone Lacrosse player coming forth years after Ni-nny-fong and Crystal were discredited, will not have much impact on the lawsuits.
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "What is not in dispute is, that as a result of their poor choices, lacrosse players suffered some public censure and some interuption of their education."
Because Crystal Mangum falely accused them, because Mike Ni-nny-fong chose to wrongfully prosecute them, they were falsely branded rapists, were wrongfully suspended from school, were subjected to harassment from the community, suffered harassment fro Duke faculty, incurred millions of dollars in legal expenses.
Only a racist ninny would call that "some public censure and some interuption of their education."
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "If they are culpable in any way then the fate of Crystal and DA Nifong is a travesty."
The fate of Crystal and Ni-nny-fong are the consequences of their respectiveactions. Crystal falsely accused three innocent men of raping her. Ni-nny-fong tried to convict them, even though he knew he had no case.
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "I appeal to both Kilgo and that player to consider this. Incidently, I believe this friend of Kilgo is not the sole player who, being innocent, know what happened."
Save your appeals. Kilgo knows nothing. This friend of his does not exist. What you believe is not based on any credible evidence.
Remember, whenever challenged to prove his credibility, Kilgo always ran away. What makes you think he will come forth now?
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "No, apparently he(the unknown Lacrosse player) has no involvement in the crimes against Crystal."
How could he have been, since he does not exist.
So far as the crimes with which the three innocent, falsely accused Lacrosse players were charged, those crimes did not happen.
So far as the theft of Crystal's money, neither Reade Seligman nor Colin Finnerty were involved with that. David Evans was involved in trying to get her money for her.
So let's get back to your fantasy that Lacrosse players administered to her a noxious substance, you have not established that as fact.
Ken-ninny-hyderal, consider this:
Your hypothesis is that unknown, unidentified males at the party raped Crystal and that the Lacrosse players knew who they were. Then you hypothesize that team members would not identify those unknowns even after three of their innocent teammates were charged with the crimes.
That is not a plausible hypothesis.
Ken-ninny-hyderal, try not ducking but answering this:
Crystal alleged a semen depositing rape. Forensic testing did not identify semen on the rape kit. Why?
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "Yes, in as much as it coincides with what Crystal has told me happened to her(kilgo's hearsay evidence that some unknown Lacrosse player witnessed a sexual assault on Crystal)."
That does not say much considering the forensic evidence says overwhelmingly that nothing happened to Crystal. Again, why did forensic testing not reveal semen on her rape kit? Crystal alleged semen had been deposited.
Ken-ninny-hyderal, That Crystal was sexually active anfd had a history of showing up for work impaired, is a matter of public record.
After she had been thoroughly discredited, why is it surprising she would try to deny it. That is common behavior for people who have been discredited as victims of sexual assault, e.g. Tawana Brawley.
Anonymous @ 3: 33 said: " anfd ( that Crystal) had a history of showing up for work impaired, is a matter of public record" ..... No, it's not it's only hearsay reported in the prss by muck-raking journalists.
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "No, it's not it's only hearsay reported in the prss(sic) by muck-raking journalists."
No, it is the press reporting the direct testimony of people who have observed her.
Hearsay is you saying you know there were unidentified males at the LAX party because kilgo, who knows someone who told him, told you.
You think hearsay is acceptable if it supports you point of view.
Can we say hypocrisy boys and girls?
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "No, it's not it's only hearsay reported in the prss by muck-raking journalists."
What do you call all the inflammatory, guilt presuming statements Ni-nny-fong made about the Duke Lacrosse team before he had any evidence - just mild commentary?
ken-ninny-hyderal, you continue to duck this:
Crystal alleged a semen depositing rape. Why did the forensic testing of the rape kit not detect semen?
Ken-ninny-hyderal: "If they(the innocent Lacrosse players) are culpable in any way then the fate of Crystal and DA Nifong is a travesty".
According to your implausible hypothesis about unknown LAX party attendees, the Lacrosse players did not perpetrate the alleged rape and therefore were not culpable of that. Ni-nny-fong knowingly prosecuted innocent men. What happened to him was a "travesty" only in that his punishment was inappropriately lenient. He should have had a felony conviction, a stiff fine and a long prison sentence.
With regard to Crystal, the evidence is overwhelming that she was not raped and that her background was rather dubious. None of this so called "travesty" would have happened, had she not falsely claimed to have been raped.
It seems you would not have considered it a "travesty" if three innocent men had been wrongfully convicted of rape and sentence to long prison terms.
Years ago, Kilgo was claiming that Lacrosse players did rape Crystal Mangum.
You do not think it was a "travesty" that Ni-nny-fong had an improper lineup which could have resulted in the identification of Lacrosse players as assailants.
You do not think it was a "travesty" that Ni-nny-fong indicted three Lacrosse players even though he had no evidence implicating them in the alleged crimes.
You do not think it was a "travesty" that Ni-nny-fong arranged for the indictment of the innocent Lacrosse players in a way that ducked a probable cause hearing.
At one time on this blog, Kilgo posted that David Evans had shaved off his incriminating mustache. Kilgo thought David Evans had assaulted Crystal Mangum.
Kilgo also posted that the finding of DNA on Crystal's false fingernail compatible with David Evans, in the face of the finding of none of David Evans' DNA on the Rape Kit was evidence that David Evans had raped Crystal Mangum.
Judge Hobgood ruling on the Cline hearing just started -- the findings of fact include all of the statements she made insulting Judge Hudson. Probably not a good sign for her.
Grounds exist for removal for Tracey Cline.
it is ordered that Tracey Cline is PERMANENTLY removed and her salary is terminated.
Some more info re: Cline's claims of protection under the 1st amendment from Judge Hobgood:
Cline "has lost the confidence" necessary to continue as DA. "By recklessly making false allegations against Judge Hudson in the public record," Cline "has crossed the line of protected speech under the 1st amendment."
It should be noted -- Ms.Cline does have the opportunity to appeal Judge Hobgood's ruling.
Wonder if Ms. Cline is going to make that lunch with the president's wife and a thousand of her closest friends?
WOW! Now, when is Sid-ninny going to start his Justice4Tracey blog.
Hey Sid-ninny, all us anti Ni-nny-fong folks are ecstatic.
Hey Sid-ninny, this is from the Herald-Sun this morning:
"A New Hanover County district attorney who made a racial slur was the only other prosecutor removed the same way about 20 years ago."
So there is a precedent for the action taken against Ms. Cline.
How unfortunate for you! You can not blog that Tracey Cline was the only elected DA in NC to be removed as a result of this little known, rarely invoked law.
You do not call it a travesty that the Durham PD, at the behest of Ni-nny-fong, tried to intimidate Moez Elmostafa into withdrawing his statement supporting Reade Seligman's alibi.
You do not think it is a travesty that Ni-nny-fong tried to undermine the Lacrosse players' right to presumed innocent.
You do not think it a travesty that Ni-nny-fong tried to undermined the Lacrosse players' constitutionally guaranteed rights to be represented by counsel and to remain silent.
So long,
Auf Wiedersehen,
Sid-ninny, don't worry about Tracey Cline. She can get a job as a legal expert in the media, just like Nancy Grace did after a rather unethical career as a prosecutor.
Bye-bye Tracy, bye-bye Tracy, bye-bye Tracy, it's good to see you go!
Justice was done. A prosecutor who was willing to destroy evidence, willing to conceal exculpatory evidence and a prosecutor who was willing to keep an innocent man (boy really) in prison is gone. Good riddance.
This is from the Abrams report:
"MIKE NIFONG, DURHAM DISTRICT ATTORNEY: Well, the information that we have received from the people who were at the house was that ALL(emphasis added) of the people at the party were Duke lacrosse players with the possible exception of TWO(emphasis added) fraternity people who were there at some point that evening with another member of the Duke lacrosse team.
URL: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/12065803/ns/msnbc_tv-the_abrams_report/t/duke-lacrosse-team-accused-gang-rape/#.T1EJwsy5Z94
Nifong's statement kind of shoots down your hypothesis that there were unknown unidentified males at the party.
I'm sure there'll be much crying and gnashing of teeth from Sid (or his ghost writers) in the upcoming weeks, but their are 2 things that stick out to me:
1) Had Ms. Cline given the judicial review board an opportunity to review her claims against Judge Hudson
2) Had she not used such inflammatory and derogatory language in her court filings
She probably would have gotten away with little more than a censure (if even that).
In other words, she truly has no one to blame but herself.
Cheer up, Sidney,
With all the turmoil in the DA's office, this should give CGM additional time to prepare her defense.
Sid-ninny emphasizes that Crystal is being incarcerated for such a long time. He does not acknowledge that Tracey Cline kept Frankie Washington incarcerated for 3 years without submitting evidence to the SBI crime lab for testing. Testing did exonerate Frankie Washington but he was incarcerated without trial for a total of 4 years.
Then there was Leon Brown(people hundreds of miles from Durham knew about Leon Brown but Sid-ninny, who lives a few miles from Durham says he did not know about Leon Brown) who was incarcerated for a year without trial. Mr. Brown was found not guilty and the Jury Foreman chastised Tracey for wasting their time, her case against him was so feeble.
Anonymous @ 5:09 said: "you continue to duck this:
Crystal alleged a semen depositing rape. Why did the forensic testing of the rape kit not detect semen?"........................... A non-definitive test at NC-SBI, a degradation of the specimin by the time it got to DSI
Anonymous @ 5: 38 said: " the Lacrosse players did not perpetrate the alleged rape and therefore were not culpable of that" ........ And that's why DA Nifong changed their charge to sexual assult. The rapists are un-identified.
Kenhyderal = troll. Stop feeding him. The Duke LAX case is over. The LAX players did nothing to Crystal Mangum.
Crystal Mangum was (and remains) a sad, exploited figure. Unfortunately for her, the exploitation came at the hands of those (Mike Nifong, Vincent Clarke, and others) who told her that they were looking out for her.
With that said, being exploited by others does not excuse her actions.
Ken(inny)hy(pocrite)deral: "And that's why DA Nifong changed their charge to sexual assult. The rapists are un-identified."
No, Ni-nny-fong, or rather his office, never interviewed Crystal until 9 months into the case, something you evidently do not regard as a "travesty". When he finally had her interviewed, she could not recall being penetrated, which is an essential element, under North Carolina law, of the crime of rape. I repeat, with emphasis, CRYSTAL COULD NOT RECALL BEING PENETRATED!!!
In other words, Crystal could not recall that ANYONE HAD ACTUALLY RAPED HER.
No rapists were identified because there was no rape.
Ken(inny)hy(pocrite)deral: "A non-definitive test at NC-SBI, a degradation of the specimin(sic) by the time it got to DSI."
That is another, rather ineffective duck. If the Acid Phosphatase was the only test done by SBI, if it was negative, it was not a presumptive test that semen was present.
The SBI test was a test for PSA, which would have been present despite the age of the specimen. It has been shown that a PSA assay can detect semen when Acid Phosphatase does not. It DID NOT detect the presence of semen. It added up to an overwhelming preponderance of evidence that semen was not present.
The question you continue to duck is, after Crystal alleged a semen depositing rape, why was no semen detected on the rape kit?
Ducking and hiding is typical Kilgo behavior.
Ken(inny)hy(pocrite)deral: "A non-definitive test at NC-SBI, a degradation of the specimin by the time it got to DSI"
Again, you show ignorance of a PSA assay. A high level of PSA in a rape kit is presumptive evidence of semen. A negative PSA assay is not. In one case, more extensive testing of the rape kit was indicated. In the other case it was not.
In this case, more extensive testing was done, testing which had a significant chance of detecting semen when the Acid Phosphatase was negative. It did not.
extensive, reliable, definitive testing revealed no semen.
What evidence can you offer that semen was present?
Ken(inny)hy(pocrite)hyderal, consider this:
"This test detects as little as 3 ng of the p30 antigen per milliliter in various body fluids."
This is from a NEJM article.
URL: http://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM198502073120603
KC Johnson has a break down of Judge Hobgood's order removing Ms. Cline from office. You can read it here.
You'll also find a link to the actual written order.
I think Judge Hobgood is to be commended -- his ruling was well-reasoned and is certain to withstand any appeal by Ms. Cline.
Anonymous @ 10:05 said: "Nifong's statement kind of shoots down your hypothesis that there were unknown unidentified males at the party" ..... Hardly a definitive statement, to that effect, DA Nifong made to Dan Abrams. This interview was conducted very early in the investigation and, at that time, was, most probably, relying on self-serving statements made by known attendees. Nifong, not knowing the DNA results wrongly assumed that the rape was perpetrated by team members.
ken(inny)hy(pocrite)deral"Hardly a definitive statement, to that effect, DA Nifong made to Dan Abrams. This interview was conducted very early in the investigation and, at that time, was, most probably, relying on self-serving statements made by known attendees. Nifong, not knowing the DNA results wrongly assumed that the rape was perpetrated by team members.
It still puts a hole in your implausible hypothesis.
You still can not come up with a plausible explanation why said self serving Lacrosse players would not name non LAXers as the perpetrators, especially when the DA loudly proclaimed his intention to get the Lacrosse players.
Why did the Lacrosse players and their attorneys proclaim the results of the tests would be negative before the results were available. They would not have made that kind of prediction unless they knew that no one had raped Crystal.
Entigo Montoya said:
"Kenhyderal = troll. Stop feeding him. The Duke LAX case is over. The LAX players did nothing to Crystal Mangum" ...... No, I am not a troll. Dr. Harr can confirm that. I had left the blog because of the frequent and disgusting racist comments that were continually being posted. I was very critical of Dr. Harr for allowing such posts to remain without, as blog host, doing some censoring. Dr. Harr contacted me and persuaded me to return. He has offered me, if I wish, the chance to post a guest blog. Which I have, so far, declined to do. I appreciate Entigo that you post under a user name so that I know who I am responding to
You seem to think it is self serving for innocent men to defend themselves from false accusations of rape.
Ken(inny)hy(pocrite)deral: "No, I am not a troll."
However, you are someone who posts implausible hypotheses about the Lacrosse phony rape case and expects them to be accepted as truth in spite of no evidence.
That's similar to Sid-ninny expecting his allegations against Duke to be accepted as truth even though he can not prove them.
Ken(ninny)hy(pocrite)deral: "I had left the blog because of the frequent and disgusting racist comments that were continually being posted."
What you define as "disgusting racist comments" are posts which question your totally implausible claims about the Lacrosse case.
You bailed on this blog because you did not like facing issues to which you could not respond.
Ken: "No I am not a troll. Dr. Harr can confirm that."
Are you kidding me?????
You call on Sidney as a character witness???? Sidney would be widely regarded as a troll on any blog except one he hosts. Particularly in his comments, Sidney is unable to carry on an intellectually honest discussion. Sidney's comments are disingenuous, he attacks straw men, he adopt transparent double standards, he mangles facts, he pretends unfavorable evidence doesn't exist.
Sidney is primarily responsible for the low quality of discourse on this blog. He has driven away serious posters and encourages those who remain to treat him with the lack of respect he deserves. He is a complete laughingstock.
And this is your character witness? You have shown yourself to be a troll.
Maybe cline will go to washington and get herself a job with ACORN.
Good riddance to a hysterical arrogant poorly educated wingnut embarrassment
Sid-ninny, you seem to be pulling a Nancy Grace. You remember Nancy - she was proclaiminyg the Lacrosse players guilty - then it became public knowledge they were innocent - Nancy ducked having to appear on her show rather than have to announce what happened.
kenhyderal said...
"Dr. Harr contacted me and persuaded me to return. He has offered me, if I wish, the chance to post a guest blog."
Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny, Ken-ny.
You da man, Kenny, you da man.
Anonymous said...
Sid-ninny: "First and foremost, Tracey Cline will not be restored to her elected position."
You seem to think you can force the NC Bar to restore Ni-nny-fong's license. So why not use your stupendous powers to get Tracey Cline restored.
There is a difference between the two cases. Mr. Nifong's actions in the Duke Lacrosse case were perfectly within acceptable standards practice by state prosecutors. He was a direct victim of the Carpetbagger Jihadist agenda.
Ms. Cline on the other hand was targeted indirectly because she was a friend of Mike Nifong, but her wounds were, to an extent, self-inflicted. When under scrutiny by the media and criticism of The News & Observer, she should not have taken that time to launch her attacks against Judge Hudson. And, I must admit, some of her word choices could have been better.
Do I believe that she should be disbarred using a little known, rarely used extremely elastic law? No. Do I support all of her actions as district attorney? No, especially her lack of reining in attorney Kelly Gauger in the vendetta murder prosecution of Crystal Mangum.
Anonymous said...
WOW! Now, when is Sid-ninny going to start his Justice4Tracey blog.
Hey Sid-ninny, all us anti Ni-nny-fong folks are ecstatic.
My previous comment answers your question as to why I am an advocate for Mr. Nifong but will not be one for Ms. Cline.
I'm not surprised that Nifong detractors are ecstatic at the misery and grief of others. That is a common trait among Jihadists. For example, even if prosecutor Tom Ford were removed from office, I would not gloat and be ecstatic... I would be justifiably relieved.
I think its time you picked up the Bible. Would the Man from Nazareth gloat and rejoice at someone else's misfortune?
Give it some thought... then repent.
Nifong Supporter said...
"Mr. Nifong's actions in the Duke Lacrosse case were perfectly within acceptable standards practice by state prosecutors. He was a direct victim of the Carpetbagger Jihadist agenda."
You da man, Sid, you da man.
Nifong Supporter said...
"Mr. Nifong's actions in the Duke Lacrosse case were perfectly within acceptable standards practice by state prosecutors. He was a direct victim of the Carpetbagger Jihadist agenda."
Hey Sidmeister, you forgot to mention Rae Evans.
Anonymous described Kenhyderal as follows:
However, you are someone who posts implausible hypotheses about the Lacrosse phony rape case and expects them to be accepted as truth in spite of no evidence.
In other words, Ken behaves like a troll.
Ken claimed: Dr. Harr "has offered me, if I wish, the chance to post a guest blog."
Sidney, I would like the chance to post a guest blog (or series of guest blogs).
I believe a series of blogs on the DPD's failed investigation would be enlightening.
I would hope that my blogs could elicit a debate on whether (a) Gottlieb and Himan were grossly incompetent and their supervisors failed to monitor their activities for several months in one of the most publicized cases in Durham's history or (b) they did not believe Mangum's allegations and attempted to frame three young men for a crime they did not believe occurred.
Neither explanation is a valid defense against the civil suits.
You have avoided comments on the DPD investigation, claiming that you do not have enough information (despite the fact that many of the DPD reports are public). Perhaps this series could enlighten you.
Sidney, what do you think? Will you make the same offer?
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