Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Bar v. Harr: Round two

 Click the LINK below to access the flog –

LINK: http://www.justice4nifong.com/direc/flog/flog24/flog24rid.html


Click the LINK below to access the accompanying Directory of Documents
LINK: http://www.justice4nifong.com/legal/cgm/direc/direc02.htm

Note: The Directory of Documents can be accessed following the flog and the flog can be accessed from the Directory.

Narrative of the flog follows below:
Word count: 1, 673

In the wee hours of Sunday, April 3, 2011, Crystal Mangum, the Duke Lacrosse victim/accuser, stabbed Reginald Daye in the left side with a steak knife. She claims, and evidence supports, that she did so in self-defense in fear for her life.

Emergency surgery on Mr. Daye at Duke University Hospital hours later revealed injury to the colon and a minor lesion to the spleen… both of which were repaired. The operation was deemed to be successful with a postoperative prognosis for a full recovery.

On his third post-op day, Wednesday, April 6, 2011, effects of severe alcoholic withdrawal, or delirium tremens, set in and resulted Mr. Daye’s transfer to the Surgical Intensive Care Unit… he was a heavy alcoholic.

A medical mishap, the accidental intubation of the esophagus instead of the trachea, resulted in deprivation of vital oxygen flow to the lungs… which prevented oxygen from reaching the blood stream, the red blood cells, and other cells of the body.

The heart, starved of oxygen, lapsed into cardiac arrest which resulted in cardiopulmonary resuscitation during which time the mis-positioned endotracheal tube was removed and replaced with one correctly situated in the trachea.

With reestablishment of oxygenated blood flow to the cells of the body, the heart was resuscitated with spontaneous restoration of circulation. However, the brain cells had been without oxygen for too long and died leaving Daye brain dead and in a coma.

Daye remained comatose for a week during a self-imposed media blackout on his condition, after which Duke medical staff electively removed him from life support and he died shortly thereafter on Wednesday, April 13, 2011.

Duke hospital records, such as Daye’s discharge summary elected to omit crucial bits of information in order to obscure the hospital’s role in his demise… specifically that it was the initial intubation into the esophagus that began the cascade of events that ended with Daye being brain dead.

On the following day, April 14, 2011, North Carolina Deputy Chief Medical Examiner Clay Nichols, in his autopsy examination report on Reginald Daye, contained findings of injuries not indicated and/or contradicted in other medical records. For example the Nichols autopsy report observed stab wound inflicted perforations to the left lung, diaphragm, fundus of the stomach, and left kidney in addition to those injuries mentioned in other medical records to the colon and spleen.

Also, for the first and only time Dr. Nichols discloses that there were multiple scabbed over lacerations to the left upper extremity suggestive of “defensive injuries.” These alleged lesions to the left upper extremity are neither mentioned in any other medical record nor documented photographically.

Fact is that EMS assessed Daye’s left upper extremity at the scene and found it to be normal, whereas the orthopedic surgery consult preoperatively examined Daye’s extremities and found no lacerations or breaks in the skin.

In addition to the findings in the Nichols autopsy report being suspect, its conclusion that Daye’s death was due to “complications of a stab wound to the left chest” is also without merit as no nexus between the stabbing and Daye’s brain death or actual death is demonstrated.

What is even more revealing is the fact that Dr. Nichols does not mention in his report about Daye’s descent into the bowels of delirium tremens, which necessitated his move to the SICU… he does not mention that Daye’s initial intubation was esophageal… he does not mention that as a result of the improperly placed endotracheal tube Daye went into cardiac arrest… he does not mention that as a subsequence of extended oxygen deprivation Daye was left in an irreversible comatose state… he does not mention that Daye, while sustained on life support, remained in a coma for a week without sign of recovery… and he does not mention that shortly after his elective removal from life support that Reginald Daye expired.

These important facts are purposely excluded by the medical examiner from the autopsy report on Daye in order to better transfer responsibility for his death from the Duke University Hospital staff to Crystal Mangum.

In other words, Dr. Nichols’ report was fashioned specifically to implicate Ms. Mangum as being solely responsible for Daye’s death.

The mainstream media made extreme efforts to omit reporting the true factors contributing to Daye’s death… ignoring them just like the autopsy report of Dr. Nichols.

Dr. Christena L. Roberts, a forensic pathologist from Black Mountain, North Carolina, likewise does not want to put in writing the true nature of what happened during Daye’s hospitalization at Duke University Hospital… and she does not want there to be a written record by her that debunks the autopsy report of the State’s Deputy Chief Medical Examiner.

Dr. Roberts has made conflicting and contradictory verbalizations to Crystal Mangum and one of her defense attorneys, Woody Vann, about Reginald Daye’s in-house course and his autopsy report.

Mr. Vann told Ms. Mangum that Dr. Roberts related to him that the endotracheal tube was mis-positioned and that it resulted in him being deprived of oxygen, and that she could give no explanation for findings by Dr. Nichols that were contrary to other medical records. Then later, during a meeting between the three, Dr. Roberts told Mangum that the findings in the Nichols autopsy report were accurate.

When Mangum asked why the autopsy report stated that there was a lesion to the left lung, whereas no such lesion was mentioned in the other medical records, Dr. Roberts responded that the Duke University Hospital emergency room staff, radiologists, and trauma surgeons missed the laceration to the left lung which was discovered at autopsy.

None of the communications of Dr. Roberts concerning Daye were recorded and none are in writing… ergo, nothing she may have said or didn’t say about anything related to Daye and his death and autopsy is verifiable.

Despite repeated pleas for a written report by Mangum, who faces life in prison on a murder charge, and despite a court order by Honorable Judge Robert Hobgood to directly deliver a written report to Ms. Mangum, Dr. Roberts has steadfastly refused to provide her with this exculpatory evidence.

E-mail records reveal that the day following Reginald Daye’s death, Woody Vann, the court-appointed defense attorney for Mangum, was made aware of problems with a “tube” insertion by Duke hospital staff that was responsible for Daye’s untimely demise and that Duke University was heavily engaged in covering it up in order to appear that his death was the direct result of a stab wound.

Sidney B. Harr, Lay Advocate for the Committee on Justice for Mike Nifong, and a retired physician, was immediately aware in mid-August 2011 when Daye’s autopsy report was first made available to the public that its findings and conclusion were bogus.

First, he considered it to be anatomically impossible for a single stab wound from a steak knife to cause injury to the left lung, the diaphragm, the left kidney, the spleen, the fundus of the stomach, and the colon.

Secondly, the autopsy report was the first mention of multiple “defensive injuries” to the left upper extremity… it never being previously reported in the media.

Finally, the autopsy report provided no cause of death, and its conclusion failed to provide any support to bolster Dr. Nichols’ claim that complications secondary to the stab wound lead to Daye’s death.

Harr publicly expressed, through his blog site and available media outlets, his concerns about the veracity of the autopsy report… in particular his opinion piece titled “Autopsy report doesn’t add up” that appeared in a January 2012 edition of The Durham News, a bi-weekly supplemental community news insert in the Durham edition of The News & Observer.

In March 2012, after nearly a year of incarceration without substantive action on behalf of her legal counsel, Mangum reached out to Harr seeking his help in filing motions.

Harr drafted three motions, which were signed by Mangum, and he then filed them with the Durham County Clerk of Court’s office. These documents and filings provided the grist for the North Carolina State Bar’s first encounter with Harr.

In July 2012, the Authorized Practices Committee of the State Bar issued Harr a Letter of Caution, telling him to cease and desist from drafting motions for others and from conducting other lawyerly activities… to which Harr consented.

By August 2012, with Mangum not receiving a written report from Dr. Roberts and her attorney withholding other prosecution discovery and evidence from her, Harr filed, as a third party, two Pro Se petitions in Mangum’s criminal case.

This, along with a letter Harr wrote to a Superior Court criminal judge, resulted in the State Bar’s second encounter with the determined justice advocate… and at its quarterly meeting in October 2012, the Authorized Practices Committee decided to take civil action against Harr, seeking a permanent injunction to prevent him from filing documents in Mangum’s case.

With the Durham prosecutors, medical examiner, Mangum’s defense attorneys, the mainstream media, Mangum’s defense expert witness, and certain judges attacking Mangum, Harr was the only one staunchly defending her.

Because of Harr’s medical background and the prominence that the autopsy and hospitalization play in this case, he is an extremely valuable advocate for Mangum to have in her corner.

In trying to affect the outcome of the criminal charges against Mangum towards her detriment, the State Bar is trying to remove her most valuable asset and ally… Harr.

This is the same strategy that worked so successful in the Duke Lacrosse case when the State Bar instituted its own complaint against the Durham D.A. Mike Nifong during its early pretrial phase in order to force his removal as prosecutors of the three Duke Lacrosse defendants.

On Tuesday, December 4, 2012, the State Bar filed with the Wake County civil court a Petition for Permanent Injunction against Harr.

On Monday, December 17, 2012, Harr filed with the court his response, thereby setting the stage for a courtroom showdown.


A scheduled date for the hearing – Bar v. Harr – is now pending. 


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 372 of 372
Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Horse hockey. No plea deal has been offered. Sister wold have gone to trial by now if Harr hadn't played junior lawyer

Hah! Blame it all on me. Prosecutors control the court schedule... I don't. Problem is that the prosecutors have no case against Mangum and want her to serve as much time as possible. They're the ones that have put off the trial. They should be ashamed of themselves.

Anonymous said...

I will be in Raleigh in Feb and I will be there, sidney. can't wait for the judge administered beat down you are gonna get.

Anonymous said...

Of course, when harr makes an ass of himself in court and the judge finds in favor of the Bar, sidney will immediately begin to enlarge the circle of conspirators.....Rae Evans controls the entire justice system, not just in NC, but on the planet, apparently.

Lance the Supreme Poster of Enlightenment said...

"I filed the petition and was acting as a petitioner on my own behalf, even though the relief I sought may have directly benefitted another. The Bar is just desperately trying to get me to keep from helping Mangum. That's the bottom line."

As has been explained (you conveniently refuse to reply to those posts -- I wonder why?),
You can only file pro se in a criminal case when you are the defendant. You can't "act on your own behalf" as a 3rd party in a criminal case.

The Bar is trying to keep you from acting illegally and from jeopardizing Crystal's rights against self-incrimination. Since you are not an attorney, nothing Crystal tells you is protected by client-attorney privilege.

Anonymous said...

News flash, harr....the children are more important than sister. get it? their welfare is uppermost, not hers. What kind of intellectually challenged halfwit are you that you think this woman, a convicted criminal, sex worker, drunk, violent, convicted child abuser, liar and killer .....ought to have custody of her children? Are you ought of your mind? Believe it or not, the children deserve a chance at a decent life, AWAY from this amoral professional victim, who uses men and sells herself to the highest bidder. Whether she gets a murder conviction to top off her career remains to be seen. My bet is that it will be a conviction on a lesser charge. BUT, the kiddos deserve a stable drug free non-violent home. You are waaaay off base to say that Mangum's needs are more important than her children's.

guiowen said...

Actually, Sidney, an argument can be made that the Bar is acting in restraint of trade.
It's as if the Chef's Guild told you that, because you have not passed a cooking exam, you cannot invite people to your house and serve them meals that you or one of your (also unlicensed) companions have cooked. Presumably you are allowed to cook for yourself, and perhaps your immediate family, but for any party you hold in your house, you must hire a special cook or purchase food from a licensed caterer.
Why should lawyers be given more privileges than chefs and caterers?

guiowen said...

I'm sorry: it shouldn't be "Chef's Guild" but rather "Chefs' Guild".
My bad.

Anonymous said...


"I filed the petition and was acting as a petitioner on my own behalf, even though the relief I sought may have directly benefitted another. The Bar is just desperately trying to get me to keep from helping Mangum. That's the bottom line."

None so stupid. If you are not a defendant in a criminal case, you can not file a petition in said case on behalf of yourself. That is the law. You believe you are above the law.

You are also seriously delusional.

Anonymous said...


Crystal insisted on representing herself because the only thing her two prior turncoat attorneys did was undermine her case. They conducted no investigation, withheld exculpatory evidence and prosecution discovery from her, and did everything in their power to protect the medical examiner, Duke University Hospital, and the city of Durham. She's better off representing herself... at least she has her own interests ahead of others."

More of SIDNEY's delusional bullshit.

Anonymous said...


"Actually, I fail to see the humor. The courts have consistently used Mangum's children to punish her, without regard for the harm it might be doing to her. It is shameless how malicious the courts have treated Mangum."

I guess Crystal ignited the fire in Milton Walker's apartment with here children present just to show how much maternal warmth she could generate?

Anonymous said...


"Well, I invite you to get a ringside seat at a hearing on February 18, 2013 in the Wake County Courthouse in Raleigh. It's set for 10:00 am, or as soon thereafter as possible. I filed my response to the case this morning, and will try to have all of the pleadings online soon... perhaps in another Super-Flog."

What you mean is another super facetious excuse for a flog.

Anonymous said...


"Hah! Blame it all on me. Prosecutors control the court schedule... I don't. Problem is that the prosecutors have no case against Mangum and want her to serve as much time as possible. They're the ones that have put off the trial. They should be ashamed of themselves."

You seem to think you do control the entire judicial system. More Horse Hockey from you.

Anonymous said...

SIDNEY HARR has completed another wasted hour of library computer time.

Anonymous said...

Since you see no problem with posting confidential information in violation of federal law. (HIPPA), why don't you post your entire civil/criminal history, showing all charges against you and their resolution, if any? And if you have such a powerful medical resume, with extensive experience in forensics, pulmonary medicine and pathology, why don't you post your full CV? You are not only a world class hypocrite, you are also a coward.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the civil lawsuits and so called "trumped up" criminal charge against SIDNEY resulted from botched intubations on his part. If so, it would explain why he is so reluctant to give his credentials, other than near 20 years as an Emergency Medicine specialist.

From what I have found on line, SIDNEY graduated in 1974, completed training in 1975(which means he never completed a residency) and retired in 1991. Seventeen years of practice including his internship year suggests a quick exit from medicine.

kenhyderal said...

Anonymous@9:37 said: "News flash, harr....the children are more important than sister. get it? their welfare is uppermost, not hers. What kind of intellectually challenged halfwit are you that you think this woman, a convicted criminal, sex worker, drunk, violent, convicted child abuser, liar and killer .....ought to have custody of her children? Are you ought of your mind? Believe it or not, the children deserve a chance at a decent life, AWAY from this amoral professional victim, who uses men and sells herself to the highest bidder. Whether she gets a murder conviction to top off her career remains to be seen. My bet is that it will be a conviction on a lesser charge. BUT, the kiddos deserve a stable drug free non-violent home. You are waaaay off base to say that Mangum's needs are more important than her children's.'................. Crystal is a good mother. She has been so adjudged by officials who have heard actual testimony as to her parental fitness or have charged to investigate it. Only the gullible, like you, have bought into the meta-narative disseminated by the Duke Lacrosse Trial Lawyers and their surrogates that Crystal is a violent and addicted person. Rest assured her children will be happily returned to her when this travesty is ended. Like Crystal,they have suffered enough at the hands of the State.

kenhyderal said...

My post should have read "been charged to investigate it."

guiowen said...

Kenhyderal siad:
"Like Crystal,they have suffered enough at the hands of the State."

How can this be? The state is omnipotent and beneficent! All that the state does is for our good!

Anonymous said...


"Crystal is a good mother. She has been so adjudged by officials who have heard actual testimony as to her parental fitness or have charged to investigate it."

She was called a good mother by a judge who was subsequently evicted from the bench by voters.

"Only the gullible, like you, have bought into the meta-narative disseminated by the Duke Lacrosse Trial Lawyers and their surrogates that Crystal is a violent and addicted person."

There was no such metanarrative. Crystal was judged by many to be a violent, addicted, and lying person by her own public actions. The metanarrative is a figment of KENNY's imagination, as is the rape of Crystal early in the morning of 14 March 2006.

"Rest assured her children will be happily returned to her"

That would not be happy.

"when this travesty is ended."

The only travesty is that Crystal has not been held accountable for her actions.

"Like Crystal,they have suffered enough at the hands of the State."

What Crystal has suffered has been the consequences of her own irresponsible actions.

kenhyderal said...

Guiowen said: "beneficent!" "for our good";..................... The North Carolina Justice System, of course.

Anonymous said...

The "good mother" quote did not come from "officials". It came from one judge....the judge in the case where she got four out of five convictions and a hung jury on an arson charge. This comment from a single judge came before she killed Reginald Daye. Yep, good mother......lovely woman. You betcha, troll!!

Anonymous said...

Since the single "good mother" quote, Mangum has killed a man. Whether it was self defense remains for the court to decide. Nonetheless, she was shacking up with a man and sleeping with a man she had known, by her admission, for only a couple of weeks. She was taking his money, using him, living in his apartment and had at least one of her children there, from time to time. She claimed, after the fact, that she had been beaten before the night she killed Daye and claimed that she went to a clinic for treatment from the beat. That claim, all will notice, has NEVER been substantiated with any documentation. If the claim had been true, i.e., if she had been beaten by Daye before the weekend she killed him, then WHY did she remain shacked up with him and WHY did this "good mother" endanger her children by allowing them to be in his presence? And while we are at it, I ask AGAIN, why this "good mother" left Daye's apartment, after killing him, and went straight to the place where her child/children were staying. Why? She left while he was very much alive. Why did she endanger her children? Why didn't she run to the nearest door in the apartment complex., pound on it and scream bloody murder for help? No, this "good mother" went the place where her children were, drunk on her butt, falling in the floor in the apartment (per what the aunt said). Daye, the supposed violent drunken man, could have been followin her, for all she knew.....IF he was really the violent aggressor. NOBBODY in their right mind, who had just stabbed an attacking drunken man, would run past obvious sources of help, and run straight to the very location where her children would be put at risk. That action ALONE proves Mangun sure as hell is no "good mother"

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
I wonder if the civil lawsuits and so called "trumped up" criminal charge against SIDNEY resulted from botched intubations on his part. If so, it would explain why he is so reluctant to give his credentials, other than near 20 years as an Emergency Medicine specialist.

From what I have found on line, SIDNEY graduated in 1974, completed training in 1975(which means he never completed a residency) and retired in 1991. Seventeen years of practice including his internship year suggests a quick exit from medicine.

You call seventeen years a quick exit? Tell me this, did you find any disciplinary actions against Dr. Harr... or any malpractice lawsuits? Let me know.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
The "good mother" quote did not come from "officials". It came from one judge....the judge in the case where she got four out of five convictions and a hung jury on an arson charge. This comment from a single judge came before she killed Reginald Daye. Yep, good mother......lovely woman. You betcha, troll!!

Misleading, my friend. Mangum stabbed Daye once... a non-fatal wound in self defense.

Daye died subsequent to an esophageal intubation in treating his delirium tremens.


Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Since the single "good mother" quote, Mangum has killed a man. Whether it was self defense remains for the court to decide. Nonetheless, she was shacking up with a man and sleeping with a man she had known, by her admission, for only a couple of weeks. She was taking his money, using him, living in his apartment and had at least one of her children there, from time to time. She claimed, after the fact, that she had been beaten before the night she killed Daye and claimed that she went to a clinic for treatment from the beat. That claim, all will notice, has NEVER been substantiated with any documentation. If the claim had been true, i.e., if she had been beaten by Daye before the weekend she killed him, then WHY did she remain shacked up with him and WHY did this "good mother" endanger her children by allowing them to be in his presence? And while we are at it, I ask AGAIN, why this "good mother" left Daye's apartment, after killing him, and went straight to the place where her child/children were staying. Why? She left while he was very much alive. Why did she endanger her children? Why didn't she run to the nearest door in the apartment complex., pound on it and scream bloody murder for help? No, this "good mother" went the place where her children were, drunk on her butt, falling in the floor in the apartment (per what the aunt said). Daye, the supposed violent drunken man, could have been followin her, for all she knew.....IF he was really the violent aggressor. NOBBODY in their right mind, who had just stabbed an attacking drunken man, would run past obvious sources of help, and run straight to the very location where her children would be put at risk. That action ALONE proves Mangun sure as hell is no "good mother"

Mangum has consistently been quiet about the March 24, 2011 incident where Daye beat her and a friend took her to a clinic for treatment. I am the one who found this information in the discovery and brought it forth. Mangum was embarrassed about it and that was her reason for keeping quiet about it... a not uncommon situation for battered women.

Again, to state that she left the apartment after killing Daye is totally misleading and bogus. He died ten days after the incident... and only due to complications of an esophageal intubation used in the treatment of delirium tremens requiring his move to the SICU.

Let me know if further elucidation is required.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Since you see no problem with posting confidential information in violation of federal law. (HIPPA), why don't you post your entire civil/criminal history, showing all charges against you and their resolution, if any? And if you have such a powerful medical resume, with extensive experience in forensics, pulmonary medicine and pathology, why don't you post your full CV? You are not only a world class hypocrite, you are also a coward.

I have no criminal record! If I did, I'm sure that some of your ilk would have posted it by now.

Secondly, I never claimed to have a powerful medical resume.

I am neither a hypocrite nor coward. I'm an enlightener.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
I will be in Raleigh in Feb and I will be there, sidney. can't wait for the judge administered beat down you are gonna get.

I advise you to bring along a big box of Kleenex, because you're gonna be crying the blues with disappointment after I get through with the Bar.

Anonymous said...

Sidney is correct. I misspoke. Mangum left after stabbing daye , not " killing" him. Which of course makes my point all the more forcefully. She left a person who she assumed was alive and she ran to the location where the children were and PUT THEM AT EXTREME RISK. Idiot

Anonymous said...

Any person with even one brain cell would figure out that a woman who had just stabbed a drunken violent man, would be running for her life.....to the neartest point of safety!! What kind of halfwit would run past apartment doors, further away, to very spot where her children were? Mangum ran to that spot because, in my humble opinion, she knew she had just committed a crime, and because she knew she was in trouble. She played the "call 911" game by telling her child to call. She didn't say a damn word about fighting him off, stabbing him IN SELF DEFENSE, nothing. What we do know is that a female voice said, "Im going to fxxx you up" from the apartment! Does that sounds like a terrified woman, fighting off an aggressor? Nope. She didn't come up with self defense crap until after the man died.
She had no physical evidence of a beating. None. And, this supposed trip to a clinic....embarrassed about it? Charged with murder and not bringing it up? Please, sidney, even YOU could come up with a better lie than that!!!

Anonymous said...


"You call seventeen years a quick exit?"

Tell me this, did you find any disciplinary actions against Dr. Harr... or any malpractice lawsuits? Let me know."

It does not mean you were not responsible for any impropriety. I know of a surgeon in New York who had a cocaine habit. Check him out and you will find no sanctions. He did have to undergo drug rehab and his license is restricted.

You have never offered any proof that the carpetbagger jihad exists. Offer some proof and I will apologize.

Anonymous said...


"Misleading, my friend. Mangum stabbed Daye once... a non-fatal wound in self defense."

That is what is misleading.

"Daye died subsequent to an esophageal intubation in treating his delirium tremens."

No he did not.


Obviously you do not.

Anonymous said...

Harr himself admits that several civil suits were filed against him. He also says there was a criminal charge and an arrest...which, he claims, was subsequently settled. If Harr can continue to lie and distort Daye's record by refusing to acknowledge that the domestic violence against Daye was DROPPED, then I say it is completely fair to continue to portray Harr as having been criminally charged and as having civil suits in his past. goose and gander, bro

Anonymous said...


"Mangum has consistently been quiet about the March 24, 2011 incident where Daye beat her and a friend took her to a clinic for treatment."

That suggests the incident was contrived.

"I am the one who found this information in the discovery and brought it forth."

Said information was not documentation that the incident had actually happened.

"Mangum was embarrassed about it and that was her reason for keeping quiet about it... a not uncommon situation for battered women."

Except there is no evidence that Crystal was battered and there is no evidence Mr. Daye was a batterer.

"Again, to state that she left the apartment after killing Daye is totally misleading and bogus."

No it isn't.

"He died ten days after the incident... and only due to complications of an esophageal intubation used in the treatment of delirium tremens requiring his move to the SICU."

Now that IS bogus.

"Let me know if further elucidation is required."

How can there be "further elucidation" when you have not provided any in the first place.

Anonymous said...

harr is either incapable of understanding the law, as most of us suspect, or he is simply so full of racist hate that there is no room in his brain to comprehend and accept truth. Daye died as a result of complications from a stab wound inflicted by Mangum. Period. Proximate cause applies! harr can rant all he wants. who gives a rat's rear end? The jury will decide whether there is any truth and evidence to support a claim of self defense. Otherwise, Mangum will go to prison.

Anonymous said...


"I have no criminal record! If I did, I'm sure that some of your ilk would have posted it by now."

You were, by your own admission, arrested and put in handcuffs. Why?

"Secondly, I never claimed to have a powerful medical resume."

You have claimed to be more capable of evaluating the autopsy report than the more experienced Dr. Nichols, the more experienced Dr. Roberts.

"I am neither a hypocrite nor coward."

Yes you are.

"I'm an enlightener."

That you have definitely never have been.

Anonymous said...


"I advise you to bring along a big box of Kleenex, because you're gonna be crying the blues with disappointment after I get through with the Bar."

If you think anyone will be crying the blues for you after you make a fool of yourself in front of the NC State Bar, you are sadly deluded.

Anonymous said...

Actually, when Shella took over (after mangum refused Vann the first time), he asked for an extension of time to inform himself about the case and to develop her defense. Then, when Shella quit because of Harr's antics, and Vann took over, Vann asked for the court's indulgence while he got back on track with the case and worked on a defense. then, Mangum fired him....refused him the first time around, fired him the second time around and said she wanted to defend herself. In FACT, both attorneys for Mangum, BECAUSE OF ACTIONS TAKEN BY MANGUM AT HARR'S DIRECTION, caused delays in the trial.....OF NECESSITY. The prosecution has not taken one single action to delay the court proceedings. By the way, the court calendar is not controlled by the prosecution. once again, harr is ignorant.

Lance the Supreme Poster of Enlightenment said...

"I have no criminal record! If I did, I'm sure that some of your ilk would have posted it by now."

You have admitted to being arrested on criminal charges. You have also made claims that Reginald Daye was guilty of past abuse.

In both instances, the charges were apparently dropped.

So - Either you and Mr. Daye are not guilty, and you owe Mr. Daye's family an apology, or you are both guilty, and you owe your readers an explanation for your criminal past.

I'll let you pick.

Anonymous said...

Whatever sidney harr's record of medical experience may be, he has taken active steps to have his history shielded via the normal search engines that are available publicly. There is no record of active employment as a physician in ANY state, including California, with the exception of very early-on employment in a hospital setting. There is a single professional reference where he was listed as a fifth author on a marginally qualified study. Fifth author status is generally given to a resident or other very junior person who contributes nothing significant to the outcome of the particular study. For a person to have a supposed seventeen year career as a practicing physician, leaving NO evidence of employment or contribution to the professional field, is highly unusual and, frankly, leaves all Harr's claims about his professional credentials open to question. In medicine physicians typically leave a wide trail of their behavior, for a variety of reasons. This trail is beyond their control and, assuming they are credible, the physician welcomes documentation of his or her professional experience. Beyond medical school, there is virtually no evidence that he had any kind of professional career in medicine. If he did, he went to considerable effort to erase its presence from normal perusal by the general public.

Anonymous said...

I don't care whether Harr is a credible physician or a retired arm wrestler. Who gives a rip? What does bug me is that he has improperly, illegally, and terribly influenced Mangum. That behavior is reprehensible. His so-called advice has caused her nothing but grief and delay in her trial. He has engaged in activities that constitute the practice of law and done so without a license. And he has attempted to improperly influence a potential witness, demanding a particular of report from Dr. Roberts. Also he has disclosed information about Mr. Daye that is absolutely protected by federal privacy laws. (HIPPA). I don't care what kind of doctor he was .......and I am sure as hell glad he is not practicing medicine today.

kenhyderal said...

Anonymous @ 10:17 said: "Actually, when Shella took over (after mangum refused Vann the first time), he asked for an extension of time to inform himself about the case and to develop her defense. Then, when Shella quit because of Harr's antics, and Vann took over, Vann asked for the court's indulgence while he got back on track with the case and worked on a defense. then, Mangum fired him....refused him the first time around, fired him the second time around and said she wanted to defend herself. In FACT, both attorneys for Mangum, BECAUSE OF ACTIONS TAKEN BY MANGUM AT HARR'S DIRECTION, caused delays in the trial.....OF NECESSITY. The prosecution has not taken one single action to delay the court proceedings. By the way, the court calendar is not controlled by the prosecution. once again, harr is ignorant"..............Crystal had no say in who her Court appointed Lawyers were. When she said, initially, she didn't want Vann she was given Shella. After more then year with no movement on her case and virtually zero communication with Shella, Crystal, with the help of Dr. Harr filed to have her case dismissed. This caused Shella, on his own, to resign citing as the reason Dr. Harr's publication of information he wanted kept confidential to prevent the defence theorey of the case from being available to the prosecution. Crystal has been prepared, confidently, knowing she has the truth on her side, to face the charges from day one. It's both her Court appoined Lawyers and the District Attorney that, for some reason, do not want to go to Court but instead want extract a plea deal from her. I leave it to you to speculate on the reasons for that.

kenhyderal said...

I see some of you have begin to sow seeds of suspicion and inuendo about Dr. Harr. It is so typical of the knee-jerk defenders of The Duke Lacrosse Team and what they have done to Crystal and to former DA Mike Nifong. The Bible classes gossipers with murderers and none of the latter are guilty of murder

guiowen said...

Is there any chance we could get you to stop whining?

Anonymous said...


"Crystal had no say in who her Court appointed Lawyers were.When she said, initially, she didn't want Vann she was given Shella."

So she did have the freedom to reject Woody Vann.

"After more then year with no movement on her case and virtually zero communication with Shella, Crystal, with the help of Dr. Harr filed to have her case dismissed."

That is because neither SIDNEY nor Crystal made a case for having her case dismissed. SIDNEY's uncorroborated allegations are not evidence.

"This caused Shella, on his own, to resign citing as the reason Dr. Harr's publication of information he wanted kept confidential to prevent the defence theorey of the case from being available to the prosecution."

SIDNEY did publish information which he had illegally accessed. Crystal allowed him to access the information when he as not a party to the case. That would be cause for any attorney to withdraw from the case.

"Crystal has been prepared, confidently, knowing she has the truth on her side, to face the charges from day one."

Was Crystal prepared to show she had truth on her side or did she just foolishly believe SIDNEY could pressure the court to dismiss the charges.

"It's both her Court appoined Lawyers and the District Attorney that, for some reason, do not want to go to Court but instead want extract a plea deal from her. I leave it to you to speculate on the reasons for that."

Most likely because they could make a case and would rather save the taxpayer money by offering Crystal to get off by pleading to a lesser charge. That is how Michael Jermaine ducked two rape convictions.

Anonymous said...


"I see some of you have begin to sow seeds of suspicion and inuendo about Dr. Harr. It is so typical of the knee-jerk defenders of The Duke Lacrosse Team and what they have done to Crystal and to former DA Mike Nifong. The Bible classes gossipers with murderers and none of the latter are guilty of murder".

It is a matter of public record has never completed a residency, droped out of medicine a mere 17 years after graduating from medical school. SIDNEY has admitted he has had civil suits filed against him and that he was arrested and put in handcuffs. That IS NOT a portrait of a distinguished capable physician.

His comments on Dr. Nichols' autopsy, his misrepresentation of the records, none of that shows SIDNEY qualifies as a distinguished physician.

If SIDNEY were to attempt to offer expert testimony, he would not be able to establish himself as an expert with that background.

kenhyderal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


It became obvious(to everyone but a guilt presuming racist and a corrupt DA) early in the Lacrosse case that no crime had happened and that Crystal had lied. No one had to conduct a vendetta against Crystal. She shot herself down.

Now, I challenge you again to present hard factual evidence that Crystal was raped.

kenhyderal said...

Guiowen said: "Is there any chance we could get you to stop whining?".....................I cry for America a land of injustice

Anonymous said...


"I cry for America a land of injustice."

Who cares that KENHYDERAL, who believes it is justice to presume guilt in spite of overwhelming evidence of no guilt, cries for this country.

KENNY makes that presumption simply because he does not like those who were wrongfully charged.

kenhyderal said...

Anonymous said: "Most likely because they could make a case and would rather save the taxpayer money by offering Crystal to get off by pleading to a lesser charge. That is how Michael Jermaine ducked two rape convictions" ..... What a joke.

Anonymous said...


"Guiowen said: "Is there any chance we could get you to stop whining?".....................I cry for America a land of injustice".

You cry because you resent American men who are better off and more accomplished than you.

I bet you are p---ed off I was able to copy and paste your comment before you deleted it.

Anonymous said...


"Anonymous said: "Most likely because they could make a case and would rather save the taxpayer money by offering Crystal to get off by pleading to a lesser charge. That is how Michael Jermaine ducked two rape convictions" ..... What a joke."

Yeeah it is a joke that a Black man who committed two rapes got a break while DA NIFONG was zealously trying to convict innocent Caucasian men of a crime which never happened. It is even more of a joke that KENHYDERAL, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, preaches a crime did happen.

What is an indicator of KENNY's mindset is he can not see true injustice which is so obvious.

guiowen said...

Kenny will keep on whining until people of his ilk are running this country.

Anonymous said...

It's Michael jermaine Burch......the two time rapist has a last name. Actually his last name ought to be scum. Where were Harr and Peterson and the panther pissers when a woman was raped at fraternity party at duke? Why were they not getting their shorts all in a twist over the rape of this woman by evil men at a drunken duke party? Well, burch is black and his victim, who really was raped by this SOB, is black. And that, sports fans, is the reason the Sister Sobbers don't even know who Burch is.

Anonymous said...

Oooooooo the troll is crying for us......boo hoo......gee, I didn't know trolls have tear ducts

Anonymous said...

Hey troll...does the name Eve Carson ring a bell with you? Another victim of two assholes who assaulted and shot her .....the last shot at point blank range.....and threw her on a road side. A UNC student, a great kid, a lovely young woman.......slaughtered by two scumbags. No indignation over this terrible crime against a woman from Harr........oooops, I forgot again... Carson was white and the two animals, black. No wonder Harr ignores this one too.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous January 29, 2013 at 5:07 PM:

At one point in his blog, SIDNEY said that the murders'(Demario Atwater and Lawrence Lovette) right to a fair trial was compromised because their pictures were published all over North Carolina. Atwater and Lovette were unknowns at the time. The picture were published as pictures of people of interest who had been photographed by security cameras while driving Eve Carson's car and using her ATM card.

Anonymous said...



"I see some of you have begin to sow seeds of suspicion and inuendo about Dr. Harr. It is so typical of the knee-jerk defenders of The Duke Lacrosse Team and what they have done to Crystal and to former DA Mike Nifong. The Bible classes gossipers with murderers and none of the latter are guilty of murder".

It is a matter of public record THAT SIDNET never completed a residency, droped out of medicine a mere 17 years after graduating from medical school. SIDNEY has admitted he has had civil suits filed against him and that he was arrested and put in handcuffs. That IS NOT a portrait of a distinguished capable physician.

His comments on Dr. Nichols' autopsy, his misrepresentation of the records, none of that shows SIDNEY qualifies as a distinguished physician.

If SIDNEY were to attempt to offer expert testimony, he would not be able to establish himself as an expert with that background.

Anonymous said...

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

guiowen said...

Too bad, Kenny, but it seems "Cristina" is not around to defend you from people of my ilk. You remember, the one who thinks you're such a sweet boy?

guiowen said...

By the way, Kenny, is your mother around to comfort you? Or is that a loaded question?

kenhyderal said...

I don't recall this Lady but I really don't need help in defending myself from your sarcasm.

kenhyderal said...

I am not aware of the case of Eve Carson. I am only aware of the Duke Lacrosse Case because Crystal Mangum is a long-time friend. She is my only connection to North Carolina.

guiowen said...

Blogger kenhyderal said...

"I don't recall this Lady but I really don't need help in defending myself from your sarcasm."

My, my, what a poor memory you have!

kenhyderal said...

Guiowen said: "Kenny will keep on whining until people of his ilk are running this country"......... This will happen eventually. America, although a rich country, is always generations behind the rest of the civilized world. For example we've had universal single payer health care for 50 years. http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/01/new-health-rankings-of-17-nations-us-is-dead-last/267045/

kenhyderal said...

Guiowen said: My, my, what a poor memory you have!"........... Maybe she was only being sarcastic like you. She obviously made a bigger impression on you then she did on me. Maybe you can prompt my memory about her.

Anonymous said...


"I am not aware of the case of Eve Carson. I am only aware of the Duke Lacrosse Case because Crystal Mangum is a long-time friend. She is my only connection to North Carolina."

Eve Carson is an example of black on white racism. After two Black men brutally murdered her, segments of the Black community were blaming her for her own murder, saying she provoked it y her attitude towards the Black community.

Anonymous said...


"This will happen eventually. America, although a rich country, is always generations behind the rest of the civilized world. For example we've had universal single payer health care for 50 years. http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/01/new-health-rankings-of-17-nations-us-is-dead-last/267045/"

You are naive and chauvinistic. Government health care run by bean counters is no panacea for problems in health care. Been there, not in Canada. Done that.

Anonymous said...


Eve Carson was a beautiful and accomplished senior at North Carolina University. Two black men with criminal pasts abducted her and shot her multiple times then dumped her body. They stole her card and her ATM card and were caught after they were photographed by security cameras using her ATM card and driving her car.

And, as I said previously, SIDNEY said they were being denied a fair trials when authorities used the photos to ask the public about for information. I mean self proclaimed champion of justice SIDNEY.

Great guy you are backing.

Anonymous said...

Yep, god forbid we should look at security cameras to get a glimpse of scumbags robbing stores, shooting clerks, raping women and murdering innocent citizens. wouldn't want to embarrass these animals, would we...

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...

"I advise you to bring along a big box of Kleenex, because you're gonna be crying the blues with disappointment after I get through with the Bar."

If you think anyone will be crying the blues for you after you make a fool of yourself in front of the NC State Bar, you are sadly deluded.

Just bring the Kleenex. You'll need it.

Nifong Supporter said...

Lance the Supreme Poster of Enlightenment said...
"I have no criminal record! If I did, I'm sure that some of your ilk would have posted it by now."

You have admitted to being arrested on criminal charges. You have also made claims that Reginald Daye was guilty of past abuse.

In both instances, the charges were apparently dropped.

So - Either you and Mr. Daye are not guilty, and you owe Mr. Daye's family an apology, or you are both guilty, and you owe your readers an explanation for your criminal past.

I'll let you pick.

Fact is that Daye had a criminal record. Fact is that I don't.
You need to face the facts!

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Sidney is correct. I misspoke. Mangum left after stabbing daye , not " killing" him. Which of course makes my point all the more forcefully. She left a person who she assumed was alive and she ran to the location where the children were and PUT THEM AT EXTREME RISK. Idiot

Maybe I'm a little dense, but I don't understand how Mangum flee Daye and running to the apartment were her children were spending the night put them in danger.

Further elucidation is required.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...

"You call seventeen years a quick exit?"

Tell me this, did you find any disciplinary actions against Dr. Harr... or any malpractice lawsuits? Let me know."

It does not mean you were not responsible for any impropriety. I know of a surgeon in New York who had a cocaine habit. Check him out and you will find no sanctions. He did have to undergo drug rehab and his license is restricted.

You have never offered any proof that the carpetbagger jihad exists. Offer some proof and I will apologize.

First of all, you don't need to apologize for being ignorant about the existence of the Carpetbagger Jihad. The mainstream media has been consistent about keeping it hidden from the masses. The only enlightenment you are likely to get about it is from my blog site.

Secondly, I never used cocaine or any other illegal drug, never went to rehab, and never had my license restricted.

Let me know if further elucidation is required.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Whatever sidney harr's record of medical experience may be, he has taken active steps to have his history shielded via the normal search engines that are available publicly. There is no record of active employment as a physician in ANY state, including California, with the exception of very early-on employment in a hospital setting. There is a single professional reference where he was listed as a fifth author on a marginally qualified study. Fifth author status is generally given to a resident or other very junior person who contributes nothing significant to the outcome of the particular study. For a person to have a supposed seventeen year career as a practicing physician, leaving NO evidence of employment or contribution to the professional field, is highly unusual and, frankly, leaves all Harr's claims about his professional credentials open to question. In medicine physicians typically leave a wide trail of their behavior, for a variety of reasons. This trail is beyond their control and, assuming they are credible, the physician welcomes documentation of his or her professional experience. Beyond medical school, there is virtually no evidence that he had any kind of professional career in medicine. If he did, he went to considerable effort to erase its presence from normal perusal by the general public.

WRONG-O! I know how to use software such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and Flash, but I know extemely little about online stuff... I needed help even getting my blog site started up. I surely know nothing about manipulating search engines. That's a real stretch.

Furthermore, I have nothing to hide about my medical career. I cannot help it if you are unable to dredge up more information about it. But if you do, that's fine, too. Good luck.

guiowen said...

Blogger cristina said...

"To the fellow at 1106 yesterday:
Please don't write such things. You know it really upsets Kenhypocrite. He's such a sweet boy, and I don't know whether his mother is around to comfort him.
I'm sure Kenny would be much happier if you told him you and your friends were interested in a nice stormy session with CGM. So why don 't you make him happy and write something of the sort?"

December 22, 2012 at 6:26 PM

Anonymous said...

So, then, because daye had a record and you don't. (at least that what you say.....).....are we to assume, then, that daye was a wild drunken maniac because he had a record? If so, then, wow....mangum is Lizzie Borden with a axe because Sister has one helluva criminal record! You are such a hypocrite

Anonymous said...

As Harr well knows, there are services available to scrub your identity. If he has something to hide, then I suppose he needed to scrub his history. Of course, that is what his guru Nifong would say.........as in, why did the duke guys hire lawyers if they had nothing to hide?
Harr is a hypocrite as well as a liar

Anonymous said...

If Harr were not constantly bragging about his expertise and claiming that other physicians, who have long documented well established verifiable current professional experience and expertise.......are inferior to him...and, further, are engaging in criminal activity because his opinions are different from his........then perhaps folks might not be so interested in his basis for claiming his superiority. As it is, his claims just make him clearly the clown that he is. Big hat, now cows, sidney.......big fat false hat, and not one damn steer in the pen. In other words, little ones so you will understand, you are full of bull and, until you prove otherwise, you are a fake.

Anonymous said...

YOU, sidney, said you had been arrested and put in handcuffs. YOU said you had civil suits (you said SUITS, as in, more than one) filed against you. YOU.
Now, are you claiming that you have no criminal record even though you were arrested? Or, perhaps, you are claiming that an arrest ONLY does not qualify as a "criminal record"? If that's the case, then Daye, who was arrested and charged with domestic violence, has no criminal record either......isn't it interesting that this black kettle refuses to call the pot black?

Anonymous said...

oooooooo, I forgot.....Mr. Daye had vehicle related offenses, too, like registration/license issues, but NEVER any violations for drunkenness, or DUI. I guess I got him confused with Mangum who had multiple DUIs, the last of which was a level 3 DUI.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and Daye never EVER had any charges OR convictions for violence against property or persons, never any resisting arrest, larcency, child abuse or otherwise.........I must have forgotten about Sister's record....because we all know hers is a bit more colorful. But, hey, Mr. Daye was, according to Harr, the wild drunken maniac and Sister was Mother Teresa in her pole vaulting suit.

Anonymous said...

Point here, sidney, is which one....Daye or Mangum....has a prior arrest AND conviction for violence against persons and property? Daye...NO. Mangum.....YES.

Anonymous said...


"Furthermore, I have nothing to hide about my medical career. I cannot help it if you are unable to dredge up more information about it. But if you do, that's fine, too. Good luck."

It seems there is an awful lot about it which you are reluctant to reveal.

Anonymous said...


"First of all, you don't need to apologize for being ignorant about the existence of the Carpetbagger Jihad. The mainstream media has been consistent about keeping it hidden from the masses. The only enlightenment you are likely to get about it is from my blog site."

This is an admission by you that you can not prove the carpetbagger jihad exists.

Secondly, I never used cocaine or any other illegal drug, never went to rehab, and never had my license restricted."

So what did you do to incur several civil suits and a criminal charge?

"Let me know if further elucidation is required."

Further elucidation is impossible, since you have provided no elucidation in the first place.

Anonymous said...


"Fact is that Daye had a criminal record. Fact is that I don't.
You need to face the facts!"

Fact is, Reginald Daye was not an habitual violent abuser of women and you are trying to conceal the facts. One can not face facts which you conceal. You conceal them because you want no one to face them.

Anonymous said...


"Maybe I'm a little dense, but I don't understand how Mangum flee Daye and running to the apartment were her children were spending the night put them in danger."

You are more than just a little dense.

"Further elucidation is required."

And you are just the person who is incapable of providing it.

Anonymous said...


"Just bring the Kleenex. You'll need it."

For what reason? To provide you with something to clear your eyes after the Bar humiliates you?

guiowen said...

Kenhyderal said...

'Guiowen said: "Kenny will keep on whining until people of his ilk are running this country"......... This will happen eventually. America, although a rich country, is always generations behind the rest of the civilized world. For example we've had universal single payer health care for 50 years. http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2013/01/new-health-rankings-of-17-nations-us-is-dead-last/267045/'

But, Kenny, if the U. S. becomes like Canada, who will develop all the new medical techniques that Canada is used to borrowing from us?

Oh, I forgot... Canada actually developed something, back around 1923.

Anonymous said...

What did they develop? A new use for whale blubber or new ways to slaughter polar bears?

kenhyderal said...


kenhyderal said...

Anonymous @ 3:31 Am 1-30-13 said: "You are naive and chauvinistic. Government health care run by bean counters is no panacea for problems in health care"........................... So why are the American results so poor for so many. Canada and other countries have healthier populations because of universal health care coverage. No Canadian ever had to lose their home or declare bankruptsy because of a catastrophic illness.

Anonymous said...

Here we go again with the Troll and Oh, Canada. Wake me up when it goes back under it's bridge.....

Anonymous said...


"So why are the American results so poor for so many. Canada and other countries have healthier populations because of universal health care coverage. No Canadian ever had to lose their home or declare bankruptsy because of a catastrophic illness."

From Wikipedia:

"As reported by the Health Council of Canada, a 2010 Commonwealth survey found that 42% of Canadians waited 2 hours or more in the emergency room, vs. 29% in the U.S.; 43% waited 4 weeks or more to see a specialist, vs. 10% in the U.S. The same survey states that 37% of Canadians say it is difficult to access care after hours (evenings, weekends or holidays) without going to the emergency department over 34% of Americans. Furthermore, 47% of Canadians, and 50% of Americans who visited emergency departments over the past two years feel that they could have been treated at their normal place of care if they were able to get an appointment."

These data suggest that the two systems are comparable, that in some respects the American system outperforms the Canadian.

Anonymous said...


from http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2012/07/01/everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about-canadian-health-care-in-one-post/

"Where Canada does not do well is on wait times, which tend to be longer than in other countries, especially to see specialists or obtain an elective surgery. A Commonwealth Fund survey in 2010 found that 59 percent of respondents reported waiting more than four weeks for an appointment with a specialist, more than double the number in the United States".

That seems to be a significant problem with the Canadian health care system. Surgery for lung cancer is elective. If you had an uncle with cancer of the lung would you want him to have to wait four weeks for an appointment with a surgeon let alone a number of further weeks to have his surgery?

Glass houses, KENNY

Anonymous said...

Trolls should not run around in their little troll undershorts in their little glass houses.
Meantime.....back to actual reality....Lance or Walt, have either of you heard anything about a plea deal? Last I heard there was nothing afoot.....but that may be just poor rumor control. Harr keeps talking about a plea, but as far as I know, the prosecution has offered nothing.

Anonymous said...

Sidney Harr needs to post his full professional resume if he expects to have credibility as a physician. In particular, he needs to post his detailed professional experience in forensics, pathology, pulmonary medicine and critical care. Tell us why we should accept your opinion over the opinion of physicians whose work experience, professional history, present work, and credentials are immediately available....and yours are kept secret, for some reason. Why should anybody give your theories any consideration at all, knowing that you are unwilling to provide any basis for your claims of professional expertise. Simply being a "retired physician" does not give you any basis, at all, for asserting that your opinions and conclusions hold sway over other credible and known opinions. If you want to stand on the soapbox of your physician credential, you need to be willing to prove you have expertise.

Anonymous said...

From Wikipedia:

"In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[2] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."

The topic of this particular blog is Sidney Harr and his go-round with the NC State Bar.

Not how good a mother CGM is (here's a hint -- she's not), not that you "cry for America" (I really don't care whay you cry for, pansy). Not whether America has or needs "universal single payor health care" (whatever the f*ck that is).

Keep the comments on-topic...You've been warned.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
As Harr well knows, there are services available to scrub your identity. If he has something to hide, then I suppose he needed to scrub his history. Of course, that is what his guru Nifong would say.........as in, why did the duke guys hire lawyers if they had nothing to hide?
Harr is a hypocrite as well as a liar

I would no more "scrub" my history than I would censor commenters to this blog site. I believe in openness, enlightenment, and transparency.

First of all, I have nothing to hide, so good luck looking for it.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Sidney Harr needs to post his full professional resume if he expects to have credibility as a physician. In particular, he needs to post his detailed professional experience in forensics, pathology, pulmonary medicine and critical care. Tell us why we should accept your opinion over the opinion of physicians whose work experience, professional history, present work, and credentials are immediately available....and yours are kept secret, for some reason. Why should anybody give your theories any consideration at all, knowing that you are unwilling to provide any basis for your claims of professional expertise. Simply being a "retired physician" does not give you any basis, at all, for asserting that your opinions and conclusions hold sway over other credible and known opinions. If you want to stand on the soapbox of your physician credential, you need to be willing to prove you have expertise.

Another diversionery comment to change attention from the real issues to my medical career.

You should have learned long ago that you cannot goad me into doing something stupid and wasteful. Remember, I am goad-proof.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...

"Just bring the Kleenex. You'll need it."

For what reason? To provide you with something to clear your eyes after the Bar humiliates you?

Only in your dreams.

Anonymous said...

goal proof? How self centered and egotistical is that comment?! wow, your head must be the size of Cleveland. Who care about your record and whether you can be goaded. What you think is worth about as much as your record. If you want credibility with your medical comments, you should provide evidence of your professional expertise. Otherwise, your comments are just lay blathering.........if somebody wants to believe you, that's their right. If others think you are a major asshat, then that's their right as well.
But goad you? Pleaseeeeee.....

Anonymous said...

Too funny. Harr thinks the poster who said Harr should provide his credentials to establish his credibility is "goading". Hilarious. Yet another example of Harr's ignorance. In the world of professional medicine, it is baseline routine for licensed physicians to demonstrate their competence and expertise by, in part, documenting their education, training and experience. This is not extraordinary...it is normal. Yet Harr tries to deflect and avoid the poster's completely reasonable comment by describing it as "goading". Geez, sidney, you embarrass yourself without even knowing it. I have worked in healthcare more than TWICE as long as you claim to have practiced, and I have never seen a physician who wasn't completely comfortable with, and proud of, putting forward his or her resume of education, training and experience. You are pathetic.

kenhyderal said...

Anonymous @ 7:17 said: "Keep the comments on-topic...You've been warned" And the consequences are? And your position of authority is? I notice you have not censured the chanters or the re-poster of my earlier posts or the juvenile word game player who distorts people's user names.

kenhyderal said...

Anonymous @ 7: 17 said: "Not how good a mother CGM is (here's a hint -- she's not"......... This came from an out of context re-post from an old post of mine on a previous thread by, that genuine troll, Anonymous who signs himself as Malek Williams. It was then commented upon by another anonymous poster, disparaging Crystal, which I find hard to ignore. Apparently this poster does not realize poster Malek Williams is only up to mischief. Then poster Guiowen accused me of whining and said I would continue to do so until people of my "ilk" govern the U.S. ; all off topic. When I respond to such provocations I am called the troll

Anonymous said...


"I would no more "scrub" my history than I would censor commenters to this blog site. I believe in openness, enlightenment, and transparency."

Except when it cmes o your medical credentials, or lack thereof.

"First of all, I have nothing to hide, so good luck looking for it."

There seems to be a bit you do not want to reveal. Why?

Anonymous said...


"Another diversionery comment to change attention from the real issues to my medical career."

Which means you are reluctant to reveal.

"You should have learned long ago that you cannot goad me into doing something stupid and wasteful. Remember, I am goad-proof."

Which means you are really really reluctant to reveal your background.

Anonymous said...


"Only in your dreams."

What I have said is a prophecy.

Anonymous said...


"Anonymous @ 7:17 said: "Keep the comments on-topic...You've been warned" And the consequences are? And your position of authority is? I notice you have not censured the chanters or the re-poster of my earlier posts or the juvenile word game player who distorts people's user names."

Right on, KEN-Malek-HYDER-Williams-AL.

Anonymous said...


"Anonymous @ 7: 17 said: "Not how good a mother CGM is (here's a hint -- she's not"......... This came from an out of context re-post from an old post of mine on a previous thread by, that genuine troll, Anonymous who signs himself as Malek Williams. It was then commented upon by another anonymous poster, disparaging Crystal, which I find hard to ignore. Apparently this poster does not realize poster Malek Williams is only up to mischief. Then poster Guiowen accused me of whining and said I would continue to do so until people of my "ilk" govern the U.S. ; all off topic. When I respond to such provocations I am called the troll".

Way to go KEN-Malek-HYDER-Williams-AL.

Anonymous said...


Hypothetical situation:

You testify on behalf of Crystal that Dr. Nichols autopsy report was fraudulent.

Prosecutor would ask you, What qualifies you to make that statement.

You would answer, Anyone with a 5th grade education can see it is fraudulent.

The Judge would tell the Jury, you may disregard Mr. Harr's testimony. He has just established he is not qualified to evaluate the autopsy report.

Anonymous said...

The troll's "ilk"? What? Racist intellectually limited creep? That ilk? Who has problems with the cut n paste feature and has issues with separation from his mommie? Ooooooooo canada

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

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Anonymous said...

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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Anonymous said...

Oh my my my

Anonymous said...

Who let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof)

Who let the dogs out (woof, woof, woof, woof)

kenhyderal said...

Surely now Dr.Harr will banish this idiot from the blog. If he does not I'm out of here for good. In the past he has pursuaded me to reconsider but this time it's gone too far.

Anonymous said...


"Surely now Dr.Harr will banish this idiot from the blog. If he does not I'm out of here for good. In the past he has pursuaded me to reconsider but this time it's gone too far."

Fare thee well, KEN-Malek-HYDER-Williams-AL.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...

"Another diversionery comment to change attention from the real issues to my medical career."

Which means you are reluctant to reveal.

"You should have learned long ago that you cannot goad me into doing something stupid and wasteful. Remember, I am goad-proof."

Which means you are really really reluctant to reveal your background.

This blog is about criminal justice issues in North Carolina. It is not about me! I'm not that egocentric.

Nifong Supporter said...

kenhyderal said...
Surely now Dr.Harr will banish this idiot from the blog. If he does not I'm out of here for good. In the past he has pursuaded me to reconsider but this time it's gone too far.

Hey, kenhyderal.

You should let the idiots get to you. They are trying to drive you from this site because your comments are enlightening. Their rants and childish behavior is put on display because they lack maturity and the intellect to comment responsibly and with common sense.

Don't allow the idiots to silence a voice of reason amongst the commenters.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...

Hypothetical situation:

You testify on behalf of Crystal that Dr. Nichols autopsy report was fraudulent.

Prosecutor would ask you, What qualifies you to make that statement.

You would answer, Anyone with a 5th grade education can see it is fraudulent.

The Judge would tell the Jury, you may disregard Mr. Harr's testimony. He has just established he is not qualified to evaluate the autopsy report.

The autopsy report speaks for itself. It is at odds with the operative report, the EMS report, the orthopedic consultation report, the respiratory therapist report and the doctor's report containing the "History of Present Illness."

Anyone with fifth grade reading comprehension should be able to appreciate the discrepancies between the Nichols autopsy report and the other medical records.

End of story.

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

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kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

kenhyderal is a troll

Anonymous said...


"This blog is about criminal justice issues in North Carolina. It is not about me! I'm not that egocentric".

HAH! You believe that your unsupported allegations are enlightenment. You manifest gross, self absorbed egocentric behavior.

Anonymous said...


"Hey, kenhyderal.

You should let the idiots get to you. They are trying to drive you from this site because your comments are enlightening. Their rants and childish behavior is put on display because they lack maturity and the intellect to comment responsibly and with common sense.

Don't allow the idiots to silence a voice of reason amongst the commenters."

What voice of reason. Calling KENNY a voice of reason is like calling you a distinguished physician. Calling you a distinguished physician is like calling Colonel Chivington a friend of the Native American people(look up the Chivington Massacre via google).

Anonymous said...


"The autopsy report speaks for itself. It is at odds with the operative report, the EMS report, the orthopedic consultation report, the respiratory therapist report and the doctor's report containing the "History of Present Illness."

Anyone with fifth grade reading comprehension should be able to appreciate the discrepancies between the Nichols autopsy report and the other medical records."

You have again demonstrated that a judge would tell the jury you do not have the qualifications to comment on the autopsy report.

guiowen said...

Kenhyderal said...


January 30, 2013 at 3:33 PM"

You have me there, Kenny: it seems Michael Smith's Noble prize in chemistry contributed to medicine. Thus Canada has three Nobel laureates in medicine or medicine-related science. Two in 1923, and one in 1993. Really impressive!

I will give you this, that at least this time you posted something that was correct -- not like the time you quoted your oracle Zaid Jelani or Jaid Zelani or whatever his name was.

guiowen said...

Oops: I should have said Nobel prize, not Noble prize.
My bad.

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...
"Surely now Dr.Harr will banish this idiot from the blog. If he does not I'm out of here for good. In the past he has pursuaded me to reconsider but this time it's gone too far."

January 31, 2013 at 8:27 PM

Kenny, All you do is whine. Every time you tell us you are leaving, you reappear like a bad rash.

Anonymous said...

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Anonymous said...

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Kenny is a troll

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Yea Troll machine!!!!! Too funny....given all the hot air that bellows out of the flub, it's refreshing to have a little bit of fun.....

Lance the Supreme Poster of Enlightenment said...

Sid -- You "filed [your]response to the case" on January 28. When do you expect to have all of the pleadings online?

Anonymous said...

Well, Laurence Lovette will have to be re-sentenced because he got life with no parole....and, with the Supreme Court decision and NC law change, he has to be "re-sentenced". He was under 18. The Appeals Court found no problem with the trail, no error, no basis for his claims of jury selection bias, etc. BUT, the law change requires his re-sentencing. The way I read it he can get life with or without parole in re-sentencing. Not sure if any other sentencing option is open. Walt? Lance?
Makes me sick to think this scumbag would EVER have the chance to go free.

Anonymous said...

It makes me sick tha DA NIONG, the gang of 88, the pot bangers, the Feminazis, the New Black Panthers, SIDNEY HARR and KENHYDERAL advocate, in the name of justice no less, that the accused, whom evidence ultimatel showed were innocent, deserved no chance.

Anonymous said...

Agree 100% Anon. 10:09A. 100%

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