Sunday, May 25, 2014

"Fatally Flawed" series is, itself, fatally flawed


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kenhyderal said...

Anonymous said: " however you did say Kilgo or Kilgo's friend saw a picture of David Evans with a mustache0.".... He said so right on this blog. Kilgo went to considerable trouble to delete every post he ever made here. At the time, one anonymous poster poster made the claim that he had copied all Kilgo's posts. I'm guessing that whoever bought him off made the payoff contingent on him deleting his posts.

Liestopper said...

".... I am not afraid of being scorned, mocked and ridiculed for my beliefs but I do not lie"
-Kenhyderal, May 2014

"Evidence will be presented that Crystal purchased the money orders with he own money"
-Kenhyderal, October 2011

"Her civil suits against those that sexually asaulted her awaits new evidence, soon forthcoming, that will identify those persons who who had perpetrated the crime and those who aided and abetted them."
-Kenhyderal, December 2012

In reply to an anonymous post that there Dr. Roberts had confirmed that the Daye autopsy was not fradaulent:

"Only hearsay"

-Kenhyderal, November 2013

I could go on.

Anonymous said...


"Anonymous said: " however you did say Kilgo or Kilgo's friend saw a picture of David Evans with a mustache0.".... He said so right on this blog. Kilgo went to considerable trouble to delete every post he ever made here. At the time, one anonymous poster poster made the claim that he had copied all Kilgo's posts. I'm guessing that whoever bought him off made the payoff contingent on him deleting his posts."

You have yet to explain why anyone would want to buy off Kilgo who had no credibility at all. He had no credibility because the rape he claimed his friend witnessed never happened.

Which means you did falsely accuse innocent men of perpetrating a rape.

Anonymous said...


"Anonymous said: " however you did say Kilgo or Kilgo's friend saw a picture of David Evans with a mustache0.".... He said so right on this blog. Kilgo went to considerable trouble to delete every post he ever made here."

Which means you make another allegation for which you can provide no credible factual evidence. Which does suggest you made up the allegation.

Anonymous said...

Kenny for someone who throws around unfounded accusations all the time, including calling others liars - you are awfully sensitive.

So you are a liar, that's clear from the blog. Is that a big deal? No one believes a word you say - so liar or non-credible either way.

Awfully sensitive. Don't call others names if you can't take it.

Anonymous said...

Read it and weep....From laughter.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous June 4, 2014 at 5:45 PM

As I have been saying, SIDNEY believes he is above the law and is a law unto himself.

Lance The Supreme Poster of Enlightenment said...

Oh. My.
Sid -- When were you going to tell us that the court had recommended that ALL of the defendants motions (including the motion for sanctions) be granted?

Anonymous said...

Damn corrupt Federal Courts ... Duke has bought them all! Keep fighting Sid, someone somewhere believes in you!

Anonymous said...

The memorandum is dated May 28, one week ago.

Sidney doesn't recognize how lucky he is. The sanctions only preclude him from doing what he has no right to do anyway--file another lawsuit against Duke.

Anonymous said...

So, Sid can still file lawsuits against Duke, but they can ignore him. That's worse than barring him - because if he were barred, he could rant and rage against it - but the Judge knew how to hurt the narcissist the most - let him speak, but let everyone else ignore him.

Poor sid - he can scream "look at me" all he wants, but rather than responding to him, even to say "go away" everyone can just ignore him. That's the worst punishment of all.

A Lawyer said...

As I predicted back in August:

A Lawyer said...
Dr. Harr:
The 11th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution bars your lawsuit against the State of North Carolina. The doctrine of absolute judicial immunity bars your lawsuit against the District Judge and Magistrate Judge. The doctrine of res judicata bars your lawsuit against Duke. The doctrine of standing is an additional bar to most of your lawsuit. There are other problems with your lawsuit (many of them, in fact). Your lawsuit will be dismissed with prejudice and you very well may be subject to monetary sanctions or other penalties.

Please note: I am a lawyer but I am not your lawyer. I am not giving (and cannot give) you legal advice. But I very strongly urge you to show your lawsuit to a North Carolina lawyer (perhaps your law professor friend) before you proceed on your own. The consequences for you may be very severe.
August 18, 2013 at 12:04 PM

Anonymous said...

I believe this confirms Sidney's legal victory.

He filed an absolutely ridiculous, totally frivolous lawsuit. He forced three sets of defendants to pay attention to him and spend money.

Although he lost his lawsuit, he suffered no cost. Sid wins.

kenhyderal said...

Anonymous said: "Which means you make another allegation for which you can provide no credible factual evidence. Which does suggest you made up the allegation"............ Surely there are others here who remember that claim by Kilgo. Walt, Lance, Harr Supporter, Guiowen??

kenhyderal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kenhyderal said...

Anonymous said: " including calling others liars ""........ That has never happened.

kenhyderal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kenhyderal said...

Anonymous said: "Evidence will be presented that Crystal purchased the money orders with he own money"............. When the evidence was presented it showed that I was mistaken or could I say misled. It was my belief at the time and I certainly did not purposely lie to the readers of this blog

kenhyderal said...

Anonymous said: "Awfully sensitive. Don't call others names if you can't take it"........ Sensitive I am not and I don't call others names but I'm not as good a Christian as is Dr. Harr because I don't turn the other cheek. When I'm attacked I fight back.

Anonymous said...


"Surely there are others here who remember that claim by Kilgo. Walt, Lance, Harr Supporter, Guiowen??"

Only one other poster has commented on Kilgo's alleged claim and he has said he does not recall Kilgo making the claim.

Even if someone else can remember it, it does not make Kilgo's claim credible and does not change what that claim provides as unverifiable hearsay.

Anonymous said...


"Anonymous said: " including calling others liars ""........ That has never happened."

Yes it has.

You have falsely accused the posters on the appropriately named Liestoppers of lying about Crystal.

Anonymous said...


"When the evidence was presented it showed that I was mistaken or could I say misled. It was my belief at the time and I certainly did not purposely lie to the readers of this blog".

Maybe not. But you have shown that when you do not know the truth you open your mouth and proclaim a falsehood as truth, which gives you no credit.

Have you ever admitted that before?

Anonymous said...


"Sensitive I am not and I don't call others names but I'm not as good a Christian as is Dr. Harr because I don't turn the other cheek. When I'm attacked I fight back."

First of all you again presume a fact not in evidence. SIDNEY HARR is not a good Christian/

Second you do decompensate when someone points out your less than admirable characteristics, such as falsely accusing innocent men of committing a crime which never happened.

You are awfully sensitive about people pointing out your dearth of knowledge of matters medical or legal.

Anonymous said...

It is funny - Kenny takes as fact everything he claims a random person on this blog said (Kilgo) I guess on the theory that if it was written it must be true, with no facts or evidence.

There are many more posts providing specific facts and information demonstrating that he and Sid are idiots and wrong and he discounts them.

You wonder why you are considered a joke Kenny. I bet even Sid laughs at your gullibility in believing his crap.

Anonymous said...

Blogger kenhyderal said...

Anonymous said: "Which means you make another allegation for which you can provide no credible factual evidence. Which does suggest you made up the allegation"............ Surely there are others here who remember that claim by Kilgo. Walt, Lance, Harr Supporter, Guiowen??

How is a random comment by an anonymous poster on this blog "credible" or "factual"?

Anonymous said...


When you got so upset when you imagined I accused you of having an Oedipal complex, you show you get very sensitive over imaginary slights.

Harr Supporter said...


I also do not remember Kilgo posting about a player friend with knowledge of mystery rapists. I would have thought that such a post would have provoked a flurry of responses.

On the other hand, like most readers, I always considered Kilgo to be a troll, albeit not a particularly clever one. As I result I tried to ignore her posts. I could have missed this.

Kenny, I suggest that you study all of the threads from when Kilgo was active and provide links to any responses to the mystery rapist posts. You can prove to Dr. Anonymous that you are not a delusional asshole.

Lance The Supreme Poster of Enlightenment said...

"Surely there are others here who remember that claim by Kilgo. Walt, Lance, Harr Supporter, Guiowen??"

Sorry, Ken, I don't recall this claim...I'm not by any means denying that Kilgo made it, I simply don't recall.

Anonymous said...

Kenny, I suggest that you study all of the threads from when Kilgo was active and provide links to any responses to the mystery rapist posts. You can prove to Dr. Anonymous that you are not a delusional asshole.

But, I ask again - how is a random blog post on this site factual, credible evidence of anything?

Anonymous said...

A random blog post on this site is factual credible proof that Kenny is correct in his claim that there is a random blog post on this site.

A random blog post by a pseudonymous poster provides no factual credible proof of its purported subject.

Nifong Supporter said...

Lance The Supreme Poster of Enlightenment said...
Oh. My.
Sid -- When were you going to tell us that the court had recommended that ALL of the defendants motions (including the motion for sanctions) be granted?

Supreme Poster, in my list of priorities, working to free Crystal Mangum comes way ahead of informing viewers of rulings on my case against Duke.

Nifong Supporter said...


Production is nearly complete on my next sharlog... if things run smoothly, I will probably have it posted no later than Saturday afternoon. It is one of the more important sharlogs to come down the pike.

As you were.

Anonymous said...


You've previously indicated that your lawsuit against Duke, et al was an integral part of your efforts to free Mangum. Did that change?

Will you appeal the decision?

Will you re-file the same lawsuit against Duke yet another time, as you threatened?

Anonymous said...


"Lance The Supreme Poster of Enlightenment said...
Oh. My.
Sid -- When were you going to tell us that the court had recommended that ALL of the defendants motions (including the motion for sanctions) be granted?

Supreme Poster, in my list of priorities, working to free Crystal Mangum comes way ahead of informing viewers of rulings on my case against Duke."

Which means you again got your butt ignominiously kicked out of court and you wanted to conceal that event.

Anonymous said...



Production is nearly complete on my next sharlog... if things run smoothly, I will probably have it posted no later than Saturday afternoon. It is one of the more important sharlogs to come down the pike.

As you were."

Which means the next load of SIDNEY's garbage will be dumped into the blogosphere.

Anonymous said...


You've previously indicated that your lawsuit against Duke, et al was an integral part of your efforts to free Mangum. Did that change?

C'mon - you know Sid - this is ALL about him and his ego. You can't actually take what he says seriously - he will just ignore you, and pretend he never said what you claim, no matter what evidence you present.

Sid is never wrong, and Sid is alway on the right track!

Anonymous said...

Shot down in flames
Shot down in flames
Ain't it a shame
To be shot down in flames

Anonymous said...


If you cannot report honestly, truthfully and completely about your case(s) against Duke, or about Mangum's false rape claim, why should anyone believe anything you say about Mangum's murder case?

Anonymous said...

Hey, Kenhyderal, isn't this great?Now thatKilgo's back you'll soon know who did everything that night! Isn't this great?

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