Thursday, February 11, 2016

NC State Bar: A Force from the Dark Side

The correspondence above was posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2016
The correspondence above was posted on Tuesday, January 5, 2016
The correspondence above was posted on Friday, January 1, 2016
The correspondence above was posted on Saturday, December 29, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Saturday, December 19, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Thursday, December 17, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Tuesday, December 15, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Friday, December 11, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Wednesday, December 9, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Thursday, December 3, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Friday, November 27, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Wednesday, November 25, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Saturday, November 21, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Tuesday, November 17, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Thursday, November 12, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Monday, November 9, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Saturday, November 7, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Thursday, November 5, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Tuesday, October 27, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Monday, October 26, 2015


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Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:

"Some of us believe that you will spend every day this year counting down until (or if) Ms. Mangum is freed Abe. Does that count?"

Actually, I plan on spending less than 2 hours this year counting down Sid's failure. I skipped lunch on January 7 and again on February 15, so I've already more than made up the total time I will expend on this venture.

Now go and make yourself a delicious sausage.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

Obama cannot pardon Crystal. He can only pardon people for Federal crimes, not state crimes. Only the Governor could pardon Crystal, and Sid has already called him corrupt to his face, so I'm sure he's not going to be listening to Sid on anything.

Anonymous said...


You have 313 days to exonerate and free Mangum and 22 days until the Ides of March.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...


When are you going to replace the post and comments that you "inadvertently" removed?

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Has anyone thought of asking Obama to pardon Crystal before he leaves office? I guess it wouldn't work since Obama supported the lacrosse team and endorsed a civil right investigation of Nifong.

Could you please enlighten me with a link to that assertion? Thank you.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

When are you going to replace the post and comments that you "inadvertently" removed?

First, I need to see if I can retrieve them. I can replace the posts, but what I really value are the comments. In the future I plan on saving all comments and placing them on a separate site. Currently, I am busy working with attempts to help Crystal, so re-posting the sharlogs I inadvertently deleted is not a top priority.

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"Anonymous said...
Has anyone thought of asking Obama to pardon Crystal before he leaves office? I guess it wouldn't work since Obama supported the lacrosse team and endorsed a civil right investigation of Nifong.

Could you please enlighten me with a link to that assertion? Thank you."

How can anyone enlighten an individual who not only rejects any and all enlightenment, who puts forth obvious fabrications as enlightenment?

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"Currently, I am busy working with attempts to help Crystal, so re-posting the sharlogs I inadvertently deleted is not a top priority."

Another fabrication from harr the hypocritical fabricator.He has never helped crystal. He has only exploited her, to obtain the only notoriety he has ever obtained, notoriety as a minimally trained, minimally experienced medical school graduate who was never accepted into residency training, who never achieved medical specialty board certification, who spent most of his post medical school career filing and losing frivolous, non meritorious lawsuits, and imagining he is being persecuted.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Has anyone thought of asking Obama to pardon Crystal before he leaves office? I guess it wouldn't work since Obama supported the lacrosse team and endorsed a civil right investigation of Nifong.

Could you please enlighten me with a link to that assertion? Thank you.

Sid, why do you care about that assertion? Obama could not pardon Crystal under any circumstances, whether he ever even cared about the Duke Lacrosse case. He can only pardon Federal crimes.

Anonymous said...


Here is a link to an article about President (then Senator) Obama calling for a federal investigation into Mike Nifong's unethical conduct in the Duke lacrosse case:

I am sure there are other articles out there if you are interested in doing a google search.

Requisition a crying towel for yourself.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

Why would a senator from another state give a * about what happens in this state with a Durham DA? Seriously. Doesn't seem like any of the NC senators even acknowledge they exist.

Anonymous said...

The case received national media coverage. One of his constituents asked his opinion. At the time, he was considering running for President. He answered his constituent.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Harr, perhaps you should ask President Obama directly ASAP, (as a democrat who voted for him presumably - since you are a democrat), to investigate the inability of the past three Durham DA's to investigate or acknowledge the malpractice death of Mr. Daye and the discrepancies between the medical and autopsy reports, the corruption of the trial, the apparent framing of Ms. Mangum and wrongful imprisonment, the joke of the Appeals process, etc. Seriously, you are no less entitled than any other to request his continued active concern of the unethical, illegal, corrupt, and harmful actions of the Durham DA's and NC justice system in this current case to date. Couldn't hurt since President Obama is apparently interested in what goes on in the Durham, NC justice system.

Anonymous said...

harr the hypocritical fabricator posting anonymously again, trying to delude people into thinking that he has support for his views.

Anonymous said...

February 22, 2016 at 2:03 PM

Was a federal investigation done at President Obama's request of Mr. Nifong?
If so, what were the results?

Anonymous said...

No. Obama apparently was pandering to a constituent. He lost interest once he became President.

Anonymous said...

OK, well perhaps Dr. Harr could re-interest him. President Obama wouldn't necessarily need to pander any further, but he is the president, so it is his job.

Anonymous said...


You have 312 days to exonerate and free Mangum and 21 days until the Ides of March.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Here is a link to an article about President (then Senator) Obama calling for a federal investigation into Mike Nifong's unethical conduct in the Duke lacrosse case:

I am sure there are other articles out there if you are interested in doing a google search.

Requisition a crying towel for yourself.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Hey, Abe.

Thanks for the reference. I'll look it up. Also, know that I appreciate the updates. Have not been able to contribute as much time to addressing comments as I would like, but have been busy working on obtaining elusive justice for Crystal. Should be soon.

And, as you'll see, Abe, it won't be me needing a crying towel.

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"Anonymous Anonymous said...


Here is a link to an article about President (then Senator) Obama calling for a federal investigation into Mike Nifong's unethical conduct in the Duke lacrosse case:

I am sure there are other articles out there if you are interested in doing a google search.

Requisition a crying towel for yourself.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Hey, Abe.

Thanks for the reference. I'll look it up. Also, know that I appreciate the updates. Have not been able to contribute as much time to addressing comments as I would like, but have been busy working on obtaining elusive justice for Crystal. Should be soon."

Another fabrication from harr the hypocritical fabricator. Trying to get his favorite murderess/false accuser a pass for her crimes is not working in the interest of justice.

'And, as you'll see, Abe, it won't be me needing a crying towel.'

So says harr the hypocritical fabricator who has done a lot of weeping and gnashing of teeth over his failures, to get nifong his law license back, to humiliate the NC State Bar, to fulfill his promise that, if he had anything to say about it, crystal would never go to trial for killing Reginald Daye.

Anonymous said...

"Another voice has joined the call for a federal investigation into the handling of the Duke lacrosse case.Senator Barack Obama (D-IL) said an independent inquiry is needed to look at the conduct of Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong." - ABC News and Justuce unit,March 25,2007.

kenhyderal said...

Dr. Anonymous said: "harr the hypocritical fabricator posting anonymously again, trying to delude people into thinking that he has support for his views"..................................Stop pretending. You and every
other regular poster on this blog knows better. You're like a broken record constantly chanting the same preposterous refrain. I suppose you wont give us your name, though.

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"Dr. Anonymous said: "harr the hypocritical fabricator posting anonymously again, trying to delude people into thinking that he has support for his views"..................................Stop pretending. You and every
other regular poster on this blog knows better. You're like a broken record constantly chanting the same preposterous refrain. I suppose you wont give us your name, though."

kenny hissy fit getting disturbed about someone calling out him or harr the hypocritical fabricator or both for posting anonymously to delude people into believing they have support.

guiowen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Desconocido said...

Bueno, Kenhyderal, alfin quieres que te mande la informacion que tengo?

The Great Kilgo said...

Kenhyderal, please help me!Ubes isgu878fc

Ubes said...

Sorry, Kenhyderal, but I'd prefer it if you don't try to communicate with Kilgo. You know how delicate he is, and talking to you might hurt him.

Anonymous said...


You have 311 days to exonerate and free Mangum and 20 days until the Ides of March.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

kenhyderal said...

Delicate is not an adjective anyone could reasonably apply to Kilgo.

ubes said...

In any case, it's better if you don't try to talk to him.

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"Delicate is not an adjective anyone could reasonably apply to Kilgo."

Neither are knowledgeable nor truthful.

Anonymous said...


You have 310 days to exonerate and free Mangum and 19 days until the Ides of March.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

inconnu said...

Alors, Kenhyderal,
Tu veux qu'on t'aide, ou pas?

Anonymous said...

Comments from harr the hypocritical fabricator and from kenny hissy fit(eho may be one and the same) are getting sparse.

Two times nothing is still nothing.

Anonymous said...


You have 309 days to exonerate and free Mangum and 18 days until the Ides of March.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Walt said...

Abe wrote: "Sid:

You have 309 days to exonerate and free Mangum and 18 days until the Ides of March.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL"

Setting: shortly after the NC Supreme Court has ruled allowing Crystal to withdraw her one cogent argument on appeal and denied her poorly reasoned "pro se" appeal. The crushing realization that the next decade worth of Christmases will be spent behind bars has finally set in.

Scene: in the visitors room at Central Prison. Crystal in her prison orange, Sid sitting on the little metal stool with his iPhone out and Kenny skyping in.

Crystal: I think that this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody's part!

Sid: We're just the guys to do it.

Kenny: Let's do it!

Sid [stands up]: Let's do it! ...


kenhyderal said...

It`s very mean-spirited to make fun of a vulnerable person like Crystal who is an uneven fight for justice. The day will come when truth prevails and you will be most ashamed of yourself.

guiowen said...

If you want to do something for Crystal, try to help her get ready for the life she'll be facing when she gets out in ten years. Explain to her that she has to control her temper. See if you can get her to stop taking those drugs that make her lose control. (You should have done this back in 2010.) Encourage her to learn some trade.
And, please, stop telling her that all her troubles are due to Rae Evans, or Duke Hospital, or the evil lacrosse players.
Is that too much to ask for?

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"It`s very mean-spirited to make fun of a vulnerable person"

But not to call innocent menguilty of a crime which never hppened, according tokenny hissy fit.

"like Crystal who is an uneven fight for justice."

Crystal got justice when she was convicted of murdering EReginald Daye.

"The day will come when truth prevails and you will be most ashamed of yourself."

Truth has prevailed in spite of yur ridiculously inane attempts to conceal it.

kenhyderal said...

The Duke Lacrosse team with their relative affluence, their high power Legal Representation, their support by the media and by blogs dedicated to trashing their accuser, can hardly be classed as vulnerable.

guiowen said...

Is there any way we can get you to stop whining?
Nobody said the lax players were "vulnerable".
stop making things up!



Anonymous said...


Do you have knowledge of the basic facts of the lacrosse case? The lacrosse players were presumed guilty from the moment the allegations were made and were castigated in the media and in blogs as rapists, misogynists and racists. They were thrown out of school and subjected to death threats. They had virtually no support from anyone. Even after it because apparent that there was no basis for the charges, many (including you) still stubbornly stuck to the claim that they had to be guilty of . . . something.

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"The Duke Lacrosse team with their relative affluence, their high power Legal Representation, their support by the media and by blogs dedicated to trashing their accuser, can hardly be classed as vulnerable."

For kenny hissy fit, that they were innocent men falsely accused of and wrongfully prosecuted for a crime which never happened, that crystal lied about being raped, that is all irrelevant. All that was relevant to kenny was that the accuser was black and the men she falsely accused were white and, to kenny, that meant they should have been presumed guilty.

Anonymous said...

harr the hypocritical fabricator, kenny hissy fit, check this out:

Another incident like the tawana brawley hox, the Duke rape hoax. And kenny hiszy fit says incidents like the tawana brawley hoax, the Duke rape hoax, don't happen.

Anonymous said...


You have 308 days to exonerate and free Mangum and 17 days until the Ides of March.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

Kenny thinks it's mean spirited to make fun of a vulnerable person like Crystal but doesn't think it's mean to keep lying to her and pretend Sid is doing anything helpful?

Nothing can happen without either a pardon or court hearing - and those take time, months or years to schedule - Sid has filed nothing but pretends Crystal could be free soon. That's mean spirited Kenny.

Anonymous said...

First of all, Mangum isn't vulnerable. She is a manipulative and opportunistic victimizer. The fact that she is finally being held accountable for her actions does not make her vulnerable.

Second, who is making fun of Mangum? She is a dangerous criminal with a long history of making bad decisions that culminated in the murder of Mr. Daye and a lengthy prison sentence for her. The sad thing is that it took the loss of a human life before something was finally done to stop her.

Looking back on things it isn't hard to see how she ended up where she is. Yet, every step of the way she was enabled by the system and those around her who either ignored or excused her escalating pattern of destructive behavior until it was too late. As we see with Sid and kenny, there are still at least a few people willing to blame others for Mangum's poor decisions.

Mangum had plenty of opportunities along the way to straighten her life out and do the right thing. She had a college degree, offers of help and plenty of second chances. Instead of straightening herself out, she pursued a tragic and destructive lifestyle that has ruined at least two lives and disrupted countless others.

Mangum is where she is because of her own actions. It is where she belongs and where she needs to be. Mangum will get another chance in about a decade. Hopefully she makes the most of it and does something positive with her life. Otherwise, she will end back where she is now.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

right on abe

kenhyderal said...

Abe has accepted the meta-narrative hook, line and sinker that Crystal is a lying, scheming, drug addicted criminal and prostitute. There is no truth whatsoever in this widely held characterization of her. She is, in fact, a highly moral Christian women who despite modest circumstances was striving to make a life for herself and her children. Those who know Crystal, know that none of the slanderous things continuously said and written about her like his post at 7:29 have any basis in fact. This was "a number", successfully done on her, by the Duke Lacrosse Defence, using the immoral but widely adopted strategy of destroying the credibility of their client's accuser. After they had successfully "beat" the sexual assault charges they continued to discredit her in order to bolster their opportunistic civil claims. It has had devastating consequences for her, making it difficult to obtain employment and accommodation. With three children to care for she was driven to take help from people who believed the lies but didn't care because they themselves were on the fringe; like for instance alcoholic Daye. Abe, don't take my word or that of Dr. Harr about this; simply ask, at random, anybody who actually knows Crystal personally.

Anonymous said...

Kenny, is this an attempt at parody?

Anonymous said...

Kenny still refuses to answer why he supports Sid lying to Crystal about an impending release when nothing has been filed that can lead to that release.

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"Abe has accepted the meta-narrative hook, line and sinker that Crystal is a lying, scheming, drug addicted criminal and prostitute. There is no truth whatsoever in this widely held characterization of her. She is, in fact, a highly moral Christian women who despite modest circumstances was striving to make a life for herself and her children."

A "highly moral" Christian woman does not sleep around or falsely accuse others of crimes which never happened or murder others. You sure have a distorted idea of what is moral and Christian.

"Those who know Crystal, know that none of the slanderous things continuously said and written about her like his post at 7:29 have any basis in fact. This was 'a number', successfully done on her, by the Duke Lacrosse Defence, using the immoral but widely adopted strategy of destroying the credibility of their client's accuser."

All the Lacrosse players did was defend themselves against the charges of rape, kidnapping and sexual assault, which charges have been proven beyond any doubt as bogus. Your repeated pronouncements, that they could have happened, does not add up to evidence that they did. What came out later, that she previously had falsely accused men of raping her and had stolena cab, went on a wild, drunken ride pursued by police, then tried to run down a police officer, was documented in police reports. crystal's denials in her book are neither credible nor plausible. Her whole book is neither plausible nor credible.

"After they had successfully "beat" the sexual assault charges"

They never beat any assault charges because there were no charges at all to beat. They were falsely accused.

"they continued to discredit her in order to bolster their opportunistic civil claims."

They sued the people who wrongfully prosecuted them. Those people are the only people in this sordid situation who beat any merited punishment.

"It has had devastating consequences for her, making it difficult to obtain employment and accommodation. With three children to care for she was driven to take help from people who believed the lies but didn't care because they themselves were on the fringe"

None of this would have happened had crystal not falsely accused innocent men of raping her.

"like for instance alcoholic Daye."

There is no evidence that Reginald Daye was an alcoholic. The opinion of no clinical training, no clinical experience of kenny hissy fit does not establish that Reginald Daye was an alcoholic.

Abe, don't take my word"

No one accepts the word of no clinical training, no clinical experience guilt presuming racist kenny hissy fit.

"or that of Dr. Harr about this"

No one takes the word of harr the hypocritical fabricator who is but the minimally trained, minimally experienced medical school graduate who was never accepted into residency, who never achieved medical specialty board certification and who spent most of his post medical school career filing and losing frivolous, non meritorious lawsuits.

"simply ask, at random, anybody who actually knows Crystal personally."

So how come none of those who actually no crystal ever post here? Probably because theyknow what she is, a convicted criminal, false accuser, murderess.

kenhyderal said...

Dr. Anonymous said: "You sure have a distorted idea of what is moral and Christian".............................Crystal is by far a more moral person then you are, Doctor. From my observations you lack humility, kindness and compassion while demonstrating arrogance, meanness and contempt for others.

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"Dr. Anonymous said: 'You sure have a distorted idea of what is moral and Christian'.............................Crystal is by far a more moral person then you are, Doctor."

No I am not. I do not falsely accuse others of perpetrating crimes against me and I do not murder people.

"From my observations you lack humility, kindness and compassion while demonstrating arrogance, meanness and contempt for others."

You deny the obvious, like crystal lied about being raped. Your powers of observation are therefore totally deficient and non existent.

Anonymous said...

Correction of typos:

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"Dr. Anonymous said: 'You sure have a distorted idea of what is moral and Christian'.............................Crystal is by far a more moral person then you are, Doctor."

No she is not. I do not falsely accuse others of perpetrating crimes against me and I do not murder people.

"From my observations you lack humility, kindness and compassion while demonstrating arrogance, meanness and contempt for others."

You deny the obvious, like crystal lied about being raped. Your powers of observation are therefore totally deficient and non existent.

Anonymous said...


You have 307 days to exonerate and free Mangum and 16 days until the Ides of March.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

the great Kilgo said...

Please help me! Ubes is holdinhg me at gfksiuop,

Desconocido said...

Entonces, Kenhyderal, en que quedamos? Quieres encontrar a tu Kilgo, o no?

Anonymous said...


You have 306 days to exonerate and free Mangum and 15 days until the Ides of March.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

kenhyderal said...

@ Desconocido: En primer lugar, una pregunta de seguridad

Desconocido said...

Dime que quieres saber. Pero adonde te voy a mandar esta informacion? Esto no se puede poner en un sitio publico como este.

Nifong Supporter said...


I apologize for disappearing off the face of the earth for the past week, but when I left I expected that I would have access to the blog site and internet. Unfortunately, I did not... and have just returned home hours ago. While away I did draft a megablog which I plan on posting within the next day or two.

My brief absence had nothing to do with my advocacy work, so I will once again become actively involved at full speed on Mangum's case now that I'm back home.

Nifong Supporter said...

As you were.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Kenny still refuses to answer why he supports Sid lying to Crystal about an impending release when nothing has been filed that can lead to that release.

The fact is that you do not know what has been filed. Fact is that something has been filed which I believe will lead to Crystal Mangum's exoneration and freedom. Rejoice... the Ides of March. You should become enlightened about the specifics of what has been filed at that time.

guiowen said...

Please remember: when y9u started talking about the Ides of March, Kenhyderal said you were like Caesar. You can take that any way you want. (What does he know?)

Anonymous said...

So, you won't provide a copy of what has been filed? Was it filed with the Court, or the Governor? If it's with the State Bar or any other entity it won't matter. You should post it - what happened with transparency?

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"The fact is that you do not know what has been filed. Fact is that something has been filed which I believe will lead to Crystal Mangum's exoneration and freedom. Rejoice... the Ides of March. You should become enlightened about the specifics of what has been filed at that time."

Another promise from harr the hypocritical fabricator, the purveyor of empty promises.

kenhyderal said...

@ Desconocido 10:33 Me estás toreando!

Walt said...

Kenhyderal wrote: "It`s very mean-spirited to make fun of a vulnerable person like Crystal who is an uneven fight for justice."

You still haven't mastered reading for comprehension. You and Sid are the ones being made fun of.

"The day will come when truth prevails and you will be most ashamed of yourself."

The truth came out at the Attorney General's report. The truth came out again at the DHC hearing. The truth about Crystal's killing of Daye came out at the trial. (We have Sid to thank for betraying Crystal's confidence and telling us all she had no medical defense.) There really is nothing left to learn. I would be ashamed if I refused to look at the evidence and the law, as you have done though. I would be ashamed if I took one self-interested person's word as true despite all the evidence saying otherwise. That would be something to be ashamed of. But, if you want to ignore the evidence, and ignore the law, that speaks volumes about you.


Desconocido said...

Kenhyderal, hombre,
Como se te ocurre que yo te vaya a torear? Yo solo te quiero ayudar.

kenhyderal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kenhyderal said...

Walt said: "I would be ashamed if I took one self-interested person's word as true despite all the evidence saying otherwise. That would be something to be ashamed of. But, if you want to ignore the evidence, and ignore the law, that speaks volumes about you"........................................... Walt, you know as well as anyone that there is enough evidence to show that Crystal could have acted in self-defence. You know that Daye's un-examined statement might have been an untrue account of what actually took place. You know that the scene was not properly processed and the badgering cross examination of Crystal conducted by Coggins-Franks was crafted to test how her memory of this violent confrontation did not coincide exactly with what selective evidence she presented. She then proceeded to accuse Crystal of lying. No alternate explanations on the evidence found was ever offered to the Jury by Meir. For example, in a clothed individual the spot at where blood is found on the floor does not determine the exact location where the stabbing took place. You know the contention by Daye that after first trying to prevent Crystal from leaving then wanting her to leave caused her to go for a kitchen knife and attack him might not be true. Remember knives were found scattered all around and Crystal claimed that an enraged Daye was throwing knives at her. Daye being a verifiable knife throwing hobbyist.

Anonymous said...


You have 305 days to exonerate and free Mangum and 14 days until the Ides of March.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

It's been ten years since the gang rape that never happened.Time sure does fly.Back then all the PC morons,feminists,and black racists wanted the innocent boys to be lynched but as it turned out the real criminals were Nifong and Mangum who both went to jail but not for as long as the should have.Nobody ever apologized for being wrong.Not that I expected them to.

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"Walt, you know as well as anyone that there is enough evidence to show that Crystal could have acted in self-defence."

Irrelevant statement. The key word is COUD crystal and her attorneys had to show shw DID act in self defense, not that she could have. The evidence did not support self defense.

You know that Daye's un-examined statement might have been an untrue account of what actually took place."

Again, it was up to the defense to show that. The defense did not did not.

"You know that the scene was not properly processed and the badgering cross examination of Crystal conducted by Coggins-Franks was crafted to test how her memory of this violent confrontation did not coincide exactly with what selective evidence she presented."

What evidence could have been presented? That Reginald Daye was an alcoholic. Tat Reginald Daye was violent? All the defense could have presented were uncorroborated opinions from you and harr the hypocritical fabricator. There was no malpractice regardless of the worthless opinions of you and harr the hypocritical fabricator. As has been explained to you, medical malpractice would not have relieved crystal of criminal responsibility for Reginald Daye's death.

"She then proceeded to accuse Crystal of lying. No alternate explanations on the evidence found was ever offered to the Jury by Meir. For example, in a clothed individual the spot at where blood is found on the floor does not determine the exact location where the stabbing took place. You know the contention by Daye that after first trying to prevent Crystal from leaving then wanting her to leave caused her to go for a kitchen knife and attack him might not be true. Remember knives were found scattered all around and Crystal claimed that an enraged Daye was throwing knives at her."

All irrelevant. The defense has to do more than offer alternative explanations as to why the facts are the facts. Te defense has to impeach the prosecution's evidence.

"Daye being a verifiable knife throwing hobbyist."

Who verified that? crystal? crystal has a record bof being less than credible. e.g.crystal alleged she was raped at the party on the night of 13/14 March 2006. All the evidence gathered showed no rape had occurred. And the cab incident. What happened was documented in police records generated at the time of the incident, years before crystal became the Duke Rape hoax false accuser. Then, after the Duke Rapehoax, crystal comes up with a completely different version.

Anonymous said...

kenny hissy fit, you are as hyopcritical as harr the hypocritical fabricator(which would not be unusual if, as I believe, kenny is a but a fabrication of harr the hypocritical fabricator).

You argue that there are other interpretations of the acts which should add up to reasonable doubt as to crystal's guilt. In the Due Rape hoax you argue that the very extremely remote, miniscule possibility that crystal was raped should add up to proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

What else can one expext from a guilt presuming racist?

Anonymous said...

Kenny - Crystal had a history of running into the next room and grabbing a knife and going after boyfriends. That's a problem.

The Defense did fight for self-defense, they brought up Daye's drinking. They tried to bring up his violent past (and a neighbor said he had been argumentative and abusive towards Crystal) - Crystal denied all of that.

Self-defense was fully litigated, and the jury rejected it because the physical evidence more closely matched what Daye said than what Crystal said.

You keep beating that dead horse, but that issue is done.

Stop abusing Crystal and go find someone else to take advantage of. You and Sid are pathetic scum abusers no better than anyone else who takes advantage of vulnerable women for their own perverse needs.

Nifong Supporter said...

guiowen said...
Please remember: when y9u started talking about the Ides of March, Kenhyderal said you were like Caesar. You can take that any way you want. (What does he know?)

gui, mon ami, I take the kenhyderal statement comparing me to Caesar as the highest possible compliment as Julius Caesar was a great, compassionate, and intelligent leader who cared for all the people and not the nobility as did his opponents in the Senate.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So, you won't provide a copy of what has been filed? Was it filed with the Court, or the Governor? If it's with the State Bar or any other entity it won't matter. You should post it - what happened with transparency?

Transparency remains an integral part of this blog site. Aspects of the filing will be made known shortly... around the Ides of March. Whether or not the filing itself will be posted will be determined by whether or not it achieved its objective... if, in which case it does, posting it will be moot. (NOTE: I do not believe in writing or posting items for the purpose of gratuitously embarrassing or hurting an individual or entity.)

Nifong Supporter said...

Walt said...
Kenhyderal wrote: "It`s very mean-spirited to make fun of a vulnerable person like Crystal who is an uneven fight for justice."

You still haven't mastered reading for comprehension. You and Sid are the ones being made fun of.

"The day will come when truth prevails and you will be most ashamed of yourself."

The truth came out at the Attorney General's report. The truth came out again at the DHC hearing. The truth about Crystal's killing of Daye came out at the trial. (We have Sid to thank for betraying Crystal's confidence and telling us all she had no medical defense.) There really is nothing left to learn. I would be ashamed if I refused to look at the evidence and the law, as you have done though. I would be ashamed if I took one self-interested person's word as true despite all the evidence saying otherwise. That would be something to be ashamed of. But, if you want to ignore the evidence, and ignore the law, that speaks volumes about you.



Rejoice... the Ides of March. You will become enlightened in a matter of days and realize that justice long-denied to Crystal Mangum soon will be delivered. If I were you, I'd prepare by deciding what color crying towel you would prefer (Duke Blue Devil blue is the default color). In mere days, the Tower of Deceit and Injustice will begin to topple. Heads up!!


Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"NOTE: I do not believe in writing or posting items for the purpose of gratuitously embarrassing or hurting an individual or entity."

You forget you have embarrassed yourself on multiple occasions, though your deluded megaomania prevents yu from realizing it.

Walt said...

Kenhyderal wrote: " Walt, you know as well as anyone that there is enough evidence to show that Crystal could have acted in self-defence."

Einstein could have invented the cheese burger. But, he didn't. Juries don't base verdicts on speculation. That's what you are inviting us to do, speculate. The evidence is contrary to your speculations.

"You know that Daye's un-examined statement might have been an untrue account of what actually took place."

Finally! After four years and ten months you hit on a piece of evidence that might support Crystal's claim. You are quite right, in one regard, Daye's hearsay statement was not subject to cross examination. There are only two ways to find out who is telling the truth, cross examination and physical, or circumstantial, evidence. In this case, the physical evidence supports Daye's version of events. That lends it credibility. But, at long last you have figured something out. That's a start.

"You know that the scene was not properly processed..."

Don't put words in my mouth. You have no idea of what I know. But, I do know this, there were no obvious improprieties in processing the scene.

"... and the badgering cross examination of Crystal conducted by Coggins-Franks was crafted to test how her memory of this violent confrontation did not coincide exactly with what selective evidence she presented."

Talk about a loaded assertion. First, Crystal was not badgered. She was cross examined, and rather effectively. She has always had a problem telling consistent stories. The state used that against her. That's why the lawyer in her arson trial refused to put her on the stand. The state knows when Crystal is lying, she can't keep her stories straight. Well, this time, she refused to listen to her able counsel and she went on the stand. The first part of her testimony about the checks went fairly well. Thus, I conclude she was telling the truth about them. It helps that she had the law on her side on that one. Where she ran into trouble was with her version of events surrounding the stabbing. There she started to contradict the physical evidence and Daye's statement. Showing contradictions is not badgering. That's good and allowable cross examination. As far as selectively producing evidence, the state did what it is required to do, that is put on evidence of a crime. They didn't selectively put on evidence.

"She then proceeded to accuse Crystal of lying."

That's because Crystal said so many things that were inconsistent with the physical evidence and other witness statements.

"No alternate explanations on the evidence found was ever offered to the Jury by Meir."

That's because he had no evidence to support an alternative theory. Again, you wanted Crystal to engage in speculation when she needed evidence.


Walt said...

Sid wrote: "Walt,

Rejoice... the Ides of March. You will become enlightened in a matter of days and realize that justice long-denied to Crystal Mangum soon will be delivered. If I were you, I'd prepare by deciding what color crying towel you would prefer (Duke Blue Devil blue is the default color). In mere days, the Tower of Deceit and Injustice will begin to topple. Heads up!!"

Sid, your track record suggests otherwise. You are Kenny are just the men for a futile and stupid gesture. So, put up, or shut up.


Anonymous said...

In other words - Sid mailed someone another screed full of his misstatements of the law and twisting of the facts, and accusing everyone of being lying traitors. When it fails, he will just move on and not say anything about it.

He knows that when he posts stuff we all attack them and point out what is wrong with them, and why they will fail. He doesn't want that anymore, so he won't post his filing, because he knows it will fail, and he doesn't want us all to point out how ridiculous he still is, and how wrong.

Anonymous said...


If you can't post whatever has been filed because it would "gratuitously embarrass[] or hurt[] an individual or entity" then it probably shouldn't have been filed in the first place. You should be able to make your points and arguments in a civil manner and without resorting to scurrilous and ad hominem attacks. Such tactics, while sometimes cathartic, are rarely successful.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

kenhyderal said...

Walt, just like Dr. Roberts, is loath to criticize the work of another member of his profession and certainly not over Crystal Mangum, a person about whom he has embraced the meta-narrative hook, line and sinker about her. The one that was successfully created to discredit her by the Duke Lacrosse Lawyers in order to bolster their case and advance attempts to get a lucrative civil compensation for their clients but he knows full well that fellow Lawyer Daniel Meier did only poor, inadequate work on her behalf. Walt will deny this but it most certainly was an eminently winnable case, Crystal's actual innocence notwithstanding.

Anonymous said...

The only person who would be hurt or embarrassed by Sid's latest filing is Sid. He knows it. Every filing/letter he has posted has been full of errors and clearly shows his delusion/mental illness. No wonder he won't post it.

Kenny is still an idiot and an abuser.

Anonymous said...

I doubt Walt and Meier know each other, and it's unlikely they would be afraid to criticize another attorney. The entire job of a litigation attorney is to attack the opposing side. And, Dr. Roberts absolutely criticized Dr. Nichols. Read her report. She said the autopsy was sloppy, full of mistakes, and not done up to standard. However, she did still agree with the conclusion that the death was caused by complications. Because no one will tell you and Sid what those were, or how she would have testified, you pretend it would have been helpful to Crystal. That's because you are an idiot, lying abuser like Sid.

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"Walt, just like Dr. Roberts, is loath to criticize the work of another member of his profession and certainly not over Crystal Mangum, a person about whom he has embraced the meta-narrative hook, line and sinker about her."

I doubt you even know what a meta narrative really is. The facts about crystal are: she was a convicted criminal before she became notorious for the Duke Rape Hoax; she became notorious in the Duke Rape Hoax because she falsely accused the Duke Lacrosse players of raping her.

The one that was successfully created to discredit her by the Duke Lacrosse Lawyers in order to bolster their case and advance attempts to get a lucrative civil compensation for their clients"

The lawsuits were filed after the truth came out, that crystal lied about being raped, that no rape ever occurred. The lawyers representing the innocent Duke Lacrosse players in their lawsuits were not the lawyers who defended them against the bogus criminal charges.

"but he knows full well that fellow Lawyer Daniel Meier did only poor, inadequate work on her behalf."

No legal training, no legal eperience kenny hissy fit is not capable of meaningfully evaluating a lawyer's performance, especially since his case for crystal is nothing but his crusade to get his favorite murderess/false accuser a pass for her crimes.

"Walt will deny this but it most certainly was an eminently winnable case,"

Who says that other than harr the hypocritical fabricator and kenny hissy fit, neither one of whom qualifies as a legal expert.

"Crystal's actual innocence notwithstanding."

Crystal was guilty.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...


If you can't post whatever has been filed because it would "gratuitously embarrass[] or hurt[] an individual or entity" then it probably shouldn't have been filed in the first place. You should be able to make your points and arguments in a civil manner and without resorting to scurrilous and ad hominem attacks. Such tactics, while sometimes cathartic, are rarely successful.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Hey, Abe.

The fact of the matter is that the State should be embarrassed by its prosecution and conviction of Crystal Mangum for a crime that never even took place. If a just response comes from my filing, then there is no need to post the filing. The content of the filing is very civil and directed at the issues... nothing consisting of ad hominem attacks (that's not something I do).

Anonymous said...


You have 304 days to exonerate and free Mangum and 13 days until the Ides of March.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

Sid - all you do is ad hominem attacks - in every single filing. You've never been civil, you throw up mistakes of law showing you don't know what you are talking about (I bet the filing still references felony murder), and you make personal attacks against everyone involved, with no evidence, showing you are a delusional, paranoid, loon who has lost touch with reality.

Given that you have failed at everything you have attempted, and every filing in Court, why should this be different? You aren't posting it because you know we'd point out all the flaws in it. Right now, your entire goal is still the emotional abuse of Crystal and convincing her you are the only one trying to help her. You can tell her you've been filing things on her behalf, and you are sure they will work, and can tell Crystal no one has told you otherwise.

You are a sad, pathetic joke, and no one would care except you do this all in an attempt to strengthen your abuse grip on Crystal.

Fake Kenhyderal said...

“It is impossible for someone to lie unless he thinks he knows the truth. Producing bullshit requires no such conviction.” – Harry Frankfurt

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"The fact of the matter is that the State should be embarrassed by its prosecution and conviction of Crystal Mangum for a crime that never even took place."

You insist crystal was the victim/accusr in the Duke rape case in view of overwhelming evidence that the alleged crime never happened, that it was the Duke Rape hoax, not the Duke rape case. hen challenged to provide evidence the crime happened, the best you can come up with is 1) no one can prove the crie did not happen and 2) the obvious lie that AG Cooper sealed the case file,

It is obvious you can not tell whether or not a crime did or did not take place, and that your agenda is to get your favorite murderess/false accuser a pass for her crimes

A Lawyer said...

Dr. Harr:
What "filing" are you talking about? With whom did you "file" it? How is it going to get Mangum freed?

Walt said...

Kenhyderal wrote: "Walt, just like Dr. Roberts, is loath to criticize the work of another member of his profession and certainly not over Crystal Mangum,..."

Interesting, you don't like the conclusions of the independent experts, so you criticize the people. Not very effective argument. More of a Sid-like ad hominem attack.

"...., but he knows full well that fellow Lawyer Daniel Meier did only poor, inadequate work on her behalf."

Meier did the best he could with what he had. Crystal decided not to follow his advice when she got on the witness stand and testified so inconsistently with the established facts in the case that she destroyed her credibility. What I don't know is if Meier counseled Crystal against raising self defense. A good lawyer, and Meier is a good lawyer, would tell his client that under North Carolina law, the jury will be instructed to only consider self defense if they first decide the defendant is guilty of the underlying crime. In this case, homicide. I know you disagree with that law, but it is the pattern jury instruction and it is the law as it existed at the time of the crime, at the time of the trial, and as it exists today.

"Walt will deny this but it most certainly was an eminently winnable case, Crystal's actual innocence notwithstanding."

You are fond of telling me what I know and don't know, what I will and won't do. That's just plain rude. At the beginning, there were four potential defenses in this case:
(1) Crystal lacked metal competency to assist at trial or was incapable of knowing right from wrong at the time of killing,
(2) There was some intervening cause that cut off her criminal liability,
(3) Self defense, and
(4) A good plea bargain.

Crystal's first attorney, Chris Shella obtained a psych evaluation that made the first defense impossible. Sid breached Crystal's confidence in him and betrayed to the whole world and most importantly to the State of North Carolina that Crystal's own expert did not find any intervening cause. Self defense, the riskiest of all defenses was the course Crystal chose. Had she not gotten on the stand and told such an inconsistent tale, it might have worked. Had she not testified at all, it might have worked. But, she did testify and the jury didn't believe her. Neither did I. Her last, and best defense, was a good plea bargain. Crystal rejected that. Guilty people do reject plea bargains mainly because they are not making good life choices before they end up in jail, so they continue to make poor life choices once they do end up in jail.


Walt said...

Sid wrote: "The fact of the matter is that the State should be embarrassed by its prosecution and conviction of Crystal Mangum for a crime that never even took place."

There you go Sid, completely unhinged from reality.

"If a just response comes from my filing, then there is no need to post the filing. The content of the filing is very civil and directed at the issues... nothing consisting of ad hominem attacks (that's not something I do)."

Sid every letter you have posted on your blog is chock full of ad hominem attacks. You mertiless lawsuits are nothing but ad hominem attacks. Frequently directed at people who have nothing to do with the case until you drag them into one of your frivolous law suits.

Since it is the "policy" of your blog to post your filings and correspondence, I think you should post your filing and where you allegedly filed it. Wouldn't want anyone to think you are a hypocrite.


Anonymous said...


You have 303 days to exonerate and free Mangum and 12 days until the Ides of March.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

Personally I believe that harr the hypocritical fabricator and purveyor of empty promises has fired off another load of duds.

A Lawyer said...

Personally I believe that harr the hypocritical fabricator and purveyor of empty promises has fired off another load of duds.

What else does he have?

inconnu said...

Alors, Kenhyderal,
Est-ce que tu veux cette information?

Anonymous said...

cystal mangum and tawana brawley incidents are still wity us.

Anonymous said...

Video of the incident showing the three people who called themselves victims were actually perpetrators.

Anonymous said...

More videos of the latest instance of brawleyism/mangumism.

Let's have harr the hypocritical fabricator, purveyor of empty promises, try to spin this one.

Anonymous said...

Imant Perry, another incarnation of crysal and tawana.

Anonymous said...


Imani Perry

Anonymous said...

Maybe harr the hypocritical fabricator ad kenny hissy fit can explain these incidents of black on white racism

kenhyderal said...

Walt said: "(1) "Crystal lacked metal competency to assist at trial or was incapable of knowing right from wrong at the time of killing" ................................Playing into the meta-narrative that Crystal is mentally ill
(2) "There was some intervening cause that cut off her criminal liability".............................. Yes there was; Medical Malpractice for a condition NOT related to the stab wound that sent him to hospital.
(3) "Self defense"........................................ Common sense tells people that a jealous, enraged, drunken, alcoholic Daye twice her size, one who kicked in a bathroom door to get at her, dragged her out by her hair and peppered her with knives and caused her to fear for her life.
(4)" A good plea bargain"........................... You Lawyers just love it when innocent people are blackmailed into pleading guilty to a crime they did not commit

guiowen said...

For God's sake, can't you understand what you read? Walt did not say Crystal lacked mental competency. He said it was a possible strategy for her.

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"Walt said: "(1) "Crystal lacked metal competency to assist at trial or was incapable of knowing right from wrong at the time of killing" ................................Playing into the meta-narrative that Crystal is mentally ill"

The only meta narrative which involved crystl was he metanarrative generated by her false accusations of rape back in March of 20006, into which metanarrative kenny hissy fit fully buys.

"(2) "There was some intervening cause that cut off her criminal liability".............................. Yes there was; Medical Malpractice for a condition NOT related to the stab wound that sent him to hospital."

There was no malpractice. It takes more than the opinion of no clinical training, no clinical experience kenny hissy fit, more than the opinion of harr, the minimally trained, minimally experienced medical school graduate who was never accepted into residency training and who never achieved medical specialty board certification, to establish malpractice.

"(3) "Self defense"........................................ Common sense tells people that a jealous, enraged, drunken, alcoholic Daye twice her size, one who kicked in a bathroom door to get at her, dragged her out by her hair and peppered her with knives and caused her to fear for her life."

kenny ignores presented at the trial did not support the version offered by crystal, who had established herself as less than credible before she ever murdered Reginald Daye.
"(4)" A good plea bargain"........................... You Lawyers just love it when innocent people are blackmailed into pleading guilty to a crime they did not commit"

A bit of gross hypocrisy on the part of kenny hissy fit who believes innocent men should have been presumed guilty of a crime which never happened.

Anonymous said...


You have 302 days to exonerate and free Mangum and 11 days until the Ides of March.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

The Great Kilgo said...

I think I've managed to escape this time. I'm ouihihgfoi

kenhyderal said...

Guiowen said: "For God's sake, can't you understand what you read? Walt did not say Crystal lacked mental competency. He said it was a possible strategy for her'................ Strategies, eh? U.S. Lawyers love strategies. They employ them to get their guilty clients off on crimes they have committed eg. the strategy for the Duke Lacrosse Defence was to discredit Crystal. Crystal did not want to use sham insanity as a defence. It was Daye not her who behaved in an insane manner. Crystal believed and still believes that the "truth will set her free". Because the majority of people, including local Lawyers, have bought into the narrative that Crystal is a drug-addicted criminal they come at the case thinking she is guilty to start with and want to come up with a "strategy" to win the case. Keep her off the stand, find her mentally incompetent, make a plea deal, etc. ,etc. She's not worth doing an thorough and exhaustive investigation for in order to determine what is the truth. Wonder why Lawyers are "at the bottom of the totem pole", ethically, as far as Public Opinion goes?

Anonymous said...


Your lies still aren't helping Mangum.

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"Guiowen said: "For God's sake, can't you understand what you read? Walt did not say Crystal lacked mental competency. He said it was a possible strategy for her'................"

"Strategies, eh? U.S. Lawyers love strategies. They employ them to get their guilty clients off on crimes they have committed eg. the strategy for the Duke Lacrosse Defence was to discredit Crystal."

The evidence showed beyond any doubt that the rape crystal alleged never happened(meaning crystal lied about being raped). But you still argue that members of the Lacrosse team were guilty and that the proof of their innocence was simply a strategy to discredit crystal. crystal discredited herself, just like she did in her murder trial. And you again manifest your guilt presuming racism.

"Crystal did not want to use sham insanity as a defence. It was Daye not her who behaved in an insane manner."

No it wasn't.

"Crystal believed and still believes that the "''truth will set her free'."

Which means crystal admits she can not recognize the truth, as it was the truth which resulted in her conviction."

Because the majority of people, including local Lawyers, have bought into the narrative that Crystal is a drug-addicted criminal they come at the case thinking she is guilty to start with and want to come up with a 'strategy' to win the case."

Which is how you, as an obvious guilt presuming racist, regard the evidence which showed conclusively crystal lied about being raped.

"Keep her off the stand, find her mentally incompetent, make a plea deal, etc. ,etc. She's not worth doing an thorough and exhaustive investigation for in order to determine what is the truth."

There was a thorough investigation of the Duke rape hoax which showed crystal lied about being raped. There WAS another thorough investigation which yielded evidence which showed beyond a reasonable doubt that crystal murdered Reginald Daye. Just because a biased guilt presuming racist does not except the evidence does not nullify it.

"Wonder why Lawyers are "at the bottom of the totem pole", ethically, as far as Public Opinion goes?"

Not as low down as you and harr the hypocritical fabricator are.

Walt said...

Anonymous at 9:46 AM wrote: "kenny,

Your lies still aren't helping Mangum."

Ding-Ding-Ding, Ladies and Gentlemen, We Have A Winner!


Walt said...

Kenhyderal wrote: "Strategies, eh? U.S. Lawyers love strategies."

Just for once, try telling the truth. You can read exactly what I wrote above, but I have reproduced it here for you: "At the beginning, there were four potential defenses in this case:
(1) Crystal lacked metal competency to assist at trial or was incapable of knowing right from wrong at the time of killing,
(2) There was some intervening cause that cut off her criminal liability,
(3) Self defense, and
(4) A good plea bargain."

A lawyer, a highly trained professional works from the available defenses in a criminal case. His, or her education, training and experience tell him what those defenses are. Strategies are means to carry out a defense. Thus, competency is a defense. A psychological evaluation is a strategy. Once Crystal was evaluated for competency both to assist at her defense and to determine if she could tell right from wrong the lawyer knew if he had the defense.

Again, a competent lawyer looking at this case would ask if there was some intervening cause that break the chain of liability. That is a defense. Seeking an independent medical examination is a strategy. That is what Sid wanted as well. Unfortunately for Crystal, the independent medical examination did not turn up evidence, by way of a contrary diagnosis that could be used to prove an intervening cause. It is unfortunate that you are so unwilling to tell the truth that you even lie about matters that are obvious and provable by looking at previous posts. To quote anon at 9:46, your lies are not helping Crystal.

"Crystal did not want to use sham insanity as a defence."

Insanity is not a defense. Competency or the inability to know right from wrong are defenses. There is a difference, and if you cared one bit about Crystal, you would at least recognize that difference.

"Crystal believed and still believes that the "truth will set her free"."

The truth is she killed a man by her act of brutal domestic violence. The truth is, as the jury found it, she needs to be in prison.

"She's not worth doing an thorough and exhaustive investigation for in order to determine what is the truth."

Of course a thorough job was done. You just don't like it when a thorough job is done. Crystal first sought a determination of her competence to assist at trial or her ability to know right from wrong. Only an imbecile would overlook that. Second she sought an independent medical examination. Again, only a lawyer who was looking to avoid doing an exhaustive investigation would not order an IME. What you are trying to do is obscure the facts. With friends like you, Crystal doesn't need any enemies.


kenhyderal said...

Walt said: " It is unfortunate that you are so unwilling to tell the truth that you even lie about matters that are obvious and provable by looking at previous posts"...........................Huh, unwilling to tell the truth?? Give me an example Walt also said: "The truth is she killed a man by her act of brutal domestic violence"...................Huh, Crystal perpetrated "domestic violence" on Daye?? It was, in fact, the other way around. Crystal defended herself against lethal domestic violence

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"Walt said: " It is unfortunate that you are so unwilling to tell the truth that you even lie about matters that are obvious and provable by looking at previous posts"...........................Huh, unwilling to tell the truth?? Give me an example Walt also said: "The truth is she killed a man by her act of brutal domestic violence"...................Huh, Crystal perpetrated "domestic violence" on Daye?? It was, in fact, the other way around. Crystal defended herself against lethal domestic violence".

As Walt has so eloquently put it it, "It is unfortunate that [Kenhyderal is] so unwilling to tell the truth that [he] even [lies] about matters that are obvious and provable by looking at previous posts"

The Great Kilgo said...

Please help me, Kenhyderal! Ubes e0u4jn


kenhyderal: there is an impostor on this blog. ignore him. i am the real kilgo and have the information you are looking for.

Anonymous said...


You have 301 days to exonerate and free Mangum and 10 days until the Ides of March.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

As Walt has so eloquently put it it, "It is unfortunate that [Kenhyderal is] so unwilling to tell the truth that [he] even [lies] about matters that are obvious and provable by looking at previous posts"

Don't overestimate Kenny's abilities. He has proven time and time again that he is not the sharpest tool in the shed.

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