Saturday, March 5, 2016

"Forsaken: A novel" and its perspective on the legal system in the South


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Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"Guiowen said:, 'That's not the way I put it. I pointed out that she takes too many drugs, and she loses her mind when she does this'......................... Whatever way you put it it's inaccurate and insulting."

So says kenny hissy fit who persistently insults peoples' intelligence by claiming, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that crystal was raped, overwhelming evidence to the contrary which has been part of the public record for years.

Anonymous said...

kenny hissy fit:

Hypocrisy, thy name is kenhyderal.

Anonymous said...

Sid has said if his filing worked, we'd all know it by March 15. He said if it didn't work, he'd go ahead and post it. It's been 3 days - now he is making excuses about the mail, and his "megablog."

Sid is never going to post his failed filing - he's a pathetic joke, and the bigger loser from Canada, Kenny, will still try to justify his games.

Anonymous said...

harr the hypocritical fabricator said if his filing was successful he would not have post it. Which leads me to believe he was going to just claim success. Now, he does not want to face the many comments which would come his way if he just did claim success. Or, maybe he has deluded himself into believing people will just believe he was successful.

Anonymous said...

harr the hypocritical fabrictor remains silent. I wonder how lame an excuse will he come up with to explain his silence.

Inconnu said...

Mais, mon cher ami Kenhyderal,
Qu'est-ce que c'est que Google translate? Je tache de t'aider, et tu me parles comme ca?

guiowen said...

So what you're saying is Crystal goes around slashing tires and stealing cars and burning clothes because this is the normal thing for her to do.
No wonder they've got her locked up!

guiowen said...

By the way, Kenny, I just remembered that as Humpty Dumpty, you can make the word "insult" mean anything you want. What exactly does it mean today?

desconocido said...

Aqui te estoy tratando de ayudar, y lo unico que haces es insultarme! Verguenza te debiera dar! Metete tu google translate por donde ya sabemos!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, Kenhyderal, if some character tried to present himself as Kilgo. The real Kilgo is alive and well, and in our hands.

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