Thursday, May 11, 2023

Crystal Mangum's Motion for Appropriate Relief filed on April 25, 2023


Anonymous said...

If this was your secret project Abe may as well restart the clock, because this will fail like the rest of them.

You never formally served the questions as Discovery, so the deemed admitted does not apply. Your second lawsuit, as has been repeatedly noted, but you refuse to respond to, was improperly served, so nothing matters with it.

And, a civil discovery violation does not constitute evidence in a criminal case.

Anonymous said...

Even if you had formally sent it - it would not count for a Criminal case.

You are a doctor, and presumably smart - you've done a lot of lawsuits. The fact you keep messing up is why we are all convinced it's intentional.

You don't want Crystal free, you just want her to think you are trying to get her free so she stays with you.

kenhyderal said...

Those messing up are the ones keeping a provably innocent person in gaol. America, a nation infested with Lawyers, does not have a functioning Justice System. It only has a perverse arcane Legal System designed to keep a plethora of Lawyers in business and amenable to manipulation that can be used to achieve pre-ordained and desired result. It's a two tiered system, where money can buy you a dream team to give you any result you want no matter your guilt and another system for the poor who you can easily lock up. Americans are no more criminal or dishonest than peoples of other nations but more of them are locked up there than in other countries. American have no more mental illness than other nations but they do have more guns and more mass shootings. Crystal is innocent but locked away; "tough luck. Justice be damned, it's imperative, we keep our Legal System intact. There is too much money and too many reputations at stake and she is a person of no consequence compared to us, in the System". And to you, Anonymous @ 5:02, impugning Dr. Harr's motives is both mean-spirited and cowardly.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
If this was your secret project Abe may as well restart the clock, because this will fail like the rest of them.

You never formally served the questions as Discovery, so the deemed admitted does not apply. Your second lawsuit, as has been repeatedly noted, but you refuse to respond to, was improperly served, so nothing matters with it.

And, a civil discovery violation does not constitute evidence in a criminal case.

May 12, 2023 at 3:23 AM

Hey, Anony.

I do not understand why you do not believe the defendants were properly served. Please provide some elucidation. I did receive a signed return receipt from the defendant.

What the issue really boils down to is that the defendant does not want to respond to the admissions because they would support Mangum's innocence. Right?

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Even if you had formally sent it - it would not count for a Criminal case.

You are a doctor, and presumably smart - you've done a lot of lawsuits. The fact you keep messing up is why we are all convinced it's intentional.

You don't want Crystal free, you just want her to think you are trying to get her free so she stays with you.

May 12, 2023 at 5:02 AM

Hey, Anony.

Your premise that "I don't want Crystal free" makes absolutely no sense. If that was the case, then I would do nothing. My actions are an attempt to free her. I want Crystal free because I want justice for her... I want Crystal to be with her children and grandchildren.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
FWIW -- In NC, a person can't represent a spouse, a family member, or a friend UNLESS they are licensed in North Carolina to practice law. Sid found this out back in Feb 2013.

My hope is that CGM was aware of this at the time of the proposal, and that Sid didn't try to use this as a "selling point" for her acceptance of the proposal.

My hope is also that Sid knows being CGM's fiancée/husband gives him no legal advantage -- even though he's made it a point to bring it to everyone's attention in every lawsuit filed since the upcoming marriage was first announced.

Regardless, she DID accept the proposal, and I wish both her and Sid well.

May 10, 2023 at 12:32 PM

Hey, Anony.

Thanks for the wedding wishes. As you know, the State has really put an obstacle in the way of Crystal and I getting married. We have given up on a prison wedding. Also, regarding my intentions, I had visited Crystal in prison/jail for nine years prior to my proposal... so I got to know her better than many people know their mates who become engaged.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
It's just further proof that both Sid and Kenny want to emotionally abuse Crystal and pretend they are her friends when they aren't. When there are simple fixes that can actually possibly help, they both refuse, and instead try to blame the system.

I do like how Crystal said that when she gets out, she wants to stay in a hotel, then with her kids. Does anyone think this marriage is actually going to happen? As soon as Crystal is out, she will have nothing to do with Sid.

May 10, 2023 at 8:47 AM

Hey, Anony.

Crystal and I make plans on her released based on what is in her best interests... Those decisions were made mutually. Keep in mind that I am more than thirty years older than she is. The final outcome regarding marriage will be made based on what is in her best interests. I want what is best for Crystal; not what is best for myself.

Anonymous said...


Had you done nothing Mangum would be out of prison by now.

You have 18 days to free Mangum.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Prince H,

There a big difference between courts liberally construing pleadings to give the plaintiff every benefit of the doubt and the opportunity to have their claim decided (especially a "pro se" plaintiff) and granting a default judgment where service has not been made.

Without proper service the court does not have personal jurisdiction over the party to be served. Beyond that, everyone has a basic fundamental right to be placed on notice of and given a chance to defend themselves against any claims made against them. It's an issue of fairness that cannot be waived (unless both parties consent). That's why we have rules detailing how service must be made to ensure all parties have a fair opportunity to present their claims and defenses. Those rules are tight and strictly enforced to prevent parties, like Sid and Mangum, from manipulating the system and obtaining judgments they are not entitled to.

When kenny claims courts overlook improper service by lawyers he is making things up, at best, or just flat out lying. He did not and cannot cite a single example of this. A party screws around with service at their own peril.

In the case of a lawyer who screws up service or misses the statute of limitation, the party he represents has a malpractice claim against the lawyer. But when you are represented by a non-lawyer legal advocate (or whatever Sid calls himself to justify and attempt to avoid responsibility for his unlawful conduct in representing Mangum) you are just plain screwed.

Even I know these things. It is inexplicable that Sid and kenny don't, and that kenny would attempt to justify and defend it.

Sid and Mangum never have been and never will be rewarded for their ongoing attempts to manipulate the legal system for their benefit and personal gain. One would think they would have learned that lesson by now.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

May 10, 2023 at 6:32 AM

Hey, Abe.

I don't know why you believe that the defendants were not properly served. Could you provide elucidation?

Also, I do not know why you say that Crystal and I are trying to manipulate the legal system. I would say that we are utilizing the legal system to redress the injustice.

Nifong Supporter said...

Prince Humperdinck said...
Well --- Sid filed a Motion for Appropriate Relief for Mangum in the wrong court, and the court accepted by treating it as a Writ of Habeas Corpus and allowing him to correct it.

My only assumption is that he (and Kenhyderal) expects this civil court to treat his filings the same way.

And when the court doesn't, rather than acknowledging that the lawsuit was filed it wrong, it's somehow the court's fault for not correcting Sid.

May 9, 2023 at 6:50 AM

Hey, Prince Humperdinck.

I think you are referencing the first Habeas Corpus that I filed in 2016 or 2017. The last four MARs that I filed were properly filed in the Durham County Superior Court's Criminal Division.

May 13, 2023 at 5:34 AM

Nifong Supporter said...


Here is an update on Crystal Mangum's pending cases as of May 10, 2023:
(1) Mangum v. Aurelius, et al. filed in federal court -- there has been no activity in the case since the April 3, 2023 motion by Mangum for a default summary judgment. (The defendants have not filed any documents in this case.); and
(2) Mangum's Motion for Appropriate Relief filed in Durham Superior Court's Criminal Division -- The motion filed on April 25, 2023 was sent to Senior Resident Judge O'Foghludha on that day, and has not been assigned to a Superior Court judge. A ruling on the MAR is pending.

Anonymous said...

No, you served a lawyer, who had not agreed to accept service. Unless a lawyer states he represents someone, and says you can serve him, you cannot.

You served the attorney you had dealt with previously - there is no indication he is still representing them, nor that he said you can serve him.

So, your service is improper - and the Defendants are well within their rights to simply ignore you.

Are you elucidated?

Nana D. said...


It has been a few years since I visited your blog. Have you made any progress?

Tyrone Rugen said...

Sid said "I don't know why you believe that the defendants were not properly served. Could you provide elucidation?"

The lawsuit should have been filed against the North Carolina Department Of Health and Human Services - Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, and you should have served the Office of the General Counsel, DHHS.

I don't know what receipt you received -- the only thing I see is a receipt for USPS Form 3811 addressed to (and I assumed signed by) Asst. A.G. John Schaeffer. Schaeffer isn't even a defendant in the lawsuit.

It's like me filing a lawsuit against you, serving Kenhyderal, then sending a document to Abe and having Abe sign a receipt for the document.

For proper filing, See (among others):

Santimore v. North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services/Office of the Chief Medical Examiner

Disabilty Rights North Carolina v. State of North Carolina, NC DHHS, Kody Kinsley IN HIS CAPACITY as Secretary, NC DHHS

Tyrone Rugen said...

This is the plan you had to have CGM free by May 31 2023?

That is about the worst thing I've ever heard.


How marvelous.

kenhyderal said...

@ Tyrone: Same old legal mumbo-jumbo and meanwhile an innocent person is in gaol. Something that a Minister of Justice could solve with the waive of his hand but who wont do so because of the political consequences for him and his mentor Gov. Cooper

Anonymous said...


You have 18 days to free Mangum.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...


No rational person believes Mangum is innocent as regards her role in the stabbing of Mr. Daye. That's low level trolling and gaslighting that will persuade no judge, prosecutor, governor or any other person who can help Mangum. The only issue Sid has raised is whether the stab wound was the proximate cause of Mr. Daye's death. Even if he's right about that, Mangum still committed a very, very serious crime for which she must be punished.

Truth matters in court. Repeating the same lie over and over again won't make it the truth or help Mangum. You should know this by now.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

There is no mumbo jumbo about it. Sid knows how to do it, and has. The fact he hasn't, and the fact you refuse to call him on it shows you are in on the joke. You and Sid are playing with Crystal's emotions and having a good laugh when these fail.

You and Sid are truly despicable people who should be ashamed of yourselves. Pretending to care about Crystal when in reality you are her two worst enemies.

guiowen said...

So why won't Wecht do something to get Crystal out? Did you and Sidney do something to anger him? Are you still claiming he's too important for that?

Tyrone Rugen said...

@Kenhyderal - By “Minister of Justice”, are you referring to the NC Attorney General?

The attorney general does not have any authority over courts, local district attorneys, or local law enforcement agencies in North Carolina.

Anonymous said...


You have 15 days to free Mangum.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

dhall said...

I've been away for a few. I see one commenter has stated that the defendant was improperly served. I haven't been able to confirm this (I haven't seen anything that states who was served -- I could have overlooked it)

I'd be interested in how/where this information was found.

Providing that the defendant was improperly served, I agree with 2 points this (I assume) same commenter has made:

1) The defendant doesn't have to respond to the lawsuit

2) A civil discovery violation does not constitute evidence in a criminal case.

There is simply no legal basis for the lawsuit against Dr. Aurelius. As John Schaeffer pointed out, Dr. Aurelius is "under no obligation by statute or rule to answer them. Nor were any promises made that she would answer them..."

Basing a lawsuit on something with no legal basis is the definition of a frivolous lawsuit.

Basing a Motion for Appropriate Relief on something that has no legal basis is the height of foolishness.

Both actions hurt Crystal Mangum more than they help her.

What's sad to me is that none of the so-called "Crystal Mangum Supporters" bother to even call you out on these ridiculous actions, to her detriment.

kenhyderal said...

@ Abe: 5-14-23 No rational person, given the facts, believes Crystal is guilty of murder. That was what she was charged with and that's what she was wrongly convicted of. As to the issue of the cause of death, Dr. Harr was right and Dr. Wecht was right and any Jury also given the facts would determine, that Dr. Nicholls was wrong. Maybe you would, then, like to charge Crystal with assault with a deadly weapon, or attempted murder, or some other charge; lots of luck with that. Meanwhile, Justice demands that she must be freed, for the crime of murder, something that never occured. Accusing me of gaslighting is sheer projection on your part.

kenhyderal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kenhyderal said...

@ Tyrone An innocent person is wrongly convicted and those charged with administrating Justice can't do anything about it, eh? She'll just have to rot in gaol. Doesn't that make a mockery of your Justice System?

kenhyderal said...

@ Anonymous 11:55 5-14-23 Impugning the motives of those trying to obtain Justice for Crystal is what is despicable. Crystal knows who has her interests at heart and knows those who are malicious.

Tyrone Rugen said...

@kenhyderal - I’ll point out you didn’t answer the question.

You want to find someone to blame for not helping CGM? Start by looking in the mirror.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
kenhyderal supporter said...

Right on kenhyderal.

kenhyderal supporter said...

I’m proud to call kenhyderal my friend.

kenhyderal supporter said...

Dr. Harr,

You need to enforce the kenhyderal supporter doctrine and delete the post on May 15 at 5:07 PM.

Anonymous said...


You have 14 days to free Mangum.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...


What is the kenhyderal supporter doctrine?

dhall said...

Dr. Harr -

Anonymous @ May 13, 2023 at 6:08 AM has stated why the defendant was improperly served.

Can you respond to the claims within that comment?

Anonymous said...

To the poster on May 17 at 9:35 AM:

In order to ensure that kenhyderal is treated with the respect he deserves, I asked Dr. Harr last year to delete from his blog all posts that mock or disparage kenhyderal. Examples of such posts were posts calling kenhyderal the “little man” and a “master debater.”

Dr. Harr agreed to my request and refers to the new guidelines as the “kenhyderal supporter doctrine.” The post on May 15 referred to kenhyderal as “stupid” and was another example of the name calling that Dr. Harr will not tolerate on his blog.

guiowen said...

Back in Deceber of 2010 I suggested to Sidney that he explain to Crystal that she had, in effect, dodged a bullet. Sidney replied that what she had suffered in 2010 could hardly be called "dodging a bullet". In effect, he seemed to be telling Crystal that the worst that could happen to her was what had happened that year. Crystal came to believe that she could suffer not much more punishment than the few months she had been jailed that year. This probably led her to stabbing her boyfriend: what could happen to her?

Anonymous said...


You have 12 days left to free Mangum.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Prince Humperdinck said...

WRT the commenter whose comment was deleted on May 15, 2023 at 5:07 PM, you could get around this as Kenhyderal does.

KenhyderaL (for example) doesn't call someone "irrational", Kenhyderal states "any rational person would..."

So, rather than call Kenny stupid for something he's said or done, simply write something along the lines of "any smart person would..." the opposite of what Kenny did.

So, you could write in response to Kenny @May 15, 2023 at 9:24 AM:

"any smart person would impugn the despicable motives of those trying to obtain Justice for Crystal... as they are currently attempting"

See? Problem solved.

kenhyderal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kenhyderal said...

@ Anonymous 5-18-23 5:34 PM I've been called a lot worse things than " "little man" or " stupid". I'm a big boy and I can take such "puffball" ad hominem attacks. No need to censor them. Unlike Dr. Harr, though, who always turns the other cheek, I do tend to fight back. Like with "master debater" with it's sexual inuendo. I usually retaliate by pointing out it's a puerile, juvenile snickering schoolboy perjorative and those using it are being childlessly stupid. The so called kenhyderal rule is meant to prevent cruel and mean spirited attacks on the vulnerable which wouldn't include me.

kenhyderal supporter said...


I was the author of the comment at 5:34 PM on May 18, but my name was not published.

I was the source of the kenhyderal supporter doctrine and hence the name. You should not have to waste your time retaliating against the posters who mock you. Your time is better spent working on your secret plan to win Crystal a new trial and compensation.

kenhyderal supporter

kenhyderal said...

@ The Prince: 19-5-23 7:11 AM:----- WRT your advice to the Anonymous Poster; you're not making much sense there, Prince. Perhaps you could rephrase that?

kenhyderal said...

@ KHS 5-19-23 3:53 PM: ==== Thanks for your concern; however it's not necessary to delete ad hominem attacks against me, as I am quite able to defend myself. The rationale for the Kenhyderal doctrine was the frequent, disgusting and vicious attacks on Crystal, herself, which I told Dr. Harr he must censor.

Prince Humperdinck said...

Sid -- Kenhyderal is making personal attacks against me by stating I'm "not making much sense there.." when I obviously am.

As such, he is violating the Kenhyderal supporter doctrine, and his comment should be removed.

Either use the Kenhyderal supporter doctrine equally or abandon it altogether.

Anonymous said...


Please take note. Kenny doesn’t want you to delete posts that mock him. He likes to read them.