Wednesday, April 17, 2024

True Crime Doc on Crystal Mangum: Not Malicious, but Not Enlightening


Anonymous said...

What an utter waste of time.

I'm sure this letter received all the due diligence it deserved.

...And I'm sure you regret missing an opportunity to file another defamation claim.

kenhyderal said...

Once again, undeniable evidence is presented by Dr. Harr that shows that thwarting efforts to correct the miscarriage of Justice in the case of Crystal is in full play. Please see for yourself what's undeniable ; there was no murder and the efforts are constantly underway, using any ruse possible, to ensure Crystal's false conviction stands. It's a disgrace and a blight on your broken Justice System. You all can look aside while they continue to punish Crystal but you can't keep the truth from eventually coming out and those culpable as well as those who looked away will have their reputations destroyed and then Crystal will be shown to be a civil rights martyr and Dr. Harr, in the long tradion of black Americans, a fighter for Justice.

Tyrone Rugen said...

Sid --

you get permission from the "project director" to post about that secret project yet?

Anything's better than this "True Crime Doc on Crystal Mangum: Not Malicious, but Not Enlightening" waste of time.

Kenhyderal Lay Advocate said...

Truly an enlightened comment about blog by Kenhyderal.

Sid, you should take the time to post that as an exhibit directly from the blog page.

dhall said...

Kenhyderal- I responded to your comment on the previous blog. I strongly suggest both you and Dr. Harr read my response.

A. Habba Esquire said...


It is clear to me that you have a complete understanding of Crystal’s case and your nuanced posts address subtle aspects of her defense. What is not clear to me is why you will not submit a written statement in support of Crystal to the Governor and Attorney General. You criticize others for not taking action, yet you do nothing to support Crystal. Why is that? Are you a coward? Do you simply not care about Crystal?

kenhyderal said...

@ A Habba Esq. 4-20-24 8:49 AM: Dr. Harr has provided all the relevant facts, proving the innocence of Crystal, to Cooper accolade AG Stein. Do you honestly believe if I, being an expatriot Canadian, write to him and also present to him these same facts that Dr. Harr has aleady full and clearly submitted, this will make a difference? He is, in fact, completely aware but for reasons one can only speculate about, refuses to act and continues to "stonewall". Meanwhile to the utter shame of North Carolina, innocent, Crystal continues to suffer.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
What an utter waste of time.

I'm sure this letter received all the due diligence it deserved.

...And I'm sure you regret missing an opportunity to file another defamation claim.

April 18, 2024 at 11:46 AM

Hey, Anony.

It was my hope that the letter would reach the Investigation Discovery Channel and producers of Lethally Blonde prior to its airing so that it could amend the program to make it more accurate and meaningful. It's the program's loss of the opportunity to enlighten its viewers.

I am pleased the episode did not have a malicious tenor. I do not like filing and executing lawsuits nor paying the outrageous docketing fees and expending many hours required for litigation. That is why I sent the letter in the first place... to avert the broadcasting of a defamatory episode.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Tyrone Rugen said...
Sid --

you get permission from the "project director" to post about that secret project yet?

Anything's better than this "True Crime Doc on Crystal Mangum: Not Malicious, but Not Enlightening" waste of time.

April 19, 2024 at 5:50 AM

Hey, Tyrone Rugen.

I have not received permission to announce the project yet. However, I will say that the project will be accessible sometime this fall... around September. So I will guess that I will be able to discuss it in more depth several weeks to a couple of months before then.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Kenhyderal Lay Advocate said...
Truly an enlightened comment about blog by Kenhyderal.

Sid, you should take the time to post that as an exhibit directly from the blog page.

April 19, 2024 at 3:05 PM

Hey, Kenhyderal Lay Advocate.

You read my mind. After reading the comment by kenhyderal I thought about using it in some of the legal documents. Thanks for the suggestion.

dhall said...

Dr. Harr - I would like to see your response(s) to my posts on your previous blog entry. Look at my comments from April 17, 2024 at 8:09 AM through April 19, 2024 at 2:04 PM.


Anonymous said...

Has CGM's lawyer visited her yet?

Kenhyderal Lay Advocate said...

"You read my mind. After reading the comment by kenhyderal I thought about using it in some of the legal documents. Thanks for the suggestion."

Kenhyderal will be shown to be a civil rights martyr and Kenhyderal Lay Advocate a fighter for Justice.

A Habba Esquire said...


Your response confirms that you are a coward and cannot be bothered to assist Crystal.

dhall said...

I find it odd that you haven't responded to my comment from April 22nd.
For clarity. I'll post the meaningful portions of my comments from the previous blog here, as well as some additional thoughts.

N.C.G.S. 15A-1415(c).

Notwithstanding the time limitations herein, a defendant at any time after verdict may by a motion for appropriate relief, raise the ground that evidence is available which was unknown or unavailable to the defendant at the time of trial, which could not with due diligence have been discovered or made available at that time, including recanted testimony, and which has a direct and material bearing upon the defendant's eligibility for the death penalty or the defendant's guilt or innocence. A motion based upon such newly discovered evidence must be filed within a reasonable time of its discovery. (emphasis mine)

ALL the items you brought up (even Cyril Wecht's opinion) are based on evidence available at the time of the trial, or they are brought up with no proof (i.e. Walker's forced perjury, Hane's alleged perjury).

Now -- perjury itself is difficult to prove. You and I could witness the same incident and come away with 2 different accounts of what happened. If we're called to testify, who can confirm that one of us is committing perjury? This is why your claim of Hane's perjury rings false -- You don't have any way to prove it.

Getting back to Walker's testimony -- Apparently he told Crystal Mangum he was "was forced by prosecutors to testify against her". Well, that's what subpoenas (or the threat of one) are for -- to get someone to testify who otherwise chose not to do so. That's not illegal.

You also claim he "...under prosecutor duress falsely stated that Mangum lunged towards him with a knife in a February 2010 domestic incident". If this is Walker's story, there should be no issue getting a sworn affidavit stating this to be true.

Walker's 404(b) testimony had material bearing on the jury's decision. Getting him to recant that testimony is THE ONLY thing that will get her a new trial.

kenhyderal said...

@ A Habba Esq. 4-24-24 6:28 PM This, from you, an anonymous poster, here, not for any real constructive purpose, as demonstrated by your superfulous suggestion that I duplicate and reiterate the submissions to Gov. Cooper and AG Stein, already provided by Dr. Harr, showing that, without equivocation, the complete and absolute proof of Crystal's innocence, of the charge of muder, one that she was wrongly convicted of and one anyone can determine simply by looking at these, facts as layed out by Dr. Harr. See for yourself, but hey, it seems, you're here not to advise but simply to anonymously post perjorative ad hominem attacks. I ask you can you, please, speculate as to why Cooper and Stein have failed to act, on a matter, calling into disgrace the Justice System they are charged to administer.

Anonymous said...

Kenny - The username "kenhyderal" is fake, as is the persona "Ken Edwards" you've created.

There's no record of CGM being stationed at Kitsap Naval Base, and there's no record of "Ken Edwards" that could possibly be you that exists on the internet.

Who are you to wave your finger?
You must have been outta your head...

A. Habba Esquire said...


I have no doubt that the governor and AG have not heard any of the arguments in support of Crystal. Why would anyone at the state review material that is presented by the Committee on Justice for Mike Nifong? Mike Nifong was an embarrassment to the state of North Carolina and Sidney Harr will not be taken seriously when he holds himself out as J4N. Nothing could be clearer.

I have no idea why you fail to acknowledge the reality of the situation. However, given that you make no effort to assist Crystal, you should expect that Crystal will serve out her full sentence. None of Sidney’s antics will change that result. That much should be clear to you after watching 10 years of Sidney’s frivolous law suits. Be prepared for the inevitable if you continue to do nothing.

Nifong Supporter said...


Apologies for not responding to comments recently, however, the week of July 15, 2024 will be here before you can blink an eye, so I have been, and will be extremely busy working in preparation for that seminal week. Yesterday I filed a motion for Ms. Mangum with the NC Office of Administrative Hearings, and today I wrote to the warden. I will work on getting the 25-page brief with links to twelve exhibits uploaded as soon as possible. There is much more I have to do.

The importance of the hearing cannot be over-emphasized. Keep in mind that Ms. Mangum is contesting the NC Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Michelle Aurelius determination that agrees with the autopsy report by Dr. Clay Nichols and does not agree with the conclusions of Dr. Cyril Wecht. Keep in mind that whereas Dr. Aurelius objected to 19 of twenty Requests for Admission, Dr. Wecht answered in the affirmative to admit all twenty requests.

Question for commenters: Do you believe Dr. Aurelius' position that Dr. Nichols' autopsy is correct and disagree with conclusions by Dr. Wecht?

As you were.

dhall said...

It’s a contested case hearing. It doesn’t free Crystal Mangum. All it can determine is whether or not Dr. Aurelius violated some administrative process. She didn’t.

Question for you, Dr. Harr: Why haven’t you responded to my recent comments?

Anonymous said...

I see you never posted my comments, Sid.

You’re fine with a fake Kenhyderal posting here and calling people out for being anonymous, but when I call him out for doing the same, my post gets censored.

Kenhyderal isn’t the person “he” claim he is. You know “he” isn’t.

You’re a hypocrite.

Anonymous said...


Who are you to wave your finger?
You must have been outta your head…

Anonymous said...

The only thing that can help Crystal is an affidavit from Walker, so of course that is the only thing that Sid and Kenny refuse to even attempt. All they do is make excuses about why it's not likely to work. Sadly, neither is even willing to try.

They make it clear that they really aren't interested in actually helping Crystal, they just want her to think they are trying. They aren't.

Tyrone Rugen said...

Indeed, Anonymous. I’ve read comments from both Kenhyderal and Sid and come away thinking “Foot in mouth and head up XXXhole, Whatcha talkin' 'bout?”

kenhyderal said...

@ Anonymous 4-27-24 8:28 AM. You seem to be the same person, who has, in the past, posted these accusations, using nearly similar wording. I guess according to you, seeminly a citizen of the virtual world, if one is not on social media they can't possibly exist. For those of us who primarily exist in reality our host Dr. Harr and of course his fiancee Crystal can confirm my identity. B.t.w. are you and A. Habba Esq. the same person. I ask, since my reply to him was answered by you as Anonymous. If so maybe you shouild get a registered google user name and be more identifiable, thus easier to communicate with.