Sunday, September 22, 2024

Crystal Mangum's Motion for Leave to Serve Subpoena to Third Party


A Durham Man1 said...

Good luck with your motion, Sid.

Nifong Supporter said...


I hope the light I see is the end of the tunnel and not an oncoming locomotive. The recent filings should provide a clue.

Also, when uploading this blog, it seems I have not been able to retrieve a comment that was filed on the previous blog from kenhyderal. I will try to find and locate it and post it. Sorry 'bout that. In the future I will make sure all comments are posted before uploading a new blog.

As you were.

Doogie Howser1 said...

Does anyone believe that there is a more than zero percent chance that Sid’s motion will be granted?

Anonymous said...

Why are you calling this “Mangum’s motion”? She’s not a party to this lawsuit, and she obviously neither filed nor signed it. I doubt she’s even read it.

Nifong Supporter said...

A Durham Man1
Good luck with your motion, Sid.
September 22, 2024 at 6:33 AMA

Hey, Durham Man1.


Nifong Supporter said...

Why are you calling this “Mangum’s motion”? She’s not a party to this lawsuit, and she obviously neither filed nor signed it. I doubt she’s even read it.
September 22, 2024 at 11:45 AM

Hey, Anony.

You are absolutely correct. I realized the mistake after I had printed the button, and didn't have the energy to correct it. Hopefully, the judge will allow Mangum to be added as a party.

Nifong Supporter said...

Re-typed comment from kenhyderal.

Anyone who has examined the facts and has a modicum of intelligence knows that it's a complete falsehood that Crystal Mangum murdered Reginald Daye. You've examined the facts and you know that. All here who have read the postings know so. The big lie, oft repeated, persists that he died from complication of the stab wound administered by Crystal and also that it was an unprovoked attack on a frightened fleeing man. All medical records indicate that a medical mistake for a condition unrelated to that wound was what killed Daye.
September 21, 2024

dhall said...

I have no idea why you think a subpoena for Dr. Pascarella has any bearing on this particular case civil rights case.

Your civil rights lawsuit claims that the North Carolina Judicial Standards Commission violated YOUR 5th and 14th Amendment rights in their response to your complaints about Judge O'Fughlodha.

As Anonymous @ September 22, 2024 at 11:45 AM pointed out, Mangum is not a party to this lawsuit. Even if she were, this motion has absolutely nothing to do with any perceived civil rights violations by the North Carolina Judicial Standards Commission.

kenhyderal said...

This post, by Dr. Harr, shows, for any one with common sense to see, that the fix is in to, purposesly, deny Justice to Crystal Mangum, for her wrongfful conviction and imprisonment; using any artifact they can resort to. Although her innocence is absolute, exposure of this, human rights outrage, would be costly to those charged with ensuring justice to the people; especially when that innocence has long been known to them. The disgrace, of this exposure, would be, to them, politically ruinous.

It-sa Me, Luigi! said...

Hey-a Sid! We got a letter from-a Princess Peach!

Let-sa race down Stevens Mill Road and save Peach!

Anonymous said...

As has been repeatedly explained - given that there is nothing from Mangum asking to be added, it won't happen. You cannot just add parties to a lawsuit. She'd need to provide a sworn affidavit (so you can't fake her signature) and ask herself. The Judge would still likely say no, but it won't happen because you claim to be asking on her behalf, especially as you have admitted you often fake her signature.

Tyrone Rugen said...

This is a cut and paste from a previous Kenhyderal comment -- IIRC, he even admitted using "artifact" here when he meant "artifice". Sid, are you sure this isn't someone pretending to be Kenhyderal?
As "useful" as his comments may be, I've never seen him copy/paste like this before.

Anonymous said...

"I hope the light I see is the end of the tunnel and not an oncoming locomotive."

There's no oncoming locomotive. the only light you see is CGM's forthcoming release from prison.

...In 2026.

kenhyderal said...

Ciao Luigi Wh's uhpa, p-Doc.ah?

dhall said...

You've created blogs or posted links to the motions you filed in this case -- except for your motion in opposition to the NC Judicial Standards Commission's motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction and motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim.

I'd like to read both the NCJSC and your motions, if you have the time to post them.

dhall said...

Kenhyderal - Why do you bother responding to someone who's obviously posting quotes from video games?

kenhyderal said...

Yeah, dhall, you are correct. There I go feeding a troll. Trolls abound here, lately but this one did register with Google Blogger. Like you, I've tried to keep the discussions here on a serious level, given the seriousness of the subject, i.e., the wrongfully conviction and wrongful incarceration of an, innocent. American. Such a miscarriage harms every American.

Durham Man1 said...


We all know Kenny is a troll. You should just ignore him.