Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Wake Superior Court Order to Show Cause


A Durham Man said...


It appears that the hammer is about to drop.

Good luck fella.

Doogie Howser said...

Dr. Harr,

A number of posters at this blog have warned you that there would be consequence from the frivolous lawsuits you file. I think you poked the bear once too often.

Anonymous said...

Hey big guy: Who will take care of Adonis while you are locked up?

Marina Lemmons said...

kenhyderal asks: Pray tell us , what brought you to the conclusion that I am dishonest.

Your response provides several examples of your dishonesty.

First, you present your speculation as fact.

Drs. Aurelias [sic] and Radisch relied on the demontrateably [sic] false information that Daye died as a result of complications to the stab wound, not the question of was his impending D.T. s an intervening cause.

Dr. Aurelius and Dr. Radisch both claim to have undertaken a review of the autopsy. Please provide your evidence that they are both lying and merely relied on Dr. Nichol’s conclusions.

Second, you present your legal opinion as fact.

In the assertion quoted above, the conclusion that Mr. “Daye died as a result of complications to the stab wound” is not “demontrateably [sic] false” based on a legal theory that the onset of delirium tremens is not an intervening cause.

The Medical records and presumably Dr. Pascarella could testify to the fact there was [sic] no complications.

How does a recitation of the steps of the medical treatment address the legal question of whether the onset of delirium tremens was an intervening cause that severed Ms. Mangum’s legal liability?

No, causing a non-fatal injury that send someone to hospital is not sufficient to invoke a Holsclaw or Welch precident [sic].

As you know, the most effective way of persuading the State of NC is by providing case law that reaches that conclusion. While your example is helpful, the identification of actual cases that reached that conclusion would be far more compelling.

Even Crystal''s Jury, if given then real facts and not given false information by Nichols and Roberts; information we all know to be false, would have [sic] convicted her.

Dr. Roberts did not testify. Her report was not entered into evidence. The jury was not provided any information by Dr. Roberts. I assume that this is merely a misstatement on your part and is not a deliberate attempt to deceive the readers of this blog. Am I correct?

Based on the legal theory that the onset of delirium tremens was not an intervening cause, but rather was a “complication to the stab wound,” Dr. Nichols did not provide “false information” to the jury. Similarly, any readers who accept that theory do not “know [that information] to be false.”

dhall said...

Dr. Harr -- Will you be representing yourself?

dhall said...

Does anyone know how Dr. Harr being found guilty of contempt of court will affect his /Crystal Mangum's current lawsuits?

kenhyderal said...

Look and see! As always, the broken, corrupt U.S. Justice System, fights rearguard action to make sure "equal justice for all under law" is simply lofty verbiage.. The real Judge, in the cse of Dr. Harr and Crystal Mangum, will be History. To use words, from another contex, found in todays headlines ( Defend, Deny and Delay). When the "truth is out" and history is written, it will be gratifying to see , as has happened in the past, Americans scrambling to deny any complicity in such racial injustice. But, meanwhile, poor black, marginalized, Americans must still suffer outrage. Know you all, " the arc of the moral universe is long but it bends toward justice" and " truth will out".

Anonymous said...


This is exciting. You will finally get your day in court.

kenhyderal said...

@ Marina 12-12-24 6::09 Thanks for correcting all my spelling and grammar mistakes. I do believe you did understand my responses. Keep in mind Ebonics is my first language. Read the response by Aurelius and Radisch then look at the medical records and see for yourself if Daye's autopsy and subsequent court testimony by Nichols was correct. I'm no genius but I didn't just fall of the turnip truck either . It's there in black and white. Also, I suggest you look up the protocol legally required in filling out a Death Certificate. You are right; I apologize for my mistake but Dr. Roberts did state that she agreed with Dr. Nichol'as autopsy, that complications of the stab wound was the cause of death; a conclusion unsupported by the medical records and Crystal's Lawyer refused to challenge her finding.. Pray explain to us how can Daye's alcoholism be due to Crystal's actions . More likely the impendung D.T.s were directly due to Duke's proscription of alcohol and inadequate depressent replacement therapy; surely an intervening cause .

Marina Lemmons said...

Remember, you are required to persuade the State of North Carolina. My opinion is irrelevant. Stop trying to convince me.

Based on comments they have made in filings, the State of North Carolina appears to accept the broad interpretation Walt discussed several years ago: the mistreatment by DUMC of Mr.Daye's acute alcohol intoxication resulting in the onset of delirium tremens is not an intervening cause. The State does not appear to accept Dr. Harr's repeated discussion of the medical records as sufficient to overturn that legal judgment.

I suggest yet again that you identify cases that support your interpretation of the law. I first made this suggestion to you more than four years ago. You appear to have wasted all of that time.

Anonymous said...

Kenny/Sid - why did Crystal just claim she made up the whole Duke Lacrosse rape story?

Anonymous said...

Not a good week for Sidney...

A Durham Man said...


Will you now admit that you lied about the information you claimed to have received from Kilgo?

Anonymous said...

Wow -- She doesn't even mention Sid in the interview. I expected CGM to drop his name in the video when she was asked about what kind of man she was attracted to.
Ouchtown, population you, bro!

dhall said...

Kenhyderal -- Ebonics (African American Vernacular English, or AAVE) is a spoken dialect.
No one writes in AAVE -- unless they are quoting someone or have a character speaking in AAVE.
Accept your mistakes for what they are, or take the time to correct them. Don't blame them on something else.

kenhyderal said...

Crystal, as a religious person is undeservably accepting blame. She was sexually assaulted, sexually abused and robbed. Her treatment was supposedly witnessed by other non- participating Players. This is a false confession by a troubled vulnerable and fragile victim, hoping, as a confessed sinner, for redemption. She has now talked herself into taking blame. What Gov. Cooper, as AG, once said of his reason for not charging her "she may actually believe what she claims" . I believe that also applies .here. Blaming the victim eventually results in the victim blaming themselves.

kenhyderal said...

@ Marina 12-12-24 6:22 PM And. if, applicable, cases don't exist, maybe it's time for a legal judgment. This would be the ideal case for that.

dhall said...

Kenhyderal -- In one of his 2013 filings, Dr. Harr admitted to practicing law without a license in violation of North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 84 (thus the permanent injunction).
This Order to show Cause is solely about him violating this permanent injunction (he has, and he's admitted to it).

Anonymous said...

"She was sexually assaulted, sexually abused and robbed."
No, she wasn't. She admitted she wasn't.
"Her treatment was supposedly witnessed by other non- participating Players."
...Supposedly. The ONE person who made this claim (on this blog and nowhere else) removed himself AND his alleged "witness information" from this blog.

In accusing the Duke LAX 3, she made THEM victims.

Consider yourself enlightened.

Marina Lemmons said...

@kenhyderal 12-13-24 10:01 AM And if applicable, cases do exist, maybe it's time for you to Identify them. This would be the ideal case for that.

Stop being so unspeakably lazy.

Anonymous said...

kenny asks: "Pray tell us , what brought you to the conclusion that I am dishonest."

kenny answers: "Crystal, as a religious person is undeservably accepting blame. She was sexually assaulted, sexually abused and robbed. Her treatment was supposedly witnessed by other non- participating Players. This is a false confession by a troubled vulnerable and fragile victim, hoping, as a confessed sinner, for redemption. She has now talked herself into taking blame. What Gov. Cooper, as AG, once said of his reason for not charging her "she may actually believe what she claims" . I believe that also applies .here. Blaming the victim eventually results in the victim blaming themselves."

Do you have any evidence to back up your screed? Anonymous hearsay doesn't count.

Anonymous said...

Given all the times recently Crystal has talked, and never once mentioned a lawsuit or Sid - anyone think that she has no idea all the harm Sid has been doing in her name?

Anonymous said...

I wonder if she knows they are engaged.

A Durham Man said...


Your post on December 13 at 9:55 AM confirms that you have adopted the strategy you accuse others of using: Defend, deny and delay. However, I cannot say that I am surprised that you refuse to acknowledge that Crystal lied and that you refuse to admit that you lied about communicating with Kilgo. It also is no surprise that you have been mocked and disparaged on this blog for over 10 years.

Nifong Supporter said...


As you can imagine, I have been busier than usual the past few days. Therefore, I am not going to be responding to many comments. I will, however, try to comment on a few that don't require lengthy commentary.

First, I do not consider this past week's events to be total gloom and doom. In fact, I believe there are many positives.

Regarding the podcast interview, it should be noted that the podcaster was, as I understand it, prohibited by her attorney from mentioning anything about Mangum's lawsuit against Durham D.A. Satana Deberry... which was disappointing. Media coverage of Mangum has always been selective, suppressive, and slanted.

As you were.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, A Durham Man.

Thanks for the well wishes. Actually, I look forward to the upcoming conflict. I am of the opinion that the hammer head will more likely drop on a thumb rather than nail.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Doogie Howser.

Hah. What makes you think that poking the bear resulted in an undesirable outcome? Stay tuned.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Anony.

Thanks for thinking of my spoiled cat Adonis. If, in the unlikely event I get locked up, Adonis will arrange a breakout.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, dhall.

That question should be a no-brainer. Can you think of anyone, other than Perry Mason, who could do a better job?

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, dhall.

If I am incarcerated for trying to help my incarcerated fiance, then her lawsuits will go nowhere as there will be no one to file motions or file briefs for Requests for Response, and the court will dismiss the cases.

Nifong Supporter said...


Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Anony.

In my opinion, the week was a mixed bag, with the positive far outweighing the negative.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Anony.

Hah! No big deal. Unlike the president-elect, my ego is not that fragile.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Anonies.

First, what harm have I been doing in her name? Please explain.

Regarding the engagement, she should know we're engaged because in 2020 we were deeply in the process of having a prison wedding when the Department of Adult Corrections cancelled all prison weddings due to Covid-19

Anonymous said...

Hey Sid, Crystal admitted that she lied about the Lacrosse case. Among other places.

Seems like your basic premise is deeply flawed.


Anonymous said...

He's not going to be incarcerated by he's going to get hit with a pre-filing injunction and Crystal will be dismissed as a party from all of his pending lawsuits.

I still tend to think Crystal has no idea that most of these lawsuits are happening.

kenhyderal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Doogie Howser said...

Dr. Harr:

Do you agree with kenhyderal’s conclusion that Crystal made a false confession when she admitted on the podcast that she lied when she accused the lacrosse players of raping her?

kenhyderal said...

@ A Durham Man 12-13-24m 7:58 ---- Those 3 D 's are the hallmarks of institutions seeking to stymie individuals for their own benefit. I think you are confusing them with what I have been charging Duke Lacrosse Apologists; with ; the Roger Stone tactict ("admit nothing, deny everything, attack all" ) Mockery and disparagement by them and by you are not tacticts I use. In Crystal;s case " Justice delayed is Justice denied" Defending the delay/ denial of Justice for her on technical and procedural grounds is not justice, simply a tactict used to deny.

Nifong Supporter Supporter said...

Dr, Harr:

Will you file a motion requesting that Judge Somers recuse himself? He clearly is biased against you and his request that the State Bar prosecute the case is a meaningless formality. He has acted as prosecutor and presented the case against you in the show cause order.

Anonymous said...

Kenny: Why did you remove your comment?

Anonymous said...

Only morons discuss an ongoing case they or a loved one is in on any media.

dhall said...

I ask because the document states that you can be represented by counsel. If you are unable to afford counsel, the Court will "consider appointing counsel for [you]".

As everyone has undoubtedly read or heard, “A man who represents himself has a fool for a client”.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Walt-in-Durham.

The Duke Lacrosse case has nothing to do with Crystal's murder case with the exception that it establishes the motivation for the trumped-up murder prosecution/conviction by the State.

I would welcome you providing a nexus between the the Duke Lacrosse case and Mangum's murder case, other than as a motive.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Doogie Howser.

Actually, I do. There are certain issues with regards to my conversations with her over the years that would support that her recent confession was false and was provided for a surreptitious purpose, which I am not willing to disclose at this time. But, in answer to your question, I have serious doubt that her so-called confession is valid.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Nifong Double Supporter.

I definitely would not file a motion for Judge Somers to recuse himself. As antithetical as it may seem, I actually welcome his ex mero motu motion... the reasoning as hinted at in a previous comment.

Anonymous said...

So Sd, if Crystal has a “surreptitious purpose” and her recent statement is not valid, when can we assume that she is being truthful?

kenhyderal said...

@ Anonymous 12-14-24, 3:49 PM---- To correct an error. I reposted it with the correctiion 12-14-24, 2:52 PM

A Durham Man said...

I have to say Sid that your conclusion that Crystal’s statements in the interview were false and made for a “surreptitious purpose” is surprising. What are we to make of all of her comments about her deep religious convictions? Did she also make those statements for a surreptitious purpose?

Anonymous said...

The fact you are publicly claiming her recent recantation is false pretty much destroys whatever purpose it may have served. If she is trying to curry favor with someone or seek redemption, you just destroyed that by saying it's false. Which makes it worse.

Every time you open your mouth you hurt Crystal even more.

kenhyderal said...

@ A Durham Man 12-15-24 A Surreptitious Purpose " in the sence that the purpose, at present, is best kept a secret, not that it' s a sinful purpose imeant to deceive. You've been around long enough to be able to speculate knowledgeably on what that that purpose, might possible be but, be discrete, don' do so, publically, on- line.

A Durham Man said...


Of course, you have conveniently ignored the fact that Sid stated that Crystal’s “confession WAS FALSE and was provided for a surreptitious purpose.” Feel free to try and explain away the first part of Sid’s statement. And while you are at it, please tells us again why we are wrong to conclude that you are dishonest.

Anonymous said...

Kenny -- When Sid posted that "her recent confession was false and was provided for a surreptitious purpose.." , that confirmed it was "meant to deceive".

dhall said...

"I have serious doubt that her so-called confession is valid."

Crystal Mangum said ""I testified falsely against them by saying that they raped me when they didn't and that was wrong, and I betrayed the trust of a lot of other people who believed in me...[I] made up a story that wasn't true because I wanted validation from people and not from God."

That's not "so-called"...That's her quoted confession.

Anonymous said...

Sid -
What's the status on the Mangum v. Nelson petition for judicial review??

kenhyderal said...

@ Anonymous and A. Durham Man 12-16-24, 5:39 AM and 7:47 AM

kenhyderal said...

@ Anonymous and A Durham Man 12-16-24 5:39 AM and 7:47 AM=== Surreptitious also means secretive not necessarily deceptive . So, in this case, you're suggesting she is deceptively claiming she was not raped when she acctually was. Make up your mind, you can't have it both ways. As to her purpose, that's surreptitious.

kenhyderal said...

@ A Durham Man : Specify actual quotes you know to be lies

Anonymous said...

The fact Sid explicitly states the confession was false means anything Crystal wanted to gain from it is gone. Now people will consider it just another manipulation, and not sincere. Nice work Sid.

kenhyderal supporter said...

A Durham Man,

Please keep in mind that kenhyderal’s first language is Ebonics and, therefore, he may not have understood Dr. Harr’s post.

Anonymous said...

Kenny -- Are you really that stupid?

I am claiming that SID is saying that "her recent confession was false and was provided for a surreptitious purpose".

Her purpose is to deceive -- that is, to make people think she is sorry for her false allegations. She's not.

The Great Kilgo said...

I made up a story that wasn’t true because I wanted validation from people and not from God. I want kenhyderal to know that I love him, and he didn’t deserve that, and I hope that he can forgive me.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Anony.

Unfortunately, like just about everyone else, unless facts are available to support a statement or position, one cannot assume anyone is being honestly truthful.

No facts exist to support or refute the Duke Lacrosse incident. On the contrary, there are facts to support Mangum's absolute innocence in the death of her boyfriend Reginald Daye.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Durham Man.

Ms. Mangum made statements that you can take at face-value. I was asked my opinion about their truthfulness and I gave my opinion... which was not facts-based.

Regarding her deep religious convictions: who cares?

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Anony.

What was accomplished was media attention which had been suppressed prior to, but including, Dr. Cyril Wecht's exonerative report of October 25, 2019. It should be noted that the biased legacy corporate mainstream media limited its coverage to the Duke Lacrosse case and never mentioned Mangum's lawsuit against D.A. Satana Deberry or my show cause hearing scheduled for January 16th regarding my violation of a 2013 injunction preventing me from providing legal assistance to anyone, especially Ms. Mangum.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Anony.

Mangum v. Nelson, filed on August 8, 2024, more than four months ago, is in total standstill. For the courts to delay or not act on Ms. Mangum's cases is the rule rather than exception. For example, the Wake County Senior Resident Superior Court Judge Paul Ridgeway, will not allow a subpoena to be signature-validated until after a motion to compel response to a subpoena had been settled. Unfortunately, a judge has yet to be assigned to the case. Go figure.

Anonymous said...


How is your research going?

Anonymous said...

Sid, you don't care if your future wife has deep religious convictions? That doesn't sound like a happy/supportive relationship to me.

kenhyderal said...

@ Anonymous 12-18-24 7:54==== Which Anonymous are you? What research are you referring to? Are all or any of the last 18 posts by Anonymous you? You see why posters with a google account can get confused. At least if you are too fearful to post with an account at least adopt a user name . I do see, a registered google account post by someone using The Great Kilgo. If you are, actually Kilgo you know how to confirm to me that you are the genuine and once prolific poster with information that would identify someone who saw Crystal being sexually molested.

dhall said...

According to Crystal, she wasn’t sexually molested. It would be impossible for Kilgo to identify someone who saw this.

I think that’s why he’s admitting he made up the story and apologized. I too hope that you can forgive him.

The Great Kilgo said...


I have lost your email address. How do I contact you?

kenhyderal said...

@ TGK 12--190-24 5:19 AM Just answer the security question and I will provide you with a way to conntact me.

The Great Kilgo said...


You will have to remind me. Is the security question “What is your mother’s maiden name?”

Anonymous said...

What's the status on Harr et al v. Deberry?

Anonymous said...

The fact that Mangum didn't mention the lolsuit against D.A. Deberry leads me to believe she's not even aware of it. You've admitted on this blog that you've signed her name to legal documents without her awareness.

In regards to your Show of Cause hearing, that's all about you acting in contempt of court by violating a permanent injunction against practicing law without a license.
Mangum isn't a defendant. Why should she bother mentioning a lawsuit she's not even part of?

Nifong Supporter said...

Sid, you don't care if your future wife has deep religious convictions? That doesn't sound like a happy/supportive relationship to me.
December 18, 2024 at 12:15 PM

Hey, Anony.

Whether my future wife has deep religious convictions or is an atheist, is of no concern to me. Besides, many people who represent themselves as deeply religious are actually cruel and immoral.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Anony.

The complaint against Deberry was filed in U.S. District Court in Raleigh on November 22, 2024, and a summons and complaint was hand-delivered to the Durham Sheriff's Department in the Durham County Courthouse... with a stamped/self-addressed envelope in which to return the summon's proof of service. Even though the Durham Sheriff's Office is located seven floors below the Durham District Attorney's Office, I am unaware of whether or not it's been served on her, as I have not received the proof of service.

To summarized, four weeks after filing the case and delivering the summons and complaint, it seems that nothing has taken place.

Kilgo Supporter said...

Kilgo, as a religious person is undeservably accepting blame. This is a false confession by a troubled vulnerable and fragile victim, hoping, as a confessed sinner, for redemption. He has now talked himself into taking blame. Blaming the victim eventually results in the victim blaming themselves.

kenhyderal said...

In this grave injustice, heartless people love to mock. The way America is going, one day it might be you.

Kilgo Supporter said...


I will be happy to stop mocking you when you admit that Kilgo and his accounts of the Lacrosse party were a fraud.

Anonymous said...

Kenhyderal Lay Supporter said...

I do see, a registered google account post by someone using kenhyderal. If you are, actually kenhyderal you know how to confirm to me that you are the genuine and once prolific poster with a contact that had information that would identify someone who saw Crystal being sexually molested.

kenhyderal said...

@ Anonymous 12-23-24 4:41 AM =====The City Jounal is a publication of The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research . It is an extremely conservative Think Tank and is funded by the Koch Brothers and the Waltons. To see where they are coming from , check out what they had to say about the Trayvon Martin case.

Anonymous said...

What is incorrect in the City Journal article?

kenhyderal supporter said...

Kenhyderal Lay Supporter:

In this grave injustice, heartless people love to mock. The way America is going, one day it might be you.

dhall said...

Kenhyderal couldn’t find any faults in the article, nor could he find any faults with the author, Harry Stein (who originated “Ethics” column in Esquire). So he looks for fault where he can - often resulting in absurd ad hominem attacks like you see here.

Nifong Supporter said...


Hope you all have a fab Christmas and holiday season... from me and Adonis.

Christmas cartoon.

As you were.

kenhyderal said...

@ Anon., KHS and dhall; Late response. I was off line for the holidays. I only wanted people to read his opinions with discernment and an understanding of where he might be coming from. Ad hominem attack eh? As a victim in every thread, all I can say is projectionism .You may disagree with my description of those who mock but can you give us your opinion of those here who make sport of the serious issue being discussed.

Marina Lemmons said...


I believe that you are one of "those here who make sport of the serious issue being discussed."

You and Dr. Harr must persuade the State of North Carolina--not the readers of this blog--that the onset of delirium tremens was an intervening cause that severed Ms. Mangum's legal liability for Mr. Daye's death. It is clear from their statements in legal filings that they have accepted an interpretation of Welch in which all of Mr. Daye's treatment at DUMC resulted indirectly from the stab wound. Under this view, the onset of delirium tremens and the improper treatment thereof are "complications from the stabbing" and not an intervening cause.

I have explained the importance of identifying relevant cases that support your legal conclusion in any attempt to persuade the State that its legal conclusion is flawed. You have refused to consider that advice, preferring to denigrate others. You make no attempt to persuade the State.

In an earlier post, I suggested three explanations for this refusal. I no longer believe that you genuinely care about Ms. Mangum, but are unspeakably lazy. I believe you simply like to argue.

dhall said...

Kenhyderal -- Yes, yours was an ad hominem attack. You couldn't find any errors with the opinion piece, so instead of acknowledging the article (or simply ignoring it), you attack the publisher, The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research.
You state that the Manhattan Institute is "funded by the Koch Brothers [Note -- David Koch died in 2019] and the Waltons", while ignoring the fact MI also receives or has received donations from the California Community Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, neither of which could remotely be considered conservative.

Finally, WRT to the Trayvon Martin case, I leave you with this op-ed from Harry Stein from 2012:

I agree -- people should read his opinions with discernment. That includes you.

dhall said...

Kenhyderal -- As you state, "truth will out". Where is the lie in the Wake Superior Court Order to Show Cause?

kenhyderal said...

@ Marina 12-27-24 7:27 AM ---You said, "I believe that you are one of "those here who make sport of the serious issue being discussed." And not the person claiming to be Killgo Supporter who I directed my comment to?

Marina Lemmons said...


Kilgo Supporter is clearly one of "those here who make sport of the serious issue being discussed." There is no question about that. Kilgo Supporter, Kenhyderal Supporter, Kenhyderal Lay Supporter and others clearly are mocking you.

The difference is that, unlike you, they are not pretending to engage in serious debate.

kenhyderal said...

@dhall 12-28-24 8:50 Thanks for the 2012 article from City Journal in the acknowledged right leaning journal of The Manhattan Institute for Policy Research a "right wing think tank" I rest my case.

kenhyderal said...

@ Marina 12-28-24 2:03 PM No pretence on my part. I am not a Lawyer. I have zero legal experience. I have never been charged with a crime or sued. I have never sued anyone. As an ordinary person with a modicum of common sense I can see tht the system is rigged in North Carolina against Crystal Mangum to produce an outcome desired by the government and their political friends. I've not been able to find applicable precident proving that Daye's death was, or was not, a consequence of the stab wound administered by Crystal. Presently, I rely on the late great Dr. Wecht a person who had more experience and legal insight into the cause of death than almost anyone. He explained in clear terms, that any one, including any Jury of Crystal's peers, why treatment for his delirium tremens was a intervening cause unrelated to the repaired wound and that there is zero evidence of any complications to it . You seem to intimate that a simple on-line search would reveal a precident case. I know you don't care if Crystal was wrongly convicted so you would not take the time to research that. I a complete neophyte and Dr. Harr an experienced person have not found such a definitive precident so , this, it appears, is a case that calls for a judicial decision. Dr. Harr has tried valiantly to get it before a Judge and was thwarted, everytime, by technicalities that, there, are used to deny justice.

kenhyderal supporter said...

Marina Lemmons:

Your comment that kenhyderal simply likes to argue is unfair. Please keep in mind that kenhyderal is a Canadian citizen and has limited means. The United States courts will not recognize him and he does not have the resources to hire an attorney. In addition, Rae Evans and the other powers that be have relentlessly attacked kenhyderal for the past decade. Nonetheless, kenhyderal continues to fight for justice.

dhall said...

I’m sure that were there any errors in either op-ed piece, you would identify them. So thank you, Kenhyderal, for proving that there were no errors in either.

I rest my case.

Marina Lemmons said...

kenhyderal states:

"I've not been able to find applicable precident [sic] proving that Daye's death was, or was not, a consequence of the stab wound administered by Crystal." Yet you accuse anyone who has a different opinion of acting in bad faith.

"I can see tht [sic] the system is rigged in North Carolina against Crystal Mangum to produce an outcome desired by the government and their political friends. " Why is Ms. Mangum's conviction "an outcome desired by the governments and their political friends"? Who are these political friends

kenhyderal said...

@ Marina 12-29-24 3:54 PM Anyone? Which opinion? When? The who are
friends of Roy Cooper and Josh Stein, like Duke Energy , Duke Health, Duke University, Lowes, SAS, the News and Observer and of course the NCDP.

kenhyderal said...

@ dhall 12-29-24 3:51 PM Trayvon Martin was murdered . Reginald Daye was not.

dhall said...

Kenhyderal @ December 30, 2024 at 3:10 PM-
The Trayvon Martin article doesn’t say that he wasn’t murdered. The Crystal Mangum article doesn’t say that Reginald Daye was murdered.

You’d know this, if you’d read them instead of jumping to conclusions when you found out who the publisher was.
Next time, try reading Mr. Stein’s opinions “with discernment”.

Marina Lemmons said...

@kenhyderal 12/30/24 3:07 PM:

"Anyone? Which opinion? When?"

Yes. You do not accept any disagreement by anyone to your opinion that the onset of delirium tremens was an intervening cause as having any validity. As a result, the contrary opinion can only be raised in bad faith.

"The who..."

Your response is ridiculous. Please explain on what basis you believe Duke Energy, Lowes and SAS have influenced Roy Cooper and Josh Stein "to produce an outcome desired" on this case. They appear to have zero connection with this case.

This is the type of comment that makes readers believe that you are "making sport of a serious issue being discussed."

A Durham Man said...

Who would have thought that Duke Energy and Lowe’s also participated in the conspiracy? Now it all makes sense.

Doogie Howser said...


What role did Duke Energy and Lowe’s play in rigging the system against Crystal?

Tyrone Rugen said...

What? No mention of the Duke brothers, Randolph and Mortimer? They took a perfectly useless psychopath like Daye, and turned him into a successful tradesman. During the same time, they turned an honest, hard-working woman into a violently, deranged killer!

Marina Lemmons said...

I agree. The best explanation is that kenhyderal did not read either of the articles but reacted purely on the identity of the publisher.

I do not believe that he intended to deliberately deceive the readers of this blog.

Nevertheless, it is not a comment that one should publish if questions are raised about one's honesty.

Anonymous said...

Kenny probably assumes Duke Energy and Duke University are related (they aren’t), but he will make that assumption and refuse to do research and attack anyone who disagrees with him - facts be damned.

Anonymous said...

And when the story of this grave injustice is retold, let us never forget Daisy Duke.

Anonymous said...

So, what I want to hear an explanation for: Sid/Kenny tell us that Crystal never lies, she always tells the truth - Kenny says she is one of the most honest people he knows. But, as soon as she says she made up the sexual assault, suddenly he calls her a liar?

How does that work Kenny? We now know she is clearly a liar, the question is: Was she lying then, or is she lying now? The motive for the lie doesn't matter, a lie is a lie.

Are you disappointed that Crystal is now 100% a proven liar? Or you gonna spin it?

kenhyderal said...

@ Marina 12-31-24- 6:16 Am : Indirectly. These were supporters of Cooper and when the truth comes forth, as it eventually must, Cooper and his acolyte Stein will be held in public disgrace leaving these poliitical power-brokers without their present influence.

kenhyderal said...

Marina said " Yes. You do not accept any disagreement by anyone to your opinion that the onset of delirium tremens was an intervening cause as having any validity. As a result, the contrary opinion can only be raised in bad faith" =====It is not just my opinion, I'm taking the opinion, of a world renown expert, in the person of Dr. Cyril Wecht. Any Lawyers here , that believe to the contrary and think Dr. Wecht is "dead" wrong?