olympian duke basketball = blue devil nation = CIA = Duke/Gates Global Health Initiative = depopulation plans and NWO = world domination = there was one youtube video that had Putin cussing out the NWO leaders and plans - he's a funny man = Agenda 21 = government shutdown and FEMA camps = NWO and CIA and duke and duke/gates foundation = controlling duke/durham/nc/usa judicial system in order to achieve 'all that' = 'us' pointing it out and saying NO = ya'll denying facts and being wannabees etc.
i could be wrong tho - hope i am - but know i'm not
Oh, so the other convictions are all bogus then. Gosh, who knew???!!! Poor thing.....just another victim of the evil white oppressor, right? Golly gosh darn.....poor pathetic Crystal. And to think white people made her get drunk, pole vault, shack up, sell it, use drugs, drive like an ass without a license, take a man's car, try to run over an officer, commit violence against Walker, trash his car, abuse her children.....and golly gee whiz, kill Reginald Daye. I guess it was Rae Evans who made Mangum do all that................poor Mangum.
i'm wondering how long calling 'them' out for the false flags is going to keep 'them' from doing them anyway
the world has caught on to their antics per youtube news sources
amazing to watch people still deny what is really going on
of course, most hope that we will all have years and years and years to come of this little peon duke/durham judicial issues - and not other more horrible and deadly scenerios played out in the name of continual 'reform'. duke/durham/nc powers that be like that term - 'reform' and play a mean game
duke just sucking as usual could actually be a comfort zone to some if you think about it that way i suppose
"Her being in possession of the automobile without intent to steal it and under the opinion she had permission of the owner, too intoxicated to drive had it retracted by him when questioned by the Police. It was then considered by the court to be a Class 1 felony. That's a far cry from the Grand Theft Auto it's been made out to be. She did not attempt to run over a police officer. After being pulled over and attempting to park she accidentally side-swiped the approaching policeman. He had no injury whatsoever. This has been portrayed as attempted vehicular homicide. The actual charge of assault on a Government worker was a real stretch. She received probation for these."
What you are describing is Crystal's spin on the incident, fabricated years after the incident, fabricated after she had been outed as a false accuser. Police records compiled at the time, BEFORE Crystal became infamous as a false accuser document she stole the veghicle, she did not have a driver's license at the time as it had ben suspended, while under the influence of alcohol she led the police on a high speed chase and tried to run down an officer.
Repeating Crystal's spin over and over does not make it true.
"olympian duke basketball = blue devil nation = CIA = Duke/Gates Global Health Initiative = depopulation plans and NWO = world domination = there was one youtube video that had Putin cussing out the NWO leaders and plans - he's a funny man = Agenda 21 = government shutdown and FEMA camps = NWO and CIA and duke and duke/gates foundation = controlling duke/durham/nc/usa judicial system in order to achieve 'all that' = 'us' pointing it out and saying NO = ya'll denying facts and being wannabees etc.
i could be wrong tho - hope i am - but know i'm not"
No doubt about it. You are wrong.
"things could change - there's always that"
Yeah. You could cease fabricating and resorting to impotent name calling.
"i'm wondering how long calling 'them' out for the false flags is going to keep 'them' from doing them anyway
the world has caught on to their antics per youtube news sources"
What antics? Citing anonymous YouTube sources is not providing factual documentation.
"amazing to watch people still deny what is really going on"
No. Rather it is rather pathetic that people imagine what is going on.
"of course, most hope that we will all have years and years and years to come of this little peon duke/durham judicial issues - and not other more horrible and deadly scenerios played out in the name of continual 'reform'. duke/durham/nc powers that be like that term - 'reform' and play a mean game"
Your imagination is going overtime again.
"duke just sucking as usual could actually be a comfort zone to some if you think about it that way i suppose"
From http://www.returnofkings.com/18290/the-duke-rape-case-revisited:
"In fact, the lab reports showed the DNA of at least four or five unidentified males in Mangum’s pubic area, rectum, and underwear. NIFONG KNEW THIS AT THE TIME(emphasis added)...Prosecutors have an ethical duty to disclose exculpatory evidence to the defense. He SUPPRESSED(emphasis added) this evidence. Meehan later admitted that the doctored DNA report was against his lab’s regular policy, but tried to explain it away by stating that he and Nifong did not want to 'involve' any other persons."
You have been making an issue of why no attempt was made to identify the source of the non LAX DNA found o Crystal. The answer is, corrupt DA NIFONG did not want to do so.
Nifong was the DA at the time, poster. Why don't you give old bathrobe boy a call and ask him why he didn't (a)admit and disclose that there were MULTIPLE samples in the sperm bank, and (b)that he made no effort to find out who they were. The answer, bro, is that it WOULD HURT HIS FALSE CASE....because then there would be evidence that Sister had been having LOTS of SEX with LOTS of GUYS. And NONE OF THOSE GUYS WERE LAX GUYS. Get it, bro? To make it just really simple, she was either really friendly with lots of fellas or she was selling it. And the story she told, that she had only had sex with her boyfriend...and only once in the week prior to the party....WAS also discovered to be a LIE It's all quite easily validated and reviewed, on youtube, because lawyer Bannon brought the actual analysis results into the hearing.....and the NC Bar Panel heard the whole ugly story....including scumbag Nifong's LIES and coverups.
Walt said... Sid wrote: "Glad that you finally see the light and have come around to acknowledge that the Larceny of Chose in Action charge was trumped up in order to saddle Mangum with first degree murder."
I was just presenting her defense. The state doesn't need the theft conviction for Murder I. I don't think they'll get a conviction, but they do have probable cause to support the charge. And if everything goes wrong for Crystal, she could get convicted. The whole I took them but gave them back defense is not the world's strongest.
"What is the case number for the assault or battery charge? I'd like it so that I can look it up in the records at court."
Lesser included offense. I would have thought a great legal mind would have grasped that concept.
"Mangum did intentionally stab Daye, but it was not her intent to kill him."
That's not what you wrote earlier.
"[A plea bargain is "their only hope as they have no case... and to go to trial would possibly bring up problems with the autopsy report and Daye's death even with defense attorneys delicately tiptoe-ing around the subject so as to protect Duke University Hospital and the medical examiner."
Not without any evidence to back up that theory. And right now, thanks to your breach of confidentiality, we know the defense has no evidence of that. Further, any effort now by the defense to bring up evidence of a problem with the autopsy will get undermined by the defense' own expert. With friends like Sid, Crystal doesn't really need any enemies.
Hey, Walt.
I don't believe that I ever said that Crystal stabbed Daye with the intention of killing him. First, she never said that to me. What I understood is that he was choking her, and to get him to stop she grabbed a nearby knife and stabbed him.
Secondly, why wouldn't a battery charge be given a case number, especially if the prosecution is giving the second count of the trumped up Larceny of Chose in Action charge its own separate case number?
Finally, Walt, you have been misled, like so many others. Without doubt, the autopsy report by Nichols is totally false.
"Fact is that doctors are not Gods. The doctors felt Wrenn's chance of awakening were nil, that's why they recommended he be removed from life support. Us mere mortals, even with medical degrees, cannot with absolute certainty determine the course of someone in a comatose state."
However, SIDNEY HARR, who is an untrained inexperienced questionably competent mortal with an MD degree believes he can tell that an autopsy report is fraudulent.
Anyone with fifth grade reading comprehension can ferret out the discrepancies between the autopsy report and the other medical records. Really, it doesn't require a medical specialist to discern serious problems with the autopsy report.
What makes you so very sure that the autopsy report will be undermined by the defense's own expert?"
That's what Crystal told Sid. And Sid violated her confidence and shared it with the world.
"How does a person request that a medical examiner file a written statement of non conflict of interest or bias in any particular case?"
You don't get to do that. Crystal, or any litigant adverse to the M.E. can. However, there is no conflict in this case.
"Either the defense's own expert will have to testify on the stand or provide a written report - will they not?"
Only if defense counsel is malpracticing Crystal would he call Dr. Roberts to testify.
"And even then, won't both examiners be required to take the witness stand in order to even have a trial based upon their autopsy findings?"
The state is required to call the M.E. to establish death and cause. That they will do. The M.E. will read his report into the record. The defense can cross examine, though they have no issue to raise with the M.E. Their own expert agrees with the autopsy. Whatever cross Meier wants to try is effectively wiped out by Sid's breach of confidentiality. The state will rehabilitate the autopsy with the Defense expert. Thus, I think Meier will wisely avoid much of a fight with the autopsy. That's a loser for the defense and potentially will put the jury in a mood to give her a long sentence.
Walt, I believe Crystal when she said that Dr. Roberts told her that the autopsy report by Nichols was accurate. However, the reason she told this verbal lie to Mangum was for the purpose of misleading her into believing that she had no case... and to get her to better accept a plea deal.
Dr. Roberts can say anything, but if she puts anything in writing it has to be truthful... because it will be scrutinized.
I don't believe that I ever said that Crystal stabbed Daye with the intention of killing him. First, she never said that to me. What I understood is that he was choking her, and to get him to stop she grabbed a nearby knife and stabbed him."
So you believed her claim of self defense after Reginald Daye was dead and she was facing a charge of murder 1. That kind of alibi is not credible.
"Secondly, why wouldn't a battery charge be given a case number, especially if the prosecution is giving the second count of the trumped up Larceny of Chose in Action charge its own separate case number?"
Lesser included offense. Can't you read?
"Finally, Walt, you have been misled, like so many others. Without doubt, the autopsy report by Nichols is totally false."
The only one being misled that the autopsy report is false is you and you are misleading yourself.
"The case should never even go to trial".
But your frivolous non meritorious lawsuit against Duke should have.
"Anyone with fifth grade reading comprehension can ferret out the discrepancies between the autopsy report and the other medical records. Really, it doesn't require a medical specialist to discern serious problems with the autopsy report."
This is a dodge on your part, to avoid having to address the issue why you, even though you have an MD degree, do not have the background, the training or the experience to question the autopsy report.
Try testifying on behalf of Crystal in court and see if that gets you recognized as an expert witness.
Sid wrote: "Dr. Roberts can say anything, but if she puts anything in writing it has to be truthful... because it will be scrutinized."
Oral statements and written statements are subject to the same level of scrutiny. Lance has correctly explained to you why defense counsel did not want a written statement. Given your deplorable breach of the attorney client confidentiality, defense counsel was quite right to avoid obtaining a written statement. To put a fine point on it, you have totally destroyed any intervening cause defense Crystal might have had.
"Walt, I believe Crystal when she said that Dr. Roberts told her that the autopsy report by Nichols was accurate. However, the reason she told this verbal lie to Mangum was for the purpose of misleading her into believing that she had no case... and to get her to better accept a plea deal."
You have not documented as fact that the autopsy report is fraudulent. That would be something for a medical expert to determine. You are not even close to being a medical expert.
"Dr. Roberts can say anything, but if she puts anything in writing it has to be truthful... because it will be scrutinized."
Correction. It will be scrutinized, found to establish the autopsy report is not fraudulent and Crystal will go down the tube, thanks to you.
SIDNEY, what you are trying to do, rather impotently, is intimidate Dr. Roberts to perjure herself.
I don't believe that I ever said that Crystal stabbed Daye with the intention of killing him."
You've been all over on that one, go RTF.
"First, she never said that to me. What I understood is that he was choking her, and to get him to stop she grabbed a nearby knife and stabbed him."
That sounds like intentional assault to me. So, we're back to intentional now?
"Secondly, why wouldn't a battery charge be given a case number, especially if the prosecution is giving the second count of the trumped up Larceny of Chose in Action charge its own separate case number?"
Lesser included offenses are included in the higher charge. For example, lesser included offenses of Murder I are Murder II, Manslaughter I, Manslaughter II, and Battery (or Assault in North Carolina). The state does not need a separate cause number because if it proves Murder I, it has already proven all the other lesser included offenses. Further, if the state fails to prove one element of a superior charge, but proves all the elements of a lesser included offense, then it is still entitled to a jury instruction on the lesser included.
Theft of a chose in action is not a lesser included offense of Murder. The elements are completely different. Thus, the state filed a separate charge.
"Finally, Walt, you have been misled, like so many others. Without doubt, the autopsy report by Nichols is totally false."
Well Sid, two respected physicians (Nichols and Roberts) have said otherwise, in public and one physician, known to me has said so privately that there is no problem with the autopsy report. Add to that, our own Dr. Anonymous has reached the same conclusion. Regardless, even if there is medical malpractice, it is not an intervening cause. Welch and Holesclaw. It really doesn't matter how much you want to ignore the law, or how much you don't want it to apply to Crystal, it won't go away.
"The case should never even go to trial."
You are right about that, she should just plead out to the least the state will agree to, serve her time and try to get rehabilitated while she's in prison.
Ms. Mangum's lawyer should hold responsibility for not providing her with the expert medical interpretation and explanation of any questions she had between the medical and autopsy reports instead of forcing her to have to ask for expert medical explanation from Dr. Harr by not providing that service as needed to assist her in her own defense. If she had professional legal services that could operate without bias in a case bringing duke into questionable actions once again, there would have been no need for Ms. Mangum to ask Dr. Harr to explain the files to her instead of receiving that professional advice from her lawyer and other expert professionals as needed.
It would be absurd to expect her to not seek additional medical explanation if she had questions that raised doubt about her guilt if she were allowed the unquestionable right to assist in her own defense. With Duke involved and no expert advise offered through her lawyer, Dr. Harr was probably her only other option to gain clearer understanding of her case at the time.
"Ms. Mangum's lawyer should hold responsibility for not providing her with the expert medical interpretation and explanation of any questions she had between the medical and autopsy reports instead of forcing her to have to ask for expert medical explanation from Dr. Harr by not providing that service as needed to assist her in her own defense."
Crystal did have competent legal counsel who did provide her with sound advice. She rejected them. So far as asking for expert advice from SIDNEY, he is incapable of providing any. What Crystal wanted to hear was that the autopsy report was fraudulent. It wasn't.
"If she had professional legal services that could operate without bias in a case bringing duke into questionable actions once again, there would have been no need for Ms. Mangum to ask Dr. Harr to explain the files to her instead of receiving that professional advice from her lawyer and other expert professionals as needed."
She did. She did not like what they told her. She turned to SIDNEY because he did tell her what she wanted to hear. I say again, SIDNEY is an untrained, inexperienced, incompetent person with an MD degree. Crystal's tough luck if she wanted to hear his delusions rather than the truth.
"It would be absurd to expect her to not seek additional medical explanation if she had questions that raised doubt about her guilt if she were allowed the unquestionable right to assist in her own defense."
Unfortunately she did not. She sought advice from SIDNEY.
With Duke involved and no expert advise offered through her lawyer, Dr. Harr was probably her only other option to gain clearer understanding of her case at the time."
However Duke was not involved, she had competent counsel and she wanted someone to tell her it was not her fault.
SIDNEY is incapable of helping anyone gain clearer understanding of anything.
What you say is questionable at best since you won't even admit duke is involved in the case even though the medical records are about the health services Mr. Daye received at duke where he subsequently died.
"What you say is questionable at best since you won't even admit duke is involved in the case even though the medical records are about the health services Mr. Daye received at duke where he subsequently died."
Provide factual documentation that by providing Reginald Daye with medical care, necessitated by the stab wound inflicted by Crystal Mangum, that Duke is involved in the case to the extent that Duke is trying to manipulate the outcome of the case.
Why do you think i should provide factual evidence about any general comment i make on this blog?
I do not understand your reasoning for demanding that over and over again. Does that normally work for you?
You are being more than slightly ridiculous in that regard.
if you make factual assertions, but refuse to provide any evidence to support them, it is you who look ridiculous.
For example, if I posted that Crystal Mangum sank the Titanic, Mike Nifong bombed Pearl Harbor and Sidney Harr shot Abraham Lincoln, but refused to provide any evidence for these accusations, I would look pretty ridiculous, wouldn't I?
ok - tell you what - you ignore what i say - and i'll ignore what you - well you don't actually say anything - you just deny everything that anyone says that goes against your blue devil nation worldview and agendas - so generally everything and anything i say - regardless - you will deny
so ... you seem very immature and you do not appear to face reality in any sense of normal life to be an actual retired doctor - what do you think?
Anonymous 4:03 said: you ignore what i say - and i'll ignore what you
I have a better idea. The posters on this blog don't appreciate you or deserve you. I suggest that you go on strike and don't post here again. That will teach the ungrateful evil duke trolls a lesson they will never forget.
ok - tell you what - you ignore what i say - and i'll ignore what you - well you don't actually say anything - you just deny everything that anyone says that goes against your blue devil nation worldview and agendas - so generally everything and anything i say - regardless - you will deny
so ... you seem very immature and you do not appear to face reality in any sense of normal life to be an actual retired doctor - what do you think?"
Face reality? I am not the one resorting to impoent name calling and fabrication. Can someone who fabricates all the time really have any connection with reality.
ANONYMOUS said: "while under the influence of alcohol she led the police on a high speed chase"..... There was no high speed chase . Crystal failed to immediately see the flashing police lights and travelled a short distance before pulling over. This has been characterized as fleeing to elude in the gutter press.
"There was no high speed chase . Crystal failed to immediately see the flashing police lights and travelled a short distance before pulling over. This has been characterized as fleeing to elude in the gutter press."
You are again repeating the story Crystal fabricated after she hd been outed as a false accuser, among other things. No matter how much you repeat it, you can not make it true.
make a list of ALL the things you want me to provide factual evidence on this blog for that i have remarked about (for some odd reason since you can just google whatever i mention and see that i am right almost immediately if your reading my remarks on this blog - but - ok):
note: i'm not saying i'm gonna do the work for you if you seriously don't believe what i remark about from reading in the news - which by the way - since i've stated clearly that i am generally remarking about what i read or watch in the news - it is not my fault if the news is wrong - now is it? so ... anyway ... either list away so we'll know what the heck ya'll think i'm fabricatin bout ... or you know ... stfu
by the way - ima gonna start my own list of what i want ya'll to prove you are NOT fabricating bout:
1. Evil Duke Troll alleged retired doctor is NOT a retired anything - it is a duke lacrosse liestopper evil duke troll - and does not appear to have retirement on its mind at this time from what i can tell
Here's something I do not understand from the news:
why is our government so concerned about terrorist with cia nsa programs robbing the constitutional rights of all USA citizens on a massive scale - yet doesn't find the need to pay the police stationed outside the whitehouse in the current government shutdown (which by the way - shouldn't the kids eat and the congress not get paid since they have had plenty of time to deal with this situation so no shutdown occured for years now - whereas - well kids gotta eat ... ya know)
the way i see it - kids aren't getting fed like they normally do in this country (no need for any to starve) - because duke wanted ya'll folks to pay ya'lls overpriced outrageous bills like they demand that you do ... that's it - greed in a nutshell
when you think about history lessons - in the future - if obamacare were a success - who do you think would more than willingly take the credit for it?
right - duke
so - in the present day reality of history making in the news because of obamacare - who will also be responsible for the chaos, government shutdown, and everything that ensues from that which has caused the government to curtail safety inspections of food, CDC epedemic infectious vaccine assistance and 'safeguards' against outbreaks, etc., national park services including the va skyline drive assessible to government washington folks, etc.
FALSE FLAG is screaming its way across the internet from what I just watched on youtube and in the media - all you have to do is look and actually see what is there
fearmongering ... false flags ... nwo depopulation plans and world domination ... etc.
that is what you see talked about in 'news' to explain what is currently happening
of course, there is much more - which many are keeping close eye on in the sky (but then the government curtails survellance programs of these sky events? - right) - but even that - and because of that - false flags capability is outrageously increased at this time - and just adds clearer sight into what and why what the government is doing is so transparently outrageous and obvious in its disregard for the usa and its people
"make a list of ALL the things you want me to provide factual evidence on this blog for that i have remarked about (for some odd reason since you can just google whatever i mention and see that i am right almost immediately if your reading my remarks on this blog - but - ok):"
Wrong. Google searches on the allegations you make turns up nothing, which says you are fabricating.
"note: i'm not saying i'm gonna do the work for you if you seriously don't believe what i remark about from reading in the news - which by the way - since i've stated clearly that i am generally remarking about what i read or watch in the news - it is not my fault if the news is wrong - now is it? so ... anyway ... either list away so we'll know what the heck ya'll think i'm fabricatin bout ... or you know ... stfu"
You are admitting you can not provide factual corroboration of the allegations you make.
"by the way - ima gonna start my own list of what i want ya'll to prove you are NOT fabricating bout:"
In other words you are making a list of things you can't or won't prove. Another indication you are fabricating.
"1. Evil Duke Troll alleged retired doctor is NOT a retired anything - it is a duke lacrosse liestopper evil duke troll - and does not appear to have retirement on its mind at this time from what i can tell"
Another allegation you can not prove. Also, this is more impotent name calling, because you can't prove what you are saying.
"the way i see it - kids aren't getting fed like they normally do in this country (no need for any to starve) - because duke wanted ya'll folks to pay ya'lls overpriced outrageous bills like they demand that you do ... that's it - greed in a nutshell
"when you think about history lessons - in the future - if obamacare were a success - who do you think would more than willingly take the credit for it?
right - duke
so - in the present day reality of history making in the news because of obamacare - who will also be responsible for the chaos, government shutdown, and everything that ensues from that which has caused the government to curtail safety inspections of food, CDC epedemic infectious vaccine assistance and 'safeguards' against outbreaks, etc., national park services including the va skyline drive assessible to government washington folks, etc.
FALSE FLAG is screaming its way across the internet from what I just watched on youtube and in the media - all you have to do is look and actually see what is there
fearmongering ... false flags ... nwo depopulation plans and world domination ... etc.
that is what you see talked about in 'news' to explain what is currently happening
of course, there is much more - which many are keeping close eye on in the sky (but then the government curtails survellance programs of these sky events? - right) - but even that - and because of that - false flags capability is outrageously increased at this time - and just adds clearer sight into what and why what the government is doing is so transparently outrageous and obvious in its disregard for the usa and its people
When are you going to post the police reports and other direct sources? As you know, posting the final charges does little to discredit the media coverage.
We know Crystal was able to plead the charges down. We do not know what errors the media made in their coverage. Your post was a waste of time.
FALSE FLAG is screaming its way across the internet from what I just watched on youtube and in the media - all you have to do is look and actually see what is there
fearmongering ... false flags ... nwo depopulation plans and world domination ... etc.
So I'm supposed to believe what some paranoid nut-job posts on YouTube, but not what the press reports about Crystal Mangum and Mike Nifong?
unbelievable - even youtube is suspect because it is not saturated with the woes of the victimhood of duke lacrosse? or is it unbelievable to you that youtube doesn't scream false flag about the duke lacrosse case like it does 911, sandy hook, etc.
false flags - weza got us a problem ye fellow weez the people (as in ya'll peeps all inclusive like)
Lance the Supreme Poster of Enlightenment said... "Dr. Roberts can say anything, but if she puts anything in writing it has to be truthful... because it will be scrutinized.
As multiple people have explained to you -- anything that Dr. Roberts puts in writing is considered discoverable.
Any documented finding by Dr. Roberts that states that the autopsy is essentially correct ONLY benefits the prosecution.
Unfortunately for Crystal, you've documented her discussion with Dr. Roberts here on this website. Not a good move, Sid.
I am *SHOCKED* that Crystal Mangum would ever consider coming to you for legal advice.
What you don't understand is that Dr. Roberts will never put into writing that the autopsy report by Nichols was accurate because she knows it isn't. Her actions in conjunction with Mangum's counsel is not for Mangum's benefit... it's to benefit and protect the medical examiner who lied in his autopsy report... and shield Duke University Hospital from involvement in Daye's death.
I don't believe that I ever said that Crystal stabbed Daye with the intention of killing him."
You've been all over on that one, go RTF.
"First, she never said that to me. What I understood is that he was choking her, and to get him to stop she grabbed a nearby knife and stabbed him."
That sounds like intentional assault to me. So, we're back to intentional now?
"Secondly, why wouldn't a battery charge be given a case number, especially if the prosecution is giving the second count of the trumped up Larceny of Chose in Action charge its own separate case number?"
Lesser included offenses are included in the higher charge. For example, lesser included offenses of Murder I are Murder II, Manslaughter I, Manslaughter II, and Battery (or Assault in North Carolina). The state does not need a separate cause number because if it proves Murder I, it has already proven all the other lesser included offenses. Further, if the state fails to prove one element of a superior charge, but proves all the elements of a lesser included offense, then it is still entitled to a jury instruction on the lesser included.
Theft of a chose in action is not a lesser included offense of Murder. The elements are completely different. Thus, the state filed a separate charge.
"Finally, Walt, you have been misled, like so many others. Without doubt, the autopsy report by Nichols is totally false."
Well Sid, two respected physicians (Nichols and Roberts) have said otherwise, in public and one physician, known to me has said so privately that there is no problem with the autopsy report. Add to that, our own Dr. Anonymous has reached the same conclusion. Regardless, even if there is medical malpractice, it is not an intervening cause. Welch and Holesclaw. It really doesn't matter how much you want to ignore the law, or how much you don't want it to apply to Crystal, it won't go away.
"The case should never even go to trial."
You are right about that, she should just plead out to the least the state will agree to, serve her time and try to get rehabilitated while she's in prison.
Hey, Walt.
If what you say is true, then why not include the two counts of Larceny of Chose in action within the First Degree Murder charge?
Anonymous said: "When are you going to post the police reports and other direct sources" http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/2862/372/1600/175694/Crystal_Gail_Mangum_Inmate_form.jpg Ask yourself if the incident was as described in the gutter press why was it dealt with so leniently. The answer is that the drunken taxi driver gave Crystal the keys then recanted to save himself embarrassment. There was no intentional assault on a government worker, it was accidental and he was not injured in any way. There was no fleeing to elude but only a failure to quickly respond to a flashing police light. She blew over the limit but only 1/3 of the reading Daye recorded at Duke. Crystal was not impaired but she did drive after drinking something she should not have done and she did drive slightly over the speed limit. The disposition of her case, though, accurately reflects the true circumstances.
Sgt. McCrae said he chased the woman at speeds up to 70 mph in a 55-mph zone until she finally stopped.
Kenny claimed: she did drive slightly over the speed limit.
Speeds up to 70 mph in a 55-mph zone. Not all people consider 15mph over the speed limit to be "slightly" over.
Kenny concedes: She blew over the limit
The officer said she registered a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.19 on a portable sensing device -- more than double North Carolina's 0.08 legal threshold for impairment.
Kenny claims: but only 1/3 of the reading Daye recorded at Duke.
Daye registered a .298. Do the math. This is not 1/3.
Kenny claims: Crystal was not impaired
And while being questioned, the dancer "passed out and was unresponsive," McCrae said. I do not agree that someone who passes out is not impaired.
Provide your sources. Then explain why a pseudonymous poster on a blog deserves more credibility than police reports and media coverage.
"What you don't understand is that Dr. Roberts will never put into writing that the autopsy report by Nichols was accurate because she knows it isn't."
Prove your allegation with factual evidence. Saying someone with a 5th grade reading level can see the report is fraudulent is not factual evidence. It just another uncorroborated allegation.
"Her actions in conjunction with Mangum's counsel is not for Mangum's benefit... it's to benefit and protect the medical examiner who lied in his autopsy report... and shield Duke University Hospital from involvement in Daye's death."
BULLSHIT!!! It is because Dr.Roberts has the integrity to block you from intimidating her into producing a fraudulent report.
" Ask yourself if the incident was as described in the gutter press why was it dealt with so leniently. The answer is that the drunken taxi driver gave Crystal the keys then recanted to save himself embarrassment. There was no intentional assault on a government worker, it was accidental and he was not injured in any way. There was no fleeing to elude but only a failure to quickly respond to a flashing police light. She blew over the limit but only 1/3 of the reading Daye recorded at Duke. Crystal was not impaired but she did drive after drinking something she should not have done and she did drive slightly over the speed limit. The disposition of her case, though, accurately reflects the true circumstances."
Your answer is another iteration of the lie Crystal concocted after she was exposed as a less than upstanding citizen after she falsely accused innocent men of raping her.
Crystal had asuspended license at the time and she had been drinking. Why would an upright citizen in those circumstances take a car she did not oen? If she were an upright citizebn she would not.
I'm a senior citizen who believes that the state of North Carolina has harshly, excessively, and unjustly treated former Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 459 of 459olympian duke basketball = blue devil nation = CIA = Duke/Gates Global Health Initiative = depopulation plans and NWO = world domination = there was one youtube video that had Putin cussing out the NWO leaders and plans - he's a funny man = Agenda 21 = government shutdown and FEMA camps = NWO and CIA and duke and duke/gates foundation = controlling duke/durham/nc/usa judicial system in order to achieve 'all that' = 'us' pointing it out and saying NO = ya'll denying facts and being wannabees etc.
i could be wrong tho - hope i am - but know i'm not
things could change - there's always that
Oh, so the other convictions are all bogus then. Gosh, who knew???!!! Poor thing.....just another victim of the evil white oppressor, right? Golly gosh darn.....poor pathetic Crystal. And to think white people made her get drunk, pole vault, shack up, sell it, use drugs, drive like an ass without a license, take a man's car, try to run over an officer, commit violence against Walker, trash his car, abuse her children.....and golly gee whiz, kill Reginald Daye. I guess it was Rae Evans who made Mangum do all that................poor Mangum.
11.26p, you really should think about getting therapy
hmmm ... ok ...
ok ... done
that was fun
i'm wondering how long calling 'them' out for the false flags is going to keep 'them' from doing them anyway
the world has caught on to their antics per youtube news sources
amazing to watch people still deny what is really going on
of course, most hope that we will all have years and years and years to come of this little peon duke/durham judicial issues - and not other more horrible and deadly scenerios played out in the name of continual 'reform'. duke/durham/nc powers that be like that term - 'reform' and play a mean game
duke just sucking as usual could actually be a comfort zone to some if you think about it that way i suppose
"Her being in possession of the automobile without intent to steal it and under the opinion she had permission of the owner, too intoxicated to drive had it retracted by him when questioned by the Police. It was then considered by the court to be a Class 1 felony. That's a far cry from the Grand Theft Auto it's been made out to be. She did not attempt to run over a police officer. After being pulled over and attempting to park she accidentally side-swiped the approaching policeman. He had no injury whatsoever. This has been portrayed as attempted vehicular homicide. The actual charge of assault on a Government worker was a real stretch. She received probation for these."
What you are describing is Crystal's spin on the incident, fabricated years after the incident, fabricated after she had been outed as a false accuser. Police records compiled at the time, BEFORE Crystal became infamous as a false accuser document she stole the veghicle, she did not have a driver's license at the time as it had ben suspended, while under the influence of alcohol she led the police on a high speed chase and tried to run down an officer.
Repeating Crystal's spin over and over does not make it true.
"Only one of the Nine charges has any real validity and that is her driving over the limit at age 21."
Repeating Crystal's fabrications over and over does not make them true.
Anonymous October 2, 2013 at 11:26 PM
"olympian duke basketball = blue devil nation = CIA = Duke/Gates Global Health Initiative = depopulation plans and NWO = world domination = there was one youtube video that had Putin cussing out the NWO leaders and plans - he's a funny man = Agenda 21 = government shutdown and FEMA camps = NWO and CIA and duke and duke/gates foundation = controlling duke/durham/nc/usa judicial system in order to achieve 'all that' = 'us' pointing it out and saying NO = ya'll denying facts and being wannabees etc.
i could be wrong tho - hope i am - but know i'm not"
No doubt about it. You are wrong.
"things could change - there's always that"
Yeah. You could cease fabricating and resorting to impotent name calling.
Anonymous October 3, 2013 at 4:35 AM
"i'm wondering how long calling 'them' out for the false flags is going to keep 'them' from doing them anyway
the world has caught on to their antics per youtube news sources"
What antics? Citing anonymous YouTube sources is not providing factual documentation.
"amazing to watch people still deny what is really going on"
No. Rather it is rather pathetic that people imagine what is going on.
"of course, most hope that we will all have years and years and years to come of this little peon duke/durham judicial issues - and not other more horrible and deadly scenerios played out in the name of continual 'reform'. duke/durham/nc powers that be like that term - 'reform' and play a mean game"
Your imagination is going overtime again.
"duke just sucking as usual could actually be a comfort zone to some if you think about it that way i suppose"
No, it is a figment of your deluded imagination.
From http://www.returnofkings.com/18290/the-duke-rape-case-revisited:
"In fact, the lab reports showed the DNA of at least four or five unidentified males in Mangum’s pubic area, rectum, and underwear. NIFONG KNEW THIS AT THE TIME(emphasis added)...Prosecutors have an ethical duty to disclose exculpatory evidence to the defense. He SUPPRESSED(emphasis added) this evidence. Meehan later admitted that the doctored DNA report was against his lab’s regular policy, but tried to explain it away by stating that he and Nifong did not want to 'involve' any other persons."
You have been making an issue of why no attempt was made to identify the source of the non LAX DNA found o Crystal. The answer is, corrupt DA NIFONG did not want to do so.
Nifong was the DA at the time, poster. Why don't you give old bathrobe boy a call and ask him why he didn't (a)admit and disclose that there were MULTIPLE samples in the sperm bank, and (b)that he made no effort to find out who they were.
The answer, bro, is that it WOULD HURT HIS FALSE CASE....because then there would be evidence that Sister had been having LOTS of SEX with LOTS of GUYS. And NONE OF THOSE GUYS WERE LAX GUYS. Get it, bro?
To make it just really simple, she was either really friendly with lots of fellas or she was selling it. And the story she told, that she had only had sex with her boyfriend...and only once in the week prior to the party....WAS also discovered to be a LIE
It's all quite easily validated and reviewed, on youtube, because lawyer Bannon brought the actual analysis results into the hearing.....and the NC Bar Panel heard the whole ugly story....including scumbag Nifong's LIES and coverups.
Walt said...
Sid wrote: "Glad that you finally see the light and have come around to acknowledge that the Larceny of Chose in Action charge was trumped up in order to saddle Mangum with first degree murder."
I was just presenting her defense. The state doesn't need the theft conviction for Murder I. I don't think they'll get a conviction, but they do have probable cause to support the charge. And if everything goes wrong for Crystal, she could get convicted. The whole I took them but gave them back defense is not the world's strongest.
"What is the case number for the assault or battery charge? I'd like it so that I can look it up in the records at court."
Lesser included offense. I would have thought a great legal mind would have grasped that concept.
"Mangum did intentionally stab Daye, but it was not her intent to kill him."
That's not what you wrote earlier.
"[A plea bargain is "their only hope as they have no case... and to go to trial would possibly bring up problems with the autopsy report and Daye's death even with defense attorneys delicately tiptoe-ing around the subject so as to protect Duke University Hospital and the medical examiner."
Not without any evidence to back up that theory. And right now, thanks to your breach of confidentiality, we know the defense has no evidence of that. Further, any effort now by the defense to bring up evidence of a problem with the autopsy will get undermined by the defense' own expert. With friends like Sid, Crystal doesn't really need any enemies.
Hey, Walt.
I don't believe that I ever said that Crystal stabbed Daye with the intention of killing him. First, she never said that to me. What I understood is that he was choking her, and to get him to stop she grabbed a nearby knife and stabbed him.
Secondly, why wouldn't a battery charge be given a case number, especially if the prosecution is giving the second count of the trumped up Larceny of Chose in Action charge its own separate case number?
Finally, Walt, you have been misled, like so many others. Without doubt, the autopsy report by Nichols is totally false.
The case should never even go to trial.
Anonymous said...
"Fact is that doctors are not Gods. The doctors felt Wrenn's chance of awakening were nil, that's why they recommended he be removed from life support. Us mere mortals, even with medical degrees, cannot with absolute certainty determine the course of someone in a comatose state."
However, SIDNEY HARR, who is an untrained inexperienced questionably competent mortal with an MD degree believes he can tell that an autopsy report is fraudulent.
Anyone with fifth grade reading comprehension can ferret out the discrepancies between the autopsy report and the other medical records. Really, it doesn't require a medical specialist to discern serious problems with the autopsy report.
Walt said...
Anonymous at 3:40 PM wrote: "Walt,
What makes you so very sure that the autopsy report will be undermined by the defense's own expert?"
That's what Crystal told Sid. And Sid violated her confidence and shared it with the world.
"How does a person request that a medical examiner file a written statement of non conflict of interest or bias in any particular case?"
You don't get to do that. Crystal, or any litigant adverse to the M.E. can. However, there is no conflict in this case.
"Either the defense's own expert will have to testify on the stand or provide a written report - will they not?"
Only if defense counsel is malpracticing Crystal would he call Dr. Roberts to testify.
"And even then, won't both examiners be required to take the witness stand in order to even have a trial based upon their autopsy findings?"
The state is required to call the M.E. to establish death and cause. That they will do. The M.E. will read his report into the record. The defense can cross examine, though they have no issue to raise with the M.E. Their own expert agrees with the autopsy. Whatever cross Meier wants to try is effectively wiped out by Sid's breach of confidentiality. The state will rehabilitate the autopsy with the Defense expert. Thus, I think Meier will wisely avoid much of a fight with the autopsy. That's a loser for the defense and potentially will put the jury in a mood to give her a long sentence.
Walt, I believe Crystal when she said that Dr. Roberts told her that the autopsy report by Nichols was accurate. However, the reason she told this verbal lie to Mangum was for the purpose of misleading her into believing that she had no case... and to get her to better accept a plea deal.
Dr. Roberts can say anything, but if she puts anything in writing it has to be truthful... because it will be scrutinized.
"Dr. Roberts can say anything, but if she puts anything in writing it has to be truthful... because it will be scrutinized.
As multiple people have explained to you -- anything that Dr. Roberts puts in writing is considered discoverable.
Any documented finding by Dr. Roberts that states that the autopsy is essentially correct ONLY benefits the prosecution.
Unfortunately for Crystal, you've documented her discussion with Dr. Roberts here on this website. Not a good move, Sid.
I am *SHOCKED* that Crystal Mangum would ever consider coming to you for legal advice.
"Hey, Walt.
I don't believe that I ever said that Crystal stabbed Daye with the intention of killing him. First, she never said that to me. What I understood is that he was choking her, and to get him to stop she grabbed a nearby knife and stabbed him."
So you believed her claim of self defense after Reginald Daye was dead and she was facing a charge of murder 1. That kind of alibi is not credible.
"Secondly, why wouldn't a battery charge be given a case number, especially if the prosecution is giving the second count of the trumped up Larceny of Chose in Action charge its own separate case number?"
Lesser included offense. Can't you read?
"Finally, Walt, you have been misled, like so many others. Without doubt, the autopsy report by Nichols is totally false."
The only one being misled that the autopsy report is false is you and you are misleading yourself.
"The case should never even go to trial".
But your frivolous non meritorious lawsuit against Duke should have.
"Anyone with fifth grade reading comprehension can ferret out the discrepancies between the autopsy report and the other medical records. Really, it doesn't require a medical specialist to discern serious problems with the autopsy report."
This is a dodge on your part, to avoid having to address the issue why you, even though you have an MD degree, do not have the background, the training or the experience to question the autopsy report.
Try testifying on behalf of Crystal in court and see if that gets you recognized as an expert witness.
Sid wrote: "Dr. Roberts can say anything, but if she puts anything in writing it has to be truthful... because it will be scrutinized."
Oral statements and written statements are subject to the same level of scrutiny. Lance has correctly explained to you why defense counsel did not want a written statement. Given your deplorable breach of the attorney client confidentiality, defense counsel was quite right to avoid obtaining a written statement. To put a fine point on it, you have totally destroyed any intervening cause defense Crystal might have had.
"Walt, I believe Crystal when she said that Dr. Roberts told her that the autopsy report by Nichols was accurate. However, the reason she told this verbal lie to Mangum was for the purpose of misleading her into believing that she had no case... and to get her to better accept a plea deal."
You have not documented as fact that the autopsy report is fraudulent. That would be something for a medical expert to determine. You are not even close to being a medical expert.
"Dr. Roberts can say anything, but if she puts anything in writing it has to be truthful... because it will be scrutinized."
Correction. It will be scrutinized, found to establish the autopsy report is not fraudulent and Crystal will go down the tube, thanks to you.
SIDNEY, what you are trying to do, rather impotently, is intimidate Dr. Roberts to perjure herself.
I say again is that it would take testimony by an expert to establish the autopsy report is fraudulent.
Why you have your knickers in a twist is that not only the court but everyone recognizes you do not have the capability of being an expert.
Sid wrote: "Hey, Walt.
I don't believe that I ever said that Crystal stabbed Daye with the intention of killing him."
You've been all over on that one, go RTF.
"First, she never said that to me. What I understood is that he was choking her, and to get him to stop she grabbed a nearby knife and stabbed him."
That sounds like intentional assault to me. So, we're back to intentional now?
"Secondly, why wouldn't a battery charge be given a case number, especially if the prosecution is giving the second count of the trumped up Larceny of Chose in Action charge its own separate case number?"
Lesser included offenses are included in the higher charge. For example, lesser included offenses of Murder I are Murder II, Manslaughter I, Manslaughter II, and Battery (or Assault in North Carolina). The state does not need a separate cause number because if it proves Murder I, it has already proven all the other lesser included offenses. Further, if the state fails to prove one element of a superior charge, but proves all the elements of a lesser included offense, then it is still entitled to a jury instruction on the lesser included.
Theft of a chose in action is not a lesser included offense of Murder. The elements are completely different. Thus, the state filed a separate charge.
"Finally, Walt, you have been misled, like so many others. Without doubt, the autopsy report by Nichols is totally false."
Well Sid, two respected physicians (Nichols and Roberts) have said otherwise, in public and one physician, known to me has said so privately that there is no problem with the autopsy report. Add to that, our own Dr. Anonymous has reached the same conclusion. Regardless, even if there is medical malpractice, it is not an intervening cause. Welch and Holesclaw. It really doesn't matter how much you want to ignore the law, or how much you don't want it to apply to Crystal, it won't go away.
"The case should never even go to trial."
You are right about that, she should just plead out to the least the state will agree to, serve her time and try to get rehabilitated while she's in prison.
Ms. Mangum's lawyer should hold responsibility for not providing her with the expert medical interpretation and explanation of any questions she had between the medical and autopsy reports instead of forcing her to have to ask for expert medical explanation from Dr. Harr by not providing that service as needed to assist her in her own defense. If she had professional legal services that could operate without bias in a case bringing duke into questionable actions once again, there would have been no need for Ms. Mangum to ask Dr. Harr to explain the files to her instead of receiving that professional advice from her lawyer and other expert professionals as needed.
It would be absurd to expect her to not seek additional medical explanation if she had questions that raised doubt about her guilt if she were allowed the unquestionable right to assist in her own defense. With Duke involved and no expert advise offered through her lawyer, Dr. Harr was probably her only other option to gain clearer understanding of her case at the time.
Anonymous October 3, 2013 at 11:42 AM
"Ms. Mangum's lawyer should hold responsibility for not providing her with the expert medical interpretation and explanation of any questions she had between the medical and autopsy reports instead of forcing her to have to ask for expert medical explanation from Dr. Harr by not providing that service as needed to assist her in her own defense."
Crystal did have competent legal counsel who did provide her with sound advice. She rejected them. So far as asking for expert advice from SIDNEY, he is incapable of providing any. What Crystal wanted to hear was that the autopsy report was fraudulent. It wasn't.
"If she had professional legal services that could operate without bias in a case bringing duke into questionable actions once again, there would have been no need for Ms. Mangum to ask Dr. Harr to explain the files to her instead of receiving that professional advice from her lawyer and other expert professionals as needed."
She did. She did not like what they told her. She turned to SIDNEY because he did tell her what she wanted to hear. I say again, SIDNEY is an untrained, inexperienced, incompetent person with an MD degree. Crystal's tough luck if she wanted to hear his delusions rather than the truth.
"It would be absurd to expect her to not seek additional medical explanation if she had questions that raised doubt about her guilt if she were allowed the unquestionable right to assist in her own defense."
Unfortunately she did not. She sought advice from SIDNEY.
With Duke involved and no expert advise offered through her lawyer, Dr. Harr was probably her only other option to gain clearer understanding of her case at the time."
However Duke was not involved, she had competent counsel and she wanted someone to tell her it was not her fault.
SIDNEY is incapable of helping anyone gain clearer understanding of anything.
What you say is questionable at best since you won't even admit duke is involved in the case even though the medical records are about the health services Mr. Daye received at duke where he subsequently died.
Anonymous October 3, 2013 at 12:58 PM
"What you say is questionable at best since you won't even admit duke is involved in the case even though the medical records are about the health services Mr. Daye received at duke where he subsequently died."
Provide factual documentation that by providing Reginald Daye with medical care, necessitated by the stab wound inflicted by Crystal Mangum, that Duke is involved in the case to the extent that Duke is trying to manipulate the outcome of the case.
I would have to get paid lawyer fees to do that i assure you - and have a judicial system in which to professionally do so.
Why do you think i should provide factual evidence about any general comment i make on this blog?
I do not understand your reasoning for demanding that over and over again. Does that normally work for you?
You are being more than slightly ridiculous in that regard.
You fool only yourself - as usual.
Why do you think i should provide factual evidence about any general comment i make on this blog?
I do not understand your reasoning for demanding that over and over again. Does that normally work for you?
You are being more than slightly ridiculous in that regard.
if you make factual assertions, but refuse to provide any evidence to support them, it is you who look ridiculous.
For example, if I posted that Crystal Mangum sank the Titanic, Mike Nifong bombed Pearl Harbor and Sidney Harr shot Abraham Lincoln, but refused to provide any evidence for these accusations, I would look pretty ridiculous, wouldn't I?
Anonymous October 3, 2013 at 2:50 PM
I would have to get paid lawyer fees to do that i assure you - and have a judicial system in which to professionally do so.
Why do you think i should provide factual evidence about any general comment i make on this blog?
I do not understand your reasoning for demanding that over and over again. Does that normally work for you?
You are being more than slightly ridiculous in that regard.
You fool only yourself - as usual."
Excuses excuses. By not providing documentation and making excuses you indicate you are fabricating.
Liar Liar pants on fire.
ok - tell you what - you ignore what i say - and i'll ignore what you - well you don't actually say anything - you just deny everything that anyone says that goes against your blue devil nation worldview and agendas - so generally everything and anything i say - regardless - you will deny
so ... you seem very immature and you do not appear to face reality in any sense of normal life to be an actual retired doctor - what do you think?
Anonymous 4:03 said: you ignore what i say - and i'll ignore what you
I have a better idea. The posters on this blog don't appreciate you or deserve you. I suggest that you go on strike and don't post here again. That will teach the ungrateful evil duke trolls a lesson they will never forget.
Anonymous October 3, 2013 at 4:03 PM
ok - tell you what - you ignore what i say - and i'll ignore what you - well you don't actually say anything - you just deny everything that anyone says that goes against your blue devil nation worldview and agendas - so generally everything and anything i say - regardless - you will deny
so ... you seem very immature and you do not appear to face reality in any sense of normal life to be an actual retired doctor - what do you think?"
Face reality? I am not the one resorting to impoent name calling and fabrication. Can someone who fabricates all the time really have any connection with reality.
ANONYMOUS said: "while under the influence of alcohol she led the police on a high speed chase"..... There was no high speed chase . Crystal failed to immediately see the flashing police lights and travelled a short distance before pulling over. This has been characterized as fleeing to elude in the gutter press.
Please post police reports and other direct sources to prove the media reports wrong.
"There was no high speed chase . Crystal failed to immediately see the flashing police lights and travelled a short distance before pulling over. This has been characterized as fleeing to elude in the gutter press."
You are again repeating the story Crystal fabricated after she hd been outed as a false accuser, among other things. No matter how much you repeat it, you can not make it true.
Ooops : http://webapps6.doc.state.nc.us/opi/viewoffender.do?method=view&offenderID=0801264&SENTENCEINFO=yes&SHOWPHOTO=no&numtimesin=1
make a list of ALL the things you want me to provide factual evidence on this blog for that i have remarked about (for some odd reason since you can just google whatever i mention and see that i am right almost immediately if your reading my remarks on this blog - but - ok):
note: i'm not saying i'm gonna do the work for you if you seriously don't believe what i remark about from reading in the news - which by the way - since i've stated clearly that i am generally remarking about what i read or watch in the news - it is not my fault if the news is wrong - now is it? so ... anyway ... either list away so we'll know what the heck ya'll think i'm fabricatin bout ... or you know ... stfu
by the way - ima gonna start my own list of what i want ya'll to prove you are NOT fabricating bout:
1. Evil Duke Troll alleged retired doctor is NOT a retired anything - it is a duke lacrosse liestopper evil duke troll - and does not appear to have retirement on its mind at this time from what i can tell
so... that's first
Here's something I do not understand from the news:
why is our government so concerned about terrorist with cia nsa programs robbing the constitutional rights of all USA citizens on a massive scale - yet doesn't find the need to pay the police stationed outside the whitehouse in the current government shutdown (which by the way - shouldn't the kids eat and the congress not get paid since they have had plenty of time to deal with this situation so no shutdown occured for years now - whereas - well kids gotta eat ... ya know)
the way i see it - kids aren't getting fed like they normally do in this country (no need for any to starve) - because duke wanted ya'll folks to pay ya'lls overpriced outrageous bills like they demand that you do ... that's it - greed in a nutshell
that's how i see it
when you think about history lessons - in the future - if obamacare were a success - who do you think would more than willingly take the credit for it?
right - duke
so - in the present day reality of history making in the news because of obamacare - who will also be responsible for the chaos, government shutdown, and everything that ensues from that which has caused the government to curtail safety inspections of food, CDC epedemic infectious vaccine assistance and 'safeguards' against outbreaks, etc., national park services including the va skyline drive assessible to government washington folks, etc.
FALSE FLAG is screaming its way across the internet from what I just watched on youtube and in the media - all you have to do is look and actually see what is there
fearmongering ... false flags ... nwo depopulation plans and world domination ... etc.
that is what you see talked about in 'news' to explain what is currently happening
of course, there is much more - which many are keeping close eye on in the sky (but then the government curtails survellance programs of these sky events? - right) - but even that - and because of that - false flags capability is outrageously increased at this time - and just adds clearer sight into what and why what the government is doing is so transparently outrageous and obvious in its disregard for the usa and its people
very sad
" http://webapps6.doc.state.nc.us/opi/viewoffender.do?method=view&offenderID=0801264&SENTENCEINFO=yes&SHOWPHOTO=no&numtimesin=1"
So? Those records confirm that Crystal's version, from her so called memoir, is false.
Anonymous October 4, 2013 at 12:39 AM:
"make a list of ALL the things you want me to provide factual evidence on this blog for that i have remarked about (for some odd reason since you can just google whatever i mention and see that i am right almost immediately if your reading my remarks on this blog - but - ok):"
Wrong. Google searches on the allegations you make turns up nothing, which says you are fabricating.
"note: i'm not saying i'm gonna do the work for you if you seriously don't believe what i remark about from reading in the news - which by the way - since i've stated clearly that i am generally remarking about what i read or watch in the news - it is not my fault if the news is wrong - now is it? so ... anyway ... either list away so we'll know what the heck ya'll think i'm fabricatin bout ... or you know ... stfu"
You are admitting you can not provide factual corroboration of the allegations you make.
"by the way - ima gonna start my own list of what i want ya'll to prove you are NOT fabricating bout:"
In other words you are making a list of things you can't or won't prove. Another indication you are fabricating.
"1. Evil Duke Troll alleged retired doctor is NOT a retired anything - it is a duke lacrosse liestopper evil duke troll - and does not appear to have retirement on its mind at this time from what i can tell"
Another allegation you can not prove. Also, this is more impotent name calling, because you can't prove what you are saying.
so... that's first"
Anonymous October 4, 2013 at 1:16 AM
"the way i see it - kids aren't getting fed like they normally do in this country (no need for any to starve) - because duke wanted ya'll folks to pay ya'lls overpriced outrageous bills like they demand that you do ... that's it - greed in a nutshell
that's how i see it"
And you see it wrong.
Anonymous October 4, 2013 at 2:02 AM:
"when you think about history lessons - in the future - if obamacare were a success - who do you think would more than willingly take the credit for it?
right - duke
so - in the present day reality of history making in the news because of obamacare - who will also be responsible for the chaos, government shutdown, and everything that ensues from that which has caused the government to curtail safety inspections of food, CDC epedemic infectious vaccine assistance and 'safeguards' against outbreaks, etc., national park services including the va skyline drive assessible to government washington folks, etc.
FALSE FLAG is screaming its way across the internet from what I just watched on youtube and in the media - all you have to do is look and actually see what is there
fearmongering ... false flags ... nwo depopulation plans and world domination ... etc.
that is what you see talked about in 'news' to explain what is currently happening
of course, there is much more - which many are keeping close eye on in the sky (but then the government curtails survellance programs of these sky events? - right) - but even that - and because of that - false flags capability is outrageously increased at this time - and just adds clearer sight into what and why what the government is doing is so transparently outrageous and obvious in its disregard for the usa and its people
very sad"
No, you are pathetically paranoid, nothing more.
Anonymous October 4, 2013 at 1:08 AM
"Here's something I do not understand from the news:"
So? There is nothing you do understand.
So Kenny,
When are you going to post the police reports and other direct sources? As you know, posting the final charges does little to discredit the media coverage.
We know Crystal was able to plead the charges down. We do not know what errors the media made in their coverage. Your post was a waste of time.
FALSE FLAG is screaming its way across the internet from what I just watched on youtube and in the media - all you have to do is look and actually see what is there
fearmongering ... false flags ... nwo depopulation plans and world domination ... etc.
So I'm supposed to believe what some paranoid nut-job posts on YouTube, but not what the press reports about Crystal Mangum and Mike Nifong?
unbelievable - even youtube is suspect because it is not saturated with the woes of the victimhood of duke lacrosse? or is it unbelievable to you that youtube doesn't scream false flag about the duke lacrosse case like it does 911, sandy hook, etc.
false flags - weza got us a problem ye fellow weez the people (as in ya'll peeps all inclusive like)
Lance the Supreme Poster of Enlightenment said...
"Dr. Roberts can say anything, but if she puts anything in writing it has to be truthful... because it will be scrutinized.
As multiple people have explained to you -- anything that Dr. Roberts puts in writing is considered discoverable.
Any documented finding by Dr. Roberts that states that the autopsy is essentially correct ONLY benefits the prosecution.
Unfortunately for Crystal, you've documented her discussion with Dr. Roberts here on this website. Not a good move, Sid.
I am *SHOCKED* that Crystal Mangum would ever consider coming to you for legal advice.
What you don't understand is that Dr. Roberts will never put into writing that the autopsy report by Nichols was accurate because she knows it isn't. Her actions in conjunction with Mangum's counsel is not for Mangum's benefit... it's to benefit and protect the medical examiner who lied in his autopsy report... and shield Duke University Hospital from involvement in Daye's death.
That, my Supreme Poster, is the bottom line.
Walt said...
Sid wrote: "Hey, Walt.
I don't believe that I ever said that Crystal stabbed Daye with the intention of killing him."
You've been all over on that one, go RTF.
"First, she never said that to me. What I understood is that he was choking her, and to get him to stop she grabbed a nearby knife and stabbed him."
That sounds like intentional assault to me. So, we're back to intentional now?
"Secondly, why wouldn't a battery charge be given a case number, especially if the prosecution is giving the second count of the trumped up Larceny of Chose in Action charge its own separate case number?"
Lesser included offenses are included in the higher charge. For example, lesser included offenses of Murder I are Murder II, Manslaughter I, Manslaughter II, and Battery (or Assault in North Carolina). The state does not need a separate cause number because if it proves Murder I, it has already proven all the other lesser included offenses. Further, if the state fails to prove one element of a superior charge, but proves all the elements of a lesser included offense, then it is still entitled to a jury instruction on the lesser included.
Theft of a chose in action is not a lesser included offense of Murder. The elements are completely different. Thus, the state filed a separate charge.
"Finally, Walt, you have been misled, like so many others. Without doubt, the autopsy report by Nichols is totally false."
Well Sid, two respected physicians (Nichols and Roberts) have said otherwise, in public and one physician, known to me has said so privately that there is no problem with the autopsy report. Add to that, our own Dr. Anonymous has reached the same conclusion. Regardless, even if there is medical malpractice, it is not an intervening cause. Welch and Holesclaw. It really doesn't matter how much you want to ignore the law, or how much you don't want it to apply to Crystal, it won't go away.
"The case should never even go to trial."
You are right about that, she should just plead out to the least the state will agree to, serve her time and try to get rehabilitated while she's in prison.
Hey, Walt.
If what you say is true, then why not include the two counts of Larceny of Chose in action within the First Degree Murder charge?
I require further elucidation on this point.
I don't believe that you are as stupid as you pretend to be.
Walt explicitly answered the question of why the larceny of chose charges are not included as lesser included offenses in the post you copied.
I suggest you retread the post. It already answered your question.
Please answer one question. Do you think that deliberately acting like a fool helps your credibility or does it just attract more attention?
"Larceny of chose in action" is not a lesser included offense of Murder and requires a separate charge.
Honestly, Sid- for such a legal 'expert' as yourself, you should be able to read AND understand Walt's post.
Your average 5th grader could....
Anonymous said: "When are you going to post the police reports and other direct sources" http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/2862/372/1600/175694/Crystal_Gail_Mangum_Inmate_form.jpg Ask yourself if the incident was as described in the gutter press why was it dealt with so leniently. The answer is that the drunken taxi driver gave Crystal the keys then recanted to save himself embarrassment. There was no intentional assault on a government worker, it was accidental and he was not injured in any way. There was no fleeing to elude but only a failure to quickly respond to a flashing police light. She blew over the limit but only 1/3 of the reading Daye recorded at Duke. Crystal was not impaired but she did drive after drinking something she should not have done and she did drive slightly over the speed limit. The disposition of her case, though, accurately reflects the true circumstances.
Excerpt from Police Report and Media Reports
Kenny claims: There was no high speed chase .
Sgt. McCrae said he chased the woman at speeds up to 70 mph in a 55-mph zone until she finally stopped.
Kenny claimed: she did drive slightly over the speed limit.
Speeds up to 70 mph in a 55-mph zone. Not all people consider 15mph over the speed limit to be "slightly" over.
Kenny concedes: She blew over the limit
The officer said she registered a blood-alcohol concentration of 0.19 on a portable sensing device -- more than double North Carolina's 0.08 legal threshold for impairment.
Kenny claims: but only 1/3 of the reading Daye recorded at Duke.
Daye registered a .298. Do the math. This is not 1/3.
Kenny claims: Crystal was not impaired
And while being questioned, the dancer "passed out and was unresponsive," McCrae said. I do not agree that someone who passes out is not impaired.
Provide your sources. Then explain why a pseudonymous poster on a blog deserves more credibility than police reports and media coverage.
"What you don't understand is that Dr. Roberts will never put into writing that the autopsy report by Nichols was accurate because she knows it isn't."
Prove your allegation with factual evidence. Saying someone with a 5th grade reading level can see the report is fraudulent is not factual evidence. It just another uncorroborated allegation.
"Her actions in conjunction with Mangum's counsel is not for Mangum's benefit... it's to benefit and protect the medical examiner who lied in his autopsy report... and shield Duke University Hospital from involvement in Daye's death."
BULLSHIT!!! It is because Dr.Roberts has the integrity to block you from intimidating her into producing a fraudulent report.
" Ask yourself if the incident was as described in the gutter press why was it dealt with so leniently. The answer is that the drunken taxi driver gave Crystal the keys then recanted to save himself embarrassment. There was no intentional assault on a government worker, it was accidental and he was not injured in any way. There was no fleeing to elude but only a failure to quickly respond to a flashing police light. She blew over the limit but only 1/3 of the reading Daye recorded at Duke. Crystal was not impaired but she did drive after drinking something she should not have done and she did drive slightly over the speed limit. The disposition of her case, though, accurately reflects the true circumstances."
Your answer is another iteration of the lie Crystal concocted after she was exposed as a less than upstanding citizen after she falsely accused innocent men of raping her.
Crystal had asuspended license at the time and she had been drinking. Why would an upright citizen in those circumstances take a car she did not oen? If she were an upright citizebn she would not.
Boy are you deluded.
"If what you say is true, then why not include the two counts of Larceny of Chose in action within the First Degree Murder charge?
I require further elucidation on this point."
That response shows how truly stupid and unresponsive to elucidation you are.
And you say you can elucidate others.
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