Saturday, December 21, 2013

Happy Holidays: Official j4n 2013 Christmas card

To kenhyderal, Break, Walt, Kilgo, A Lawyer, Lance, Supreme Poster, guiowen, A doctor, Anonymi, all commenters, fans, all Tar Heelians, and fellow earthlings:

I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas Holiday, get a chance to spend time with family and friends... which is what the season is really about.  Not just things.  I am grateful for all of your contributions to this blog site, even the ones that are nonsensical and unenlightened.  Regardless, varying views make the site worthwhile and provides fodder upon which our brains can ingest.

I plan on having an important flog posted shortly after Christmas... and it is my intention of seeing that justice is achieved regarding Crystal Mangum in the coming year (sooner rather than later which would be the overturning of her conviction and granting her freedom).

So, as we celebrate the birth of the Baby from Bethlehem, may we all try to pattern our lives after the Man from Nazareth... seeking truth and justice, with courage to back it up.

Best wishes to all.  Sid

Note: this year's card contains a little game which you must successfully play before accessing the card.  Also, there are several differing versions of the card.


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Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Just because you aren't expected to die from something doesn't mean it can't be a proximate cause of a death that ultimately results from a variety of factors including that.

Remember the Defense had a medical expert that wasn't used - assume that expert and others could have explained the discrepancies but the explanations would have been more harmful than helpful to Ms Mangum, so better to let the jury know discrepancies exist and use it to try establish some doubt about the autopsy.

My next two flogs will shed so much enlightenment on the issues regarding the autopsy report, Daye's death, and their potential impact on the case that you'll need sunglasses to view it.

Walt said...

Sid wrote: "That is exactly the reason why I'm fighting so hard for Crystal."

From what I have seen you damaged Crystal's defense by disclosing privileged information. Information that Crystal did not want disclosed. Information that eliminated at least one avenue of defense for her. Further, you delayed her trial.

"If the system can screw her with trumped up charges, it can do it to any Tar Heelian."

There were no trumped up charges. Ultimately, she convicted herself of Murder in the Second Degree by getting on the witness stand and telling an incredible tale.

"The credibility of the Medical Examiner is essential if anyone is to have confidence in any case... Mangum's or even the case involving Huerta."

You have not called into question the medical examiner. If you were so interested, you would be writing about the caseload of individual MEs. You would be writing about the wrongful firing of Dr. Nichols. You would be writing about the deplorable conduct of the SBI lab. Instead you write about a case where the ME got it right but didn't acknowldge your invalid concerns.


Anonymous said...

this site has been hit by a virus. the virus is called stupididus postus ignoramus. no cure. it's dying of terminal boredom

Anonymous said...

What Walt said.

Anonymous said...

Have you noticed that durham/duke justice system has not bothered to hold either one of Ms. Mangum's housemates liable for the assualts that they both admitted they committed on Ms. Mangum before she reacted to the violence committed against her?

This type prosecution effects everyone in NC as well - the prejudicial discriminatory prosecution of victims depending upon the malice of the prejudice of the system held against them (not depending upon what they actually did, or if they were the victim and defending themselves and not the initial aggressor in the situation, or whether they suffer from a battered woman syndrome or similar when considering their reactions to the threat and/or violence, or whether they were trying to get help or seek safety - even from the cops, etc.).

THAT is a BIG problem for ALL as well, especially in duke/durham, but in general, the entire USA.

Anonymous said...

If the trial for Ms. Mangum in the first incidence with her housemate after the lacrosse case when it became highly apparent that she was suffering from a battered woman's syndrome or similar had included any mention of these type illnesses and their impact on the implications of violence committed against the person suffering from it - then Mr. Daye would have been educated to the level of need for special considerations when dealing with Ms. Mangum - or anyone suffering the same type illness.

In any case, Mr. Daye was aware that Ms. Mangum was ill in that regard - and he KNEW it was not her fault that he did not take heed to it.

It would serve everyone's public safety better for her illness to be recognized and given consideration, support, and treatment that helps and does no harm - than for the prejudicial discrimanatory justice that was shoveled upon her in this case by duke, the ME, and duke/durham justice system.

But, duke and duke/durham justice system know this - especially duke since they specialize in these type illness and lead the way for the treatment of them for the entire USA. THAT is a very BIG problem - considering the number of veterans and victims that suffer from those type illness - and also considering that cops, etc. suffer from those type illness frequently as well - so if they aren't being recognized and given special consideration nor services - than basically ... everyone continues to suffer - sometimes expotentially - as the reactions to violence or threats of those suffering from these type illnesses sometimes create the same illness in others by definition of its cause and reasons for its existance.

The only thing this case has done so far is insure that more people will be victimized and suffer from this lack of justice and intelligence of foresight to prevent it for others by addressing the very serious implications of clear lack of assistance in this case by duke - or duke/durham - who often lead the way in the treatment of these type illnesses for all in USA.

Walt said...

Anonymous at 3:51 PM wrote: "In any case, Mr. Daye was aware that Ms. Mangum was ill in that regard - and he KNEW it was not her fault that he did not take heed to it."

Blame the victim. There's a workable defense - NOT.


Anonymous said...

seriously walt - you know he attacked her and thus she was the victim and reacted to the violence committed against her

you discredit your ability to think beyond duke when you profess your prejudice against Ms. Mangum like you do

Anonymous said...

Daye assaulted Mangum, Mangum reacted and stabbed him, Daye died. Under oath, Mangum said that was the first and only time Daye had ever yelled at her or touched her (the neighbor said there were other fights, Mangum said she lied).

How, exactly, would the State (or the Durham/Duke Justice System, even though Duke has nothing to do with it) punish Daye for the assault he admitted to? He was in the hospital, then dead.

Anonymous said...

For that matter, under the theory of Sid and others on this blog, Duke intentionally killed Daye to frame Mangum ... so, he assaulted Mangum, they imposed the death penalty. Seems like they did punish him.

Anonymous said...

right - and duke leads the way for how these people are treated - the Mr. Dayes and the Ms. Mangums - all of them

so ... yeah

it IS a much bigger problem for ALL what they have done

it illustrates a very, very, very big problem for all that duke leads the way in destroying the lives of many and causing harm to all in these ways

Anonymous said...

walt - please stop trying to discredit Dr. Harr's legal services for Ms. Mangum because he is not a lawyer, and then turn around and blame him for not doing things that only lawyers with doctors or doctors with lawyers, etc., can do - like pouring over stacks of autopsy reports from the NC ME's, etc.

especially ... especially walt because we all know that you know that he did try to get that done by the people who's responsibility it is do such a thing in regards to Dr. Nichols' autopsy report - and that Dr. Nichols has been fired for performance in another case ... so far - but that nothing has been done for this case ... yet.


Anonymous said...

Dr. Harr has indicated he wanted to represent Mangum, and claims he could do better than any lawyer she had - now you are saying he lacks legal skills?

Harr is the one proclaiming his brilliance and competence, not Walt. Walt is pointing out Sid's limits, which Sid refuses to acknowledge, nor will Sid admit when he is wrong.

The lawyers in the case DID hire doctors and DID pour over the reports. Even Sid acknowledges that Mangum told him the expert hired by the defense backed Dr. Nichols, but rather than accept that, Dr. Harr says they must also be wrong, because Dr. Harr disagrees, and he can't be wrong, everyone else must be.

So, I'm confused - are you saying is Dr. Harr actually wrong and not competent to do what he is claiming only he can do?

Anonymous said...

you are being disingenuous - as usual

i asked Dr. Harr about not having a lawyer for Ms. Mangum and he stated that she could not obtain a lawyer without a conflict of interest to duke to assist her - and i agree with that

do i think Dr. Harr is a competent lawyer - no - because he is NOT a lawyer

do i think Dr. Harr is trying to do what he thinks is right - yes - he appears to be doing what he thinks is right

do i think that what dr. harr is doing is right - for the situation - for him - yes ... since i agree there are no lawyers without a conflict of interest to duke who will assist for all

so ... when their sheat lands in you lap ... you can remember there were people who tried to stop them ... and you sat there and did what? at the time

Anonymous said...

the 18 year old kid with scizophrenia is another example of the cops attitudes and murderous behavior in NC

that is in the news on CNN now if you have not read about it yet

a 100 lb. kid off his meds - the only way to get treatment to stabilize his meds that he can't take because they make him sicker - is to claim he is a threat so that the cops will be able to get him into a mental facility in NC - or so the parents are taught by the NAMI folks in NC (you can read all about this on the News and Observer btw - because they did a huge coverage of the destruction of the NC mental health system that occurred at the same time and since the lacrosse case - all at dukes bequest)

so the kids gets tased and handcuffed by two cops (that the parents apparently have no problem with - and since the kid is tazed and handcuffed with 2 cops on top of him - not much of a threat if they can get him handcuffed with the offending screwdriver in his hand - maybe frozen with electricity in his ungripped flinched hand - since he was just tazed ... and they are on top of him - a 100 lb. 18 yr. old

well anyway ... another cop arrives - says he has no time for this (per the parents) - and immediately blows the kids head off (or whatever) - 70 seconds have elapsed - no time for this kid tho - no time

so anyway ... the kid is dead, the parents are outraged, and the nc cop association is cheering on the murderous cop who had no time for all this


this is nc


thanks in large part to duke

Anonymous said...

... and the murderous cop gets to do whatever else he thought was more important than the kid's life that he needed his time for ... paid for by the state on administrative leave

(re: no time to take the kid to the hospital ... easier to just kill 'em)

Mark Valenti said...

You are fucking kidding me, right? Please tell me that this page is the product of some twisted sense of humor, or just something done in bad taste even for a troll.

No one can really be ignorant enough to support Nifong.... CAN THEY?

Anonymous said...


kenhyderal said...

Mark Valenti said: "No one can really be ignorant enough to support Nifong.... CAN THEY?"....... If ever given the opportunity the voters of North Carolina probably would. Power to the People.

Anonymous said...

The kid shot by the cops is tragic, but I guess you are saying Duke controls all of NC, not just Durham, since that didn't happen anywhere near here?

What I find funny is that the justice system has problems, and could use people wanting to fix it - but when those people obsess about bizarre Duke conspiracies, instead of just the inherent flaws in the system, no one takes them seriously.

Duke is not nearly as powerful as you think, but they are a great scapegoat for y'all to keep you from focusing on the real issues.

Anonymous said...

it is the real issue in large part silly - you just don't want to see it since duke is involved

get real

Nifong Supporter said...

Walt said...
Sid wrote: "That is exactly the reason why I'm fighting so hard for Crystal."

From what I have seen you damaged Crystal's defense by disclosing privileged information. Information that Crystal did not want disclosed. Information that eliminated at least one avenue of defense for her. Further, you delayed her trial.

"If the system can screw her with trumped up charges, it can do it to any Tar Heelian."

There were no trumped up charges. Ultimately, she convicted herself of Murder in the Second Degree by getting on the witness stand and telling an incredible tale.

"The credibility of the Medical Examiner is essential if anyone is to have confidence in any case... Mangum's or even the case involving Huerta."

You have not called into question the medical examiner. If you were so interested, you would be writing about the caseload of individual MEs. You would be writing about the wrongful firing of Dr. Nichols. You would be writing about the deplorable conduct of the SBI lab. Instead you write about a case where the ME got it right but didn't acknowldge your invalid concerns.


Walt, the day of enlightenment is not far off. It will come with the posting of the flog following my upcoming flog.

In it, you will discover beyond doubt that the autopsy report by Nichols is seriously flawed to the point of lacking total credibility.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Daye assaulted Mangum, Mangum reacted and stabbed him, Daye died. Under oath, Mangum said that was the first and only time Daye had ever yelled at her or touched her (the neighbor said there were other fights, Mangum said she lied).

How, exactly, would the State (or the Durham/Duke Justice System, even though Duke has nothing to do with it) punish Daye for the assault he admitted to? He was in the hospital, then dead.

Just because Daye was transported to the hospital and hospitalized does not exempt him from being charged with a crime. Considering he battered down the bathroom door and admitted to dragging her by her hair (prior to the stabbing), he should have at least been charged with domestic violence and assault on a female... after all, a NC State football player was charged with assault on a female after he allegedly shoved his girlfriend.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
For that matter, under the theory of Sid and others on this blog, Duke intentionally killed Daye to frame Mangum ... so, he assaulted Mangum, they imposed the death penalty. Seems like they did punish him.

One problem, however... assault on a female and/or domestic violence is not a capital crime... and therefore Daye should not have been "executed."

Am I right?

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
the 18 year old kid with scizophrenia is another example of the cops attitudes and murderous behavior in NC

that is in the news on CNN now if you have not read about it yet

a 100 lb. kid off his meds - the only way to get treatment to stabilize his meds that he can't take because they make him sicker - is to claim he is a threat so that the cops will be able to get him into a mental facility in NC - or so the parents are taught by the NAMI folks in NC (you can read all about this on the News and Observer btw - because they did a huge coverage of the destruction of the NC mental health system that occurred at the same time and since the lacrosse case - all at dukes bequest)

so the kids gets tased and handcuffed by two cops (that the parents apparently have no problem with - and since the kid is tazed and handcuffed with 2 cops on top of him - not much of a threat if they can get him handcuffed with the offending screwdriver in his hand - maybe frozen with electricity in his ungripped flinched hand - since he was just tazed ... and they are on top of him - a 100 lb. 18 yr. old

well anyway ... another cop arrives - says he has no time for this (per the parents) - and immediately blows the kids head off (or whatever) - 70 seconds have elapsed - no time for this kid tho - no time

so anyway ... the kid is dead, the parents are outraged, and the nc cop association is cheering on the murderous cop who had no time for all this

Quite tragic. I haven't heard about it in any of the media locally or nationally. I don't have cable or dish.

Where in North Carolina did this occur? Thanks for bringing this case to our attention.

Nifong Supporter said...

Mark Valenti said...
You are fucking kidding me, right? Please tell me that this page is the product of some twisted sense of humor, or just something done in bad taste even for a troll.

No one can really be ignorant enough to support Nifong.... CAN THEY?

Hey, Mark. Welcome to the blog site of true enlightenment.

I, and other wise knowledgeable people support Mike Nifong... not only that, but I consider him to be a hero.

Watch the upcoming two flogs and you will understand why I would consider him to be the greatest district attorney ever in the history of North Carolina juris prudence. He is a man of integrity and was a paragon of a Minister of Justice when he worked as a prosecutor.

Anonymous said...

Walt, the day of enlightenment is not far off. It will come with the posting of the flog following my upcoming flog.

In it, you will discover beyond doubt that the autopsy report by Nichols is seriously flawed to the point of lacking total credibility.

Except that you continue to ignore the fact that while the autopsy had errors (no one, not even Dr. Nichols denied the inconsistencies), the autopsy, report, and records, were reviewed by an outside expert who ultimately supported the conclusions of the report, even if noting a variety of errors in the report itself. But, we know Crystal has refused to provide you with that report (even though she told you what it said), so you continue to pretend this was all ignored and only you are bringing things to light ... that report is part of the missing 97 pages (figurative, not literal) that Sid is upset he hasn't seen.

Anonymous said...

so where is it?

who has seen it?

did you?

Anonymous said...

It is on CNN:
Police group: Detective who fatally shot mentally ill teen acted justly


It happened in Boiling Spring Lakes but a Southport cop shot the kid.

Those parents need to have cameras rolling when the cops arrive to assist in situations like this. You tend to believe the parents - since its not something you would just say about a cop - that he said he did not have the time for this and then shoots the kid. I mean - something like that usually happens for law abiding people to just insist that that is what happened. The mother hopes the cop dies the same way as he killed her son - how many people actually say that to the news - and get away with it - if what they are saying isn't true? Anyway ... yes ... it is very sad, very real, and needs to stop for all.

Anonymous said...

The DA immediately called for an investigation, so hopefully criminal charges will be forthcoming.

And Duke had NOTHING to do with that case, or Mangum's case, or Huerta's case.

Anonymous said...

yeah right - duke is the one who leads the mental health people down the road to nonrecovery for all - they like to experiment with these folks - haven't you seen all the ads for that in the N and O - duke: oh please help the world and take our pill

get real

Anonymous said...

This is, without a doubt,among the dumbest, most ridiculous wastes of bandwidth on the internet. I agree with Mark. What a load of hammered crap. There are one or two people who occasionally post.....Walt, Lance, a doctor, Break. The rest of these halfwits, and the site's perp, crawled out of the shallow end of the gene pool and went to Cracker Barrel for dinner. So damn dumb, it's funny!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yep, certified dumbasses...... sidney harr, ken edwards, the third grade reject who hates duke, and the rest of looney gang.
I love reading Walt, Lance, Break and A to watch the kooks respond when one of these people writes something intelligent. Love your site, Walt......

Anonymous said...

Given that Mangum cut Sid off after discussing everything with Dr Roberts (as Sid acknowledged), and she didn't back his crazy theories and no one else adopted them - I would imagine that Mangum and her attorneys and entire defense team have seen the other 97 pages (again figurative) and they all know it proces Sid is full of it.

Anonymous said...

... and you are an asshat spewing troll on the wrong blog

walt doesn't mind if you hang out on his blog exclusively and troll that place - do you walt?

go for it troll - walt will love you for it

Lance the Supreme Poster of Enlightenment said...

".. and you are an asshat spewing troll on the wrong blog"

Is this our Duke hate spewing anonymous poster?

As my dear senelÄ— used to say, "the pot laughs that the cauldron is black"

Anonymous said...

ok ... i'm game

what exactly have I posted that indicates i 'hate' duke?

... you people who ascribe hate to standing against the harm that duke is causing to many and all need to take a very, very close look at yourselves - because - do you love duke for harming others?


are u one and the same as the troll lance?

Lance The Supreme Poster of Enlightenment said...

As far as I know, there is no other poster on this blog who goes by the name "Lance"...So I know of no "troll lance".

With that said, when I make a statement, I generally provide a source for that information.

Spewing statements like "harm that duke [sic] is causing to many" without providing a source for this is simply stating a rather uninformed opinion. DUMC has been consistantly ranked the best hospital in North Carolina, and has been ranked as a top hospital in the nation for 23 years by US News and World Report.

US News and World Report has a well-defined process for rankings. Other than your obvious hatred of all things Duke, what do you have?

Anonymous said...

disingenuous as usual

i see the harm they do to people all the time lance

i don't have to prove the harm - just gotta know what duke does in this state, how, why, and who they harm and why in any specific incidence ... you can pick that up in the news

why do you love the harm they do?

Anonymous said...

i just read that article again on CNN - apparently the kid had been tazed and was 'pinned' (whatever that means) but still had the screwdriver in his hand

but the kid is known schizophrenic with specific request to cops for assistance to take him to the hospital for help from his parents ... they should have sent a team of people who knew what they were doing in that situation ... the southport cop just shot the kid cuz he had the screwdriver in his hand still but he was tazed, pinned, and schized apparently - and 70 seconds to afford to that kid just doesn't cut it

why do cops advance on people like they do - any mental patient will schize when threatened like that ... might as well let the kid perform a labotomy on his own brain with the screwdriver while they just stand there and watch ... bout as much help as the cops gave him in that situation

in comparison to jesus and others i have read about ... that is harsh isn't it

hard to watch ... for sure

Lance The Supreme Poster of Enlightenment said...

Riggghhht....The hospital recognized as THE top hospital in the state routinely "harms" people. But you (who's the ONLY person I 've heard make this ridiculous claim) don't need to provide proof.

One thing's for certain - we'll never accuse you of being disingenuous, as that would imply that you know more about what you're talking about than you really do.

Why do I love the harm the (DUMC) do? I don't know -- Have you stopped beating your spouse yet?

Anonymous said...


lance - i am talking about duke - all of duke

go troll someone else eh

your hateful attitude towards those who question the harm that duke does to others doesn't help duke's rep in the least i assure you - esp. since you don't even know what they do in nc except play sports ... get real

Lance The Supreme Poster of Enlightenment said...

It's beyond obvious that I know more about Duke- all of Duke - than you ever will.

I speak specifically about healthcare because that is my area of expertise

What, pray tell, is yours?

Anonymous said...

ah ... so you are in duke healthcare and you think it's ok to harm people who commit domestic violence against their spouses ... got it

Lance The Supreme Poster of Enlightenment said...

You, my friend are proof positive that the old adage "it's better to keep your mouth shut and appear a fool than to open it and remove all doubt" still holds true.

For the record, I do not now, nor have I ever worked for Duke in any capacity.

You still beating your spouse?

Anonymous said...


lance - then how do you know so much about duke eh?

and ... you do think it's ok for them to have killed mr. daye in that situation because if was domestic violence?

what is your capacity in health services if you don't mind my asking

Anonymous said...

i know this is kinda gruesome - but it is a question about the kid at the beach - if he was tazed with the screwdriver is a clenched hand - could his hand get stuck around the screwdriver such that he would have reason to be shaking his hand trying to unflich his fist to drop the screwdriver?

it was a question that i saw in the comments on that CNN article and wondered about it myself

how does that work?

Anonymous said...

There are other accounts out there that give a more complete narrative of what happened from the families perspective.

basically - from the dad's perspective it was a robocop who should now be in jail for murder ... after reading what happened by his account - it is hard not to agree

from the mom's persective - well she thinks the cop should die like he killed her son ... and that noone should call cops for help with mentally ill patients again

this case seems to be more in the national news than the local - wonder why

Anonymous said...

Now the article is the front page headliner on CNN asking people what they think about it.

If you can read the families actual account of what happened before responding to CNN (if you do) it helps to understand the situation better than what is given on CNN.

To really understand you have to know that these parents know the only way to get their kid the treatment he needs is to say he is a threat - whether he is or not.

That is what I've seen in news happening there before - it was a story of some guy who needed help getting off alcohol - but the hosp. sent him home before he was detoxed - with some meds - which killed him on the bus ride home. Something like that ... but he had to claim to be a threat to himself before he could even get in to get what little help he didn't get to begin with. It is probably still the same.

Anonymous said...

Would it be considered professional and malicious neglect by an entire organization - like the psychiatric association or something - if they had written guidelines for these doctors, etc. to instruct their patients to call 911 requesting assistance in an emergency or if after hours, etc. - AND - they did NOT also insure that 911 responders did not kill their patients for being sick or needing special considerations when responding to these calls?

Or like the NAMI association who tells these parents that the only way for their kid to get medical attention is to say they are a threat and then call the 911 responders to come get them to take them to a hospital. Isn't that seriously and illegally irresponsible direction to give to a parent or patient if the 911 responders are killing and maiming mental patients when they are responding to these calls made by parents adviced by NAMI or their doctors, etc., to do so?

Anonymous said...

Or would it be solely the 911 responders' responsibility to insure that they are well trained and capable of dealing with mental patients without causing them any harm whatsoever - since that is a responsibility that is placed upon them by society and the organizations who direct the health treatment of these patients, or those suffering from these type illnesses?

Are there written quidelines for how 911 responders are to legally assist in these type situations, and where do you find those? Walt, do you know?

Anonymous said...

Our legislature has repeatedly cut funding for mental health treatment, that's the problem. We increase funding for jails/incarceration, and decrease it for anything that might actually help keep people from being incarcerated in the first place.

No, it's not remotely negligence or malpractice for a professional organization to not have done what they can't do - namely control the police and their reactions and their training. This is a police issue. Should they have more training? Of course, but we choose to spend money on weapons, drones, and incarceration -unlike many other countries that don't believe the police should be a military force first, and a public service second, we emphasize the militaristic and violent response first, the social work-type response second.

It's sad, but our military-industrial complex has lots of weapons to sell, and politicians have to be "tough on crime."

But the simple fact is there are very limited resources for treatment of the mentally ill, so they often are in and out of jail/prison where they get very limited treatment.

But, Duke has nothing to do with it - if they were all powerfule, we'd have a LOT more money for mental health treatment, including having expanded Medicaid, if for no other reason than it would have meant hundreds of millions for then.

Instead, we focus on locking up the lot and cutting taxes for the rich. If you have a problem with that, please stop just whining on blogs and vote in elections.

Anonymous said...

duke does have something to do with it in this state, and for most in USA

you simply do not know what duke does if you do not think they have anything to do with it

if you pick up a print copy of the news and observer - you will see ads on almost every page for their research projects that focus on mental illness and meds - they need the mentally ill to stay sick and without treatment in this state so that they and all the other pharma companies in this state can have research victims to play with ... seriously

that is a big reason why duke broke the mental health system - but money was another issue - and control - because when you are talking mental illness and meds and research grants - that is big bucks in this state - and duke is right there in on it - trying as always to lead the way to what they want - which is to have more research victims and patients at their disposal - for their own use

THAT is the way duke is with all their patients btw

Anonymous said...

Presumably, then, Duke and other major healthcare organizations are also spreading cancer, fighting against health and safety laws, and everything else?

Walt said...

Anonymous at 3:42 wrote: "Are there written quidelines for how 911 responders are to legally assist in these type situations, and where do you find those? Walt, do you know?"


Walt said...

Anonymous at 4:53 AM wrote: "But, Duke has nothing to do with it - if they were all powerfule, we'd have a LOT more money for mental health treatment, including having expanded Medicaid, if for no other reason than it would have meant hundreds of millions for then."

True that. Duke is a huge proponenet of expanded Medicare and Medicaid.

Anonymous said...

I have been a patient at Duke, have family treated at Duke, have known MANY providers at Duke....and, without exception....have Duke and its healthcare teams to be exceptional! The IDIOT who continues to run his mouth about Duke harming people is too stupid to breathe. Of course, mistakes happen. Bad care happens. Accidents happen. And, yes, there are bad providers....just as there are bad judges, bad policemen, bad firemen, bad teachers, bad preachers, bad retired halfwit physicians..... shit happens. To claim that Duke is some kind of monolothic hate machine that goes about murdering people should land this whacko in a rubber room.

Anonymous said...

no, just you for thinking that is what i said

just trying, trying, trying to discredit anyone who complains about what duke is doing in this state as usual

get a oh my grandest duke is the greatest and never does wrong or harms others and anyone and everyone deserves a rubber padded room if i decide to accuse them of such a thing grip on yourself - you are so typical of dukes - how dare you say were not the greatest or not lie about what we really do to keep that image culture ... shoo

Anonymous said...

According to local Wilmington news - the Southport cop had not taken any of the CIT training classes offered to the cops yet - apparently because all the cops can't be sent at one time (re: no time for all this). The cops been working there since 2004 - but yeah - no time for THAT training.

If they haven't been trained because they have no time for all this AND they still respond to an event that they haven't been trained for because they haven't the time - and then shot the patient within 70 seconds because he doesn't have time for all this - and then calls and reports he shot the patient in self-defense ... but later has to change the story to he shot in defense of the other cops ... and now - he has lots of paid free time ... you get the picture.

I wonder if and when he will ever find the time for CIT training?

The guy has no time for mental health patients and thinks they should be dead to save him his precious time (or he should shot them to get some paid administrative leave so he can redirect his precious time elsewhere), and he should lie about it, so he doesn't get fired so he can continue to get paid for his precious time that includes none for mental health patients ... and yet ... that is what his time is paid for by the taxes of all in this state - including tax payors with mental health issues and/or patients with mental issues to take care of.

AND ... all the other cops defend him?



Anonymous said...

Questions like the following come to mind:

a. don't cops have brains that can be affected by mental illnesses - including things like stress and trauma related illnesses - like PTSD?

b. ??? seriously - no brains - therefore no illnesses of the brain acknowledged for cops?

c. are all cops family members mentally stable at all times ... or else?

d. if not ... what do cops do to their mentally unstable family members ... or themselves or others ... when they need 'help'?

e. ect, ect, ect, ect, ...

Anonymous said...

On the Jesus case - his family needs to insist on a trial with a reenactment of the scene - as in actually getting someone like Jesus to demonstrate how exactly someone can do what they say he did - all with gloves on his hands and readjusted (persumably tighter) handcuffs. Except for the actual bullet of course.

How long of a car ride was it? Did the kid actually have time to do all that with no prior experience in doing such things?

Anonymous said...

Ya know, if a doc instructed someone to call 911 for help, and the 911 responders actions resulted in a dead patient instead of 'helping' the patient get healthy services - and if the doc never instructed the patient what they need to know so they did not get harmed if 911 were called on them - and/or did not give the patient healthy services to prevent having to call 911 responders in the first place - it seems both the docs and the responders would hold liability for harm bestowed upon the patient by both the docs negligence of instruction for well-being with the instructions for care they gave to call 911 or that necessitated calling 911, and the 911 responders whose actions cause harm to the patient.

Anonymous said...

to answer the other question of whether duke is spreading illness across the land in order to line their pockets:

consider this:

as long as there is no 'cure' for cancer - than the research money in the billions will be there

now consider this:

you can read many accounts of cures for cancers that occur in other countries that work and do not cause the harm or the costs that the methods used, researched, and touted by duke, etc. do - they are there - but if 'found' by duke, etc. - the research money would dry up for cancer


is there a cure and/or workable treatment - or only more research?


Anonymous said...

I mean - even by the very nature of the focus of research for all that duke has and does - they do double-blind tests, etc. - meaning half or more of the time the patients are not getting any treatment or services, and even if they did improve with one thing or the other, they are not going to get those services anywhere else - and after 12 weeks or so their treatment (research) is done, so then - what happens?

right - nobody knows
oh wait - they might end up with the ME or in the jails/prisons/courts or in the health system that is based on the research that duke never actually completes no shares in any workable way for health services to actually improve for the people, or back at duke being treated for the illness that happened as side-effect to the research they did and as further research victims for that treatment (as well).

That is what USA health services is based on - that type of reasearch pushed on the NC and USA population by duke - and the ability to shut up people if they complain (through their duke manipulated justice, health, political and media specialties, etc.) - or totally ignore them altogether - always and forever - because there would be no need for research if there are already answers and cures - so - everyone must remain sick and dependent on them for the answers (which are never given ... yet always researched with grants paid by the people who rarely benefit yet are made to suffer so there can be more research ...).

THAT is duke.

Walt said...

The DPD has released their internal investigation report. I have a blog posting with the report at:


Anonymous said...


The majority of the public may or may not be familiar with these so-called mental health advocacy organizations, such as the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (CHADD) or the myriad of bipolar, depression or ADHD “support groups” that are inundating the internet.

But they need to be.

These are groups operating under the guise of advocates for the “mentally ill,” which in reality are heavily funded pharmaceutical front groups – lobbying and working on state and federal laws which effect the entire nation — from our elderly in nursing homes to our military, pregnant women, nursing mothers and school children. Presenting themselves as patient advocacy groups is highly disingenuous not only to their membership, many of which may have a sincere desire to help a loved one or a family member with mental problems, but to legislators, the press and the American public — for they have consistently lobbied for legislation that benefits the mental health and pharmaceutical industries which fund them, and not patients they claim to represent.

Certainly any organization claiming to be for the rights of patients diagnosed mentally ill would have as their primary goal, full informed consent in the field of mental health – including full and complete disclosure of all drug risks, the right to refuse treatment, the right to know that psychiatric diagnoses are not medical conditions (evident by the fact there is not one confirmatory medical/scientific test). Above all such groups would provide patients with an abundance of information on non-harmful, non- drug, medical solutions and options considering the dangerous and well documented risks of psychiatric drugs by international drug regulatory agencies.

These groups do not."

Read More:

Health Impact News Daily

and these are the people telling these families to call 911 - and then not insuring that calling 911 is a healthy and safe thing to do for the mentally ill and their families. In a lot of the news about the mental health system in NC that was written up in the News and Observer ever since the lacrosse case started - NAMI reps were quoted, etc., in a majority of the articles.

Either calling 911 for the mentally ill needs to be a nondeadly and harmful solution to these peoples' treatment and obtaining 'help', or NAMI needs to held legally liable for endorsing this advice.

How would you do something like that Walt? Hold NAMI liable for the advice they give to these parents and patients, etc., to help stop the outrage of what is going on in this state and USA with the mentally ill - if nothing else?

Anonymous said...

And at NAMI NC 2013 Annual Conference you had:


Keynote: Thinking Carefully about Gun Violence and Mental Health: Balancing Risk, Rights, Rhetoric, and Research forMore Effective Policies (see related video HERE)- Dr. Jeffrey Swanson, Duke University School of Medicine


quess their still researching it

Anonymous said...

THAT is why I say what I say - this is what duke/durham/nc is doing ... right now ... in your face ... believing most don't understand what they are really doing ... which many don't - and more do.

it is pure evil - and it effects everyone

really hard to watch (notice the southport event is still not in the local news? wonder why? it is them ignoring and spinning as usual ... and as always ... needs to be stopped for all).

Anonymous said...


connecting dots:

duke - mental health - NAMI - duke NAMI affiliations - NAMI advice to parents: call 911 and say your kid is a threat to get 'help' for their mental illnesses - SouthPort cop murdering mentally ill because he has not time for all this - former Gov. Easley's home ground - cops been there since 2004 ... - the mental health system being destroyed in the quise of reform by duke under gov. easley - even tho gov. easley stated he was never in agreement with the reform when it turned into a highly corrupted deadly mess - duke dems wanting more mental patients on gov. dime to 'play' with but the repub new gov. says NO - cuz the system is too fracked up - which it is - latest NAMI conference in this grandest duke/durham/nc mental health play ground and wonderland first topic of the day - a duke research psych doc and his plans for gun control and mental health ... in the good 'ol USA


guns and kids and mental illness
and duke and NAMI and political plans for gun control and mental health and medicaid and medicare and obamacare in duke/durham/nc/USA wonder and oz land ... oh my

i wonder if they will ever stop? or better yet - what will they do before their stopped - let's all watch and see

Anonymous said...

ok ... let's vote:

yeah if you think that the cop will get away with murdering the kid like he did - and the next murder you will see will be of the patient AND their family members getting gunned down by the 'assisting' cop(s)

no if think the cop will take responsibility and the other cops will agree with that

Anonymous said...

To truly understand you have to note that most of these kids are getting sick from the meds and/or the chemicals in foods, etc. - that is why the parents need them to get emergency help - because of the meds pushed by NAMI and the pharma industry for the benefit of money for the corps., etc., only.

Meds that cause even more illnesses and problems and costs for the patients and society. Side effects that include illnesses worse of nature or degree than the illnesses being 'treated'.

This is the way it is in a very big way in NC because of duke and all the pharma companies based here - but - duke leads the way through NAMI and the government lobbiest and politics and the pharma corps, etc., etc..

So the patients need emergency assistance not because of the actual illness or what the patient is or isn't doing - but because of the effects of the pharma meds pushed on them that is causing them to suffer even more. And the emergency responders kill them because they are ill and have to be considered a threat to get help for the side-effects of the meds - and/or to be 'forced' to take more meds (that are being researched).

Evil doesn't even quite capture the degree of malice of what duke does to the patients and all of society and the world in conjuction with all of this - intentionally, with fore-thought and intention of negligent harm and benefit for theirselves derived from the harm, at the publics' expense and resources, irregardless of who or how they harm.

well ... until you go to the next dot ... gun control by the gov. - blaming the mentally ill of course (not the mental system with NAMI and duke and the pharma corps. & bush and co. leading the way ... or the militerized cops itching for actions, or the privitized jails that need filling ... course not).

Anonymous said...

One problem your blind hatred of Duke and belief in conspiracy theories causes is that you ignore than in the VAST majority of situations, calling the police is the only option, and it works out well.

Yes, the police need more training, this officer needs to be prosecuted, but to pretend that EVERY police encounter will end badly is naive, and ignorant.

A major problem we have is that we have cut funding for mental health treatment to the bone (have to cut taxes for the rich you know), so we have a lot more untreated people out there, and far fewer options for people who are either suffering from mental illness or who have friends and family who are.

Let's see how the investigation turns out before condemning the entire system. If the officer gets off with no discipline, that's an issue (unless the facts are vastly different than being reported).

Also, what is the obsession with pretending the media isn't covering things? Sid proclaimed the media was ignoring the Mangum trial, nevermind it was on the news daily, streamed live, and still available for watching online, in full, today. People say they haven't seen this Southport story locally, even though it was reported on all of the local stations, and outlets when it happened. The fact that CNN picked it up several days later (and reported nothing new) doesn't mean it is being ignored locally - we were first. When there is new information, it will also be reported locally as well. But, if the local stations report on something Monday, the national news picks it up Thursday, and reports nothing new, the local stations aren't "ignoring" it simply because they don't re-report Friday.

No, you cannot hold the professional organization responsible for the actions of someone else. They only have a duty to their specific patients, and in general, their advice is good - one bad officer doesn't change that.

It's funny - Mangum stabs someone, who goes to the hospital as a direct result, and dies there, and you say she should not have any responsibility at all. Someone calls 911 for their son, an officer comes out and shoots him dead, and you think the person who suggested calling 911 in some published guidelines should be held responsible?


Anonymous said...

1. no blind hatred of duke - i think i spelled out my reasoning for disliking some of the things they do very well - so not blind - and not hatred - you don't have to hate something to not agree with it or to explain why it is evil and/or criminal and causes harm to many

2. no conspiracies what ever that means - this sheat is actually happening ... again (one time is TOO many don't you think?)

3. ... i'll try to read more


4. yup ... just what i thought - more disingenuous blaming of me for spelling it out even tho i am just explaining cuz asked and the sheat is happening now - so the explanation is timely and relevant - and then accusing me of things i never said to begin with instead.

5. You can hold Ms. Mangum responsible for defending herself when physically attacked in a manner in which duke then uses to kill the attacker with malpractice to frame her with murder - but you can't hold a professional org. responsible for leading to the death of many with the direct advice that they give to their consumers who are following their advice because they don't know what else to do and they trust the prof. org. to give the right advice that could mean the life or death of the patient. got it. that is so off ... it amazes me ANYONE would think that (even dukies and NAMI)

7. i don't think telling cops someone is a threat just to get their meds adjusted or reexamined is advice that might not get the patient killed by cops these days ... in a 70 second flash ... do you? or that it is responsible advice to give to anyone, especially parents with kids

8. i don't have an obsession with pretending the news didn't cover something (or did) ... i can see it for myself ... thanks

9. ...

Anonymous said...

so do you vote yeah or no?

Anonymous said...

Your yes/no vote is 2 extremes, so it's not set-up for a rational answer. Do I think the cop will be punished? Yes, do I think it will be as severe as some want, no. If he isn't punished, do I think they will suddenly kill the person and their family next time? No. Cops have killed people throughout the years who are in a mental health crisis, sadly, this is just the latest. However, whether those officers are punished or not (and some are, some aren't), they have yet to gun down the person in crisis and the family.

Your yes/no is like saying: Vote Yes we will have war with Iran by January 31, or No, there will be peace on earth forever.

Anonymous said...

no the patient will miracously kill themselves while in police custody AND the family will have a riot squad deployed upon them ... but your right - we don't really know yet how the suicidal kid died and the family wasn't actually killed - just gassed ... yet ... the 19th will be here soon ... this month and every month ... don't ya know

Anonymous said...

If the family of the kid who was just shot by the Southport cop develops overwhelming grief and depression from the trauma of what just happened and continues to happen in this case and then gets really very sick, or kills themselves because they cannot recover from the trauma or the treatment of the trauma they receive - would you consider that death of the family member the responsbility of the Southport cop as a proximate cause from the trauma of what he did or didn't do in this case?

OR if another family ends up dead by suicide-homicide because another mental patient loses all hope because of what the Southport cop has done - would that not be considered the same in terms of proximate cause of the patient losing all hope and deciding to just end it because of what they see happening to other mental patients and families in this state (or USA, etc.)?

Anonymous said...



Nifong Supporter said...


I apologize for the tardiness of the flog. As I was nearing completion on it, the file got damaged (happened to me once before on a large flash file).
I spent an entire day trying to recover and repair the file, but had no luck... so Friday, I began to redo the flog. Not completely starting from scratch as most of the documents and images were saved... but time-consuming, nonetheless.

Hate to give predictions, but, if there are no other foul-ups with the program, it should be posted no later than Tuesday.

Thanks for your patience.

As you were.

Anonymous said...

Really why?

You do know many of the symptoms and causes of mental illness is the environment that creatures with brains find themselves in, right?

I mean - even animals will 'schize' when threatened and some will even kill themselves in family pods - like whales.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Harr,

That's too bad - but the next version will be better - take your time - break the files up into smaller flogs perhaps - at least to have the sections saved before tying them all together (if you can) ... just an idea ...

thanks for the update

Anonymous said...

Yes, really.

I relied on the legal definition for proximate cause.

Anonymous said...

But to a mental patient - what the cop in southport did that caused even more of a hostile mental health environment in this state could itself be considered the same as Mr. Daye's knife wound, or as complications to the knife wound (as a psychological assualt and complications of the meds or treatments the mental patient receives or doesn't receive because of the reinforced belief in the hostility of the mental health system they have now received from the actions and nonactions of the cop) - so why not the same reasoning as you take with the proximaty of the knife wound and the treatment of the wound by duke that caused the death of Mr. Daye?

Anonymous said...

Read the definition and some court cases.

Anonymous said...

so what is it

that mental health is discriminated against and not covered under proximate cause



makes no sense that it wouldn't be a proximate cause - especially for the mom who required emergency treatment for a nervous breakdown at the scene when the cop killed her son in front of her because he had no time for her or her mentally ill son

Anonymous said...

I see your point.

So if I was so frustrated with this moronic discussion that I took a gun and blew my brains out, you would agree that your posts were a proximate cause and you were guilty of murder.

Anonymous said...

Sid said:

"I, and other wise knowledgeable people support Mike Nifong..."

Can you name any "wise knowledgeable people" who currently support Mike Nifong and show us where and how they have expressed that support?

A Lawyer said...

Dr. Harr:

Is Crystal going to be freed tomorrow (January 14, 2014)? Or is this going to be another of your false predictions?

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Dr. Harr,

That's too bad - but the next version will be better - take your time - break the files up into smaller flogs perhaps - at least to have the sections saved before tying them all together (if you can) ... just an idea ...

thanks for the update

Thanks for the suggestion. Have thought about doing that. I think the problem is that with larger files the computer runs slower and I move too quickly causing the file to become damaged. I think if I just take my time, I will be okay. Hopefully the flog will be ready for posting the afternoon of the 14th... and if not, definitely by Wednesday 15th in the morning.

Nifong Supporter said...

A Lawyer said...
Dr. Harr:

Is Crystal going to be freed tomorrow (January 14, 2014)? Or is this going to be another of your false predictions?

Hey, A Lawyer.

No, the prediction is for the posting of the next flog. Had a problem with the file being damaged... set me back nearly a week.

As far as freedom for Crystal, I would believe that she should be released sometime this year. I haven't really began pushing for it yet. My next flog will signify the opening salvo of my efforts to get justice for Mangum.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Sid said:

"I, and other wise knowledgeable people support Mike Nifong..."

Can you name any "wise knowledgeable people" who currently support Mike Nifong and show us where and how they have expressed that support?

That's an easy one. Go to the web site and you will see the names and faces of members of the Committee on Justice for Mike Nifong. Need I say more?

Anonymous said...

A Lawyer said...
Dr. Harr:

Is Crystal going to be freed tomorrow (January 14, 2014)? Or is this going to be another of your false predictions?

Hey, A Lawyer.

No, the prediction is for the posting of the next flog. Had a problem with the file being damaged... set me back nearly a week.

As far as freedom for Crystal, I would believe that she should be released sometime this year. I haven't really began pushing for it yet. My next flog will signify the opening salvo of my efforts to get justice for Mangum.

Fortunately for Crystal, she also has competent Appellate Counsel (though I'm sure Sid feels she's in the bag for Duke and the ME), and several grounds for a re-trial, so she has a shot.

Sadly, Sid will do all he can to sabotage that chance - he's still upset she didn't get LWOP, so he's going to meddle all he can in her appeal under the guise of helping.

Lance the Supreme Poster of Enlightenment said...

"That's an easy one. Go to the web site and you will see the names and faces of members of the Committee on Justice for Mike Nifong. Need I say more?"

Go to your own so-called "requirements" (one of the few links that actually work on your website) to see what it takes to be a member of this "committee".

Being "wise and knowledgeable" is not a requirement.

I'll also note that, of the numerous "members" of the committee, few if any bother to post here.

Why is that?

A Lawyer said...

No, the prediction is for the posting of the next flog.

Do you deny that you previously (just last month, in fact) predicted that Mangum would be freed by January 14, 2014?

For that matter, do you deny that you previously predicted that the State would never take Mangum to trial? Or that she would be acquitted even if she had a turncoat lawyer?

Anonymous said...

Actually, I don't agree with you thinking you can blow your brains off because you think a discussion on this blog about NAMI and the mental health and otherwise systems and the harm that duke does to all in this state, USA, etc. with their corrupt and irresponsible leadership and participation and negligent malicious input into the practices and consequences of the pharma industry, research that causes harm to many or any, public and health policy making that destroys and harms others well-being or others' abilities to thrive for the profit of a few over the well-being of society and/or any patient - is moronic (especially if you think your malicious trolling or actions on duke's behalf isn't) - especially pertaining to discussions about mental health and duke's harmful practices and actions - would be grounds to charge me with murder if YOU blew YOUR head off. Do you? THAT would be rather moronic - don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do think the conclusion i suggested facetiously is moronic. However, you apparently seek to cast blame quite broadly with no greater causation. Perhaps you should rethink your own conclusions lest someone draw unfair conclusions about your capacity to reason.

Anonymous said...

seriously ... what are you trying to say anyway? That you are a dukie - so any harm duke does - you will ignore and try to harm or discredit others who point out the harm they do in efforts to stop the harm for all?

yeah ... right

Anonymous said...

That you are a dukie - so any harm duke does - you will ignore and try to harm or discredit others who point out the harm they do in efforts to stop the harm for all?

No. I am not a Dukie. I have no affiliation with nor do I have any affinity for Duke.

I never excused any harm Duke does. You made that up. I ask that you apologize for inaccurately putting words in my mouth.

You would do well to provide in your accusations. Most of the posters on this board have no Duke connections.

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what you refer to when you say i need to apologize for puttin words in your mouth - which ones?


no - others on this blog demand sheat so you and your trollies can further have something to debunk and ridicule - not giving a hoot about the harm that is caused by duke inc. that is being discussed - only that those doing the discussing about duke's harm are dissed

that IS duke btw

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what you refer to when you say i need to apologize for puttin words in your mouth - which ones?

You may start with the specific complaint I made.

Anonymous said...

ok ... i'm lost in your moronic accusation of me for something ? (puttin words in your mouth - seriously - which ones? ???)


trying to come up with another discriptive troll moniker for you other than evil duke troll to satisfy your need to amuse yourself on my behalf

how bout ... evil duke trollie?


Anonymous said...

continuing ...

... or like the kid who just torched his parents house, rammed his families SUV into the front door of the local chatholic church, set fire to the sanctuary, and then committed suicide in the church parking lot ... in good 'ol duke/durham/nc/usa land

... guess it doesn't matter how he actually killed himself ... tho

Anonymous said...

Duke lacrosse starts on February 8th against Jacksonville.Let's all wish the Blue Devils the very best.I hope they win the NCAA championship again this year.Those guys are real winners unlike Mangum and Nifong who are complete losers.

Anonymous said...

If I had to guess, I would say that this idiot who runs his or her mouth about Duke in an incomprehensible grammar-challenged manner, is actually somebody who (a)didn't get a job at Duke, or, (b)got their butt fired from Duke,or, (c)sidney or his daughter or victoria the bigot just being cute............
whatever the case, this whole site has become nothing but a BORING waste of bandwidth.

Anonymous said...

Sid said:

"That's an easy one. Go to the web site and you will see the names and faces of members of the Committee on Justice for Mike Nifong. Need I say more?"

Yes. I know that you have picture of people on your website, but that does not answer my questions. So, I will ask again:

1. Please list as many people as you can who CURRENTLY support Mike Nifong.

2. Please show where and how they have expressed their current support for Mike Nifong (eg., letters to the editor, petitions, participation at public events, donations, etc.).

I'll give you a pass on the wise and knowledgeable part. They just need to be actual people who currently support Nifong and have actually expressed their support in some way. They can be as dumb as rocks.

You made the claim, now back it up. For once.

Anonymous said...

Do you really expect Dr. Harr to answer to your trolling and bullying?

Just wondering?

You are addicted to the adreneline you felt when everyone bullied Dr. Harr here in mass, aren't you? You actually do not give a hoot about any of the real issues - only the game of the thrill of the hate mongering adrenaline coupled with duke sports winnings that you felt with that case or duke sports and now crave so you create more bullying trolling drama to satisfy your needs, regardless of who or how many you may harm. That is sad for you ... you may want to stop ... just to see if you can. Try it, we'll see if you are able to.

Anonymous said...

Nifong made a mistake in how he handled the case (something even he admits). Whether something happened or not that night (most people would say SOMETHING happened), unfortunately mistakes were made in the handling of the case, which led to other issues.

But, overall, while I disagree with Sid that Nifong was the be all/end all of DAs, he wasn't/isn't a bad guy, and didn't do a bad job as DA, so the constant vilifying makes little sense, and is irrational, though the constant heaping on a pedestal isn't much better.

But, Nifong was certainly not the villain he was/is portrayed to be by the Dukies, but he did make mistakes in handling the case. They shouldn't have cost him his job/license, but that's the problem with messing with powerful people.

It's sad that no DA loses their job over other obvious injustices (and no, I don't mean this case - this case wasn't/isn't the injustice Sid pretends - I guarantee he won't come up with anything in his FLOG that her attorneys didn't already consider). But, look at all the people released from death row, etc., for innocence, and no consequences to the DA who lied and set them up.

You can disagree with the verdict in the Mangum case, but it wasn't obtained by prosecutorial misconduct and lies.

It is impressive that Sid allows all comments, he could censor them, but I suspect he likes the attention.

Anonymous said...

Since the defense of Ms. Mangum in this current case depends on the ethics, morality, and actions/non-actions of these same powerful people ... there is very clear and evidenced reasons and causes to suspect them of criminal, intentional, and malicious foulplay and malpractice in this case.

We the people do not actually have to put up with what these powerful people dish unto those they deem to asert their power over if it causes harm and/or is criminal or malintentioned, etc. in the USA court of law (even if it is controlled by these same powerful people), or otherwise.

These cases should not have to be tried in the court of public opinion over and over and over again, with duke just feeding on the publicity and chaos and using that for their own purposes of control and power, and to cause even more harm.

At some point, a resounding NO needs to be extracted from the bench - for the people - against these power mongering sources of harm of the many for the benefit and purposes of the few.

They are not duke anymore - they are a bunch of people as sick as all the rest that you see who run the course they are on.

It is very hard to just watch ... almost impossible if you understand the level and degree of harm that they 'do' - and then watch duke/durham/nc/USA justice system just shrug it off back onto the people to deal with and get harmed from further ... that is criminal in itself - don't you think?

Harr Supporter said...

Anonymous 1/14 3:01pm:

I beg to disagree with your assessment of Nifong. While I agree that other DAs have committed greater perversions of justice than Nifong, I strongly support his well-deserved disbarment. I agree that many other prosecutors deserve equal or greater punishment. Unfortunately, the justice system protects prosecutors and police.

Nifong did not just make "mistakes" as you suggest. He and the DPD attempted to frame three young men for a crime they almost certainly knew had never occurred. Despite a lack of credible evidence, they made no bona fide attempt to investigate the alleged crime.

Nifong knew the identifications were unreliable and probably not admissible in court. He knew Mangum was an unreliable witness whose accusations were inconsistent with other evidence. He knew the SANE's statement was inconsistent with the exam.

He knew he had no credible evidence, but he failed to insist that the police investigate. He indicted anyway. Why?

You may think that a DA who attempts a deliberate frame is a nice guy who doesn't deserve to lose his job. I disagree.

You may think that a DA who lies in court about the evidence is a nice guy who doesn't deserve to lose his job. I disagree.

We agree that other prosecutors have deserved harsh punishment for misconduct. The failure to punish them does not excuse Nifong.

Prosecutors have immense power. Due to absolute immunity there are few checks. Any prosecutor who betrays the trust place in him deserves severe punishment.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous asked:

"Do you really expect Dr. Harr to answer to your trolling and bullying?"

No. Sid has a history of making outrageous claims and then not backingthem up. I don't expect him to change. It deserves to be highlighted, though.

Sidney is free to censor his blog, or stop blogging altogether, if he feels bullied. I suspect he enjoys the attention too much to do either.

Anonymous said...

You might find that most people would probably agree that it is you who enjoys any attention you can muster from your trolling of this blog, or any blog. That is why YOU think that is what Dr. Harr or others are also about, because that is what you justify to yourself that he deserves along with anyone else who watches you do it to him unmercifully - non-stop, on duke's behalf. That's all.

Anonymous said...

If the only feedback that the public receives about mental health in general, but also about the services that are rendered in the mental health system, and because of the mental health system are negative- then naturally there will be great misunderstandings and uninformed harmful actions and reactions to things that people normally associate with life and the balance of life and mental health, like in instances of grieving or protecting or defending or other traumatic and psychologically damaging or disturbing events, like dying, that happen to most people, or even some people, in normal human existence, because of these same misunderstandings and/or misinformation or lack of information and knowledge.

So, if mental health is not understood but only manipulated and used as a means to make money and control the people for the benefit of the few, then at some point, would you not agree, the entire system and society will become sick and destructive due to the lack of simple informative knowledgeable education into the scientific realities of mental health versus the corporate pharma. and bush inc. manufactured version of their idea of mental health for the USA, and any other; based solely upon the abilities to control and line their pockets or promote their own self-interest over all other considerations for the people who are harmed by their policy making decisions, etc.

I mean, CIT training - heck - everyone could use that type of training as long as it's not pharma. lead for their own monetary purposes and it IS based upon truly healthy understandings and intervetions - I mean everyone. At any point in any humans existence - the need to understand their own mental health (if nothing else) and the mental health of others would be the norm in an educated civilized society such as the USA strives and is thought to be by most, and as supported by the constitution and bill of rights, and laws, etc..

It is insane to think that the people who are exposed to the realities of what the mental health system is truly about in the USA due to the corruption of the pharma and research corporations, etc. or who become aware of it and the harm that they see happening to others all around them in the news like happens and happened in NC, is something that they will also agree with as rational human beings. Not if they value their own or others mental health in any way, or the mental health of society in general. That's like asking USA citizens to follow hitler (or similar in nature re: insanity of a few that harms many) - why would they?

A perfect example are the teens who both just committed suicide at their own hands with the same gun because they saw no other way to deal with the causation of temporary mental disturbance brought on by normal human experiences that they were not yet experienced or mature enough to deal with. The nonavailability and harmful nature of the mental health system is something that is well apparent and publicized in the area where they live and are educated. It is very easy to continue to connect the dots in that case that just happened this week in NC as well.

Walt said...

Anonymous at 3:01 AM, I want to thank you for a reasoned defense of Nifong. It is refreshing to see someone make a point rationally. However, I disagree with your main point: "But, Nifong was certainly not the villain he was/is portrayed to be by the Dukies, but he did make mistakes in handling the case."

Nifong pursued a case without probable cause. That violates Rule 3.8(a) of the North Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct. He made statements that were materially false to the public in violation of Rule 3.8(f). Nifong lied to a Superior Court Judge and to opposing counsel about evidence, for which he was found in contempt. Nifong, in violation of NC law and Maryland v. Brady withheld exculpatory evidence.

"They shouldn't have cost him his job/license, but that's the problem with messing with powerful people."

Thankfully, those powerful people were able to stand up to Nifong. How many poor and powerless people did he unjustly send to prison? The way he behaved, lying to the court, lying to the media, refusing to listen to defense counsel with an iron clad alibi, tells me Nifong had done this all before. It was finally he ran into people who both believed in the cause of justice and who had hte money to pay for a full measure of justice that stopped him. Otherwise, Nifong would still be sending the innocent to prison.

Perhaps the most troubling statement you write is: "Whether something happened or not that night (most people would say SOMETHING happened)...."

If that is the case, then Nifong completely ignored the criminals. He deliberately set the guilty free. Of course, every time a prosecutor pursues an innocent person, he sets free a guilty one.


Anonymous said...

How bout all the poor (or dead) duke patients that have that to face the same thing if they are to obtain justice and relief from duke harming them and 'stop' them from harming others in the same way as them? If this is what duke must face, imagine what any patient or student or visitor to duke would have to face if duke harmed them in any way. No wonder duke just does what it wants, regardless of who they harm.

Anonymous said...

Duke pays millions per year in malpractice lawsuits/settlements. If they cause harm they are held accountable.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Duke is not held accountable by the duke/durham justice system - just have to look at this current case to see that.

Anonymous said...

Duke was not on trial in the current case - they couldn't be held accountable. Whether the Daye family sued them and/or pursued a claim to hold them accountable, if they could prove negligence, is a different matter, and wouldn't have been relevant to the current case.

I know no one wants to believe it, but really, even if it was malpractice, because Mangum was A proximate cause (she stabbed him), she'd be responsible. And, everyone can scream self-defense all they want, the Jury obviously believed his story over hers - namely that yes, he did attack her, yes, he did hit her, yes, he did drag her by her hair, but then he let her go and stopped the conflict, and she ran into the kitchen to get a knife and then came back at him (which would no longer be self-defense, the right to self-defense ends when the parties retreat from the conflict).

They believed him, not her, hence no self-defense. Once you get beyond self-defense, then it's just a question of murder v. manslaughter. The ME specifically testified that the knife would was not the direct cause of the death, that it was a proximate cause of the death (because, again, while Walt has beaten everyone upside the head about this, Sid and the rest want to pretend it isn't true, just because they don't like it, EVEN IF IT WAS MALPRACTICE, that would not cut off Mangum's liability/criminal responsibility under our laws).

What is Sid going to say whenever his next flog goes up: The ME identified a bunch of organs that he said were damaged, but he didn't photograph, and that the operative report NEVER indicated were repaired (the operative report only notes the colon and spleen). Dr. Nichols admitted that his report conflicts with the operative report. He also had pictures of a damaged lung (not infected, damaged).

It was an incredibly sloppy report, with a lot of mistakes, and conflicted with the medical records and operative report (which were also sloppy and contained errors). None of that adds up to fraud, or any of the issues that Sid is going to claim, nor is it anything that her attorneys (and her) likely weren't fully aware of and explored - remember, they had a medical expert review everything and chose not to use that expert.

Anonymous said...

So ... why are you telling us all this and not a lawyer at the trial - eh? Why should anyone believe anything in this case without a trial or the evidence to support all the many competing claims, etc.? That is what the justice system is for - not blogs nor the media. I would have said i didn't have enough evidence to come to a conclusion other than there was sufficient reasonable doubt presented and not enough evidence to convict her of anything. Her mental state of mind was not allowed full testimony in court by the prosecution - that alone would have produced sufficient doubt in my mind ... if i were on the jury ... and as a member of the public voicing my opinion and views on this blog about what i've witnessed about this case.

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