And sidney, in spite of the MD appended to his name, knows nothing about how to intubate someone in an emergency situation. Eggo(I should have typed ergo) you still know nothing. You are just as incredibly stupid as you have always been.
June 29, 2015 at 11:01 AM
seriously evil duke troll, do not call me incredibly stupid again because you have absolutely nothing to base that statement on except your own ignorance.
June 29, 2015 at 11:11 AM"
You are incredibly stupid. That is res isa loquitur.
And you are really stressed out over your stupidity.
Anonymous @11:11: Are you the same Anonymous that threatened to charge someone with defamation?
If so, then there is definitely something to base the statement that you are incredibly stupid.
June 29, 2015 at 11:26 AM
Just because someone does not know all the ins and outs of legal procedures does not mean they are incredibly stupid unless perhaps they are experts in the area of law and proclaim such. I am not a lawyer nor have I ever said I was. The message I was trying to convey therefore was not incredibly stupid as some who choose to call people incredibly stupid about almost everything said on this blog would have you believe.
You are incredibly stupid. That is res isa loquitur.
And you are really stressed out over your stupidity.
June 29, 2015 at 12:30 PM
Is that you g...?
I am tired of being called incredibly stupid by the same troll who calls everyone not in the evil duke troll gang incredibly stupid about practically everything said on this blog actually. Why do you say I am stressed about your continually saying I am incredibly stupid? I am not ... just tired of ya'll continually cyberbullying on this blog and disregarding the facts and evidence that has the potential to harm everyone in the state of NC if given the opportunity. I mean seriously, ya'll seem to have only one concern - and that is to harm as many as you can because of your obvious hatred for Ms. Mangum. No one who actually knows they have to depend on duke to save lifes would accept the coverup of duke's malpractice in this case just because ya'll have an obvious hatred for Ms. Mangum or bias against her. No one.
You are incredibly stupid. That is res isa loquitur.
And you are really stressed out over your stupidity.
June 29, 2015 at 12:30 PM
Is that you g...?
I am tired of being called incredibly stupid by the same troll who calls everyone not in the evil duke troll gang incredibly stupid about practically everything said on this blog actually. Why do you say I am stressed about your continually saying I am incredibly stupid? I am not ... just tired of ya'll continually cyberbullying on this blog and disregarding the facts and evidence that has the potential to harm everyone in the state of NC if given the opportunity. I mean seriously, ya'll seem to have only one concern - and that is to harm as many as you can because of your obvious hatred for Ms. Mangum. No one who actually knows they have to depend on duke to save lifes would accept the coverup of duke's malpractice in this case just because ya'll have an obvious hatred for Ms. Mangum or bias against her. No one.
You are an abusive cyberbully to continue to call me incredibly stupid after I have asked specifically that you stop doing that. Your reply is continued proof that your only concern is to harm others.
In addition, has duke ever asked you to discontinue blogging about this current case due to the consistent cyberbullying that occurs because they have never taken the professional responsibility and accountability for their malpractice and the state's medical examiner's discrepancies about the same on the autopsy report used to falsly charge and convict Ms. Mangum for murder by duke's malpractice? In theory, they are ultimately the ones responsible for the abuse that others suffer through because of their inability to take responsibility for the malpractice that killed Mr. Daye and the subsequent discrepancies that covered it up in order to charge and convict Ms. Mangum for murder that caused you to blog about it and place articles in the local news, which is where I learned about and became concerned about the malpractice issues in this case to begin with.
"In theory, they are ultimately the ones responsible for the abuse that others suffer through"
New theory: You do not know or understand the definition of "theory".
June 29, 2015 at 3:02 PM
From your continued cyberbullying abuse, one could surmise that you want duke blamed for your consistent cyberbullying and abuse that you make others suffer through because duke chooses to not take responsibility for their own malpractice that killed Mr. Daye.
Tinfoil, Very good. Now you will have standing to sue Duke for the cyberbullying that you are enduring. Don't let them get away with this! Sue them for every penny in their endowment!
Tinfoil, Remember: from reading The Price of Silence, you will see Dickhead has no qualms about shelling out $100 million just to avoid trials. Go for it!
Sid has dropped off the map ... he trying to come up with a response, or just staying away long enough that when he comes back he will pretend nothing happened?
If duke is willing to pay $100 million for silence, (which is absurd because duke was the one who was pushing the case into the mass media public eye to begin with), why would any of you think that they have not also paid (corrupted) persons in the injustice system not to bring duke's malpractice into this case as well (or threatened them)?
ok evil duke troll it g... tinfoil hat hatemonger blogmonger
Why are you so mean to people who have an issue with duke's malpractice and coverup of the same? You have trolled me since day one that I asked questions about it to clarify what I read in the paper about it and have never stopped, even though I asked you specifically to stop since the beginning and have never not asked you to stop?
Black lives only matter in the very rare cases where a white person or a police officer is involved.When blacks kill other blacks like Mangum did when she murdered Daye they don't seem to care.
You are an abusive cyberbully to continue to call me an evil duke troll it g after I have asked specifically that you stop doing that. Your reply is continued proof that your only concern is to harm others.
If it is g... I have already explained to you that if you stop your cyberbullying and trolling (of me specifically, but of others as well generally), you will not be labeled by the cyberbullying trolling techniques that you utilize and participate in. You do understand that right? All ya gotta do is stop cyberbullying and trolling and that will solve the issue. Sound fair? It does to me, but I do understand that there might be a possibility that you are literally incapable of stopping your cyberbullying and trolling for some reason or another. Is that your situation - you find it impossible to stop cyberbullying and trolling when it pertains to certain issues - like duke killing Mr. Daye with malpractice and then framing Ms. Mangum for murder by malpractice by participating in and allowing the injustice system to cover up the malpractice because you hate Ms. Mangum so much that you are literally unable to stop harming others due to your hatred?
If it is g... I have already explained to you that if you stop your cyberbullying and trolling (of me specifically, but of others as well generally), you will not be labeled by the cyberbullying trolling techniques that you utilize and participate in. You do understand that right? All ya gotta do is stop cyberbullying and trolling and that will solve the issue. Sound fair? It does to me, but I do understand that there might be a possibility that you are literally incapable of stopping your cyberbullying and trolling for some reason or another. Is that your situation - you find it impossible to stop cyberbullying and trolling when it pertains to certain issues - like duke killing Mr. Daye with malpractice and then framing Ms. Mangum for murder by malpractice by participating in and allowing the injustice system to cover up the malpractice because you hate Ms. Mangum so much that you are literally unable to stop harming others due to your hatred?
June 30, 2015 at 5:30 AM"
Boy are you stressed out by your incredible stupidity.
well would you like your own personalized label cyberbullying evil duke troll? That one not explicit enough for you eh? hmmm.... How bout: cyberbullying evil duke troll incredibly stupid projector?
You stated earlier that none of the knives tested had fingerprints on them. That is an issue that deserves further examination. How could the knives ended up scattered like reported with no fingerprints on them? Why were they scattered? Did the knife that Mr. Daye got stabbed with have fingerprints on them? Who is doing the testing? What is their conflict with Duke? Why wouldn't the defense attorney question those issues and point them out very clearly to prove that ALL the issues presented in the trial had so many questions left unanswered that the only conclusion a non-conflicted jury could surmise was that there was NOT sufficient evidence to prove anything other than Mr. Daye attacked and assaulted Ms. Mangum in such a violent way that she felt compelled to protect her life with a knife in self-defense against Mr. Daye after he attacked her. He clearly did not do his job in providing defense assistance for his client.
It is my understanding that the lab techs were unable to discern the identity of the prints on the knives... I believe due to smudges, etc. I am of the belief that more likely than not, Daye's fingerprints were identified and because he claimed that he did not touch the knives, the lab denied being able to identify them. On the other hand, had Ms. Mangum's fingerprints been on the knives, surely the lab would have said so.
There is no doubt in my mind that Daye, and not Mangum threw the knives around the apartment and disassembled them.
Anonymous said... Sid has dropped off the map ... he trying to come up with a response, or just staying away long enough that when he comes back he will pretend nothing happened?
Hah! Hardly. Sure, I've been away from the library for a couple of days, engaged in advocating. In addition, there is work on my lawsuit that needs my attention. In fact, I enjoy engaging in discourse with commenters. I look forward to it, however, time constraints prevent me from always being able to post comments.
In addition, has duke ever asked you to discontinue blogging about this current case due to the consistent cyberbullying that occurs because they have never taken the professional responsibility and accountability for their malpractice and the state's medical examiner's discrepancies about the same on the autopsy report used to falsly charge and convict Ms. Mangum for murder by duke's malpractice? In theory, they are ultimately the ones responsible for the abuse that others suffer through because of their inability to take responsibility for the malpractice that killed Mr. Daye and the subsequent discrepancies that covered it up in order to charge and convict Ms. Mangum for murder that caused you to blog about it and place articles in the local news, which is where I learned about and became concerned about the malpractice issues in this case to begin with.
Duke University has never requested that I refrain from posting blogs or other activities concerned with advocacy for Mangum. The only person to attempt to dissuade me from blogging about Mangum was her former attorney Scott Holmes. I'm sure that many others wanted me to refrain, but Mr. Holmes is the only one to ask me.
I agree that Duke University should accept responsibility for Daye's death instead of remaining silent and allowing the State and media to place blame on her. It's a shame. Shows a lack of integrity.
Anonymous said... Obviously the jury didn't have all the evidence about the discrepancies between the state's autopsy report and dukes medical reports documenting medical malpractice as the real cause of Mr. Daye's death to obtain any verdict that MOST people would judge as fair or equal protection for anyone. If that jury had all the relevant information needed to even judge this case to begin with, there would still be the issue of the conflict with duke of at least three of jurors that would need to be questioned before MOST people agreed with that juries judgement in this case unless the judgement was for not guilty. Just the way MOST people are when it pertains to these sort of things. Could be the reason why the appeal defense attorney did not mention these type issues in the appeal brief to begin with, because MOST people would agree that these issues definitely negate the trial to begin with by reason of laws and rules for a fair, unbiased, and equal trial.
You're absolutely correct. The truth would've set Mangum free, so attorneys on both sides, and the judge kept the truth about Daye's death from the jury. That's why there was no mention of the esophageal intubation, Daye's brain death, his comatose state, and no mention of his elective removal from life support. And, as I've mentioned before, the impossibility of the jury acquitting Mangum was assured with the jury selection that included three individuals related to Duke University Hospital and Duke University.
well would you like your own personalized label cyberbullying evil duke troll? That one not explicit enough for you eh? hmmm.... How bout: cyberbullying evil duke troll incredibly stupid projector?
June 30, 2015 at 6:22 AM"
Boy are you stressed out over your incredible stupidity.
"I believe due to smudges, etc. I am of the belief that more likely than not, Daye's fingerprints were identified and because he claimed that he did not touch the knives, the lab denied being able to identify them. On the other hand, had Ms. Mangum's fingerprints been on the knives, surely the lab would have said so.
There is no doubt in my mind that Daye, and not Mangum threw the knives around the apartment..."
"The only person to attempt to dissuade me from blogging about Mangum was her former attorney Scott Holmes. I'm sure that many others wanted me to refrain, but Mr. Holmes is the only one to ask me."
That is true, because your advocacy and the incredible stupidity involved in it have only harmed crystal.
"I agree that Duke University should accept responsibility for Daye's death instead of remaining silent and allowing the State and media to place blame on her. It's a shame. Shows a lack of integrity."
"I am of the belief that more likely than not, Daye's fingerprints were identified and because he claimed that he did not touch the knives, the lab denied being able to identify them."
I am of the belief that unicorns farted rainbows over the knifes, thus smudging the fingerprints.
Why should people agree with your belief more than mine? They both contain equal amounts of fantasy....
Why are you refusing to address your fraud and lies in the Shlog?
As to the knives - they said the handles were the type it's hard to get prints - plus it was their residence, so finding either of their prints wouldn't be unusual. Plus from the pictures, they hardly kept a clean house, so they may have been too dirty.
But Sid, address why you are lying about the aparents? Whenever anyone else says something incorrect you say it is intentional fraud and deceit - why should we hold you to a lesser standard?
Sid -- Photographic evidence has been posted that appears to prove that Aykia Hanes did not commit perjury in her testimony.
At best, it appears you had a pre-conceived notion that Aykia Hanes committed perjury, and attempted to find *something* in the testimony that proved this.
At worst, you've outright lied about Aykia Hanes and her testimony, assuming that the readers of your blog would believe you without bothering to do any investigating themselves.
Sidney, amigo mio, I realize you didn't lie -- you did not purposely tell an untruth. The problem is that you keep on relying on sources that have once again proved extremely unreliable. Please stop using such sources.
"After speaking with Crystal Mangum I learned that on the night of February 17, 2010, she did not set fire to clothes in the bathtub as alleged by the Durham Police Department. Furthermore, she did not know that a fire had been set in her bathtub, and she did not know who was responsible for setting the fire."
Sidney relying on extremely unreliable resources? Never happens....
Except in Wives with Knives, and other cases, Crystal specifically admitted to setting the clothes on fire ... So, She is lying to Sid on June 16, 2010.
Here, if you don't believe it - watch the episode:
Note - she says it herself - that she set his clothes on fire - not the actress - she herself says it. She did set the clothes on fire.
If you want to skip to it, it starts at 25:20 and watch to 26:00.
Kenny, why did your girl lie about setting Milton's clothes on fire?
It is funny that your entire Shitlog (I think we can call it that now) is "A prosecution case built on lies) is built on lies.
When are you going to address it?
This is at least the 2nd time you have been completely and totally wrong (actually many more) - this IDS experts and this (and that doesn't include Felony Murder, prior abuse, prior record and the rest).
Anonymous 6/27 2;22 stated: I went to the scene of the crime today and found out that for 3501 Century Oaks Rd, Durham, NC 27713 Building 3507, Apartment N & P they are side by side with no breezeway between them. So, Sydney is lying and making stuff up here. Aykia Hanes did not perjury herself as Sydney claims. Seems that anyone associating themselves with Magnum become liars in the end to support their claims. Very sad here as I did give Sydney some benefit of the doubt, but now it is obvious he is a big fake.
Here is a link to the picture I took and Apartment P is on the left towards the parking lot and apartment N is on the woods side. They share a wall.
1. Anonymous 2:22 is lying and the picture is not of the apartments. 2. Sidney is lying. 3. Sidney obtained information from someone who lied to him and he did not confirm it.
Sidney, after more than three days, you owe your readers a response. I remind you that your track record for accuracy is not good. Without a response, most of your readers will conclude that you are either lying or published information obtained from someone who lied to you.
kenhyderal will assist you in responding to the questions that have been raised regarding your sharlog. He has been studying the photos and drawings of the apartment.
Sidneyyy -- Come out to playyyayyy.... [clink][clink][clink] Sidneyyy -- Come out to playyyayyy.... [clink][clink][clink] Sidneyyy -- Come out to playyyayyy....
The picture Sid posted is fine - you can see N, you can see the rail towards the woods - what Sid misrepresents is that P is next door to it, not across some fictitious breezeway. And, even without the pictures, it's been explained that they were together.
Sid is wrong, he's once again exposed as a fraud, and once again his delusional worshippers refuse to acknowledge that.
Sid is just lucky everyone realizes he is a joke so no one sues him (or charges him as crazy man says) for defamation.
Anon 7:47, I can't fathom your meaning.You had posted this message yesterday, then removed it and reposted it (with some changes). Either way, I cannot fathom your meaning.
Anonymous said: "Kenny, why did your girl lie about setting Milton's clothes on fire?"..................................................................................Let me quote myself from June 6, 2013 "Crystal admitted to setting the clothes on fire immediately after her arrest, while she was being interrogated. A video-tape of this was shown to the jury. What she disputed was that she had committed arson. Unfortunately, Dr. Harr confused her assertion, that she did not commit arson, with a claim that she had not set the clothes on fire and then jumped to a premature conclusions, quite; uncharacteristic for him".
""After speaking with Crystal Mangum I learned that on the night of February 17, 2010, she did not set fire to clothes in the bathtub as alleged by the Durham Police Department. Furthermore, she did not know that a fire had been set in her bathtub, and she did not know who was responsible for setting the fire."
Note what Sid states. "...she did not know that a fire had been set...".
Now -- how do you get from "setting the clothes on fire" to "not know[ing] that a fire had been set" without someone lying about it?
Anonymous said: "Kenny, why did your girl lie about setting Milton's clothes on fire?"..................................................................................Let me quote myself from June 6, 2013 "Crystal admitted to setting the clothes on fire immediately after her arrest, while she was being interrogated. A video-tape of this was shown to the jury. What she disputed was that she had committed arson. Unfortunately, Dr. Harr confused her assertion, that she did not commit arson, with a claim that she had not set the clothes on fire and then jumped to a premature conclusions, quite; uncharacteristic for him".
Hours ago I returned from a trip to Durham where I finally went to physically visit the site of the former Country Scene Apartments... now called Amber Oaks Apartments. I went to building 3507 and found that the configuration of the apartments was not like what I had believed from viewing the photographs from prosecution discovery.
I was motivated to go to the scene personally after a link appeared which displayed a photo of doors to apartments N and P being side-by-side. Sure enough, the apartments were side by side and sharing a common wall as Aykia Hanes had said in interviews and testified at trial.
I apologize to visitors to this site for not doing appropriate verification prior to publication. I can only say in defense that I allowed expediency to trump accuracy. However, no matter how much I desire to have Mangum freed from her unjust confinement so that she can be reunited with her children, there is no defense for my reckless accusations against Ms. Hanes.
That said, the fact that the two apartments are situated side-by-side and share a common wall does not guarantee that the statements she made with regard to events that happened on April 3, 2011 are truthful. This new revelation merely torpedoes my premise that Ms. Hanes' apartment was not situated in position to hear conversation in the Daye apartment. In other words, I cannot say with any assurance that Ms. Hanes committed perjury.
Bottom line is that my statements about Ms. Hanes committing perjury in this current sharlog are baseless. I will replace this current sharlog shortly with one that gives explanation.
My contentions about perjury by medical examiner Dr. Clay Nichols remain strong and unwavering as ever. That is factual, and even without a similar finding regarding Aykia Hanes, is grounds for the conviction against Mangum to be overturned.
I readily admit to being an imperfect individual, and when I do make a mistake, I take responsibility for it... and I then take immediate actions to rectify the mistake. Too bad the State doesn't do likewise.
Anonymous Lance the Intern said... Sid -- Photographic evidence has been posted that appears to prove that Aykia Hanes did not commit perjury in her testimony.
At best, it appears you had a pre-conceived notion that Aykia Hanes committed perjury, and attempted to find *something* in the testimony that proved this.
At worst, you've outright lied about Aykia Hanes and her testimony, assuming that the readers of your blog would believe you without bothering to do any investigating themselves.
Why haven't you addressed this?
I just did. See my comment above.
Take into consideration that I am one individual, lacking the personnel and resources of the SBI. I live in Raleigh, have no car, and getting to the scene of the apartment requires much of my valuable time.
I am appreciative of the anonymous who provided the link to the photo of the apartment doors because that is what spurred me to finally get around to visiting the site.
Like I said above, I'm not perfect. When I make a mistake, at least I am able to man-up and admit it. Unfortunately my misinterpretation of the diagram and photos of the apartments led me to the wrong conclusions as to the layout of the apartments.
guiowen said... Sidney, amigo mio, I realize you didn't lie -- you did not purposely tell an untruth. The problem is that you keep on relying on sources that have once again proved extremely unreliable. Please stop using such sources.
gui, mon ami, Actually, I have no one to blame for this but myself. I looked at the diagram and I looked at the photographs, and based upon that I concluded what the floor plan was for the apartment building... believing that a breezeway separated the apartments on one side from another. Crystal tried to explain the layout to me, but when I was unable to comprehend it, I just concluded that she was mistaken. Although it would've been quite an inconvenience, I should have made the effort to verify my assumptions by actually visiting the apartments... like I did this morning.
Yes, you are correct that I was not lying as my intent was not deception. I was merely mistaken.
"Crystal tried to explain the layout to me, but when I was unable to comprehend it, I just concluded that she was mistaken."
What was your basis for assuming Mangum was "mistaken" about something as basic as the physical location of her neighbor's apartment in relation to her's? Why would you, of all people, question the truthfulness and/or accuracy of anything Mangum said?
In spite of what you claim, what you did was deeply disceptive. It shows you are willing to say anything to help Mangum, without regard for whether it is true.
You made a false statement of fact and you used it to attempt to discredit someone and accuse them of the crime of perjury. Before you assert something as fact you have an obligation to make sure it is accurate - especially if you are going to base an accusation of criminal wrongdoing on it.
You had no factual basis for making the claim you made and it came back and bit you in your ass. People concerned with the truth are left to guess how many other false statements you may have made in an effort to bolster and advance your various claims. If you can't be accurate and truthful with information as basic as the location of Mr. Hanes' apartment how can you be trusted when it comes to something like an analysis of complex medical issues?
You have a very bad track record when it comes to truthfulness and accuracy. For this reason you do not get a sausage.
"Take into consideration that I am one individual, lacking the personnel and resources of the SBI."
Lacking resources of the SBI does not give you the right to make false claims of perjury. You might want to check with a competent lawyer, but IIRC, you have just defamed Aykia Hanes.
This is the exact same situation with the IDS Expert payments - Sid rushed to judgment, and made allegations of fraud and corruption without checking them out - as soon as he checked them out, it turned out he was wrong.
Sid, from now on, if you want anyone to even pretend to take you seriously, you need to explain if you have actually done anything to verify your information.
What's funny - everytime you've taken a step to verify your information, it's shown you were wrong. Is this why you and Kenny won't contact Meier and others to see what they say?
And, once again, something you attacked Meier with to discredit him has turned out to be wrong - the list is too numerous to count but: Felony murder; prior record of Daye; prior abuse by Daye; IDS experts; Conflict of Interest; the layout of the apartments ... the list is endless.
You are clearly a sad little man who knows this blog is nothing but an homage to your own narcissism and ego.
Kenny - you still think Sid is trying to help Crystal and not feed his own ego? Tinfoil - what say you now about your hero Sid?
This shlog illustrates why people who may be in a position to help Mangum won't respond to you. It's not because of a massive conspiracy. It is because you are a crank who makes outrageous and ridiculous claims without regard for the truth.
To the extent Mangum listens to you, she would have been better served by receiving accurate information based on facts, reason and the law, and not your shoot from the hip claims of conspiracies, cover-ups, perjury, etc.
Mangum's case is real case and it is very serious. The facts and the law were/are incredibly important, and truth and accuracy mattered immensely. The consequences for Mangum are real, permanent and extremely hard to reverse.
Mangum needed real advice and assistance. This was not an appropriate situation to use to advance your anti-Duke, pro-Nifong nonsense. Mangum needed a good lawyer and she needed to listen to what he said. She did not need you telling her that the charges were bogus, that they would be dropped, that there was no way she could lose and that she could represent herself. She did not need wild conspiracy theories, the irresponsible trashing of anyone who tried to help, the sliming of witnesses and evidence against her without basis and woefully bad legal advice. Perhaps most importantly, she did not deserve to be used as a tool to advance your agenda concerning Duke, the falsely accused lacrosse players and their families, and Mike Nifong. As a medical school graduate and with the access you had to Mangum and her records, you knew the nature and extent of her mental health issues. Shame on you for trying to take advantage of a vulnerable, desperate and, frankly, pathetic person and this tragic situation for your personal aggrandizement and self-affirmation.
If you have any decency in you you will shut the clown show this site has become down. It is of no help whatsoever to Mangum and it makes you, and her, appear ridiculous.
Abe Froman wrote: "... Perhaps most importantly, she did not deserve to be used as a tool to advance your agenda concerning Duke, the falsely accused lacrosse players and their families, and Mike Nifong. As a medical school graduate and with the access you had to Mangum and her records, you knew the nature and extent of her mental health issues. Shame on you for trying to take advantage of a vulnerable, desperate and, frankly, pathetic person and this tragic situation for your personal aggrandizement and self-affirmation.
If you have any decency in you you will shut the clown show this site has become down. It is of no help whatsoever to Mangum and it makes you, and her, appear ridiculous."
Ding-Ding-Ding, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!
Couldn't have said it better Abe. Sid has been Crystal's worst enemy for a long time. He has exploited her vulnerability for his own self aggrandizement. Sid breached her confidence in him and revealed confidential information that harmed her defense. And last, he ignored her when she tried to explain the facts to him. In the course of his misguided campaign he impugned the integrity of at least four lawyers and a couple of judges. He has filed not one, but two frivolous law suits where he, without provocation, made unsubstantiated allegations against two magistrates and two judges. But, the worst is he has exploited Crystal, a poor benighted soul who needs help, not exploitation.
so not only are you the evil duke troll it g... tinfoil hat hatemonger blogmonger you are also the cyberbullying evil duke troll incredibly stupid projector
Please stop the incessant claim that a poster is "incredibly stupid."
While I agree that the posts to which you refer are inane, an inane post provides no evidence that a poster is "incredibly stupid." Indeed, most of the posts are simply trolling, trying to elicit a response. They succeeded.
Your "incredibly stupid" mantra was not particularly clever when you started it. It has long since become tiresome. Please stop.
Stop thinking someone defending themselves against the evil duke troll it g... or the cyberbully evil duke troll incredibly stupid projector, be they the same or not, is an attack - as obviously it is not.
so not only are you the evil duke troll it g... tinfoil hat hatemonger blogmonger you are also the cyberbullying evil duke troll incredibly stupid projector
got it
July 1, 2015 at 5:01 PM"
How stressed you are over your incredible stupidity.
Please stop the incessant claim that a poster is "incredibly stupid."
While I agree that the posts to which you refer are inane, an inane post provides no evidence that a poster is "incredibly stupid." Indeed, most of the posts are simply trolling, trying to elicit a response. They succeeded.
Your "incredibly stupid" mantra was not particularly clever when you started it. It has long since become tiresome. Please stop.
July 1, 2015 at 5:20 PM"
How stressed you are that kenny and mr. harr are incredibly stupid.
Anonymous at 5:20 PM wrote: "Please stop the incessant claim that a poster is "incredibly stupid."
While I agree that the posts to which you refer are inane, an inane post provides no evidence that a poster is "incredibly stupid." Indeed, most of the posts are simply trolling, trying to elicit a response. They succeeded.
Your "incredibly stupid" mantra was not particularly clever when you started it. It has long since become tiresome. Please stop."
Ding-Ding-Ding, ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner.
Anonymous at 6:34 PM brings up a great point, Syd owes Aykia Hanes an apology as well. The lady testified, truthfully. No one likes being drug into court to testify in a case that they are not involved in. To have their integrity questioned on a false pretense makes the matter that much worse. Shame on you Syd for not apologizing to her.
Walt said... Abe Froman wrote: "... Perhaps most importantly, she did not deserve to be used as a tool to advance your agenda concerning Duke, the falsely accused lacrosse players and their families, and Mike Nifong. As a medical school graduate and with the access you had to Mangum and her records, you knew the nature and extent of her mental health issues. Shame on you for trying to take advantage of a vulnerable, desperate and, frankly, pathetic person and this tragic situation for your personal aggrandizement and self-affirmation.
If you have any decency in you you will shut the clown show this site has become down. It is of no help whatsoever to Mangum and it makes you, and her, appear ridiculous."
Ding-Ding-Ding, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!
Couldn't have said it better Abe. Sid has been Crystal's worst enemy for a long time. He has exploited her vulnerability for his own self aggrandizement. Sid breached her confidence in him and revealed confidential information that harmed her defense. And last, he ignored her when she tried to explain the facts to him. In the course of his misguided campaign he impugned the integrity of at least four lawyers and a couple of judges. He has filed not one, but two frivolous law suits where he, without provocation, made unsubstantiated allegations against two magistrates and two judges. But, the worst is he has exploited Crystal, a poor benighted soul who needs help, not exploitation.
Hah! Walt, I am going to see that Crystal Mangum gets justice. It may take a bit of time... longer than I would want, but she will benefit from my efforts in the not too distant future. You and Abe better start drinking plenty of liquids so that you won't become dehydrated from the crying fits you'll suffer when Crystal is freed.
Sidney, Why don't you leave the poor benighted woman alone? If you want to do something for her, try to help her understand where she went wrong. Encourage her to learn something useful so that when she gets out, in 2026 or 2027, she'll be a productive member of society.
Walt said... Anonymous at 6:34 PM brings up a great point, Syd owes Aykia Hanes an apology as well. The lady testified, truthfully. No one likes being drug into court to testify in a case that they are not involved in. To have their integrity questioned on a false pretense makes the matter that much worse. Shame on you Syd for not apologizing to her.
Actually, Walt, you're a little late because I sent her a certified letter in which I apologized yesterday, July 1, 2015. I may share it in a future sharlog. I want to remind you that I am responsible for misstatement of which apartment in which she resided and its relationship to Daye's... that being the basis for my claim that she committed perjury.
My apology doesn't mean that I vouch for the truthfulness of everything she said... it just means that I admitted that I lacked a basis for my claim that her statements were perjury.
guiowen said... Sidney, Why don't you leave the poor benighted woman alone? If you want to do something for her, try to help her understand where she went wrong. Encourage her to learn something useful so that when she gets out, in 2026 or 2027, she'll be a productive member of society.
gui, mon ami, Shirley, you jest. You're saying that I would better help her by allowing her to rot in prison until 2026? That after an additional eleven or so years of incarceration she would be a more productive member of society?
I'm going to get Mangum out of jail sooner rather than later so that she can reunite with her family and move on with her life. I'm hoping to have her freed before summer's end. Believe me, it's doable.
In the interim, prior to posting your replacement, sharlog, I suggest that you post a legend on this version:
Thanks for the suggestion. I will take it under advisement.
Fake Kenhyderal said... "Crystal tried to explain the layout to me, but when I was unable to comprehend it"
What's so difficult to comprehend about one apartment being next to the other?
I had preconceived notions about the layout of the apartments based on the photographs in the prosecution discovery, and when Crystal tried to explain the position of the apartments to me verbally (without graphic assistance such as a paper and pencil), I just thought that she had been mistaken. I was the one who was mistaken for not listening to her.
Sidney, If those foolish Friends of CGM had explained to her, back in 2010, that she had dodged a bullet, and encouraged her to mend her ways, then maybe she'd be free and living with her children right now. Instead tehy got her thinking she could keep on acting with her next boyfriend as she had with good old Milton. We saw how that turned out.
Sidney admits: I had preconceived notions about the layout of the apartments...
Some also think you had preconceived notions about a lot of other things as well...
Preconceived notions about the law...
Preconceived notions that Crystal had no legal liability because she was not consulted in the decision to remove Daye from life support Preconceived notions that an esophageal intubation cut off Crystal's legal liability Preconceived notions that because the initial prognosis was for a full recovery that Crystal had no legal liability Preconceived notions that either Duke was responsible for Daye's death or Crystal was, but both could not be responsible Preconceived notions that because Daye was the initial aggressor that Crystal could use any level of force even after he had broken off an attack Preconceived notions about the felony murder rule Preconceived notions about the admissibility of Daye's misdemeanor charges, even though charges were dropped Preconceived notions about the ability to ask for a dismissal of charges before the trial began Preconceived notions about the integrity of lawyers and judges
Preconceived notions about Crystal's credibility...
Preconceived notions that Crystal always tells the truth Preconceived notions that a jury would find Crystal believeable Preconceived notions that a jury would simply ignore those instances when Crystal's testimony was contradicted by physical evidence and othe witnesses Preconceived notions that everyone is out to get Crystal
Sidney, you have a tendency to jump to conclusions first and then begin to gather the facts. You ignore evidence that contradicts your preconceived notions.
guiowen said... "Sidney, If those foolish Friends of CGM had explained to her, back in 2010, that she had dodged a bullet, and encouraged her to mend her ways, then maybe she'd be free and living with her children right now. Instead tehy got her thinking she could keep on acting with her next boyfriend as she had with good old Milton. We saw how that turned out.
And no, Sidney, I'm not jesting."
July 2, 2015 at 3:01 PM
Boy are you stressed over your incredible stupidity.
"Sidney admits: I had preconceived notions about the layout of the apartments...
Some also think you had preconceived notions about a lot of other things as well...
Preconceived notions about the law...
Preconceived notions that Crystal had no legal liability because she was not consulted in the decision to remove Daye from life support Preconceived notions that an esophageal intubation cut off Crystal's legal liability Preconceived notions that because the initial prognosis was for a full recovery that Crystal had no legal liability Preconceived notions that either Duke was responsible for Daye's death or Crystal was, but both could not be responsible Preconceived notions that because Daye was the initial aggressor that Crystal could use any level of force even after he had broken off an attack Preconceived notions about the felony murder rule Preconceived notions about the admissibility of Daye's misdemeanor charges, even though charges were dropped Preconceived notions about the ability to ask for a dismissal of charges before the trial began Preconceived notions about the integrity of lawyers and judges
Preconceived notions about Crystal's credibility...
Preconceived notions that Crystal always tells the truth Preconceived notions that a jury would find Crystal believeable Preconceived notions that a jury would simply ignore those instances when Crystal's testimony was contradicted by physical evidence and othe witnesses Preconceived notions that everyone is out to get Crystal
Sidney, you have a tendency to jump to conclusions first and then begin to gather the facts. You ignore evidence that contradicts your preconceived notions.
That strategy did not serve Crystal well."
John D. Smith New York, NY
July 2, 2015 at 3:31 PM
Boy are you stressed over your incredible stupidity.
Fake Kenhyderal said... "Crystal tried to explain the layout to me, but when I was unable to comprehend it"
What's so difficult to comprehend about one apartment being next to the other?
I had preconceived notions about the layout of the apartments based on the photographs in the prosecution discovery, and when Crystal tried to explain the position of the apartments to me verbally (without graphic assistance such as a paper and pencil), I just thought that she had been mistaken. I was the one who was mistaken for not listening to her.
July 2, 2015 at 2:37 PM
Well, what else can one expect of an incredibly stupid liar who expects the word to believe he is a genius.
Sid wrote: "...My apology doesn't mean that I vouch for the truthfulness of everything she said... it just means that I admitted that I lacked a basis for my claim that her statements were perjury."
Now there's a non-apology if I ever read one. Try again Sid. Now you owe Ms. Hanes another apology.
Sid wrote: "I was the one who was mistaken for not listening to her."
Interesting, when she is telling the truth, you don't believe her, but when she is not telling the truth, you do. That says a lot about your ability to discern fact from fiction.
Sid wrote: "Hah! Walt, I am going to see that Crystal Mangum gets justice. It may take a bit of time... longer than I would want, but she will benefit from my efforts in the not too distant future. You and Abe better start drinking plenty of liquids so that you won't become dehydrated from the crying fits you'll suffer when Crystal is freed."
Sid, if Crystal had listened to her lawyers rather than you, she'd be out of prison by now.
Sidney, If those foolish Friends of CGM had explained to her, back in 2010, that she had dodged a bullet, and encouraged her to mend her ways, then maybe she'd be free and living with her children right now. Instead tehy got her thinking she could keep on acting with her next boyfriend as she had with good old Milton. We saw how that turned out.
And no, Sidney, I'm not jesting.
July 2, 2015 at 3:01 PM
It is rather obvious that no one has really given Ms. Mangum and her family the professional or common courtesy to receive adequate counseling and therapy at the times when it became obvious that she could benefit greatly from these services instead of continued exploitation. However, these services are typically provided by the state, Duke, and UNC in the area where Ms. Mangum would receive these services, typically through medicaid or other state and federal assistance.
Obviously Ms. Mangum and her family were not afforded proper assistance by the state, Duke and UNC, etc. in order to overcome the obvious psychological and physical trauma she was enduring throughout all of these cases.
Dr. Harr's lack of insight into this issue is simply indicative of the medical environment in relation to the science of being a human,(not just a lab rat), with a human brain that is rampant in this state with the harmful attitudes, policy, funding, massive corruption, and lack of services inherent in an environment where research and well funded drug trials trumps the medical and psychological health of any and all patients in this state.
It is the way it is, and total power corrupts totally as the saying goes. That is NC and has been for quite some time because of total power corruption in all levels and types of administration of public policy in this state.
"It is rather obvious that no one has really given Ms. Mangum and her family the professional or common courtesy to receive adequate counseling and therapy at the times when it became obvious that she could benefit greatly from these services instead of continued exploitation. However, these services are typically provided by the state, Duke, and UNC in the area where Ms. Mangum would receive these services, typically through medicaid or other state and federal assistance.
Obviously Ms. Mangum and her family were not afforded proper assistance by the state, Duke and UNC, etc. in order to overcome the obvious psychological and physical trauma she was enduring throughout all of these cases.
Dr. Harr's lack of insight into this issue is simply indicative of the medical environment in relation to the science of being a human,(not just a lab rat), with a human brain that is rampant in this state with the harmful attitudes, policy, funding, massive corruption, and lack of services inherent in an environment where research and well funded drug trials trumps the medical and psychological health of any and all patients in this state.
It is the way it is, and total power corrupts totally as the saying goes. That is NC and has been for quite some time because of total power corruption in all levels and types of administration of public policy in this state."
July 3, 2015 at 12:39 AM
Boy are you stressed over your incredible stupidity.
"It is rather obvious that no one has really given Ms. Mangum and her family the professional or common courtesy to receive adequate counseling and therapy at the times when it became obvious that she could benefit greatly from these services instead of continued exploitation"
Sometime between 2005-2007, Mangum suffered a mental breakdown and was taken to a hospital in Raleigh.
"However, these services are typically provided by the state, Duke, and UNC in the area where Ms. Mangum would receive these services, typically through medicaid or other state and federal assistance."
Was the college-educated Crystal Mangum eligible for state/federal assistance? At one time, she was making $1,500.00/week + $400.00/month in child support.....
Let's see ... the 2 major issues you checked on: 1. IDS Experts - you were WRONG 2. Layout of Apartment - you were WRONG
The things you still refuse to listen on: 1. Felony Murder Rule - you are WRONG 2. Daye's Prior Record - you are WRONG - Inadmissible 3. Prior Abuse - you are WRONG (kinda fits on what you checked on, since Crystal denied it).
You refuse to talk with anyone about your assumptions on the medical recrods, but you HAVE admitted you don't have the complete records. Why should we believe the explanation isn't out there? You won't talk to Dr. Roberts, you won't review the full records.
You are a total fraud who is just abusing poor Crystal for your own sick means.
Tinfoil and Kenny - this is the man you follow? How pathetic are you?
Name one thing he has been shown to be right on, after basic investigation? Yeah, he says what he wants on the autopsy, and Dr. Roberts - but he has shown, he comes to a decision on what he wants the answer to be, then ignore all facts and explanations that don't fit it. (He even discounted what Crystal said.) Do you honestly think he has any credibility left on anything?
He's a fraud and a fool, and you people are pathetic for still following him. He gets off on watching Crystal cry and abusing her, and you enable her.
Name one thing Sid has been right on - AFTER he has checked with outside sources to verify his assumptions. You can't. He won't check with those sources on the autopsy.
kenhyderal said... Anonymous said: "Name one thing Sid has been right on"................ Let's start with; Duke killed Daye by an unrecognized esophageal intubation.
Kenhyderal wrote: "Anonymous said: "Name one thing Sid has been right on"................ Let's start with; Duke killed Daye by an unrecognized esophageal intubation."
No, you are wrong. Contributory negligence has no place in the criminal law.
Guiowen wrote: "Actually, it was Crystal who killed Daye."
Ding-Ding-Ding, ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!
Very clearly, Gui understands the law and Kenny doesn't.
Actually Duke killed Day but the jury ruled that Crystal murdered Daye. The law says that if a non-lethal injury administered by someone sends an person to hospital where medical error kills him then the someone is guilty of murder but that is only if the medical error occurred while he was being treated for the non-lethal injury. Perhaps there is some medical expert witness who can show a Jury where acute alcohol withdrawal is most likely to occur in a alcoholic who is recovering from surgery.
"Actually Duke killed Day but the jury ruled that Crystal murdered Daye. The law says that if a non-lethal injury administered by someone sends an person to hospital where medical error kills him then the someone is guilty of murder but that is only if the medical error occurred while he was being treated for the non-lethal injury. Perhaps there is some medical expert witness who can show a Jury where acute alcohol withdrawal is most likely to occur in a alcoholic who is recovering from surgery."
July 3, 2015 at 1:38 PM
You got that wrong.
Boy are you and mr. harr viciously and incredibly stupid.
Kenny speculates; Perhaps there is some medical expert witness....
Yes. Perhaps there is. Please produce the witness and stop the speculation.
July 3, 2015 at 4:45 PM"
For years kenny has been saying there is some unknown member of the Duke Lacrosse team who had witnessed the rape of crystal mangum. Said witness has not emerged in over 9 years but kenny insists he exists. Don't put a lot of stock in kenny's speculations.
Kenhyderal wrote: " The law says that if a non-lethal injury administered by someone sends an person to hospital where medical error kills him then the someone is guilty of murder but that is only if the medical error occurred while he was being treated for the non-lethal injury. Perhaps there is some medical expert witness who can show a Jury where acute alcohol withdrawal is most likely to occur in a alcoholic who is recovering from surgery."
No, that is not what the law says, and you well know it. The intervening cause must be the sole cause of death. That comes from the pattern jury instruction which you have quoted previously and which the Judge read to the jurors. The pattern jury instruction comes from the case law that I have previously cited. I would thing that after all these years, you could at least make an accurate statement of the law. Kenny, your argument is simply incredible.
...and until you provide a medical expert who concludes otherwise, Nichols' and Roberts' opinions hold: Reginald Daye died as a result of complications from the stab wound. The esophageal intubation was NOT the SOLE cause of death.
However, I believe that Dr. Harr should implement a new "Abe Froman Rule" to clean up the "Clown Show" this site has become. Crystal Mangum is not helped by a site beset by trolls.
I suggest that Dr. Harr delete all posts that consist primarily of ad hominems, starting with all of the posts that call other posters "incredibly stupid" or "evil duke trolls" (or any of the many variants). He may also wish to remove the inane rambling posts that use many words to say nothing.
If Dr. Harr does not remove these posts, no one can take this site seriously.
However, I believe that Dr. Harr should implement a new "Abe Froman Rule" to clean up the "Clown Show" this site has become. Crystal Mangum is not helped by a site beset by trolls.
I suggest that Dr. Harr delete all posts that consist primarily of ad hominems, starting with all of the posts that call other posters "incredibly stupid" or "evil duke trolls" (or any of the many variants). He may also wish to remove the inane rambling posts that use many words to say nothing.
If Dr. Harr does not remove these posts, no one can take this site seriously.
Boy are you stressed over your incredible stupidity.
If Dr. Harr removed all posts that have no substance, but just ad hominems - he'd have to remove almose all of his posts.
Look - this blog is a joke, the people who are posting on it either all know it's a joke and just post for the hell of it to annoy people, or are mentally ill and delusional like Tinfoil and actually believe this.
Since this website is nothing but a joke anyway - Dr. Harr needs to simply do what he does (which is lie and feed his ego) - he can't waste time reviewing comments to see which should, and should not, be removed. He admits he has limited time.
If you don't like the comments, don't read them, but let Dr. Harr focus on the next piece of shit he's gonna squeeze out and put in a shitlog, not on reviewing all the comments for things that over-sensitive nancies find offensive.
If Dr. Harr removed all posts that have no substance, but just ad hominems - he'd have to remove almose all of his posts.
Look - this blog is a joke, the people who are posting on it either all know it's a joke and just post for the hell of it to annoy people, or are mentally ill and delusional like Tinfoil and actually believe this.
Since this website is nothing but a joke anyway - Dr. Harr needs to simply do what he does (which is lie and feed his ego) - he can't waste time reviewing comments to see which should, and should not, be removed. He admits he has limited time.
If you don't like the comments, don't read them, but let Dr. Harr focus on the next piece of shit he's gonna squeeze out and put in a shitlog, not on reviewing all the comments for things that over-sensitive nancies find offensive.
July 4, 2015 at 8:08 AM"
You should have said either Harr or Mr. Harr. He may have the degree but he is incapable of practicing or understanding anything medical.
There was no murder. The Jury got it wrong. I do know, however, what the sole cause of Daye's death was ; a medical error, while this chronic alcoholic was being treated for acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms. It's all there in Duke's records. Records the Jury never saw.
Of course, Kenny, Sid has admitted he doesn't have the complete Medical Records. And, given his track record of ignoring things that don't fit the story he wants to tell (as perfectly shown here, and admitted to by Sid) - are you confident he isn't wrong here?
Have you looked at ALL of the records yourself, or are you relying on Sid, who has admitted he doesn't pay attention to things that don't fit his preconceived notion of what he wants to have happen?
There was no murder. The Jury got it wrong. I do know, however, what the sole cause of Daye's death was ; a medical error, while this chronic alcoholic was being treated for acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms. It's all there in Duke's records. Records the Jury never saw.
July 4, 2015 at 9:17 PM"
Considering your background in matters medical, or rather your total lac thereof, you are incapable of comprehending what is in the medical record. Again,you are a deaf blind man saying I hear and see everything.
"I do know, however, what the sole cause of Daye's death was ; a medical error, while this chronic alcoholic was being treated for acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms."
A "chronic alcoholic" who would still be alive today but for the fact that Mangum stabbed him.
A "chronic alcoholic" who would have never been hospitalized or intubated, or subjected to any medical procedures, but for the fact that Mangum stabbed him.
There's your proximate cause. It's the real proximate cause; not Sid's "Acme Law" version of it. It is what the law says. It is what Mangum's lawyers and lawyers on this website have been explaining for years. It is what the trial judge instructed and the jury followed in reaching its verdict. It is what an appeals court is bound by law to uphold. It is why, absent a favorable ruling on the 404(b) evidence, Mangum remains in prison for the duration of her sentence. No amount of prevarication, misrepresentation or wishful thinking can change it.
Please remember to cook your sausages thoroughly this weekend!
It has been adjudged that Comment 07-03-15 @ 7:14pm is in violation of the kenhyderal doctrine and has therefore been deleted. Keep in mind that the F___ word is not welcome on this site.
If it means anything, I am against the so-called Abe Froman rule.
Deleting comments that contain profanity and vulgarity is one thing. Deleting comments based on content or perceived lack thereof is another thing altogether. The proposed Abe Froman rules comes close to the latter.
If people can only make their point thru ad hominems and name calling they should be allowed to do so. Readers can draw their own conclusions re: the merits of the position of the posters who resort to such tactics.
I respectfully disagree. Although you are certainly correct that readers can draw conclusions about the strength of the arguments advanced by posters who resort to name calling, it is unfair to force other readers to wade through dozens of such posts to get to one where a poster actually makes a credible argument.
Abe said: "There's your proximate cause. It's the real proximate cause; not Sid's "Acme Law" version of it. It is what the law says. It is what Mangum's lawyers and lawyers on this website have been explaining for years. It is what the trial judge instructed and the jury followed in reaching its verdict. It is what an appeals court is bound by law to uphold"............................................................................ That is not my reading of the Welch or Holsclaw rulings. It's not my understanding either of Judge Ridgeway's instructions to the Jury but, if that is the case, then to quote Dickens, "if the law presumes that then the law is an ass". Just because Crystal's self defence actions sent Daye to hospital, where he was killed by being treated for a condition that independently arose, while he was confined there and that condition was unrelated to the action Crystal took, how then can she be guilty of murdering Daye. If Crystal had pushed him away from her and he fell and broke his ankle the same result could have ensued and are you then saying, that if it did, Crystal would also, likewise, be guilty of murder. There are valid and common sense reasons for rulings such as the Welch and Holsclaw but they have no application to this case. In cases with circumstances such as this a new court ruling is, perhaps, needed. I naively relied on Meier to subpoena witnesses such as the surgeons who did the wound repair and the treating, personnel in the ICU to indicate the lack of nexus between the wound and Daye's death. I'm sure a jury, had they heard this evidence about alcoholic withdrawal and delirium tremens, using common sense would conclude that this was an accidental death not a murder
Abe said: "There's your proximate cause. It's the real proximate cause; not Sid's "Acme Law" version of it. It is what the law says. It is what Mangum's lawyers and lawyers on this website have been explaining for years. It is what the trial judge instructed and the jury followed in reaching its verdict. It is what an appeals court is bound by law to uphold"............................................................................ That is not my reading of the Welch or Holsclaw rulings. It's not my understanding either of Judge Ridgeway's instructions to the Jury but, if that is the case, then to quote Dickens, "if the law presumes that then the law is an ass". Just because Crystal's self defence actions sent Daye to hospital, where he was killed by being treated for a condition that independently arose, while he was confined there and that condition was unrelated to the action Crystal took, how then can she be guilty of murdering Daye. If Crystal had pushed him away from her and he fell and broke his ankle the same result could have ensued and are you then saying, that if it did, Crystal would also, likewise, be guilty of murder. There are valid and common sense reasons for rulings such as the Welch and Holsclaw but they have no application to this case. In cases with circumstances such as this a new court ruling is, perhaps, needed. I naively relied on Meier to subpoena witnesses such as the surgeons who did the wound repair and the treating, personnel in the ICU to indicate the lack of nexus between the wound and Daye's death. I'm sure a jury, had they heard this evidence about alcoholic withdrawal and delirium tremens, using common sense would conclude that this was an accidental death not a murder
July 5, 2015 at 3:54 PM"
I say again, kenny is a deaf blind man who claims he sees and hears everything.
1. The jury founded that Crystal did not act in self-defense. They found her stabbing was not in self-defense. Thus, your statement that "Crystal's self defence actions sent Daye to hospital" is an inaccurate description of the facts of the case as determined by the jury.
2. Nichols concluded that Daye died from complications from the stab wound. The jury relied on this conclusion in determining the medical facts of the case. The defense expert, Roberts, agreed with this conclusion. Importantly, no experts disagreed with this conclusion. In the 19 months since the conviction, you and Sidney have failed to provide an expert to support your non-expert opinions. You rely entirely on testimony that was not used in trial and that you do not know what they would have said. Until you provide an expert or affidavits from the medical personnel you claim you would have called, this argument is intellectually dishonest at best.
3. If Crystal had pushed him away while he was attacking her, no one is saying that Crystal would have been responsible had he died as a result of complications from his treatment. Had Crystal not acted in self-defense in pushing him, she could be found guilty of manslaughter. No one has claimed she would be guilty of murder. This is a straw man argument.
4. I note that your primary defense of Crystal is based on your attempt to discredit Daye. You claimed the players' attorneys were unethical when they discredited Crystal. I assume you agree that you are also unethical.
Kenhyderal said, "I naively relied on Meier to subpoena witnesses such as the surgeons who did the wound repair and the treating, personnel in the ICU to indicate the lack of nexus between the wound and Daye's death."
So tell us, Kenny, what you would have done if you were not so incredibly naive.
John D. said: "Had Crystal not acted in self-defense in pushing him, she could be found guilty of manslaughter`.............................................. So why was she, in this case, charged with murder? Prosecutorial discretion? The Duke Lacrosse Trial Lawyers, unable to discredit Crystal with facts resorted to planting lies and innuendo that she was a mentally ill drug addicted prostitute. My contention that Daye was an drunken jealous enraged alcoholic is born out by the facts.
And your contention that Crystal was not a mentally ill drug addicted prostitute is based on what? The decision by the court to seal Mangum's 1,000 page mental health records? The failure of the DPD to investigate her prescription drug records and to interview her escort clients?
John D. said: "Had Crystal not acted in self-defense in pushing him, she could be found guilty of manslaughter`.............................................. So why was she, in this case, charged with murder? Prosecutorial discretion? The Duke Lacrosse Trial Lawyers, unable to discredit Crystal with facts resorted to planting lies and innuendo that she was a mentally ill drug addicted prostitute. My contention that Daye was an drunken jealous enraged alcoholic is born out by the facts.
July 5, 2015 at 9:51 PM"
Another prtestation from deaf and blind kenny that he sees and hears everything.
Kenhyderal wrote: "That is not my reading of the Welch or Holsclaw rulings."
Your reading is flawed.
"It's not my understanding either of Judge Ridgeway's instructions to the Jury but, if that is the case, then to quote Dickens, "if the law presumes that then the law is an ass"."
Your understanding is just as flawed. But, no, the law is not an ass. In fact there are very sound reasons dating back hundreds of years why we hold criminals responsible for the proximate results of their actions.
"Just because Crystal's self defence actions sent Daye to hospital, where he was killed by being treated for a condition that independently arose, while he was confined there and that condition was unrelated to the action Crystal took, how then can she be guilty of murdering Daye."
You just proved the point. Daye was sent to the hospital by Crystal's action. Thus, she is responsible for the outcome, no matter how fatal it might be. Further, you are disregarding the facts of the case. She didn't stab him in self defense. The assault had ended and Crystal should have fled. Instead, she armed herself and escalated the assault. That's where she got afoul of the law.
"There are valid and common sense reasons for rulings such as the Welch and Holsclaw but they have no application to this case."
Wrong again. They have every application to this case. That's what is called the rule of law. The law applies to all, not just those you want it to.
"In cases with circumstances such as this a new court ruling is, perhaps, needed. I naively relied on Meier to subpoena witnesses such as the surgeons who did the wound repair and the treating, personnel in the ICU to indicate the lack of nexus between the wound and Daye's death."
Except they would not have so testified. They would all have said, as the two experts who are available, that Daye's death resulted from complications of a stab wound.
"I'm sure a jury, had they heard this evidence about alcoholic withdrawal and delirium tremens, using common sense would conclude that this was an accidental death not a murder."
No, they would have used common sense and found her guilty because that's what the expert evidence shows. Her own expert, I might add.
Fortunately, Meier didn't listen to your uninformed and very poorly thought out ideas. Unfortunately, Crystal did. Doing so, she ended up with a much longer sentence than she would have gotten with a plea deal.
To repeat myself, with friends like Kenny, Crystal doesn't need any enemies.
kenhyderal said... Abe said: "There's your proximate cause. It's the real proximate cause; not Sid's "Acme Law" version of it. It is what the law says. It is what Mangum's lawyers and lawyers on this website have been explaining for years. It is what the trial judge instructed and the jury followed in reaching its verdict. It is what an appeals court is bound by law to uphold"............................................................................ That is not my reading of the Welch or Holsclaw rulings. It's not my understanding either of Judge Ridgeway's instructions to the Jury but, if that is the case, then to quote Dickens, "if the law presumes that then the law is an ass". Just because Crystal's self defence actions sent Daye to hospital, where he was killed by being treated for a condition that independently arose, while he was confined there and that condition was unrelated to the action Crystal took, how then can she be guilty of murdering Daye. If Crystal had pushed him away from her and he fell and broke his ankle the same result could have ensued and are you then saying, that if it did, Crystal would also, likewise, be guilty of murder. There are valid and common sense reasons for rulings such as the Welch and Holsclaw but they have no application to this case. In cases with circumstances such as this a new court ruling is, perhaps, needed. I naively relied on Meier to subpoena witnesses such as the surgeons who did the wound repair and the treating, personnel in the ICU to indicate the lack of nexus between the wound and Daye's death. I'm sure a jury, had they heard this evidence about alcoholic withdrawal and delirium tremens, using common sense would conclude that this was an accidental death not a murder
I find it hard to understand the confusion of those surrounding the proximate cause issue as you have sensibly, clearly, and repeatedly explained it. It is, I believe, because there are many individuals who don't want to accept the truth that Mangum is not responsible for Daye's death. Mangum detractors, for example, are unable to explain exactly how the stab wound culminated in Daye's brain death or actual death. That's something that neither Dr. Nichols nor Dr. Roberts can explain. The truth is that the stab wound was totally unrelated to Daye's brain death or actual death... and Walt, Abe and others of their ilk refuse to acknowledge the truths as long as they are supportive of Mangum. They are hardly open-minded.
Walt, there are two sides to every story, and you are taking Daye's version as gospel. Daye's version makes absolutely no sense. That morning he tormented and abused Mangum, knocking down the locked bathroom door and dragging her out by her hair. Daye should've been charged with domestic violence, and assault on a female. It was only after the physical assaults she sustained that Mangum stabbed Daye who was astride her in the process of choking the life out of her. If that's not self-defense, then I don't know what is.
The revised sharlog is well underway, and I am hoping to have it posted by week's end. It will replace the one currently posted and not entered as a separate new document.
Sid wrote: I find it hard to understand the confusion of those surrounding the proximate cause issue as you have sensibly, clearly, and repeatedly explained it."
Well Sid, you are the one who refuses to understand. That's all on you.
"It is, I believe, because there are many individuals who don't want to accept the truth that Mangum is not responsible for Daye's death."
Except, she is. Had she not stabbed him, Daye would not have been in the hospital, and he would not have died. Assuming, for the sake of argument that he died as a result of medical malpractice.
"Mangum detractors, for example, are unable to explain exactly how the stab wound culminated in Daye's brain death or actual death."
It's not a case of detractors, Sid. It's the evidence. Even Crystal's own expert says he died as a result of her stabbing.
"The truth is that the stab wound was totally unrelated to Daye's brain death or actual death... and Walt, Abe and others of their ilk refuse to acknowledge the truths as long as they are supportive of Mangum."
That is not the truth. The truth is, two competent medical professionals with a great deal of experience concluded otherwise. One testified as such. Another was prepared to.
"They are hardly open-minded."
Your definition of open-minded seems to include only those who agree with you. That is not open-minded.
Sid wrote: "Walt, there are two sides to every story, and you are taking Daye's version as gospel."
No, I am looking at the evidence. I was prepared to believe anyone. Daye's version lined up with the physical evidence.
"Daye's version makes absolutely no sense. That morning he tormented and abused Mangum, knocking down the locked bathroom door and dragging her out by her hair. Daye should've been charged with domestic violence, and assault on a female. It was only after the physical assaults she sustained that Mangum stabbed Daye who was astride her in the process of choking the life out of her. If that's not self-defense, then I don't know what is."
Except you are the one ignoring the evidence. The evidence is, Crystal escaped. But, she did not flee. Instead, she armed herself and inflicted a stab wound. That is the crux of the case that you, Sid, continually ignore.
"I find it hard to understand the confusion of those surrounding the proximate cause issue as you(kenny) have sensibly, clearly, and repeatedly explained it."
mr. harr shows that, like kenny, he is a deaf blind man who claims to see and hear everything.
Walt said: " The evidence is, Crystal escaped"..... So said Daye in his unexamined statement. The physical evidence could support that scenario but it could also support Crystal's sworn testimony concerning the event. What piece of physical evidence definitively refutes her version. What piece of evidence definitely confirms Daye's un-examined version. Lets then resort to common sense. A larger, stronger, drunken, jealous, enraged Daye, first by his own admission, attempts to stop Crystal from leaving him. Suddenly he comes to his senses, breaks off his attack and attempts to flee his own apartment, when he is attacked by a knife wielding Crystal. The explanation for the scattered knives is what? Whose version of the event has Crystal hurling knives?
Walt said: " The evidence is, Crystal escaped"..... So said Daye in his unexamined statement. The physical evidence could support that scenario but it could also support Crystal's sworn testimony concerning the event. What piece of physical evidence definitively refutes her version. What piece of evidence definitely confirms Daye's un-examined version. Lets then resort to common sense. A larger, stronger, drunken, jealous, enraged Daye, first by his own admission, attempts to stop Crystal from leaving him. Suddenly he comes to his senses, breaks off his attack and attempts to flee his own apartment, when he is attacked by a knife wielding Crystal. The explanation for the scattered knives is what? Whose version of the event has Crystal hurling knives?
July 6, 2015 at 2:21 PM"
kenny the deaf blind man again saying I see and hear everything.
Kenhyderal, Reginald Daye was angry, and he perhaps threw a knife. At some point he realized he was acting improperly, let Crystal go, and started to walk away. Crystal, who had in the past been told that she could attack her boyfriends and they would never testify against her, decided to let Reggie see that he could not get away with mistreating her. She therefore stabbed him. The only problem is she actually killed him, so it was no longer a question of whether he would testify against her. Too bad, Reggie! Too too bad, Crystal!
Guiowen said: "At some point he realized he was acting improperly"...............Daye came to his senses? Yeah sure he did. At least that's what he said in his self serving unexamined statement. What physical evidence backed up this implausible scenario. You say perhaps he threw a knife. Make that knives, most likely hurled with deadly intent. This man had a history of throwing knives. He also had in his possession an illegal weapon ie. brass knuckles.
The physical evidence did not support Crystal's self serving testimony. As a result, the jury rejected it. Crystal was stunned. She has been told in the past that a jury is required to believe everything she says (except to ignore statements that can be proven false with absolute certainty). Even if improbable, none of her statements could be proven false. Inexplicably, this jury did not follow those rules.
Kenny, please stop whining. You have tried this general "there is doubt" argument before, and no one is buying it.
Face reality. Crystal was convicted of murder and, barring a successful appeal on an issue you have ignored completely, she will be in prison for a long time.
Most of the readers here have a reasonable understanding of the facts and the law. As a result, most readers are convinced the jury made the correct decision, albeit many readers (including myself) thought manslaughter was the more appropriate charge. Nothing you or Sidney have said has changed anyone's opinion. That is not because readers are "biased." You and Sidney are both remarkably unpersuasive. You both misstate the law and refuse to provide legal research to support your opinions. You cherry pick the evidence and berate others who have considered the evidence you ignore. You ask others to change their opinions because of evidence not used in the trial or even known to exist. You tell us, with no knowledge, what uncalled witness would have said in their testimony and what nonexistent evidence would have proven. When an argument has been shown to be ineffective, you do not modify it in response to criticism. Rather you repeat the same ineffective argument over and over and over... This is not persuasive.
I can conclude only that either (1) you genuinely do believe that Crystal was unfairly convicted and are simply have absolutely no skill at convincing others (even if you are a "master debater") or (2) you care nothing about Crystal, but simply want to annoy others.
Guiowen said: "At some point he realized he was acting improperly"...............Daye came to his senses? Yeah sure he did. At least that's what he said in his self serving unexamined statement. What physical evidence backed up this implausible scenario. You say perhaps he threw a knife. Make that knives, most likely hurled with deadly intent. This man had a history of throwing knives. He also had in his possession an illegal weapon ie. brass knuckles.
July 6, 2015 at 4:27 PM"
Another passage from kenny the deaf blind man who says he sees and hears everything.
Sid and Kenny don't want to face the reality that Mangum will not soon be walking free and her conviction will not be overturned. I'll be happy to present them with a crying towel
Kenhyderal wrote: "So said Daye in his unexamined statement. The physical evidence could support that scenario but it could also support Crystal's sworn testimony concerning the event. What piece of physical evidence definitively refutes her version. What piece of evidence definitely confirms Daye's un-examined version."
This is exactly why the R404 and 403(b) evidence is so damning. The jury was allowed to hear she had resorted to violence once she was calmed down before and specifically to knives.
"Lets then resort to common sense. A larger, stronger, drunken, jealous, enraged Daye, first by his own admission, attempts to stop Crystal from leaving him. Suddenly he comes to his senses, breaks off his attack and attempts to flee his own apartment, when he is attacked by a knife wielding Crystal. The explanation for the scattered knives is what? Whose version of the event has Crystal hurling knives?"
Speculation only and not supported by the evidence. Further, Crystal's testimony on this point is far to inconsistent with what the officers found at the scene to be believed. Further, her testimony on this point was in such different quality to her testimony on the checks issue that I found her incredible.
I tried looking for the decision on the Court of Appeals website. Apparently they are current only thru 7/06. If the opinion was handed down today, we should be able to find it online tomorrow.
Anonymous said: "Mangum's opinion was handed down by the Court of Appeals today - unanimous - no error".....................This comes as no surprise to me since I knew using the 404(b) evidence as the basis for an appeal would come to naught. It had already been fully adjudicated by Judge Ridgeway. You could see that coming from the onset. Most likely Petersen also knew it was a long-shot but going that route saved her from going after Duke and stating that Meier had given an inadequate defence No benefit going after them for the sake of a unpopular and marginalized person like Crystal. The real reason to have the verdict over turned and a new trial ordered is because the Jury, through no fault of their own, because they never received all the evidence they needed, got it wrong. a: there was no murder b: Crystal wounded Daye in self-defence c. the esophageal intubation was the SOLE cause of Daye's unfortunate demise and there was no nexus between the wound and his death. Once again Justice is thwarted there and the poor and minority people pay the price in the land of covert but shameful racism.
Anonymous said: "Mangum's opinion was handed down by the Court of Appeals today - unanimous - no error".....................This comes as no surprise to me since I knew using the 404(b) evidence as the basis for an appeal would come to naught. It had already been fully adjudicated by Judge Ridgeway. You could see that coming from the onset. Most likely Petersen also knew it was a long-shot but going that route saved her from going after Duke and stating that Meier had given an inadequate defence No benefit going after them for the sake of a unpopular and marginalized person like Crystal. The real reason to have the verdict over turned and a new trial ordered is because the Jury, through no fault of their own, because they never received all the evidence they needed, got it wrong. a: there was no murder b: Crystal wounded Daye in self-defence c. the esophageal intubation was the SOLE cause of Daye's unfortunate demise and there was no nexus between the wound and his death. Once again Justice is thwarted there and the poor and minority people pay the price in the land of covert but shameful racism.
July 7, 2015 at 10:02 AM"
Another iteration of kenny, the blind deaf man saying I see ad hear everything.
"...defendant’s actions following the stabbing suggest that she had not killed in self-defense and indicate a desire to avoid responsibility and prosecution for her actions. After Daye left the apartment, stabbed and bleeding, defendant told a concerned neighbor that everything was fine. Instead of trying to render aid to Daye, defendant fled to Howard’s apartment, where she called James Williams (“Williams”), a friend and detention officer. Despite being told by Williams to return to the apartment and call 911, defendant refused to comply with either command. Although defendant eventually dialed 911, she hung up and laid down on the floor. “Defendant’s flight after [Daye’s stabbing] is clear evidence from which the jury could reasonably infer that defendant knew that [s]he had not killed in self-defense, otherwise [s]he would have stayed and waited for the police to come, or [s]he would have called the police [her]self....” State v. Kirby"
Hello, Anne Petersen, I hope you understand that Kenhyderal has just about had it with lawyers like you, who refuse to give an adequate defense to poor innocent mothers of three. He is Crystal's best friend (and a master debater to boot) and is not going to let you get away with this. You had better reach out to him and EXPLAIN your actions, or else. Have I made myself clear?
I still like how Kenny refuses to do anything for himself, or reach out to anyone. He hopes they still monitor this website and will respond to him. However, the attorneys have always known Sid's analysis of just about everything is a joke - and he's been proven completely incorrect on several of them, so I doubt anyone follows this anymore, but the 1 or 2 deluded Sid Harr followers, TinFoil, and the handful of people who like to mock them (many of whom are the same person posting as different people).
Kenny, the appeal is over. Since it was unanimous there is no automatic review in the Supreme Court.
Whether she has any other avenues - let the others speak to that - but this case is done. Sid got most of his wish - he wanted her to die in prison with LWOP, but he still got a lot of years.
Kenyhderal wrote: "This comes as no surprise to me since I knew using the 404(b) evidence as the basis for an appeal would come to naught. It had already been fully adjudicated by Judge Ridgeway."
After all these years, and you either do not know what a court of appeals is for, or you simply choose to ignore what it is for. The COA only reviews errors made by the trial judge. Courts of appeal do not weigh evidence. Nor, do they receive new evidence.
"The real reason to have the verdict over turned and a new trial ordered is because the Jury, through no fault of their own, because they never received all the evidence they needed, got it wrong. a: there was no murder b: Crystal wounded Daye in self-defence c. the esophageal intubation was the SOLE cause of Daye's unfortunate demise and there was no nexus between the wound and his death."
This argument would have required evidence in the way of an expert to offer an opinion that the treatment was for a separate matter and the death was the sole cause of this separate matter. As you know, contributory negligence has no place in the criminal law. So, that expert cannot testify that the treatment was malpractice. If so, it would constitute contributory negligence and thus not the sole cause. Unfortunately for Crystal, this evidence does not exist. Crystal does have evidence that confirms Dr. Nichols' opinion that Daye's death is the result of her stabbing. That information is available to all because Sid breached Crystal's confidence and disclosed the fact that her expert agreed with the Medical Examiner.
But, we all already know that with friends like Sid and Kenny, Crystal doesn't really need any enemies.
This comes as no surprise to me since I knew using the 404(b) evidence as the basis for an appeal would come to naught. It had already been fully adjudicated by Judge Ridgeway.
If it hadn't been argued before Judge Ridgeway, it couldn't be raised on appeal.
Petersen was reluctant to use inadequate defence by Meier as grounds for the appeal. Nor did she seek out the expert witnesses at Duke who treated Daye that could confirm there was no murder. If a Jury gets it wrong because they were not given adequate information it would only seem reasonable to seek out and provide that evidence to the COA so they could order a new trial in light of this.
Peterson had no reason to talk to expert witnesses at Duke - she couldn't introduce no new evidence. Plus, she raises Ineffective Assistance of Counsel in many appeals - appellate attorneys do it all the time - if she thought it was warranted, I don't know why she would have been reluctant to raise it.
And, you still ignore that the experts who were consulted agreed it was complications from a stab wound - 1 even acknowledged everything Sid wanted, and still concluded that - why you and Sid think she was lying then, and wouldn't have had ways to back it up on the stand just shows your delusion. Dr. Roberts wasn't going to fold.
And, you keep assuming the doctors weren't talked to - because you claim no one told Crystal what was said - but you know that Crystal was told repeatedly there was no evidence to contradict Dr. Roberts.
You simply won't ask anyone if they did that much (and you've already said if Meier told you he did, you'd call him a liar - yet you still seem surprised he won't talk to you - assuming he sees this).
You are delusional, and still abusing Crystal - move on. Sadly there are many other vulnerable women you and Sid can abuse and punish.
I'm a senior citizen who believes that the state of North Carolina has harshly, excessively, and unjustly treated former Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 973 Newer› Newest»" Anonymous said...
And sidney, in spite of the MD appended to his name, knows nothing about how to intubate someone in an emergency situation. Eggo(I should have typed ergo) you still know nothing. You are just as incredibly stupid as you have always been.
June 29, 2015 at 11:01 AM
seriously evil duke troll, do not call me incredibly stupid again because you have absolutely nothing to base that statement on except your own ignorance.
June 29, 2015 at 11:11 AM"
You are incredibly stupid. That is res isa loquitur.
And you are really stressed out over your stupidity.
Fake Kenhyderal said...
Anonymous @ 11:08: "Mr. Daye left the apartment first from all accounts."
According to Crystal herself, Reggie did not leave the apartment first.
She said so during her "truthful" testimony.
June 29, 2015 at 12:05 PM
What are you talking about? What did Ms. Mangum say that you are referring to (specifically)?
She said she stabbed him then ran out. She stated she left before him.
What exactly did she say that you are referring to? In quotes with a reference from where you got the quote from if you can. Thank you.
Watch her testimony - the link was provided. Do some work for yourself for a change.
" Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous Fake Kenhyderal said...
Anonymous @11:11: Are you the same Anonymous that threatened to charge someone with defamation?
If so, then there is definitely something to base the statement that you are incredibly stupid.
June 29, 2015 at 11:26 AM
Just because someone does not know all the ins and outs of legal procedures does not mean they are incredibly stupid unless perhaps they are experts in the area of law and proclaim such. I am not a lawyer nor have I ever said I was. The message I was trying to convey therefore was not incredibly stupid as some who choose to call people incredibly stupid about almost everything said on this blog would have you believe.
June 29, 2015 at 11:39 AM"
Boy are you stressed out over your stupidity.
You are incredibly stupid. That is res isa loquitur.
And you are really stressed out over your stupidity.
June 29, 2015 at 12:30 PM
Is that you g...?
I am tired of being called incredibly stupid by the same troll who calls everyone not in the evil duke troll gang incredibly stupid about practically everything said on this blog actually. Why do you say I am stressed about your continually saying I am incredibly stupid? I am not ... just tired of ya'll continually cyberbullying on this blog and disregarding the facts and evidence that has the potential to harm everyone in the state of NC if given the opportunity. I mean seriously, ya'll seem to have only one concern - and that is to harm as many as you can because of your obvious hatred for Ms. Mangum. No one who actually knows they have to depend on duke to save lifes would accept the coverup of duke's malpractice in this case just because ya'll have an obvious hatred for Ms. Mangum or bias against her. No one.
you should charge all of them with defamation.
All of them.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
You are incredibly stupid. That is res isa loquitur.
And you are really stressed out over your stupidity.
June 29, 2015 at 12:30 PM
Is that you g...?
I am tired of being called incredibly stupid by the same troll who calls everyone not in the evil duke troll gang incredibly stupid about practically everything said on this blog actually. Why do you say I am stressed about your continually saying I am incredibly stupid? I am not ... just tired of ya'll continually cyberbullying on this blog and disregarding the facts and evidence that has the potential to harm everyone in the state of NC if given the opportunity. I mean seriously, ya'll seem to have only one concern - and that is to harm as many as you can because of your obvious hatred for Ms. Mangum. No one who actually knows they have to depend on duke to save lifes would accept the coverup of duke's malpractice in this case just because ya'll have an obvious hatred for Ms. Mangum or bias against her. No one.
June 29, 2015 at 12:59 PM"
It's not g.
you re incredibly stupid to believe it is.
You are an abusive cyberbully to continue to call me incredibly stupid after I have asked specifically that you stop doing that. Your reply is continued proof that your only concern is to harm others.
Jut go to the police and lodge a complaint to the effect that you are the victim of cyberbullying. That'll show them!
How stupid is Tinfoil?
He had to look up the definition of "stupid" on the internet.
Dr. Harr,
If you could, please share your thoughts on the cyberbullying that occurs on your blog on a consistent basis. Thank you.
I think we know what Sid's thought on cyberbullying are.
Dr. Harr,
In addition, has duke ever asked you to discontinue blogging about this current case due to the consistent cyberbullying that occurs because they have never taken the professional responsibility and accountability for their malpractice and the state's medical examiner's discrepancies about the same on the autopsy report used to falsly charge and convict Ms. Mangum for murder by duke's malpractice? In theory, they are ultimately the ones responsible for the abuse that others suffer through because of their inability to take responsibility for the malpractice that killed Mr. Daye and the subsequent discrepancies that covered it up in order to charge and convict Ms. Mangum for murder that caused you to blog about it and place articles in the local news, which is where I learned about and became concerned about the malpractice issues in this case to begin with.
"In theory, they are ultimately the ones responsible for the abuse that others suffer through"
New theory: You do not know or understand the definition of "theory".
Anonymous said...
"In theory, they are ultimately the ones responsible for the abuse that others suffer through"
New theory: You do not know or understand the definition of "theory".
June 29, 2015 at 3:02 PM
From your continued cyberbullying abuse, one could surmise that you want duke blamed for your consistent cyberbullying and abuse that you make others suffer through because duke chooses to not take responsibility for their own malpractice that killed Mr. Daye.
Very good. Now you will have standing to sue Duke for the cyberbullying that you are enduring. Don't let them get away with this! Sue them for every penny in their endowment!
Do you think someone should if they are continually subjected to it?
You are not being cyberbullied. Quit your trolling, pull your thong out of your butt crack and grow up.
By all means! Sue Duke for every penny they have! I'd love to see Broad Dickhead's (or whatever his name is) face when you win.
not me - his face is in the news too much as it is - seen enough of it already
Remember: from reading The Price of Silence, you will see Dickhead has no qualms about shelling out $100 million just to avoid trials. Go for it!
The name you are searching for is Brod Dickhead. There is no "a" in "Brod."
Sid has dropped off the map ... he trying to come up with a response, or just staying away long enough that when he comes back he will pretend nothing happened?
why are you so eager to see duke sued g...?
I have never read the Price of Silence. What proof is there that $100 million was paid, and who was it paid to?
If duke is willing to pay $100 million for silence, (which is absurd because duke was the one who was pushing the case into the mass media public eye to begin with), why would any of you think that they have not also paid (corrupted) persons in the injustice system not to bring duke's malpractice into this case as well (or threatened them)?
Are you calling Investigative Journalist, William Cohan, a liar?
Please read The Price of Silence! All the proof you need is there.
Don't just take my word for it. Ask Sidney how much Duke paid the three indicted players. Ask Kenhyderal how competent and reliable Cohan is.
ok evil duke troll it g... tinfoil hat hatemonger blogmonger
Why are you so mean to people who have an issue with duke's malpractice and coverup of the same? You have trolled me since day one that I asked questions about it to clarify what I read in the paper about it and have never stopped, even though I asked you specifically to stop since the beginning and have never not asked you to stop?
Why do you do it specifically?
Black lives only matter in the very rare cases where a white person or a police officer is involved.When blacks kill other blacks like Mangum did when she murdered Daye they don't seem to care.
" Anonymous Anonymous said...
Are you calling Investigative Journalist, William Cohan, a liar?
June 29, 2015 at 6:07 PM"
If you are not calling William Cohan a liar you are incredibly stupid.
You are an abusive cyberbully to continue to call me an evil duke troll it g after I have asked specifically that you stop doing that. Your reply is continued proof that your only concern is to harm others.
is that you g...?
If it is g... I have already explained to you that if you stop your cyberbullying and trolling (of me specifically, but of others as well generally), you will not be labeled by the cyberbullying trolling techniques that you utilize and participate in. You do understand that right? All ya gotta do is stop cyberbullying and trolling and that will solve the issue. Sound fair? It does to me, but I do understand that there might be a possibility that you are literally incapable of stopping your cyberbullying and trolling for some reason or another. Is that your situation - you find it impossible to stop cyberbullying and trolling when it pertains to certain issues - like duke killing Mr. Daye with malpractice and then framing Ms. Mangum for murder by malpractice by participating in and allowing the injustice system to cover up the malpractice because you hate Ms. Mangum so much that you are literally unable to stop harming others due to your hatred?
" Anonymous Anonymous said...
If it is g... I have already explained to you that if you stop your cyberbullying and trolling (of me specifically, but of others as well generally), you will not be labeled by the cyberbullying trolling techniques that you utilize and participate in. You do understand that right? All ya gotta do is stop cyberbullying and trolling and that will solve the issue. Sound fair? It does to me, but I do understand that there might be a possibility that you are literally incapable of stopping your cyberbullying and trolling for some reason or another. Is that your situation - you find it impossible to stop cyberbullying and trolling when it pertains to certain issues - like duke killing Mr. Daye with malpractice and then framing Ms. Mangum for murder by malpractice by participating in and allowing the injustice system to cover up the malpractice because you hate Ms. Mangum so much that you are literally unable to stop harming others due to your hatred?
June 30, 2015 at 5:30 AM"
Boy are you stressed out by your incredible stupidity.
Anonymous June 30, 2015 at 5:30 AM said...
"If it is g"
You are incredibly stupid if you think it is.
well would you like your own personalized label cyberbullying evil duke troll? That one not explicit enough for you eh? hmmm.... How bout: cyberbullying evil duke troll incredibly stupid projector?
So, Tinfoil,
Have you ordered your copy of The Price of Silence?
Anonymous said...
Dr. Harr,
You stated earlier that none of the knives tested had fingerprints on them. That is an issue that deserves further examination. How could the knives ended up scattered like reported with no fingerprints on them? Why were they scattered? Did the knife that Mr. Daye got stabbed with have fingerprints on them? Who is doing the testing? What is their conflict with Duke? Why wouldn't the defense attorney question those issues and point them out very clearly to prove that ALL the issues presented in the trial had so many questions left unanswered that the only conclusion a non-conflicted jury could surmise was that there was NOT sufficient evidence to prove anything other than Mr. Daye attacked and assaulted Ms. Mangum in such a violent way that she felt compelled to protect her life with a knife in self-defense against Mr. Daye after he attacked her. He clearly did not do his job in providing defense assistance for his client.
It is my understanding that the lab techs were unable to discern the identity of the prints on the knives... I believe due to smudges, etc. I am of the belief that more likely than not, Daye's fingerprints were identified and because he claimed that he did not touch the knives, the lab denied being able to identify them. On the other hand, had Ms. Mangum's fingerprints been on the knives, surely the lab would have said so.
There is no doubt in my mind that Daye, and not Mangum threw the knives around the apartment and disassembled them.
Anonymous said...
Sid has dropped off the map ... he trying to come up with a response, or just staying away long enough that when he comes back he will pretend nothing happened?
Hah! Hardly. Sure, I've been away from the library for a couple of days, engaged in advocating. In addition, there is work on my lawsuit that needs my attention. In fact, I enjoy engaging in discourse with commenters. I look forward to it, however, time constraints prevent me from always being able to post comments.
Anonymous said...
Dr. Harr,
In addition, has duke ever asked you to discontinue blogging about this current case due to the consistent cyberbullying that occurs because they have never taken the professional responsibility and accountability for their malpractice and the state's medical examiner's discrepancies about the same on the autopsy report used to falsly charge and convict Ms. Mangum for murder by duke's malpractice? In theory, they are ultimately the ones responsible for the abuse that others suffer through because of their inability to take responsibility for the malpractice that killed Mr. Daye and the subsequent discrepancies that covered it up in order to charge and convict Ms. Mangum for murder that caused you to blog about it and place articles in the local news, which is where I learned about and became concerned about the malpractice issues in this case to begin with.
Duke University has never requested that I refrain from posting blogs or other activities concerned with advocacy for Mangum. The only person to attempt to dissuade me from blogging about Mangum was her former attorney Scott Holmes. I'm sure that many others wanted me to refrain, but Mr. Holmes is the only one to ask me.
I agree that Duke University should accept responsibility for Daye's death instead of remaining silent and allowing the State and media to place blame on her. It's a shame. Shows a lack of integrity.
Anonymous said...
Obviously the jury didn't have all the evidence about the discrepancies between the state's autopsy report and dukes medical reports documenting medical malpractice as the real cause of Mr. Daye's death to obtain any verdict that MOST people would judge as fair or equal protection for anyone. If that jury had all the relevant information needed to even judge this case to begin with, there would still be the issue of the conflict with duke of at least three of jurors that would need to be questioned before MOST people agreed with that juries judgement in this case unless the judgement was for not guilty. Just the way MOST people are when it pertains to these sort of things. Could be the reason why the appeal defense attorney did not mention these type issues in the appeal brief to begin with, because MOST people would agree that these issues definitely negate the trial to begin with by reason of laws and rules for a fair, unbiased, and equal trial.
You're absolutely correct. The truth would've set Mangum free, so attorneys on both sides, and the judge kept the truth about Daye's death from the jury. That's why there was no mention of the esophageal intubation, Daye's brain death, his comatose state, and no mention of his elective removal from life support. And, as I've mentioned before, the impossibility of the jury acquitting Mangum was assured with the jury selection that included three individuals related to Duke University Hospital and Duke University.
" Anonymous Anonymous said...
well would you like your own personalized label cyberbullying evil duke troll? That one not explicit enough for you eh? hmmm.... How bout: cyberbullying evil duke troll incredibly stupid projector?
June 30, 2015 at 6:22 AM"
Boy are you stressed out over your incredible stupidity.
Nifong Supporter said...
"I believe due to smudges, etc. I am of the belief that more likely than not, Daye's fingerprints were identified and because he claimed that he did not touch the knives, the lab denied being able to identify them. On the other hand, had Ms. Mangum's fingerprints been on the knives, surely the lab would have said so.
There is no doubt in my mind that Daye, and not Mangum threw the knives around the apartment..."
again M. harr shows his incredible stupidity.
Nifong Supporter said...
"The only person to attempt to dissuade me from blogging about Mangum was her former attorney Scott Holmes. I'm sure that many others wanted me to refrain, but Mr. Holmes is the only one to ask me."
That is true, because your advocacy and the incredible stupidity involved in it have only harmed crystal.
"I agree that Duke University should accept responsibility for Daye's death instead of remaining silent and allowing the State and media to place blame on her. It's a shame. Shows a lack of integrity."
mr. harr again shows his incrediblestupidity.
"I am of the belief that more likely than not, Daye's fingerprints were identified and because he claimed that he did not touch the knives, the lab denied being able to identify them."
I am of the belief that unicorns farted rainbows over the knifes, thus smudging the fingerprints.
Why should people agree with your belief more than mine? They both contain equal amounts of fantasy....
Why are you refusing to address your fraud and lies in the Shlog?
As to the knives - they said the handles were the type it's hard to get prints - plus it was their residence, so finding either of their prints wouldn't be unusual. Plus from the pictures, they hardly kept a clean house, so they may have been too dirty.
But Sid, address why you are lying about the aparents? Whenever anyone else says something incorrect you say it is intentional fraud and deceit - why should we hold you to a lesser standard?
Sid -- Photographic evidence has been posted that appears to prove that Aykia Hanes did not commit perjury in her testimony.
At best, it appears you had a pre-conceived notion that Aykia Hanes committed perjury, and attempted to find *something* in the testimony that proved this.
At worst, you've outright lied about Aykia Hanes and her testimony, assuming that the readers of your blog would believe you without bothering to do any investigating themselves.
Why haven't you addressed this?
Sidney, amigo mio,
I realize you didn't lie -- you did not purposely tell an untruth. The problem is that you keep on relying on sources that have once again proved extremely unreliable. Please stop using such sources.
Sidney on June 16, 2010:
"After speaking with Crystal Mangum I learned that on the night of February 17, 2010, she did not set fire to clothes in the bathtub as alleged by the Durham Police Department. Furthermore, she did not know that a fire had been set in her bathtub, and she did not know who was responsible for setting the fire."
Sidney relying on extremely unreliable resources? Never happens....
Except in Wives with Knives, and other cases, Crystal specifically admitted to setting the clothes on fire ... So, She is lying to Sid on June 16, 2010.
Here, if you don't believe it - watch the episode:
Note - she says it herself - that she set his clothes on fire - not the actress - she herself says it. She did set the clothes on fire.
If you want to skip to it, it starts at 25:20 and watch to 26:00.
Kenny, why did your girl lie about setting Milton's clothes on fire?
Crystal takes oaths seriously and always testifies truthfully. Except when ________________________ (fill in your own blanks here).
It is funny that your entire Shitlog (I think we can call it that now) is "A prosecution case built on lies) is built on lies.
When are you going to address it?
This is at least the 2nd time you have been completely and totally wrong (actually many more) - this IDS experts and this (and that doesn't include Felony Murder, prior abuse, prior record and the rest).
Do you even care that you are wrong?
Anonymous 6/27 2;22 stated: I went to the scene of the crime today and found out that for 3501 Century Oaks Rd, Durham, NC 27713 Building 3507, Apartment N & P they are side by side with no breezeway between them. So, Sydney is lying and making stuff up here. Aykia Hanes did not perjury herself as Sydney claims. Seems that anyone associating themselves with Magnum become liars in the end to support their claims. Very sad here as I did give Sydney some benefit of the doubt, but now it is obvious he is a big fake.
Here is a link to the picture I took and Apartment P is on the left towards the parking lot and apartment N is on the woods side. They share a wall.
There are three explanations:
1. Anonymous 2:22 is lying and the picture is not of the apartments.
2. Sidney is lying.
3. Sidney obtained information from someone who lied to him and he did not confirm it.
Sidney, after more than three days, you owe your readers a response. I remind you that your track record for accuracy is not good. Without a response, most of your readers will conclude that you are either lying or published information obtained from someone who lied to you.
Who's your daddy?
Dr. Harr,
kenhyderal will assist you in responding to the questions that have been raised regarding your sharlog. He has been studying the photos and drawings of the apartment.
" Anonymous cyberbully evil duke troll said...
Who's your daddy?
June 30, 2015 at 6:54 PM"
Boy are you stressed over your incredible stupidity.
Sidneyyy -- Come out to playyyayyy....
Sidneyyy -- Come out to playyyayyy....
Sidneyyy -- Come out to playyyayyy....
Anonymous 2:22 is lying and the picture is not of the apartments.
Anonymous 2:22 could have changed the GPS data in the image, but if you download the image and look at the GPS data it points to:
The Google Maps location of the image is: 35.941261, -78.895722
And the doors match the image used by Sydney in his sharlog to misrepresent the location of Apartment N relative to Apartment P.
The picture Sid posted is fine - you can see N, you can see the rail towards the woods - what Sid misrepresents is that P is next door to it, not across some fictitious breezeway. And, even without the pictures, it's been explained that they were together.
Sid is wrong, he's once again exposed as a fraud, and once again his delusional worshippers refuse to acknowledge that.
Sid is just lucky everyone realizes he is a joke so no one sues him (or charges him as crazy man says) for defamation.
Anon 7:47,
I can't fathom your meaning.You had posted this message yesterday, then removed it and reposted it (with some changes). Either way, I cannot fathom your meaning.
Anonymous said: "Kenny, why did your girl lie about setting Milton's clothes on fire?"..................................................................................Let me quote myself from June 6, 2013 "Crystal admitted to setting the clothes on fire immediately after her arrest, while she was being interrogated. A video-tape of this was shown to the jury. What she disputed was that she had committed arson. Unfortunately, Dr. Harr confused her assertion, that she did not commit arson, with a claim that she had not set the clothes on fire and then jumped to a premature conclusions, quite; uncharacteristic for him".
Kenny -- Let me quote Sid from July 2010:
""After speaking with Crystal Mangum I learned that on the night of February 17, 2010, she did not set fire to clothes in the bathtub as alleged by the Durham Police Department. Furthermore, she did not know that a fire had been set in her bathtub, and she did not know who was responsible for setting the fire."
Note what Sid states. "...she did not know that a fire had been set...".
Now -- how do you get from "setting the clothes on fire" to "not know[ing] that a fire had been set" without someone lying about it?
"kenhyderal said...
Anonymous said: "Kenny, why did your girl lie about setting Milton's clothes on fire?"..................................................................................Let me quote myself from June 6, 2013 "Crystal admitted to setting the clothes on fire immediately after her arrest, while she was being interrogated. A video-tape of this was shown to the jury. What she disputed was that she had committed arson. Unfortunately, Dr. Harr confused her assertion, that she did not commit arson, with a claim that she had not set the clothes on fire and then jumped to a premature conclusions, quite; uncharacteristic for him".
July 1, 2015 at 10:13 AM"
/you and mr. harr are both incredibly stupid.
Funny that Kenny and Sid still refuse to comment on this shitlog of lies and fraud Harr put out.
Hours ago I returned from a trip to Durham where I finally went to physically visit the site of the former Country Scene Apartments... now called Amber Oaks Apartments. I went to building 3507 and found that the configuration of the apartments was not like what I had believed from viewing the photographs from prosecution discovery.
I was motivated to go to the scene personally after a link appeared which displayed a photo of doors to apartments N and P being side-by-side. Sure enough, the apartments were side by side and sharing a common wall as Aykia Hanes had said in interviews and testified at trial.
I apologize to visitors to this site for not doing appropriate verification prior to publication. I can only say in defense that I allowed expediency to trump accuracy. However, no matter how much I desire to have Mangum freed from her unjust confinement so that she can be reunited with her children, there is no defense for my reckless accusations against Ms. Hanes.
That said, the fact that the two apartments are situated side-by-side and share a common wall does not guarantee that the statements she made with regard to events that happened on April 3, 2011 are truthful. This new revelation merely torpedoes my premise that Ms. Hanes' apartment was not situated in position to hear conversation in the Daye apartment. In other words, I cannot say with any assurance that Ms. Hanes committed perjury.
Bottom line is that my statements about Ms. Hanes committing perjury in this current sharlog are baseless. I will replace this current sharlog shortly with one that gives explanation.
My contentions about perjury by medical examiner Dr. Clay Nichols remain strong and unwavering as ever. That is factual, and even without a similar finding regarding Aykia Hanes, is grounds for the conviction against Mangum to be overturned.
I readily admit to being an imperfect individual, and when I do make a mistake, I take responsibility for it... and I then take immediate actions to rectify the mistake. Too bad the State doesn't do likewise.
Anonymous Lance the Intern said...
Sid -- Photographic evidence has been posted that appears to prove that Aykia Hanes did not commit perjury in her testimony.
At best, it appears you had a pre-conceived notion that Aykia Hanes committed perjury, and attempted to find *something* in the testimony that proved this.
At worst, you've outright lied about Aykia Hanes and her testimony, assuming that the readers of your blog would believe you without bothering to do any investigating themselves.
Why haven't you addressed this?
I just did. See my comment above.
Take into consideration that I am one individual, lacking the personnel and resources of the SBI. I live in Raleigh, have no car, and getting to the scene of the apartment requires much of my valuable time.
I am appreciative of the anonymous who provided the link to the photo of the apartment doors because that is what spurred me to finally get around to visiting the site.
Like I said above, I'm not perfect. When I make a mistake, at least I am able to man-up and admit it. Unfortunately my misinterpretation of the diagram and photos of the apartments led me to the wrong conclusions as to the layout of the apartments.
guiowen said...
Sidney, amigo mio,
I realize you didn't lie -- you did not purposely tell an untruth. The problem is that you keep on relying on sources that have once again proved extremely unreliable. Please stop using such sources.
gui, mon ami,
Actually, I have no one to blame for this but myself. I looked at the diagram and I looked at the photographs, and based upon that I concluded what the floor plan was for the apartment building... believing that a breezeway separated the apartments on one side from another. Crystal tried to explain the layout to me, but when I was unable to comprehend it, I just concluded that she was mistaken. Although it would've been quite an inconvenience, I should have made the effort to verify my assumptions by actually visiting the apartments... like I did this morning.
Yes, you are correct that I was not lying as my intent was not deception. I was merely mistaken.
Nifong Supporter said...
"Yes, you are correct that I was not lying as my intent was not deception. I was merely mistaken."
I disagree. You are an incredibly stupid individual who does try to lie.
Please be sure to offer your apologies to Aykia Hanes in your replacement sharlog.
Sid said:
"Crystal tried to explain the layout to me, but when I was unable to comprehend it, I just concluded that she was mistaken."
What was your basis for assuming Mangum was "mistaken" about something as basic as the physical location of her neighbor's apartment in relation to her's? Why would you, of all people, question the truthfulness and/or accuracy of anything Mangum said?
In spite of what you claim, what you did was deeply disceptive. It shows you are willing to say anything to help Mangum, without regard for whether it is true.
You made a false statement of fact and you used it to attempt to discredit someone and accuse them of the crime of perjury. Before you assert something as fact you have an obligation to make sure it is accurate - especially if you are going to base an accusation of criminal wrongdoing on it.
You had no factual basis for making the claim you made and it came back and bit you in your ass. People concerned with the truth are left to guess how many other false statements you may have made in an effort to bolster and advance your various claims. If you can't be accurate and truthful with information as basic as the location of Mr. Hanes' apartment how can you be trusted when it comes to something like an analysis of complex medical issues?
You have a very bad track record when it comes to truthfulness and accuracy. For this reason you do not get a sausage.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Take into account that your leaps to assumptions hurt Crystal because they discredit everything else you say.
"Crystal tried to explain the layout to me, but when I was unable to comprehend it"
What's so difficult to comprehend about one apartment being next to the other?
"Take into consideration that I am one individual, lacking the personnel and resources of the SBI."
Lacking resources of the SBI does not give you the right to make false claims of perjury. You might want to check with a competent lawyer, but IIRC, you have just defamed Aykia Hanes.
Shame on you.
This is the exact same situation with the IDS Expert payments - Sid rushed to judgment, and made allegations of fraud and corruption without checking them out - as soon as he checked them out, it turned out he was wrong.
Sid, from now on, if you want anyone to even pretend to take you seriously, you need to explain if you have actually done anything to verify your information.
What's funny - everytime you've taken a step to verify your information, it's shown you were wrong. Is this why you and Kenny won't contact Meier and others to see what they say?
And, once again, something you attacked Meier with to discredit him has turned out to be wrong - the list is too numerous to count but: Felony murder; prior record of Daye; prior abuse by Daye; IDS experts; Conflict of Interest; the layout of the apartments ... the list is endless.
You are clearly a sad little man who knows this blog is nothing but an homage to your own narcissism and ego.
Kenny - you still think Sid is trying to help Crystal and not feed his own ego?
Tinfoil - what say you now about your hero Sid?
This shlog illustrates why people who may be in a position to help Mangum won't respond to you. It's not because of a massive conspiracy. It is because you are a crank who makes outrageous and ridiculous claims without regard for the truth.
To the extent Mangum listens to you, she would have been better served by receiving accurate information based on facts, reason and the law, and not your shoot from the hip claims of conspiracies, cover-ups, perjury, etc.
Mangum's case is real case and it is very serious. The facts and the law were/are incredibly important, and truth and accuracy mattered immensely. The consequences for Mangum are real, permanent and extremely hard to reverse.
Mangum needed real advice and assistance. This was not an appropriate situation to use to advance your anti-Duke, pro-Nifong nonsense. Mangum needed a good lawyer and she needed to listen to what he said. She did not need you telling her that the charges were bogus, that they would be dropped, that there was no way she could lose and that she could represent herself. She did not need wild conspiracy theories, the irresponsible trashing of anyone who tried to help, the sliming of witnesses and evidence against her without basis and woefully bad legal advice. Perhaps most importantly, she did not deserve to be used as a tool to advance your agenda concerning Duke, the falsely accused lacrosse players and their families, and Mike Nifong. As a medical school graduate and with the access you had to Mangum and her records, you knew the nature and extent of her mental health issues. Shame on you for trying to take advantage of a vulnerable, desperate and, frankly, pathetic person and this tragic situation for your personal aggrandizement and self-affirmation.
If you have any decency in you you will shut the clown show this site has become down. It is of no help whatsoever to Mangum and it makes you, and her, appear ridiculous.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Tinfoil - what say you now about your hero Sid?
July 1, 2015 at 1:44 PM
unlike you apparently who may be someone who is brainwashed into hero worship or whatever, i am not
what say you about your constant and unrelenting trolling and unfounded and false accusations of others sf?
What false accusations? We said Sid was wrong, and he was - that's not false. Are you thi pathetic and delusional in "real life" or just on the blog?
Abe Froman wrote: "... Perhaps most importantly, she did not deserve to be used as a tool to advance your agenda concerning Duke, the falsely accused lacrosse players and their families, and Mike Nifong. As a medical school graduate and with the access you had to Mangum and her records, you knew the nature and extent of her mental health issues. Shame on you for trying to take advantage of a vulnerable, desperate and, frankly, pathetic person and this tragic situation for your personal aggrandizement and self-affirmation.
If you have any decency in you you will shut the clown show this site has become down. It is of no help whatsoever to Mangum and it makes you, and her, appear ridiculous."
Ding-Ding-Ding, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!
Couldn't have said it better Abe. Sid has been Crystal's worst enemy for a long time. He has exploited her vulnerability for his own self aggrandizement. Sid breached her confidence in him and revealed confidential information that harmed her defense. And last, he ignored her when she tried to explain the facts to him. In the course of his misguided campaign he impugned the integrity of at least four lawyers and a couple of judges. He has filed not one, but two frivolous law suits where he, without provocation, made unsubstantiated allegations against two magistrates and two judges. But, the worst is he has exploited Crystal, a poor benighted soul who needs help, not exploitation.
" Anonymous THE GREAT KILGO said...
July 1, 2015 at 4:10 PM"
My how stressed out you are over your incredible stupidity.
Not g
Anonymous said...
What false accusations? We said Sid was wrong, and he was - that's not false. Are you thi pathetic and delusional in "real life" or just on the blog?
July 1, 2015 at 3:37 PM'
Here - read it again and see if you can understand this time without turning everything into another reason to falsely accuse and slander others:
Anonymous said...
Tinfoil - what say you now about your hero Sid?
July 1, 2015 at 1:44 PM
unlike you apparently who may be someone who is brainwashed into hero worship or whatever, i am not
what say you about your constant and unrelenting trolling and unfounded and false accusations of others sf?
July 1, 2015 at 2:41 PM
I've already told you: no answers for you until you answer my questions of June 2.
so not only are you the evil duke troll it g... tinfoil hat hatemonger blogmonger you are also the cyberbullying evil duke troll incredibly stupid projector
got it
Anonymous 5:01,
Please stop the ad hominem attacks. Thanks.
Anonymous 4:44,
Please stop the incessant claim that a poster is "incredibly stupid."
While I agree that the posts to which you refer are inane, an inane post provides no evidence that a poster is "incredibly stupid." Indeed, most of the posts are simply trolling, trying to elicit a response. They succeeded.
Your "incredibly stupid" mantra was not particularly clever when you started it. It has long since become tiresome. Please stop.
You asked for an example,of,an outrageously false statement.
You just provided,one: "Unfortunately, Dr. Harr... jumped to a premature conclusions, quite; uncharacteristic for him."
Anonymous 5:01,
Please stop the ad hominem attacks. Thanks.
July 1, 2015 at 5:15 PM
Stop thinking someone defending themselves against the evil duke troll it g... or the cyberbully evil duke troll incredibly stupid projector, be they the same or not, is an attack - as obviously it is not.
In the interim, prior to posting your replacement, sharlog, I suggest that you post a legend on this version:
Will you ever tell kenny who the "Mystery Rapists" are?
This poster now using the name the Great Kilgo is an imposter. He is a sadistic person here to make game of those trying to assist Crystal.
Anonymous 2:22 says: Sydney do you owe me $1000?
" Anonymous Anonymous said...
so not only are you the evil duke troll it g... tinfoil hat hatemonger blogmonger you are also the cyberbullying evil duke troll incredibly stupid projector
got it
July 1, 2015 at 5:01 PM"
How stressed you are over your incredible stupidity.
" Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous 4:44,
Please stop the incessant claim that a poster is "incredibly stupid."
While I agree that the posts to which you refer are inane, an inane post provides no evidence that a poster is "incredibly stupid." Indeed, most of the posts are simply trolling, trying to elicit a response. They succeeded.
Your "incredibly stupid" mantra was not particularly clever when you started it. It has long since become tiresome. Please stop.
July 1, 2015 at 5:20 PM"
How stressed you are that kenny and mr. harr are incredibly stupid.
" Anonymous THE GREAT KILGO said...
July 1, 2015 at 7:02 PM"
How incredibly stressed you are that you are incredibly stupid.
not UBES
Your incredible stupidity is quacking you up
Anonymous at 5:20 PM wrote: "Please stop the incessant claim that a poster is "incredibly stupid."
While I agree that the posts to which you refer are inane, an inane post provides no evidence that a poster is "incredibly stupid." Indeed, most of the posts are simply trolling, trying to elicit a response. They succeeded.
Your "incredibly stupid" mantra was not particularly clever when you started it. It has long since become tiresome. Please stop."
Ding-Ding-Ding, ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner.
Well said, Anon, let me add my concurrence.
Anonymous at 6:34 PM brings up a great point, Syd owes Aykia Hanes an apology as well. The lady testified, truthfully. No one likes being drug into court to testify in a case that they are not involved in. To have their integrity questioned on a false pretense makes the matter that much worse. Shame on you Syd for not apologizing to her.
I concede incredibly stupid is inappropriate.
Since mr. harr and his minion kenny use obvious lies to defame and hurt innocent people, viciously incredibly stupid would be more fitting.
Walt said...
Abe Froman wrote: "... Perhaps most importantly, she did not deserve to be used as a tool to advance your agenda concerning Duke, the falsely accused lacrosse players and their families, and Mike Nifong. As a medical school graduate and with the access you had to Mangum and her records, you knew the nature and extent of her mental health issues. Shame on you for trying to take advantage of a vulnerable, desperate and, frankly, pathetic person and this tragic situation for your personal aggrandizement and self-affirmation.
If you have any decency in you you will shut the clown show this site has become down. It is of no help whatsoever to Mangum and it makes you, and her, appear ridiculous."
Ding-Ding-Ding, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!
Couldn't have said it better Abe. Sid has been Crystal's worst enemy for a long time. He has exploited her vulnerability for his own self aggrandizement. Sid breached her confidence in him and revealed confidential information that harmed her defense. And last, he ignored her when she tried to explain the facts to him. In the course of his misguided campaign he impugned the integrity of at least four lawyers and a couple of judges. He has filed not one, but two frivolous law suits where he, without provocation, made unsubstantiated allegations against two magistrates and two judges. But, the worst is he has exploited Crystal, a poor benighted soul who needs help, not exploitation.
Hah! Walt, I am going to see that Crystal Mangum gets justice. It may take a bit of time... longer than I would want, but she will benefit from my efforts in the not too distant future. You and Abe better start drinking plenty of liquids so that you won't become dehydrated from the crying fits you'll suffer when Crystal is freed.
Why don't you leave the poor benighted woman alone?
If you want to do something for her, try to help her understand where she went wrong. Encourage her to learn something useful so that when she gets out, in 2026 or 2027, she'll be a productive member of society.
Walt said...
Anonymous at 6:34 PM brings up a great point, Syd owes Aykia Hanes an apology as well. The lady testified, truthfully. No one likes being drug into court to testify in a case that they are not involved in. To have their integrity questioned on a false pretense makes the matter that much worse. Shame on you Syd for not apologizing to her.
Actually, Walt, you're a little late because I sent her a certified letter in which I apologized yesterday, July 1, 2015. I may share it in a future sharlog. I want to remind you that I am responsible for misstatement of which apartment in which she resided and its relationship to Daye's... that being the basis for my claim that she committed perjury.
My apology doesn't mean that I vouch for the truthfulness of everything she said... it just means that I admitted that I lacked a basis for my claim that her statements were perjury.
guiowen said...
Why don't you leave the poor benighted woman alone?
If you want to do something for her, try to help her understand where she went wrong. Encourage her to learn something useful so that when she gets out, in 2026 or 2027, she'll be a productive member of society.
gui, mon ami,
Shirley, you jest. You're saying that I would better help her by allowing her to rot in prison until 2026? That after an additional eleven or so years of incarceration she would be a more productive member of society?
I'm going to get Mangum out of jail sooner rather than later so that she can reunite with her family and move on with her life. I'm hoping to have her freed before summer's end. Believe me, it's doable.
Anonymous said...
In the interim, prior to posting your replacement, sharlog, I suggest that you post a legend on this version:
Thanks for the suggestion. I will take it under advisement.
Fake Kenhyderal said...
"Crystal tried to explain the layout to me, but when I was unable to comprehend it"
What's so difficult to comprehend about one apartment being next to the other?
I had preconceived notions about the layout of the apartments based on the photographs in the prosecution discovery, and when Crystal tried to explain the position of the apartments to me verbally (without graphic assistance such as a paper and pencil), I just thought that she had been mistaken. I was the one who was mistaken for not listening to her.
If those foolish Friends of CGM had explained to her, back in 2010, that she had dodged a bullet, and encouraged her to mend her ways, then maybe she'd be free and living with her children right now. Instead tehy got her thinking she could keep on acting with her next boyfriend as she had with good old Milton. We saw how that turned out.
And no, Sidney, I'm not jesting.
Sidney admits: I had preconceived notions about the layout of the apartments...
Some also think you had preconceived notions about a lot of other things as well...
Preconceived notions about the law...
Preconceived notions that Crystal had no legal liability because she was not consulted in the decision to remove Daye from life support
Preconceived notions that an esophageal intubation cut off Crystal's legal liability
Preconceived notions that because the initial prognosis was for a full recovery that Crystal had no legal liability
Preconceived notions that either Duke was responsible for Daye's death or Crystal was, but both could not be responsible
Preconceived notions that because Daye was the initial aggressor that Crystal could use any level of force even after he had broken off an attack
Preconceived notions about the felony murder rule
Preconceived notions about the admissibility of Daye's misdemeanor charges, even though charges were dropped
Preconceived notions about the ability to ask for a dismissal of charges before the trial began
Preconceived notions about the integrity of lawyers and judges
Preconceived notions about Crystal's credibility...
Preconceived notions that Crystal always tells the truth
Preconceived notions that a jury would find Crystal believeable
Preconceived notions that a jury would simply ignore those instances when Crystal's testimony was contradicted by physical evidence and othe witnesses
Preconceived notions that everyone is out to get Crystal
Sidney, you have a tendency to jump to conclusions first and then begin to gather the facts. You ignore evidence that contradicts your preconceived notions.
That strategy did not serve Crystal well.
John D. Smith
New York, NY
guiowen said...
If those foolish Friends of CGM had explained to her, back in 2010, that she had dodged a bullet, and encouraged her to mend her ways, then maybe she'd be free and living with her children right now. Instead tehy got her thinking she could keep on acting with her next boyfriend as she had with good old Milton. We saw how that turned out.
And no, Sidney, I'm not jesting."
July 2, 2015 at 3:01 PM
Boy are you stressed over your incredible stupidity.
Anonymous John D. Smith said...
"Sidney admits: I had preconceived notions about the layout of the apartments...
Some also think you had preconceived notions about a lot of other things as well...
Preconceived notions about the law...
Preconceived notions that Crystal had no legal liability because she was not consulted in the decision to remove Daye from life support
Preconceived notions that an esophageal intubation cut off Crystal's legal liability
Preconceived notions that because the initial prognosis was for a full recovery that Crystal had no legal liability
Preconceived notions that either Duke was responsible for Daye's death or Crystal was, but both could not be responsible
Preconceived notions that because Daye was the initial aggressor that Crystal could use any level of force even after he had broken off an attack
Preconceived notions about the felony murder rule
Preconceived notions about the admissibility of Daye's misdemeanor charges, even though charges were dropped
Preconceived notions about the ability to ask for a dismissal of charges before the trial began
Preconceived notions about the integrity of lawyers and judges
Preconceived notions about Crystal's credibility...
Preconceived notions that Crystal always tells the truth
Preconceived notions that a jury would find Crystal believeable
Preconceived notions that a jury would simply ignore those instances when Crystal's testimony was contradicted by physical evidence and othe witnesses
Preconceived notions that everyone is out to get Crystal
Sidney, you have a tendency to jump to conclusions first and then begin to gather the facts. You ignore evidence that contradicts your preconceived notions.
That strategy did not serve Crystal well."
John D. Smith
New York, NY
July 2, 2015 at 3:31 PM
Boy are you stressed over your incredible stupidity.
Nifong Supporter said...
Fake Kenhyderal said...
"Crystal tried to explain the layout to me, but when I was unable to comprehend it"
What's so difficult to comprehend about one apartment being next to the other?
I had preconceived notions about the layout of the apartments based on the photographs in the prosecution discovery, and when Crystal tried to explain the position of the apartments to me verbally (without graphic assistance such as a paper and pencil), I just thought that she had been mistaken. I was the one who was mistaken for not listening to her.
July 2, 2015 at 2:37 PM
Well, what else can one expect of an incredibly stupid liar who expects the word to believe he is a genius.
Sid wrote: "...My apology doesn't mean that I vouch for the truthfulness of everything she said... it just means that I admitted that I lacked a basis for my claim that her statements were perjury."
Now there's a non-apology if I ever read one. Try again Sid. Now you owe Ms. Hanes another apology.
Sid wrote: "I was the one who was mistaken for not listening to her."
Interesting, when she is telling the truth, you don't believe her, but when she is not telling the truth, you do. That says a lot about your ability to discern fact from fiction.
John D. Smith wrote: "Sidney admits: I had preconceived notions about the layout of the apartments...
Some also think you had preconceived notions about a lot of other things as well...
Preconceived notions about the law..."
Ding-Ding-Ding, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!
John D. Smith, that's a long list. Well done.
Sid wrote: "Hah! Walt, I am going to see that Crystal Mangum gets justice. It may take a bit of time... longer than I would want, but she will benefit from my efforts in the not too distant future. You and Abe better start drinking plenty of liquids so that you won't become dehydrated from the crying fits you'll suffer when Crystal is freed."
Sid, if Crystal had listened to her lawyers rather than you, she'd be out of prison by now.
Blogger guiowen said...
If those foolish Friends of CGM had explained to her, back in 2010, that she had dodged a bullet, and encouraged her to mend her ways, then maybe she'd be free and living with her children right now. Instead tehy got her thinking she could keep on acting with her next boyfriend as she had with good old Milton. We saw how that turned out.
And no, Sidney, I'm not jesting.
July 2, 2015 at 3:01 PM
It is rather obvious that no one has really given Ms. Mangum and her family the professional or common courtesy to receive adequate counseling and therapy at the times when it became obvious that she could benefit greatly from these services instead of continued exploitation. However, these services are typically provided by the state, Duke, and UNC in the area where Ms. Mangum would receive these services, typically through medicaid or other state and federal assistance.
Obviously Ms. Mangum and her family were not afforded proper assistance by the state, Duke and UNC, etc. in order to overcome the obvious psychological and physical trauma she was enduring throughout all of these cases.
Dr. Harr's lack of insight into this issue is simply indicative of the medical environment in relation to the science of being a human,(not just a lab rat), with a human brain that is rampant in this state with the harmful attitudes, policy, funding, massive corruption, and lack of services inherent in an environment where research and well funded drug trials trumps the medical and psychological health of any and all patients in this state.
It is the way it is, and total power corrupts totally as the saying goes. That is NC and has been for quite some time because of total power corruption in all levels and types of administration of public policy in this state.
Anonymous said...
"It is rather obvious that no one has really given Ms. Mangum and her family the professional or common courtesy to receive adequate counseling and therapy at the times when it became obvious that she could benefit greatly from these services instead of continued exploitation. However, these services are typically provided by the state, Duke, and UNC in the area where Ms. Mangum would receive these services, typically through medicaid or other state and federal assistance.
Obviously Ms. Mangum and her family were not afforded proper assistance by the state, Duke and UNC, etc. in order to overcome the obvious psychological and physical trauma she was enduring throughout all of these cases.
Dr. Harr's lack of insight into this issue is simply indicative of the medical environment in relation to the science of being a human,(not just a lab rat), with a human brain that is rampant in this state with the harmful attitudes, policy, funding, massive corruption, and lack of services inherent in an environment where research and well funded drug trials trumps the medical and psychological health of any and all patients in this state.
It is the way it is, and total power corrupts totally as the saying goes. That is NC and has been for quite some time because of total power corruption in all levels and types of administration of public policy in this state."
July 3, 2015 at 12:39 AM
Boy are you stressed over your incredible stupidity.
"It is rather obvious that no one has really given Ms. Mangum and her family the professional or common courtesy to receive adequate counseling and therapy at the times when it became obvious that she could benefit greatly from these services instead of continued exploitation"
Sometime between 2005-2007, Mangum suffered a mental breakdown and was taken to a hospital in Raleigh.
"However, these services are typically provided by the state, Duke, and UNC in the area where Ms. Mangum would receive these services, typically through medicaid or other state and federal assistance."
Was the college-educated Crystal Mangum eligible for state/federal assistance? At one time, she was making $1,500.00/week + $400.00/month in child support.....
Let's see ... the 2 major issues you checked on:
1. IDS Experts - you were WRONG
2. Layout of Apartment - you were WRONG
The things you still refuse to listen on:
1. Felony Murder Rule - you are WRONG
2. Daye's Prior Record - you are WRONG - Inadmissible
3. Prior Abuse - you are WRONG (kinda fits on what you checked on, since Crystal denied it).
You refuse to talk with anyone about your assumptions on the medical recrods, but you HAVE admitted you don't have the complete records. Why should we believe the explanation isn't out there? You won't talk to Dr. Roberts, you won't review the full records.
You are a total fraud who is just abusing poor Crystal for your own sick means.
Tinfoil and Kenny - this is the man you follow? How pathetic are you?
Name one thing he has been shown to be right on, after basic investigation? Yeah, he says what he wants on the autopsy, and Dr. Roberts - but he has shown, he comes to a decision on what he wants the answer to be, then ignore all facts and explanations that don't fit it. (He even discounted what Crystal said.) Do you honestly think he has any credibility left on anything?
He's a fraud and a fool, and you people are pathetic for still following him. He gets off on watching Crystal cry and abusing her, and you enable her.
That is sad.
Name one thing Sid has been right on - AFTER he has checked with outside sources to verify his assumptions. You can't. He won't check with those sources on the autopsy.
He's a fraud.
Anonymous said: "Name one thing Sid has been right on"................ Let's start with; Duke killed Daye by an unrecognized esophageal intubation.
Actually, it was Crystal who killed Daye.
kenhyderal said...
Anonymous said: "Name one thing Sid has been right on"................ Let's start with; Duke killed Daye by an unrecognized esophageal intubation.
July 3, 2015 at 10:24 AM
kenny again shows he is incredibly stupid
Kenhyderal wrote: "Anonymous said: "Name one thing Sid has been right on"................ Let's start with; Duke killed Daye by an unrecognized esophageal intubation."
No, you are wrong. Contributory negligence has no place in the criminal law.
Guiowen wrote: "Actually, it was Crystal who killed Daye."
Ding-Ding-Ding, ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!
Very clearly, Gui understands the law and Kenny doesn't.
" kenhyderal said...
Anonymous said: "Name one thing Sid has been right on"................ Let's start with; Duke killed Daye by an unrecognized esophageal intubation.
July 3, 2015 at 10:24 AM"
You got that wrong.
Boy are you and mr. harr viciously and incredibly stupid.
Actually Duke killed Day but the jury ruled that Crystal murdered Daye. The law says that if a non-lethal injury administered by someone sends an person to hospital where medical error kills him then the someone is guilty of murder but that is only if the medical error occurred while he was being treated for the non-lethal injury. Perhaps there is some medical expert witness who can show a Jury where acute alcohol withdrawal is most likely to occur in a alcoholic who is recovering from surgery.
kenhyderal said...
"Actually Duke killed Day but the jury ruled that Crystal murdered Daye. The law says that if a non-lethal injury administered by someone sends an person to hospital where medical error kills him then the someone is guilty of murder but that is only if the medical error occurred while he was being treated for the non-lethal injury. Perhaps there is some medical expert witness who can show a Jury where acute alcohol withdrawal is most likely to occur in a alcoholic who is recovering from surgery."
July 3, 2015 at 1:38 PM
You got that wrong.
Boy are you and mr. harr viciously and incredibly stupid.
Kenny speculates; Perhaps there is some medical expert witness....
Yes. Perhaps there is. Please produce the witness and stop the speculation.
" Anonymous Anonymous said...
Kenny speculates; Perhaps there is some medical expert witness....
Yes. Perhaps there is. Please produce the witness and stop the speculation.
July 3, 2015 at 4:45 PM"
For years kenny has been saying there is some unknown member of the Duke Lacrosse team who had witnessed the rape of crystal mangum. Said witness has not emerged in over 9 years but kenny insists he exists. Don't put a lot of stock in kenny's speculations.
Kenhyderal wrote: " The law says that if a non-lethal injury administered by someone sends an person to hospital where medical error kills him then the someone is guilty of murder but that is only if the medical error occurred while he was being treated for the non-lethal injury. Perhaps there is some medical expert witness who can show a Jury where acute alcohol withdrawal is most likely to occur in a alcoholic who is recovering from surgery."
No, that is not what the law says, and you well know it. The intervening cause must be the sole cause of death. That comes from the pattern jury instruction which you have quoted previously and which the Judge read to the jurors. The pattern jury instruction comes from the case law that I have previously cited. I would thing that after all these years, you could at least make an accurate statement of the law. Kenny, your argument is simply incredible.
It's not incredible since Kenny and some of his friends believe it.
guiowen said...
It's not incredible since Kenny and some of his friends believe it."
July 3, 2015 at 6:09 PM
Boy are you stressed over your incredible stupidity.
Anonymous 4:55:
I don't put a lot of stock in Kenny's speculation. I simply noted that he should put up,or shut up.
Walt said: "The intervening cause must be the SOLE cause of death"........................Ding-Ding-Ding, ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!
...and until you provide a medical expert who concludes otherwise, Nichols' and Roberts' opinions hold: Reginald Daye died as a result of complications from the stab wound. The esophageal intubation was NOT the SOLE cause of death.
Dr. Harr:
I believe you need to review the comment posted at 7:14 to determine whether it complies with the kenhyderal rule.
kenhyderal supporter:
I agree that the 7:14 comment should be removed.
However, I believe that Dr. Harr should implement a new "Abe Froman Rule" to clean up the "Clown Show" this site has become. Crystal Mangum is not helped by a site beset by trolls.
I suggest that Dr. Harr delete all posts that consist primarily of ad hominems, starting with all of the posts that call other posters "incredibly stupid" or "evil duke trolls" (or any of the many variants). He may also wish to remove the inane rambling posts that use many words to say nothing.
If Dr. Harr does not remove these posts, no one can take this site seriously.
Anonymous kenhyderal supporter supporter said...
kenhyderal supporter:
I agree that the 7:14 comment should be removed.
However, I believe that Dr. Harr should implement a new "Abe Froman Rule" to clean up the "Clown Show" this site has become. Crystal Mangum is not helped by a site beset by trolls.
I suggest that Dr. Harr delete all posts that consist primarily of ad hominems, starting with all of the posts that call other posters "incredibly stupid" or "evil duke trolls" (or any of the many variants). He may also wish to remove the inane rambling posts that use many words to say nothing.
If Dr. Harr does not remove these posts, no one can take this site seriously.
Boy are you stressed over your incredible stupidity.
If Dr. Harr removed all posts that have no substance, but just ad hominems - he'd have to remove almose all of his posts.
Look - this blog is a joke, the people who are posting on it either all know it's a joke and just post for the hell of it to annoy people, or are mentally ill and delusional like Tinfoil and actually believe this.
Since this website is nothing but a joke anyway - Dr. Harr needs to simply do what he does (which is lie and feed his ego) - he can't waste time reviewing comments to see which should, and should not, be removed. He admits he has limited time.
If you don't like the comments, don't read them, but let Dr. Harr focus on the next piece of shit he's gonna squeeze out and put in a shitlog, not on reviewing all the comments for things that over-sensitive nancies find offensive.
" Anonymous said...
If Dr. Harr removed all posts that have no substance, but just ad hominems - he'd have to remove almose all of his posts.
Look - this blog is a joke, the people who are posting on it either all know it's a joke and just post for the hell of it to annoy people, or are mentally ill and delusional like Tinfoil and actually believe this.
Since this website is nothing but a joke anyway - Dr. Harr needs to simply do what he does (which is lie and feed his ego) - he can't waste time reviewing comments to see which should, and should not, be removed. He admits he has limited time.
If you don't like the comments, don't read them, but let Dr. Harr focus on the next piece of shit he's gonna squeeze out and put in a shitlog, not on reviewing all the comments for things that over-sensitive nancies find offensive.
July 4, 2015 at 8:08 AM"
You should have said either Harr or Mr. Harr. He may have the degree but he is incapable of practicing or understanding anything medical.
" kenhyderal said...
Walt said: "The intervening cause must be the SOLE cause of death"........................Ding-Ding-Ding, ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!
July 3, 2015 at 8:20 PM"
And kenny is delusionally stupid if he believes he knows what the sole cause of Reginald Daye's murder.
There was no murder. The Jury got it wrong. I do know, however, what the sole cause of Daye's death was ; a medical error, while this chronic alcoholic was being treated for acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms. It's all there in Duke's records. Records the Jury never saw.
So, Kenny, go get the records, and ask for a new trial. What could be simpler?
A sarcastic man is a wounded man.
Of course, Kenny, Sid has admitted he doesn't have the complete Medical Records. And, given his track record of ignoring things that don't fit the story he wants to tell (as perfectly shown here, and admitted to by Sid) - are you confident he isn't wrong here?
Have you looked at ALL of the records yourself, or are you relying on Sid, who has admitted he doesn't pay attention to things that don't fit his preconceived notion of what he wants to have happen?
Why do you still believe anything Sid has to say?
I am wounded by Kenhyderal's obstinate refusal to recognize all that I do to help him, by hi refusal to take the good advice I give.
" kenhyderal said...
There was no murder. The Jury got it wrong. I do know, however, what the sole cause of Daye's death was ; a medical error, while this chronic alcoholic was being treated for acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms. It's all there in Duke's records. Records the Jury never saw.
July 4, 2015 at 9:17 PM"
Considering your background in matters medical, or rather your total lac thereof, you are incapable of comprehending what is in the medical record. Again,you are a deaf blind man saying I hear and see everything.
kenny said:
"I do know, however, what the sole cause of Daye's death was ; a medical error, while this chronic alcoholic was being treated for acute alcohol withdrawal symptoms."
A "chronic alcoholic" who would still be alive today but for the fact that Mangum stabbed him.
A "chronic alcoholic" who would have never been hospitalized or intubated, or subjected to any medical procedures, but for the fact that Mangum stabbed him.
There's your proximate cause. It's the real proximate cause; not Sid's "Acme Law" version of it. It is what the law says. It is what Mangum's lawyers and lawyers on this website have been explaining for years. It is what the trial judge instructed and the jury followed in reaching its verdict. It is what an appeals court is bound by law to uphold. It is why, absent a favorable ruling on the 404(b) evidence, Mangum remains in prison for the duration of her sentence. No amount of prevarication, misrepresentation or wishful thinking can change it.
Please remember to cook your sausages thoroughly this weekend!
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Note: I'm too busy right now to ponder the proposed Abe Froman rule. Will get back to it later.
It has been adjudged that Comment 07-03-15 @ 7:14pm is in violation of the kenhyderal doctrine and has therefore been deleted. Keep in mind that the F___ word is not welcome on this site.
If it means anything, I am against the so-called Abe Froman rule.
Deleting comments that contain profanity and vulgarity is one thing. Deleting comments based on content or perceived lack thereof is another thing altogether. The proposed Abe Froman rules comes close to the latter.
If people can only make their point thru ad hominems and name calling they should be allowed to do so. Readers can draw their own conclusions re: the merits of the position of the posters who resort to such tactics.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
I respectfully disagree. Although you are certainly correct that readers can draw conclusions about the strength of the arguments advanced by posters who resort to name calling, it is unfair to force other readers to wade through dozens of such posts to get to one where a poster actually makes a credible argument.
Abe said: "There's your proximate cause. It's the real proximate cause; not Sid's "Acme Law" version of it. It is what the law says. It is what Mangum's lawyers and lawyers on this website have been explaining for years. It is what the trial judge instructed and the jury followed in reaching its verdict. It is what an appeals court is bound by law to uphold"............................................................................ That is not my reading of the Welch or Holsclaw rulings. It's not my understanding either of Judge Ridgeway's instructions to the Jury but, if that is the case, then to quote Dickens, "if the law presumes that then the law is an ass". Just because Crystal's self defence actions sent Daye to hospital, where he was killed by being treated for a condition that independently arose, while he was confined there and that condition was unrelated to the action Crystal took, how then can she be guilty of murdering Daye. If Crystal had pushed him away from her and he fell and broke his ankle the same result could have ensued and are you then saying, that if it did, Crystal would also, likewise, be guilty of murder. There are valid and common sense reasons for rulings such as the Welch and Holsclaw but they have no application to this case. In cases with circumstances such as this a new court ruling is, perhaps, needed. I naively relied on Meier to subpoena witnesses such as the surgeons who did the wound repair and the treating, personnel in the ICU to indicate the lack of nexus between the wound and Daye's death. I'm sure a jury, had they heard this evidence about alcoholic withdrawal and delirium tremens, using common sense would conclude that this was an accidental death not a murder
" kenhyderal said...
Abe said: "There's your proximate cause. It's the real proximate cause; not Sid's "Acme Law" version of it. It is what the law says. It is what Mangum's lawyers and lawyers on this website have been explaining for years. It is what the trial judge instructed and the jury followed in reaching its verdict. It is what an appeals court is bound by law to uphold"............................................................................ That is not my reading of the Welch or Holsclaw rulings. It's not my understanding either of Judge Ridgeway's instructions to the Jury but, if that is the case, then to quote Dickens, "if the law presumes that then the law is an ass". Just because Crystal's self defence actions sent Daye to hospital, where he was killed by being treated for a condition that independently arose, while he was confined there and that condition was unrelated to the action Crystal took, how then can she be guilty of murdering Daye. If Crystal had pushed him away from her and he fell and broke his ankle the same result could have ensued and are you then saying, that if it did, Crystal would also, likewise, be guilty of murder. There are valid and common sense reasons for rulings such as the Welch and Holsclaw but they have no application to this case. In cases with circumstances such as this a new court ruling is, perhaps, needed. I naively relied on Meier to subpoena witnesses such as the surgeons who did the wound repair and the treating, personnel in the ICU to indicate the lack of nexus between the wound and Daye's death. I'm sure a jury, had they heard this evidence about alcoholic withdrawal and delirium tremens, using common sense would conclude that this was an accidental death not a murder
July 5, 2015 at 3:54 PM"
I say again, kenny is a deaf blind man who claims he sees and hears everything.
You are being intentionally dishonest.
1. The jury founded that Crystal did not act in self-defense. They found her stabbing was not in self-defense. Thus, your statement that "Crystal's self defence actions sent Daye to hospital" is an inaccurate description of the facts of the case as determined by the jury.
2. Nichols concluded that Daye died from complications from the stab wound. The jury relied on this conclusion in determining the medical facts of the case. The defense expert, Roberts, agreed with this conclusion. Importantly, no experts disagreed with this conclusion. In the 19 months since the conviction, you and Sidney have failed to provide an expert to support your non-expert opinions. You rely entirely on testimony that was not used in trial and that you do not know what they would have said. Until you provide an expert or affidavits from the medical personnel you claim you would have called, this argument is intellectually dishonest at best.
3. If Crystal had pushed him away while he was attacking her, no one is saying that Crystal would have been responsible had he died as a result of complications from his treatment. Had Crystal not acted in self-defense in pushing him, she could be found guilty of manslaughter. No one has claimed she would be guilty of murder. This is a straw man argument.
4. I note that your primary defense of Crystal is based on your attempt to discredit Daye. You claimed the players' attorneys were unethical when they discredited Crystal. I assume you agree that you are also unethical.
I suggest you apologize for your dishonest post.
John D. Smith
New York, NY
Kenhyderal said,
"I naively relied on Meier to subpoena witnesses such as the surgeons who did the wound repair and the treating, personnel in the ICU to indicate the lack of nexus between the wound and Daye's death."
So tell us, Kenny, what you would have done if you were not so incredibly naive.
John D. said: "Had Crystal not acted in self-defense in pushing him, she could be found guilty of manslaughter`.............................................. So why was she, in this case, charged with murder? Prosecutorial discretion? The Duke Lacrosse Trial Lawyers, unable to discredit Crystal with facts resorted to planting lies and innuendo that she was a mentally ill drug addicted prostitute. My contention that Daye was an drunken jealous enraged alcoholic is born out by the facts.
Do you think there is a difference between pushing and stabbing?
And your contention that Crystal was not a mentally ill drug addicted prostitute is based on what? The decision by the court to seal Mangum's 1,000 page mental health records? The failure of the DPD to investigate her prescription drug records and to interview her escort clients?
"kenhyderal said...
John D. said: "Had Crystal not acted in self-defense in pushing him, she could be found guilty of manslaughter`.............................................. So why was she, in this case, charged with murder? Prosecutorial discretion? The Duke Lacrosse Trial Lawyers, unable to discredit Crystal with facts resorted to planting lies and innuendo that she was a mentally ill drug addicted prostitute. My contention that Daye was an drunken jealous enraged alcoholic is born out by the facts.
July 5, 2015 at 9:51 PM"
Another prtestation from deaf and blind kenny that he sees and hears everything.
Kenhyderal wrote: "That is not my reading of the Welch or Holsclaw rulings."
Your reading is flawed.
"It's not my understanding either of Judge Ridgeway's instructions to the Jury but, if that is the case, then to quote Dickens, "if the law presumes that then the law is an ass"."
Your understanding is just as flawed. But, no, the law is not an ass. In fact there are very sound reasons dating back hundreds of years why we hold criminals responsible for the proximate results of their actions.
"Just because Crystal's self defence actions sent Daye to hospital, where he was killed by being treated for a condition that independently arose, while he was confined there and that condition was unrelated to the action Crystal took, how then can she be guilty of murdering Daye."
You just proved the point. Daye was sent to the hospital by Crystal's action. Thus, she is responsible for the outcome, no matter how fatal it might be. Further, you are disregarding the facts of the case. She didn't stab him in self defense. The assault had ended and Crystal should have fled. Instead, she armed herself and escalated the assault. That's where she got afoul of the law.
"There are valid and common sense reasons for rulings such as the Welch and Holsclaw but they have no application to this case."
Wrong again. They have every application to this case. That's what is called the rule of law. The law applies to all, not just those you want it to.
"In cases with circumstances such as this a new court ruling is, perhaps, needed. I naively relied on Meier to subpoena witnesses such as the surgeons who did the wound repair and the treating, personnel in the ICU to indicate the lack of nexus between the wound and Daye's death."
Except they would not have so testified. They would all have said, as the two experts who are available, that Daye's death resulted from complications of a stab wound.
"I'm sure a jury, had they heard this evidence about alcoholic withdrawal and delirium tremens, using common sense would conclude that this was an accidental death not a murder."
No, they would have used common sense and found her guilty because that's what the expert evidence shows. Her own expert, I might add.
Fortunately, Meier didn't listen to your uninformed and very poorly thought out ideas. Unfortunately, Crystal did. Doing so, she ended up with a much longer sentence than she would have gotten with a plea deal.
To repeat myself, with friends like Kenny, Crystal doesn't need any enemies.
kenhyderal said...
Abe said: "There's your proximate cause. It's the real proximate cause; not Sid's "Acme Law" version of it. It is what the law says. It is what Mangum's lawyers and lawyers on this website have been explaining for years. It is what the trial judge instructed and the jury followed in reaching its verdict. It is what an appeals court is bound by law to uphold"............................................................................ That is not my reading of the Welch or Holsclaw rulings. It's not my understanding either of Judge Ridgeway's instructions to the Jury but, if that is the case, then to quote Dickens, "if the law presumes that then the law is an ass". Just because Crystal's self defence actions sent Daye to hospital, where he was killed by being treated for a condition that independently arose, while he was confined there and that condition was unrelated to the action Crystal took, how then can she be guilty of murdering Daye. If Crystal had pushed him away from her and he fell and broke his ankle the same result could have ensued and are you then saying, that if it did, Crystal would also, likewise, be guilty of murder. There are valid and common sense reasons for rulings such as the Welch and Holsclaw but they have no application to this case. In cases with circumstances such as this a new court ruling is, perhaps, needed. I naively relied on Meier to subpoena witnesses such as the surgeons who did the wound repair and the treating, personnel in the ICU to indicate the lack of nexus between the wound and Daye's death. I'm sure a jury, had they heard this evidence about alcoholic withdrawal and delirium tremens, using common sense would conclude that this was an accidental death not a murder
I find it hard to understand the confusion of those surrounding the proximate cause issue as you have sensibly, clearly, and repeatedly explained it. It is, I believe, because there are many individuals who don't want to accept the truth that Mangum is not responsible for Daye's death. Mangum detractors, for example, are unable to explain exactly how the stab wound culminated in Daye's brain death or actual death. That's something that neither Dr. Nichols nor Dr. Roberts can explain. The truth is that the stab wound was totally unrelated to Daye's brain death or actual death... and Walt, Abe and others of their ilk refuse to acknowledge the truths as long as they are supportive of Mangum. They are hardly open-minded.
Walt, there are two sides to every story, and you are taking Daye's version as gospel. Daye's version makes absolutely no sense. That morning he tormented and abused Mangum, knocking down the locked bathroom door and dragging her out by her hair. Daye should've been charged with domestic violence, and assault on a female. It was only after the physical assaults she sustained that Mangum stabbed Daye who was astride her in the process of choking the life out of her. If that's not self-defense, then I don't know what is.
The revised sharlog is well underway, and I am hoping to have it posted by week's end. It will replace the one currently posted and not entered as a separate new document.
Got to get back home and work on it.
As you were.
Where is the public apology to Aykia Hanes? A public defamation should call for a public apology.
Sid wrote: I find it hard to understand the confusion of those surrounding the proximate cause issue as you have sensibly, clearly, and repeatedly explained it."
Well Sid, you are the one who refuses to understand. That's all on you.
"It is, I believe, because there are many individuals who don't want to accept the truth that Mangum is not responsible for Daye's death."
Except, she is. Had she not stabbed him, Daye would not have been in the hospital, and he would not have died. Assuming, for the sake of argument that he died as a result of medical malpractice.
"Mangum detractors, for example, are unable to explain exactly how the stab wound culminated in Daye's brain death or actual death."
It's not a case of detractors, Sid. It's the evidence. Even Crystal's own expert says he died as a result of her stabbing.
"The truth is that the stab wound was totally unrelated to Daye's brain death or actual death... and Walt, Abe and others of their ilk refuse to acknowledge the truths as long as they are supportive of Mangum."
That is not the truth. The truth is, two competent medical professionals with a great deal of experience concluded otherwise. One testified as such. Another was prepared to.
"They are hardly open-minded."
Your definition of open-minded seems to include only those who agree with you. That is not open-minded.
Sid wrote: "Walt, there are two sides to every story, and you are taking Daye's version as gospel."
No, I am looking at the evidence. I was prepared to believe anyone. Daye's version lined up with the physical evidence.
"Daye's version makes absolutely no sense. That morning he tormented and abused Mangum, knocking down the locked bathroom door and dragging her out by her hair. Daye should've been charged with domestic violence, and assault on a female. It was only after the physical assaults she sustained that Mangum stabbed Daye who was astride her in the process of choking the life out of her. If that's not self-defense, then I don't know what is."
Except you are the one ignoring the evidence. The evidence is, Crystal escaped. But, she did not flee. Instead, she armed herself and inflicted a stab wound. That is the crux of the case that you, Sid, continually ignore.
Nifong Supporter said...
"I find it hard to understand the confusion of those surrounding the proximate cause issue as you(kenny) have sensibly, clearly, and repeatedly explained it."
mr. harr shows that, like kenny, he is a deaf blind man who claims to see and hear everything.
Nifong Supporter said...
"Walt, there are two sides to every story, and you are taking Daye's version as gospel. Daye's version makes absolutely no sense."
Blind, deaf mr. harr again claims he sees and hears everything.
Walt said: " The evidence is, Crystal escaped"..... So said Daye in his unexamined statement. The physical evidence could support that scenario but it could also support Crystal's sworn testimony concerning the event. What piece of physical evidence definitively refutes her version. What piece of evidence definitely confirms Daye's un-examined version. Lets then resort to common sense. A larger, stronger, drunken, jealous, enraged Daye, first by his own admission, attempts to stop Crystal from leaving him. Suddenly he comes to his senses, breaks off his attack and attempts to flee his own apartment, when he is attacked by a knife wielding Crystal. The explanation for the scattered knives is what? Whose version of the event has Crystal hurling knives?
" kenhyderal said...
Walt said: " The evidence is, Crystal escaped"..... So said Daye in his unexamined statement. The physical evidence could support that scenario but it could also support Crystal's sworn testimony concerning the event. What piece of physical evidence definitively refutes her version. What piece of evidence definitely confirms Daye's un-examined version. Lets then resort to common sense. A larger, stronger, drunken, jealous, enraged Daye, first by his own admission, attempts to stop Crystal from leaving him. Suddenly he comes to his senses, breaks off his attack and attempts to flee his own apartment, when he is attacked by a knife wielding Crystal. The explanation for the scattered knives is what? Whose version of the event has Crystal hurling knives?
July 6, 2015 at 2:21 PM"
kenny the deaf blind man again saying I see and hear everything.
Reginald Daye was angry, and he perhaps threw a knife. At some point he realized he was acting improperly, let Crystal go, and started to walk away. Crystal, who had in the past been told that she could attack her boyfriends and they would never testify against her, decided to let Reggie see that he could not get away with mistreating her. She therefore stabbed him. The only problem is she actually killed him, so it was no longer a question of whether he would testify against her.
Too bad, Reggie! Too too bad, Crystal!
Guiowen said: "At some point he realized he was acting improperly"...............Daye came to his senses? Yeah sure he did. At least that's what he said in his self serving unexamined statement. What physical evidence backed up this implausible scenario. You say perhaps he threw a knife. Make that knives, most likely hurled with deadly intent. This man had a history of throwing knives. He also had in his possession an illegal weapon ie. brass knuckles.
The physical evidence did not support Crystal's self serving testimony. As a result, the jury rejected it. Crystal was stunned. She has been told in the past that a jury is required to believe everything she says (except to ignore statements that can be proven false with absolute certainty). Even if improbable, none of her statements could be proven false. Inexplicably, this jury did not follow those rules.
Kenny, please stop whining. You have tried this general "there is doubt" argument before, and no one is buying it.
Face reality. Crystal was convicted of murder and, barring a successful appeal on an issue you have ignored completely, she will be in prison for a long time.
Most of the readers here have a reasonable understanding of the facts and the law. As a result, most readers are convinced the jury made the correct decision, albeit many readers (including myself) thought manslaughter was the more appropriate charge. Nothing you or Sidney have said has changed anyone's opinion. That is not because readers are "biased." You and Sidney are both remarkably unpersuasive. You both misstate the law and refuse to provide legal research to support your opinions. You cherry pick the evidence and berate others who have considered the evidence you ignore. You ask others to change their opinions because of evidence not used in the trial or even known to exist. You tell us, with no knowledge, what uncalled witness would have said in their testimony and what nonexistent evidence would have proven. When an argument has been shown to be ineffective, you do not modify it in response to criticism. Rather you repeat the same ineffective argument over and over and over... This is not persuasive.
I can conclude only that either (1) you genuinely do believe that Crystal was unfairly convicted and are simply have absolutely no skill at convincing others (even if you are a "master debater") or (2) you care nothing about Crystal, but simply want to annoy others.
" kenhyderal said...
Guiowen said: "At some point he realized he was acting improperly"...............Daye came to his senses? Yeah sure he did. At least that's what he said in his self serving unexamined statement. What physical evidence backed up this implausible scenario. You say perhaps he threw a knife. Make that knives, most likely hurled with deadly intent. This man had a history of throwing knives. He also had in his possession an illegal weapon ie. brass knuckles.
July 6, 2015 at 4:27 PM"
Another passage from kenny the deaf blind man who says he sees and hears everything.
Mangum's opinion was handed down by the Court of Appeals today - unanimous - no error.
Sid and Kenny don't want to face the reality that Mangum will not soon be walking free and her conviction will not be overturned. I'll be happy to present them with a crying towel
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Where is the public apology to Aykia Hanes? A public defamation should call for a public apology.
Hah! Hold your horses. Rome wasn't built in a day.
Kenhyderal wrote: "So said Daye in his unexamined statement. The physical evidence could support that scenario but it could also support Crystal's sworn testimony concerning the event. What piece of physical evidence definitively refutes her version. What piece of evidence definitely confirms Daye's un-examined version."
This is exactly why the R404 and 403(b) evidence is so damning. The jury was allowed to hear she had resorted to violence once she was calmed down before and specifically to knives.
"Lets then resort to common sense. A larger, stronger, drunken, jealous, enraged Daye, first by his own admission, attempts to stop Crystal from leaving him. Suddenly he comes to his senses, breaks off his attack and attempts to flee his own apartment, when he is attacked by a knife wielding Crystal. The explanation for the scattered knives is what? Whose version of the event has Crystal hurling knives?"
Speculation only and not supported by the evidence. Further, Crystal's testimony on this point is far to inconsistent with what the officers found at the scene to be believed. Further, her testimony on this point was in such different quality to her testimony on the checks issue that I found her incredible.
" Nifong Supporter said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Where is the public apology to Aykia Hanes? A public defamation should call for a public apology.
Hah! Hold your horses. Rome wasn't built in a day.
July 7, 2015 at 7:04 AM"
mr. harr thinks his making an apology to Ms. Hanes is the equivalent to the building of Rome.
Cane we say incredibly conceited and megalomaniacal, boys and girls.
Only a rather unapologetic deluded megalomaniac would think crafting an apology would be such an effort.
Anonymous said...
"Mangum's opinion was handed down by the Court of Appeals today - unanimous - no error."
At least Sid has something to shlog about for the next ten or more years. So there's that.
The arc of the moral universe continues to bend towards justice.
Sid and kenny,
The reason the arc keeps moving farther and farther away from you is because you are on the wrong side of justice.
"Hah! Hold your horses. Rome wasn't built in a day."
It should only take you a few minutes to take down the current sharlog and replace it with a message publicly apologizing to Aykia Hanes.
Write your apology and give me access to your blog, and I'll even do it for you.
Can you (or someone else) post a link to the decision?
Also, does anyone know the status of Dr. Harr's appeal to the Supreme Court?
I tried looking for the decision on the Court of Appeals website. Apparently they are current only thru 7/06. If the opinion was handed down today, we should be able to find it online tomorrow.
Click on the 2015 it's there - they just haven't updated the homepage.
Anonymous said: "Mangum's opinion was handed down by the Court of Appeals today - unanimous - no error".....................This comes as no surprise to me since I knew using the 404(b) evidence as the basis for an appeal would come to naught. It had already been fully adjudicated by Judge Ridgeway. You could see that coming from the onset. Most likely Petersen also knew it was a long-shot but going that route saved her from going after Duke and stating that Meier had given an inadequate defence No benefit going after them for the sake of a unpopular and marginalized person like Crystal. The real reason to have the verdict over turned and a new trial ordered is because the Jury, through no fault of their own, because they never received all the evidence they needed, got it wrong. a: there was no murder b: Crystal wounded Daye in self-defence c. the esophageal intubation was the SOLE cause of Daye's unfortunate demise and there was no nexus between the wound and his death. Once again Justice is thwarted there and the poor and minority people pay the price in the land of covert but shameful racism.
"kenhyderal said...
Anonymous said: "Mangum's opinion was handed down by the Court of Appeals today - unanimous - no error".....................This comes as no surprise to me since I knew using the 404(b) evidence as the basis for an appeal would come to naught. It had already been fully adjudicated by Judge Ridgeway. You could see that coming from the onset. Most likely Petersen also knew it was a long-shot but going that route saved her from going after Duke and stating that Meier had given an inadequate defence No benefit going after them for the sake of a unpopular and marginalized person like Crystal. The real reason to have the verdict over turned and a new trial ordered is because the Jury, through no fault of their own, because they never received all the evidence they needed, got it wrong. a: there was no murder b: Crystal wounded Daye in self-defence c. the esophageal intubation was the SOLE cause of Daye's unfortunate demise and there was no nexus between the wound and his death. Once again Justice is thwarted there and the poor and minority people pay the price in the land of covert but shameful racism.
July 7, 2015 at 10:02 AM"
Another iteration of kenny, the blind deaf man saying I see ad hear everything.
"Crystal wounded Daye in self-defence"
The law states otherwise:
"...defendant’s actions following the stabbing suggest that she had not killed in self-defense and indicate a desire to avoid responsibility and prosecution for her actions. After Daye left the apartment, stabbed and bleeding, defendant told a concerned neighbor that everything was fine. Instead of trying to render aid to Daye, defendant fled to Howard’s apartment, where she called James Williams (“Williams”), a friend and detention officer. Despite being told by Williams to return to the apartment and call 911, defendant refused to comply with either command. Although defendant eventually dialed 911, she hung up and laid down on the floor. “Defendant’s flight after [Daye’s stabbing] is clear evidence from which the jury could reasonably infer that defendant knew that [s]he had not killed in self-defense, otherwise [s]he would have stayed and waited for the police to come, or [s]he would have called the police [her]self....” State v. Kirby"
Hello, Anne Petersen,
I hope you understand that Kenhyderal has just about had it with lawyers like you, who refuse to give an adequate defense to poor innocent mothers of three. He is Crystal's best friend (and a master debater to boot) and is not going to let you get away with this.
You had better reach out to him and EXPLAIN your actions, or else.
Have I made myself clear?
Don't worry, Kenny. We'll soon have Petersen begging for forgiveness.
Aren't you happy to have me helping you?
I still like how Kenny refuses to do anything for himself, or reach out to anyone. He hopes they still monitor this website and will respond to him. However, the attorneys have always known Sid's analysis of just about everything is a joke - and he's been proven completely incorrect on several of them, so I doubt anyone follows this anymore, but the 1 or 2 deluded Sid Harr followers, TinFoil, and the handful of people who like to mock them (many of whom are the same person posting as different people).
Kenny, the appeal is over. Since it was unanimous there is no automatic review in the Supreme Court.
Whether she has any other avenues - let the others speak to that - but this case is done. Sid got most of his wish - he wanted her to die in prison with LWOP, but he still got a lot of years.
Kenyhderal wrote: "This comes as no surprise to me since I knew using the 404(b) evidence as the basis for an appeal would come to naught. It had already been fully adjudicated by Judge Ridgeway."
After all these years, and you either do not know what a court of appeals is for, or you simply choose to ignore what it is for. The COA only reviews errors made by the trial judge. Courts of appeal do not weigh evidence. Nor, do they receive new evidence.
"The real reason to have the verdict over turned and a new trial ordered is because the Jury, through no fault of their own, because they never received all the evidence they needed, got it wrong. a: there was no murder b: Crystal wounded Daye in self-defence c. the esophageal intubation was the SOLE cause of Daye's unfortunate demise and there was no nexus between the wound and his death."
This argument would have required evidence in the way of an expert to offer an opinion that the treatment was for a separate matter and the death was the sole cause of this separate matter. As you know, contributory negligence has no place in the criminal law. So, that expert cannot testify that the treatment was malpractice. If so, it would constitute contributory negligence and thus not the sole cause. Unfortunately for Crystal, this evidence does not exist. Crystal does have evidence that confirms Dr. Nichols' opinion that Daye's death is the result of her stabbing. That information is available to all because Sid breached Crystal's confidence and disclosed the fact that her expert agreed with the Medical Examiner.
But, we all already know that with friends like Sid and Kenny, Crystal doesn't really need any enemies.
This comes as no surprise to me since I knew using the 404(b) evidence as the basis for an appeal would come to naught. It had already been fully adjudicated by Judge Ridgeway.
If it hadn't been argued before Judge Ridgeway, it couldn't be raised on appeal.
Petersen was reluctant to use inadequate defence by Meier as grounds for the appeal. Nor did she seek out the expert witnesses at Duke who treated Daye that could confirm there was no murder. If a Jury gets it wrong because they were not given adequate information it would only seem reasonable to seek out and provide that evidence to the COA so they could order a new trial in light of this.
Peterson had no reason to talk to expert witnesses at Duke - she couldn't introduce no new evidence. Plus, she raises Ineffective Assistance of Counsel in many appeals - appellate attorneys do it all the time - if she thought it was warranted, I don't know why she would have been reluctant to raise it.
And, you still ignore that the experts who were consulted agreed it was complications from a stab wound - 1 even acknowledged everything Sid wanted, and still concluded that - why you and Sid think she was lying then, and wouldn't have had ways to back it up on the stand just shows your delusion. Dr. Roberts wasn't going to fold.
And, you keep assuming the doctors weren't talked to - because you claim no one told Crystal what was said - but you know that Crystal was told repeatedly there was no evidence to contradict Dr. Roberts.
You simply won't ask anyone if they did that much (and you've already said if Meier told you he did, you'd call him a liar - yet you still seem surprised he won't talk to you - assuming he sees this).
You are delusional, and still abusing Crystal - move on. Sadly there are many other vulnerable women you and Sid can abuse and punish.
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