"Abe said: "Can you list some of the slanderous things that the defendants in the lacrosse case, their families or their attorneys said about Mangum"..................... They were far too sophisticated to do that directly. They relied on surrogates who systematically disseminated gossip and slander far and wide. They were so successful that people who do not actually know Crystal have come to believe their false characterizations"
Meaning hissy fit can not list anything. Nothing more.
I am glad to see you admit that the defendants in the lacrosse case, their families and their attorneys never uttered a single slanderous statement about Mangum.
Please name the surrogates who they relied on and the slander they disseminated far and wide. Be as specific as possible. Be sure to include the evidence you have connecting the players, their families and attorneys to these so-called surrogates. Or did we just catch you telling yet another lie?
Also, it is not slander to call Mangum mentally ill or a prostitute (or escort, if you prefer that term). Those facts are amply established. While Mangum has a history of abusing drugs and alcohol, she may or may not be an addict.
Your advocacy would be more effective and you would be taken more seriously if you stopped lying all the time.
"JSwift said: "I have asked you several times before, and you have always ignored the question: why is it unethical to "cast doubt on the character" of a person who has falsely accused you (or your clients) of felonies"..................... You must be a Lawyer. Maybe it's not considered unethical in that profession but it does seem to be immoral to most to re-victimize the victim." It would be up to the Courts to decide if the accusation was false."
First, since it has been established that crystal was the victimizer, not the victim, no one can re-victimize her.
Second, hissy fit, yet one more time, is ducking the issue.
"It would be up to the Courts to decide if the accusation was false."
in crystal's trial for the murder of Reginald Daye the court decided the accusation was true.
So far as the Duke Rape hoax, this is another iteration of a harrian idea, that no one can prove crystal lied. What the court decides is guilt or innocence. The obligation to prove rests with the prosecution t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crystal told the truth. All the evidence showed she did not. An ethical prosecutor(which nifong was not) would not have prosecuted.
"Anonymous said: "Please provide examples"....................... Examples can be frequently found on this an other blogs; such as the unfounded and untrue slander that Crystal was a drug addicted and mentally ill prostitute. Anyone who actually knows her knows that that is not the case".
Which means you do not know her. There was evidence crystal was an addict, and the DNA from males found on her person indicatesshe was a prostitute. The story of the cab theft, which crystal distorts in her excuse for a meor suggests she was a sex worker.
Kenny states: You must be a Lawyer. Maybe it's not considered unethical in that profession but it does seem to be immoral to most to re-victimize the victim. It would be up to the Courts to decide if the accusation was false.
No. I am not a lawyer. How is it "re-victimizing the victim" if the supposed victim made false accusations?
That was the premise of my question which you have ignored even as you answer a different question.
"Walt said: "You mean the three innocent young men who did not attack her. The three innocent young men who did nothing wrong. Those innocent young men who were wrongfully accused.".......................................................... One, perhaps two, of them, thanks to a flawed and improperly conducted photo line-up, were wrongfully accused."
You continue to duck the issue, that nifong ordered the improper lineup because he did not have any evidence against the Lacrosse team, the people he wanted to prosecute.
nifong did not have any DNA evidence to tie any of the Lacrosse team to the alleged rape, as you have admitted multiple times on this blog. The only DNA evidence he had did not match the DNA of any lacrosse team member. I remind you, the sexual assault crystal alleged was a gang rape perpetrated by multiple members of the Lacrosse team who, not using condoms, penetrated her and ejaculated upon her.
You rant and rave that no attempt was made to identify the men who had left their DNA on her, and came up with the mystery rapist piece of clap trap. I remind you, nifong, who you say was fighting for justice for crystal, had custody of the DNA evidence and nifong concealed it rather than trace it back to its sources. You can scream and cry all you want that nifong did not conceal that evidence. It is a matter of public record that nifong did conceal that evidence. What that meant was that nifong did not believe crystal had been raped, and tracing the evidence back to its sources would have confirmed she had not been raped on the night of 13/14 March 2006. nifong, who you again, was fighting for justice for crystal, knew there had been no crime, but wanted to convict members of the Lacrosse team anyway.
This is another issue you do not want to confront. And all your contortions to avoid the issue establish you are incredibly stupid.
Kenny, describing the use of "surrogates" to slander Crystal: They were far too sophisticated to do that directly. They relied on surrogates who systematically disseminated gossip and slander far and wide. They were so successful that people who do not actually know Crystal have come to believe their false characterizations
The best example of a "surrogate" slandering Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son.
Dr. Anonymous said: " I remind you, the sexual assault crystal alleged was a gang rape perpetrated by multiple members of the Lacrosse team who, not using condoms, penetrated her and ejaculated upon her"...................................No, it was by attendees at their party.
Dr. Anonymous said: "I remind you, the sexual assault crystal alleged was a gang rape perpetrated by multiple members of the Lacrosse team who, not using condoms, penetrated her and ejaculated upon her" Kenny replied: ."No, it was by attendees at their party."
You are both wrong. She specifically alleged that David Evans, Colin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann, who, not using condoms, penetrated her and ejaculated upon her.
Abe said:" Be sure to include the evidence you have connecting the players, their families and attorneys to these so-called surrogates. Or did we just catch you telling yet another lie"................................................It was initially done anonymously after their investigation into Crystal came up with nothing other then the 2002 incident when Crystal was 23. This was misdemeanor larceny not grand theft auto. The charge related only to the taking of the keys. Crystal maintains that the keys were handed to her by the driver and apparently the prosecutor believed her. They could find no evidence of prostitution or illegal drug use as they hoped. Apparently they didn't feel this record was sufficient to tarnish Crystal sufficiently to make it seem likely she would fabricate a story about being sexually assaulted for the motive of shaking down Duke students As always gossip takes on a life of it's own. The blog Liestoppers was formed simply to support the Lacrosse Players. The liar supposedly being Crystal. Posters on that blog like those on this blog repeatedly make slanderous comments about Crystal Notably, Walt, Joan Foster and KC Johnson to cite a few of those who do not post anonymously
Anonymous said: "The best example of a "surrogate" slandering Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son".............................. This disgusting interpretation of DA Nifong's innocent comment says more about you then about former DA Nifong
"Dr. Anonymous said: " I remind you, the sexual assault crystal alleged was a gang rape perpetrated by multiple members of the Lacrosse team who, not using condoms, penetrated her and ejaculated upon her"...................................No, it was by attendees at their party."
You get it wrong yet again. She accused members of the Lacrosse team.
Kenny reacts: Anonymous said: "The best example of a "surrogate" slandering Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son".............................. This disgusting interpretation of DA Nifong's innocent comment says more about you then about former DA Nifong
Two can troll. I will continue to re-post the same comment every time you post unless you acknowledge that Nifong"s comment was wrong.
You have three options: (1) stop posting and go away; (2) acknowledge that Nifong's comment was wrong; or (3) enjoy the repetitive reminders.
"Anonymous said: "The best example of a "surrogate" slandering Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son".............................. This disgusting interpretation of DA Nifong's innocent comment says more about you then about former DA Nifong".
Rather, this disgusting statement by nifong was a rather desperate and stupid attempt to explain why he concealed the DNA evidence rather than trace it back to the sources.
And your response is a stupid desperate attempt on your part to dodge the issue, why nifong concealed the DNA evidence rather than identify the sources.
The most credible explanation is that nifong did not believe crystal was raped, but he wanted to convict Lacrosse players of the crime, and finding the sources would establish that crystal had not been raped at the party.
I again remind you that you have provided zero evidence that there were unidentified party attendees. And as you are asserting there were, you have the obligation to prove.
The key-word here being CORRECT. It appears that racism is alive and well in the so-called land of the free. Dr. Harr please don't be so tolerant and flush this foul excrement off this thread
Dr. Anonymous said: You get it wrong yet again. She accused members of the Lacrosse team"........................................... Crystal had no idea who was a Player and who was not.
Anonymous said: " I will continue to re-post the same comment every time you post"................................. Who are you and which comment of yours do you intend to chant?
"Dr. Anonymous said: You get it wrong yet again. She accused members of the Lacrosse team"........................................... Crystal had no idea who was a Player and who was not."
Yes she did. So far as your mystery rapist clap trap, you have presented zero evidence of the existence of the mystery rapists. Your fixation n mystery rapists is a manifestation of your fixation on imagining crystal was raped. Why do you wish she had been raped?
Anonymous Anonymous said... even more harrian clap trap:
"Nice job of misdirection. Houdini, David Copperfield, and other great illusionists would be proud of your comment."
It was not misdirection. It was the truth. It takes a chronic liar who can't recognize truth to call it misdirection,
"First of all, Daye did not die from sepsis or an infection of any kind. He died because he was removed from life-support, and he was removed from life-support because he was brain dead. His brain death stemmed from an errant intubation of his esophagus by Duke Hospital medical staff. The misplaced intubation was the proximate and intervening cause of Daye's death... the direct cause of his brain death."
First of all, I did not say Reginald Daye died of sepsis. And I did not deny that he aspirated. I pointed out the aspiration was a complication of an evaluation for an intra abdominal infection. Since you deny that Reginald Daye was at risk of an intra abdominal infection,you document you are incompetent to evaluate the situation. That iswhat one would expect from a minimally trained, minimally experienced medical school graduate who was never accepted into residency training, and who never achieved medical specialty board certification and who sprnt his post medical school career filing and losing frivolous lawsuits. You have fired off another salvo of duds, harr.
"It was never proven or even suggested from the medical records that Daye suffered an infectious process... neither sepsis nor intra-abdominal."
So you are saying that someone who has suffered a colon laceration which left his abdominal cavity exposed to hours of contamination from colonic [pathogens is not at risk of an inyra abdominal infection, right? You have once again documented you are incredibly stupid and totally clinically incompetent.
"The afore enlightenment should suffice, however if further elucidation is required give me notification."
That you consider your clap trap enlightening and elucidatiing is yet more documentation that you are incrediblt stupid and clinically incompetent.
For the purpose of argument, it is really irrelevant why it was deemed necessary to intubate Daye, the fact remains that had Daye been initially intubated properly in the trachea instead of esophagus, he would more likely than not be alive today. That is a fact as the esophageal intubation is clearly linked to the his brain death.
"The best example of a "surrogate" slandering Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son"
"For the purpose of argument, it is really irrelevant why it was deemed necessary to intubate Daye, the fact remains that had Daye been initially intubated properly in the trachea instead of esophagus, he would more likely than not be alive today. That is a fact as the esophageal intubation is clearly linked to the his brain death."
And the need for intubation is clearly linked to the stab wound inflicted bt crystal. Even if there had been ma;practice(and minimally trained, minimally experienced harrr, who was never accepted into residency training, who never achieved medical specialty board certification, who spent most of his post medical school career filing and losing frivolous, non meritorious lawsuits is not capable of establishing anything as malpractice) it would not have relieved crystal of criminal responsibility for his death.
harr, this was a particularly feeb;le salvo of duds.
Walt said... Anonymous at 7:28 wrote: "Can Magnum sue Sid because of his breach?"
She could. She does have a contributory negligence problem. She did give him the information, knowing he was unreliable and prone to doing self-defeating things with any information he might obtain.
She also has another problem, Sid is judgment proof. Seventeen years of medical practice left him living in subsidized housing, surviving on his minimal social security benefit and food stamps. It's not like Sid has ever earned much money from a profession that usually showers money on even it's most mediocre practitioners. She would also be standing in line behind the California Franchise Tax Board which has an assessment against Sid from when he tried to steal a medical practice.
All that said, I think Sid and Crystal deserve to litigate against one another. Like Sid and Duke. A three way litigation fest with Duke, Sid and Crystal would be a lot of fun to watch. It really is a shame that Judge Eagles has prohibited anyone from pleading in Harr III. I'd like to see Crystal added as a party defendant or a cross defendant on some claim. We could watch Kenny sit on the sidelines and hurl inanities at the various litigants while Sid spewed gratuitous insults in lieu of actual legal reasoning, and Crystal tried to hit on the court room marshal's while Duke did its best imitation of Tallman Trask asserting its entitled privilege to a parking spot.
Hey, Walt.
That I am judgment proof puts me in some really good company... such as Mother Theresa, Pope Francis, and the Man from Nazareth.
My life is, and has always been one dedicated to the service of mankind, and not one of a gluttonous nature of hoarding and building wealth ala Trump. Your claims that I owe the California Tax Board money for trying to steal a medical practice is hilariously imaginative, false, and nonsensical.
As far as litigation involving Mangum, there is absolutely no cause for her to file against me, and surely I would not file a lawsuit against her. Doesn't make sense. We're on the same side... in fact, I am the only one fighting on her behalf.
With regards to not seeing briefs in response filed by the defendants: Don't be disheartened quite yet. There's a strong possibility that Harr-III will be reinstated following the hearing scheduled for June 27, 2016.
Sidney states: For the purpose of argument, it is really irrelevant why it was deemed necessary to intubate Daye, the fact remains that had Daye been initially intubated properly in the trachea instead of esophagus, he would more likely than not be alive today. That is a fact as the esophageal intubation is clearly linked to the his brain death.
This is correct. However, as Welch and Hosclaw indicate, medical malpractice is not an intervening cause. Thus, Mangum remains legally responsible for Daye's death despite the fact that "the esposageal intubation is clearly linked to his brain death." Mangum is guilty of murder.
A comment recently posted was deemed to violate the kenhyderal doctrine, and has been removed. Although debate on criminal legal issues, especially involving Crystal Mangum, can be very emotional, I caution commenters to use restraint in order to avoid comment eradication.
This site is extremely tolerant, but it does require a least a modicum of civility irrespective of any position held by the commenter.
Harr III will not be reinstated, a gatekeeper order will be issued against you (you will be lucky if that's the only sanction), and you will again bleat about some random theory or another.
You have yet to explain why the Statute of Limitations should not apply to you. Why should you alone be the special exceptions?
Shortly after Harr III is dismissed and you hit with a gatekeeper in the Middle District, your lawsuit against Lorrin Freeman will be dismissed and you will be hit with a gatekeeper in the Eastern District.
"That I am judgment proof puts me in some really good company... such as Mother Theresa, Pope Francis, and the Man from Nazareth."
Irrelevant comparison. They are poor(judgment proof) because they chose to be. You are judgment proof because you are an utter failure as a physician. What those individuals did to qualify as good is something you have never tried to do. Jesus Christ advocated for Truth. You advocate for obvious lies, e.g., crystal was the victim/accuser in the Duke Rape Case(she was the victimizer/false accuser in the Duke Rape Hoax), that nifong who knowingly prosecuted innocent men for a crime he knew never happened was a decent honorable prosecutor, that nifong's downfall was due to a carpetbagger jihad, something you fabricated.
"My life is, and has always been one dedicated to the service of mankind, and not one of a gluttonous nature of hoarding and building wealth ala Trump."
How does presuming innocent men raped crystal(and there is and never has been any proof that crystal was raped) add up to service to mankind. It adds up to a gross disservice to certin human beings. As does your claim that the killing of Demetrius Greene was just an unfortunate accident because Shan Carter was acting in self defense when he chased down and killed an unarmed, fleeing Tyrone Baker.
"Your claims that I owe the California Tax Board money for trying to steal a medical practice is hilariously imaginative, false, and nonsensical."
I believe you call it "hilariously imaginative, false, and nonsensical" because it is true and you like to obscure truths you do not like.
"As far as litigation involving Mangum, there is absolutely no cause for her to file against me, and surely I would not file a lawsuit against her. Doesn't make sense. We're on the same side... in fact, I am the only one fighting on her behalf."
What you are fighting for, on behalf of false accuser/murderess crystal mangum is to get her a pass for her crimes.
"With regards to not seeing briefs in response filed by the defendants: Don't be disheartened quite yet. There's a strong possibility that Harr-III will be reinstated following the hearing scheduled for June 27, 2016."
Another manifestation of your delusional megalomania.
"With regards to not seeing briefs in response filed by the defendants: Don't be disheartened quite yet. There's a strong possibility that Harr-III will be reinstated following the hearing scheduled for June 27, 2016."
So, you think the reason the Judge ordered you to show cause why you have not violated Rule 11 and directed you to appear before her was so that she could tell you, in person and in open court, what a great job you are doing and to keep up the good work? Now that is what I would call "hilariously imaginative, false, and nonsensical."
Your lolsuit is going to be tossed and you are going to get benchslapped.
John D. Smith wrote: "You are both wrong. She specifically alleged that David Evans, Colin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann, who, not using condoms, penetrated her and ejaculated upon her.
This specific allegation was proven false."
Ding-Ding-Ding Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!
Sid wrote: "As far as litigation involving Mangum, there is absolutely no cause for her to file against me, and surely I would not file a lawsuit against her. Doesn't make sense. We're on the same side..."
No, you are not on her side. You violated the confidence she placed in you and publicized the fact that the defense own independent medical examiner agreed with the state's opinion that there was no intervening cause. You are the biggest, and only turncoat in this saga.
"... in fact, I am the only one fighting on her behalf."
No, you are not. You have talked Crystal out of firing good lawyer after good lawyer. You have talked her out of withdrawing the only brief that made any sense before the Supreme Court and substituting one that argued non-sense and was completely free of any legal precedent to overturn the trial court's verdict. With friends like you, Crystal doesn't need any enemies.
"With regards to not seeing briefs in response filed by the defendants: Don't be disheartened quite yet. There's a strong possibility that Harr-III will be reinstated following the hearing scheduled for June 27, 2016."
If by strong you mean Harr III will be dismissed against the Duke defendants and you will get a sanction. If you really think Harr III is moving forward against Duke, you are sadly mistaken. Your best day in Greensboro is the Judge allows the Associated Press to file a 12(b) motion after sanctioning you.
from http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/out-of-sight-out-of-mind-2/
"Terry Glavin, recently writing in the Ottawa Citizen, mocked the idea that the United States could learn from Canada’s example when it comes to racial harmony. To illustrate his point, he compared the conditions of the African-American community to Canada’s First Nations. If you judge a society by how it treats its most disadvantaged, Glavin found us wanting. Consider the accompanying table. By almost every measurable indicator, the Aboriginal population in Canada is treated worse and lives with more hardship than the African-American population. All these facts tell us one thing: Canada has a race problem, too."
Yes there is a problem in Canada. Thankfully we now have a Liberal Government that is going to address it. We've endured nine years of right-wing Conservative Government where this problem has gotten decidedly worse. The Justin Trudeau Government has made correcting this a top priority and has budgeted the funds needed. The prime minister said his government would immediately move on the following five promises the Liberals made during the recent election campaign. Launch a national public inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women. Make significant investments in First Nations education. Lift the two per cent cap on funding for First Nations programs.Implement all 94 recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Repeal all legislation unilaterally imposed on indigenous people by the previous government. He has also appointed an Aboriginal women to be the Minister of Justice.
P.S. You might want to compare Canadian Native People with American Native People and African Canadians with African Americans for a broader perspective.
Well, hissy fit, your ideas of unjust treatment of African Americans consists of: Caucasian men falsely accused by a black woman of rape are not summarily convicted and imprisoned, and, a black woman who falsely accuses white men of raping her and who murders a black man is not given a pass for her crimes.
I have some legal questions regarding Mangum's sentence.
Mangum received a sentence of 14 years 2 months to 18 years in prison. I believe this is what is known as an indeterminate sentence. Under NC law, what does this mean? More specifically,
1. What is her soonest possible release date? Is there any way for her to be released prior to serving the minimum term of 14yrs 2mos, such as good behavior, or on some sort of parole or supervised release? Or, does she have to serve at least the minimum term before she can be released?
2. Practically speaking, what is the likelihood that she will be released upon serving the minimum term? Is it pretty much pro forma to release an inmate after they have served their minimum term, provided their prison disciplinary record is relatively clean? Is there some sort of a board or agency that reviews cases and decides whether a prisoner should be released after serving the minimum term, but before the expiration of the maximum term? Is there a hearing involved? What sort of factors are considered?
3. Will Mangum be on some sort of parole or post release supervision once she finishes her sentence, especially if she is released prior to serving the maximum term? For example, if she is released after 14 years 2 months, does she remain under supervision until her maximum terms expires? If so, what would this entail? What about if she serves the maximum term of 18 years? Will she be on parole or under supervision of some sort, or will they just cut her loose?
4. In your opinion, what is the likelihood that Mangum will be released after she serves her minimum term?
For purposes of this discussion, assume that Sid's streak of always being wrong, never winning a legal battle and stubbornly refusing to learn from his mistakes and adjust his strategy remains intact.
Also, I am not asking or expecting you to put any effort or time into answering my questions. I am just looking for any answers you can give off the top of your head.
It is not an indeterminate sentence. She received 14 years 2 months to 18 years - 170 months to 216 months.
The last 12 months are Post Release Supervision - so her active portion is 170 months - 204 months.
She starts at the maximum and "earns" time down towards the minimum with a formula that DAC controls, but it's basically this:
Every month you are incarcerated and not on Admin Segregation, you get 3 days off your max. If you are working, or taking classes, or such, you can earn an additional 3-6 days per month.
So, she has a 34 month gap between her minimum and her maximum (1,020 days). She gets no "gain time" from her time in the Durham County Jail (let's call that 2 years just to make the math easier, but it's less). So, in 146 months (to her minimum) - assuming she stays out of trouble (at least serious enough trouble for her to lose her gain-time, and it's hard to not earn it), she will have "earned" a minimum of 438 days off her maximum, and a maximum of 1,314 days (she cannot go below her 14 years, 2 months).
So, given how long she has to serve, it's very possible she will serve the minimum - so long as she works, takes classes, etc., in custody - she will certainly only serve close to it. Then she will be on Post Release Supervision for 12 months.
So, that explanation, here are direct answers:
1. She will not be released prior to the minimum (absent her conviction being overturned), how long she serves beyond that is based on the gain-time formula - there is no panel or review, each month you do X, you get Y gain time (3, 6, or 9 days - and what you've earned cannot be taken away, they can only stop you earning it, and that generally requires solitary and is rare).
2. If you have a long enough sentence to earn down to your minimum, it's pretty much pro forma to release at your minimum. On a shorter sentence, you just aren't in long enough to work down - so someone sentenced to 17-30 months would have 17-21 active - so a 4 month gap (120 days) - They would earn between 51 - 153 days gain time - but since jail and the initial classification doesn't count, it would be hard for them to earn the full 120, and would serve longer than the 17 month minimum - it's all based on your pre-trial jail credit (for which you get no gain time), how long classification takes (you get 3 days/ month), then what you do beyond that - not everyone is eligible to earn the 6 and 9 days. She's in long enough to get to the minimum, everyone works down a bit.
3. Yes, she will have a 12 month post-release supervision whenever she is released. If she violates it, she has the 12 months (once released the "maximum" goes away).
4. I don't know Walt's opinion, but I would say it' very likely she will be released within a few months of serving the minimum.
Before someone points out why 17-30 is 17-21 active - for non-violent felonies, or for lower level ones, the Post Release Supervision is 9 months, not 12 - so it's not an error in math.
I agree with Anon at 9:22 as modified by anon at 9:25. I think she will be out around February 27, 2026. NC doesn't really award much in the way of "good time credit." Many years ago, NC handed down what seemed to be long and harsh sentences only to have the offenders released rather quickly because of time off for good behavior. People didn't like that, so the General Assembly stepped in and passed a law called "truth in sentencing." What that new law did was make the sentence handed down by the jury be very close to what the offender actually served. Assuming she continues to serve on good behavior, she will serve no more than the minimum. All that could change if she does something untoward.
Anon at 12:34 wrote: "You mean by the Judge - the Jury doesn't do sentencing in North Carolina ..."
You are correct. I did not write very clearly. Juries sentenced under the old law and what the defendant actually served was very different from the sentence imposed. Under the current law, judges hand down sentences.
Thank you for your answer. It was very informative. It also prompted me to do some of further research of my own. You are correct; Mangum did not receive an indeterminate sentence. I misunderstood and misused that term.
Of course - according to Sid she will be released within 6 days - so the explanation is moot. There are no court filings or court hearings or anything else that could lead to this release, but Sid has expressed confidence it will happen and he will show us all how soon.
Just wanted to give a brief update. I have received a response in my Complaint against D.A. Freeman, however, I have not had a chance to read it yet... Only know that a Motion to Dismissed was filed. I believe I have until July 14th to submit a file.
However, I am currently focused on my upcoming hearing on Monday, June 27th, so I will not be actively participating on this blog site's comments until after that engagement has been completed.
Meaning, again, hey everybody, pay attention to me.
"Just wanted to give a brief update. I have received a response in my Complaint against D.A. Freeman, however, I have not had a chance to read it yet... Only know that a Motion to Dismissed was filed. I believe I have until July 14th to submit a file."
You will find out your complaint will be dismissed with prejudice, and you will go on another screed about how unfair the justice system is to you.
"However, I am currently focused on my upcoming hearing on Monday, June 27th, so I will not be actively participating on this blog site's comments until after that engagement has been completed."
Which means you will be waffling and dodging again, and preparing another meaningless rant about the justice system is because it will not hear your frivolous, non meritorious suit.
"As you were."
As we always were, acutely aware that harr is a delusional megalomaniac.
Sid is going to once against bleat on and on about how they are trying to dismiss his lawsuits rather than give him a jury trial - ignoring that the vast majority of cases never make it to a jury, they get decided on motions to dismiss or summary judgment long before then.
It doesn't mean they are trying to hide anything, it means they know you are a loon and don't want to waste time, energy, effort, and resources dealing with you.
Sid wrote: "Just wanted to give a brief update. I have received a response in my Complaint against D.A. Freeman, however, I have not had a chance to read it yet... Only know that a Motion to Dismissed was filed. I believe I have until July 14th to submit a file."
Motion to dismiss under rules 12(b)(1) and (6). The brief, which I will discuss in a posting on my site, later, says Sid has failed to allege facts to support his claim and the D.A. is immune. Further, the Attorney General reminds the court that Sid has fully tried and lost this very same claim in Harr I in the Middle District. Look for some fireworks from Sid in the way of gratuitous insults rather than reasoned pleading. And, look for an order under Rule 12.
Today you will stand tall before the man and answer for your abuse of the legal system. Be sure to let us know how that goes for you.
There are 3 days left until the end of June.
You have 188 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 65 days since April 23rd, 104 days since the Ides of March and 3,299 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman Chicago, IL
Hey, Abe.
To be precise, in approximately four hours I will stand tall before her Honor and give a presentation as to why I should not be sanctioned. Actually, it was around ll:00 p.m., seven hours ago, that I completed my presentation - which I had been working on throughout the weekend.
By the way, I decided not to wear my j4n tee-shirt as it might offend the judge, and I need not make my way more difficult than it is already.
A gatekeeper order was entered against you as a sanction.
You were not allowed to finish your presentation, because they realized after the first few minutes it was pointless.
Nothing is happening with Mangum, as you have filed nothing that can help her - so despite your claims, she cannot be freed soon. Look at all the cases where people have been exonerated - it's taken months, or years, after the necessary documents were filed - you think you can do anything in a few days with nothing filed?
You will come back here, and post that the Powers That Be are racist and stacked against you - and continue your martyrdom and inane rants, and continue to refuse to listen to those who try to help you and explain the flaws in your arguments.
There, saved you the hassle - you can move on to other things now, like your response to the Freeman lawsuit (which will also be dismissed with prejudice - interesting they aren't seeking sanctions there, yet). Oh, and the factual mistake the AG makes that Daye was in the hospital because Crystal stabbed him multiple times (it was only 1), isn't going to be relevant, and doesn't change the issue at all, but you will latch onto it as if it matters.
"As you may be aware, this morning I travel to a Greensboro federal courthouse to do legal battle.
Know that I appreciate your prayers and well wishes."
If you think people should pray for your success in your lawsuits,I call that blasphemy. It is like a scene in the series Dirty Sexy money. One of the characters, who is trying to get custody of his son, is imploring God to make the judge in the case accept his bribe. Your suits are frivolous and non meritorious, filed because of your over inflated opinion of yourself, and motivated by your intent of inflicting harm on others.
"Upon returning home I will inform you as the the outcome. I may or may not be in the mood to provide much detail. That remains to be seen."
Your suits, as another poster has pointed out, will be dismissed, and you will rant and rave about how unjust the system is to you because of your ethnicity. Stop blaming others for your utter failure to make something of yourself
"On other fronts, the effort to obtain justice for Crystal Mangum is moving at warp speed, and you will shortly become aware of the progress made."
You mean at warped speed. your efforts are not helping crystal at all. Anything you have done is harm her. What is warped is your belief that you are helping crystal.
"Have a nice Monday, all."
alot of us are expecting a nice Monday, when your suits are again dismissed and you will be sanctioned.
I don't wish you any ill will, but you are going to be pummeled about the head neck, face, chest and breast by the cudgel of justice. No amount of luck will save you from that fate.
For what it's worth, I hope that the sanctions levied against you are limited to a gatekeeper order and do not impose any additional personal hardship on you.
"Eh ... he's making people spend thousands of dollars and lots of time dealing with his BS. I hope they throw the book at him."
The courthouse wasn't built for Sid's case and the Judge was probably going to be there today anyways, so it's not like taking five minutes to sanction Sid will cost the taxpayers much. Frivolous lawsuits and abusive litigants happen in any court system. Dealing with them is part of the courts and judges jobs. Moreover, I don't care that much about any of the defendants Sid is targeting with his lolsuits. They either (a) can afford the hassle and/or (b) deserve it.
A gatekeeper order is a pretty severe sanction. For all his bluster and blunder and ranting and raving, Sid may someday have a legitimate grievance. Being denied access to the court without prior approval is an extremely serious sanction. To put it in context, for all that Nifong did that resulted in his disbarment, he can still file papers on his own behalf and represent himself pro se in court. After today, Sid probably won't be able to say the same.
It's not the Judges and the Court personnel I care about - it the people he's sued. Sid absolutely fits the criteria for a gate-keeper order - because he keeps filing the same frivolous stuff over and over. If he has a legit grievance, he gets the Judge to review it, and say yes or no. It's not that severe.
" A gatekeeper order is a pretty severe sanction. For all his bluster and blunder and ranting and raving, Sid may someday have a legitimate grievance. Being denied access to the court without prior approval is an extremely serious sanction."
That Sid will need prior approval to access to the court system is harsh. It comes in the context of Sid being a serial abuser of the legal system. Judging from the article in the Independent Weekly(Sid calls that a "hatchet job. He was advised to sue the author. Sid said he did not want to because the author was a nice guy, which probably meant Sid could not make a case for the article being a hatchet job), Sid has been abusing the legal system for years. That scale of abuse does justify requiring Sid to have prior approval to file a lawsuit.
If I am correct, when a lawsuit is filed against someone, even if it is obviously frivolous, the individual has to defend himself/herself, at his/her own personal expense. They should not have to do that when someone like Sid, with a track record of years in duration of abusing the legal system just because Sid wants to sue them.
guiowen said... Sid, I imagine they'll send you to bed without supper, but I hope they won't actually do anything to hurt you.
Hey, gui, mon ami.
Thanks for your concern. I am happy to report that I left the courtroom free of bondage, but with an outcome that was neither surprising nor favorable. How could I stand a chance in a hearing before the judge who imposed the threat of sanctions after she refused my Motion for her to recuse herself? Any judge with integrity or sense of fairness would have recused him/herself. So we went through the motions of having a hearing briefly before she ruled for financial sanctions. The ruling should be forthcoming soon. Naturally, I will appeal.
Hope all is well for you. I imagine you are off for the summer?
Anonymous Anonymous said... Apparently Sid was not in the mood to provide an update.
Perhaps he is unable. For example, maybe he repeated the gratuitous vile invective he employed in Harr I and was hit with a contempt charge.
After being on the laptop for the entire weekend working on my presentation, following the hearing I was eager to spend some time walking and enjoying the outdoors. Fortunately, in the courtroom I was able to restrain myself with respect to gratuitous vile invectives and thereby avoid any contempt charges. Believe me, it wasn't easy.
As far as an update, I will produce a post about it soon. Right now, I have to take a look at the response to my complaint against D.A. Freeman. Try and be patient.
Sidney, Sorry to hear things went badly. I've told you before that you can't count on people accepting your arguments. Actually, I took the spring off, and will be teaching this summer.
I don't wish you any ill will, but you are going to be pummeled about the head neck, face, chest and breast by the cudgel of justice. No amount of luck will save you from that fate.
For what it's worth, I hope that the sanctions levied against you are limited to a gatekeeper order and do not impose any additional personal hardship on you.
Abe Froman Chicago, IL
Hey, Abe.
Thanks for not wanting me to cudgeled too badly.
Naturally, since the same judge who imposed the threat of sanctions was hearing my case, it is unreasonable to expect that I could receive a fair and just outcome. I do not believe the sanctions ordered are as severe as you anticipated. But, naturally, I will file an appeal.
"Naturally, since the same judge who imposed the threat of sanctions was hearing my case, it is unreasonable to expect that I could receive a fair and just outcome. I do not believe the sanctions ordered are as severe as you anticipated. But, naturally, I will file an appeal."
It was obvious to everyone but you that your suit was a frivolous,non meritorious suit in which you ignored the law and made a bunch of uncorroborated allegations. The only reason you would expect a favorable outcome is that you are a deluced megalomaniac.
Sid - what was your reasoning for why the Statute of Limitations should not apply to you? You lost because you have no legal basis for your case and no arguments.
So, what's this Crystal news you've been promising?
Naturally, since the same judge who imposed the threat of sanctions was hearing my case, it is unreasonable to expect that I could receive a fair and just outcome. I do not believe the sanctions ordered are as severe as you anticipated. But, naturally, I will file an appeal."
If your appeal is going to be based on the fact that the same judge who warned you about the possibility of sanctions if you persisted in engaging in sanctionable conduct and then issued the show cause order when you did also heard and decided it, then you will lose. In fact (and I defer to Walt and A Lawyer on this issue) I think there may even be a chance that your appeal would be deemed frivolous.
I hope that you learn something from yesterday's experience and that it informs your future decisions, particularly with respect to the frivolous case you filed against Freeman and Wake County. You should withdraw your complaint as it is without merit. However, given your extensive track record of refusing to learn from your mistakes, that may be a bridge too far for you.
I will tell you this much: if you continue on the path your are presently on, things will only get worse for you.
Sid wrote: "Naturally, since the same judge who imposed the threat of sanctions was hearing my case, it is unreasonable to expect that I could receive a fair and just outcome."
True to form, Sid refuses to learn. It has already been explained to him why this is not unreasonable or unfair for his case to be heard by a judge who disagrees with him on the law. In fact, every judge, federal or state would have found the same way. It is Sid who refuses to learn.
"But, naturally, I will file an appeal."
More of the same. The only downside is Judge Eagles relieved all the parties from a requirement to file. Duke and Sid really do deserve each other in litigation.
Abe wrote: "I think there may even be a chance that your appeal would be deemed frivolous."
His whole lawsuit is frivolous. While the 4th Circuit will be fair with him and read his silly brief, they will sustain Judge Eagles. Sid is just frivolous. Don't be surprised if they add to the sanctions though.
Anonymous Anonymous said... Shocking - Sid is blaming his loss on bias.
Sid - what was your reasoning for why the Statute of Limitations should not apply to you? You lost because you have no legal basis for your case and no arguments.
So, what's this Crystal news you've been promising?
Regarding news on Crystal, it's coming over the horizon... and it is no mirage. I expect that you will be enlightened within a matter of a few days or a couple of weeks, at the most. These are merely estimates and you should not stringently hold me to them as I have limited control over the course of events.
Just be patient... the day of enlightenment is at hand.
Walt said... Sid wrote: "Naturally, since the same judge who imposed the threat of sanctions was hearing my case, it is unreasonable to expect that I could receive a fair and just outcome."
True to form, Sid refuses to learn. It has already been explained to him why this is not unreasonable or unfair for his case to be heard by a judge who disagrees with him on the law. In fact, every judge, federal or state would have found the same way. It is Sid who refuses to learn.
"But, naturally, I will file an appeal."
More of the same. The only downside is Judge Eagles relieved all the parties from a requirement to file. Duke and Sid really do deserve each other in litigation.
Abe wrote: "I think there may even be a chance that your appeal would be deemed frivolous."
His whole lawsuit is frivolous. While the 4th Circuit will be fair with him and read his silly brief, they will sustain Judge Eagles. Sid is just frivolous. Don't be surprised if they add to the sanctions though.
Hey, Walt.
When the Day of Enlightenment comes, I am afraid that it's going to catch you and Abe totally unaware and off-guard. Don't say I didn't warn you. I'm just hopeful that the mental anguish you two will suffer won't be too extensive and to the extent that it will require professional psychological therapy.
You should start getting used to the likelihood that in short order time-wise Crystal Mangum will be freed, that she will be exonerated on the second degree murder conviction, and that she will be compensated for her damages inflicted by the state and others. Please try to prepare yourselves mentally before the day of justice-reckoning arrives... and don't forget to place an order for a crying towel.
Naturally, since the same judge who imposed the threat of sanctions was hearing my case, it is unreasonable to expect that I could receive a fair and just outcome. I do not believe the sanctions ordered are as severe as you anticipated. But, naturally, I will file an appeal."
If your appeal is going to be based on the fact that the same judge who warned you about the possibility of sanctions if you persisted in engaging in sanctionable conduct and then issued the show cause order when you did also heard and decided it, then you will lose. In fact (and I defer to Walt and A Lawyer on this issue) I think there may even be a chance that your appeal would be deemed frivolous.
I hope that you learn something from yesterday's experience and that it informs your future decisions, particularly with respect to the frivolous case you filed against Freeman and Wake County. You should withdraw your complaint as it is without merit. However, given your extensive track record of refusing to learn from your mistakes, that may be a bridge too far for you.
I will tell you this much: if you continue on the path your are presently on, things will only get worse for you.
Abe Froman Chicago, IL
Hey, Abe.
Thank you for your advice, which I consider to be heart-felt and well-intended, but with all due respect, I think that I will proceed on my current course which Destiny has laid out for me. Someone needs to stand up for Lady Justice... and it appears that responsibility has been left to me.
guiowen said... Sidney, Sorry to hear things went badly. I've told you before that you can't count on people accepting your arguments. Actually, I took the spring off, and will be teaching this summer.
Hey, gui, mon ami.
Thank you for the condolences, however, to paraphrase the saying about a good landing, "any courtroom hearing in which you can walk away from un-handcuffed is a good one."
My expectations were not high to begin with so the fall of despair was indeed short.
Teaching during the summer might have some benefits? Less campus populated... less hectic... smaller classroom size? Anyway, enjoy it.
"Regarding news on Crystal, it's coming over the horizon... and it is no mirage. I expect that you will be enlightened within a matter of a few days or a couple of weeks, at the most. These are merely estimates and you should not stringently hold me to them as I have limited control over the course of events."
harr has been making promiises like that for years andhas yet to deliver.
"Just be patient... the day of enlightenment is at hand."
harr, who is willfully incapable of receiving enlightment is incapable of delivring enlightenment.
"When the Day of Enlightenment comes, I am afraid that it's going to catch you and Abe totally unaware and off-guard. Don't say I didn't warn you. I'm just hopeful that the mental anguish you two will suffer won't be too extensive and to the extent that it will require professional psychological therapy."
harr, who willfully refuses to be enlightenment, has been promising this would happenfor tears.harr has missed all of his previously set deadlines. There is no indication that this is anything but more of harr's delusional megalomania.
"You should start getting used to the likelihood that in short order time-wise Crystal Mangum will be freed, that she will be exonerated on the second degree murder conviction, and that she will be compensated for her damages inflicted by the state and others. Please try to prepare yourselves mentally before the day of justice-reckoning arrives... and don't forget to place an order for a crying towel."
harr has been saying this for years. It hasn't happened. Most lkely, just like his declarations that he and his committee of bigots would get nifong's law license restored, harr will eventually cease his efforts and offer the ecxcuse that he has found a more urgent cause.
Harr is the one who keeps setting deadlines, and misses them. He's clearly already made it clear nothing is happening soon with Crystal - I hope he's not still lying to her.
It was going to be the Ides of March (it was actually going to be long before that), most recently the end of June, now he says sometime in the next several days, to several weeks, but we shouldn't hold him to any deadlines (even though he's the one who sets them).
more clap trap from harr, this ytimr delusional clap trap:
"Hey, Abe.
Thank you for your advice, which I consider to be heart-felt and well-intended, but with all due respect, I think that I will proceed on my current course which Destiny has laid out for me. Someone needs to stand up for Lady Justice... and it appears that responsibility has been left to me."
Presuming innocent men raped crystal in the face of overwhelming evidence that no rape ever happened is not standing up for justice. Calling nifong, one of the most corrupt prosecutors in US History, the man who prosecuted three innocent Duke defendants knowing he had no case against them, a decent honorable minister of justice, is not standing up for justice. Trying to get his favorite murderess/false accuser a pass for her crimes is not standing up for justice. Saying AG Cooper, who thoroughly reviewed the facts of the Duke Rape Hoax and finding that no crime happened, was inappropriate when he announced that he and his investigators believed the defendants were innocent, is not standing up for justice. Claiming Shan Carter, who ran down and killed an unarmed fleeing man with an illegally possessed firearm, in the process also killing an innocent 8 year old boy, was acting in self defense, that was not at all standing up for justice.
Filing frivolous non meritorious lawsuits is not standing up for justice. That is a attempt to inflict injustice on others
harr's delusional megalomania is there for all to see.
"Thank you for the condolences, however, to paraphrase the saying about a good landing, "any courtroom hearing in which you can walk away from un-handcuffed is a good one."
My expectations were not high to begin with so the fall of despair was indeed short."
If your expectations were not high, you would not have gone to the effort you did.
You got shot down.Now you are claiming you weren't trying to fly.
So, Sid, are you going to provide a summary of what happened? You admitted that you lost, but you provided no detail on your sanctions.
Is the enlightenment we can expect "within a matter of a few days or a couple of weeks, at the most" the same enlightenment that you earlier told us to expect on or before the end of June? Or is it the enlightenment you told us to expect by April 23rd or the Ides of March?
You should start getting used to the likelihood that in short order time-wise Crystal Mangum will be freed, that she will be exonerated on the second degree murder conviction, and that she will be compensated for her damages inflicted by the state and others. Please try to prepare yourselves mentally before the day of justice-reckoning arrives... and don't forget to place an order for a crying towel.
You have made predictions like this many times before. Not one of them has come true.
In contrast, every time you have filed one of your lawsuits, I and Walt have accurately predicted what the outcome would be.
I will leave it to the readers of this blog to decide who has more credibility.
On June 22, 2016, at 3:45 A.M., Dr. Harr posted the following on this thread:
There's a strong possibility that Harr-III will be reinstated following the hearing scheduled for June 27, 2016.
Yesterday, at 7:44 P.M., Dr. Harr posted the following on this thread:
I am happy to report that I left the courtroom free of bondage, but with an outcome that was neither surprising nor favorable. How could I stand a chance in a hearing before the judge who imposed the threat of sanctions after she refused my Motion for her to recuse herself?
Nifong Supporter said: "Regarding news on Crystal, it's coming over the horizon... and it is no mirage. I expect that you will be enlightened within a matter of a few days or a couple of weeks, at the most. These are merely estimates and you should not stringently hold me to them as I have limited control over the course of events.............."The truth is on the march, and nothing will stop it"....Émile Zola
hissy fit has emerged with more clap trap, delusional clap trap:
"Nifong Supporter said: "Regarding news on Crystal, it's coming over the horizon... and it is no mirage. I expect that you will be enlightened within a matter of a few days or a couple of weeks, at the most. These are merely estimates and you should not stringently hold me to them as I have limited control over the course of events.............."The truth is on the march, and nothing will stop it"....Émile Zola"
The truth has already come out. crystal lied about being raped at the Lacrosse party on the night of 13/14 March 2006. crystal murdered Reginald Daye.
"The best example of a "surrogate" slandering Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son."
It is sad how Kenny assists Sid in emotionally abusing Crystal.
As has been repeatedly noted - unless something is properly filed with a Court that has jurisdiction (or the Governor), nothing can happen for Crystal. Even if/when something is properly filed (and Sid hasn't done that yet), it takes months for there to be a response, and hearings, and the rest.
Sid hasn't taken the first step to initiate any process that could free Crystal, so all his talk about it happening soon is just lies he tells her to keep her under his thumb.
"The best example of a "surrogate" slandering Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son."
Let me clarify my comment. Perhaps you can explain why you believe Nifong's comment is innocent. Otherwise I will continue to re-post it whenever you troll this website.
The best example of a "surrogate slandering" Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in Crystal's vagina and in Crystal's anus and in Crystal's underwearand on Crystal, noted that she had a young son.
If you had the ability to silence anyone, as you impotently threatened above, you wouldn't have posted half the stuff you have posted on this website.
Can you provide us with a non-slanderous interpretation of Nifong's statement tying the presence of unidentified male DNA in, on and near Mangum's private parts to her son? To me it sounds like the kind of remark that a DA who was willing to do or say anything in order to get a conviction would make.
Given your penchant for making threats against people you can identify, how can you criticize anyone for posting anonymously or pseudonymously on this website?
Abe said: "If you had the ability to silence anyone, as you impotently threatened above, you wouldn't have posted half the stuff you have posted on this website"............Huh?? What are you saying here? Maybe you cowardly posters should "call my bluff" and identify yourselves. Here is my response, contact transference eg. Dave Evans DNA was detected on Crystal's broken off nail in a waste basket in his bathroom.
When the Day of Enlightenment comes, I am afraid that it's going to catch you and Abe totally unaware and off-guard. Don't say I didn't warn you. I'm just hopeful that the mental anguish you two will suffer won't be too extensive and to the extent that it will require professional psychological therapy.
You should start getting used to the likelihood that in short order time-wise Crystal Mangum will be freed, that she will be exonerated on the second degree murder conviction, and that she will be compensated for her damages inflicted by the state and others. Please try to prepare yourselves mentally before the day of justice-reckoning arrives... and don't forget to place an order for a crying towel.
Wasn't that supposed to happen by the Ides of March? And then by the end of June?
The best example of a "surrogate slandering" Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in Crystal's vagina and in Crystal's anus and in Crystal's underwear and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son.
"Here is my response, contact transference eg. Dave Evans DNA was detected on Crystal's broken off nail in a waste basket in his bathroom."
hissy fit, explain why DNA compatible with David Evans but not matching David Evans on crystal's false fingernail should raise suspicion of a sex crime and why the absolute failure to find DNA matching David Evans' DNA on her person does not exclude David Evans as a suspect.
nifong's comment about the male dna found on crystal was a desperate attempt to explain away the male DNA found on crystal, probably to explain away why he concealed the evidence rather than trace it back to the sources. His explanation was that crystal had a male son, that her son had left his DNA on a seat on which crystal subsequently sat.
That is a far different situation than crystal's false fingernail winding up in a waste basket which contained material with David Evans' DNA.
There were posters who were claiming that the finding of that DNA on crystal's false fingernail was incriminating evidence against David Evans, kilgo being one. You yourself have denied that David Evans was falsely accused, meaning that you believe that DNA evidence was incriminating evidence.
"Abe said: 'If you had the ability to silence anyone, as you impotently threatened above, you wouldn't have posted half the stuff you have posted on this website'............Huh?? What are you saying here?"
What I am saying is that if you lack the good sense and ability to stop yourself from posting some of the inane nonsense you post, how are you going to control what other people post? If you worried more about your own posts - if your own posts were truthful and less inflammatory and insulting - you wouldn't have to worry so much about what other people post.
kenhyderal said... Dr. Harr I think you should invoke what you call the Kenhyderal rule and delete this poster's repetitive sick innuendo.
After diligent review of the referred to comment (dated 06-29-16 at 1:31 p.m.), I concluded that it was in violation of the kenhyderal Doctrine and it has been eradicated.
It has been 68 days since April 23rd, 107 days since the Ides of March and 3,302 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman Chicago, IL
Abe, thanks for the update.
However, you should heed my warning about the Day of Reckoning which is around the corner... just above the horizon... and about to materialize out of the fog. Try to mentally prepare yourself. I suggest that you, Walt, A Lawyer, and other hard-liners make arrangements with local psychologists, psychiatrists, or other mental health counselors to prepare for the day in the near future when Crystal Mangum is freed and exonerated. It would not be a bad idea to place an order for a crying towel at your earliest convenience. (I believe the population in general, as do I, hate to see a grown man cry.)
The roller coaster car is almost at the summit of the climb in Mangum's case, and once it goes over, all Hades is going to break loose. Strap yourself in tightly, cuz you're about to be in for a wild ride.
The best example of a "surrogate slandering" Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in Crystal's vagina and in Crystal's anus and in Crystal's underwear and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son.
"following the hearing I was eager to spend some time walking and enjoying the outdoors."
You need to do more of this as life is short. Time to ride off into the sunset:
No can do. Don't have a horse, bike, or a car... so I'd have to walk off into the sunset.
What you fail to realize, however, is that the court matters are issues of principles. I believe that principles are worth fighting for. That's all I'm doing.
However, you should heed my warning about the Day of Reckoning which is around the corner... just above the horizon... and about to materialize out of the fog. Try to mentally prepare yourself. I suggest that you, Walt, A Lawyer, and other hard-liners make arrangements with local psychologists, psychiatrists, or other mental health counselors to prepare for the day in the near future when Crystal Mangum is freed and exonerated. It would not be a bad idea to place an order for a crying towel at your earliest convenience. (I believe the population in general, as do I, hate to see a grown man cry.)"
harr has been making this promise for years. It has yet to happen.
"The roller coaster car is almost at the summit of the climb in Mangum's case, and once it goes over, all Hades is going to break loose. Strap yourself in tightly, cuz you're about to be in for a wild ride."
Kind of inconsistent with this earlier post from harr:
"These are merely estimates and you should not stringently hold me to them as I have limited control over the course of events."
After diligent review of the referred to comment (dated 06-29-16 at 1:31 p.m.), I concluded that it was in violation of the kenhyderal Doctrine and it has been eradicated.
So, Sid, are you going to provide a summary of what happened? You admitted that you lost, but you provided no detail on your sanctions.
Is the enlightenment we can expect "within a matter of a few days or a couple of weeks, at the most" the same enlightenment that you earlier told us to expect on or before the end of June? Or is it the enlightenment you told us to expect by April 23rd or the Ides of March?
Abe said: if your own posts were truthful and less inflammatory and insulting - you wouldn't have to worry so much about what other people post..................Which posts would those be?
The best example of a "surrogate slandering" Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in Crystal's vagina and in Crystal's anus and in Crystal's underwear and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son.
Abe said: if your own posts were truthful and less inflammatory and insulting - you wouldn't have to worry so much about what other people post..................Which posts would those be?"
How about eah and every post youhave made declaring crystal had been raped. All the evidence generated indicate beyond any and all doubt that no rape had occurred. Your posts abut mystery rapists are not evidence, just uncorroborated allegations. Claiming innocent men had perpetrated a crime in the face of evidence no crime had happened is inflammatory. It is not, as you have tried to rationalize, your different perspective on the case. It is you alleging innocent men had perpetrated a crime.
Kenhyderal says: "Here is my response, contact transference eg. Dave Evans DNA was detected on Crystal's broken off nail in a waste basket in his bathroom."
David Evans was not uniquely identified in any of the DNA tests. Roughly 2% of the population could not be excluded as a donor for the DNA found on the FAKE PLASTIC fingernail found in the waste basket in the bathroom.
I would also point out that the presence of DNA does not indicate the time or manner of its transference. The DNA on the fake fingernail could have been there as a result of secondary transference.
"Abe said: if your own posts were truthful and less inflammatory and insulting - you wouldn't have to worry so much about what other people post..................Which posts would those be?"
The threat you made on June 29, 2016 at 1:22 PM - to name one of many.
It's past time for you to straighten up and fly right and start behaving like an adult.
In regards to DNA Security and Dr. Meehan finding that "...98% of the male population could be excluded as a contributor to the [DNA] mixture..." and that ".... David Evans was in the other 2 percent.”, I suggest you take some time to read "Painting the target around the matching profile: the Texas sharpshooter fallacy in forensic DNA interpretation" (Oxford Journals > Law & Science & Mathematics > Law, Probability and Risk > Volume 8, Issue 3 Pp. 257-276) by William C. Thompson.
Abe said: "The threat you made on June 29, 2016 at 1:22 PM - to name one of many"............................. There was no deceit or insult there. I was the one inflamed by the thoroughly disgusting post, now censored, at my insistence by Dr. Harr, You apply a double standard to those who attack Crystal and those who support her. Unlike Dr. Harr I don't take personal attacks on myself and Crystal by "turning the other cheek". By the way, I do not initiate personal attacks on anyone who posts here. I do however, when attacked or when a vulnerable person like Crystal is attacked, retaliate in kind. My retaliations elicit howls of outrage whereas the initial attacks on me are either cheered or accepted with vicarious pleasure
Why don't you respond by criticizing Mike Nifong for his inappropriate comment? Nifong's comment deserves censure. Although I believe that he didn't think through the implications of his comment, in an attempt to justify his unprofessional investigation, he threw Crystal under the bus, even if he did so inadvertently.
The best example of a "surrogate slandering" Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in Crystal's vagina and in Crystal's anus and in Crystal's underwear and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son.
Mangum is a criminal who lied about being raped, was willing to send innocent men to prison for it, and later killed a man, among other things. She is not vulnerable. You cannot brazenly lie about her and slime innocent people with vile accusations and innuendo, then complain when you are confronted with the truth.
As I said previously, if you were honest and less inflammatory and insulting towards people in your own posts, you wouldn't have to worry about what other people post about you. Their posts are in response to the outrageous and inflammatory lies you have told.
" I do not initiate personal attacks on anyone who posts here".
Maybe not.
You do have a penchant for calling innocent men guilty of a crime which never happened because a false accuser lied about being raped. That is a rather gratuitous low attack. Remember, neither you nore harr have provided any evidence that crystal told th truth wehen she accused those men of raping her.
Kenhyderal, Aren't you the one who claimed that I insulted Sidney Harr "almost as viciously" as I insulted Crystal? You can't even come up with an insult I made to Crystal, much less to Sidney. But you think you're allowed to make things up because you're a "fighter".
Judge Eagles order is in and posted. You can read about it here: https://walt-in-durham.blogspot.com/2016/06/harr-iii-motions-and-order.html?showComment=1467402045415#c8901648676062241401, in the comments section.
A fine of $1,000 for frivolous and vexatious pleadings. An injunction against filing in the Middle District or any federal court regarding the issues raised in Harr I. And, a gate keeper order requiring Sid to present all pleadings in any new matter to the court to see if they violate the injunction. The order goes on to require Sid to pay the full filing fee plus $650 if he does file anything new.
Sid has become a serial filer of frivolous litigation in North Carolina to go along with his frivolous filing reputation in California. I doubt he has learned much from this latest case. But, I think it is more than clear that Sid is frivolous and vexatious.
Dr. Harr, I am a lawyer but I am not your lawyer, so nothing I post here constitutes legal advice to you (or anyone).
Nonetheless, I very strongly urge you to consult with your friend Prof. Coleman, or with another lawyer, before you respond to the defendants' motion to dismiss in the Freeman lawsuit, lest you wind up facing sanctions more severe than those just meted out in the Harr v. Brodhead III case.
From both a legal and practical standpoint, what impact, if any, do you think this week's beatdown and the finding that Sid is a vexatious, frivolous and abusive litigant, will have on his lolsuit against District Attorney Freeman and Wake County? I know if I was a defendant in that suit I'd make sure that the EDNC got a copy of Judge Eagles' order and decision from the Middle District Court. At the least, I imagine that Sid will be on a very short leash and the EDNC will have little tolerance for his shenanigans. Could the ramifications be farther reaching? Is Sid presently at risk of sanctions in his lulsuit against DA Freeman?
Walt, in one of your comments you stated that Sid has a reputation for frivolous filing in CA. Is this your opinion, or did a court out there declare him to be a vexatious litigant and/or impose sanctions on him?
First, he can explain why he didn't insist that the Durham Police conduct a bona fide investigation.
Second, he can explain why he didn't feel the need to identify the unmatched male DNA.
Third, he can explain why he suggested that the unmatched male DNA found in Crystal's vagina, anus and underwear might be explained by Crystal's young son.
I look forward to a book that will address those questions.
With regard to a book by nifong, after the AG's press conference in April of 2007, where he made public his opinion that the accused were actually innocent, wendy murphy said that nifong would write a book which would reveal the truth about the Lacrosse case. nifong never did.
From both a legal and practical standpoint, what impact, if any, do you think this week's beatdown and the finding that Sid is a vexatious, frivolous and abusive litigant, will have on his lolsuit against District Attorney Freeman and Wake County? I know if I was a defendant in that suit I'd make sure that the EDNC got a copy of Judge Eagles' order and decision from the Middle District Court. At the least, I imagine that Sid will be on a very short leash and the EDNC will have little tolerance for his shenanigans. Could the ramifications be farther reaching? Is Sid presently at risk of sanctions in his lulsuit against DA Freeman?
The Harr v. Freeman lawsuit is frivolous, for reasons Walt and I have already explained in great detail, so sanctions were always a possibility there. But I would bet a fair amount of money that the defense will submit a copy of Judge Eagle's order to the EDNC before the hearing, which increases the likelihood of sanctions.
Walt, in one of your comments you stated that Sid has a reputation for frivolous filing in CA. Is this your opinion, or did a court out there declare him to be a vexatious litigant and/or impose sanctions on him?
I don't think there was ever a formal vex lit order entered in California, but the Indy Week article reported that Dr. Harr filed and lost some 30 cases in California and other Western states. I once asked Dr. Harr on this blog if he had ever won a lawsuit and he admitted that he had not.
Just want to let you know that I've been extremely busy working towards justice. I have a few more things to file before and other activities to perform before I will have a chance to engage in the comments on this blog site.
WRAL TV news did a halfway decent article about Judge Eagles allegedly "chastising" me. The fact is that any judge in her position with a scintilla of integrity would have recused herself. But the media did bring a little attention to Mangum's case, for which I am thankful. Next couple of days/weeks should be interesting. And, I still have yet to respond to the district attorney's Motion to Dismiss. After handling that, I'll have a bit of breathing room.
"A federal court has fined a Durham man and ordered him not to file any more "vexatious and frivolous" lawsuits against Duke University officials over the discredited 2006 sexual assault allegations involving members of the school's lacrosse team."
Weren't Sid's lawsuits against Duke for his treatment at the U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer interview?
" The fact is that any judge in her position with a scintilla of integrity would have recused herself.", referring to Justice Catherine Eagles who imposed sanctions on him.
nifong, in the Duke Rape Hoax, knowingly prosecuted three innocent men for a crime he knew never happened.
harr has referred to nifong as a decent, honorable minister of justice who acted with integrity in the Duke Rape Hoax.
Does anyone really believe harr knows the meaning of the word integrity?
"Weren't Sid's lawsuits against Duke for his treatment at the U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer interview?"
harr claimed Duke targeted him because of his advocacy for nifong in the Duke Rape Hoax. harr has been proclaiming that the Lacrosse players were guilty and nifong was targeted because he prosecuted the Lacrsse players.
As AG Cooper learned via thorough investigation of the case, there had been no rape.
Abe wrote: "Walt, in one of your comments you stated that Sid has a reputation for frivolous filing in CA. Is this your opinion, or did a court out there declare him to be a vexatious litigant and/or impose sanctions on him?"
He was admonished by the California judge in his Indigo lawsuit. The one where he produced a fraudulent contract to sell a medical practice for $1.00. As a result of his ill gotten, if brief, gains the California Franchise Tax Board levied a large tax and penalty upon Harr. A tax and penalty that remains unpaid.
Sid wrote: "The fact is that any judge in her position with a scintilla of integrity would have recused herself."
Please allow me to translate, any judge who disagrees with Sid should recuse him or herself. That is not the law, nor the state of ethics in this world. A judge, who correctly, disagrees on the law with a litigant is under no obligation to recuse. But, Sid already has been told this. He just won't learn.
Anonymous said: "As AG Cooper learned via thorough investigation of the case, there had been no rape".............................................. Supposedly. Too bad he wont share what he learned from this so called thorough investigation instead of just telling us what he concluded.
kenny hissy fit emerges with more guilt presuming clap trap:
"Anonymous said: "As AG Cooper learned via thorough investigation of the case, there had been no rape".............................................. Supposedly. Too bad he wont share what he learned from this so called thorough investigation instead of just telling us what he concluded."
What happened in the Duke Rape Hoax is a matter of public record: Until Proven Innocent; It's Not About the Truth; Rush to Injustice; the ESPN documentary Fantastic Lies.
I remind the readership that hissy fit has provided zero evidence tat crystal was raped.
The best example of a "surrogate slandering" Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in Crystal's vagina and in Crystal's anus and in Crystal's underwear and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son.
hissy fit, why did nifong conceal the DNA evidence rather than trace it back to the sources. Hint: it was not because he felt he could convict the Lacrosse players of sexual assault. It was because tracing the DNA back to its sources would have proven crystal had not been raped on the night of 13/14 March 2006.
I'm a senior citizen who believes that the state of North Carolina has harshly, excessively, and unjustly treated former Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 962 Newer› Newest»Kenny, she said she was 100% sure - flawed procedure or not, that's a direct lie from her.
more clap trap from hissy fit:
"Abe said: "Can you list some of the slanderous things that the defendants in the lacrosse case, their families or their attorneys said about Mangum"..................... They were far too sophisticated to do that directly. They relied on surrogates who systematically disseminated gossip and slander far and wide. They were so successful that people who do not actually know Crystal have come to believe their false characterizations"
Meaning hissy fit can not list anything. Nothing more.
I am glad to see you admit that the defendants in the lacrosse case, their families and their attorneys never uttered a single slanderous statement about Mangum.
Please name the surrogates who they relied on and the slander they disseminated far and wide. Be as specific as possible. Be sure to include the evidence you have connecting the players, their families and attorneys to these so-called surrogates. Or did we just catch you telling yet another lie?
Also, it is not slander to call Mangum mentally ill or a prostitute (or escort, if you prefer that term). Those facts are amply established. While Mangum has a history of abusing drugs and alcohol, she may or may not be an addict.
Your advocacy would be more effective and you would be taken more seriously if you stopped lying all the time.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
more claptrap from hissy fit:
"JSwift said: "I have asked you several times before, and you have always ignored the question: why is it unethical to "cast doubt on the character" of a person who has falsely accused you (or your clients) of felonies"..................... You must be a Lawyer. Maybe it's not considered unethical in that profession but it does seem to be immoral to most to re-victimize the victim." It would be up to the Courts to decide if the accusation was false."
First, since it has been established that crystal was the victimizer, not the victim, no one can re-victimize her.
Second, hissy fit, yet one more time, is ducking the issue.
"It would be up to the Courts to decide if the accusation was false."
in crystal's trial for the murder of Reginald Daye the court decided the accusation was true.
So far as the Duke Rape hoax, this is another iteration of a harrian idea, that no one can prove crystal lied. What the court decides is guilt or innocence. The obligation to prove rests with the prosecution t prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crystal told the truth. All the evidence showed she did not. An ethical prosecutor(which nifong was not) would not have prosecuted.
more clap trap from hissy fit;
"Anonymous said: "Please provide examples"....................... Examples can be frequently found on this an other blogs; such as the unfounded and untrue slander that Crystal was a drug addicted and mentally ill prostitute. Anyone who actually knows her knows that that is not the case".
Which means you do not know her. There was evidence crystal was an addict, and the DNA from males found on her person indicatesshe was a prostitute. The story of the cab theft, which crystal distorts in her excuse for a meor suggests she was a sex worker.
Kenny states: You must be a Lawyer. Maybe it's not considered unethical in that profession but it does seem to be immoral to most to re-victimize the victim. It would be up to the Courts to decide if the accusation was false.
No. I am not a lawyer. How is it "re-victimizing the victim" if the supposed victim made false accusations?
That was the premise of my question which you have ignored even as you answer a different question.
John D. Smith
New York, NY
another piece of hissy fit claptrap:
"Walt said: "You mean the three innocent young men who did not attack her. The three innocent young men who did nothing wrong. Those innocent young men who were wrongfully accused.".......................................................... One, perhaps two, of them, thanks to a flawed and improperly conducted photo line-up, were wrongfully accused."
You continue to duck the issue, that nifong ordered the improper lineup because he did not have any evidence against the Lacrosse team, the people he wanted to prosecute.
nifong did not have any DNA evidence to tie any of the Lacrosse team to the alleged rape, as you have admitted multiple times on this blog. The only DNA evidence he had did not match the DNA of any lacrosse team member. I remind you, the sexual assault crystal alleged was a gang rape perpetrated by multiple members of the Lacrosse team who, not using condoms, penetrated her and ejaculated upon her.
You rant and rave that no attempt was made to identify the men who had left their DNA on her, and came up with the mystery rapist piece of clap trap. I remind you, nifong, who you say was fighting for justice for crystal, had custody of the DNA evidence and nifong concealed it rather than trace it back to its sources. You can scream and cry all you want that nifong did not conceal that evidence. It is a matter of public record that nifong did conceal that evidence. What that meant was that nifong did not believe crystal had been raped, and tracing the evidence back to its sources would have confirmed she had not been raped on the night of 13/14 March 2006. nifong, who you again, was fighting for justice for crystal, knew there had been no crime, but wanted to convict members of the Lacrosse team anyway.
This is another issue you do not want to confront. And all your contortions to avoid the issue establish you are incredibly stupid.
Kenny, describing the use of "surrogates" to slander Crystal: They were far too sophisticated to do that directly. They relied on surrogates who systematically disseminated gossip and slander far and wide. They were so successful that people who do not actually know Crystal have come to believe their false characterizations
The best example of a "surrogate" slandering Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son.
Dr. Anonymous said: " I remind you, the sexual assault crystal alleged was a gang rape perpetrated by multiple members of the Lacrosse team who, not using condoms, penetrated her and ejaculated upon her"...................................No, it was by attendees at their party.
Dr. Anonymous said: "I remind you, the sexual assault crystal alleged was a gang rape perpetrated by multiple members of the Lacrosse team who, not using condoms, penetrated her and ejaculated upon her" Kenny replied: ."No, it was by attendees at their party."
You are both wrong. She specifically alleged that David Evans, Colin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann, who, not using condoms, penetrated her and ejaculated upon her.
This specific allegation was proven false.
John D. Smith
New York, NY
Abe said:" Be sure to include the evidence you have connecting the players, their families and attorneys to these so-called surrogates. Or did we just catch you telling yet another lie"................................................It was initially done anonymously after their investigation into Crystal came up with nothing other then the 2002 incident when Crystal was 23. This was misdemeanor larceny not grand theft auto. The charge related only to the taking of the keys. Crystal maintains that the keys were handed to her by the driver and apparently the prosecutor believed her. They could find no evidence of prostitution or illegal drug use as they hoped. Apparently they didn't feel this record was sufficient to tarnish Crystal sufficiently to make it seem likely she would fabricate a story about being sexually assaulted for the motive of shaking down Duke students As always gossip takes on a life of it's own. The blog Liestoppers was formed simply to support the Lacrosse Players. The liar supposedly being Crystal. Posters on that blog like those on this blog repeatedly make slanderous comments about Crystal Notably, Walt, Joan Foster and KC Johnson to cite a few of those who do not post anonymously
Anonymous said: "The best example of a "surrogate" slandering Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son".............................. This disgusting interpretation of DA Nifong's innocent comment says more about you then about former DA Nifong
latest clap trap from issy fit:
"Dr. Anonymous said: " I remind you, the sexual assault crystal alleged was a gang rape perpetrated by multiple members of the Lacrosse team who, not using condoms, penetrated her and ejaculated upon her"...................................No, it was by attendees at their party."
You get it wrong yet again. She accused members of the Lacrosse team.
Why am I not surprised.
Kenny reacts: Anonymous said: "The best example of a "surrogate" slandering Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son".............................. This disgusting interpretation of DA Nifong's innocent comment says more about you then about former DA Nifong
Two can troll. I will continue to re-post the same comment every time you post unless you acknowledge that Nifong"s comment was wrong.
You have three options: (1) stop posting and go away; (2) acknowledge that Nifong's comment was wrong; or (3) enjoy the repetitive reminders.
even more kenny hissy fit claptrap:
"Anonymous said: "The best example of a "surrogate" slandering Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son".............................. This disgusting interpretation of DA Nifong's innocent comment says more about you then about former DA Nifong".
Rather, this disgusting statement by nifong was a rather desperate and stupid attempt to explain why he concealed the DNA evidence rather than trace it back to the sources.
And your response is a stupid desperate attempt on your part to dodge the issue, why nifong concealed the DNA evidence rather than identify the sources.
The most credible explanation is that nifong did not believe crystal was raped, but he wanted to convict Lacrosse players of the crime, and finding the sources would establish that crystal had not been raped at the party.
I again remind you that you have provided zero evidence that there were unidentified party attendees. And as you are asserting there were, you have the obligation to prove.
The key-word here being CORRECT. It appears that racism is alive and well in the so-called land of the free. Dr. Harr please don't be so tolerant and flush this foul excrement off this thread
Dr. Anonymous said: You get it wrong yet again. She accused members of the Lacrosse team"........................................... Crystal had no idea who was a Player and who was not.
Anonymous said: " I will continue to re-post the same comment every time you post"................................. Who are you and which comment of yours do you intend to chant?
Crystal had no idea who raped her because nobody ever did.The rape happened in her drug and alcohol soaked imagination.
claptrap from hissy fit:
"The key-word here being CORRECT. It appears that racism is alive and well in the so-called land of the free."
hissy fit and harr are two of the more notorious practiyioners.
"Dr. Harr please don't be so tolerant and flush this foul excrement off this thread"
Presumes a fact not in evidence, that harr is tolerant. harr is extremely intolerant of people who do not buy into his black on white racism.
more clatrap from hissy fit.
"Dr. Anonymous said: You get it wrong yet again. She accused members of the Lacrosse team"........................................... Crystal had no idea who was a Player and who was not."
Yes she did. So far as your mystery rapist clap trap, you have presented zero evidence of the existence of the mystery rapists. Your fixation n mystery rapists is a manifestation of your fixation on imagining crystal was raped. Why do you wish she had been raped?
Anonymous June 21, 2016 at 10:04 PM
"Crystal had no idea who raped her because nobody ever did."
Tat sums up the situation perfectly.
In the words of Walt in Durham, "We have a winner".
hissy fit has presented zero evidence that crystal was raped. One must again ask, why does hissy fit wish she had been raped.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
even more harrian clap trap:
"Nice job of misdirection. Houdini, David Copperfield, and other great illusionists would be proud of your comment."
It was not misdirection. It was the truth. It takes a chronic liar who can't recognize truth to call it misdirection,
"First of all, Daye did not die from sepsis or an infection of any kind. He died because he was removed from life-support, and he was removed from life-support because he was brain dead. His brain death stemmed from an errant intubation of his esophagus by Duke Hospital medical staff. The misplaced intubation was the proximate and intervening cause of Daye's death... the direct cause of his brain death."
First of all, I did not say Reginald Daye died of sepsis. And I did not deny that he aspirated. I pointed out the aspiration was a complication of an evaluation for an intra abdominal infection. Since you deny that Reginald Daye was at risk of an intra abdominal infection,you document you are incompetent to evaluate the situation. That iswhat one would expect from a minimally trained, minimally experienced medical school graduate who was never accepted into residency training, and who never achieved medical specialty board certification and who sprnt his post medical school career filing and losing frivolous lawsuits. You have fired off another salvo of duds, harr.
"It was never proven or even suggested from the medical records that Daye suffered an infectious process... neither sepsis nor intra-abdominal."
So you are saying that someone who has suffered a colon laceration which left his abdominal cavity exposed to hours of contamination from colonic [pathogens is not at risk of an inyra abdominal infection, right? You have once again documented you are incredibly stupid and totally clinically incompetent.
"The afore enlightenment should suffice, however if further elucidation is required give me notification."
That you consider your clap trap enlightening and elucidatiing is yet more documentation that you are incrediblt stupid and clinically incompetent.
For the purpose of argument, it is really irrelevant why it was deemed necessary to intubate Daye, the fact remains that had Daye been initially intubated properly in the trachea instead of esophagus, he would more likely than not be alive today. That is a fact as the esophageal intubation is clearly linked to the his brain death.
You will be standing tall before the man in 5 days.
There are 8 days left until the end of June.
You have 193 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 60 days since April 23rd, 99 days since the Ides of March and 3,294 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
"The best example of a "surrogate" slandering Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son"
claptrap from harr:
"For the purpose of argument, it is really irrelevant why it was deemed necessary to intubate Daye, the fact remains that had Daye been initially intubated properly in the trachea instead of esophagus, he would more likely than not be alive today. That is a fact as the esophageal intubation is clearly linked to the his brain death."
And the need for intubation is clearly linked to the stab wound inflicted bt crystal. Even if there had been ma;practice(and minimally trained, minimally experienced harrr, who was never accepted into residency training, who never achieved medical specialty board certification, who spent most of his post medical school career filing and losing frivolous, non meritorious lawsuits is not capable of establishing anything as malpractice) it would not have relieved crystal of criminal responsibility for his death.
harr, this was a particularly feeb;le salvo of duds.
Walt said...
Anonymous at 7:28 wrote: "Can Magnum sue Sid because of his breach?"
She could. She does have a contributory negligence problem. She did give him the information, knowing he was unreliable and prone to doing self-defeating things with any information he might obtain.
She also has another problem, Sid is judgment proof. Seventeen years of medical practice left him living in subsidized housing, surviving on his minimal social security benefit and food stamps. It's not like Sid has ever earned much money from a profession that usually showers money on even it's most mediocre practitioners. She would also be standing in line behind the California Franchise Tax Board which has an assessment against Sid from when he tried to steal a medical practice.
All that said, I think Sid and Crystal deserve to litigate against one another. Like Sid and Duke. A three way litigation fest with Duke, Sid and Crystal would be a lot of fun to watch. It really is a shame that Judge Eagles has prohibited anyone from pleading in Harr III. I'd like to see Crystal added as a party defendant or a cross defendant on some claim. We could watch Kenny sit on the sidelines and hurl inanities at the various litigants while Sid spewed gratuitous insults in lieu of actual legal reasoning, and Crystal tried to hit on the court room marshal's while Duke did its best imitation of Tallman Trask asserting its entitled privilege to a parking spot.
Hey, Walt.
That I am judgment proof puts me in some really good company... such as Mother Theresa, Pope Francis, and the Man from Nazareth.
My life is, and has always been one dedicated to the service of mankind, and not one of a gluttonous nature of hoarding and building wealth ala Trump. Your claims that I owe the California Tax Board money for trying to steal a medical practice is hilariously imaginative, false, and nonsensical.
As far as litigation involving Mangum, there is absolutely no cause for her to file against me, and surely I would not file a lawsuit against her. Doesn't make sense. We're on the same side... in fact, I am the only one fighting on her behalf.
With regards to not seeing briefs in response filed by the defendants: Don't be disheartened quite yet. There's a strong possibility that Harr-III will be reinstated following the hearing scheduled for June 27, 2016.
Sidney states: For the purpose of argument, it is really irrelevant why it was deemed necessary to intubate Daye, the fact remains that had Daye been initially intubated properly in the trachea instead of esophagus, he would more likely than not be alive today. That is a fact as the esophageal intubation is clearly linked to the his brain death.
This is correct. However, as Welch and Hosclaw indicate, medical malpractice is not an intervening cause. Thus, Mangum remains legally responsible for Daye's death despite the fact that "the esposageal intubation is clearly linked to his brain death." Mangum is guilty of murder.
John D. Smith
New York, NY
A comment recently posted was deemed to violate the kenhyderal doctrine, and has been removed. Although debate on criminal legal issues, especially involving Crystal Mangum, can be very emotional, I caution commenters to use restraint in order to avoid comment eradication.
This site is extremely tolerant, but it does require a least a modicum of civility irrespective of any position held by the commenter.
Harr III will not be reinstated, a gatekeeper order will be issued against you (you will be lucky if that's the only sanction), and you will again bleat about some random theory or another.
You have yet to explain why the Statute of Limitations should not apply to you. Why should you alone be the special exceptions?
Shortly after Harr III is dismissed and you hit with a gatekeeper in the Middle District, your lawsuit against Lorrin Freeman will be dismissed and you will be hit with a gatekeeper in the Eastern District.
Another harrian piece of clap trap:
"Hey, Walt.
"That I am judgment proof puts me in some really good company... such as Mother Theresa, Pope Francis, and the Man from Nazareth."
Irrelevant comparison. They are poor(judgment proof) because they chose to be. You are judgment proof because you are an utter failure as a physician. What those individuals did to qualify as good is something you have never tried to do. Jesus Christ advocated for Truth. You advocate for obvious lies, e.g., crystal was the victim/accuser in the Duke Rape Case(she was the victimizer/false accuser in the Duke Rape Hoax), that nifong who knowingly prosecuted innocent men for a crime he knew never happened was a decent honorable prosecutor, that nifong's downfall was due to a carpetbagger jihad, something you fabricated.
"My life is, and has always been one dedicated to the service of mankind, and not one of a gluttonous nature of hoarding and building wealth ala Trump."
How does presuming innocent men raped crystal(and there is and never has been any proof that crystal was raped) add up to service to mankind. It adds up to a gross disservice to certin human beings. As does your claim that the killing of Demetrius Greene was just an unfortunate accident because Shan Carter was acting in self defense when he chased down and killed an unarmed, fleeing Tyrone Baker.
"Your claims that I owe the California Tax Board money for trying to steal a medical practice is hilariously imaginative, false, and nonsensical."
I believe you call it "hilariously imaginative, false, and nonsensical" because it is true and you like to obscure truths you do not like.
"As far as litigation involving Mangum, there is absolutely no cause for her to file against me, and surely I would not file a lawsuit against her. Doesn't make sense. We're on the same side... in fact, I am the only one fighting on her behalf."
What you are fighting for, on behalf of false accuser/murderess crystal mangum is to get her a pass for her crimes.
"With regards to not seeing briefs in response filed by the defendants: Don't be disheartened quite yet. There's a strong possibility that Harr-III will be reinstated following the hearing scheduled for June 27, 2016."
Another manifestation of your delusional megalomania.
Sid said:
"With regards to not seeing briefs in response filed by the defendants: Don't be disheartened quite yet. There's a strong possibility that Harr-III will be reinstated following the hearing scheduled for June 27, 2016."
So, you think the reason the Judge ordered you to show cause why you have not violated Rule 11 and directed you to appear before her was so that she could tell you, in person and in open court, what a great job you are doing and to keep up the good work? Now that is what I would call "hilariously imaginative, false, and nonsensical."
Your lolsuit is going to be tossed and you are going to get benchslapped.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
from harr:
"This site is extremely tolerant, but it does require a least a modicum of civility irrespective of any position held by the commenter."
So you call it civility when you repeatedly proclaim innocent men guilty of the non existent crime of raping crystal, right?
John D. Smith wrote: "You are both wrong. She specifically alleged that David Evans, Colin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann, who, not using condoms, penetrated her and ejaculated upon her.
This specific allegation was proven false."
Ding-Ding-Ding Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!
Sid wrote: "As far as litigation involving Mangum, there is absolutely no cause for her to file against me, and surely I would not file a lawsuit against her. Doesn't make sense. We're on the same side..."
No, you are not on her side. You violated the confidence she placed in you and publicized the fact that the defense own independent medical examiner agreed with the state's opinion that there was no intervening cause. You are the biggest, and only turncoat in this saga.
"... in fact, I am the only one fighting on her behalf."
No, you are not. You have talked Crystal out of firing good lawyer after good lawyer. You have talked her out of withdrawing the only brief that made any sense before the Supreme Court and substituting one that argued non-sense and was completely free of any legal precedent to overturn the trial court's verdict. With friends like you, Crystal doesn't need any enemies.
"With regards to not seeing briefs in response filed by the defendants: Don't be disheartened quite yet. There's a strong possibility that Harr-III will be reinstated following the hearing scheduled for June 27, 2016."
If by strong you mean Harr III will be dismissed against the Duke defendants and you will get a sanction. If you really think Harr III is moving forward against Duke, you are sadly mistaken. Your best day in Greensboro is the Judge allows the Associated Press to file a 12(b) motion after sanctioning you.
for hissy fit:
from http://www.macleans.ca/news/canada/out-of-sight-out-of-mind-2/
"Terry Glavin, recently writing in the Ottawa Citizen, mocked the idea that the United States could learn from Canada’s example when it comes to racial harmony. To illustrate his point, he compared the conditions of the African-American community to Canada’s First Nations. If you judge a society by how it treats its most disadvantaged, Glavin found us wanting. Consider the accompanying table. By almost every measurable indicator, the Aboriginal population in Canada is treated worse and lives with more hardship than the African-American population. All these facts tell us one thing: Canada has a race problem, too."
Yes there is a problem in Canada. Thankfully we now have a Liberal Government that is going to address it. We've endured nine years of right-wing Conservative Government where this problem has gotten decidedly worse. The Justin Trudeau Government has made correcting this a top priority and has budgeted the funds needed. The prime minister said his government would immediately move on the following five promises the Liberals made during the recent election campaign.
Launch a national public inquiry into missing and murdered indigenous women.
Make significant investments in First Nations education. Lift the two per cent cap on funding for First Nations programs.Implement all 94 recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Repeal all legislation unilaterally imposed on indigenous people by the previous government. He has also appointed an Aboriginal women to be the Minister of Justice.
P.S. You might want to compare Canadian Native People with American Native People and African Canadians with African Americans for a broader perspective.
Well, hissy fit, your ideas of unjust treatment of African Americans consists of: Caucasian men falsely accused by a black woman of rape are not summarily convicted and imprisoned, and, a black woman who falsely accuses white men of raping her and who murders a black man is not given a pass for her crimes.
And you claim you are not racist.
You will be standing tall before the man in 4 days.
There are 7 days left until the end of June.
You have 192 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 61 days since April 23rd, 100 days since the Ides of March and 3,295 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
I have some legal questions regarding Mangum's sentence.
Mangum received a sentence of 14 years 2 months to 18 years in prison. I believe this is what is known as an indeterminate sentence. Under NC law, what does this mean? More specifically,
1. What is her soonest possible release date? Is there any way for her to be released prior to serving the minimum term of 14yrs 2mos, such as good behavior, or on some sort of parole or supervised release? Or, does she have to serve at least the minimum term before she can be released?
2. Practically speaking, what is the likelihood that she will be released upon serving the minimum term? Is it pretty much pro forma to release an inmate after they have served their minimum term, provided their prison disciplinary record is relatively clean? Is there some sort of a board or agency that reviews cases and decides whether a prisoner should be released after serving the minimum term, but before the expiration of the maximum term? Is there a hearing involved? What sort of factors are considered?
3. Will Mangum be on some sort of parole or post release supervision once she finishes her sentence, especially if she is released prior to serving the maximum term? For example, if she is released after 14 years 2 months, does she remain under supervision until her maximum terms expires? If so, what would this entail? What about if she serves the maximum term of 18 years? Will she be on parole or under supervision of some sort, or will they just cut her loose?
4. In your opinion, what is the likelihood that Mangum will be released after she serves her minimum term?
For purposes of this discussion, assume that Sid's streak of always being wrong, never winning a legal battle and stubbornly refusing to learn from his mistakes and adjust his strategy remains intact.
Also, I am not asking or expecting you to put any effort or time into answering my questions. I am just looking for any answers you can give off the top of your head.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
You asked Walt, but I will answer:
It is not an indeterminate sentence. She received 14 years 2 months to 18 years - 170 months to 216 months.
The last 12 months are Post Release Supervision - so her active portion is 170 months - 204 months.
She starts at the maximum and "earns" time down towards the minimum with a formula that DAC controls, but it's basically this:
Every month you are incarcerated and not on Admin Segregation, you get 3 days off your max. If you are working, or taking classes, or such, you can earn an additional 3-6 days per month.
So, she has a 34 month gap between her minimum and her maximum (1,020 days). She gets no "gain time" from her time in the Durham County Jail (let's call that 2 years just to make the math easier, but it's less). So, in 146 months (to her minimum) - assuming she stays out of trouble (at least serious enough trouble for her to lose her gain-time, and it's hard to not earn it), she will have "earned" a minimum of 438 days off her maximum, and a maximum of 1,314 days (she cannot go below her 14 years, 2 months).
So, given how long she has to serve, it's very possible she will serve the minimum - so long as she works, takes classes, etc., in custody - she will certainly only serve close to it. Then she will be on Post Release Supervision for 12 months.
So, that explanation, here are direct answers:
1. She will not be released prior to the minimum (absent her conviction being overturned), how long she serves beyond that is based on the gain-time formula - there is no panel or review, each month you do X, you get Y gain time (3, 6, or 9 days - and what you've earned cannot be taken away, they can only stop you earning it, and that generally requires solitary and is rare).
2. If you have a long enough sentence to earn down to your minimum, it's pretty much pro forma to release at your minimum. On a shorter sentence, you just aren't in long enough to work down - so someone sentenced to 17-30 months would have 17-21 active - so a 4 month gap (120 days) - They would earn between 51 - 153 days gain time - but since jail and the initial classification doesn't count, it would be hard for them to earn the full 120, and would serve longer than the 17 month minimum - it's all based on your pre-trial jail credit (for which you get no gain time), how long classification takes (you get 3 days/ month), then what you do beyond that - not everyone is eligible to earn the 6 and 9 days. She's in long enough to get to the minimum, everyone works down a bit.
3. Yes, she will have a 12 month post-release supervision whenever she is released. If she violates it, she has the 12 months (once released the "maximum" goes away).
4. I don't know Walt's opinion, but I would say it' very likely she will be released within a few months of serving the minimum.
Before someone points out why 17-30 is 17-21 active - for non-violent felonies, or for lower level ones, the Post Release Supervision is 9 months, not 12 - so it's not an error in math.
"Sid: You will be standing tall before the man in 4 days."
And that will be my chance to sneak up behind him and drill him a new butthole!
I am the Rectumfinder! (And lay acrobat!)
I agree with Anon at 9:22 as modified by anon at 9:25. I think she will be out around February 27, 2026. NC doesn't really award much in the way of "good time credit." Many years ago, NC handed down what seemed to be long and harsh sentences only to have the offenders released rather quickly because of time off for good behavior. People didn't like that, so the General Assembly stepped in and passed a law called "truth in sentencing." What that new law did was make the sentence handed down by the jury be very close to what the offender actually served. Assuming she continues to serve on good behavior, she will serve no more than the minimum. All that could change if she does something untoward.
You mean by the Judge - the Jury doesn't do sentencing in North Carolina ...
Anon at 12:34 wrote: "You mean by the Judge - the Jury doesn't do sentencing in North Carolina ..."
You are correct. I did not write very clearly. Juries sentenced under the old law and what the defendant actually served was very different from the sentence imposed. Under the current law, judges hand down sentences.
Anonymous at 9:22 AM:
Thank you for your answer. It was very informative. It also prompted me to do some of further research of my own. You are correct; Mangum did not receive an indeterminate sentence. I misunderstood and misused that term.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Of course - according to Sid she will be released within 6 days - so the explanation is moot. There are no court filings or court hearings or anything else that could lead to this release, but Sid has expressed confidence it will happen and he will show us all how soon.
We are still waiting Sid ...
Just wanted to give a brief update. I have received a response in my Complaint against D.A. Freeman, however, I have not had a chance to read it yet... Only know that a Motion to Dismissed was filed. I believe I have until July 14th to submit a file.
However, I am currently focused on my upcoming hearing on Monday, June 27th, so I will not be actively participating on this blog site's comments until after that engagement has been completed.
As you were.
latest claptrap from harr:
Meaning, again, hey everybody, pay attention to me.
"Just wanted to give a brief update. I have received a response in my Complaint against D.A. Freeman, however, I have not had a chance to read it yet... Only know that a Motion to Dismissed was filed. I believe I have until July 14th to submit a file."
You will find out your complaint will be dismissed with prejudice, and you will go on another screed about how unfair the justice system is to you.
"However, I am currently focused on my upcoming hearing on Monday, June 27th, so I will not be actively participating on this blog site's comments until after that engagement has been completed."
Which means you will be waffling and dodging again, and preparing another meaningless rant about the justice system is because it will not hear your frivolous, non meritorious suit.
"As you were."
As we always were, acutely aware that harr is a delusional megalomaniac.
You will be standing tall before the man in 3 days.
There are 6 days left until the end of June. Whatever you are working on to get Mangum released by the end of June, you should finish quickly.
You have 191 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 62 days since April 23rd, 101 days since the Ides of March and 3,296 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
It doesn't matter how you respond - it will be granted.
Walt, since Sid refuses to post these things, any chance you can?
Sid is going to once against bleat on and on about how they are trying to dismiss his lawsuits rather than give him a jury trial - ignoring that the vast majority of cases never make it to a jury, they get decided on motions to dismiss or summary judgment long before then.
It doesn't mean they are trying to hide anything, it means they know you are a loon and don't want to waste time, energy, effort, and resources dealing with you.
You will be standing tall before the man in 3 days.
There are 6 days left until the end of June.
You have 191 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 62 days since April 23rd, 101 days since the Ides of March and 3,296 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
You will be standing tall before the man in 3 days.
There are 6 days left until the end of June.
You have 191 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 62 days since April 23rd, 101 days since the Ides of March and 3,296 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
To Everyone:
I don't know what the hell happened above with a double post of yesterday's daily countdown. Here is the correct information:
Sid will be standing tall before the man in 2 days.
There are 5 days left until the end of June.
Sid has 190 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 63 days since April 23rd, 102 days since the Ides of March and 3,297 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
This is the actual, accurate update brought to you by the real Abe Froman. Accept no substitutes or imitations.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Sid wrote: "Just wanted to give a brief update. I have received a response in my Complaint against D.A. Freeman, however, I have not had a chance to read it yet... Only know that a Motion to Dismissed was filed. I believe I have until July 14th to submit a file."
Motion to dismiss under rules 12(b)(1) and (6). The brief, which I will discuss in a posting on my site, later, says Sid has failed to allege facts to support his claim and the D.A. is immune. Further, the Attorney General reminds the court that Sid has fully tried and lost this very same claim in Harr I in the Middle District. Look for some fireworks from Sid in the way of gratuitous insults rather than reasoned pleading. And, look for an order under Rule 12.
Sid will be standing tall before the man in 2 days.
There are 5 days left until the end of June.
Sid has 190 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 63 days since April 23rd, 102 days since the Ides of March and 3,297 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
This is the actual, accurate update brought to you by the real Abe Froman. Accept no substitutes or imitations.
Fake Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
What justice for nifong should have been.
Tomorrow you will stand tall before the man.
There are 4 days left until the end of June.
You have 189 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 64 days since April 23rd, 103 days since the Ides of March and 3,298 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
If you can't even explain to us why the Statute of Limitations should not apply to your case, how can you hope to explain it to the Court?
Harr III will be dismissed tomorrow. Sid will be ordered to pay costs and hit with a gate-keeper order, and he will appeal and whine.
Here is North Carolina's reply to Sid's frivolous lawsuit: https://walt-in-durham.blogspot.com/2016/06/freeman-files-motion-to-dismiss.html
732 minutes until Sid's day in court is scheduled to begin.
Just tell them you're ill. They can't do anything to you then.
Today you will stand tall before the man and answer for your abuse of the legal system. Be sure to let us know how that goes for you.
There are 3 days left until the end of June.
You have 188 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 65 days since April 23rd, 104 days since the Ides of March and 3,299 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Today you will stand tall before the man and answer for your abuse of the legal system. Be sure to let us know how that goes for you.
There are 3 days left until the end of June.
You have 188 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 65 days since April 23rd, 104 days since the Ides of March and 3,299 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Hey, Abe.
To be precise, in approximately four hours I will stand tall before her Honor and give a presentation as to why I should not be sanctioned. Actually, it was around ll:00 p.m., seven hours ago, that I completed my presentation - which I had been working on throughout the weekend.
By the way, I decided not to wear my j4n tee-shirt as it might offend the judge, and I need not make my way more difficult than it is already.
Wish me luck.
As you may be aware, this morning I travel to a Greensboro federal courthouse to do legal battle.
Know that I appreciate your prayers and well wishes.
Upon returning home I will inform you as the the outcome. I may or may not be in the mood to provide much detail. That remains to be seen.
On other fronts, the effort to obtain justice for Crystal Mangum is moving at warp speed, and you will shortly become aware of the progress made.
Have a nice Monday, all.
As you were.
Sid ... I can already write your update for you:
Your lawsuit was dismissed, with Prejudice.
A gatekeeper order was entered against you as a sanction.
You were not allowed to finish your presentation, because they realized after the first few minutes it was pointless.
Nothing is happening with Mangum, as you have filed nothing that can help her - so despite your claims, she cannot be freed soon. Look at all the cases where people have been exonerated - it's taken months, or years, after the necessary documents were filed - you think you can do anything in a few days with nothing filed?
You will come back here, and post that the Powers That Be are racist and stacked against you - and continue your martyrdom and inane rants, and continue to refuse to listen to those who try to help you and explain the flaws in your arguments.
There, saved you the hassle - you can move on to other things now, like your response to the Freeman lawsuit (which will also be dismissed with prejudice - interesting they aren't seeking sanctions there, yet). Oh, and the factual mistake the AG makes that Daye was in the hospital because Crystal stabbed him multiple times (it was only 1), isn't going to be relevant, and doesn't change the issue at all, but you will latch onto it as if it matters.
clap trap from harr:
"As you may be aware, this morning I travel to a Greensboro federal courthouse to do legal battle.
Know that I appreciate your prayers and well wishes."
If you think people should pray for your success in your lawsuits,I call that blasphemy. It is like a scene in the series Dirty Sexy money. One of the characters, who is trying to get custody of his son, is imploring God to make the judge in the case accept his bribe. Your suits are frivolous and non meritorious, filed because of your over inflated opinion of yourself, and motivated by your intent of inflicting harm on others.
"Upon returning home I will inform you as the the outcome. I may or may not be in the mood to provide much detail. That remains to be seen."
Your suits, as another poster has pointed out, will be dismissed, and you will rant and rave about how unjust the system is to you because of your ethnicity. Stop blaming others for your utter failure to make something of yourself
"On other fronts, the effort to obtain justice for Crystal Mangum is moving at warp speed, and you will shortly become aware of the progress made."
You mean at warped speed. your efforts are not helping crystal at all. Anything you have done is harm her. What is warped is your belief that you are helping crystal.
"Have a nice Monday, all."
alot of us are expecting a nice Monday, when your suits are again dismissed and you will be sanctioned.
Sid said:
"Wish me luck."
I don't wish you any ill will, but you are going to be pummeled about the head neck, face, chest and breast by the cudgel of justice. No amount of luck will save you from that fate.
For what it's worth, I hope that the sanctions levied against you are limited to a gatekeeper order and do not impose any additional personal hardship on you.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
What Abe said, at 9:35.
Eh ... he's making people spend thousands of dollars and lots of time dealing with his BS. I hope they throw the book at him.
I imagine they'll send you to bed without supper, but I hope they won't actually do anything to hurt you.
Anonymous said:
"Eh ... he's making people spend thousands of dollars and lots of time dealing with his BS. I hope they throw the book at him."
The courthouse wasn't built for Sid's case and the Judge was probably going to be there today anyways, so it's not like taking five minutes to sanction Sid will cost the taxpayers much. Frivolous lawsuits and abusive litigants happen in any court system. Dealing with them is part of the courts and judges jobs. Moreover, I don't care that much about any of the defendants Sid is targeting with his lolsuits. They either (a) can afford the hassle and/or (b) deserve it.
A gatekeeper order is a pretty severe sanction. For all his bluster and blunder and ranting and raving, Sid may someday have a legitimate grievance. Being denied access to the court without prior approval is an extremely serious sanction. To put it in context, for all that Nifong did that resulted in his disbarment, he can still file papers on his own behalf and represent himself pro se in court. After today, Sid probably won't be able to say the same.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
It's not the Judges and the Court personnel I care about - it the people he's sued. Sid absolutely fits the criteria for a gate-keeper order - because he keeps filing the same frivolous stuff over and over. If he has a legit grievance, he gets the Judge to review it, and say yes or no. It's not that severe.
Apparently Sid was not in the mood to provide an update.
From Abe Froman:
A gatekeeper order is a pretty severe sanction. For all his bluster and blunder and ranting and raving, Sid may someday have a legitimate grievance. Being denied access to the court without prior approval is an extremely serious sanction."
That Sid will need prior approval to access to the court system is harsh. It comes in the context of Sid being a serial abuser of the legal system. Judging from the article in the Independent Weekly(Sid calls that a "hatchet job. He was advised to sue the author. Sid said he did not want to because the author was a nice guy, which probably meant Sid could not make a case for the article being a hatchet job), Sid has been abusing the legal system for years. That scale of abuse does justify requiring Sid to have prior approval to file a lawsuit.
If I am correct, when a lawsuit is filed against someone, even if it is obviously frivolous, the individual has to defend himself/herself, at his/her own personal expense. They should not have to do that when someone like Sid, with a track record of years in duration of abusing the legal system just because Sid wants to sue them.
Apparently Sid was not in the mood to provide an update.
Perhaps he is unable. For example, maybe he repeated the gratuitous vile invective he employed in Harr I and was hit with a contempt charge.
guiowen said...
I imagine they'll send you to bed without supper, but I hope they won't actually do anything to hurt you.
Hey, gui, mon ami.
Thanks for your concern. I am happy to report that I left the courtroom free of bondage, but with an outcome that was neither surprising nor favorable. How could I stand a chance in a hearing before the judge who imposed the threat of sanctions after she refused my Motion for her to recuse herself? Any judge with integrity or sense of fairness would have recused him/herself. So we went through the motions of having a hearing briefly before she ruled for financial sanctions. The ruling should be forthcoming soon. Naturally, I will appeal.
Hope all is well for you. I imagine you are off for the summer?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Apparently Sid was not in the mood to provide an update.
Perhaps he is unable. For example, maybe he repeated the gratuitous vile invective he employed in Harr I and was hit with a contempt charge.
After being on the laptop for the entire weekend working on my presentation, following the hearing I was eager to spend some time walking and enjoying the outdoors. Fortunately, in the courtroom I was able to restrain myself with respect to gratuitous vile invectives and thereby avoid any contempt charges. Believe me, it wasn't easy.
As far as an update, I will produce a post about it soon. Right now, I have to take a look at the response to my complaint against D.A. Freeman. Try and be patient.
Sorry to hear things went badly. I've told you before that you can't count on people accepting your arguments.
Actually, I took the spring off, and will be teaching this summer.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sid said:
"Wish me luck."
I don't wish you any ill will, but you are going to be pummeled about the head neck, face, chest and breast by the cudgel of justice. No amount of luck will save you from that fate.
For what it's worth, I hope that the sanctions levied against you are limited to a gatekeeper order and do not impose any additional personal hardship on you.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Hey, Abe.
Thanks for not wanting me to cudgeled too badly.
Naturally, since the same judge who imposed the threat of sanctions was hearing my case, it is unreasonable to expect that I could receive a fair and just outcome. I do not believe the sanctions ordered are as severe as you anticipated. But, naturally, I will file an appeal.
claptrap from harr:
"Naturally, since the same judge who imposed the threat of sanctions was hearing my case, it is unreasonable to expect that I could receive a fair and just outcome. I do not believe the sanctions ordered are as severe as you anticipated. But, naturally, I will file an appeal."
It was obvious to everyone but you that your suit was a frivolous,non meritorious suit in which you ignored the law and made a bunch of uncorroborated allegations. The only reason you would expect a favorable outcome is that you are a deluced megalomaniac.
There are 2 days left until the end of June.
You have 187 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 66 days since April 23rd, 105 days since the Ides of March and 3,300 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Shocking - Sid is blaming his loss on bias.
Sid - what was your reasoning for why the Statute of Limitations should not apply to you? You lost because you have no legal basis for your case and no arguments.
So, what's this Crystal news you've been promising?
Sid said:
"Hey, Abe.
Thanks for not wanting me to cudgeled too badly.
Naturally, since the same judge who imposed the threat of sanctions was hearing my case, it is unreasonable to expect that I could receive a fair and just outcome. I do not believe the sanctions ordered are as severe as you anticipated. But, naturally, I will file an appeal."
If your appeal is going to be based on the fact that the same judge who warned you about the possibility of sanctions if you persisted in engaging in sanctionable conduct and then issued the show cause order when you did also heard and decided it, then you will lose. In fact (and I defer to Walt and A Lawyer on this issue) I think there may even be a chance that your appeal would be deemed frivolous.
I hope that you learn something from yesterday's experience and that it informs your future decisions, particularly with respect to the frivolous case you filed against Freeman and Wake County. You should withdraw your complaint as it is without merit. However, given your extensive track record of refusing to learn from your mistakes, that may be a bridge too far for you.
I will tell you this much: if you continue on the path your are presently on, things will only get worse for you.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Sid wrote: "Naturally, since the same judge who imposed the threat of sanctions was hearing my case, it is unreasonable to expect that I could receive a fair and just outcome."
True to form, Sid refuses to learn. It has already been explained to him why this is not unreasonable or unfair for his case to be heard by a judge who disagrees with him on the law. In fact, every judge, federal or state would have found the same way. It is Sid who refuses to learn.
"But, naturally, I will file an appeal."
More of the same. The only downside is Judge Eagles relieved all the parties from a requirement to file. Duke and Sid really do deserve each other in litigation.
Abe wrote: "I think there may even be a chance that your appeal would be deemed frivolous."
His whole lawsuit is frivolous. While the 4th Circuit will be fair with him and read his silly brief, they will sustain Judge Eagles. Sid is just frivolous. Don't be surprised if they add to the sanctions though.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Shocking - Sid is blaming his loss on bias.
Sid - what was your reasoning for why the Statute of Limitations should not apply to you? You lost because you have no legal basis for your case and no arguments.
So, what's this Crystal news you've been promising?
Regarding news on Crystal, it's coming over the horizon... and it is no mirage. I expect that you will be enlightened within a matter of a few days or a couple of weeks, at the most. These are merely estimates and you should not stringently hold me to them as I have limited control over the course of events.
Just be patient... the day of enlightenment is at hand.
Walt said...
Sid wrote: "Naturally, since the same judge who imposed the threat of sanctions was hearing my case, it is unreasonable to expect that I could receive a fair and just outcome."
True to form, Sid refuses to learn. It has already been explained to him why this is not unreasonable or unfair for his case to be heard by a judge who disagrees with him on the law. In fact, every judge, federal or state would have found the same way. It is Sid who refuses to learn.
"But, naturally, I will file an appeal."
More of the same. The only downside is Judge Eagles relieved all the parties from a requirement to file. Duke and Sid really do deserve each other in litigation.
Abe wrote: "I think there may even be a chance that your appeal would be deemed frivolous."
His whole lawsuit is frivolous. While the 4th Circuit will be fair with him and read his silly brief, they will sustain Judge Eagles. Sid is just frivolous. Don't be surprised if they add to the sanctions though.
Hey, Walt.
When the Day of Enlightenment comes, I am afraid that it's going to catch you and Abe totally unaware and off-guard. Don't say I didn't warn you. I'm just hopeful that the mental anguish you two will suffer won't be too extensive and to the extent that it will require professional psychological therapy.
You should start getting used to the likelihood that in short order time-wise Crystal Mangum will be freed, that she will be exonerated on the second degree murder conviction, and that she will be compensated for her damages inflicted by the state and others. Please try to prepare yourselves mentally before the day of justice-reckoning arrives... and don't forget to place an order for a crying towel.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sid said:
"Hey, Abe.
Thanks for not wanting me to cudgeled too badly.
Naturally, since the same judge who imposed the threat of sanctions was hearing my case, it is unreasonable to expect that I could receive a fair and just outcome. I do not believe the sanctions ordered are as severe as you anticipated. But, naturally, I will file an appeal."
If your appeal is going to be based on the fact that the same judge who warned you about the possibility of sanctions if you persisted in engaging in sanctionable conduct and then issued the show cause order when you did also heard and decided it, then you will lose. In fact (and I defer to Walt and A Lawyer on this issue) I think there may even be a chance that your appeal would be deemed frivolous.
I hope that you learn something from yesterday's experience and that it informs your future decisions, particularly with respect to the frivolous case you filed against Freeman and Wake County. You should withdraw your complaint as it is without merit. However, given your extensive track record of refusing to learn from your mistakes, that may be a bridge too far for you.
I will tell you this much: if you continue on the path your are presently on, things will only get worse for you.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Hey, Abe.
Thank you for your advice, which I consider to be heart-felt and well-intended, but with all due respect, I think that I will proceed on my current course which Destiny has laid out for me. Someone needs to stand up for Lady Justice... and it appears that responsibility has been left to me.
guiowen said...
Sorry to hear things went badly. I've told you before that you can't count on people accepting your arguments.
Actually, I took the spring off, and will be teaching this summer.
Hey, gui, mon ami.
Thank you for the condolences, however, to paraphrase the saying about a good landing, "any courtroom hearing in which you can walk away from un-handcuffed is a good one."
My expectations were not high to begin with so the fall of despair was indeed short.
Teaching during the summer might have some benefits? Less campus populated... less hectic... smaller classroom size? Anyway, enjoy it.
more clap trap from harr:
"Regarding news on Crystal, it's coming over the horizon... and it is no mirage. I expect that you will be enlightened within a matter of a few days or a couple of weeks, at the most. These are merely estimates and you should not stringently hold me to them as I have limited control over the course of events."
harr has been making promiises like that for years andhas yet to deliver.
"Just be patient... the day of enlightenment is at hand."
harr, who is willfully incapable of receiving enlightment is incapable of delivring enlightenment.
yet more clap trap from harr:
"When the Day of Enlightenment comes, I am afraid that it's going to catch you and Abe totally unaware and off-guard. Don't say I didn't warn you. I'm just hopeful that the mental anguish you two will suffer won't be too extensive and to the extent that it will require professional psychological therapy."
harr, who willfully refuses to be enlightenment, has been promising this would happenfor tears.harr has missed all of his previously set deadlines. There is no indication that this is anything but more of harr's delusional megalomania.
"You should start getting used to the likelihood that in short order time-wise Crystal Mangum will be freed, that she will be exonerated on the second degree murder conviction, and that she will be compensated for her damages inflicted by the state and others. Please try to prepare yourselves mentally before the day of justice-reckoning arrives... and don't forget to place an order for a crying towel."
harr has been saying this for years. It hasn't happened. Most lkely, just like his declarations that he and his committee of bigots would get nifong's law license restored, harr will eventually cease his efforts and offer the ecxcuse that he has found a more urgent cause.
Harr is the one who keeps setting deadlines, and misses them. He's clearly already made it clear nothing is happening soon with Crystal - I hope he's not still lying to her.
It was going to be the Ides of March (it was actually going to be long before that), most recently the end of June, now he says sometime in the next several days, to several weeks, but we shouldn't hold him to any deadlines (even though he's the one who sets them).
more clap trap from harr, this ytimr delusional clap trap:
"Hey, Abe.
Thank you for your advice, which I consider to be heart-felt and well-intended, but with all due respect, I think that I will proceed on my current course which Destiny has laid out for me. Someone needs to stand up for Lady Justice... and it appears that responsibility has been left to me."
Presuming innocent men raped crystal in the face of overwhelming evidence that no rape ever happened is not standing up for justice. Calling nifong, one of the most corrupt prosecutors in US History, the man who prosecuted three innocent Duke defendants knowing he had no case against them, a decent honorable minister of justice, is not standing up for justice. Trying to get his favorite murderess/false accuser a pass for her crimes is not standing up for justice. Saying AG Cooper, who thoroughly reviewed the facts of the Duke Rape Hoax and finding that no crime happened, was inappropriate when he announced that he and his investigators believed the defendants were innocent, is not standing up for justice. Claiming Shan Carter, who ran down and killed an unarmed fleeing man with an illegally possessed firearm, in the process also killing an innocent 8 year old boy, was acting in self defense, that was not at all standing up for justice.
Filing frivolous non meritorious lawsuits is not standing up for justice. That is a attempt to inflict injustice on others
harr's delusional megalomania is there for all to see.
more clap trap from harr:
"Thank you for the condolences, however, to paraphrase the saying about a good landing, "any courtroom hearing in which you can walk away from un-handcuffed is a good one."
My expectations were not high to begin with so the fall of despair was indeed short."
If your expectations were not high, you would not have gone to the effort you did.
You got shot down.Now you are claiming you weren't trying to fly.
So, Sid, are you going to provide a summary of what happened? You admitted that you lost, but you provided no detail on your sanctions.
Is the enlightenment we can expect "within a matter of a few days or a couple of weeks, at the most" the same enlightenment that you earlier told us to expect on or before the end of June? Or is it the enlightenment you told us to expect by April 23rd or the Ides of March?
Can you post your presentation? We need the same enlightenment you provided the Court?
You should start getting used to the likelihood that in short order time-wise Crystal Mangum will be freed, that she will be exonerated on the second degree murder conviction, and that she will be compensated for her damages inflicted by the state and others. Please try to prepare yourselves mentally before the day of justice-reckoning arrives... and don't forget to place an order for a crying towel.
You have made predictions like this many times before. Not one of them has come true.
In contrast, every time you have filed one of your lawsuits, I and Walt have accurately predicted what the outcome would be.
I will leave it to the readers of this blog to decide who has more credibility.
On June 22, 2016, at 3:45 A.M., Dr. Harr posted the following on this thread:
There's a strong possibility that Harr-III will be reinstated following the hearing scheduled for June 27, 2016.
Yesterday, at 7:44 P.M., Dr. Harr posted the following on this thread:
I am happy to report that I left the courtroom free of bondage, but with an outcome that was neither surprising nor favorable. How could I stand a chance in a hearing before the judge who imposed the threat of sanctions after she refused my Motion for her to recuse herself?
No further comment necessary.
Today at 6:48 AM Sid posted the following:
"My expectations were not high to begin with . . .."
But, less than week earlier, on June 22, 2016 at 3:45 AM, Sid posted:
"There's a strong possibility that Harr-III will be reinstated following the hearing scheduled for June 27, 2016.
How the hell do you reconcile those two posts?
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Isn't it time for more harr/hissy fit/kilgo anonymous impotent temper tantrums.
Sidney says:
"But, naturally, I will file an appeal."
Of course he will...
Sidney also says this:
"following the hearing I was eager to spend some time walking and enjoying the outdoors."
You need to do more of this as life is short. Time to ride off into the sunset:
Nifong Supporter said: "Regarding news on Crystal, it's coming over the horizon... and it is no mirage. I expect that you will be enlightened within a matter of a few days or a couple of weeks, at the most. These are merely estimates and you should not stringently hold me to them as I have limited control over the course of events.............."The truth is on the march, and nothing will stop it"....Émile Zola
As usual, Kenny is very good at cutting and pasting. Too bad he can't do anything else!
hissy fit has emerged with more clap trap, delusional clap trap:
"Nifong Supporter said: "Regarding news on Crystal, it's coming over the horizon... and it is no mirage. I expect that you will be enlightened within a matter of a few days or a couple of weeks, at the most. These are merely estimates and you should not stringently hold me to them as I have limited control over the course of events.............."The truth is on the march, and nothing will stop it"....Émile Zola"
The truth has already come out. crystal lied about being raped at the Lacrosse party on the night of 13/14 March 2006. crystal murdered Reginald Daye.
"The best example of a "surrogate" slandering Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son."
Tomorrow is the last day of June.
You have 186 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 67 days since April 23rd, 106 days since the Ides of March and 3,301 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
excerpt from harr's clap trap:
"These are merely estimates and you should not stringently hold me to them as I have limited control over the course of events."
Meaning harr is making no progress in keeping his boastful promises.
It is sad how Kenny assists Sid in emotionally abusing Crystal.
As has been repeatedly noted - unless something is properly filed with a Court that has jurisdiction (or the Governor), nothing can happen for Crystal. Even if/when something is properly filed (and Sid hasn't done that yet), it takes months for there to be a response, and hearings, and the rest.
Sid hasn't taken the first step to initiate any process that could free Crystal, so all his talk about it happening soon is just lies he tells her to keep her under his thumb.
@ cowardly Anonymous who posted at 4:06 A.M. ....... Only in your sick, twisted mind was that comment by former D.A. Nifong meant to be a slander.
"The best example of a "surrogate" slandering Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son."
Nifong's explanation for the presence of unidentified semen on Mangum speaks for itself.
Only in your sick, twisted mind was Mangum raped, and did disgraced, disbarred, bankrupt former DA Nifong act ethically.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Let me clarify my comment. Perhaps you can explain why you believe Nifong's comment is innocent. Otherwise I will continue to re-post it whenever you troll this website.
The best example of a "surrogate slandering" Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in Crystal's vagina and in Crystal's anus and in Crystal's underwearand on Crystal, noted that she had a young son.
Here is a threat. If I can identify you I will take steps to silence you that will astound
If you had the ability to silence anyone, as you impotently threatened above, you wouldn't have posted half the stuff you have posted on this website.
Can you provide us with a non-slanderous interpretation of Nifong's statement tying the presence of unidentified male DNA in, on and near Mangum's private parts to her son? To me it sounds like the kind of remark that a DA who was willing to do or say anything in order to get a conviction would make.
Given your penchant for making threats against people you can identify, how can you criticize anyone for posting anonymously or pseudonymously on this website?
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Abe said: "If you had the ability to silence anyone, as you impotently threatened above, you wouldn't have posted half the stuff you have posted on this website"............Huh?? What are you saying here? Maybe you cowardly posters should "call my bluff" and identify yourselves. Here is my response, contact transference eg. Dave Evans DNA was detected on Crystal's broken off nail in a waste basket in his bathroom.
Dr. Harr I think you should invoke what you call the Kenhyderal rule and delete this poster's repetitive sick innuendo.
So "transference" would have been Nifong's explanation as to why Crystal's son's DNA might have been found in her vagina and/or anus. Is that correct?
Hey, Walt.
When the Day of Enlightenment comes, I am afraid that it's going to catch you and Abe totally unaware and off-guard. Don't say I didn't warn you. I'm just hopeful that the mental anguish you two will suffer won't be too extensive and to the extent that it will require professional psychological therapy.
You should start getting used to the likelihood that in short order time-wise Crystal Mangum will be freed, that she will be exonerated on the second degree murder conviction, and that she will be compensated for her damages inflicted by the state and others. Please try to prepare yourselves mentally before the day of justice-reckoning arrives... and don't forget to place an order for a crying towel.
Wasn't that supposed to happen by the Ides of March? And then by the end of June?
Forgive me if I don't hold my breath waiting.
The best example of a "surrogate slandering" Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in Crystal's vagina and in Crystal's anus and in Crystal's underwear and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son.
I will stop posting the Nifong comment if you stop your trolling.
really malicious clap trap from hissy fit:
"Here is my response, contact transference eg. Dave Evans DNA was detected on Crystal's broken off nail in a waste basket in his bathroom."
hissy fit, explain why DNA compatible with David Evans but not matching David Evans on crystal's false fingernail should raise suspicion of a sex crime and why the absolute failure to find DNA matching David Evans' DNA on her person does not exclude David Evans as a suspect.
clap trap from hissy fit:
"Dr. Harr I think you should invoke what you call the Kenhyderal rule and delete this poster's repetitive sick innuendo."
hissy fit dors not want to hear the truth,so he wants harr to suppress it.
for hissy fit:
nifong's comment about the male dna found on crystal was a desperate attempt to explain away the male DNA found on crystal, probably to explain away why he concealed the evidence rather than trace it back to the sources. His explanation was that crystal had a male son, that her son had left his DNA on a seat on which crystal subsequently sat.
That is a far different situation than crystal's false fingernail winding up in a waste basket which contained material with David Evans' DNA.
There were posters who were claiming that the finding of that DNA on crystal's false fingernail was incriminating evidence against David Evans, kilgo being one. You yourself have denied that David Evans was falsely accused, meaning that you believe that DNA evidence was incriminating evidence.
Today is the last day of June.
You have 185 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 68 days since April 23rd, 107 days since the Ides of March and 3,302 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
kenny said:
"Abe said: 'If you had the ability to silence anyone, as you impotently threatened above, you wouldn't have posted half the stuff you have posted on this website'............Huh?? What are you saying here?"
What I am saying is that if you lack the good sense and ability to stop yourself from posting some of the inane nonsense you post, how are you going to control what other people post? If you worried more about your own posts - if your own posts were truthful and less inflammatory and insulting - you wouldn't have to worry so much about what other people post.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
kenhyderal said...
Dr. Harr I think you should invoke what you call the Kenhyderal rule and delete this poster's repetitive sick innuendo.
After diligent review of the referred to comment (dated 06-29-16 at 1:31 p.m.), I concluded that it was in violation of the kenhyderal Doctrine and it has been eradicated.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Today is the last day of June.
You have 185 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 68 days since April 23rd, 107 days since the Ides of March and 3,302 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Abe, thanks for the update.
However, you should heed my warning about the Day of Reckoning which is around the corner... just above the horizon... and about to materialize out of the fog. Try to mentally prepare yourself. I suggest that you, Walt, A Lawyer, and other hard-liners make arrangements with local psychologists, psychiatrists, or other mental health counselors to prepare for the day in the near future when Crystal Mangum is freed and exonerated. It would not be a bad idea to place an order for a crying towel at your earliest convenience. (I believe the population in general, as do I, hate to see a grown man cry.)
The roller coaster car is almost at the summit of the climb in Mangum's case, and once it goes over, all Hades is going to break loose. Strap yourself in tightly, cuz you're about to be in for a wild ride.
The best example of a "surrogate slandering" Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in Crystal's vagina and in Crystal's anus and in Crystal's underwear and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sidney says:
"But, naturally, I will file an appeal."
Of course he will...
Sidney also says this:
"following the hearing I was eager to spend some time walking and enjoying the outdoors."
You need to do more of this as life is short. Time to ride off into the sunset:
No can do. Don't have a horse, bike, or a car... so I'd have to walk off into the sunset.
What you fail to realize, however, is that the court matters are issues of principles. I believe that principles are worth fighting for. That's all I'm doing.
Consider yourself elucidated.
more clap trap from harr:
"Abe, thanks for the update.
However, you should heed my warning about the Day of Reckoning which is around the corner... just above the horizon... and about to materialize out of the fog. Try to mentally prepare yourself. I suggest that you, Walt, A Lawyer, and other hard-liners make arrangements with local psychologists, psychiatrists, or other mental health counselors to prepare for the day in the near future when Crystal Mangum is freed and exonerated. It would not be a bad idea to place an order for a crying towel at your earliest convenience. (I believe the population in general, as do I, hate to see a grown man cry.)"
harr has been making this promise for years. It has yet to happen.
"The roller coaster car is almost at the summit of the climb in Mangum's case, and once it goes over, all Hades is going to break loose. Strap yourself in tightly, cuz you're about to be in for a wild ride."
Kind of inconsistent with this earlier post from harr:
"These are merely estimates and you should not stringently hold me to them as I have limited control over the course of events."
After diligent review of the referred to comment (dated 06-29-16 at 1:31 p.m.), I concluded that it was in violation of the kenhyderal Doctrine and it has been eradicated.
Why was it in violation?
So, Sid, are you going to provide a summary of what happened? You admitted that you lost, but you provided no detail on your sanctions.
Is the enlightenment we can expect "within a matter of a few days or a couple of weeks, at the most" the same enlightenment that you earlier told us to expect on or before the end of June? Or is it the enlightenment you told us to expect by April 23rd or the Ides of March?
Are you able to obtain a copy of the order sanctioning Sid and disposing of his lolsuit against Duke and, if so, will you post it on your site?
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Judge Eagles hasn't posted the order yet. When she does, I'll post it on my site.
Abe said: if your own posts were truthful and less inflammatory and insulting - you wouldn't have to worry so much about what other people post..................Which posts would those be?
You are trolling.
The best example of a "surrogate slandering" Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in Crystal's vagina and in Crystal's anus and in Crystal's underwear and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son.
more clap tra from hissy fit:
" Blogger kenhyderal said...
Abe said: if your own posts were truthful and less inflammatory and insulting - you wouldn't have to worry so much about what other people post..................Which posts would those be?"
How about eah and every post youhave made declaring crystal had been raped. All the evidence generated indicate beyond any and all doubt that no rape had occurred. Your posts abut mystery rapists are not evidence, just uncorroborated allegations. Claiming innocent men had perpetrated a crime in the face of evidence no crime had happened is inflammatory. It is not, as you have tried to rationalize, your different perspective on the case. It is you alleging innocent men had perpetrated a crime.
Kenhyderal says:
"Here is my response, contact transference eg. Dave Evans DNA was detected on Crystal's broken off nail in a waste basket in his bathroom."
David Evans was not uniquely identified in any of the DNA tests. Roughly 2% of the population could not be excluded as a donor for the DNA found on the FAKE PLASTIC fingernail found in the waste basket in the bathroom.
I would also point out that the presence of DNA does not indicate the time or manner of its transference. The DNA on the fake fingernail could have been there as a result of secondary transference.
On June 30, 2016 at 10:09 AM, kenny trolled:
"Abe said: if your own posts were truthful and less inflammatory and insulting - you wouldn't have to worry so much about what other people post..................Which posts would those be?"
The threat you made on June 29, 2016 at 1:22 PM - to name one of many.
It's past time for you to straighten up and fly right and start behaving like an adult.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
In regards to DNA Security and Dr. Meehan finding that "...98% of the male population could be excluded as a contributor to the [DNA] mixture..." and that ".... David Evans was in the other 2 percent.”, I suggest you take some time to read "Painting the target around the matching profile: the Texas sharpshooter fallacy in forensic DNA interpretation" (Oxford Journals > Law & Science & Mathematics > Law, Probability and Risk > Volume 8, Issue 3 Pp. 257-276) by William C. Thompson.
Abe said: "The threat you made on June 29, 2016 at 1:22 PM - to name one of many"............................. There was no deceit or insult there. I was the one inflamed by the thoroughly disgusting post, now censored, at my insistence by Dr. Harr, You apply a double standard to those who attack Crystal and those who support her. Unlike Dr. Harr I don't take personal attacks on myself and Crystal by "turning the other cheek". By the way, I do not initiate personal attacks on anyone who posts here. I do however, when attacked or when a vulnerable person like Crystal is attacked, retaliate in kind. My retaliations elicit howls of outrage whereas the initial attacks on me are either cheered or accepted with vicarious pleasure
Why don't you respond by criticizing Mike Nifong for his inappropriate comment? Nifong's comment deserves censure. Although I believe that he didn't think through the implications of his comment, in an attempt to justify his unprofessional investigation, he threw Crystal under the bus, even if he did so inadvertently.
You are trolling.
The best example of a "surrogate slandering" Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in Crystal's vagina and in Crystal's anus and in Crystal's underwear and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son.
Mangum is a criminal who lied about being raped, was willing to send innocent men to prison for it, and later killed a man, among other things. She is not vulnerable. You cannot brazenly lie about her and slime innocent people with vile accusations and innuendo, then complain when you are confronted with the truth.
As I said previously, if you were honest and less inflammatory and insulting towards people in your own posts, you wouldn't have to worry about what other people post about you. Their posts are in response to the outrageous and inflammatory lies you have told.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
clap trap from hissy fit:
" I do not initiate personal attacks on anyone who posts here".
Maybe not.
You do have a penchant for calling innocent men guilty of a crime which never happened because a false accuser lied about being raped. That is a rather gratuitous low attack. Remember, neither you nore harr have provided any evidence that crystal told th truth wehen she accused those men of raping her.
Aren't you the one who claimed that I insulted Sidney Harr "almost as viciously" as I insulted Crystal? You can't even come up with an insult I made to Crystal, much less to Sidney. But you think you're allowed to make things up because you're a "fighter".
You have 184 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 1 day since the end of June, 69 days since April 23rd, 108 days since the Ides of March and 3,303 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Judge Eagles order is in and posted. You can read about it here: https://walt-in-durham.blogspot.com/2016/06/harr-iii-motions-and-order.html?showComment=1467402045415#c8901648676062241401, in the comments section.
A fine of $1,000 for frivolous and vexatious pleadings. An injunction against filing in the Middle District or any federal court regarding the issues raised in Harr I. And, a gate keeper order requiring Sid to present all pleadings in any new matter to the court to see if they violate the injunction. The order goes on to require Sid to pay the full filing fee plus $650 if he does file anything new.
Sid has become a serial filer of frivolous litigation in North Carolina to go along with his frivolous filing reputation in California. I doubt he has learned much from this latest case. But, I think it is more than clear that Sid is frivolous and vexatious.
Thanks for posting the order. Good Lord, that was a beat down.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Good Lord, that was a beat down.
Predicted here long ago.
Dr. Harr, I think you should reconsider which commenters are really your friends, and start taking some good advice for a change.
Dr. Harr,
I am a lawyer but I am not your lawyer, so nothing I post here constitutes legal advice to you (or anyone).
Nonetheless, I very strongly urge you to consult with your friend Prof. Coleman, or with another lawyer, before you respond to the defendants' motion to dismiss in the Freeman lawsuit, lest you wind up facing sanctions more severe than those just meted out in the Harr v. Brodhead III case.
You have 183 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 2 days since the end of June, 70 days since April 23rd, 109 days since the Ides of March and 3,304 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Walt and A Lawyer:
From both a legal and practical standpoint, what impact, if any, do you think this week's beatdown and the finding that Sid is a vexatious, frivolous and abusive litigant, will have on his lolsuit against District Attorney Freeman and Wake County? I know if I was a defendant in that suit I'd make sure that the EDNC got a copy of Judge Eagles' order and decision from the Middle District Court. At the least, I imagine that Sid will be on a very short leash and the EDNC will have little tolerance for his shenanigans. Could the ramifications be farther reaching? Is Sid presently at risk of sanctions in his lulsuit against DA Freeman?
Walt, in one of your comments you stated that Sid has a reputation for frivolous filing in CA. Is this your opinion, or did a court out there declare him to be a vexatious litigant and/or impose sanctions on him?
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Where is the little man kenhyderal?
Where is the little man kenhyderal?
There is one certain way Mike Nifong
can clear his name with regards to
the travesty of the lacrosse rape scandal.
Mr. Nifong, you should write a book.
History shall establish your honesty
and integrity, but history could use
a little help.
Your words, not outside agitators
and dishonest Harvard Phd's.
And remember Mike, it is not only
you and Ms. Mangum whom have
been wrongfully damaged...but all
the good citizens of Durham
and Duke University.
Don't worry, Cohan already wrote one for him.
I agree. Nifong should write a book.
His book can address a number of questions.
First, he can explain why he didn't insist that the Durham Police conduct a bona fide investigation.
Second, he can explain why he didn't feel the need to identify the unmatched male DNA.
Third, he can explain why he suggested that the unmatched male DNA found in Crystal's vagina, anus and underwear might be explained by Crystal's young son.
I look forward to a book that will address those questions.
You have 182 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 3 days since the end of June, 71 days since April 23rd, 110 days since the Ides of March and 3,305 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Where is the little man kenhyderal?
With regard to a book by nifong, after the AG's press conference in April of 2007, where he made public his opinion that the accused were actually innocent, wendy murphy said that nifong would write a book which would reveal the truth about the Lacrosse case. nifong never did.
Where is the little man kenhyderal?
hissy fit is cowering somewhere dreaming up more impotent temper tantrums
From both a legal and practical standpoint, what impact, if any, do you think this week's beatdown and the finding that Sid is a vexatious, frivolous and abusive litigant, will have on his lolsuit against District Attorney Freeman and Wake County? I know if I was a defendant in that suit I'd make sure that the EDNC got a copy of Judge Eagles' order and decision from the Middle District Court. At the least, I imagine that Sid will be on a very short leash and the EDNC will have little tolerance for his shenanigans. Could the ramifications be farther reaching? Is Sid presently at risk of sanctions in his lulsuit against DA Freeman?
The Harr v. Freeman lawsuit is frivolous, for reasons Walt and I have already explained in great detail, so sanctions were always a possibility there. But I would bet a fair amount of money that the defense will submit a copy of Judge Eagle's order to the EDNC before the hearing, which increases the likelihood of sanctions.
Walt, in one of your comments you stated that Sid has a reputation for frivolous filing in CA. Is this your opinion, or did a court out there declare him to be a vexatious litigant and/or impose sanctions on him?
I don't think there was ever a formal vex lit order entered in California, but the Indy Week article reported that Dr. Harr filed and lost some 30 cases in California and other Western states. I once asked Dr. Harr on this blog if he had ever won a lawsuit and he admitted that he had not.
Where is the little man kenhyderal?
kenhyderal is probably a fabrication of harr. Whenever harr wants to create the illusion he has support, he posts as kenny hissy fit.
No evidence was found at the crime scene.
No evidence was found at the crime scene.
No evidence was found at the crime scene.
Whoopee !
Another Day
Another Dollar !
Let's Play
Stump the Lacrosse Lover(s).
The Great Kilgo
is yet again
V I N D I C A T E D ! !
The Great Kilgo
Reveals the TRUTH
of the Carpetbagger Extortion.
All Hail The Great Kilgo,
the delusional moron troll
and Durham Idiot
You have 181 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 4 days since the end of June, 72 days since April 23rd, 111 days since the Ides of March and 3,306 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
harr posting as kilgo?
In the words of the immortal Bugs Bunny, "MMMM, could be."
Just want to let you know that I've been extremely busy working towards justice. I have a few more things to file before and other activities to perform before I will have a chance to engage in the comments on this blog site.
WRAL TV news did a halfway decent article about Judge Eagles allegedly "chastising" me. The fact is that any judge in her position with a scintilla of integrity would have recused herself. But the media did bring a little attention to Mangum's case, for which I am thankful. Next couple of days/weeks should be interesting. And, I still have yet to respond to the district attorney's Motion to Dismiss. After handling that, I'll have a bit of breathing room.
As you were.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
harr posting as kilgo?
In the words of the immortal Bugs Bunny, "MMMM, could be."
Why would I do that? What would be the purpose? Makes no sense to me.
More clap trap from harr:
"Why would I do that? What would be the purpose?(post as kilgo)"
To create the illusion that you have support.
"Makes no sense to me."
Nothing true and rational makes sense to harr the deluded megalomaniac.
Where did Dr. A's long post go?
"Where did Dr. A's long post go?"
harr the delusional megalomaniac who fears the truth deleted it.
From the 1st paragraph in the WRAL article:
"A federal court has fined a Durham man and ordered him not to file any more "vexatious and frivolous" lawsuits against Duke University officials over the discredited 2006 sexual assault allegations involving members of the school's lacrosse team."
Weren't Sid's lawsuits against Duke for his treatment at the U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer interview?
You have 180 days to exonerate and free Mangum.
It has been 5 days since the end of June, 73 days since April 23rd, 112 days since the Ides of March and 3,307 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
harr said:
" The fact is that any judge in her position with a scintilla of integrity would have recused herself.", referring to Justice Catherine Eagles who imposed sanctions on him.
nifong, in the Duke Rape Hoax, knowingly prosecuted three innocent men for a crime he knew never happened.
harr has referred to nifong as a decent, honorable minister of justice who acted with integrity in the Duke Rape Hoax.
Does anyone really believe harr knows the meaning of the word integrity?
Anonymous July 4, 2016 at 8:15 PM:
"Weren't Sid's lawsuits against Duke for his treatment at the U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer interview?"
harr claimed Duke targeted him because of his advocacy for nifong in the Duke Rape Hoax. harr has been proclaiming that the Lacrosse players were guilty and nifong was targeted because he prosecuted the Lacrsse players.
As AG Cooper learned via thorough investigation of the case, there had been no rape.
Abe wrote: "Walt, in one of your comments you stated that Sid has a reputation for frivolous filing in CA. Is this your opinion, or did a court out there declare him to be a vexatious litigant and/or impose sanctions on him?"
He was admonished by the California judge in his Indigo lawsuit. The one where he produced a fraudulent contract to sell a medical practice for $1.00. As a result of his ill gotten, if brief, gains the California Franchise Tax Board levied a large tax and penalty upon Harr. A tax and penalty that remains unpaid.
Sid wrote: "The fact is that any judge in her position with a scintilla of integrity would have recused herself."
Please allow me to translate, any judge who disagrees with Sid should recuse him or herself. That is not the law, nor the state of ethics in this world. A judge, who correctly, disagrees on the law with a litigant is under no obligation to recuse. But, Sid already has been told this. He just won't learn.
Anonymous said: "As AG Cooper learned via thorough investigation of the case, there had been no rape".............................................. Supposedly. Too bad he wont share what he learned from this so called thorough investigation instead of just telling us what he concluded.
You are lying again. AG Cooper issued a written report of his investigation.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
kenny hissy fit emerges with more guilt presuming clap trap:
"Anonymous said: "As AG Cooper learned via thorough investigation of the case, there had been no rape".............................................. Supposedly. Too bad he wont share what he learned from this so called thorough investigation instead of just telling us what he concluded."
What happened in the Duke Rape Hoax is a matter of public record: Until Proven Innocent; It's Not About the Truth; Rush to Injustice; the ESPN documentary Fantastic Lies.
I remind the readership that hissy fit has provided zero evidence tat crystal was raped.
hissy fit has provided zero evidence to support his conclusions. That is not at all unusual for hissy fit.
I reiterate:
hissy fit has provided zero evidence that crystal was raped.
Posters have asked about the whereabouts of little man kenhyderal.
He has emerged from whatever bed he had been cowering under to show he is smaller and more insignificant than ever.
One wonders why hissy fit gets so much gratification of insisting crystal had been raped.
Now hissy fit will go into his projection defense, forgetting that all those whom he accuses of projection are saying crystal had not been raped.
harr and hissy fit are the ones insisting crystal had been raped.
Sid, nothing you file will matter because you refuse to learn or do it right. You are a sad and pathetic old man who is clearly mentally ill.
You are trolling.
The best example of a "surrogate slandering" Crystal was Mike Nifong, who in explaining why unmatched DNA was found in Crystal's vagina and in Crystal's anus and in Crystal's underwear and on Crystal, noted that she had a young son.
time for more harr/hissy fit/ilgo anonymous impotent temper tantrums.
hissy fit:
You have provided zero evidence crystal was raped.
hissy fit, why did nifong conceal the DNA evidence rather than trace it back to the sources. Hint: it was not because he felt he could convict the Lacrosse players of sexual assault. It was because tracing the DNA back to its sources would have proven crystal had not been raped on the night of 13/14 March 2006.
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