Sunday, June 5, 2016

Harr v. Freeman: Brief and evidence


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kenhyderal said...

Fake KH said: "Here I'll note again, you have not addressed the substance of the quote I provided. Why is that?".................... As a lay person I can have no quarrel with a board certified Emergency Physician with 31 years experience if he would identify himself. In many cases where medical forensics are a factor experts can disagree. It would be nice to know how much of his emergency room experiences involved actually assessing rape victims. Often nurses on the front line have more relevant training in this area than physicians. What was his relevant experience? What he expressly criticized Tara Levicy for was in giving her subjective opinion. She did state the symptoms se saw were "consistent" with rape. Her statement that she had never encountered a women who lied about being raped was not an opinion but a fact He also suggested the examination protocol was sub-standard but did not elaborate. He or you need to put his name to that charge so R.N. Levicy can defend herself. As I have been saying as long as I've been on this blog those making anonymous charges have no credibility Ken Edwards aka kenhyderal

Anonymous said...


You have 172 days to exonerate and free Mangum.

It has been 13 days since the end of June, 81 days since April 23rd, 120 days since the Ides of March and 3,315 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

It's funny - Kenny is going back to the long closed rape case rather than try to defend Harr's latest foolishness.

Kenny, do you support Sid doing things that cannot possibly have any benefit (for reasons that have been exhaustively explained here) like the lawsuit against Freeman? Are you okay with him lying to your "friend" Crystal and giving her false hope?

Since a random poster named Kilgo has you convinced that he was telling you the truth, if I told you that I knew the names of the rapist, would you believe me too?

Anonymous said...

regarding Tara Levicy:


"She(Tara Levicy) did state the symptoms se saw were "consistent" with rape."

Ms. Levicy id not do the physical examination. Dr. Julie Manly did. Tara Levicy was not in a position to see much of anything.

Anonymous said...

more regarding Tara Levicy:

Ms. Levicy is the source of the claim that Crystal Mangum had injuries "consistent with rape".

That was a medico legally meaningless statement, especially for a SANE.

If one were to read sources about the function of a SANE, the SANE nurse is supposed to document objectively the presence of specific injuries, not render a legal aopinion. Saying injuries are consistent with rape is rendering a legal opinion.

Suppose there had been a trial, and Ms. Levicy testified, that the Crystal Mangum's injuries were consistent with rape, then she would have been cross examined. The defense attorney would ask, what were those injuries. Ms. Levicy would have replied, maybe, with a string of injuries. The defense attorney would have then said, the only thing recof=rded in the meical record was diffuse vaginal edema. Where are all those other injuries documented. Ms. Levicy would then possibly have answered, I don't know. Then the defense Attorney would have called her attention to some source which stated explicitly that the SANE was to document specific injuries. Tara Levicy's credibility, and the prosecution's case would have gone out the window.

The fact is, the prosecution never had a case in the first place. But contrary to Kenhyderal's assertion, that Tara Levicy had more familiarity with the forensics of rape, like his assertion that kilgo told him someone had witnessed a rape, is meaningless.

Fake Kenhyderal said...

I'll defer to Sid (who has ED physician experience) whether he agrees that "Often nurses on the front line have more relevant training in this area than physicians."

With that said, Tara Levicy had her RN through a 15 month program, had only begun practicing as a nurse in February 2005, and was a SANE trainee after only 5 months of nursing experience. International standardard ( International Association of Forensic Nurses) require at least 3 year's nursing experience.

I would caveat your statement to be ""Often nurses on the front line who have the appropriate experience have more relevant training in this area than physicians."

Tara Levicy did not have the appropriate experience or the appropriate training -- or she completely disregarded her training (I'm not sure which is worse) when she completed the paperwork (as someone else noted, Dr. Manly actually performed the exam) for Crystal Mangum's alleged rape.

Kilgo said...

Whoopee ! !

Remember the Good Old Days, Ubes ?


Fake Ubes said...

Whoopee ! !

Remember the Good Old Days, Kilgo ?


The Great Kilgo said...

Could you please get that fake Ubes off my back? I can't give you the information you need so long as he is annoying me!

Fake Ubes said...

Whoopee ! !

Remember the Good Old Days, Kilo ?


The Great Kilgo said...

Please, Kenhyderal, help me!

Anonymous said...

Whoopee ! !

Remember the Good Old Days, Kilgo ?


The Great Kilgo said...

Help, Kenhyderal!

Anonymous said...


You have 171 days to exonerate and free Mangum.

It has been 14 days since the end of June, 82 days since April 23rd, 121 days since the Ides of March and 3,316 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

harr or hissy fit or both posying anonymously again

Anonymous said...

Hey, harr:

You likr to citr Perry Mason as your legal expert.So I thought you might want to rea this from

"9. When a Young Lawyer Had a Perry Mason Moment That Revealed a Conspiracy
Nifong had a private DNA lab process samples after the state’s public lab came up empty, producing conclusions more favorable to Nifong’s case.

“I was pretty curious to know, how could our state crime lab and this private lab come up with two pretty fundamentally different conclusions,” said attorney Brad Bannon.

Nifong handed over 2,500 pages of raw, technical DNA data to the defense. Bannon bought a book on Amazon about forensic DNA and went to work. He discovered unidentified DNA for numerous men in and on Mangum and her clothing that hadn’t been reported. He found notes indicating lab director Brian Meehan’s DNA was also present.

“So a Ph.D doing everything he can not to contaminate the DNA leaves more DNA in this rape kit than the entire Duke lacrosse team put together,” Cooney said.

At a hearing nine months after the party, Nifong tried to take the defense by surprise, presenting Meehan as his DNA expert before they had prepared to cross-examine him. The defense team decided to have Bannon question him on the spot.

“It became fairly clear about 10-15 minutes into it that the expert realized that Brad [Bannon] knew what the hell he was talking about,” Cooney said.

The defense team confronted Meehan with whether he had agreed with Nifong to withhold some DNA results: “There’s only one answer to this question, and that answer being yes. Because we did not report the reference profiles of those specimens and we did talk about not reporting those,” Meehan said."

A Lawyer said...

"On Tuesday. July 5, 2016, (one day before MANGUM's filing deadline for a Motion for Appropriate Relief with the Federal Court), a friend of a friend of PLAINTIFF, who had proper state identification and had no orders preventing him from filing in the Middle District Federal Court, attempted to file MANGUM's Motion for Appropriate Relief (hereinafter "MAR"). The clerks in that office refused to file them, giving no reason. Instead, the employees there affixed a
piece of paper to two copies of the MAR which were stamped that they were received on July 5, 2016. The stamps were not initialed. (See EXHIBIT H) The clerks retained a third copy of the document at the urging of PLAINTIFF's friend of a friend."

Sounds like Dr. Harr was using a "friend" to file papers in Mangum's case, to avoid the State Bar's injunction against unlicensed practice of law.

Anonymous said...

from hissy fit:

""Victims of a brutal gang rape cant really tell what's happening to them"

which he said was "an informed opinion made by Tara Levicy as quoted by Wm. Cohan in The Price of Silence pp 31".

Again, suppose there had been a trial and suppose Ms. Levicy offered that "informrrd opinion"on the stand, she would have been saying Crystal's idenyification of the Lacrosse Players was not at all reliable because she couldn't tell who was doing what to her. And yoy say Ms.Levicy understood the forensics of rape.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous A Lawyer said...
"On Tuesday. July 5, 2016, (one day before MANGUM's filing deadline for a Motion for Appropriate Relief with the Federal Court), a friend of a friend of PLAINTIFF, who had proper state identification and had no orders preventing him from filing in the Middle District Federal Court, attempted to file MANGUM's Motion for Appropriate Relief (hereinafter "MAR"). The clerks in that office refused to file them, giving no reason. Instead, the employees there affixed a
piece of paper to two copies of the MAR which were stamped that they were received on July 5, 2016. The stamps were not initialed. (See EXHIBIT H) The clerks retained a third copy of the document at the urging of PLAINTIFF's friend of a friend."

Sounds like Dr. Harr was using a "friend" to file papers in Mangum's case, to avoid the State Bar's injunction against unlicensed practice of law.

Hey, A Lawyer.

The clerk in the Office of the Court Clerk refused to file Mangum's MAR that I did nothing more than deliver to them in Greensboro. The clerk also refused to file the Mangum MAR when it was presented by a friend of a friend of mine who had a driver's license and had no order against him for filing the document. The clerks refused to do their job when it comes to Mangum. Very sad.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey, harr:

You likr to citr Perry Mason as your legal expert.So I thought you might want to rea this from

"9. When a Young Lawyer Had a Perry Mason Moment That Revealed a Conspiracy
Nifong had a private DNA lab process samples after the state’s public lab came up empty, producing conclusions more favorable to Nifong’s case.

“I was pretty curious to know, how could our state crime lab and this private lab come up with two pretty fundamentally different conclusions,” said attorney Brad Bannon.

Nifong handed over 2,500 pages of raw, technical DNA data to the defense. Bannon bought a book on Amazon about forensic DNA and went to work. He discovered unidentified DNA for numerous men in and on Mangum and her clothing that hadn’t been reported. He found notes indicating lab director Brian Meehan’s DNA was also present.

“So a Ph.D doing everything he can not to contaminate the DNA leaves more DNA in this rape kit than the entire Duke lacrosse team put together,” Cooney said.

At a hearing nine months after the party, Nifong tried to take the defense by surprise, presenting Meehan as his DNA expert before they had prepared to cross-examine him. The defense team decided to have Bannon question him on the spot.

“It became fairly clear about 10-15 minutes into it that the expert realized that Brad [Bannon] knew what the hell he was talking about,” Cooney said.

The defense team confronted Meehan with whether he had agreed with Nifong to withhold some DNA results: “There’s only one answer to this question, and that answer being yes. Because we did not report the reference profiles of those specimens and we did talk about not reporting those,” Meehan said."

Hah! You agree that that was a Perry Mason Moment? Such low standards. There was nothing magical about that. It was no big deal.. really.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sidney's response"

"On Tuesday. July 5, 2016, (one day before MANGUM's filing deadline for a Motion for Appropriate Relief with the Federal Court), a friend of a friend of PLAINTIFF, who had proper state identification and had no orders preventing him from filing in the Middle District Federal Court, attempted to file MANGUM's Motion for Appropriate Relief (hereinafter "MAR"). The clerks in that office refused to file them, giving no reason. Instead, the employees there affixed a
piece of paper to two copies of the MAR which were stamped that they were received on July 5, 2016. The stamps were not initialed. (See EXHIBIT H) The clerks retained a third copy of the document at the urging of PLAINTIFF's friend of a friend."

Wonder who drafted this? Sidney can you post EXHIBIT H?

I have just finished narrating and placing the narrative on files for the upcoming sharlog. My energy is directed on completing it by this weekend. I will post EXHIBIT H after I've posted my next sharlog.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
In Sid's first page he notes that the DA is only responsible for their own judicial district. Durham is not in Freeman's district - so Sid admits from the beginning that his case is frivolous.

What I acknowledge is this: D.A. Freeman represents Wake County, and I am a Wake County resident. In fact, I helped elect her. Since her November 22, 2013 conviction, Crystal Mangum has been a Wake County resident.

On the other hand, I am not a constituent of Durham D.A. Roger Echols.

To consider my lawsuit frivolous based on jurisdictional issues is absurd.

Walt said...

Sid wrote: "The clerk in the Office of the Court Clerk refused to file Mangum's MAR..."

As well they should have. The United States District Court has no jurisdiction to grant a motion for appropriate relief. That is a state court remedy found only in North Carolina.

" The clerk also refused to file the Mangum MAR when it was presented by a friend of a friend of mine who had a driver's license and had no order against him for filing the document."

See above.

"The clerks refused to do their job when it comes to Mangum."

If Crystal had anything to do with this motion for appropriate relief, the Clerks in Greensboro could do nothing about it. The U.S. District Court has no jurisdiction to grant such a motion.

"Very sad."

We do agree on this. It is sad that you waste people's time with frivolous motions. It is even more sad that you tell Crystal that you are doing something for her when you are not. It is saddest if Crystal believes you and has some false hope that you will do something to help her when all you do is abuse her trust. On the other hand, it is quite hilarious if Crystal is playing you. Getting you to run around making a fool of yourself for her amusement, and, of course, ours.


Anonymous said...

from harr:

"Hah! You agree that that was a Perry Mason Moment? Such low standards. There was nothing magical about that. It was no big deal.. really.(referring to Brad Bannon's exposure of thr conspiracy beyween nifong and meehan to conceal exculpayory evidence in the Duke Tape Hoax)"

harr procklaimed loud and long he would coerce the NC State Bar to restore nifong's law license. nifong remains disbarred and disgraced.

harr boasted he would prevail in his lawsuit adgainst Duke. harr I, harr II, and harr III have all been dismissed.

harr boasted that if he had anything to say about it, the state would dismiss all charges against crystal, never take her tl trial and release her. lcrystal sits in prison.

harr has boasted that he waold havecrystal's conviction overturned and have crystal releasd. crystal remains incarcerayed.

And let us not fotgt, after he draduated from medical school, harr was a complete, abject failure ss a physician.

Never in the course of human events has one little man boasted of so much grearness and then accomplished so much nothing.

Anonymous said...

harr said:

"What I acknowledge is this: D.A. Freeman represents Wake County, and I am a Wake County resident. In fact, I helped elect her. Since her November 22, 2013 conviction, Crystal Mangum has been a Wake County resident.

On the other hand, I am not a constituent of Durham D.A. Roger Echols.

To consider my lawsuit frivolous based on jurisdictional issues is absurd."

That harr believes he ha atanding to file such a frivolous suit, that is more than absurd. It is moronic.

Anonymous said...


Crystal says "hey" and she wants to know why you tried to file her MAR in federal court.

There is a reason why non lawyers aren't allowed to practice law. You are it. You screwed up her MAR and now she has no recourse. I hope you sleep well knowing that.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

Unless Crystal had personally signed the MAR, the Clerk could not accept it. Who signed the MAR you attempted to file?

Anonymous said...

The alleged crime occurred in Durham County - that's where the jurisdiction lies - if you, a Wake County resident, is raped in Durham County, the Wake County DA can do nothing about it. It matters where the alleged events took place, not where the parties now reside (or even resided then), and it's been explained to you why she doesn't have the oversight over the ME's office that you are pretending. The wrongdoing they were investigating in Orange County occurred in Orange County (for a Cumberland County case) - that's why the Orange County DA was there - the "crime" was alleged to have occurred in Orange County.

You refuse to learn, you are a sad, pathetic, delusional old man who enjoys abusing Crystal.

kenhyderal said...

Walt said: "Very sad." We do agree on this. It is sad that you waste people's time with frivolous motions. It is even more sad that you tell Crystal that you are doing something for her when you are not. It is saddest if Crystal believes you and has some false hope that you will do something to help her when all you do is abuse her trust. On the other hand, it is quite hilarious if Crystal is playing you. Getting you to run around making a fool of yourself for her amusement, and, of course, ours..................................What is really sad is the broken American Justice System. It simply does not work for poor and marginalized minorities. It is supported and maintained by Lawyers like you. They use procedure and process to keep themselves necessary. That denies those without resources access to Justice. Quote Tentmaker Org. The Unites States has three times as many lawyers per capita than Britain, a nation already swarming with lawyers. The United States also has more of its citizens incarcerated than even heavy-handed dictatorships. Most of us don't have too many nice things to say about lawyers. We believe they are a necessary evil. Well, it may be true they are evil, but necessary? Look at Japan 1/40 the number of lawyers?". Unlike the Legal Profession Crystal does not "play" people. The legal representation guaranteed her that she received was a joke. I doubt if even you would maintain Daniel Meier provided her with adequate representation. Prior to that she languished in gaol with a prohibitive bail for months when her appointed attorneys spent literally only minutes with her. Dr. Harr is doing the best he can for Crystal and her and all those who care for her know it. So, mock on, but don't forget you're on the wrong side of history, like Americans so often have been. There seems to be a consensus developing in both your major political parties that the broken justice system needs to be reformed

eqate representation

Anonymous said...

clap trp from hissy fit:

"Unlike the Legal Profession Crystal does not "play" people."

Yes she does. She played the cab driver from whomshe stole the cab. She trird to play the Lacrosse players. She tried to play Milton Walke. She played Reginald Daye into his grave.

" I doubt if even you would maintain Daniel Meier provided her with adequate representation"

I believe Walt is on record as saying ?Meier did provide her with legal representation.

"Dr. Harr is doing the best he can for Crystal and her and all those who care for her know it."

With all his frivolous motions and frivolous lawsuits, hardly.harr is trying to attract attention to himself.

"They use procedure and process to keep themselves necessary."

Like nifong used crystal's false rape allegations to get himself elected DA.

"Most of us don't have too many nice things to say about lawyers."

Who says nice things about harr except you, who believes the untenable hypothesis of mystery rapists. Who has said anything nice about you except harr the delusional megalomaniac, or crystal, the convicyed criminal/false accuser/murderess?

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Unless Crystal had personally signed the MAR, the Clerk could not accept it. Who signed the MAR you attempted to file?

For your edification, filing the MAR Pro Se as an inmate required a notarized signature. Mangum's notarized signature accompanied the document. There was no reason for the MAR not to be filed immediately.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...


Crystal says "hey" and she wants to know why you tried to file her MAR in federal court.

There is a reason why non lawyers aren't allowed to practice law. You are it. You screwed up her MAR and now she has no recourse. I hope you sleep well knowing that.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Hey, Abe.

There is a time limit for filing an MAR with the federal court... according to the documents given to Mangum by the Prisoner Legal Services, she has one year from the direct appeal decision by which to file an MAR with the federal court. The date of her direct appeal decision was July 7, 2015. By attempting to file her MAR with the federal court on July 5, 2016, I helped preserve her ability to get recourse through the federal court. Her lawyers allowed the deadline to expire.

Nifong Supporter said...

Walt said...
Sid wrote: "The clerk in the Office of the Court Clerk refused to file Mangum's MAR..."

As well they should have. The United States District Court has no jurisdiction to grant a motion for appropriate relief. That is a state court remedy found only in North Carolina.

" The clerk also refused to file the Mangum MAR when it was presented by a friend of a friend of mine who had a driver's license and had no order against him for filing the document."

See above.

"The clerks refused to do their job when it comes to Mangum."

If Crystal had anything to do with this motion for appropriate relief, the Clerks in Greensboro could do nothing about it. The U.S. District Court has no jurisdiction to grant such a motion.

"Very sad."

We do agree on this. It is sad that you waste people's time with frivolous motions. It is even more sad that you tell Crystal that you are doing something for her when you are not. It is saddest if Crystal believes you and has some false hope that you will do something to help her when all you do is abuse her trust. On the other hand, it is quite hilarious if Crystal is playing you. Getting you to run around making a fool of yourself for her amusement, and, of course, ours.


Hey, Walt.

I am glad you are getting some amusement out of my efforts. Enjoy it while you can because shortly you will be crying like a baby when Crystal Mangum is freed and exonerated.

guiowen said...

Temper, temper!
Do you actually believe all you say?

Walt said...

Sid wrote: "There is a time limit for filing an MAR with the federal court... according to the documents given to Mangum by the Prisoner Legal Services, she has one year from the direct appeal decision by which to file an MAR with the federal court."

Sid, either you cannot read, or you are willfully misrepresenting what Prisoner Legal Services said. There is no right to file a MAR in federal court. That only exists in state court. Filing in federal court is pointless. Though you and Kenny are the perfect people for pointless gestures.

"The date of her direct appeal decision was July 7, 2015. By attempting to file her MAR with the federal court on July 5, 2016, I helped preserve her ability to get recourse through the federal court."

As such a proceeding does not exist in federal court, you did not. Further, by wasting time and attempting to file there rather than in state court, as Prisoner Legal Services suggested, you again did Crystal direct harm.

"Her lawyers allowed the deadline to expire."

No Sid, the fault is yours. If she was filing pro se (on her own) and she mistakenly trusted you to walk the MAR to the court house, she was poorly served by you when you took it to the wrong court house. If you didn't take it to the right one, that's your fault and yours alone.

"Hey, Walt.

I am glad you are getting some amusement out of my efforts. Enjoy it while you can because shortly you will be crying like a baby when Crystal Mangum is freed and exonerated."

Funny Sid, you're the one who has done all the crying so far. So keep crying you ineffective nit wit.


Walt said...

Kenny wrote: ".What is really sad is the broken American Justice System. It simply does not work for poor and marginalized minorities."

Further proof of the old saying that it is better to be thought an idiot than open your mouth and remove all doubt.

You and Sid truly are the right people for stupid and pointless gestures.


Walt said...

Abe wrote: "Sid:

Crystal says "hey" and she wants to know why you tried to file her MAR in federal court.

There is a reason why non lawyers aren't allowed to practice law. You are it. You screwed up her MAR and now she has no recourse. I hope you sleep well knowing that."

Ding - Ding - Ding, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!

This is much worse than breaching Crystal's confidence and telling the state she had no intervening cause evidence. That just complicated her trial. This one is much worse. Sid directly harmed her opportunity for appropriate relief. Indeed, I do hope Sid sleeps well at night knowing he screwed up her MAR.


Anonymous said...

There is a time limit for filing an MAR with the federal court... according to the documents given to Mangum by the Prisoner Legal Services, she has one year from the direct appeal decision by which to file an MAR with the federal court. The date of her direct appeal decision was July 7, 2015. By attempting to file her MAR with the federal court on July 5, 2016, I helped preserve her ability to get recourse through the federal court. Her lawyers allowed the deadline to expire.

What lawyers does Crystal have? She fired all the ones we've been aware of ... which lawyers allowed this deadline to expire?

Anonymous said...


You have 170 days to exonerate and free Mangum.

It has been 15 days since the end of June, 83 days since April 23rd, 122 days since the Ides of March and 3,317 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...


I am pretty sure that an MAR has to be filed in the trial court where the defendant was convicted. At least that's what I found after about two minutes on Google. You should try it some time.

By the way, Crystal say "hey" and she wants to know what to do when someone gives you incorrect "non-lawyerly" legal advice.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

A Lawyer said...

shortly you will be crying like a baby when Crystal Mangum is freed and exonerated.

How is she going to be freed and exonerated? Harr v. Duke III isn't going to do it, that has already been dismissed. Harr v. Freeman isn't going to do it, that is about to be dismissed. And an MAR filed in the wrong courthouse certainly isn't going to do it. So what's next in the Epic Parade of Legal Fail?

Nifong Supporter said...

guiowen said...
Temper, temper!
Do you actually believe all you say?

gui, mon ami,

Temper... moi? My temperament has always been well controlled.

As far as my belief, of course I believe everything I say. It's just that I'm up against some recalcitrant opponents determined to drag Lady Justice through the mud and use the Constitution as toilet paper. It's a tough, and long fight, but one which I hope will end soon... the end being victory for Crystal with her liberty and exoneration. Unfortunately, this inevitable result is going to leave many commenters upset and in disbelief.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous A Lawyer said...
shortly you will be crying like a baby when Crystal Mangum is freed and exonerated.

How is she going to be freed and exonerated? Harr v. Duke III isn't going to do it, that has already been dismissed. Harr v. Freeman isn't going to do it, that is about to be dismissed. And an MAR filed in the wrong courthouse certainly isn't going to do it. So what's next in the Epic Parade of Legal Fail?

Hey, A Lawyer.

Actually, I believe my chances of going to court before a jury are excellent in the case v. Freeman. But, I have been surprised before. Guess we'll see what the Magistrate recommends to the judge.

With regards to the MAR, I believe that you have been misled. Mangum does have the right to file post-conviction in federal court according the the papers she received from Prisoner Legal Services, however there is a one year filing limit from the date of the direct appeal decision. Ergo, since her direct appeal was on July 7, 2015, her delivery of the MAR on July 5, 2016 was timely and not subject to procedural default.

Keep in mind that I am not a lawyer, but that's how things read from where I stand.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...


I am pretty sure that an MAR has to be filed in the trial court where the defendant was convicted. At least that's what I found after about two minutes on Google. You should try it some time.

By the way, Crystal say "hey" and she wants to know what to do when someone gives you incorrect "non-lawyerly" legal advice.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Hey, Abe.

I didn't get my information from Google; I got it from the manual Prisoner Legal Services sent to Crystal.

I don't understand about non-lawyerly advice that is incorrect... I don't actually understand the question. Could you try rephrasing it? Further elucidation is required.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
There is a time limit for filing an MAR with the federal court... according to the documents given to Mangum by the Prisoner Legal Services, she has one year from the direct appeal decision by which to file an MAR with the federal court. The date of her direct appeal decision was July 7, 2015. By attempting to file her MAR with the federal court on July 5, 2016, I helped preserve her ability to get recourse through the federal court. Her lawyers allowed the deadline to expire.

What lawyers does Crystal have? She fired all the ones we've been aware of ... which lawyers allowed this deadline to expire?

Actually, her second lawyer Chris Shella asked to be removed from record as Mangum's counsel, as did Scott Holmes. Crystal did ask Woody Vann to be dismissed because he withheld the written Roberts report from her.

Mangum would've been better off firing Daniel Meier and representing herself.

The post-conviction appellate attorneys made no effort to timely file the MAR in Federal Court.

kenhyderal said...

Walt said: In response to my words ".What is really sad is the broken American Justice System. It simply does not work for poor and marginalized minorities." He replied "Further proof of the old saying that it is better to be thought an idiot than open your mouth and remove all doubt".................. There is nothing idiotic about expressing that truism. What is idiotic is to deny it

Anonymous said...

more claptrap from hissy fit:

"Walt said: In response to my words ".What is really sad is the broken American Justice System. It simply does not work for poor and marginalized minorities." He replied "Further proof of the old saying that it is better to be thought an idiot than open your mouth and remove all doubt".................. There is nothing idiotic about expressing that truism. What is idiotic is to deny it"

irrelevant statement, as hissy fit has never recognized what is true and what is false. hissy fit claims crystal was raped in the face of overwheming evidence she was not. hissy fit says there were mystery rapists when there is absolutely no evidence of mystery rapists. Enough said.

Anonymous said...

harr said:

"Actually, her second lawyer Chris Shella asked to be removed from record as Mangum's counsel, as did Scott Holmes. Crystal did ask Woody Vann to be dismissed because he withheld the written Roberts report from her."

Shella asked to be removed from the case because crystal had given confidential information to harr, who proceeded to make public that information, compromising crystal's defense, as others have pointed out on this blog, Walt and A Lawyer.

Dr. ROberts did not produce a report because her opinion supported Dr. Nichols' opinion. Had a report been produced, the prosecution would have seen it, and the prosecution would have made an isue in court that the defense expert agreed with the prosecution's expert, which would have further undermined crystal's defense.

It is obvious that harr is the only one who is "determined to drag Lady Justice through the mud and use the Constitution as toilet paper".

Anonymous said...


You have 169 days to exonerate and free Mangum.

It has been 16 days since the end of June, 84 days since April 23rd, 123 days since the Ides of March and 3,318 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...


Crystal says "hey" and wants to know how the heck she is supposed sue a non-attorney for malpractice for screwing up her case by bringing it in the wrong court.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Kilgo said...



It saddens us greatly to see the ongoing

victimization, torment and abuse of Crystal Mangum.

We take heart in the knowledge

she has good friends who continue to stand by her

and give her support.


You should let Ms. Mangum know

the recent devastating blows to the

carpetbagger's legal jihad

will someday result in Ms. Mangum's

and Mr. Nifong's complete and total



Anonymous said...


I know what lawyers Crystal had in the past, but you said her lawyers were going to let the MAR deadline go, and I was curious who she is working with that was missing that deadline, or did you misspeak?

She ever give Meier permission to talk to you?

Anonymous said...

for hissy fit:

That innocent men were not forced to stand trial for a crime which never happened is not evidence that the justice system is broken. Nor is the conviction of crystal mangum for the murder of her boyfriend.

You have provided zero evidence that crystal ever told the truth about being raped.

The opinion of a no cinical experience, no clinical training individual does nt establish that medical malpractice ever occurred in the death of Reginald Daye.

Anonymous said...

for harr:

Regardless of what the prisoner manual says about a prisoner's access in the federal court system, the MAR is part of North Carolina, not Federal law. I found that out from googling MAR. As so many experts have told you, the place to file an MAR is state court.

and you claim other people are the ones who are "determined to drag Lady Justice through the mud and use the Constitution as toilet paper".

Anonymous said...

hey harr:

Where is the legal precedent that a DA in Wake County has a duty to intervene in and overturn a conviction of a Durham County resident for perpetrating a crime in Durham County?

That you live in Wake County, that crystal is incarcerated in a State Prison in Wake County, that does not give you a cause of action.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
hey harr:

Where is the legal precedent that a DA in Wake County has a duty to intervene in and overturn a conviction of a Durham County resident for perpetrating a crime in Durham County?

That you live in Wake County, that crystal is incarcerated in a State Prison in Wake County, that does not give you a cause of action.

First of all, I am not asking her to overturn a conviction... just to listen to my crime report.

The legal precedent is the Doctrine of Common Sense.

Hypothetical: If I am a Wake County resident and I want to report information about a Durham County murder to the Wake County District Attorney, is it within her duty to ignore me? Add to this scenario: If the information I want to report about the Durham murder would result in the release of a Durham County man wrongly convicted of the crime and being confined at Wake County's Central Prison, is it proper duty for the Wake County district attorney to continue ignoring me?

That is essentially the same situation with my situation with D.A. Freeman.

Don't you believe the least that she should do is take my report, and if it is jurisdictionally in another county, pass the information along to the district attorney of that county? Doesn't that make common sense to you?

It does to me.

Anonymous said...

That has all been explained to Sid - he is going to say he disagrees, and he's going to keep lying to Crystal and pretending that he's the only one trying to help her, and giving her false hope. When he loses (and he will), he will blame a conspiracy.

His case against Freeman is not going to a jury, it's getting dismissed - it's been explained to him that he has no case, and why - he ignores it.

Sid is a pathetic abuser, Kenny is his enabler, Crystal is their victim.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
harr said:

"Actually, her second lawyer Chris Shella asked to be removed from record as Mangum's counsel, as did Scott Holmes. Crystal did ask Woody Vann to be dismissed because he withheld the written Roberts report from her."

Shella asked to be removed from the case because crystal had given confidential information to harr, who proceeded to make public that information, compromising crystal's defense, as others have pointed out on this blog, Walt and A Lawyer.

Dr. ROberts did not produce a report because her opinion supported Dr. Nichols' opinion. Had a report been produced, the prosecution would have seen it, and the prosecution would have made an isue in court that the defense expert agreed with the prosecution's expert, which would have further undermined crystal's defense.

It is obvious that harr is the only one who is "determined to drag Lady Justice through the mud and use the Constitution as toilet paper".

Actually, the statement that I challenged was that Crystal Mangum fired all of her attorneys. As I so successfully debated, the only attorney she fired was Vann. The reason Shella gave for asking to be removed as Mangum's attorney made just a little bit more sense and the convoluted cockamamie conflict of interest excuse used by Scott Holmes.

Roberts' excuse for not producing a written report makes absolutely no sense. But, I actually believe that the written report was made during Vann's tenure as Mangum's attorney, but he did not want Crystal to see it. I believe Holmes saw it, as well, and that Daniel Meier put on a show at trial to pretend that the report had not been written for the purpose of preventing Vann and Holmes for being accused of withholding it from her.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...

I know what lawyers Crystal had in the past, but you said her lawyers were going to let the MAR deadline go, and I was curious who she is working with that was missing that deadline, or did you misspeak?

She ever give Meier permission to talk to you?

To my knowledge, Meier doesn't need Crystal's permission to talk to me. That said, Meier hasn't tried to communicate with me.

As far as the MAR deadline with the federal court, attorneys for the NC Prisoner Legal Services have been sitting on their hands allowing the filing deadline to expire.

Anonymous said...

claptrap from harr

"First of all, I am not asking her to overturn a conviction... just to listen to my crime report."

Liar!!! In your lawsuit you say the relief requested includes that crystal's conviction be overturned."

"The legal precedent is the Doctrine of Common Sense."

Common Sense is not a legal precedent. Your statement is an explanation why. You are a crackpot who has no real concept of common sense but you cite your common sense as a precedent. You believe any crackpot has a right to file a lawsuit on the basis of his idea of common sense.

"Hypothetical: If I am a Wake County resident and I want to report information about a Durham County murder to the Wake County District Attorney, is it within her duty to ignore me? Add to this scenario: If the information I want to report about the Durham murder would result in the release of a Durham County man wrongly convicted of the crime and being confined at Wake County's Central Prison, is it proper duty for the Wake County district attorney to continue ignoring me?"

That is essentially the same situation with my situation with D.A. Freeman."

No matter how you try to spin it, the situation is, crystal mangum, Durham resident, murdered Reginald Daye, Durham resident in Durham County, and was convicted in a Durham County court. She is now incarcerated in a state prison in Wake County. You reside in Wake County. And you presume that gives you a right to force the Wake County DA to overturn crystal's conviction. And your motivation is, you want your favorite murderess/false accuser to get a pass for her crimes. There is no law, no legal precedent to establish that.

"Don't you believe the least that she should do is take my report, and if it is jurisdictionally in another county, pass the information along to the district attorney of that county?"

You expect the DA to accept your "Information" at face value, that you shouldn't have to corroborate your allegations. Your pattern is, you expect whatever allegation you make be accepted as true. One reason, I believe, why you have gotten no where in your suits is, you have not corroborated your allegations. What I get from the discussion on your blog, Federal Rules of evidence require the plaintiff to make i]his case. You have not made your case in either harrI, harr ii, or in harr III.

"Doesn't that make common sense to you?

It does to me."

What you say makes common sense are things which are totally non sensible, e.g. your claim that nifong behaved with integrity when he knowingly charged three innocent men with a crime he knes never happened. Then you have the utter gall to cite common sense as your legal precedent for your frivolous, non meritorious suit against DA Freeman.

Provide evidence that crystal told the truth when she said she had been raped.

Anonymous said...

clap trap from harr:

"To my knowledge, Meier doesn't need Crystal's permission to talk to me. That said, Meier hasn't tried to communicate with me."

So yu do not brlieve attorney/client privilege applies to you.

"As far as the MAR deadline with the federal court, attorneys for the NC Prisoner Legal Services have been sitting on their hands allowing the filing deadline to expire."

Again, the MAR had to be filed in state court. North Carolina law established the MAR as NCstate law. Federal courts do not enforce state laws.

Anonymous said...

To my knowledge, Meier doesn't need Crystal's permission to talk to me. That said, Meier hasn't tried to communicate with me.

As far as the MAR deadline with the federal court, attorneys for the NC Prisoner Legal Services have been sitting on their hands allowing the filing deadline to expire.

July 16, 2016 at 8:22 AM

You posted a letter from Meier to Crystal saying he would need a release from her to speak with you. You have since deleted the letter, but it was there. Why are you now denying it? You had several posts/letters about trying to talk to Meier, and a letter he sent to Crystal saying he would talk if she gave a waiver.

Is the reason you took those letters down so that you could now lie about those contents?

Have you reached out to Meier lately? Did Crystal ever give the waiver he asked for in the letter you posted?

Anonymous said...

Right on Kilgo. Anyone who actually knows Crystal rejects completely the vicious slander, that emananated from The Duke Lacrosse Defence, in an effort to destroy her credibility. These lies are ongoing and widely beleived. None of those who post their poison here have ever met Crystal. I ask them, don't you find it strange that her friends, her professors, her classmates her teachers, her pastor, etc. all have a favorable opinion of her and have provided her with character references. Hearing these references caused Judge Abraham Jones to declared that, from the evidence he heard, he beleived her to be "a good mother" Crystal is not and never was a prostitute. Crystal is not and never was a drug addict or an alcoholic. Crystal was a responsible parent. Crystal was a responsible member of her community. Crystal, having come from humble circumstances, was working hard to build a better like for herself and her children. Her Pastor advised her not to choose exotic dancing and escorting as a way to support herself because, regardless of her character,such a choice can be fraught with peril..

guiowen said...

No, no, no:
That last message is for Kenny, not Kilgo!

Walt said...

Sid wrote: "With regards to the MAR, I believe that you have been misled. Mangum does have the right to file post-conviction in federal court according the the papers she received from Prisoner Legal Services, however there is a one year filing limit from the date of the direct appeal decision. Ergo, since her direct appeal was on July 7, 2015, her delivery of the MAR on July 5, 2016 was timely and not subject to procedural default."

This is exactly why someone who is not a lawyer should not practice law. You have confused the motion for appropriate relief, a state law remedy in North Carolina with a petition for a writ of habeas corpus, a federal law remedy. Prisoner Legal Services materials are very clear on the difference between the two remedies. You notorious unwillingness to learn strikes again. By filing something called a Motion for Appropriate Relief in federal court, you have sought nothing. Federal courts have no authority to grant a MAR, only state courts do. Conversely, in certain limited circumstances, federal courts can hear and grant a petition for appropriate relief. Any lawyer would have correctly advised Crystal to file a habeas petition in federal court or a MAR in state court. Only an incompetent person would advise her to file a MAR in Federal Court.

"Keep in mind that I am not a lawyer, but that's how things read from where I stand."
This is exactly why you should not be practicing law. You refuse to learn from what you read.


Walt said...

Sid wrote: "The post-conviction appellate attorneys made no effort to timely file the MAR in Federal Court."

As no lawyer with even the most elementary legal training would. A lawyer would file a MAR in state court.


Walt said...

Sid wrote: "First of all, I am not asking her to overturn a conviction... just to listen to my crime report."

District Attorneys don't take crime reports, the police do that. The police investigate crimes and bring their findings to the D.A. who has the sole and exclusive authority to prosecute crimes that take place in her judicial district.

"The legal precedent is the Doctrine of Common Sense."

A doctrine with which you are completely unfamiliar.

"Hypothetical: ... is it proper duty for the Wake County district attorney to continue ignoring me?"

Again, the police investigate crimes, not the District Attorney, despite what your disbarred and highly unethical friend Mike Nifong might tell you. Go make your police report in Durham.

"Don't you believe the least that she should do is take my report, and if it is jurisdictionally in another county, pass the information along to the district attorney of that county? Doesn't that make common sense to you?"

Why don't you make your report to the Durham Police? They could investigate it. Why don't you make your report to Roger Echols? While he won't investigate, he could prosecute. Freeman can't prosecute something that happened in another prosecutorial district. She has no means to investigate it. She can't order the Raleigh Police or the Wake County Sheriff to investigate anything and she has no independent authority or staff to do an investigation. This is just one of your stunts to bring attention to yourself. You have deliberately picked someone who has nothing to do with the issue, demanded they do something they cannot and are now accusing them, falsely I might add, of being a bigot.

You will quite correctly be tossed out of court again and some of your foolishness is an attempt to re-litigate Harr I. Don't be surprised if you get a sanction from the Eastern District too.


Anonymous said...

When will we get the next round of harr/hissy fit a2nonymous posts?

Anonymous said...


You have 168 days to exonerate and free Mangum.

It has been 17 days since the end of June, 85 days since April 23rd, 124 days since the Ides of March and 3,319 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

So, Sid, you've said there would be news on Crystal soon - and things were moving. You have done 3 things very recently, which were (or will be) complete and total failures, and which have no basis in law (as has been repeatedly explained to you):
1. Harr III
2. Freeman lawsuit
3. Federal MAR

Do you have something else that actually has some basis in law to help, or should we not be expecting anything new on the Crystal front? Because none of those 3 can, or will, do anything.

You are a sad, abusive old man.

Anonymous said...

When will we get the next round of harr/hissy fit a2nonymous posts?

Anonymous said...

Sidney says:

"The legal precedent is the Doctrine of Common Sense."

What is this about? I tried Goggling this term and the only close hit was Thomas Paine.

Anonymous said...

harr, it is obvious you are just an incredibly stupid, totally delusional megalomaniac.

Anonymous said...

Where is the little man kenhyderal?

Anonymous said...

Common sense tells you that the DA in Wake County has no jurisdiction in Durham County and isn't going to waste her time with someone trying to report it.

There are crackpots all over telling them they are aware of Aliens, and crimes in other states and countries - they can't, and shouldn't, respond to everyone. They are responsible for their area.

It's common sense that she'd ignore someone with an issue that she cannot possibly have jurisdiction over.

Anonymous said...

clap trap from harr:

"Hypothetical: If I am a Wake County resident and I want to report information about a Durham County murder to the Wake County District Attorney, is it within her duty to ignore me?"

Not hypothetical: Shan Carter chased down and killed an unarmed Tyrone Baker while Tyrone Baker was fleeing. In the process he killed an innocent bystander, a young boy.

You claim Shan Carter acted in self defense. He did not. It was murder.

You have demonstrated in the past that you can not recognize a glaringly obvious murder when it happened.

So why should the any DA regard you as credible if you were to report a murder?

Anonymous said...

Where is the little man kenhyderal?

Anonymous said...

Where is the little man kenhyderal?

Anonymous said...

Where is the little man kenhyderal?

Anonymous said...

When will we get the next round of harr/hissy fit a2nonymous posts?

kenhyderal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kenhyderal said...

"Ain't it peculiar" how I get labeled a Troll, out to provoke other posters, yet there is never a word about Posters like Anonymous at 7:34,9:25,11:31,12:44,5:35 and 6:03 today trying to provoke me. Then there's that race obsessed Dr. Anonymous who parses every sentence myself or Dr. Harr writes and throws in a insult or a pejorative. When I'm finally provoked to respond I get called a Troll and posters are then strongly advised to ignore me suggesting I post only to upset others. How do you define a Troll and how do you define Double Standard

Anonymous said...

It's funny how Kenny whines when he has nothing new to say. You still refuse to answer questions about Sid's latest failures - and his continuing abuse of Crystal and lies to her.

Why do you support those?

I know, whine, whine whine - and I know there was a rapist because a random person I've never met told me that some random person told him he knew someone who was there and did it.

Whine whine whine.

And, we ignore the anonymous because they are just a troll trying to get under your skin - ignore them. We go after you because you claim to support Sid and claim to have knowledge, but refuse to prove it, and you refuse to actually do anything to attempt to help.

Anonymous said...

clap trap from hissy fit

""Ain't it peculiar" how I get labeled a Troll, out to provoke other posters, yet there is never a word about Posters like Anonymous at 7:34,9:25,11:31,12:44,5:35 and 6:03 today trying to provoke me."

Yes it is peculiar that you are labelled a troll. One has to be intelligent to be n internet troll. You are not intelligent.

"Then there's that race obsessed Dr. Anonymous who parses every sentence myself or Dr. Harr writes and throws in a insult or a pejorative."

Such aperson does not exist. However, rape obsessed hissy fit does exist. hissy fit insists crystal was raped in the face of overwhelming evidence she was not, in the face of the fact that between them harr and hissy fit have provided zero evidence that crystal told the truth when she said she had been raped.

"When I'm finally provoked to respond I get called a Troll and posters are then strongly advised to ignore me suggesting I post only to upset others. How do you define a Troll and how do you define Double Standard".

Your responses are meaningless clap trap. A double standard would be considering someone guilty of raping crystal when he has no evidence she was raped, then calling the justice system unfair to her when no one was convicted of raping her, calling the justice system unfair when she was convicted of murder after she did murder Reginald Daye.

Anonymous said...

hey harr,

If you have information about a murder in Durham County, why do you not have a duty to report the information to the Durham County authorities? How does that give you the right to sue the Wake County DA to force her to bring that to the attention of the Durham County authorities?

Again I remind you, in the suit you filed against DA Freeman, the relief you requested was that crystal's conviction be overturned and crystal be released. You are so delusional, you do believe you have the right to force the Wake County to interfere in a criminal case in Durham County.

If you believe that, if you believe that your case will go to trial, you are certifiably insane.

Now hissyfit has an opportunity to rant and rave about me making Psychiatric diagnoses.

Anonymous said...


You have 167 days to exonerate and free Mangum.

It has been 18 days since the end of June, 86 days since April 23rd, 125 days since the Ides of March and 3,320 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

Sidney: Oops, I better run up to that Federal Court House and get that MAR with the sticky date on it and run that down to State Court. They have to accept it or they are bigoted against blacks. I see a new lawsuit here.

Anonymous said...


You have 166 days to exonerate and free Mangum.

It has been 19 days since the end of June, 87 days since April 23rd, 126 days since the Ides of March and 3,321 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sidney: Oops, I better run up to that Federal Court House and get that MAR with the sticky date on it and run that down to State Court. They have to accept it or they are bigoted against blacks. I see a new lawsuit here.

The MAR was delivered to the Federal Courthouse prior to the one year filing deadline in that court. There is no deadline to file a MAR in state court.

Ergo... no need for a lawsuit.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
hey harr,

If you have information about a murder in Durham County, why do you not have a duty to report the information to the Durham County authorities? How does that give you the right to sue the Wake County DA to force her to bring that to the attention of the Durham County authorities?

Again I remind you, in the suit you filed against DA Freeman, the relief you requested was that crystal's conviction be overturned and crystal be released. You are so delusional, you do believe you have the right to force the Wake County to interfere in a criminal case in Durham County.

If you believe that, if you believe that your case will go to trial, you are certifiably insane.

Now hissyfit has an opportunity to rant and rave about me making Psychiatric diagnoses.

It should not be the responsibility of the lay-citizen to ascertain the appropriate law enforcement agency for whom to make a report about a crime. Even if a law enforcement agent is informed about a crime that is committed outside his jurisdiction, don't you feel that that information should be transferred by that agent to the appropriate one?

What's the big deal?

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Common sense tells you that the DA in Wake County has no jurisdiction in Durham County and isn't going to waste her time with someone trying to report it.

There are crackpots all over telling them they are aware of Aliens, and crimes in other states and countries - they can't, and shouldn't, respond to everyone. They are responsible for their area.

It's common sense that she'd ignore someone with an issue that she cannot possibly have jurisdiction over.

So, it's your position that if a district attorney receives information about a crime (including murder) that occurred outside her jurisdiction that she should ignore it?


Fake Kenhyderal said...

Sid -- You never reported a "crime" to Freeman. She had nothing to transfer. So..what's the big deal?

A Lawyer said...

What's the big deal?

The big deal is that you filed a federal lawsuit without any basis. Whatever moral duty Freeman might or might not have, a federal court is not going to force her to meet with you.

Walt said...

Sid wrote: <"What's the big deal?"

The big deal is you filed a lawsuit seeking specific relief that the defendant cannot grant. The big deal is if you go to court you have to have a case. You don't.


Walt said...

Sid wrote: "The MAR was delivered to the Federal Courthouse prior to the one year filing deadline in that court. There is no deadline to file a MAR in state court."

There is no such thing as a MAR in federal court. The clerk properly refused your filing.


Anonymous said...

So, it's your position that if a district attorney receives information about a crime (including murder) that occurred outside her jurisdiction that she should ignore it?


Yes, if it is not in their jurisdiction, and the proper jurisdiction is readily apparent. All anyone has to do is look at your website and they know you have been told, repeatedly, that what you are doing is wrong (so you can't claim the whole lack of notice thing).

But, if you report a crime to a DA outside their jurisdiction, they have the right to ignore it. And, even if they shouldn't - that does not give rise to a lawsuit, because whether they should, or should not, ignore it - the law says they can.

You are as bad as Trump - trying to use the Courts for improper purposes.

You haven't answered:

Do you have something else intended to help Mangum, or is the Failed Harr III, the Failed Freeman lawsuit, and the Failed Federal MAR all you had?

kenhyderal said...

Dr. Anonymous said: "And, we ignore the anonymous because they are just a troll trying to get under your skin - ignore them. We go after you because you claim to support Sid and claim to have knowledge, but refuse to prove it, and you refuse to actually do anything to attempt to help"..............................Does anyone other then me have trouble following Dr. Anonymous's rambling stream of thought? Does he doubt I support Dr. Harr? Then, with a conjunction, he adds I claim to have "knowledge". I assume, here, he refers to the Duke Lacrosse Case. He also states I refuse to prove that I have "knowledge". Again I assume he means I can't prove to him that Crystal was raped. He then says I do nothing to attempt to help? I assume he is saying I make no attempt to help Crystal. It is difficult to make sense of his disjointed pronouncements. His apoplectic, knee-jerk responses to everything I post shows little clarity of thought.

guiowen said...

I suppose it is just possible that you're doing all sort of things to help Crystal -- under the table, I guess. If so, you haven't told us about it. Certainly we've seen you do nothing at all.

Anonymous said...

claptrap from harr:

The MAR was delivered to the Federal Courthouse prior to the one year filing deadline in that court. There is no deadline to file a MAR in state court."
Why did you file the MAR in state court. It has been explained to you that theMAR, which falls under NC State Law, not Federal Law, had to be filed in State court.If crystal wanted relief from Federal Court she had to file a motion for Habeas Corpus.

Anonymous said...

more clap trap from harr:

"It should not be the responsibility of the lay-citizen to ascertain the appropriate law enforcement agency for whom to make a report about a crime. Even if a law enforcement agent is informed about a crime that is committed outside his jurisdiction, don't you feel that that information should be transferred by that agent to the appropriate one?

What's the big deal?"

You actually are saying your ignorance of the law gives you the right to force a Wake County DA to take action to overturn a verdict returned by a Durham County Court, Right? You show yurself to be more incredibly stupid eah day.

Anonymous said...

even more clap trap from harr:

"So, it's your position that if a district attorney receives information about a crime (including murder) that occurred outside her jurisdiction that she should ignore it?"


Well, in addition to you saying that your ignorance of the law entitles you to file suit against the Wake County DA to force her to take action to overturn a verdict returned in a Durham County Court, yu are etilted to have your allegations of a crime taken at face value. As your actions in the Due Rape Hoax and in the Shan Carter felony murder case show, you can not tell what is or is not criminal. Why should any DA in any county in NC regard your allegations as credible?

Anonymous said...

an excerpt from harr's clap trap:

"It should not be the responsibility of the lay-citizen to ascertain the appropriate law enforcement agency for whom to make a report about a crime."

So you are saying you would be doing your civic duty if you did actually witnessed a murder and then did not report it because you could not figure out to which authority you should report it to, right?

And you have just made DA Freeman's case. Yu have admitted your lawsuit is based on your ignorance of the law.

Anonymous said...

kenny hissy fit said:

"Dr. Anonymous said: "And, we ignore the anonymous because they are just a troll trying to get under your skin - ignore them. We go after you because you claim to support Sid and claim to have knowledge, but refuse to prove it, and you refuse to actually do anything to attempt to help"..............................Does anyone other then me have trouble following Dr. Anonymous's rambling stream of thought? Does he doubt I support Dr. Harr?

Do I doubt you support harr? Not at all. You are too stupid to recognize how incompetent harr is,

Anonymous said...

kenny hissy fit says:

"he adds I claim to have "knowledge". I assume, here, he refers to the Duke Lacrosse Case".

What I say you claim to have knowledge about isthe Duke Lacrosse Rape Hoax. You have offered zero proof that crystal told the truth when she alleged she was raped.

Anonymous said...

hassy fit, you did say kilgo told you he knew a Lacrosse player who witnessed crystal being raped. In the words of A Lawyer, tht is double hearsay. In a case like this, hearsay is not evidence.

Anonymous said...

hissy fit, kilgo used to claim that he knew more about the Duke Rape Hoax than anyone. When challenged to put up or shut up, kilgo always backed down.

Now you are claiming tohave kowledge.

It supports a belief of mine, that kilgo is actually something you fabricated.

Which means your double hearsay about the Duke Rape Hoax is actually you telling yourself that you had afriend who witnessed crystal being raped. Is it any wonder no one gives you any credibility?

Anonymous said...

Sidney, you need to go here to report the crime:

It looks like your only option is to call 919-996-3335

But remember, reporting a false crime report is a crime in it's self.

Now if the Raleigh Police do not accept your crime report, then by all means you could sue them.

Anonymous said...

hissy fit calls my thinking addled.

Examples of what hissy fit calls thinking:

hissy fit says the police investigation of the alleged rape of crystal was botched, because the identities of the men who had left their DNA on crystal were never determined. I pointed out to hissy fit that nifong had custody of the evidence and that nifong had concealed the evidence rather than identify the sources. hissy ft denied that nifong concealed the evidence, in the face of brian meehan's admission under oath that he and nifong conspired to conceal the evidence.

Then hissy fit said nifong did not trace the DNA back to its sources because he believed he could convict members of the Lacrosse team of sexual assault without DNA evidence. I pointed out to him that the sexual assault alleged by crystal was a gang rape in which the perpetrators had left DNA. hissy fit's response was, crystal was in no condition to know what had happened or who had done it. So then I asked why crystal's allegation, if so unreliable, could be used as probable cause to indict anyone for rape. He ducked.

hissy fit also claimed nifong did not indict the Lacrosse defendants for rape. I cited sources that confirmed nifong did indict them on charges of first degree rape. Then hissy fit said, that because nifong dropped the charges of rape, he really did not charge them with rape. hissy fit refused to respond to a question, how could nifong dropped criminal charges he never filed. Again, hissy fit dodged.

So much for addled thinking.

Anonymous said...

clarification f hissy fit's clap trap:

"[De. Anonymous] also states I refuse to prove that I have "knowledge".

It would be more accurate to say I say is you have zero knowledge.

:Again I assume he means I can't prove to him that Crystal was raped.

I mean specifically that thus far you have provided zero proof that crystal told the truth when alleged she had been raped. If ang DA wanted to convict anyone of raping crystal, he would have to present proof beyond a reasonable doubt that crystal told the truth. Said DA would get no proof from hissy fot.

A Lawyer said...

The MAR was delivered to the Federal Courthouse prior to the one year filing deadline in that court.

Legally, that is the equivalent of delivering a Petition for Divorce to the Traffic Court.

JSwift said...

Kennyhyderal asks: Does he doubt I support Dr. Harr?


I believe that Dr. Anonymous believes that you actually support Dr. Harr. I do not.

Most of the readers on this blog have concluded that you only pretend to support Dr. Harr. Someone who actually supported Dr. Harr's efforts to exonerate and free Crystal would offer constructive criticism rather than the unconditional acceptance of his actions you provide.

I believe that Dr. Harr genuinely seeks to help Crystal and truly believes that his actions will result in her exoneration.

However, it is clear that Dr. Harr has absolutely no idea what he is doing and no ability to learn from his mistakes. He ignores advice provided by posters on this blog because he is convinced that they are part of a massive conspiracy. You, as a professed supporter of Crystal, are in a unique position to provide useful advice and helpful information.

Dr. Harr is tireless in his attempts to support Crystal, but he wastes his time on frivolous lawsuits and ineffective motions. He accomplishes nothing. He refuses to make any effort to understand the law, whining that, because he is unable to use the law library of his choice, he should be required to make no effort and all errors should be excused. You could utilize your unparalleled Google skills to assist. You do nothing to help.

That is why many have concluded you are a troll.

John D. Smith
New York, NY

kenhyderal said...

JSwift said: "Most of the readers on this blog have concluded that you only pretend to support Dr. Harr"..........................And my motive would be?

JSwift said...


I already answered that question.

John D. Smith
New York, NY

kenhyderal said...

Dr. Anonymous said: "It supports a belief of mine, that kilgo is actually something you fabricated"................... Kilgo, like you, was posting here before I came on the scene.

Anonymous said...

from hissy fit:

"JSwift said: "Most of the readers on this blog have concluded that you only pretend to support Dr. Harr"..........................And my motive would be?"

Obviously to attract attention to yourself.

Anonymous said...

from hissy fit:

"Dr. Anonymous said: "It supports a belief of mine, that kilgo is actually something you fabricated"................... Kilgo, like you, was posting here before I came on the scene."

So say you. You were probably posting as kilgo, then disappeared and then resurfaced as kenhyderal.

JSwift said...

Kennyhyderal claims: Kilgo, like you, was posting here before I came on the scene.

Interestingly, not only do you know that Kilgo posted here and that he erased his posts, but also the content of the erased posts. The posts were gone before you claim to have discovered this blog. How did you discover the content of the erased posts?

John D. Smith
New York, NY

Anonymous said...

A major problem Sid will have trying to do anything based on ignorance of the law is that he's had the law clearly explained to him on this blog, and he just chooses to ignore it. Ignorance of the law is no excuse, but he's not ignorant of the law, he just disagrees, so he ignores it.

Sid is a pathetic joke.

kenhyderal said...

No Kilgo and I were contemporaries on this for nearly 2 years blog. He was here when I arrived in 2010 and I was present when he departed in 2012. I introduced Crystal to Dr. Harr in 2010

kenhyderal said...

JSwift said: "I already answered that question" Only in your own mind.

kenhyderal said...

Dr. Anonymous said: "Obviously to attract attention to yourself".................. I asked that of John D. not you

Anonymous said...

clap trap from hissy fit:

"Dr. Anonymous said: "Obviously to attract attention to yourself".................. I asked that of John D. not you "

You sure hate the truth, do'y you.

Anonymous said...

Where is the little troll kenhyderal?

A Lawyer said...

So, it's your position that if a district attorney receives information about a crime (including murder) that occurred outside her jurisdiction that she should ignore it?

No one's saying she should ignore it. What Walt and I are trying to explain to you is that a federal court has no power to do anything to a state district attorney who does ignore it.

Anonymous said...

hissy fit, you sure hate the truth, don't you.

Anonymous said...

from hissy fit:

"No Kilgo and I were contemporaries on this for nearly 2 years blog. He was here when I arrived in 2010 and I was present when he departed in 2012. I introduced Crystal to Dr. Harr in 2010"

kilgo used to post he knew more about the Duke Rape hoax than anyonr. After being repeatedly challenged to put up or shut up about what he knew, kilgo disappeared from J4N-he backed down, probably because he did not want t be exposed as a fraud. After he backed down, hissy fit appeared, with his untenable hypothesis about mystery rapists. When challenged to provide proof thee were mystery rapists, he came up with kilgo's double hearsay. hissy fit has never been able to prove kilgo ever made that assertion.

So, I vbelieve kilgo does not exist, except as a fabrication of hissy fit. Either that or kilgo does exist and kenhyderal is a fabrication of kilgo. Or, kilgo and hissy fit are fabrications of harr.

Anonymous said...

Where is the little troll kenhyderal?

kenhyderal said...

I'm here and Dr. Anonymous, once more does not respond logically. I just finished telling him that Kilgo and I posted contemporaneously. I assume Kilgo, based his claim, perhaps erroneously, that he was the only person who actually knew a participant at the party. I would not be surprised, though, if some other Anonymous posters were also here; friends of Evans, Finnery, or Seligman or of some other persons present at the party. But, before I came on the scene he was the only one making that claim. Kilgo got his information from a Player I got mine from Crystal The rest of you have all relied on second hand information mostly from the Duke Lacrosse Apologist Blog, Duke Lacrosse Liestoppers. I appeared well before Kilgo, so-called "backed down". He made a substantial donation though through a Raleigh Lawyer Mark Simeon, towards Crystal's bail in the Arson case and when Hammond Bail Bonds put up the bail for free he donated that money to Crystal and her children. Dr. Anonymous' conspiracy theories have far less credibility then the so-called Carpetbagger Jihad

Anonymous said...


You have 165 days to exonerate and free Mangum.

It has been 20 days since the end of June, 88 days since April 23rd, 127 days since the Ides of March and 3,322 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.

It has been 19 days since the end of June, 87 days since April 23rd, 126 days since the Ides of March and 3,321 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...


You are the one who doesn't respond logically. You base your entire theory on the Duke Lacrosse case on someone you don't know telling you they heard something from someone. That's like believing the stories about Crystal being a prostitute because someone heard someone else say it. It's not credible.

Plus, you refuse to denounce the ridiculous efforts of Harr and encourage him to try things that work, which shows you aren't interested in helping him or Crystal.

Anonymous said...

for hissy fit:

Regarding the carpetbagger jihad:

harrclaimed the NC State Bar and AG Cooper got on nifong immediately after nifong charged the Lacrosse players with rape.

The NC State Bar did not begibn its investigation of nifong until December 2006, months after nifong had the Lacrosse defendants indicted. The NC State Bar filed ethics charges against nifong in December of 2006 nd January of 2007. After the sState Bar filed those charges, nifong asked AG Cooper to take over the investigation of the case.

It is all a matter of public record. If you did not know this, you were ignorant. If you did know this and made your statements anyway, you were a liar.

What can one expect from an individual who gets his first hand information from kilgo and crystal, a pair of liars.

With regard to kilgo, you got no first hand information from him. You allege(an allegation you csn not vrify) that kilgo told you that a lacrosse player told him that he had witnessed the rape of crystal at the lacrosse party. In the words of a Lawyer, that is double hearsay. Hearsay is not first hand information. So you lied when you claimed you had first hand information from kilgo.

Anonymous said...

more for hissy fit regarding the carpetbagger jihad:

harr claimed Mrs. Rae Evans launcgedthecarprtbagger jihad when she made a statement to 60 Minutes, to theeffectthat nifong had pickedon thewrong families, andhe would pay for it every dayof the rest of hislife.

Mrs Evans made that statement at the end of January of 2007. That was AFTER the NC State Bar had investigated nifong and had filed ethics charges against him.

Like the rape of crystal, the mystery rapists, kilgo's lacrosse player friend, it is but another lie into which you have bought,

Anonymous said...

more for hissy fit:

What you call second hand information are the well researched accounts o the Duke Rape Hoax, Until Proven Innocent, A Rush to Injustice, It's Not About the Truth and Fantastic Lies. AG Cooper's report of the thorough investigation of the Duke Rape Hoax is also on line.

Cohan's account is not a thoroughly researched account. Cohan talked only to nifong and no one else. Nifong made allegations about people involved in the investigation of the hoax which cohan accepted at face value. cohan never talked to any of the people nifong mentioned. According to cohan, nifong said that AG Cooper's investigators felt sabd bagged when AG Cooper expressed his belief in the innocence of the Lacrosse players. James Coman was one of those investigators, to whom cohan never talked. Mr. Coman is on record that AG Cooper's investigators believed the Lacrosse players were innocent. In the Documentary, Fantastic Lies, Mr. Coman stated he was flabbergasted that nifong had prosecuted the Lacrosse defendants.

One person who is one of your sources of information is harr who, by his own admissio, never investigated the evidence. Another is kilgo, who, as I have said, boasted he knew more about the Duke Rape Hoax than anyone but who backed down and hid when challenged to document what he knew(and I still believe kilgo is something you have fabricated). Anther is crystal, and, there is no evidence she was raped and no evidence she told the truth when she alleged she was raped.

And you, for some reason, can not face the truth, that crystal is a false accuser/murderess.

Walt said...

While Sid and Kenny whine about imaginary injustices, there are real ones in the world. Neither Sid, nor Kenny particularly cares about those real injustices, nor the good work of people in the NC justice system to correct those injustices. I have a post at my blog addressing this:

Before Sid declares this is proof of his imaginary injustice, it is not. This is the real thing supported by real evidence, not supposition and real legal analysis, not uninformed ranting.

Those really interested in justice will no doubt have intelligent commentary or will just have a read and appreciation for the real problems in the justice system and how we are working to fix them.


Anonymous said...

Hey hissy fit, here is something to consider:

why does harr not file suit to force the Durham DA to identify kilgo aand force kilgo to identify his anonymous lacrosse player friend. I read recently, in NC,there is no statute flimitations on felonies. So why woul harr not try to force the DA to discover people who had relevant information about an aleged felony?

Probably because not even harr belives in your clap tap about mystery rapists.

Anonymous said...

Considering nifong's documented activity in covering up exculpatory evidence in order to obtain convictions, it is doubtful nifong would have ever taken the action DA Freeman took.

kenhyderal said...

Walt said: "Those really interested in justice will no doubt have intelligent commentary or will just have a read and appreciation for the real problems in the justice system and how we are working to fix them".................. Like you, and just about everyone else, I have an appreciation for very real injustices in the American Justice System. I have posted many times the rant of Conrad Black a victim of this system. Unlike you, I sincerely believe that Crystal Mangum like your accused Sandy and Surpris are victims of this system. I suppose these defendants had the resources to hire Lawyers to successfully appeal their convictions. This is not an option for poor and marginalized minorities, in itself an disgraceful injustice. You willingly, albeit sorrowfully condemn Prosecutor Janssen for her actions. I maintain that the legal counsel Crystal received by any measure was incompetent and woefully inept. Meier's defense allowed Coggins-Franks to portray poor boy "Reggie" as a victim of a homicidal Crystal to a Durham Jury, who already believed in what the Duke Lacrosse Lawyers, as a strategy, had disseminated far and wide to discredit their client's accuser.

guiowen said...

Instead of whining, why don't you DO something? Go to Durham, hire a new lawyer, look for Kilgo, join Sidney in his lawsuits. Insteade you just lie around on the beach in Dubai.
How shameful of you!

Anonymous said...

In his latest oost, hissy fit rants again about the treatment crystal mangum received from the US justice system.

He again claims that the lawyers for the Lacrosse players smeared crystal. I point out yet again, there was no evidence that the alleged rape ever happened, hissy fit himself has yet to provide any evidence the rape happened. hissy fit has yet to provide evidence crystal told the truth when she alleged she had been raped. The best hissy fit hs comr up with is wht a Lawyer has described as doublr hearsay. hissy fit claims someone or something named kilgo was told by someone else that he had witnessed the rape. I again repeat, hissy fit can not veify either that kilgo exists or that kilgo's witness exists.

So far as the defense lawyers defaming crystal, that refers to an incident which happened years before the Duke Rape Hoax.

Crystal was giving a cab driver a lap dance. She stole his carkeys, then stole his cab. She was intoxicated, and her driver's license was suspended. She led the police on a high speed chase.When the police had her cornered, she tried to run down an officer. The story comes from police records generated at the time of the incident, years before crystal became the false accuser in the Duke Rape Hoax.

Then, a couple years after crystal was discredited, under the influence of Ed(or Vincent) Clark, crystal told a story completely at odds with the police records. hissy fit says that crystal's self serving fiction should be considered the true story.

crystal is a liar and a criminal, nothing more. one must wonder at hissy fit's upbringing that he thinks he can pass off a glaring lie as truth.

Anonymous said...

hissy fit, I repeat, there is no evidence the rape alleged by crystal eve happened, no evidence that crystal told the truth when she alleged she had been raped.harr has said on a number of occasions that no one has ever proved crystal lied. Well, to establish that crystal told the truth, the prosecution had to provide evidence which showed beyond a reasonable doubt, that crystal did tell the truth. The prosecution came up with no such evidence. And the justice system did not fail crystal in the Duke Rape Hoax. crystal tried to pervert the justice system, just like you are trying to do with your clap trap about mystery rapists.

Your remarks about the flaws in the American Justice system are meaningless. You do not know what justice is

Anonymous said...

from hissy fit:

"I have an appreciation for very real injustices in the American Justice System."

hissy fit believes innocent men should be presumed guilty after they are accused of a crime which never happened. hissy fit documents he has no concept of what justice is. Sdoes hereally expectpeople to believe heis aware f real injustices in any legal system.

Anonymous said...

from hissy fit:

" I have posted many times the rant of Conrad Black a victim of this system."

No you haven't. You have no concept of what justice means. Conrad Blackis a self pitying convicted criminal.

Walt said...

Kenhyderal wrote: " I suppose these defendants had the resources to hire Lawyers to successfully appeal their convictions. This is not an option for poor and marginalized minorities, in itself an disgraceful injustice."

I knew you would not have a thoughtful comment. Had you read the decision which I linked at my blog you would know just how silly your claim is. Sandy and Surpris were represented by the Appellate Defender and a contractor for the APD's office. Both did not charge the defendants at all for their services. You are a one note poster who doesn't give a care about justice. Instead, you seek injustice in the favor of Crystal.


Anonymous said...

more clap trap from hissy fit:

"Meier's defense allowed Coggins-Franks to portray poor boy "Reggie" as a victim of a homicidal Crystal to a Durham Jury."

Unfortunately, hissy fit, that was the situation. crystal convicted herself whenshe tookthe standand gave testimony which was contradicted by the evidence the prosecution.

Now tell us again about your plan to put the defendant's expert on the stand so the defense could show the jury that their expert supported the opinion ofthe prosecution's expert.

kenhyderal said...

Walt said: Had you read the decision which I linked at my blog you would know just how silly your claim is".............................................. Unfortunately I have been unable to open that link. It opens for me in fifty or so lines of a computer language. Notice, though, I said I suppose so thank you for your clarification about my supposition. What else do you find in my post that lacks thoughtfulness?

Anonymous said...


You have 164 days to exonerate and free Mangum.

It has been 21 days since the end of June, 89 days since April 23rd, 128 days since the Ides of March and 3,323 days since Mike Nifong was disbarred.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

This is the link to the casr to which Walt refers.

Nifong Supporter said...

Walt said...
While Sid and Kenny whine about imaginary injustices, there are real ones in the world. Neither Sid, nor Kenny particularly cares about those real injustices, nor the good work of people in the NC justice system to correct those injustices. I have a post at my blog addressing this:

Before Sid declares this is proof of his imaginary injustice, it is not. This is the real thing supported by real evidence, not supposition and real legal analysis, not uninformed ranting.

Those really interested in justice will no doubt have intelligent commentary or will just have a read and appreciation for the real problems in the justice system and how we are working to fix them.


Walt, I looked at the article. Yes, I agree the Court of Appeals acted properly, and to an extent, so did the D.A. Freeman. However, Freeman should care about Crystal Mangum receiving justice as much as she did the other defendants.

Do you feel Freeman is justified in not talking with me or having an assistant talk with me about Mangum's case? After all, I am her constituent.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous A Lawyer said...
The MAR was delivered to the Federal Courthouse prior to the one year filing deadline in that court.

Legally, that is the equivalent of delivering a Petition for Divorce to the Traffic Court.

Hah, A Lawyer. Where did you get your law license? From a Cracker Jacks box?

Anonymous said...

Sid - are you really this incapable of learning and understanding? Legally Freeman is fully justified in not listening to you or talking to you. She can fully ignore you and it doesn't give rise to a lawsuit.

If you think it's bad, or immoral,nyouncan attack her reelection.

But Crystal is totally outside her jurisdiction - even if she cared she couldn't do anything, and you can't sue her for doing nothing.

Anonymous said...

Sidney Harr: "Hah, A Lawyer. Where did you get your law license? From a Cracker Jacks box?"

Sidney resorts to an ad hominenm attack to cover his abysmal ignorance of the law.

Walt said...

Sid wrote: "Walt, I looked at the article. Yes, I agree the Court of Appeals acted properly, and to an extent, so did the D.A. Freeman. However, Freeman should care about Crystal Mangum receiving justice as much as she did the other defendants."

I know you don't really learn well. But, for others who may not know, Freeman had nothing to do with prosecuting Crystal. She could not have. The Wake DA can only prosecute cases that arise in Wake County. Our state constitution gives her the exclusive jurisdiction to do so. But, the very same constitution prohibits her from prosecuting cases from outside Wake County. She can do nothing for Crystal as it regards the murder of Reginald Daye.

"Do you feel Freeman is justified in not talking with me or having an assistant talk with me about Mangum's case? After all, I am her constituent."

Dismiss your lawsuit against Freeman and we will talk about feelings. Until then, you have filed a frivolous lawsuit seeking to force Freeman to do something which she is prohibited from doing. That is a frivolous lawsuit and you should dismiss it.


Walt said...

Kenhyderal wrote: "What else do you find in my post that lacks thoughtfulness?"

The entire comment. You premise your conclusion on the false theory that Sandy and Surpris were not poor, and thus were able to buy justice. The fact is they were represented by attorneys paid by the state available to indigent defendants. They obtained justice. Your premise is unsupported by the facts. Facts available to anyone who reads the opinion. Thus, a lack of thoughtfulness pervades your comment.

And don't claim you couldn't read the opinion. The link goes directly to a PDF of the opinion hosted on the AOC's website. That you cannot open a PDF speaks to your level of technical competency. That's all on you.


Anonymous said...

from harr:

"Do you feel Freeman is justified in not talking with me or having an assistant talk with me about Mangum's case? After all, I am her constituent."

How about you give a legal justification for your attempt to force the Wake County DA intervene in a case prosecuted in Durham County. I remind you, the relief you have requested is that crystal's convicion be overturned and crystal released from prison.

I also repeat, your performance in the Duke Rape Hoax and in the Shan Carter felony murder case shows you can not tell what is and what is not criminal. Why should DA Freeman talk to someone as non credible as you?

Anonymous said...

hey harr:

ad homonem attacks are an admission of your incredible stupidity.

Anonymous said...


If you have a problem with how an elected official responds to a constituent, the recourse is in the ballot box and the election cycle, not the courts. By your logic, you can sue McCrory, Cooper, Obama, and others for not listening to you. Must the President meet with every single person who asks to meet with him? That's your argument with Freeman.

You are a sad, pathetic joke.

Anonymous said...

for harr:

You were boasting extensively about how you would expeditiously have crystal exonerated and freed. The relief you sought in the suit you filed against DA Freeman was that crystal's conviction be overturned and she be released.

You did believe you could intimidate DA Freeman into doing what you wanted. And you are seriously p---ed that you are incapable of intimidating anyone. And you are trying now to cover your butt with a gross and obvious lie, that all you sought was DA Freeman's attention as one of her constituents.

Wake up and realize what a sad pathetic little man. That would be the first step to actually doing something useful with your life.

Anonymous said...

from harr:

"Do you feel Freeman is justified in not talking with me or having an assistant talk with me about Mangum's case? After all, I am her constituent."

You have no legal standing which allows you to discuss crystals case with any officer of the court.

A Lawyer said...

Hah, A Lawyer. Where did you get your law license? From a Cracker Jacks box?

Dr. Harr:

I have repeatedly made predictions on this blog about the outcome of your various legal proceedings. So far, they have all turned out to be correct.

You, on the other hand, have made countless predictions which have proven to be false (that you would humiliate the State Bar in its case against you; that the prosecution would never take Mangum's murder case to trial; that you would win your various lawsuits against Duke; that Crystal would be exonerated by March 15 or June 30; etc., etc., etc.). I will let the readers of this blog decide who has more credibility about legal matters.

kenhyderal said...

Walt said: "Your premise is unsupported by the facts. Facts available to anyone who reads the opinion".................................. That did not include me.

Anonymous said...

from hissy fit:


Walt said: "Your premise is unsupported by the facts. Facts available to anyone who reads the opinion".................................. That did not include me."

That is but a consequence of only your lack of thinking ability and intellectual capacity.

Anonymous said...

Where is the little man-troll kenhyderal?

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