Harr and Mangum v. NC Office of Administrative Hearings
Prince Humperdinck
How many of you posters here can claim that YOUR comments made it into one of Sid's lolsuits?
How you like them apples, "small cadre"?
Now, I can't honestly say what in my comment bolster's Sid's argument that "no legitimate legal grounds justified Nelson's continuance of Mangum's hearing.."
So, there you have it, in a nut-shell. Who can deny that there exists a blatent conspiracy to delay correcting the mistaken conviction of Crystal Mangum for second degree murder until her wrongful sentence has expired. This is a complete travesty and there will, inevitably, be consequences for those who participated. Readers here, I ask you, digest this history then ask yourself have these decisons and delays been fair and reasonable and with a view to see that justice be done? Also speculate as to what reasons there could be for not wanting to expedite the correction of this false conviction.
Just to put it out there now, because it is going to get brought up later in the lawsuit, and Sid/Kenny will claim it is just to delay:
Sid cannot legally file a lawsuit on behalf of Crystal - we all know this, he knows this. It's why he usually gets Crystal to sign the pleadings. He did not do that here. She will be dismissed as a party unless he amends the pleading and actually gets her signature.
Dr. Harr was dismissed as a petitioner in the NCOAH contested case in July 2023 for failure to prove he was a "person aggrieved". I don't see any argument in this filing claiming that the dismissal violated his rights.
I can't follow his logic in claiming the continuance order by Judge Nelson (well after his dismissal) violates *his* civil rights as defined in the Constitution's 5th and 14th amendments. Any action taken by Judge Nelson or the NCOAH affects the petitioner (Crystal Mangum) only.
I'm fairly sure the only option is to amend the pleading by removing Dr. Harr then get Crystal Mangum to file it with just herself as the plaintiff.
dhall ... the other issue is that the way to respond to a Court ruling you don't like is to appeal, not to file a separate lawsuit.
This will fail like the rest of them, for reasons that even basic legal research would disclose, and Sid/Kenny will just continue to whine and pretend it's some anti-Mangum bias, not their own actions, causing this.
I just don't see how being engaged to someone who has alleged a violation of her civil rights makes Sid a victim of a civil rights violation, or gives him standing to sue on his own behalf. We already know Sid, as a non-attorney, can't sue on Mangum's behalf.
I also don't understand why Sid signed the complaint as a "Lay Advocate" instead of as a named Plaintiff. It's almost like he's daring the court to come down on him for the unauthorized practice of law. Eventually they will.
Anonymous said... Harr v. North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings has been reassigned to Judge James Dever (it was assigned to Judge Louise Flanagan).
October 20, 2023 at 7:17 AM
Below is a link to the Order of October 17, 2023, and my letter for response dated October 21, 2023.
Does Crystal really think you are trying to help her? You are an abusive disgrace. Nothing you do is helpful - it's all intended to lie to Crystal to keep her locked up.
We all know as soon as she is out she will have nothing to do with you.
You are a pathetic abuser, and Kenny is helping.
The only people here who pretend to support you are trolls just trying to figure out if you are dumb enough actually believe their posts of support.
You should be ashamed of yourself, but abusers never are - they always justify their actions.
@ Anonymous 10-21-23 6:07 PM: What Dr. Harr did, was something no North Carolina Lawyer could or would do and that was to prove that Crystal was absolutely innocent of murdering Daye. Unfortunately, there, innocence and wrongful conviction don't really matter. Instead covering up mistakes that bring the corrupt system into disrepute will always takes precedent, especially when the aggrieved is a person considered to be of no consequence and even more so if they are someone who, if their despicable treatment by those in power, became public there would be reputational and political consequences. And, it seems, there are always treacherous ways, that can be employed, by those at risk, to thwart this from occuring, using all sorts of technical violations, which can readily be employed, as a rationale for failing to face up to these consequences and, as African Americans say, "do the right thing".
She stabbed him, he went to the hospital, Duke committed malpractice, Daye died. Had she not stabbed him, he wouldn't have been in the hospital, Duke wouldn't have been able to commit malpractice, and he wouldn't have died.
Had she not stabbed him, he'd still be alive. You and Sid ignore that.
Does Crystal really think you are trying to help her? You are an abusive disgrace. Nothing you do is helpful - it's all intended to lie to Crystal to keep her locked up.
We all know as soon as she is out she will have nothing to do with you.
You are a pathetic abuser, and Kenny is helping.
The only people here who pretend to support you are trolls just trying to figure out if you are dumb enough actually believe their posts of support.
You should be ashamed of yourself, but abusers never are - they always justify their actions.
You are a disgrace.
October 21, 2023 at 6:07 PM
Hey, Anony.
I don't understand your logic. You think I would be helping Crystal more by not helping her file lawsuits and motions, and trying to meet with people to discuss her wrongful conviction?
Anonymous Anonymous said... I just don't see how being engaged to someone who has alleged a violation of her civil rights makes Sid a victim of a civil rights violation, or gives him standing to sue on his own behalf. We already know Sid, as a non-attorney, can't sue on Mangum's behalf.
I also don't understand why Sid signed the complaint as a "Lay Advocate" instead of as a named Plaintiff. It's almost like he's daring the court to come down on him for the unauthorized practice of law. Eventually they will.
This is becoming pathetic.
Abe Froman Chicago, IL
October 20, 2023 at 10:54 AM
Hey, Abe.
In the lawsuit against NC Office of Administrative Hearings I am suing as a plaintiff pro se along with Crystal Mangum.
I am definitely not trying to get the State Bar to harass me, however, I believe the State Bar is aware that Mangum has received sub-par legal representation by bar-accredited attorneys who have represented her in the past, so they tend to act with grace towards me.
Anonymous Anonymous said... Sid, How much money did you pay Dr. Wecht to get him to participate in the OAH hearing via teleconference?
October 16, 2023 at 11:25 AM
Hey, Anony.
It was a substantial, but reasonable amount in the four figures. I'm not going to give the exact about, but a pay scale can be found on his professional site. I would say that the price to retain Dr. Wecht was well worth it to get the world's foremost forensic pathologist to testify.
"In the lawsuit against NC Office of Administrative Hearings I am suing as a plaintiff pro se along with Crystal Mangum."
Follow the logic:
You were dismissed as a petitioner in the contested case hearing before the NC OAH. At that point, the only plaintiff in the contested case was Crystal Mangum.
The continuance order placed after you were dismissed affected the plaintiff, Crystal Mangum, only.
Because Crystal Mangum was the only plaintiff the continuance affected, you can't rightfully claim your civil rights were violated.
Because your civil rights were not violated, you have effectively filed this lawsuit pro se as a 3rd party.
From your own past experience, you know you can't file a lawsuit on behalf of someone else.
IMO, you've included yourself as a plaintiff in an attempt to get the money you paid to retain Dr. Wecht reimbursed by the court. You should have negotiated that the amount would be paid pending his testimony. Poor negotiation on expert testimony is your fault, not that of the court and certainly not a civil rights violation by the NC OAH.
I know you are suing as a Plaintiff pro se, but that's not how you signed the complaint. I was wondering why you signed the complaint as a "Lay Advocate" instead of as a Plaintiff.
That begs the question, what is a "Lay Advocate" and who are you a "Lay Advocate" for? I think that, to the court, or any reasonable person reading the complaint, you are holding yourself out as representing one or both named Plaintiffs.
You are free to file pro se (for the time being), so you don't need an advocate or representative to sign for you or represent you; you could have simply signed the complaint as a Plaintiff, but you did not. Instead you signed as an "Advocate." That would lead a reasonable person to conclude you are acting as Mangum's representative - something you are prohibited by law from doing.
If a simple manufacturer and purveyor of sausage can see thru what you are attempting to do, I am pretty sure a federal court judge will.
I predict this lolsuit will end very quickly and very badly for you and Mangum.
Sid -- File a lawsuit against judge Dever for the same reason you've filed a lawsuit against pretty much everyone else. You know, civil rights violations.....
@ Anonymous 10-22-23 4:28 PM : And here, you take issue with Dr. Cyril Wecht, Forensic Pathologist and Professor of Law. I suggest you re-read his conclusions and his explanation as to why Daye's alcoholism and his acute alcohol wihdrawl syndrome, with impending delerium tremens, is an intervening cause, negating a Welch or a Holsclaw precident. Also, re-examine his C.V. and then, if you still disagree with him, let us all know your credentials.
So I've been away from this site for months (maybe more than a year, I don't recall). I come back and I find nothing has changed. Dr. Harr continue filing meritless lawsuits and ignoring the rules of procedure. Crystal Mangum is still in prison. Anything else I missed?
As you can see Dr. C. The State is absolutely desparate to keep her imprisoned regardless of the fact she is innocent of murdering Daye. The Jury was misled and told Daye died of a consequence of the stab wound, something which hospital records prove is completely false. The Jury was never told the real cause of death and her State appointed Lawyer refused to raise the issue of Medical Malpractice, which the Hospital records clearly show occured. It seems in good old North Carolina, innocence counts for nothing. Reputations of the "powers that be" ie Duke, Gov. Cooper and his accolate AG Stein, trump the life of a poor marginalized African American, deemed to be of no consequence. Everyone, with power to act, knows the truth but wont act, leaving only pro-se lawsuits with hope of having a Judge order those responsible for justice to correct this miscarriage and face the consequences. Pro-se lawsuits with a real risk of being vulnerable to hindrance by the devious application of inconsequential technicalities quite easy to treacherously find in pro-se filings when one has the self-serving motive to thwart.
Dr. Caligari -- We did just see Sid lose $$$$ by paying Cyril Wecht to be an expert witness for an OAH contested hearing that was continued pending a ruling on CGM's latest MAR. So Wecht didn't have to testify and (apparently) got to keep Sid's money.
Oh -- Prince Humperdinck was quoted in the latest lolsuit -- which made him happy as the first commenter here identified by name (well, pseudonym) in one of Sid's legal documents. At least that's what he's claiming.
...And Kenny's still complaining about the "Powers-that-be" and NC's overall court system, rather than encouraging Sid to actually research and follow the rules of procedure.
Sid shoulda taken that $$$$$ and got a lawyer to at least look at all the stuff he's put together and let that lawyer inform him if Mangum had a way to leverage that information to get released from prison.
The results would most likely be the same as throwing that money at Dr. Wecht, but hell -- getting a professional opinion from an actual lawyer is better than getting nothing, right?
@ Anonymous 10-24-23 12:38 and 12:45 Dr. Wecht's opinions are "expert" opinions both in the field of Law and of Forensic Medicine. You say Dr. Harr should have "got a Lawyer to at least look at all the stuff" and "but hell getting a professional opinion from an actual Lawyer is better than getting nothing". Huh?? Besides being the world's foremost Forensic Pathologist, Dr. Wecht is a Lawyer. He holds a law degree from the University of Maryland School of Law and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law and he serves as an Adjunct Professor of Law at Duquesne University School of Law. What Dr. Harr got was not nothing. He got a reknown expert Forensic Pathologist's opinion that Daye's cause of death was not a homicide, and a Lawyer's legal opinion that Daye's death could not be legally linked to the stab wound.
Anonymous Anonymous said... Sid shoulda taken that $$$$$ and got a lawyer to at least look at all the stuff he's put together and let that lawyer inform him if Mangum had a way to leverage that information to get released from prison.
The results would most likely be the same as throwing that money at Dr. Wecht, but hell -- getting a professional opinion from an actual lawyer is better than getting nothing, right?
October 24, 2023 at 12:45 PM
Hey, Anony.
It is you who did not do your homework. Almost all visitors and commenters to this blog are well aware that Dr. Cyril Wecht, in addition to being a physician, is also an attorney. The link below is just a small portion from his curriculum vitae that deals with legal and medicolegal aspects of his amazing career. LINK: Dr. Cyril Wecht's curriculum vitae dealing with legal and medicolegal aspects
I would like to know if you can find an attorney with such an impressive cv. Rhetorical, as I seriously doubt it.
Anonymous said... Kenny @October 23, 2023 at 10:04 AM
Cyril Wecht's opinions, like laws, are man-made... they are not God-given commandments handed down from the heavens like manna.
October 24, 2023 at 12:38 PM
Hey, Anony.
It's only common sense that opinions come from individuals, but there's a difference between opinions and laws. Unfortunately, many people believe laws are so sacred as to have been delivered by some all-knowing deity.
The opinions of Dr. Wecht are set aside from other mere mortals by his enormous accomplishments and impressive background.
Anonymous Prince Humperdinck said... "Pro-se lawsuits with a real risk of being vulnerable to hindrance by the devious application of inconsequential technicalities"
Like making sure that proper service is performed.
Like failing to state a claim upon which relief could be granted.
Like filing a lawsuit barred by the statute of limitations.
You know... "inconsequential technicalities"
October 24, 2023 at 10:37 AM
Hey, Prince Humperdinck.
First of all, Mangum's proof of service of the Summons and Complaint was filed with the court on February 17, 2023 with the signed USPS Form 3811 Return Receipt Requested. And keep in mind, the only reason Mangum had to refile the case was due to the deceit caused NC Assistant A.G. John Schaeffer who entered into an oral agreement with me in which encouraged Mangum to voluntarily dismiss her case that was filed on February 15, 2022.
Anonymous Tyrone Rugen said... Dr. Caligari -- We did just see Sid lose $$$$ by paying Cyril Wecht to be an expert witness for an OAH contested hearing that was continued pending a ruling on CGM's latest MAR. So Wecht didn't have to testify and (apparently) got to keep Sid's money.
Oh -- Prince Humperdinck was quoted in the latest lolsuit -- which made him happy as the first commenter here identified by name (well, pseudonym) in one of Sid's legal documents. At least that's what he's claiming.
But yeah, nothing's changed.
October 24, 2023 at 5:27 AM
Hey, Tyrone Rugen.
Let me explain the situation in baby-steps so you can follow. (1) Administrative Law Judge Nelson issue an order on May 9, 2023, stating the contested case hearing would be held the week of September 25, 2023, then later in a Notice of Hearing that it would be definitively held on October 2, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.; (2) Although Dr. Wecht wrote a report on October 25, 2019 - four years ago - it was only realistic for me to send him a packet to refresh his memory and provide salient new information, so I sent him manuals with a narrative and exhibits as soon as I could to help him prepare for the hearing (3) It was only after Judge Nelson learned that Dr. Wecht was going to testify by video-link teleconference that she decided to cancel the hearing on the pretext of awaiting an outcome of a Motion for Appropriate Relief filed in Durham County Superior Court on April 25, 2023; (4) Unlike NC Assistant A.G. Schaeffer, I believe in abiding by my contracts, and I paid Dr. Wecht because he deserved it for preparing for the hearing by studying my manuals and reviewing Mangum's case. Even if there was no opportunity to testify (when the hearing was was rescinded by the judge), Dr. Wecht was nonetheless deserving of his professional fee... there is no doubt of that; and (5) Dr. Wecht did the next best thing to testifying when he submitted a sworn affidavit pertaining to issues of Mangum's case that exonerate her.
Make no mistake, retaining a worldwide expert witness of Dr. Wecht's caliber is priceless, and therefore a bargain at any amount paid for his services.
I know you are suing as a Plaintiff pro se, but that's not how you signed the complaint. I was wondering why you signed the complaint as a "Lay Advocate" instead of as a Plaintiff.
That begs the question, what is a "Lay Advocate" and who are you a "Lay Advocate" for? I think that, to the court, or any reasonable person reading the complaint, you are holding yourself out as representing one or both named Plaintiffs.
You are free to file pro se (for the time being), so you don't need an advocate or representative to sign for you or represent you; you could have simply signed the complaint as a Plaintiff, but you did not. Instead you signed as an "Advocate." That would lead a reasonable person to conclude you are acting as Mangum's representative - something you are prohibited by law from doing.
If a simple manufacturer and purveyor of sausage can see thru what you are attempting to do, I am pretty sure a federal court judge will.
I predict this lolsuit will end very quickly and very badly for you and Mangum.
Abe Froman Chicago, IL
October 23, 2023 at 7:09 AM
Hey, Abe.
In the lawsuit against NC Office of Administrative Hearings, I definitely filed as a co-plaintiff pro se with Mangum... or at least that was my intent.
"Lay advocate" is a term I use to distinguish myself from a legally trained or licensed professional advocate or attorney. In other words, I advocate for a person or position with the expressed design to make it clear I lack legal training and do not charge those for whom I advocate. In fact, in Mangum's case, I have paid filing/docketing fees, professional fees to retain experts, paid certified postage and gas to travel, and more. So, as opposed to an attorney, I am persistently working at an ever increasing debt.
Blogger dhall said... "In the lawsuit against NC Office of Administrative Hearings I am suing as a plaintiff pro se along with Crystal Mangum."
Follow the logic:
You were dismissed as a petitioner in the contested case hearing before the NC OAH. At that point, the only plaintiff in the contested case was Crystal Mangum.
The continuance order placed after you were dismissed affected the plaintiff, Crystal Mangum, only.
Because Crystal Mangum was the only plaintiff the continuance affected, you can't rightfully claim your civil rights were violated.
Because your civil rights were not violated, you have effectively filed this lawsuit pro se as a 3rd party.
From your own past experience, you know you can't file a lawsuit on behalf of someone else.
IMO, you've included yourself as a plaintiff in an attempt to get the money you paid to retain Dr. Wecht reimbursed by the court. You should have negotiated that the amount would be paid pending his testimony. Poor negotiation on expert testimony is your fault, not that of the court and certainly not a civil rights violation by the NC OAH.
October 23, 2023 at 6:23 AM
Hey, dhall.
It is true that the State's motion to have me disqualified as a co-petitioner was granted by Judge Nelson. However, dismissing me as a co-petitioner for not being a "person aggrieved," I believe, is unjust and nothing more than pandering to the State's desperation. Consider the following: (1) I drafted the twenty admissions and was instrumental in the brief upon which NC Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Michelle Aurelius' letter/report, in review of Dr. Nichols' autopsy report, was based; (2) NC Assistant A.G. Schaeffer contacted me by e-mail, not Mangum, in offering a proposal regarding the State's report in review of the Nichols' autopsy; (3) Asst. A.G. Schaeffer discussed with me, not Mangum, the proposition in which he guaranteed an expedited report by Aurelius in exchange for Mangum first dismissing her civil complaint; (4) I, not Schaeffer, presented the proposal to Mangum, and I, relying on Schaeffer's guarantees, strongly urged a skeptical Mangum to accept the terms; (5) I, not Mangum, manually filed her Motion to Voluntarily Dismiss her lawsuit; (6) Dr. Aurelius' two-page letter/report dated April 10, 2023 was sent to me, not Mangum; and (7) after Schaeffer breached his agreement with me, not Mangum, I was thereby forced to refile a similar lawsuit as the one I shortsightedly helped to voluntarily dismiss.
I was dragged into the contested case regarding Dr. Aurelius' letter/report, in large measure, due to the precipitating actions by Asst. A.G. Schaeffer. Ergo, I believe that I am a rightfully aggrieved party in the case that was before Judge Nelson's Office of Administrative Hearings, and subsequently disagree with her ruling to dismiss me as a petitioner in the case.
With consideration of the above, I contend that I do have standing in the lawsuit against NC Office of Administrative Hearings.
Dr. Harr -- In the lawsuit, you did not claim that you're dismissal was a violation of your civil rights. Regardless of your beliefs, you were not considered a "person aggrieved" and had to drop your name from the petition and any filing after the dismissal had to reflect the claimant (Crystal Mangum) only.
You're drafting of any documents and any discussions regarding any lawsuits filed under Crystal Mangum's name (with her as the plaintiff/petitioner) do NOT make you a plaintiff.
That's no different than Dr. Caligari filing a lawsuit for a client does not make him a plaintiff -- even though he would draft all the legal documents, he's not a plaintiff.
You are wrong, you have no standing, and you can't file on Mangum's behalf, and I bet you have no intention of serving the lawsuit properly.
Like all the rest of your nonsense - this isn't a serious effort, it's a way for you to lie to Crystal so she thinks you are trying to help her when in reality you goal is to keep her locked up as long as possible because you know the whole engagement will fall apart as soon as she is out.
Let me break down my statements into baby-steps so you can follow:
1) Did you NOT pay Dr. Wecht to be an expert witness in the OAH contested hearing?
2) Did that OAH hearing occur?
3) Did the court call Dr. Wecht to testify?
4) If you paid Dr. Wecht (see #1), did he refund it?
5) Was Prince Humperdinck NOT quoted in your lawsuit?
6) Was Prince Humperdinck NOT the first commenter on this blog quoted in one of your lawsuits? (OK, maybe I'm being petty, but I hope the answer to this one is "no").
7) Is Crystal Mangum now released from jail?
If the answers to these questions are "No", then my original statement is correct.
"It is you who did not do your homework. Almost all visitors and commenters to this blog are well aware that Dr. Cyril Wecht, in addition to being a physician, is also an attorney. The link below is just a small portion from his curriculum vitae that deals with legal and medicolegal aspects of his amazing career."
While Dr. Wecht is AN attorney, he's never been YOUR attorney, nor has he been CGM's attorney.
At any point has he offered ANY legal advice on how best to use his opinion or affidavit to get CGM out of prison? Did he at any point assist in the preparation of the lawsuits you have filed that reference either his opinion or affidavit?
If not, you already had opinion and affidavit, and you could've spent your money on a lawyer that could have done something with them. You didn't -- instead you paid Dr. Wecht to be an expert witness for a hearing that never even happened, and regardless of the outcome, wouldn't get CGM out of prison anyway.
"It is true that the State's motion to have me disqualified as a co-petitioner was granted by Judge Nelson. However, dismissing me as a co-petitioner for not being a "person aggrieved," I believe, is unjust..."
To be a "person aggrieved", Dr. Aurelius' decision must have affected your person, property, employment, or any other legal rights. Judge Nelson rightly agreed that you did not meet this requirement because you never presented any facts or evidence to support you met this requirement.
In this latest lawsuit, you've claimed your civil rights were denied by Judge Nelson when she signed the order continuing the OAH hearing -- not the order dismissing you as a petitioner.
You weren't a petitioner in the contested case when the OAH hearing was continued thus you can't claim that the continuance violated your civil rights.
"First of all, Mangum's proof of service of the Summons and Complaint was filed with the court on February 17, 2023 with the signed USPS Form 3811 Return Receipt Requested."
Doesn't matter that the USPS Form 3811 was signed. If you didn't serve the defendants, the you didn't perform proper service.
Neither Schaeffer nor Aurelius agreed to respond to your affirmatives/admissions as part of the agreement to dismiss the Mangum v. Kinsley et al lawsuit, so I have no idea what "deceit" you're referring to.
@ Anonymous10-25-23 6:36 AM You impugn the character of Dr. Harr and make crude speculations about his motives for seeking Justice for Crystal, while at the same time failing to call into question what are the motives of Gov. Cooper and his accolate AG Stein for keeping someone, they know to be innocent, in gaol. Once it becomes known that they have long been aware of this miscarriage of Justice and, unlike some here, are educated enough to understand that Dr. Wecht, according to all available evidence, is, no doubt, correct and that the disgraced Dr. Nicholls shown to be careless and incompetant, also according to all available evidence, is dead wrong; something even he and his defender Dr. Roberts must also now realize. Cooper and Stein are the persons charged with administering justice for North Carolinians and here they have failed. When these truths becomes publicly known they will all be disgraced as will some on this blog who also know the truth but choose to double down on legalese mumbo-jumbo employed by the American Justice System, it's Lawyers and it's defenders that make this once honorable calling now so despised.
Anonymous Prince Humperdinck said... "First of all, Mangum's proof of service of the Summons and Complaint was filed with the court on February 17, 2023 with the signed USPS Form 3811 Return Receipt Requested."
Doesn't matter that the USPS Form 3811 was signed. If you didn't serve the defendants, the you didn't perform proper service.
Neither Schaeffer nor Aurelius agreed to respond to your affirmatives/admissions as part of the agreement to dismiss the Mangum v. Kinsley et al lawsuit, so I have no idea what "deceit" you're referring to. October 25, 2023 at 9:12 AM
Hey, Prince Humperdinck.
Why do you think Crystal Mangum voluntarily dismissed her lawsuit filed in February 15, 2022?
Answer: Crystal dismissed her case because I advised her to do so after arranging a contract in a conversation with Schaeffer... a proposal he brought to me in an e-mail. Schaeffer stated that he would expedite the report from Dr. Aurelius in exchange for Mangum first dismissing her lawsuit. Schaeffer implied the report would be ready within a matter of weeks, well before Thanksgiving, and I believed him and wanted Crystal to be released in time to spend the holidays with her family.
Mangum filed to dismiss her case on October 20, 2022, and Aurelius did not provide a report (which was nothing more than a simple letter) until April 10, 2023.
By dismissing her case, Crystal wasted a year, and I had to pay to refile.
So it is the deceit by Asst. A.G. Schaeffer about which I am referring.
Blogger dhall said... "It is true that the State's motion to have me disqualified as a co-petitioner was granted by Judge Nelson. However, dismissing me as a co-petitioner for not being a "person aggrieved," I believe, is unjust..."
To be a "person aggrieved", Dr. Aurelius' decision must have affected your person, property, employment, or any other legal rights. Judge Nelson rightly agreed that you did not meet this requirement because you never presented any facts or evidence to support you met this requirement.
In this latest lawsuit, you've claimed your civil rights were denied by Judge Nelson when she signed the order continuing the OAH hearing -- not the order dismissing you as a petitioner.
You weren't a petitioner in the contested case when the OAH hearing was continued thus you can't claim that the continuance violated your civil rights.
Hope this has provided adequate edification.
October 25, 2023 at 8:56 AM
Hey, dhall.
Just because Judge Nelson did not believe I was an aggrieved person is not factual; it is merely her biased opinion. Judge Nelson even tried sua sponte to insinuate Mangum was not a party aggrieved when she ordered supplemental briefs... just before cancelling the hearing scheduled for October 2, 2023.
Keep in mind the reason the lawsuit was filed against the NC Office of Administrative Hearings is because she cancelled the hearing without cause which is in violation of administrative law rules. The lawsuit was not filed because she dismissed me as a petitioner.
Anonymous Prince Humperdinck said... Sid -- you don't need to identify yourself as a "Lay advocate" to make it clear you lack legal training. All anyone has to do is read your lolsuits.
October 25, 2023 at 7:38 AM
Hey, Prince Humperdinck.
Very funny. Now that the writers' strike is over, you should consider joining the staff at SNL.
Anonymous Anonymous said... "It is you who did not do your homework. Almost all visitors and commenters to this blog are well aware that Dr. Cyril Wecht, in addition to being a physician, is also an attorney. The link below is just a small portion from his curriculum vitae that deals with legal and medicolegal aspects of his amazing career."
While Dr. Wecht is AN attorney, he's never been YOUR attorney, nor has he been CGM's attorney.
At any point has he offered ANY legal advice on how best to use his opinion or affidavit to get CGM out of prison? Did he at any point assist in the preparation of the lawsuits you have filed that reference either his opinion or affidavit?
If not, you already had opinion and affidavit, and you could've spent your money on a lawyer that could have done something with them. You didn't -- instead you paid Dr. Wecht to be an expert witness for a hearing that never even happened, and regardless of the outcome, wouldn't get CGM out of prison anyway.
Smart move.
October 25, 2023 at 7:35 AM
Hey, Anony.
True, Dr. Wecht has never been my or Mangum's attorney. I don't know if he's even licensed in North Carolina.
Actually, the four-figure payment to Dr. Wecht to retain him to testify at the contested case hearing was an exceptionally good investment. What you fail to understand is that it was Judge Nelson's intent to rule against Mangum and in favor of Aurelius. It was only after she learned that Dr. Wecht was planning to testify via video teleconference that she panicked and desperately looked for a way to cancel the hearing... first by trying to disqualify Mangum as a party aggrieved, and then by using the MAR as a pretext for delay.
Let me break down my statements into baby-steps so you can follow:
1) Did you NOT pay Dr. Wecht to be an expert witness in the OAH contested hearing?
2) Did that OAH hearing occur?
3) Did the court call Dr. Wecht to testify?
4) If you paid Dr. Wecht (see #1), did he refund it?
5) Was Prince Humperdinck NOT quoted in your lawsuit?
6) Was Prince Humperdinck NOT the first commenter on this blog quoted in one of your lawsuits? (OK, maybe I'm being petty, but I hope the answer to this one is "no").
7) Is Crystal Mangum now released from jail?
If the answers to these questions are "No", then my original statement is correct.
October 25, 2023 at 6:48 AM
Hey, Tyrone Rugen.
Unlike Asst. A.G. Schaeffer, I believe in acting with honor and integrity. It was necessary for me to pay Dr. Wecht well in advance to prepare for the hearing... I sent him a couple of manuals about the case and evidence. His time to study the materials is worth compensation. That the hearing was cancelled by Judge Nelson is because of Dr. Wecht, but it's not his fault. Judge Nelson had every intention of ruling in favor of Dr. Aurelius until she learned that Mangum planned to have Dr. Wecht testify on her behalf. That basically sunk Nelson's plan to rule against Mangum. (Keep in mind, the only medical examiner or physician to testify in court has been Dr. Nichols. Mangum tried numerous times in her pro se civil cases to call me as a witness but the presiding judges always denied that.)
"Just because Judge Nelson did not believe I was an aggrieved person is not factual; it is merely her biased opinion. "
Dr. Harr --
You never submitted any documentation at any point during the contested case that provided either proof or even alleged facts to OAH that you met the definition of "aggrieved person".
You've certainly never proved that here.
I'll leave you with this:
Just because you believe you were an aggrieved person is not factual; it is merely your biased opinion.
Finally, You weren't a petitioner when the hearing was continued. Your civil rights were not affected by the judge's decision to issue the continuance. This has been brought up several times by myself and others and you've never addressed it.
@ Tyrone R. 10-25-23 7:19 PM ==== Dr. Harr is obviously a person of honour and integrety and his word is his bond; quite unlike, it appears, Assistant AG Schaeffer. Suggesting he is not because, he, in your mind, failed to state that your trivial, not worth bothering over, statements were correct, especially when you never actually asked for him to confirm or deny them. Not much equivalence there between that and Schaeffer's shameful renege on his verbal assurance of a quid pro quo on a matter of justice.
True, Dr. Wecht has never been my or Mangum's attorney. I don't know if he's even licensed in North Carolina."
I think it's safe to say then, then Dr. Wecht realizes that any legal advice or assistance in document preparation would be considered unauthorized practice of law. Wouldn't you agree?
Dr. Harr is an abusive con artist who is manipulating Crystal to keep her interested in him. He refuses to listen to anything, and even when he knows what he is doing is wrong, and how to do it right, he refuses to do it right - which is all the proof anyone but his co-abuser Kenny needs to know what he really is.
Anonymous Tyrone Rugen said... Sid, if you do “believe in acting with honor and integrity”, then just admit my comments from October 24, 2023 at 5:27 AM were correct. October 25, 2023 at 7:19 PM
Anonymous Tyrone Rugen said... Dr. Caligari -- We did just see Sid lose $$$$ by paying Cyril Wecht to be an expert witness for an OAH contested hearing that was continued pending a ruling on CGM's latest MAR. So Wecht didn't have to testify and (apparently) got to keep Sid's money.
Oh -- Prince Humperdinck was quoted in the latest lolsuit -- which made him happy as the first commenter here identified by name (well, pseudonym) in one of Sid's legal documents. At least that's what he's claiming.
But yeah, nothing's changed.
October 24, 2023 at 5:27 AM Hey, Tyrone Rugen.
Your comments are not accurate. First of all, I did not lose money by paying Dr. Wecht. Even though he did not testify (so far), he earned his fee for being presented with material to study in preparation for testifying. Not only that, but just the threat of Dr. Wecht testifying was enough for Judge Nelson to cancel the hearing. Clearly she had every intention of ruling against Mangum, but the judge knew that that would be impossible if Dr. Wecht were to testify.
If Dr. Aurelius had any confidence in her opinions in support of Dr. Nichols' autopsy report, she would have no objection to Dr. Wecht testifying. Surely, Dr. Wecht has no fear of being challenged by Dr. Aurelius or Dr. Nichols' autopsy report.
Subsequently, my honor and integrity remain intact.
@Tyrone R, 10-27-23 5:27 Dr. Harr responded to your origional post at 8:03 10-24-23 and then you followed up with 7 inconsequential questions made up of 3 "did?" s, 1 "if?" , 2 "was?" s and 1 "is", all also answered by Dr. Harr at 10-25-23 6:55 PM That is when you intimated he lacked honor and integrity, supposedly because his answers, in your opinion, failed to some how endorse what you wrote. I note those, on this blog, who support Justice for Crystal are held to a higher standard then those who support denying her justice
How can we be confident that kenhyderal will assist Dr. Harr in the new lawsuit? In the past, we have heard many excuses from kenhyderal regarding why he could not provide assistance—he is a Canadian, he is a man of limited means, he lives in Dubai, etc. Why do think kenhyderal will change his ways?
MOTION to Dismiss for Insufficiency of Service of Process filed by Michelle Aurelius, North Carolina Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, with memorandum to support motion.
There were 2 affidavits filed in support of the motion to dismiss -- One from Dr. Aurelius (which makes sense), and one from Nikki Marshall.
Nikki Marshall (an NCCU graduate) is the Operations Manager for the NC OCME.
Sid -- any chance you could post her affidavit? I'm interested why the Ops Manager has produced an affidavit in support of this motion.
Her role at the NC OCME appears to be (among other things) providing oversight of personnel, budget, compliance, communication with law enforcement and local governing bodies, and training.
She doesn't appear to be performing any "legal" role.
Anonymous Anonymous said... There were 2 affidavits filed in support of the motion to dismiss -- One from Dr. Aurelius (which makes sense), and one from Nikki Marshall.
Nikki Marshall (an NCCU graduate) is the Operations Manager for the NC OCME.
Sid -- any chance you could post her affidavit? I'm interested why the Ops Manager has produced an affidavit in support of this motion.
Her role at the NC OCME appears to be (among other things) providing oversight of personnel, budget, compliance, communication with law enforcement and local governing bodies, and training.
She doesn't appear to be performing any "legal" role.
October 30, 2023 at 6:48 AM
Hey, Anony.
I believe the affidavits by Dr. Aurelius and Ms. Marshall were for the purpose of trying to prove that service, though carried out by the Wake County Sheriff's Department, was improper.
Below I will provide links to the State's Motion to Dismiss, and both affidavits.
MOTION to Dismiss for Insufficiency of Service of Process filed by Michelle Aurelius, North Carolina Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, with memorandum to support motion.
October 28, 2023 at 7:49 AM
Hey, Anony.
Inadvertently failed to get copy of the Motion to Dismiss. Will try to obtain a copy, and if substantially relevant will post it... otherwise, the memorandum should suffice.
Anonymous Tyrone Rugen said... You paid Wecht money and you gave him study material. In return, you got nothing for it.
Sorry Sid -- that's a loss in the real world.
"Even though he did not testify (so far)..."
Wait...Are you saying Wecht may yet testify? For what? The OAH hearing?
October 27, 2023 at 1:38 PM
Hey, Tyrone Rugen.
As I have repeatedly stated, the mere fact Dr. Wecht agreed to testify was enough to force the NC Administrative Law Judge Linda F. Nelson to cancel the October 2, 2023 hearing in which she obviously had been predisposed and prepared to rule in favor of Dr. Aurelius and against Mangum. That was not an option with the prospect of Dr. Wecht testifying on behalf of Mangum. So, yes. I got a heck of a lot by retaining the famed forensic pathologist.
Now, in the event, some forum presents itself (within the next six months or so) which is not averse to hearing the truthful testimony of Dr. Wecht in support of Mangum's innocence in her wrongful conviction, then Dr. Wecht would be able to testify.
I have no reason to believe that the NC OAH will be willing to hold a hearing in which Dr. Wecht could testify.
Hope the aforementioned adequately addresses your issues.
None of your losses or issues are due to some anti-Mangum conspiracy - people on this blog have always explained why your cases are going to be tossed, and they are always right, and they are never some conspiracy, but always because you refuse to listen and learn - again, you clearly don't want to help Mangum, you want her to think you are helping her.
You know as soon as she gets out, unless she needs money, her interest in you will end and you won't see her again, so your goal is to keep her locked up as long as humanly possible.
The NCOAH contested case was a non-starter anyway.
Procedurally, there's nothing Dr. Aurelius or the OCME did wrong in generating her report (well, possibly -- Dr. Aurelius' report was sent to Sid rather than CGM. If it was sent to the wrong person, CGM would have to show how the letter being sent to Sid caused her to be harmed by Dr. Aurelius/NC OCME.)
Bottom line is that the OAH contested case hearing is not the correct venue for arguing that the Wecht opinion is correct regarding Daye's autopsy.
"Now, in the event, some forum presents itself (within the next six months or so) which is not averse to hearing the truthful testimony of Dr. Wecht in support of Mangum's innocence in her wrongful conviction, then Dr. Wecht would be able to testify."
Which is why CGM needs a lawyer....Sid's certainly not going to create a "forum...not averse to hearing the truthful testimony of Dr. Wecht in support of Mangum's innocence".
@ Anonymous: 10-31-23 1:46 PM === People on this blog, like you, have all been brain-washed, by The Duke Lacrosse Defenders with their media access control and their media content influence, to hate Crystal and her defenders. That conspiracy, was a purposefully organized attempt to discredit thier Clients accuser. As an example is your mean spirited post. The other conspiracy is by those responsible for administrating the North Carolina Justice System like, Governor Cooper and AG Stein, who are both completely aware of Crystal's absolute innocence of murder and her wrongful imprisonment. But, for the sake of heir own reputations and the possible political consequences they would face, they choose not to act. They have the ability, apparently with the blessing of practioners, like some here, to deny Crystal Justice by using process violations easily, found in a pro-se litigant's filings.
Except, Kenny, if Sid really wanted to help, when these mistakes are pointed out, and he's told how to fix them, and refuses - it's really his fault these lawsuits are failing. He is intentionally taking actions that he knows will fail, and refuses to fix them, just so the two of you can lie to Crystal and pretend it's the system stacked against her.
Kenny - "...to deny Crystal Justice by using process violations easily, found in a pro-se litigant's filings."
Crystal Mangum, like all NC inmates, have access to resources to help them with their pro-se filings, including legal brief advice and Self-Help Materials.
She choses to ignore these resources and rely on Sid.
That's her fault for ignoring them.
Sid's fault for persuading her to do so.
Your fault for continuing to encourage this behavior.
@ Anonymous: 11-3-23 6:08 AM: No, Dr. Harr's intentions are to get justice for Crystal. I believe you are incredibly naive if you belive the reason these efforts have been unsuccessful is because of technical mistakes in the fillings. The North Carolina Justice System has incentive to dig up such technical violations, no matter what. These are technicalities that would be overlooked or ignored in filings where the Justice System has no bias. This, on top of the fact that Governor Cooper and AG Stein are fully aware that Crystal is not guilty of murder and that her Jury got it wrong because they were misled by the C.M.E., either purposely or most likely because of carelessness and incompetence. Since they wont act, to correct the injustice, Crystal is forced to sue in order to make them "do the right thing" and in sheer despiration they find ways to deny her, vainly hoping that once her wrongful conviction expires this will all go away. Citizens of North Carolina should ask themselves does their political and reputational interests trump that of a citizen, especially a poor, marginalized one, they consider inconsequential. I ask of you personally, do you honestly believe she is rightly convicted of murder and that Dr. Cyril Wecht is wrong?
I honestly believe that Crystal was rightly corrected of murder and that Dr. Cyril Wecht is wrong. In addition, you are incredibly naive if you believe that Governor Cooper and AG Stein are even aware of Crystal’s conviction. There is certainly no reason to believe that Sid’s frivolous lawsuits would bring Crystal’s criminal behavior to their intention.
I also am willing to believe that you are not as uniformed as your posts indicate and, therefore, I have concluded that you are simply a troll.
@ A Durham Man, Troll eh? Tell us, "A Durham Man" 11-3-23 4:19 PM, are you and "Anonymous"11-3-23 6:08AM , whom I directed my question to and which you seemed to answer, one and the same? If so, might we know your qualifications to disagree with the opinion of internationally reknown Medico-Legal expert Dr. Cyril Wecht? Govenor Cooper and AG Stein have both received copies of Dr. Wecht's report. It's you who are naive if you believe they did not read that corespondence and understand what Dr. Wech's expert opinion concluded. I find it impossible to believe that you, also knowing all the facts, can honestly tell us that her conviction for muder was correct, in as much as all the facts clearly show that what the Jury was told, about the cause of Daye's death, is wrong and that what Dr. Wecht's report, supported by all the facts, is that Daye's death was accidental and legally speaking his chronic alcoholism , acute alcohol withdrawl and impending delirium tremens was an intervening event that negated any Welch or Holsclaw precident.
@ Anonymous: 11-5-23 4:00 AM said: "I find it impossible to believe that you, also knowing this fact, have never asked why."---- I don't know which fact you mean. Are you saying it's a fact that "he ( Dr. Wecht) hasn’t told anybody how to get himself or his opinion into a trial that would actually mean anything" ? And are you saying I know this to be a fact? You do know Dr. Wecht is ready and willing to testify, regarding his findings, in any court, in any trial, where he is subpoenaed, either by the State or by an accused? And, his report, quite clear as to her absolute innocence, has been provided as an exhibit in all of Crystal's filed cases. The State knows of his findings and know he will, willing, face cross-examination as to them. Something that's feared by the Justice System because they know such an appearance in open court would expose the complicity of those who are supposedly in charge of administering justice in North Carolina.
Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction and motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim filed by North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings, along with supporting memoranda (memorandums? memorandii?).
Maybe Sid will be kind enough to post those, like he did for the Mangum v. Aurelius filings.
"...he ( Dr. Wecht) hasn’t told anybody how to get himself or his opinion into a trial that would actually mean anything" ? And are you saying I know this to be a fact?"
Yes, you know this to be a fact.
While Dr. Wecht may indeed be willing to testify, he hasn't provided anyone with ANY detail on how best to get him into a position to do so.
It's obvious by his ridiculous lolsuits that Sid can't do this by himself -- Sid can't file a lolsuit that even makes it to a point where testimony is required.
Don't you think a world-renowned medico legal scholar would know how to do file a lawsuit that could at least get to the trial phase where testimony can be given?
Anonymous @November 6, 2023 at 5:36 AM - Yeah -- Sid filed the Harr. V. NCOAH lawsuit claiming his civil rights were violated by the OAH order continuing the contested case hearing -- even though he wasn't a petitioner in the contested case hearing.
it's also under the Administrative Law Judge's purview to continue or postpone a hearing.
A pending MAR covering essentially the same issue is good cause for a continuance, as a ruling regarding that MAR may render the contested case hearing moot.
Anonymous 11-6-23 7:17 AM said: "Don't you think a world-renowned medico legal scholar would know how to do file a lawsuit that could at least get to the trial phase where testimony can be given?--- No doubt he does, but, what he can't do, on behalf of someone, is to advocate, on their behalf, to the State Justice System and still testify, as an expert wittness, in a situation where she has been the wrongly convicted, especially when her efforts to obtain justice are purposely being stymied and thwarted, by the Governor and the A.G.; who are desparate to keep the truth from the public and who fear that his testimony would expose their culpability in this gross miscarriage of justice.
So you're agreeing that it's a fact that "he ( Dr. Wecht) hasn’t told anybody how to get himself or his opinion into a trial that would actually mean anything" and that you know this to be a fact.
Good to know. Perhaps you can talk Sid into finding someone that does know how to get Dr. Wecht and/or his opinion into a trial that actually means something.
So, you believe that, when a package shows up in the Governor’s or AG’s office with a cover letter on the stationary of the Committee on Justice for Mike Nifong, the package ends up on the Governor’s or AG’s desk? Are you aware that Mike Nifong was disbarred and convicted of criminal contempt?
Anonymous Anonymous said... Hey Sid -- Any word on the Writ of Coram Nobis?
November 7, 2023 at 11:02 AM
Hey, Anony.
Below is a link to my latest efforts to ascertain the status of the MAR, Coram Nobis, and other post-conviction filings in the Durham County Superior Criminal Court. As of this comment, I have not received a response to my letter.
It's interesting to me that you bring up NCGS 15A-1420 in your letter, stating that it "requires the county's senior resident superior court judge assign...post-post conviction motions/actions to a suitable superior court judge".
The only section I see in this statute that addresses the superior court judge's actions is this one: (b1) Filing Motion With Clerk. – (1) The proceeding shall be commenced by filing with the clerk of superior court of the district wherein the defendant was indicted a motion, with service on the district attorney in noncapital cases, and service on both the district attorney and Attorney General in capital cases. (2) The clerk, upon receipt of the motion, shall place the motion on the criminal docket. When a motion is placed on the criminal docket, the clerk shall promptly bring the motion, or a copy of the motion, to the attention of the senior resident superior court judge or chief district court judge, as appropriate, for assignment to the appropriate judge pursuant to G.S. 15A-1413. (Bolding mine).
Is this the basis for your statement that "Ms. Mangum's MARs and other post-conviction filings....have not been in compliance with the [NCGS 15A-1420] statute", or is there another portion of this statute I have overlooked?
Blogger dhall said... It's interesting to me that you bring up NCGS 15A-1420 in your letter, stating that it "requires the county's senior resident superior court judge assign...post-post conviction motions/actions to a suitable superior court judge".
The only section I see in this statute that addresses the superior court judge's actions is this one:
(b1) Filing Motion With Clerk. – (1) The proceeding shall be commenced by filing with the clerk of superior court of the district wherein the defendant was indicted a motion, with service on the district attorney in noncapital cases, and service on both the district attorney and Attorney General in capital cases. (2) The clerk, upon receipt of the motion, shall place the motion on the criminal docket. When a motion is placed on the criminal docket, the clerk shall promptly bring the motion, or a copy of the motion, to the attention of the senior resident superior court judge or chief district court judge, as appropriate, for assignment to the appropriate judge pursuant to G.S. 15A-1413. (Bolding mine).
Is this the basis for your statement that "Ms. Mangum's MARs and other post-conviction filings....have not been in compliance with the [NCGS 15A-1420] statute", or is there another portion of this statute I have overlooked?
November 10, 2023 at 7:16 AM
Hey, dhall.
You are absolutely correct. As you noted, the statute specifically states: ".. the clerk shall promptly bring the motion to the attention of the senior resident superior court judge for assignment to the appropriate judge." Clearly, it is the duty of the senior resident superior court judge to assign motions to the appropriate judge. When Orlando Hudson was senior resident judge he assigned Mangum's MARs to another judge (unfortunately for her, the assigned judge is the one who presided over her trial). But at least Judge Hudson followed the statute.
My question for you is: Do you believe that senior resident Superior Court Judge Michael O'Foghludha routinely takes administrative action on MARs from inmates other than Crystal Mangum?
You wrote ""As you noted, the statute specifically states: '.. the clerk shall promptly bring the motion to the attention of the senior resident superior court judge for assignment to the appropriate judge.' "
That's not what I noted. You placed a "." where one was not present. It clearly states "...the clerk shall promptly bring the motion, or a copy of the motion, to the attention of the senior resident superior court judge or chief district court judge, as appropriate, for assignment to the appropriate judge pursuant to G.S. 15A-1413.
Why did you leave off "pursuant to G.S. 15A-1413"? Have you read G.S. 15A-1413?
My apologies, I hit "publish your comment" too soon..
Do I believe that senior resident Superior Court Judge Michael O'Foghludha routinely takes administrative action on MARs from inmates other than Crystal Mangum?
I have no frame of reference to answer that question.
Please note section (e) which states: "The assignment of a motion for appropriate relief filed under G.S. 15A-1415 is in the discretion of the senior resident superior court judge or chief district court judge as appropriate." (bolding mine)
Also note that none of these statutes specify a time frame by which the judge must rule on pending actions.
Dr. Harr -- Section (e) invalidates your argument that this judge has not been in compliance with the NCGS statutes by not assigning them to another judge.
This, I'm sure, is why your complaints to the Judicial Standards Commission were not acted upon.
If you get a response to this letter, I'm sure it will identify exactly what I've done here.
Have you seen the analytics on the NFL games in which the probability of winning is given in percentage as the game progresses?
Because I am privy to information to which you are not, I am going to venture that the probability that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison and spend this coming Christmas with her family is 99.9%. Further, I predict the probability she will be freed from prison and spend this coming Thanksgiving with her family is 43%.
I will share the basis for my assessment with you at the earliest time possible.
Anonymous said: "So you're agreeing that it's a fact that "he ( Dr. Wecht) hasn’t told anybody how to get himself or his opinion into a trial that would actually mean anything" and that you know this to be a fact"------- Wrong! Dr. Wecht has said he will, testify as an Expert Wittness, when called upon, that the cause of Dayes' death was an accident and not a murder and that the accident was an intervening cause of death unrelated to the stab wound.
“Wrong! Dr. Wecht has said he will, testify as an Expert Wittness, when called upon, that the cause of Dayes' death was an accident and not a murder and that the accident was an intervening cause of death unrelated to the stab wound.”
Kenny — If that statement is wrong, are you saying that Dr. Wecht has told someone how to get himself or his opinion into a trial that would actually mean anything?
Who has he told? When? What was his recommendation?
@ Abe, Guillermo and Anonymous: Re: Dr. Wecht: === In true Roger Stone fashion, attack all, admit nothing, deny everythying, play semantic games, delay,delay,delay. That ensures justice will be denied. Dr. Wecht, like Crystal, can't demand that a new Trial be held where a Jury can hear critical information, previously denied, that proves, absolutely, she did not murder Daye. That is the purview of the Justice Department and, since the AG and the Gov. have been provided that proof, they must, by right, order a new Trial be held. It's there, that Dr. Wecht has given the assurance he will testify to these exculpatory facts.
Anonymous guillermo owen said... Cyril Wecht is just not doing anything to help. I would guess he must doesn't like Sidney or Kenny
November 12, 2023 at 3:52 PM
Hey, gui, mon ami.
Dr. Wecht has agreed to testify at the contested case hearing at the NC Office of Administrative Hearings on October 2, 2023, but it is not his fault that the judge cancelled the hearing.
Also, stay tuned. Believe me, this case would not have a chance of being successful for Crystal had Dr. Wecht not written his October 25, 2019 report and gotten involved.
Anonymous Anonymous said... Do you Namath-guarantee it, Sid?
November 12, 2023 at 11:30 AM
Hey, Anony.
I would Namath-guarantee Crystal Mangum will be freed in time to spend Christmas 2023 with her family. Can't say the same about Thanksgiving. (Keep in mind that much depends on how fast sequences of actions take place... actions out of my control.)
Anonymous Anonymous said... There are no hearings set in any of her cases. They only way any of those predictions could happen is if Cooper commuted her sentence.
I hope Sid doesn't lie to Sid as much as he lies to the people on this blog.
November 12, 2023 at 6:22 AM
Hey, Anony.
Keep in mind that a MAR and a Motion for Writ of Coram Nobis is currently in play even though the senior resident superior court judge is sitting on Mangum's post-conviction filings and has not assigned them to an appropriate judge.
Still have heard nothing from the Durham Judicial Assistant regarding Mangum's post-conviction filings.
Sid - you’ve taken time to respond to some of the comments here. Why haven’t you shared the basis for your assessment that CGM will be out of prison by December with us?
Keep in mind that a MAR and a Motion for Writ of Coram Nobis is currently in play... Still have heard nothing from the Durham Judicial Assistant regarding Mangum's post-conviction filings.
So what has you so certain that CGM could be out by Thanksgiving, and will be out by Christmas?
Give us some of the information you are privy to, which we are not.
On a side note -- Why isn't CGM's best friend Kenny privy to this information?
We know the pending lolsuits (Mangum v. Aurelius, harr v. NC office of administrative hearings) can't free CGM, in the unlikely event they succeed.
So those are immediately out as a basis for CGM's release.
We know (at least for now) that no hearings are scheduled, and that Sid hasn't heard anything regarding Mangum's post-conviction filings.
So those are out as a basis for CGM's release.
Given that, the only option I see is Governor Cooper granting some form of clemency/commutation for CGM.
In order for the clemency/commutation to even begin, it has to be requested in writing. I know Sid's ego is such that any application would have been posted here. He hasn't posted one, so I doubt it's been requested.
Sid has in the past spoken against commutation or clemency, since this wouldn't declare CGM innocent.
I doubt Governor Cooper granting clemency is a reason for this prediction.
@ Anonymous 11-13-23 4:14 Am ---- Like I said,"semantics, semantics, semantics". It's apparent what your game, like that of some others here is, ; trying to promote division between Dr. Harr and myself, Dr. Wech and any others in support of Crystal. Dr. Wecht is in communication with Dr. Harr and he has agreed to testify. What exactly are are you trying to determine? Do you expect him to offer opinion as to ways to coerce the Justice System into doing what is right, when, it's obvious, they know the truth. But, obviously, they have alterior motives? Why don't you speculate on what more you believe Dr. Wecht should say or do?
Sid is refusing to provide any explanation of his logic, but he's going backwards.
On November 11, he said there was a 99.9% chance Crystal would be home by Christmas, and 43% by Thanksgiving, then on November 13, he adjusted the odds to 20% and 10% - meaning he doesn't expect her to be home.
@ The Prince: 11-14-23 Governor Cooper is no doubt feeling the heat and dreading what the facts coming out might do to his political ambitions and to his reputation. He's got himself in a deep hole and, continuing to play the stalling game, has only got him in deeper. Commutation or clemancy may be an alternative, he has considered, in the hope that doing so might make this all go away.
Over 2 weeks and Sid hasn't filed a response to the motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction, motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim in the Harr v. North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings case.
@ Anonymous: 11-14-23 3:32 PM : I have no idea what you are asking. He is in communication with his client, Dr Harr, regarding his expert opinion, ie, that the cause of Daye's death was Accident not Murder, and that a jury got it wrong, when it found her guilty of murder. They did so because they were misled by testimony from Dr. Nichol saying he died as a consequence of the stab wound; something which all the evidence clearly shows to be not true. Anyone who looks at this evidence can see that, even yourself. That evidence is something the Jury did not see. He has given Dr. Harr the assurance he will so testify. I assume due to confidentiality he will have spoken to no one other, than his client. He has no power to demand Crystal get a new trial. Whether he gave Dr. Harr an opinion on how to coerce the Justice System to give her a new trial or how to get before a Judge who could rule on it and end the purposeful stalling I do not know. These are all matters of confidentiality between a practitioner and a client.
Kenny -- I have no idea what you're trying to say.
Do you think Governor Cooper is going to commute CGM's sentence?
Do you know if CGM applied for this?
Regardless of the Governor's feelings (which you apparently have the ability to read all the way from Canada), clemency/commutation must start with the inmate requesting it in order for the Governor to grant it.
So, you answer to the question "Are you saying that Dr. Wecht has told someone how to get himself or his opinion into a trial that would actually mean anything?" is "I don't know."
You could've saved a lot of time by responding that way the first time this question was asked rather than, "in true Roger Stone fashion, attack all, admit nothing, deny everythying, play semantic games, delay,delay,delay."
@ The Prince: 11-16-23 5:21 AM ----- What I am saying is, I suspect, Gov. Cooper fears the public testimony of Dr. Wecht, in open court and since he was given a copy of that report the information, therein, was something, Justice would demand, he should have had his AG act upon. I speculated that, precipitously, acting before questions about why he did not act arise, he might consider clemency or commutation, in hopes that his reluctance to act might not raise questions about his selfish motives. What Crystal deserves is either a new trial or, what he gave The Duke Lacrosse suspects, a declaration of innocence and in either case compensation for her wrongful convicion. There was no crime. It's demonstrable that the Justice System got it wrong and therefore commutation or clemency would suggest there need be no consequences for the failure of the North Carolina Justice System and those responsible for it's administration.
@ Anonymous 11-16-23 12:13 : --- Delay? Moi ? Accusing me of what the Justice System is now doing is an obvious example of Stone-like projection, made by you, as one of that broken System's defenders. Almost every reasonable person knows the US Justice System is desperately in need of reform. Remember justice delayed is justice denied. Using subterfuge and delay as a tactic is an immoral denial of justice.
IF Governor Cooper should offer clemency or commutation, it suggests "..there need be no consequences for the failure of the North Carolina Justice System and those responsible for it's administration."
No one fears the testimony of Dr. Wecht. No one doubts that Daye's ultimate cause of death was malpractice by Duke. But, everyone but you and Sid, understand proximate cause - had Crystal not stabbed Daye, he would not have died when he did. Alcoholism and malpractice are no independent intervening causes.
The law in criminal prosecutions for murder is still that the intervening act must be the sole cause of death. It is sufficient that the defendant's act in shooting the deceased was a contributing factor which in combination with the subsequent acts of the doctor in treatment proximately caused the death. Even if the doctor was negligent, the defendant will not escape liability. State v. Jones, 290 N.C. 292, 225 S.E.2d 549 (1976).
That is from State v Holsclaw - even if the doctor was negligent (as Duke clearly was), had Crystal not stabbed him, he wouldn't have been in the hospital.
@ Anonymous 11-17-23 1:25 PM and 1:28 PM: ---- Dr. Wecht, the world reknown medico-legal expert, understands proximate cause and he has opined that it was an intervening cause, which killed Daye, unrelated to the stab wound. Obvoisly you have a different interpretation, of these precedents, than him. Do you have commensurate qualifications?
Anonymous Anonymous said... The law in criminal prosecutions for murder is still that the intervening act must be the sole cause of death. It is sufficient that the defendant's act in shooting the deceased was a contributing factor which in combination with the subsequent acts of the doctor in treatment proximately caused the death. Even if the doctor was negligent, the defendant will not escape liability. State v. Jones, 290 N.C. 292, 225 S.E.2d 549 (1976).
That is from State v Holsclaw - even if the doctor was negligent (as Duke clearly was), had Crystal not stabbed him, he wouldn't have been in the hospital.
November 17, 2023 at 1:28 PM
Hey, Anony.
Let's approach Crystal's case from another angle. When Reginald Daye was admitted to Duke Hospital, he had two medical conditions: (1) an acute stab wound to his left side; and (2) chronic alcoholism with acute intoxication. His first medical condition was treated effectively by trauma surgeons, and his outcome was for a full recovery. His second condition, though a sedative was initiated on admission, was not effective in preventing delirium tremens. In treating his DTs, medical staff made an error in treating his alcoholic withdrawal by intubating his esophagus and failing to recognize its misplacement until after he experienced cardiac arrest... and that incident eventually led to his death. The stab wound had nothing to do with Daye's brain-death comatose state.
Regarding the intervening act... the esophageal intubation resulted in Daye's death, for had not medical staff properly intubated his trachea in treating his DTs, he would not have had a cardiac arrest, brain-death, coma, etc.
Anonymous Anonymous said... No one fears the testimony of Dr. Wecht. No one doubts that Daye's ultimate cause of death was malpractice by Duke. But, everyone but you and Sid, understand proximate cause - had Crystal not stabbed Daye, he would not have died when he did. Alcoholism and malpractice are no independent intervening causes.
November 17, 2023 at 1:25 PM
Hey, Anony.
First, the stab wound was not life-threatening. Second, the stab wound was successfully treated during emergency surgery within a matter of hours. And, thirdly, his postoperative prognosis was for a full recovery.
What you refuse to understand is the fact that had Duke hospital staff in treating his delirium tremens not intubated Daye in his esophagus and then fail to timely recognize it was mispositioned, Daye would not have become brain-dead and in a comatose state.
What Duke University, the State, Courts, and media know, but don't want the general public to know is that medical staff made a fatal intervening action with its errant intubation that resulted in Daye's death.
When are you going to share the basis for your assessment that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison?
November 17, 2023 at 11:23 AM
Hey, Fake Cousin Jakki.
It is my expectation that I will obtain information this coming Tuesday, the 21st, that will provide me with a timeframe when I will be at liberty to discuss the reasons for my optimism that Crystal will be released soon. Because I am still in the dark about what's going on, I don't think Crystal will make it out before Thanksgiving, but I believe Christmas is doable. Like I said, I will know more after Tuesday.
Anonymous Anonymous said... Dr. Wecht should encourage CGM to get a lawyer. I'm only surprised he hasn't.
November 15, 2023 at 5:33 AM
Hey, Anony.
One thing which Dr. Wecht and I have tried to make crystal clear. He is not an advocate, he is not an advisor, and he doesn't represent Ms. Mangum. Dr. Wecht is an independent expert witness. In other words, his words and actions are objective, he is totally impartial when it comes to the facts, and he is a man of integrity.
Besides, what would an attorney do for Crystal? She's had many already, and all they want to do is shield Duke University Hospital at Mangum's expense. The only thing an attorney would do for Crystal is to sell her down the river and charge for doing so.
Anonymous Anonymous said... Sid is refusing to provide any explanation of his logic, but he's going backwards.
On November 11, he said there was a 99.9% chance Crystal would be home by Christmas, and 43% by Thanksgiving, then on November 13, he adjusted the odds to 20% and 10% - meaning he doesn't expect her to be home.
Why the dramatic change?
November 14, 2023 at 1:59 PM
Hey, Anony.
If you follow analytics for percent chance to win on football games, then you will know that the numbers can be quite fluid, depending on the point spread and time in the game, injuries to star players, etc.
Earlier, I felt Crystal would be out possibly as early as Thanksgiving, but as time went by and I failed to receive input, the percent possibility for Mangum's eminent release dropped. On Tuesday, hopefully the picture will be clearer and I will be able to present more accurate probabilities.
@ Anonymous 11-18-23 5:52 PM-----It's in the Medicolegal section of his 8 page report Sections 1-4 and in his subsequent OPINION. It's also contained in his signed responses to Dr. Harr's 20 affirmatives. I suggest you and others take a look at his CV and then carefully re-read the report and see if you don't change you mind about the correctness of Crystal's conviction for murder.
"Because I am privy to information to which you are not, I am going to venture that the probability that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison and spend this coming Christmas with her family is 99.9%."
Sid @November 18, 2023 at 5:54 PM:
"Because I am still in the dark about what's going on, I don't think Crystal will make it out before Thanksgiving, but I believe Christmas is doable."
If you were in the dark on Nov 18, what information were you privy to on Nov 11th that lead you to make the ridiculous statement that the "probability that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison and spend this coming Christmas with her family is 99.9%..."?
"It is my expectation that I will obtain information this coming Tuesday, the 21st, that will provide me with a timeframe when I will be at liberty to discuss the reasons for my optimism that Crystal will be released soon."
As many of you may be aware, today marks a tragic anniversary... a decade since Crystal Mangum's wrongful conviction. Unlike many wrongful convictions, those responsible state actors and others involved in her prosecution were aware of her innocence and convicted her on trumped up murder charge in retaliation for her Duke Lacrosse accusations.
Although I was unable to have her freed in time for Thanksgiving, my optimism increases that she will be freed by Christmas. In fact, I expect discernible movement towards justice for her to begin during the first week of December. Hopefully I will be at liberty to discuss more by Pearl Harbor Day.
Am working on another project which I hope to have posted on this blog site by the end of this week.
Hope that everyone has a blessed and meaningful Thanksgiving and spend time with loved ones, family, and friends.
I plan on spending a quiet holiday with my beloved cat Adonis.
Anonymous Anonymous said... Sid -- in Harr v. NCOAH, you have until 11/25 to respond to the motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction and failure to state a claim.
Have you responded? If not, do you plan to respond?
November 21, 2023 at 10:13 AM
Hey, Anony.
As you pointed out, November 25, 2023, a Saturday, is the deadline to respond. The Federal Courthouse is closed on Saturday. It is also closed today for Thanksgiving and will be closed on Friday, November 24th for the holiday, as well.
I am not electronically connected with the court and can only file manually.
Yesterday, Wednesday November 22nd, the Clerk's Office closed at noon to get an early jump on the holiday. I was unaware of the early closing and per happenstance, I ambled to the courthouse around eleven in the morning and was able to timely file. So, today, I am thankful that I was able to get my response filed.
I release all comments that are not in violation of the kenhyderal Doctrine. I can't remember the last time such a violation took place. If your comment was not posted, please resubmit it. At times there will be a delay because of the lag time between the time it is sent and the time I check for comments.
Anonymous guillermo owen said... So, Sidney, any news?
November 22, 2023 at 11:12 AM
Hey, gui, mon ami.
I should be able to provide a firm update about Mangum's case on or around Pearl Harbor Day... if not sooner. I have to wait for certain actions to take place.
Anonymous Fake Cousin Jakki said... Sid @ November 11, 2023 at 4:40 PM:
"Because I am privy to information to which you are not, I am going to venture that the probability that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison and spend this coming Christmas with her family is 99.9%."
Sid @November 18, 2023 at 5:54 PM:
"Because I am still in the dark about what's going on, I don't think Crystal will make it out before Thanksgiving, but I believe Christmas is doable."
If you were in the dark on Nov 18, what information were you privy to on Nov 11th that lead you to make the ridiculous statement that the "probability that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison and spend this coming Christmas with her family is 99.9%..."?
November 21, 2023 at 5:18 AM
Hey, Fake Cousin Jakki.
Probabilities change with the passing of time and occurrence of events. Although time has passed, which lessens the probability all things considered unchanged, I did receive information since that has reinforced my belief that Justice Day is imminent. The information I received cannot be specifically released at this time.
I want you all to know how much I appreciate your viewership and comments... even if they are at variance with my beliefs and logic. However, different views make for more meaningful, impactful, and interesting dialogue.
Hope you all have a fab Turkey Day, and do not get too stuffed.
@ Anonymous 11- 18, 2023 at 9:15 AM : Who is the troll here? Are you suggesting that Dr. Wecht does not understand proximate cause. Are you suggesting, when he gave his official opinion, he was ignorant of relevant decisions in North Carolina that might possibly apply to such a case as hers. He found the known facts show them to be non-applicable. You anonymous posters often show a great deal of hubris. I don't suppose you would tell us who you are and what qualification you have to dismiss Dr. Wecht;s findings.
@ dhall. Dr. Harr is a gracious man. Given his mistreatment both by the Justice|System and by thier defenders on thiis blog, I find his forebearance admirable. As you may have noticed I am the vexacious one here ; more then a bit.
There is nothing in Dr. Wecht’s report that indicates that he considered the application of North Carolina law to the facts. He does not cite a single North Carolina precedent. Unlike Sid, Dr. Wecht may have been unwilling to practice law in a state in which he was not licensed.
On December 1, 2023, I will post a very important and comprehensive document which has heretofore received little coverage on this blog site or elsewhere. It has already been prepared and is ready to be uploaded.
"On December 1, 2023, I will post a very important and comprehensive document which has heretofore received little coverage on this blog site or elsewhere. It has already been prepared and is ready to be uploaded."
Is this very important and comprehensive document the basis for your statement that the "probability that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison and spend this coming Christmas with her family is 99.9%..."?
Anonymous said... "On December 1, 2023, I will post a very important and comprehensive document which has heretofore received little coverage on this blog site or elsewhere. It has already been prepared and is ready to be uploaded."
Is this very important and comprehensive document the basis for your statement that the "probability that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison and spend this coming Christmas with her family is 99.9%..."?
November 27, 2023 at 9:49 AM
Hey, Anony.
No. The documents posted on December 1st deal with a different and innovative approach heretofore untaken which I hope will help free Crystal and bring her elusive justice.
I will be able to update with regards to probability of Mangum's release by Christmas on Monday, April 4th. With what I know so far, the probability is currently at 90%.
"I will be able to update with regards to probability of Mangum's release by Christmas on Monday, April 4th. With what I know so far, the probability is currently at 90%."
April 4th is after Christmas...Unless you mean her release by Christmas 2024.
Anonymous Anonymous said... "I will be able to update with regards to probability of Mangum's release by Christmas on Monday, April 4th. With what I know so far, the probability is currently at 90%."
April 4th is after Christmas...Unless you mean her release by Christmas 2024.
November 28, 2023 at 10:30 AM
Hey, Anony.
You are correct... I made a mistake. I admit that I am human and not perfect... unlike many Republicans. I appreciate the correction. As you probably are aware, what I intended to say was "Monday, December 4th."
I still plan to post an important new blog on Friday, December 1st. It will be a different approach from any of my previous approaches, and very informative and thought-provoking.
I'm a senior citizen who believes that the state of North Carolina has harshly, excessively, and unjustly treated former Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong.
How many of you posters here can claim that YOUR comments made it into one of Sid's lolsuits?
How you like them apples, "small cadre"?
Now, I can't honestly say what in my comment bolster's Sid's argument that "no legitimate legal grounds justified Nelson's continuance of Mangum's hearing.."
"You" had your rights to a contested case hearing denied by the NCOAH?
I think that's about the worst thing I've ever heard.
How marvelous.
You were dismissed as a petitioner in the contested case.
So, there you have it, in a nut-shell. Who can deny that there exists a blatent conspiracy to delay correcting the mistaken conviction of Crystal Mangum for second degree murder until her wrongful sentence has expired. This is a complete travesty and there will, inevitably, be consequences for those who participated. Readers here, I ask you, digest this history then ask yourself have these decisons and delays been fair and reasonable and with a view to see that justice be done? Also speculate as to what reasons there could be for not wanting to expedite the correction of this false conviction.
How much money did you pay Dr. Wecht to get him to participate in the OAH hearing via teleconference?
Right on Cousin Kenny.
So, Sid gonna serve this lawsuit right, or refuse to follow the law and then whine with Kenny when he doesn't get special treatment?
Dr. Harr,
You have written a thoughtful and persuasive complaint. I am certain you will win your case.
Just to put it out there now, because it is going to get brought up later in the lawsuit, and Sid/Kenny will claim it is just to delay:
Sid cannot legally file a lawsuit on behalf of Crystal - we all know this, he knows this. It's why he usually gets Crystal to sign the pleadings. He did not do that here. She will be dismissed as a party unless he amends the pleading and actually gets her signature.
Dr. Harr was dismissed as a petitioner in the NCOAH contested case in July 2023 for failure to prove he was a "person aggrieved". I don't see any argument in this filing claiming that the dismissal violated his rights.
I can't follow his logic in claiming the continuance order by Judge Nelson (well after his dismissal) violates *his* civil rights as defined in the Constitution's 5th and 14th amendments. Any action taken by Judge Nelson or the NCOAH affects the petitioner (Crystal Mangum) only.
I'm fairly sure the only option is to amend the pleading by removing Dr. Harr then get Crystal Mangum to file it with just herself as the plaintiff.
dhall ... the other issue is that the way to respond to a Court ruling you don't like is to appeal, not to file a separate lawsuit.
This will fail like the rest of them, for reasons that even basic legal research would disclose, and Sid/Kenny will just continue to whine and pretend it's some anti-Mangum bias, not their own actions, causing this.
Harr v. North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings has been reassigned to Judge James Dever (it was assigned to Judge Louise Flanagan).
I just don't see how being engaged to someone who has alleged a violation of her civil rights makes Sid a victim of a civil rights violation, or gives him standing to sue on his own behalf. We already know Sid, as a non-attorney, can't sue on Mangum's behalf.
I also don't understand why Sid signed the complaint as a "Lay Advocate" instead of as a named Plaintiff. It's almost like he's daring the court to come down on him for the unauthorized practice of law. Eventually they will.
This is becoming pathetic.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
If Sid and Kenny had spent as much time learning the law as they spent complaining about it, CGM would have two lawyers….
Please share with us your analysis of Dr. Harr’s most recent complaint.
Anonymous said...
Harr v. North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings has been reassigned to Judge James Dever (it was assigned to Judge Louise Flanagan).
October 20, 2023 at 7:17 AM
Below is a link to the Order of October 17, 2023, and my letter for response dated October 21, 2023.
LINK: Reassignment order and Harr's response, respectively dated October 17/21, 2023
As you were.
Does Crystal really think you are trying to help her? You are an abusive disgrace. Nothing you do is helpful - it's all intended to lie to Crystal to keep her locked up.
We all know as soon as she is out she will have nothing to do with you.
You are a pathetic abuser, and Kenny is helping.
The only people here who pretend to support you are trolls just trying to figure out if you are dumb enough actually believe their posts of support.
You should be ashamed of yourself, but abusers never are - they always justify their actions.
You are a disgrace.
Sid, at the end of the day, all your arguments are the same, regardless of who is the plaintiff.
It makes sense that these are all getting handled by the same judge.
Unfortunately, you’ve taken every opportunity to insult this judge personally and professionally.
Add that to the class 1 misdemeanor you’re perpetrating, and the results don’t look good.
Sid should file a lawsuit against judge Dever.
@ Anonymous 10-21-23 6:07 PM: What Dr. Harr did, was something no North Carolina Lawyer could or would do and that was to prove that Crystal was absolutely innocent of murdering Daye. Unfortunately, there, innocence and wrongful conviction don't really matter. Instead covering up mistakes that bring the corrupt system into disrepute will always takes precedent, especially when the aggrieved is a person considered to be of no consequence and even more so if they are someone who, if their despicable treatment by those in power, became public there would be reputational and political consequences. And, it seems, there are always treacherous ways, that can be employed, by those at risk, to thwart this from occuring, using all sorts of technical violations, which can readily be employed, as a rationale for failing to face up to these consequences and, as African Americans say, "do the right thing".
She stabbed him, he went to the hospital, Duke committed malpractice, Daye died. Had she not stabbed him, he wouldn't have been in the hospital, Duke wouldn't have been able to commit malpractice, and he wouldn't have died.
Had she not stabbed him, he'd still be alive. You and Sid ignore that.
Right on Cousin Kenny.
Sorry to tell you this, but Crystal is guilty. All of your whining does nothing to change that fact.
Anonymous Prince Humperdinck said...
Sid should file a lawsuit against judge Dever.
October 22, 2023 at 11:08 AM
Hey, Prince Humperdinck.
On what grounds?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sid, at the end of the day, all your arguments are the same, regardless of who is the plaintiff.
It makes sense that these are all getting handled by the same judge.
Unfortunately, you’ve taken every opportunity to insult this judge personally and professionally.
Add that to the class 1 misdemeanor you’re perpetrating, and the results don’t look good.
October 22, 2023 at 6:43 AM
Hey, Anony.
I have not insulted Judge Dever. Give an example.
Also, what misdemeanor am I perpetrating? What about the felony perpetrated by Dr. Nichols... material perjury?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Does Crystal really think you are trying to help her? You are an abusive disgrace. Nothing you do is helpful - it's all intended to lie to Crystal to keep her locked up.
We all know as soon as she is out she will have nothing to do with you.
You are a pathetic abuser, and Kenny is helping.
The only people here who pretend to support you are trolls just trying to figure out if you are dumb enough actually believe their posts of support.
You should be ashamed of yourself, but abusers never are - they always justify their actions.
You are a disgrace.
October 21, 2023 at 6:07 PM
Hey, Anony.
I don't understand your logic. You think I would be helping Crystal more by not helping her file lawsuits and motions, and trying to meet with people to discuss her wrongful conviction?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I just don't see how being engaged to someone who has alleged a violation of her civil rights makes Sid a victim of a civil rights violation, or gives him standing to sue on his own behalf. We already know Sid, as a non-attorney, can't sue on Mangum's behalf.
I also don't understand why Sid signed the complaint as a "Lay Advocate" instead of as a named Plaintiff. It's almost like he's daring the court to come down on him for the unauthorized practice of law. Eventually they will.
This is becoming pathetic.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
October 20, 2023 at 10:54 AM
Hey, Abe.
In the lawsuit against NC Office of Administrative Hearings I am suing as a plaintiff pro se along with Crystal Mangum.
I am definitely not trying to get the State Bar to harass me, however, I believe the State Bar is aware that Mangum has received sub-par legal representation by bar-accredited attorneys who have represented her in the past, so they tend to act with grace towards me.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
How much money did you pay Dr. Wecht to get him to participate in the OAH hearing via teleconference?
October 16, 2023 at 11:25 AM
Hey, Anony.
It was a substantial, but reasonable amount in the four figures. I'm not going to give the exact about, but a pay scale can be found on his professional site. I would say that the price to retain Dr. Wecht was well worth it to get the world's foremost forensic pathologist to testify.
You’ve accused judge Dever of bias and prejudice, with no proof of either. That’s an insult.
Unauthorized practice of law is a class 1 misdemeanor in North Carolina.
"In the lawsuit against NC Office of Administrative Hearings I am suing as a plaintiff pro se along with Crystal Mangum."
Follow the logic:
You were dismissed as a petitioner in the contested case hearing before the NC OAH. At that point, the only plaintiff in the contested case was Crystal Mangum.
The continuance order placed after you were dismissed affected the plaintiff, Crystal Mangum, only.
Because Crystal Mangum was the only plaintiff the continuance affected, you can't rightfully claim your civil rights were violated.
Because your civil rights were not violated, you have effectively filed this lawsuit pro se as a 3rd party.
From your own past experience, you know you can't file a lawsuit on behalf of someone else.
IMO, you've included yourself as a plaintiff in an attempt to get the money you paid to retain Dr. Wecht reimbursed by the court. You should have negotiated that the amount would be paid pending his testimony. Poor negotiation on expert testimony is your fault, not that of the court and certainly not a civil rights violation by the NC OAH.
I know you are suing as a Plaintiff pro se, but that's not how you signed the complaint. I was wondering why you signed the complaint as a "Lay Advocate" instead of as a Plaintiff.
That begs the question, what is a "Lay Advocate" and who are you a "Lay Advocate" for? I think that, to the court, or any reasonable person reading the complaint, you are holding yourself out as representing one or both named Plaintiffs.
You are free to file pro se (for the time being), so you don't need an advocate or representative to sign for you or represent you; you could have simply signed the complaint as a Plaintiff, but you did not. Instead you signed as an "Advocate." That would lead a reasonable person to conclude you are acting as Mangum's representative - something you are prohibited by law from doing.
If a simple manufacturer and purveyor of sausage can see thru what you are attempting to do, I am pretty sure a federal court judge will.
I predict this lolsuit will end very quickly and very badly for you and Mangum.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Sid --
File a lawsuit against judge Dever for the same reason you've filed a lawsuit against pretty much everyone else. You know, civil rights violations.....
@ Anonymous 10-22-23 4:28 PM : And here, you take issue with Dr. Cyril Wecht, Forensic Pathologist and Professor of Law. I suggest you re-read his conclusions and his explanation as to why Daye's alcoholism and his acute alcohol wihdrawl syndrome, with impending delerium tremens, is an intervening cause, negating a Welch or a Holsclaw precident. Also, re-examine his C.V. and then, if you still disagree with him, let us all know your credentials.
So I've been away from this site for months (maybe more than a year, I don't recall).
I come back and I find nothing has changed. Dr. Harr continue filing meritless lawsuits and ignoring the rules of procedure. Crystal Mangum is still in prison.
Anything else I missed?
As you can see Dr. C. The State is absolutely desparate to keep her imprisoned regardless of the fact she is innocent of murdering Daye. The Jury was misled and told Daye died of a consequence of the stab wound, something which hospital records prove is completely false. The Jury was never told the real cause of death and her State appointed Lawyer refused to raise the issue of Medical Malpractice, which the Hospital records clearly show occured. It seems in good old North Carolina, innocence counts for nothing. Reputations of the "powers that be" ie Duke, Gov. Cooper and his accolate AG Stein, trump the life of a poor marginalized African American, deemed to be of no consequence. Everyone, with power to act, knows the truth but wont act, leaving only pro-se lawsuits with hope of having a Judge order those responsible for justice to correct this miscarriage and face the consequences. Pro-se lawsuits with a real risk of being vulnerable to hindrance by the devious application of inconsequential technicalities quite easy to treacherously find in pro-se filings when one has the self-serving motive to thwart.
Dr. Caligari -- We did just see Sid lose $$$$ by paying Cyril Wecht to be an expert witness for an OAH contested hearing that was continued pending a ruling on CGM's latest MAR. So Wecht didn't have to testify and (apparently) got to keep Sid's money.
Oh -- Prince Humperdinck was quoted in the latest lolsuit -- which made him happy as the first commenter here identified by name (well, pseudonym) in one of Sid's legal documents. At least that's what he's claiming.
But yeah, nothing's changed.
...And Kenny's still complaining about the "Powers-that-be" and NC's overall court system, rather than encouraging Sid to actually research and follow the rules of procedure.
So yeah -- nothing has changed.
Since you mentioned the powers that be in your post, let’s not forget about Rae Evans. What role has she played in denying justice for Crystal?
"Pro-se lawsuits with a real risk of being vulnerable to hindrance by the devious application of inconsequential technicalities"
Like making sure that proper service is performed.
Like failing to state a claim upon which relief could be granted.
Like filing a lawsuit barred by the statute of limitations.
You know... "inconsequential technicalities"
Kenny @October 23, 2023 at 10:04 AM
Cyril Wecht's opinions, like laws, are man-made... they are not God-given commandments handed down from the heavens like manna.
Sid shoulda taken that $$$$$ and got a lawyer to at least look at all the stuff he's put together and let that lawyer inform him if Mangum had a way to leverage that information to get released from prison.
The results would most likely be the same as throwing that money at Dr. Wecht, but hell -- getting a professional opinion from an actual lawyer is better than getting nothing, right?
@ Anonymous 10-24-23 12:38 and 12:45 Dr. Wecht's opinions are "expert" opinions both in the field of Law and of Forensic Medicine. You say Dr. Harr should have "got a Lawyer to at least look at all the stuff" and "but hell getting a professional opinion from an actual Lawyer is better than getting nothing". Huh?? Besides being the world's foremost Forensic Pathologist, Dr. Wecht is a Lawyer. He holds a law degree from the University of Maryland School of Law and a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Law and he serves as an Adjunct Professor of Law at Duquesne University School of Law. What Dr. Harr got was not nothing. He got a reknown expert Forensic Pathologist's opinion that Daye's cause of death was not a homicide, and a Lawyer's legal opinion that Daye's death could not be legally linked to the stab wound.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sid shoulda taken that $$$$$ and got a lawyer to at least look at all the stuff he's put together and let that lawyer inform him if Mangum had a way to leverage that information to get released from prison.
The results would most likely be the same as throwing that money at Dr. Wecht, but hell -- getting a professional opinion from an actual lawyer is better than getting nothing, right?
October 24, 2023 at 12:45 PM
Hey, Anony.
It is you who did not do your homework. Almost all visitors and commenters to this blog are well aware that Dr. Cyril Wecht, in addition to being a physician, is also an attorney. The link below is just a small portion from his curriculum vitae that deals with legal and medicolegal aspects of his amazing career.
LINK: Dr. Cyril Wecht's curriculum vitae dealing with legal and medicolegal aspects
I would like to know if you can find an attorney with such an impressive cv. Rhetorical, as I seriously doubt it.
Anonymous said...
Kenny @October 23, 2023 at 10:04 AM
Cyril Wecht's opinions, like laws, are man-made... they are not God-given commandments handed down from the heavens like manna.
October 24, 2023 at 12:38 PM
Hey, Anony.
It's only common sense that opinions come from individuals, but there's a difference between opinions and laws. Unfortunately, many people believe laws are so sacred as to have been delivered by some all-knowing deity.
The opinions of Dr. Wecht are set aside from other mere mortals by his enormous accomplishments and impressive background.
Anonymous Prince Humperdinck said...
"Pro-se lawsuits with a real risk of being vulnerable to hindrance by the devious application of inconsequential technicalities"
Like making sure that proper service is performed.
Like failing to state a claim upon which relief could be granted.
Like filing a lawsuit barred by the statute of limitations.
You know... "inconsequential technicalities"
October 24, 2023 at 10:37 AM
Hey, Prince Humperdinck.
First of all, Mangum's proof of service of the Summons and Complaint was filed with the court on February 17, 2023 with the signed USPS Form 3811 Return Receipt Requested. And keep in mind, the only reason Mangum had to refile the case was due to the deceit caused NC Assistant A.G. John Schaeffer who entered into an oral agreement with me in which encouraged Mangum to voluntarily dismiss her case that was filed on February 15, 2022.
Anonymous Tyrone Rugen said...
Dr. Caligari -- We did just see Sid lose $$$$ by paying Cyril Wecht to be an expert witness for an OAH contested hearing that was continued pending a ruling on CGM's latest MAR. So Wecht didn't have to testify and (apparently) got to keep Sid's money.
Oh -- Prince Humperdinck was quoted in the latest lolsuit -- which made him happy as the first commenter here identified by name (well, pseudonym) in one of Sid's legal documents. At least that's what he's claiming.
But yeah, nothing's changed.
October 24, 2023 at 5:27 AM
Hey, Tyrone Rugen.
Let me explain the situation in baby-steps so you can follow.
(1) Administrative Law Judge Nelson issue an order on May 9, 2023, stating the contested case hearing would be held the week of September 25, 2023, then later in a Notice of Hearing that it would be definitively held on October 2, 2023 at 10:00 a.m.;
(2) Although Dr. Wecht wrote a report on October 25, 2019 - four years ago - it was only realistic for me to send him a packet to refresh his memory and provide salient new information, so I sent him manuals with a narrative and exhibits as soon as I could to help him prepare for the hearing
(3) It was only after Judge Nelson learned that Dr. Wecht was going to testify by video-link teleconference that she decided to cancel the hearing on the pretext of awaiting an outcome of a Motion for Appropriate Relief filed in Durham County Superior Court on April 25, 2023;
(4) Unlike NC Assistant A.G. Schaeffer, I believe in abiding by my contracts, and I paid Dr. Wecht because he deserved it for preparing for the hearing by studying my manuals and reviewing Mangum's case. Even if there was no opportunity to testify (when the hearing was was rescinded by the judge), Dr. Wecht was nonetheless deserving of his professional fee... there is no doubt of that; and
(5) Dr. Wecht did the next best thing to testifying when he submitted a sworn affidavit pertaining to issues of Mangum's case that exonerate her.
Make no mistake, retaining a worldwide expert witness of Dr. Wecht's caliber is priceless, and therefore a bargain at any amount paid for his services.
Hope this provides some elucidation.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I know you are suing as a Plaintiff pro se, but that's not how you signed the complaint. I was wondering why you signed the complaint as a "Lay Advocate" instead of as a Plaintiff.
That begs the question, what is a "Lay Advocate" and who are you a "Lay Advocate" for? I think that, to the court, or any reasonable person reading the complaint, you are holding yourself out as representing one or both named Plaintiffs.
You are free to file pro se (for the time being), so you don't need an advocate or representative to sign for you or represent you; you could have simply signed the complaint as a Plaintiff, but you did not. Instead you signed as an "Advocate." That would lead a reasonable person to conclude you are acting as Mangum's representative - something you are prohibited by law from doing.
If a simple manufacturer and purveyor of sausage can see thru what you are attempting to do, I am pretty sure a federal court judge will.
I predict this lolsuit will end very quickly and very badly for you and Mangum.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
October 23, 2023 at 7:09 AM
Hey, Abe.
In the lawsuit against NC Office of Administrative Hearings, I definitely filed as a co-plaintiff pro se with Mangum... or at least that was my intent.
"Lay advocate" is a term I use to distinguish myself from a legally trained or licensed professional advocate or attorney. In other words, I advocate for a person or position with the expressed design to make it clear I lack legal training and do not charge those for whom I advocate. In fact, in Mangum's case, I have paid filing/docketing fees, professional fees to retain experts, paid certified postage and gas to travel, and more. So, as opposed to an attorney, I am persistently working at an ever increasing debt.
Hope this provides some clarity.
Blogger dhall said...
"In the lawsuit against NC Office of Administrative Hearings I am suing as a plaintiff pro se along with Crystal Mangum."
Follow the logic:
You were dismissed as a petitioner in the contested case hearing before the NC OAH. At that point, the only plaintiff in the contested case was Crystal Mangum.
The continuance order placed after you were dismissed affected the plaintiff, Crystal Mangum, only.
Because Crystal Mangum was the only plaintiff the continuance affected, you can't rightfully claim your civil rights were violated.
Because your civil rights were not violated, you have effectively filed this lawsuit pro se as a 3rd party.
From your own past experience, you know you can't file a lawsuit on behalf of someone else.
IMO, you've included yourself as a plaintiff in an attempt to get the money you paid to retain Dr. Wecht reimbursed by the court. You should have negotiated that the amount would be paid pending his testimony. Poor negotiation on expert testimony is your fault, not that of the court and certainly not a civil rights violation by the NC OAH.
October 23, 2023 at 6:23 AM
Hey, dhall.
It is true that the State's motion to have me disqualified as a co-petitioner was granted by Judge Nelson. However, dismissing me as a co-petitioner for not being a "person aggrieved," I believe, is unjust and nothing more than pandering to the State's desperation. Consider the following:
(1) I drafted the twenty admissions and was instrumental in the brief upon which NC Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Michelle Aurelius' letter/report, in review of Dr. Nichols' autopsy report, was based;
(2) NC Assistant A.G. Schaeffer contacted me by e-mail, not Mangum, in offering a proposal regarding the State's report in review of the Nichols' autopsy;
(3) Asst. A.G. Schaeffer discussed with me, not Mangum, the proposition in which he guaranteed an expedited report by Aurelius in exchange for Mangum first dismissing her civil complaint;
(4) I, not Schaeffer, presented the proposal to Mangum, and I, relying on Schaeffer's guarantees, strongly urged a skeptical Mangum to accept the terms;
(5) I, not Mangum, manually filed her Motion to Voluntarily Dismiss her lawsuit;
(6) Dr. Aurelius' two-page letter/report dated April 10, 2023 was sent to me, not Mangum; and
(7) after Schaeffer breached his agreement with me, not Mangum, I was thereby forced to refile a similar lawsuit as the one I shortsightedly helped to voluntarily dismiss.
I was dragged into the contested case regarding Dr. Aurelius' letter/report, in large measure, due to the precipitating actions by Asst. A.G. Schaeffer. Ergo, I believe that I am a rightfully aggrieved party in the case that was before Judge Nelson's Office of Administrative Hearings, and subsequently disagree with her ruling to dismiss me as a petitioner in the case.
With consideration of the above, I contend that I do have standing in the lawsuit against NC Office of Administrative Hearings.
Hope this has provided adequate edification.
Dr. Harr -- In the lawsuit, you did not claim that you're dismissal was a violation of your civil rights. Regardless of your beliefs, you were not considered a "person aggrieved" and had to drop your name from the petition and any filing after the dismissal had to reflect the claimant (Crystal Mangum) only.
You're drafting of any documents and any discussions regarding any lawsuits filed under Crystal Mangum's name (with her as the plaintiff/petitioner) do NOT make you a plaintiff.
That's no different than Dr. Caligari filing a lawsuit for a client does not make him a plaintiff -- even though he would draft all the legal documents, he's not a plaintiff.
Hope this has provided adequate edification.
You are wrong, you have no standing, and you can't file on Mangum's behalf, and I bet you have no intention of serving the lawsuit properly.
Like all the rest of your nonsense - this isn't a serious effort, it's a way for you to lie to Crystal so she thinks you are trying to help her when in reality you goal is to keep her locked up as long as possible because you know the whole engagement will fall apart as soon as she is out.
You are an abusive joke, and Kenny is complicit.
Hey Sid --
Let me break down my statements into baby-steps so you can follow:
1) Did you NOT pay Dr. Wecht to be an expert witness in the OAH contested hearing?
2) Did that OAH hearing occur?
3) Did the court call Dr. Wecht to testify?
4) If you paid Dr. Wecht (see #1), did he refund it?
5) Was Prince Humperdinck NOT quoted in your lawsuit?
6) Was Prince Humperdinck NOT the first commenter on this blog quoted in one of your lawsuits? (OK, maybe I'm being petty, but I hope the answer to this one is "no").
7) Is Crystal Mangum now released from jail?
If the answers to these questions are "No", then my original statement is correct.
Dr. Harr,
Your cause is just and, with kenhyderal’s assistance, I have no doubt that you will prevail in the litigation.
"It is you who did not do your homework. Almost all visitors and commenters to this blog are well aware that Dr. Cyril Wecht, in addition to being a physician, is also an attorney. The link below is just a small portion from his curriculum vitae that deals with legal and medicolegal aspects of his amazing career."
While Dr. Wecht is AN attorney, he's never been YOUR attorney, nor has he been CGM's attorney.
At any point has he offered ANY legal advice on how best to use his opinion or affidavit to get CGM out of prison? Did he at any point assist in the preparation of the lawsuits you have filed that reference either his opinion or affidavit?
If not, you already had opinion and affidavit, and you could've spent your money on a lawyer that could have done something with them. You didn't -- instead you paid Dr. Wecht to be an expert witness for a hearing that never even happened, and regardless of the outcome, wouldn't get CGM out of prison anyway.
Smart move.
Sid -- you don't need to identify yourself as a "Lay advocate" to make it clear you lack legal training. All anyone has to do is read your lolsuits.
"It is true that the State's motion to have me disqualified as a co-petitioner was granted by Judge Nelson. However, dismissing me as a co-petitioner for not being a "person aggrieved," I believe, is unjust..."
To be a "person aggrieved", Dr. Aurelius' decision must have affected your person, property, employment, or any other legal rights. Judge Nelson rightly agreed that you did not meet this requirement because you never presented any facts or evidence to support you met this requirement.
In this latest lawsuit, you've claimed your civil rights were denied by Judge Nelson when she signed the order continuing the OAH hearing -- not the order dismissing you as a petitioner.
You weren't a petitioner in the contested case when the OAH hearing was continued thus you can't claim that the continuance violated your civil rights.
Hope this has provided adequate edification.
"First of all, Mangum's proof of service of the Summons and Complaint was filed with the court on February 17, 2023 with the signed USPS Form 3811 Return Receipt Requested."
Doesn't matter that the USPS Form 3811 was signed. If you didn't serve the defendants, the you didn't perform proper service.
Neither Schaeffer nor Aurelius agreed to respond to your affirmatives/admissions as part of the agreement to dismiss the Mangum v. Kinsley et al lawsuit, so I have no idea what "deceit" you're referring to.
@ Anonymous10-25-23 6:36 AM You impugn the character of Dr. Harr and make crude speculations about his motives for seeking Justice for Crystal, while at the same time failing to call into question what are the motives of Gov. Cooper and his accolate AG Stein for keeping someone, they know to be innocent, in gaol. Once it becomes known that they have long been aware of this miscarriage of Justice and, unlike some here, are educated enough to understand that Dr. Wecht, according to all available evidence, is, no doubt, correct and that the disgraced Dr. Nicholls shown to be careless and incompetant, also according to all available evidence, is dead wrong; something even he and his defender Dr. Roberts must also now realize. Cooper and Stein are the persons charged with administering justice for North Carolinians and here they have failed. When these truths becomes publicly known they will all be disgraced as will some on this blog who also know the truth but choose to double down on legalese mumbo-jumbo employed by the American Justice System, it's Lawyers and it's defenders that make this once honorable calling now so despised.
Anonymous Prince Humperdinck said...
"First of all, Mangum's proof of service of the Summons and Complaint was filed with the court on February 17, 2023 with the signed USPS Form 3811 Return Receipt Requested."
Doesn't matter that the USPS Form 3811 was signed. If you didn't serve the defendants, the you didn't perform proper service.
Neither Schaeffer nor Aurelius agreed to respond to your affirmatives/admissions as part of the agreement to dismiss the Mangum v. Kinsley et al lawsuit, so I have no idea what "deceit" you're referring to.
October 25, 2023 at 9:12 AM
Hey, Prince Humperdinck.
Why do you think Crystal Mangum voluntarily dismissed her lawsuit filed in February 15, 2022?
Answer: Crystal dismissed her case because I advised her to do so after arranging a contract in a conversation with Schaeffer... a proposal he brought to me in an e-mail. Schaeffer stated that he would expedite the report from Dr. Aurelius in exchange for Mangum first dismissing her lawsuit. Schaeffer implied the report would be ready within a matter of weeks, well before Thanksgiving, and I believed him and wanted Crystal to be released in time to spend the holidays with her family.
Mangum filed to dismiss her case on October 20, 2022, and Aurelius did not provide a report (which was nothing more than a simple letter) until April 10, 2023.
By dismissing her case, Crystal wasted a year, and I had to pay to refile.
So it is the deceit by Asst. A.G. Schaeffer about which I am referring.
Blogger dhall said...
"It is true that the State's motion to have me disqualified as a co-petitioner was granted by Judge Nelson. However, dismissing me as a co-petitioner for not being a "person aggrieved," I believe, is unjust..."
To be a "person aggrieved", Dr. Aurelius' decision must have affected your person, property, employment, or any other legal rights. Judge Nelson rightly agreed that you did not meet this requirement because you never presented any facts or evidence to support you met this requirement.
In this latest lawsuit, you've claimed your civil rights were denied by Judge Nelson when she signed the order continuing the OAH hearing -- not the order dismissing you as a petitioner.
You weren't a petitioner in the contested case when the OAH hearing was continued thus you can't claim that the continuance violated your civil rights.
Hope this has provided adequate edification.
October 25, 2023 at 8:56 AM
Hey, dhall.
Just because Judge Nelson did not believe I was an aggrieved person is not factual; it is merely her biased opinion. Judge Nelson even tried sua sponte to insinuate Mangum was not a party aggrieved when she ordered supplemental briefs... just before cancelling the hearing scheduled for October 2, 2023.
Keep in mind the reason the lawsuit was filed against the NC Office of Administrative Hearings is because she cancelled the hearing without cause which is in violation of administrative law rules. The lawsuit was not filed because she dismissed me as a petitioner.
Anonymous Prince Humperdinck said...
Sid -- you don't need to identify yourself as a "Lay advocate" to make it clear you lack legal training. All anyone has to do is read your lolsuits.
October 25, 2023 at 7:38 AM
Hey, Prince Humperdinck.
Very funny. Now that the writers' strike is over, you should consider joining the staff at SNL.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"It is you who did not do your homework. Almost all visitors and commenters to this blog are well aware that Dr. Cyril Wecht, in addition to being a physician, is also an attorney. The link below is just a small portion from his curriculum vitae that deals with legal and medicolegal aspects of his amazing career."
While Dr. Wecht is AN attorney, he's never been YOUR attorney, nor has he been CGM's attorney.
At any point has he offered ANY legal advice on how best to use his opinion or affidavit to get CGM out of prison? Did he at any point assist in the preparation of the lawsuits you have filed that reference either his opinion or affidavit?
If not, you already had opinion and affidavit, and you could've spent your money on a lawyer that could have done something with them. You didn't -- instead you paid Dr. Wecht to be an expert witness for a hearing that never even happened, and regardless of the outcome, wouldn't get CGM out of prison anyway.
Smart move.
October 25, 2023 at 7:35 AM
Hey, Anony.
True, Dr. Wecht has never been my or Mangum's attorney. I don't know if he's even licensed in North Carolina.
Actually, the four-figure payment to Dr. Wecht to retain him to testify at the contested case hearing was an exceptionally good investment. What you fail to understand is that it was Judge Nelson's intent to rule against Mangum and in favor of Aurelius. It was only after she learned that Dr. Wecht was planning to testify via video teleconference that she panicked and desperately looked for a way to cancel the hearing... first by trying to disqualify Mangum as a party aggrieved, and then by using the MAR as a pretext for delay.
Anonymous Tyrone Rugen said...
Hey Sid --
Let me break down my statements into baby-steps so you can follow:
1) Did you NOT pay Dr. Wecht to be an expert witness in the OAH contested hearing?
2) Did that OAH hearing occur?
3) Did the court call Dr. Wecht to testify?
4) If you paid Dr. Wecht (see #1), did he refund it?
5) Was Prince Humperdinck NOT quoted in your lawsuit?
6) Was Prince Humperdinck NOT the first commenter on this blog quoted in one of your lawsuits? (OK, maybe I'm being petty, but I hope the answer to this one is "no").
7) Is Crystal Mangum now released from jail?
If the answers to these questions are "No", then my original statement is correct.
October 25, 2023 at 6:48 AM
Hey, Tyrone Rugen.
Unlike Asst. A.G. Schaeffer, I believe in acting with honor and integrity. It was necessary for me to pay Dr. Wecht well in advance to prepare for the hearing... I sent him a couple of manuals about the case and evidence. His time to study the materials is worth compensation. That the hearing was cancelled by Judge Nelson is because of Dr. Wecht, but it's not his fault. Judge Nelson had every intention of ruling in favor of Dr. Aurelius until she learned that Mangum planned to have Dr. Wecht testify on her behalf. That basically sunk Nelson's plan to rule against Mangum. (Keep in mind, the only medical examiner or physician to testify in court has been Dr. Nichols. Mangum tried numerous times in her pro se civil cases to call me as a witness but the presiding judges always denied that.)
Sid, if you do “believe in acting with honor and integrity”, then just admit my comments from October 24, 2023 at 5:27 AM were correct.
Right on Sidney.
"Just because Judge Nelson did not believe I was an aggrieved person is not factual; it is merely her biased opinion. "
Dr. Harr --
You never submitted any documentation at any point during the contested case that provided either proof or even alleged facts to OAH that you met the definition of "aggrieved person".
You've certainly never proved that here.
I'll leave you with this:
Just because you believe you were an aggrieved person is not factual; it is merely your biased opinion.
Finally, You weren't a petitioner when the hearing was continued. Your civil rights were not affected by the judge's decision to issue the continuance. This has been brought up several times by myself and others and you've never addressed it.
@ Tyrone R. 10-25-23 7:19 PM ==== Dr. Harr is obviously a person of honour and integrety and his word is his bond; quite unlike, it appears, Assistant AG Schaeffer. Suggesting he is not because, he, in your mind, failed to state that your trivial, not worth bothering over, statements were correct, especially when you never actually asked for him to confirm or deny them. Not much equivalence there between that and Schaeffer's shameful renege on his verbal assurance of a quid pro quo on a matter of justice.
Kenny -- Sid thought my original comment was a worth several paragraph response, and he even broke it down into "baby steps".
Quite an effort, but none of his responses contradicted my original post. My response to his baby steps were to point that out.
Now, while you think my statements were "trivial, not worth bothering over", Sid obviously did not, or he wouldn't have responded.
"Hey, Anony.
True, Dr. Wecht has never been my or Mangum's attorney. I don't know if he's even licensed in North Carolina."
I think it's safe to say then, then Dr. Wecht realizes that any legal advice or assistance in document preparation would be considered unauthorized practice of law. Wouldn't you agree?
Dr. Harr is an abusive con artist who is manipulating Crystal to keep her interested in him. He refuses to listen to anything, and even when he knows what he is doing is wrong, and how to do it right, he refuses to do it right - which is all the proof anyone but his co-abuser Kenny needs to know what he really is.
Anonymous Tyrone Rugen said...
Sid, if you do “believe in acting with honor and integrity”, then just admit my comments from October 24, 2023 at 5:27 AM were correct.
October 25, 2023 at 7:19 PM
Anonymous Tyrone Rugen said...
Dr. Caligari -- We did just see Sid lose $$$$ by paying Cyril Wecht to be an expert witness for an OAH contested hearing that was continued pending a ruling on CGM's latest MAR. So Wecht didn't have to testify and (apparently) got to keep Sid's money.
Oh -- Prince Humperdinck was quoted in the latest lolsuit -- which made him happy as the first commenter here identified by name (well, pseudonym) in one of Sid's legal documents. At least that's what he's claiming.
But yeah, nothing's changed.
October 24, 2023 at 5:27 AM
Hey, Tyrone Rugen.
Your comments are not accurate. First of all, I did not lose money by paying Dr. Wecht. Even though he did not testify (so far), he earned his fee for being presented with material to study in preparation for testifying. Not only that, but just the threat of Dr. Wecht testifying was enough for Judge Nelson to cancel the hearing. Clearly she had every intention of ruling against Mangum, but the judge knew that that would be impossible if Dr. Wecht were to testify.
If Dr. Aurelius had any confidence in her opinions in support of Dr. Nichols' autopsy report, she would have no objection to Dr. Wecht testifying. Surely, Dr. Wecht has no fear of being challenged by Dr. Aurelius or Dr. Nichols' autopsy report.
Subsequently, my honor and integrity remain intact.
You paid Wecht money and you gave him study material. In return, you got nothing for it.
Sorry Sid -- that's a loss in the real world.
"Even though he did not testify (so far)..."
Wait...Are you saying Wecht may yet testify? For what? The OAH hearing?
I think you mean "consequently".
@Tyrone R, 10-27-23 5:27 Dr. Harr responded to your origional post at 8:03 10-24-23 and then you followed up with 7 inconsequential questions made up of 3 "did?" s, 1 "if?" , 2 "was?" s and 1 "is", all also answered by Dr. Harr at 10-25-23 6:55 PM That is when you intimated he lacked honor and integrity, supposedly because his answers, in your opinion, failed to some how endorse what you wrote. I note those, on this blog, who support Justice for Crystal are held to a higher standard then those who support denying her justice
kenhyderal supporter,
How can we be confident that kenhyderal will assist Dr. Harr in the new lawsuit? In the past, we have heard many excuses from kenhyderal regarding why he could not provide assistance—he is a Canadian, he is a man of limited means, he lives in Dubai, etc. Why do think kenhyderal will change his ways?
Kenny - Sid didn’t answer all my questions, even though I broke them down into baby steps for him.
Now, go support justice4crystal by getting her a lawyer, and show those who support denying her justice how much you’re willing to do for her.
Harr Supporter:
I agree with you. kenhyderal has been MIA in Sydney’s litigation.
Mangum v. Aurelius
MOTION to Dismiss for Insufficiency of Service of Process filed by Michelle Aurelius, North Carolina Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, with memorandum to support motion.
There were 2 affidavits filed in support of the motion to dismiss -- One from Dr. Aurelius (which makes sense), and one from Nikki Marshall.
Nikki Marshall (an NCCU graduate) is the Operations Manager for the NC OCME.
Sid -- any chance you could post her affidavit? I'm interested why the Ops Manager has produced an affidavit in support of this motion.
Her role at the NC OCME appears to be (among other things) providing oversight of personnel, budget, compliance, communication with law enforcement and local governing bodies, and training.
She doesn't appear to be performing any "legal" role.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
There were 2 affidavits filed in support of the motion to dismiss -- One from Dr. Aurelius (which makes sense), and one from Nikki Marshall.
Nikki Marshall (an NCCU graduate) is the Operations Manager for the NC OCME.
Sid -- any chance you could post her affidavit? I'm interested why the Ops Manager has produced an affidavit in support of this motion.
Her role at the NC OCME appears to be (among other things) providing oversight of personnel, budget, compliance, communication with law enforcement and local governing bodies, and training.
She doesn't appear to be performing any "legal" role.
October 30, 2023 at 6:48 AM
Hey, Anony.
I believe the affidavits by Dr. Aurelius and Ms. Marshall were for the purpose of trying to prove that service, though carried out by the Wake County Sheriff's Department, was improper.
Below I will provide links to the State's Motion to Dismiss, and both affidavits.
LINK: Aurelius Motion to Dismiss Mangum complaint filed October 27, 2023
LINK: Aurelius Affidavit regarding Mangum complaint filed October 27, 2023
LINK: Ms. Marshall Affidavit regarding Mangum complaint filed October 27, 2023
Sid - what about the link to the Motion for Summary Judgement you filed, where you whine that you and Crystal should get special treatment?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Mangum v. Aurelius
MOTION to Dismiss for Insufficiency of Service of Process filed by Michelle Aurelius, North Carolina Office of the Chief Medical Examiner, with memorandum to support motion.
October 28, 2023 at 7:49 AM
Hey, Anony.
Inadvertently failed to get copy of the Motion to Dismiss. Will try to obtain a copy, and if substantially relevant will post it... otherwise, the memorandum should suffice.
Anonymous Tyrone Rugen said...
You paid Wecht money and you gave him study material. In return, you got nothing for it.
Sorry Sid -- that's a loss in the real world.
"Even though he did not testify (so far)..."
Wait...Are you saying Wecht may yet testify? For what? The OAH hearing?
October 27, 2023 at 1:38 PM
Hey, Tyrone Rugen.
As I have repeatedly stated, the mere fact Dr. Wecht agreed to testify was enough to force the NC Administrative Law Judge Linda F. Nelson to cancel the October 2, 2023 hearing in which she obviously had been predisposed and prepared to rule in favor of Dr. Aurelius and against Mangum. That was not an option with the prospect of Dr. Wecht testifying on behalf of Mangum. So, yes. I got a heck of a lot by retaining the famed forensic pathologist.
Now, in the event, some forum presents itself (within the next six months or so) which is not averse to hearing the truthful testimony of Dr. Wecht in support of Mangum's innocence in her wrongful conviction, then Dr. Wecht would be able to testify.
I have no reason to believe that the NC OAH will be willing to hold a hearing in which Dr. Wecht could testify.
Hope the aforementioned adequately addresses your issues.
None of your losses or issues are due to some anti-Mangum conspiracy - people on this blog have always explained why your cases are going to be tossed, and they are always right, and they are never some conspiracy, but always because you refuse to listen and learn - again, you clearly don't want to help Mangum, you want her to think you are helping her.
You know as soon as she gets out, unless she needs money, her interest in you will end and you won't see her again, so your goal is to keep her locked up as long as humanly possible.
The NCOAH contested case was a non-starter anyway.
Procedurally, there's nothing Dr. Aurelius or the OCME did wrong in generating her report (well, possibly -- Dr. Aurelius' report was sent to Sid rather than CGM. If it was sent to the wrong person, CGM would have to show how the letter being sent to Sid caused her to be harmed by Dr. Aurelius/NC OCME.)
Bottom line is that the OAH contested case hearing is not the correct venue for arguing that the Wecht opinion is correct regarding Daye's autopsy.
"Now, in the event, some forum presents itself (within the next six months or so) which is not averse to hearing the truthful testimony of Dr. Wecht in support of Mangum's innocence in her wrongful conviction, then Dr. Wecht would be able to testify."
Which is why CGM needs a lawyer....Sid's certainly not going to create a "forum...not averse to hearing the truthful testimony of Dr. Wecht in support of Mangum's innocence".
@ Anonymous: 10-31-23 1:46 PM === People on this blog, like you, have all been brain-washed, by The Duke Lacrosse Defenders with their media access control and their media content influence, to hate Crystal and her defenders. That conspiracy, was a purposefully organized attempt to discredit thier Clients accuser. As an example is your mean spirited post. The other conspiracy is by those responsible for administrating the North Carolina Justice System like, Governor Cooper and AG Stein, who are both completely aware of Crystal's absolute innocence of murder and her wrongful imprisonment. But, for the sake of heir own reputations and the possible political consequences they would face, they choose not to act. They have the ability, apparently with the blessing of practioners, like some here, to deny Crystal Justice by using process violations easily, found in a pro-se litigant's filings.
Right on Cousin Kenny.
Sid filed a motion for summary judgment in Mangum v. Aurelius.
Sid -- How does this new motion differ from the two you filed in July?
Except, Kenny, if Sid really wanted to help, when these mistakes are pointed out, and he's told how to fix them, and refuses - it's really his fault these lawsuits are failing. He is intentionally taking actions that he knows will fail, and refuses to fix them, just so the two of you can lie to Crystal and pretend it's the system stacked against her.
Kenny -
"...to deny Crystal Justice by using process violations easily, found in a pro-se litigant's filings."
Crystal Mangum, like all NC inmates, have access to resources to help them with their pro-se filings, including legal brief advice and Self-Help Materials.
She choses to ignore these resources and rely on Sid.
That's her fault for ignoring them.
Sid's fault for persuading her to do so.
Your fault for continuing to encourage this behavior.
@ Anonymous: 11-3-23 6:08 AM: No, Dr. Harr's intentions are to get justice for Crystal. I believe you are incredibly naive if you belive the reason these efforts have been unsuccessful is because of technical mistakes in the fillings. The North Carolina Justice System has incentive to dig up such technical violations, no matter what. These are technicalities that would be overlooked or ignored in filings where the Justice System has no bias. This, on top of the fact that Governor Cooper and AG Stein are fully aware that Crystal is not guilty of murder and that her Jury got it wrong because they were misled by the C.M.E., either purposely or most likely because of carelessness and incompetence. Since they wont act, to correct the injustice, Crystal is forced to sue in order to make them "do the right thing" and in sheer despiration they find ways to deny her, vainly hoping that once her wrongful conviction expires this will all go away. Citizens of North Carolina should ask themselves does their political and reputational interests trump that of a citizen, especially a poor, marginalized one, they consider inconsequential. I ask of you personally, do you honestly believe she is rightly convicted of murder and that Dr. Cyril Wecht is wrong?
I honestly believe that Crystal was rightly corrected of murder and that Dr. Cyril Wecht is wrong. In addition, you are incredibly naive if you believe that Governor Cooper and AG Stein are even aware of Crystal’s conviction. There is certainly no reason to believe that Sid’s frivolous lawsuits would bring Crystal’s criminal behavior to their intention.
I also am willing to believe that you are not as uniformed as your posts indicate and, therefore, I have concluded that you are simply a troll.
Welcome back Justice58. Where have you been?
@ A Durham Man, Troll eh? Tell us, "A Durham Man" 11-3-23 4:19 PM, are you and "Anonymous"11-3-23 6:08AM , whom I directed my question to and which you seemed to answer, one and the same? If so, might we know your qualifications to disagree with the opinion of internationally reknown Medico-Legal expert Dr. Cyril Wecht? Govenor Cooper and AG Stein have both received copies of Dr. Wecht's report. It's you who are naive if you believe they did not read that corespondence and understand what Dr. Wech's expert opinion concluded. I find it impossible to believe that you, also knowing all the facts, can honestly tell us that her conviction for muder was correct, in as much as all the facts clearly show that what the Jury was told, about the cause of Daye's death, is wrong and that what Dr. Wecht's report, supported by all the facts, is that Daye's death was accidental and legally speaking his chronic alcoholism , acute alcohol withdrawl and impending delirium tremens was an intervening event that negated any Welch or Holsclaw precident.
For all of Wecht’s medico legal renown, he hasn’t told anybody how to get himself or his opinion into a trial that would actually mean anything.
I find it impossible to believe that you, also knowing this fact, have never asked why.
@ Anonymous: 11-5-23 4:00 AM said: "I find it impossible to believe that you, also knowing this fact, have never asked why."---- I don't know which fact you mean. Are you saying it's a fact that "he ( Dr. Wecht) hasn’t told anybody how to get himself or his opinion into a trial that would actually mean anything" ? And are you saying I know this to be a fact? You do know Dr. Wecht is ready and willing to testify, regarding his findings, in any court, in any trial, where he is subpoenaed, either by the State or by an accused? And, his report, quite clear as to her absolute innocence, has been provided as an exhibit in all of Crystal's filed cases. The State knows of his findings and know he will, willing, face cross-examination as to them. Something that's feared by the Justice System because they know such an appearance in open court would expose the complicity of those who are supposedly in charge of administering justice in North Carolina.
So, you believe that the Governor and Attorney General have read any of the nonsense that Sid has written over the past decade?
Harr v. NC OAH:
Motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction and motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim filed by North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings, along with supporting memoranda (memorandums? memorandii?).
Maybe Sid will be kind enough to post those, like he did for the Mangum v. Aurelius filings.
"...he ( Dr. Wecht) hasn’t told anybody how to get himself or his opinion into a trial that would actually mean anything" ? And are you saying I know this to be a fact?"
Yes, you know this to be a fact.
While Dr. Wecht may indeed be willing to testify, he hasn't provided anyone with ANY detail on how best to get him into a position to do so.
It's obvious by his ridiculous lolsuits that Sid can't do this by himself -- Sid can't file a lolsuit that even makes it to a point where testimony is required.
Don't you think a world-renowned medico legal scholar would know how to do file a lawsuit that could at least get to the trial phase where testimony can be given?
Anonymous @November 6, 2023 at 5:36 AM -
Yeah -- Sid filed the Harr. V. NCOAH lawsuit claiming his civil rights were violated by the OAH order continuing the contested case hearing -- even though he wasn't a petitioner in the contested case hearing.
it's also under the Administrative Law Judge's purview to continue or postpone a hearing.
A pending MAR covering essentially the same issue is good cause for a continuance, as a ruling regarding that MAR may render the contested case hearing moot.
@ Anonymous 11-6-23 4:10 AM: Your naiveté is dumbfounding. Of course they have seen Dr. Wecht's report, both as attachhments to Crystal's filings and in personal corresponence that was, addressed direcly to them. A more discerning person than you would be asking why and demanding an answer. It seems, though, many people in North Carolina have learned that it never pays to challenge "the powers that be" there. They have seen what befalls those who do so. DA Nifong, Dr. Harr and Crystal are examples of those who did and who have certainly paid the cost. The media and "so called" free press there have also learned that, well, and are absolutely loath to "rock the boat".
Anonymous 11-6-23 7:17 AM said: "Don't you think a world-renowned medico legal scholar would know how to do file a lawsuit that could at least get to the trial phase where testimony can be given?--- No doubt he does, but, what he can't do, on behalf of someone, is to advocate, on their behalf, to the State Justice System and still testify, as an expert wittness, in a situation where she has been the wrongly convicted, especially when her efforts to obtain justice are purposely being stymied and thwarted, by the Governor and the A.G.; who are desparate to keep the truth from the public and who fear that his testimony would expose their culpability in this gross miscarriage of justice.
Hey Sid -- Any word on the Writ of Coram Nobis?
The governor isn't going to review Sid's (well, technically CGM's) lolsuits.
And no one is going to look at the info on the CDs Sid sends out -- no one has a computer with a disk drive anymore (I doubt computers built within the last 10 years have one by default), and no one is going to risk a computer virus to put anything they receive in the mail in their computer anyway. If you believe anyone would look at one of Sid's CDs, Your naiveté is dumbfounding.
@ Nifong Supporter: Dear Dr. Harr: Did my reply to Anonymous, Nov. 6th 7:17 AM, get lost?
Kenny @ November 7, 2023 at 9:47 AM:
So you're agreeing that it's a fact that "he ( Dr. Wecht) hasn’t told anybody how to get himself or his opinion into a trial that would actually mean anything" and that you know this to be a fact.
Good to know. Perhaps you can talk Sid into finding someone that does know how to get Dr. Wecht and/or his opinion into a trial that actually means something.
But I doubt it.
@ Tyrone 11-8-23 5:52 AM : Yeah, when the truth comes out, they probably wiil use the kind of excues, speculated by you, to, disingenuously, claim they knew nothing about about a false conviction. That kind of a cover-up, though, will not survive the coming exposé. Don't be so naive as to believe you can always trust Politicians, especially those who put their political careers far above the seeking of justice for ordinary people.
So, you believe that, when a package shows up in the Governor’s or AG’s office with a cover letter on the stationary of the Committee on Justice for Mike Nifong, the package ends up on the Governor’s or AG’s desk? Are you aware that Mike Nifong was disbarred and convicted of criminal contempt?
Sid has no credibility for many reasons, one of which is that he continues to use J4N as a front for his attempts to free Crystal. The fact that you do not understand this confirms that either your naïveté or your stupidity is dumbfounding.
Let me as again:
Sid filed a motion for summary judgment in Mangum v. Aurelius.
Sid -- How does this new motion differ from the two you filed in July?
If you don't want to go into detail in the comments section, post a link to the motion.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey Sid -- Any word on the Writ of Coram Nobis?
November 7, 2023 at 11:02 AM
Hey, Anony.
Below is a link to my latest efforts to ascertain the status of the MAR, Coram Nobis, and other post-conviction filings in the Durham County Superior Criminal Court. As of this comment, I have not received a response to my letter.
LINK: Letter to Durham Superior Court Judicial Assistant Tifany A. Ross
It's interesting to me that you bring up NCGS 15A-1420 in your letter, stating that it "requires the county's senior resident superior court judge assign...post-post conviction motions/actions to a suitable superior court judge".
The only section I see in this statute that addresses the superior court judge's actions is this one:
(b1) Filing Motion With Clerk. –
(1) The proceeding shall be commenced by filing with the clerk of superior court of the district wherein the defendant was indicted a motion, with service on the district attorney in noncapital cases, and service on both the district attorney and Attorney General in capital cases.
(2) The clerk, upon receipt of the motion, shall place the motion on the criminal docket. When a motion is placed on the criminal docket, the clerk shall promptly bring the motion, or a copy of the motion, to the attention of the senior resident superior court judge or chief district court judge, as appropriate, for assignment to the appropriate judge pursuant to G.S. 15A-1413.
(Bolding mine).
Is this the basis for your statement that "Ms. Mangum's MARs and other post-conviction filings....have not been in compliance with the [NCGS 15A-1420] statute", or is there another portion of this statute I have overlooked?
Insulting the judge responsible for managing these filings is generally not a recommended practice.
Why isn't the communications czar taking care of writing these letters, Sid?
I mean, it says so right there on the letterhead that the committee has one -- Vincent Edward Clark.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Insulting the judge responsible for managing these filings is generally not a recommended practice.
Why isn't the communications czar taking care of writing these letters, Sid?
I mean, it says so right there on the letterhead that the committee has one -- Vincent Edward Clark.
November 10, 2023 at 7:52 AM
Hey, Anony.
Question... when did I ever insult a judge? Require more edification.
As far as the communications czar position goes, it was established for the purpose of communicating with the community about the Committee.
I am responsible for comments representing myself, and if other members, such as Mr. Clark, want to make a comment, they are at liberty to do so.
Blogger dhall said...
It's interesting to me that you bring up NCGS 15A-1420 in your letter, stating that it "requires the county's senior resident superior court judge assign...post-post conviction motions/actions to a suitable superior court judge".
The only section I see in this statute that addresses the superior court judge's actions is this one:
(b1) Filing Motion With Clerk. –
(1) The proceeding shall be commenced by filing with the clerk of superior court of the district wherein the defendant was indicted a motion, with service on the district attorney in noncapital cases, and service on both the district attorney and Attorney General in capital cases.
(2) The clerk, upon receipt of the motion, shall place the motion on the criminal docket. When a motion is placed on the criminal docket, the clerk shall promptly bring the motion, or a copy of the motion, to the attention of the senior resident superior court judge or chief district court judge, as appropriate, for assignment to the appropriate judge pursuant to G.S. 15A-1413.
(Bolding mine).
Is this the basis for your statement that "Ms. Mangum's MARs and other post-conviction filings....have not been in compliance with the [NCGS 15A-1420] statute", or is there another portion of this statute I have overlooked?
November 10, 2023 at 7:16 AM
Hey, dhall.
You are absolutely correct. As you noted, the statute specifically states: ".. the clerk shall promptly bring the motion to the attention of the senior resident superior court judge for assignment to the appropriate judge." Clearly, it is the duty of the senior resident superior court judge to assign motions to the appropriate judge. When Orlando Hudson was senior resident judge he assigned Mangum's MARs to another judge (unfortunately for her, the assigned judge is the one who presided over her trial). But at least Judge Hudson followed the statute.
My question for you is: Do you believe that senior resident Superior Court Judge Michael O'Foghludha routinely takes administrative action on MARs from inmates other than Crystal Mangum?
I await your response with great anticipation.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Let me as again:
Sid filed a motion for summary judgment in Mangum v. Aurelius.
Sid -- How does this new motion differ from the two you filed in July?
If you don't want to go into detail in the comments section, post a link to the motion.
November 9, 2023 at 5:45 AM
Hey, Anony.
Am too busy now. Will try to upload Mangum's Motion for Summary Judgment soon.
"Question... when did I ever insult a judge? Require more edification."
It's right there in your letter, Sid.
You've accused the judge of impartiality and refusing to do his work.
That's your opinion, not a fact, and stating it as if it is true is in insult.
Just like me stating that you're incompetent (which is my opinion, not a proven fact) is an insult to you.
Dr. Harr -- Let me note the following:
You wrote ""As you noted, the statute specifically states: '.. the clerk shall promptly bring the motion to the attention of the senior resident superior court judge for assignment to the appropriate judge.' "
That's not what I noted. You placed a "." where one was not present.
It clearly states "...the clerk shall promptly bring the motion, or a copy of the motion, to the attention of the senior resident superior court judge or chief district court judge, as appropriate, for assignment to the appropriate judge pursuant to G.S. 15A-1413.
Why did you leave off "pursuant to G.S. 15A-1413"? Have you read G.S. 15A-1413?
My apologies, I hit "publish your comment" too soon..
Do I believe that senior resident Superior Court Judge Michael O'Foghludha routinely takes administrative action on MARs from inmates other than Crystal Mangum?
I have no frame of reference to answer that question.
I'll leave you with this link to GS 15A-1413.
Please note section (e) which states:
"The assignment of a motion for appropriate relief filed under G.S. 15A-1415 is in the discretion of the senior resident superior court judge or chief district court judge as
appropriate." (bolding mine)
Also note that none of these statutes specify a time frame by which the judge must rule on pending actions.
Dr. Harr -- Section (e) invalidates your argument that this judge has not been in compliance with the NCGS statutes by not assigning them to another judge.
This, I'm sure, is why your complaints to the Judicial Standards Commission were not acted upon.
If you get a response to this letter, I'm sure it will identify exactly what I've done here.
Have you seen the analytics on the NFL games in which the probability of winning is given in percentage as the game progresses?
Because I am privy to information to which you are not, I am going to venture that the probability that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison and spend this coming Christmas with her family is 99.9%. Further, I predict the probability she will be freed from prison and spend this coming Thanksgiving with her family is 43%.
I will share the basis for my assessment with you at the earliest time possible.
As you were.
Good luck on your bets!
Sid— You’ve made the same prediction about every year since 2012.
You’ll be correct this year as you have in the past.
But like a stopped clock, eventually you’ll be correct. I’m thinking somewhere in the year 2026.
There are no hearings set in any of her cases. They only way any of those predictions could happen is if Cooper commuted her sentence.
I hope Sid doesn't lie to Sid as much as he lies to the people on this blog.
The earliest time possible would have been when you typed the post.
Anonymous said: "So you're agreeing that it's a fact that "he ( Dr. Wecht) hasn’t told anybody how to get himself or his opinion into a trial that would actually mean anything" and that you know this to be a fact"------- Wrong! Dr. Wecht has said he will, testify as an Expert Wittness, when called upon, that the cause of Dayes' death was an accident and not a murder and that the accident was an intervening cause of death unrelated to the stab wound.
“Wrong! Dr. Wecht has said he will, testify as an Expert Wittness, when called upon, that the cause of Dayes' death was an accident and not a murder and that the accident was an intervening cause of death unrelated to the stab wound.”
Kenny — If that statement is wrong, are you saying that Dr. Wecht has told someone how to get himself or his opinion into a trial that would actually mean anything?
Who has he told? When? What was his recommendation?
Do you Namath-guarantee it, Sid?
So why isn't good old Wecht called?
Two bits of advice for anyone thinking about buying Mangum a "Welcome Home" gift:
1. Don't buy anything perishable.
2. Keep your receipt.
Thank you and you are welcome.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Cyril Wecht is just not doing anything to help. I would guess he must doesn't like Sidney or Kenny
Thanksgiving is in 10 days.
There are 42 days until Christmas.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
@ Abe, Guillermo and Anonymous: Re: Dr. Wecht: === In true Roger Stone fashion, attack all, admit nothing, deny everythying, play semantic games, delay,delay,delay. That ensures justice will be denied. Dr. Wecht, like Crystal, can't demand that a new Trial be held where a Jury can hear critical information, previously denied, that proves, absolutely, she did not murder Daye. That is the purview of the Justice Department and, since the AG and the Gov. have been provided that proof, they must, by right, order a new Trial be held. It's there, that Dr. Wecht has given the assurance he will testify to these exculpatory facts.
Actually, it's not a Namath-guarantee, since such guarantees are 100% as opposed to 99.9%.
Should Abe start another countdown?
Anonymous guillermo owen said...
Cyril Wecht is just not doing anything to help. I would guess he must doesn't like Sidney or Kenny
November 12, 2023 at 3:52 PM
Hey, gui, mon ami.
Dr. Wecht has agreed to testify at the contested case hearing at the NC Office of Administrative Hearings on October 2, 2023, but it is not his fault that the judge cancelled the hearing.
Also, stay tuned. Believe me, this case would not have a chance of being successful for Crystal had Dr. Wecht not written his October 25, 2019 report and gotten involved.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Two bits of advice for anyone thinking about buying Mangum a "Welcome Home" gift:
1. Don't buy anything perishable.
2. Keep your receipt.
Thank you and you are welcome.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
November 12, 2023 at 2:52 PM
Hey, Abe.
If you knew what I knew, then you would have different advice for visitors to this site.
Analytics as of today that Mangum will be released by Thanksgiving and Christmas is respectively 10% and 20%.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Do you Namath-guarantee it, Sid?
November 12, 2023 at 11:30 AM
Hey, Anony.
I would Namath-guarantee Crystal Mangum will be freed in time to spend Christmas 2023 with her family. Can't say the same about Thanksgiving. (Keep in mind that much depends on how fast sequences of actions take place... actions out of my control.)
Anonymous Anonymous said...
There are no hearings set in any of her cases. They only way any of those predictions could happen is if Cooper commuted her sentence.
I hope Sid doesn't lie to Sid as much as he lies to the people on this blog.
November 12, 2023 at 6:22 AM
Hey, Anony.
Keep in mind that a MAR and a Motion for Writ of Coram Nobis is currently in play even though the senior resident superior court judge is sitting on Mangum's post-conviction filings and has not assigned them to an appropriate judge.
Still have heard nothing from the Durham Judicial Assistant regarding Mangum's post-conviction filings.
Thanksgiving is in 9 days.
There are 41 days until Christmas.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Kenhyderal @ November 13, 2023 at 9:29 AM.
That response doesn’t answer the questions, so I’ll ask again.
Are you saying that Dr. Wecht has told someone how to get himself or his opinion into a trial that would actually mean anything?
Who has he told? When? What was his recommendation?
Sid - you’ve taken time to respond to some of the comments here. Why haven’t you shared the basis for your assessment that CGM will be out of prison by December with us?
Keep in mind that a MAR and a Motion for Writ of Coram Nobis is currently in play...
Still have heard nothing from the Durham Judicial Assistant regarding Mangum's post-conviction filings.
So what has you so certain that CGM could be out by Thanksgiving, and will be out by Christmas?
Give us some of the information you are privy to, which we are not.
On a side note -- Why isn't CGM's best friend Kenny privy to this information?
We know the pending lolsuits (Mangum v. Aurelius, harr v. NC office of administrative hearings) can't free CGM, in the unlikely event they succeed.
So those are immediately out as a basis for CGM's release.
We know (at least for now) that no hearings are scheduled, and that Sid hasn't heard anything regarding Mangum's post-conviction filings.
So those are out as a basis for CGM's release.
Given that, the only option I see is Governor Cooper granting some form of clemency/commutation for CGM.
In order for the clemency/commutation to even begin, it has to be requested in writing. I know Sid's ego is such that any application would have been posted here. He hasn't posted one, so I doubt it's been requested.
Sid has in the past spoken against commutation or clemency, since this wouldn't declare CGM innocent.
I doubt Governor Cooper granting clemency is a reason for this prediction.
So where does that leave us?
@ Anonymous 11-13-23 4:14 Am ---- Like I said,"semantics, semantics, semantics". It's apparent what your game, like that of some others here is, ; trying to promote division between Dr. Harr and myself, Dr. Wech and any others in support of Crystal. Dr. Wecht is in communication with Dr. Harr and he has agreed to testify. What exactly are are you trying to determine? Do you expect him to offer opinion as to ways to coerce the Justice System into doing what is right, when, it's obvious, they know the truth. But, obviously, they have alterior motives? Why don't you speculate on what more you believe Dr. Wecht should say or do?
So when will Wecht testify?
Sid is refusing to provide any explanation of his logic, but he's going backwards.
On November 11, he said there was a 99.9% chance Crystal would be home by Christmas, and 43% by Thanksgiving, then on November 13, he adjusted the odds to 20% and 10% - meaning he doesn't expect her to be home.
Why the dramatic change?
@ The Prince: 11-14-23 Governor Cooper is no doubt feeling the heat and dreading what the facts coming out might do to his political ambitions and to his reputation. He's got himself in a deep hole and, continuing to play the stalling game, has only got him in deeper. Commutation or clemancy may be an alternative, he has considered, in the hope that doing so might make this all go away.
Kenny @November 14, 2023 at 10:51 AM:
That response doesn’t answer the questions, so I’ll ask again.
Are you saying that Dr. Wecht has told someone how to get himself or his opinion into a trial that would actually mean anything?
Who has he told? When? What was his recommendation?
It appears that you "in true Roger Stone fashion, attack all, admit nothing, deny everythying, play semantic games, delay,delay,delay."
Thanksgiving is in 8 days.
There are 40 days until Christmas.
My countdowns are Joe Namath guaranteed to reach zero.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Over 2 weeks and Sid hasn't filed a response to the motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction, motion to dismiss for failure to state a claim in the Harr v. North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings case.
Sid has 10 days from today to file a response.
Dr. Wecht should encourage CGM to get a lawyer. I'm only surprised he hasn't.
Sid --
When are you going to share the basis for your assessment that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison?
Enquiring minds want to know (yes, spelled "enquiring" -- for those of you too young to remember, it was the motto for The National Enquirer)
@ Anonymous: 11-14-23 3:32 PM : I have no idea what you are asking. He is in communication with his client, Dr Harr, regarding his expert opinion, ie, that the cause of Daye's death was Accident not Murder, and that a jury got it wrong, when it found her guilty of murder. They did so because they were misled by testimony from Dr. Nichol saying he died as a consequence of the stab wound; something which all the evidence clearly shows to be not true. Anyone who looks at this evidence can see that, even yourself. That evidence is something the Jury did not see. He has given Dr. Harr the assurance he will so testify. I assume due to confidentiality he will have spoken to no one other, than his client. He has no power to demand Crystal get a new trial. Whether he gave Dr. Harr an opinion on how to coerce the Justice System to give her a new trial or how to get before a Judge who could rule on it and end the purposeful stalling I do not know. These are all matters of confidentiality between a practitioner and a client.
Thanksgiving is in 7 days.
There are 39 days until Christmas.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
Kenny -- I have no idea what you're trying to say.
Do you think Governor Cooper is going to commute CGM's sentence?
Do you know if CGM applied for this?
Regardless of the Governor's feelings (which you apparently have the ability to read all the way from Canada), clemency/commutation must start with the inmate requesting it in order for the Governor to grant it.
Kenny -
So, you answer to the question "Are you saying that Dr. Wecht has told someone how to get himself or his opinion into a trial that would actually mean anything?" is "I don't know."
You could've saved a lot of time by responding that way the first time this question was asked rather than, "in true Roger Stone fashion, attack all, admit nothing, deny everythying, play semantic games, delay,delay,delay."
@ The Prince: 11-16-23 5:21 AM ----- What I am saying is, I suspect, Gov. Cooper fears the public testimony of Dr. Wecht, in open court and since he was given a copy of that report the information, therein, was something, Justice would demand, he should have had his AG act upon. I speculated that, precipitously, acting before questions about why he did not act arise, he might consider clemency or commutation, in hopes that his reluctance to act might not raise questions about his selfish motives. What Crystal deserves is either a new trial or, what he gave The Duke Lacrosse suspects, a declaration of innocence and in either case compensation for her wrongful convicion. There was no crime. It's demonstrable that the Justice System got it wrong and therefore commutation or clemency would suggest there need be no consequences for the failure of the North Carolina Justice System and those responsible for it's administration.
Thanksgiving is in 6 days.
There are 38 days until Christmas.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
@ Anonymous 11-16-23 12:13 : --- Delay? Moi ? Accusing me of what the Justice System is now doing is an obvious example of Stone-like projection, made by you, as one of that broken System's defenders. Almost every reasonable person knows the US Justice System is desperately in need of reform. Remember justice delayed is justice denied. Using subterfuge and delay as a tactic is an immoral denial of justice.
Kenny @November 16, 2023 at 2:37 PM:
Let me get this right....
IF Governor Cooper should offer clemency or commutation, it suggests "..there need be no consequences for the failure of the North Carolina Justice System and those responsible for it's administration."
Is this a bad thing?
Sid --
When are you going to share the basis for your assessment that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison?
No one fears the testimony of Dr. Wecht. No one doubts that Daye's ultimate cause of death was malpractice by Duke. But, everyone but you and Sid, understand proximate cause - had Crystal not stabbed Daye, he would not have died when he did. Alcoholism and malpractice are no independent intervening causes.
The law in criminal prosecutions for murder is still that the intervening act must be the sole cause of death. It is sufficient that the defendant's act in shooting the deceased was a contributing factor which in combination with the subsequent acts of the doctor in treatment proximately caused the death. Even if the doctor was negligent, the defendant will not escape liability. State v. Jones, 290 N.C. 292, 225 S.E.2d 549 (1976).
That is from State v Holsclaw - even if the doctor was negligent (as Duke clearly was), had Crystal not stabbed him, he wouldn't have been in the hospital.
Thanksgiving is in 5 days.
There are 37 days until Christmas.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
@ Anonymous 11-17-23 1:25 PM and 1:28 PM: ---- Dr. Wecht, the world reknown medico-legal expert, understands proximate cause and he has opined that it was an intervening cause, which killed Daye, unrelated to the stab wound. Obvoisly you have a different interpretation, of these precedents, than him. Do you have commensurate qualifications?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
The law in criminal prosecutions for murder is still that the intervening act must be the sole cause of death. It is sufficient that the defendant's act in shooting the deceased was a contributing factor which in combination with the subsequent acts of the doctor in treatment proximately caused the death. Even if the doctor was negligent, the defendant will not escape liability. State v. Jones, 290 N.C. 292, 225 S.E.2d 549 (1976).
That is from State v Holsclaw - even if the doctor was negligent (as Duke clearly was), had Crystal not stabbed him, he wouldn't have been in the hospital.
November 17, 2023 at 1:28 PM
Hey, Anony.
Let's approach Crystal's case from another angle. When Reginald Daye was admitted to Duke Hospital, he had two medical conditions: (1) an acute stab wound to his left side; and (2) chronic alcoholism with acute intoxication. His first medical condition was treated effectively by trauma surgeons, and his outcome was for a full recovery. His second condition, though a sedative was initiated on admission, was not effective in preventing delirium tremens. In treating his DTs, medical staff made an error in treating his alcoholic withdrawal by intubating his esophagus and failing to recognize its misplacement until after he experienced cardiac arrest... and that incident eventually led to his death. The stab wound had nothing to do with Daye's brain-death comatose state.
Regarding the intervening act... the esophageal intubation resulted in Daye's death, for had not medical staff properly intubated his trachea in treating his DTs, he would not have had a cardiac arrest, brain-death, coma, etc.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
No one fears the testimony of Dr. Wecht. No one doubts that Daye's ultimate cause of death was malpractice by Duke. But, everyone but you and Sid, understand proximate cause - had Crystal not stabbed Daye, he would not have died when he did. Alcoholism and malpractice are no independent intervening causes.
November 17, 2023 at 1:25 PM
Hey, Anony.
First, the stab wound was not life-threatening. Second, the stab wound was successfully treated during emergency surgery within a matter of hours. And, thirdly, his postoperative prognosis was for a full recovery.
What you refuse to understand is the fact that had Duke hospital staff in treating his delirium tremens not intubated Daye in his esophagus and then fail to timely recognize it was mispositioned, Daye would not have become brain-dead and in a comatose state.
What Duke University, the State, Courts, and media know, but don't want the general public to know is that medical staff made a fatal intervening action with its errant intubation that resulted in Daye's death.
Where in his opinion does Dr. Wecht discuss the applicable North Carolina legal precedents?
Anonymous Fake Cousin Jakki said...
Sid --
When are you going to share the basis for your assessment that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison?
November 17, 2023 at 11:23 AM
Hey, Fake Cousin Jakki.
It is my expectation that I will obtain information this coming Tuesday, the 21st, that will provide me with a timeframe when I will be at liberty to discuss the reasons for my optimism that Crystal will be released soon. Because I am still in the dark about what's going on, I don't think Crystal will make it out before Thanksgiving, but I believe Christmas is doable. Like I said, I will know more after Tuesday.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Dr. Wecht should encourage CGM to get a lawyer. I'm only surprised he hasn't.
November 15, 2023 at 5:33 AM
Hey, Anony.
One thing which Dr. Wecht and I have tried to make crystal clear. He is not an advocate, he is not an advisor, and he doesn't represent Ms. Mangum. Dr. Wecht is an independent expert witness. In other words, his words and actions are objective, he is totally impartial when it comes to the facts, and he is a man of integrity.
Besides, what would an attorney do for Crystal? She's had many already, and all they want to do is shield Duke University Hospital at Mangum's expense. The only thing an attorney would do for Crystal is to sell her down the river and charge for doing so.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sid is refusing to provide any explanation of his logic, but he's going backwards.
On November 11, he said there was a 99.9% chance Crystal would be home by Christmas, and 43% by Thanksgiving, then on November 13, he adjusted the odds to 20% and 10% - meaning he doesn't expect her to be home.
Why the dramatic change?
November 14, 2023 at 1:59 PM
Hey, Anony.
If you follow analytics for percent chance to win on football games, then you will know that the numbers can be quite fluid, depending on the point spread and time in the game, injuries to star players, etc.
Earlier, I felt Crystal would be out possibly as early as Thanksgiving, but as time went by and I failed to receive input, the percent possibility for Mangum's eminent release dropped. On Tuesday, hopefully the picture will be clearer and I will be able to present more accurate probabilities.
@ Anonymous 11-18-23 5:52 PM-----It's in the Medicolegal section of his 8 page report Sections 1-4 and in his subsequent OPINION. It's also contained in his signed responses to Dr. Harr's 20 affirmatives. I suggest you and others take a look at his CV and then carefully re-read the report and see if you don't change you mind about the correctness of Crystal's conviction for murder.
Sid @ November 11, 2023 at 4:40 PM:
"Because I am privy to information to which you are not, I am going to venture that the probability that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison and spend this coming Christmas with her family is 99.9%."
Sid @November 18, 2023 at 5:54 PM:
"Because I am still in the dark about what's going on, I don't think Crystal will make it out before Thanksgiving, but I believe Christmas is doable."
If you were in the dark on Nov 18, what information were you privy to on Nov 11th that lead you to make the ridiculous statement that the "probability that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison and spend this coming Christmas with her family is 99.9%..."?
Sid -- in Harr v. NCOAH, you have until 11/25 to respond to the motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction and failure to state a claim.
Have you responded? If not, do you plan to respond?
Sorry Kenny, but Dr. Wecht does not cite a single N.C. legal precedent in his 8-page report. And you continue to troll those who post on this blog.
Thanksgiving is in 1 day.
There are 33 days until Christmas.
"It is my expectation that I will obtain information this coming Tuesday, the 21st, that will provide me with a timeframe when I will be at liberty to discuss the reasons for my optimism that Crystal will be released soon."
Sid -- Did you get your information yesterday?
On a side note, what happened to Abe's countdown?
So, Sidney, any news?
As many of you may be aware, today marks a tragic anniversary... a decade since Crystal Mangum's wrongful conviction. Unlike many wrongful convictions, those responsible state actors and others involved in her prosecution were aware of her innocence and convicted her on trumped up murder charge in retaliation for her Duke Lacrosse accusations.
Although I was unable to have her freed in time for Thanksgiving, my optimism increases that she will be freed by Christmas. In fact, I expect discernible movement towards justice for her to begin during the first week of December. Hopefully I will be at liberty to discuss more by Pearl Harbor Day.
Am working on another project which I hope to have posted on this blog site by the end of this week.
Hope that everyone has a blessed and meaningful Thanksgiving and spend time with loved ones, family, and friends.
I plan on spending a quiet holiday with my beloved cat Adonis.
As you were.
Hey Sid,
Why won’t you release comments?
Good luck with the project, Sid. No doubt you will need it.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sid -- in Harr v. NCOAH, you have until 11/25 to respond to the motion to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction and failure to state a claim.
Have you responded? If not, do you plan to respond?
November 21, 2023 at 10:13 AM
Hey, Anony.
As you pointed out, November 25, 2023, a Saturday, is the deadline to respond. The Federal Courthouse is closed on Saturday. It is also closed today for Thanksgiving and will be closed on Friday, November 24th for the holiday, as well.
I am not electronically connected with the court and can only file manually.
Yesterday, Wednesday November 22nd, the Clerk's Office closed at noon to get an early jump on the holiday. I was unaware of the early closing and per happenstance, I ambled to the courthouse around eleven in the morning and was able to timely file. So, today, I am thankful that I was able to get my response filed.
Have a fab Turkey Day.
Anonymous said...
Hey Sid,
Why won’t you release comments?
November 22, 2023 at 5:41 PM
Hey, Anony.
I release all comments that are not in violation of the kenhyderal Doctrine. I can't remember the last time such a violation took place. If your comment was not posted, please resubmit it. At times there will be a delay because of the lag time between the time it is sent and the time I check for comments.
Anonymous guillermo owen said...
So, Sidney, any news?
November 22, 2023 at 11:12 AM
Hey, gui, mon ami.
I should be able to provide a firm update about Mangum's case on or around Pearl Harbor Day... if not sooner. I have to wait for certain actions to take place.
Anonymous Fake Cousin Jakki said...
Sid @ November 11, 2023 at 4:40 PM:
"Because I am privy to information to which you are not, I am going to venture that the probability that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison and spend this coming Christmas with her family is 99.9%."
Sid @November 18, 2023 at 5:54 PM:
"Because I am still in the dark about what's going on, I don't think Crystal will make it out before Thanksgiving, but I believe Christmas is doable."
If you were in the dark on Nov 18, what information were you privy to on Nov 11th that lead you to make the ridiculous statement that the "probability that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison and spend this coming Christmas with her family is 99.9%..."?
November 21, 2023 at 5:18 AM
Hey, Fake Cousin Jakki.
Probabilities change with the passing of time and occurrence of events. Although time has passed, which lessens the probability all things considered unchanged, I did receive information since that has reinforced my belief that Justice Day is imminent. The information I received cannot be specifically released at this time.
I want you all to know how much I appreciate your viewership and comments... even if they are at variance with my beliefs and logic. However, different views make for more meaningful, impactful, and interesting dialogue.
Hope you all have a fab Turkey Day, and do not get too stuffed.
As you were.
Dr. Harr -
I've found your opinions at times a bit vexatious, but I've always found you to be gracious.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
It is now 1 day past Thanksgiving
There are 31 days until Christmas
@ Anonymous 11- 18, 2023 at 9:15 AM : Who is the troll here? Are you suggesting that Dr. Wecht does not understand proximate cause. Are you suggesting, when he gave his official opinion, he was ignorant of relevant decisions in North Carolina that might possibly apply to such a case as hers. He found the known facts show them to be non-applicable. You anonymous posters often show a great deal of hubris. I don't suppose you would tell us who you are and what qualification you have to dismiss Dr. Wecht;s findings.
@ dhall. Dr. Harr is a gracious man. Given his mistreatment both by the Justice|System and by thier defenders on thiis blog, I find his forebearance admirable. As you may have noticed I am the vexacious one here ; more then a bit.
There is nothing in Dr. Wecht’s report that indicates that he considered the application of North Carolina law to the facts. He does not cite a single North Carolina precedent. Unlike Sid, Dr. Wecht may have been unwilling to practice law in a state in which he was not licensed.
I meant “vexatious” more in the legal context regarding Dr. Harr.
But I’ll agree you’re more vexatious in the traditional sense than Dr. Harr 😀
On December 1, 2023, I will post a very important and comprehensive document which has heretofore received little coverage on this blog site or elsewhere. It has already been prepared and is ready to be uploaded.
As you were.
dhall said...
Dr. Harr -
I've found your opinions at times a bit vexatious, but I've always found you to be gracious.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
November 24, 2023 at 5:22 AM
Hey, dhall.
Thanks for the holiday wishes. Adonis and I had a quiet holiday and my daughter brought over a traditional plate.
Hope that you had a great Turkey Day, too.
"On December 1, 2023, I will post a very important and comprehensive document which has heretofore received little coverage on this blog site or elsewhere. It has already been prepared and is ready to be uploaded."
Is this very important and comprehensive document the basis for your statement that the "probability that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison and spend this coming Christmas with her family is 99.9%..."?
Anonymous said...
"On December 1, 2023, I will post a very important and comprehensive document which has heretofore received little coverage on this blog site or elsewhere. It has already been prepared and is ready to be uploaded."
Is this very important and comprehensive document the basis for your statement that the "probability that Crystal Mangum will be freed from prison and spend this coming Christmas with her family is 99.9%..."?
November 27, 2023 at 9:49 AM
Hey, Anony.
No. The documents posted on December 1st deal with a different and innovative approach heretofore untaken which I hope will help free Crystal and bring her elusive justice.
I will be able to update with regards to probability of Mangum's release by Christmas on Monday, April 4th. With what I know so far, the probability is currently at 90%.
"I will be able to update with regards to probability of Mangum's release by Christmas on Monday, April 4th. With what I know so far, the probability is currently at 90%."
April 4th is after Christmas...Unless you mean her release by Christmas 2024.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"I will be able to update with regards to probability of Mangum's release by Christmas on Monday, April 4th. With what I know so far, the probability is currently at 90%."
April 4th is after Christmas...Unless you mean her release by Christmas 2024.
November 28, 2023 at 10:30 AM
Hey, Anony.
You are correct... I made a mistake. I admit that I am human and not perfect... unlike many Republicans. I appreciate the correction. As you probably are aware, what I intended to say was "Monday, December 4th."
I still plan to post an important new blog on Friday, December 1st. It will be a different approach from any of my previous approaches, and very informative and thought-provoking.
"I admit that I am human and not perfect... unlike many Republicans."
Which Republicans?
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