Wednesday, February 7, 2024
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About Me
- Nifong Supporter
- I'm a senior citizen who believes that the state of North Carolina has harshly, excessively, and unjustly treated former Durham District Attorney Mike Nifong.
There you have it. Every statement contained, therein, is true and with hard evidence to support it. Those who perversely continue to deny the wrongful conviction of Crystal show ill will, defence of the indefensibl and a cowardly betrayal of their citizenship by condoning this evil miscarriage of Justice. "Do the right thing" and get on the side of justice, free Crystal and make ammends.
Except that pesky probable cause - if Crystal hadn't stabbed Daye, he wouldn't have been in the hospital, Duke couldn't have made the mistake, and he wouldn't have died.
But we know you ignore that.
Anyone notice that Sid and Kenny always post about the same time - if we don't hear from Sid, we don't hear from Kenny. Who thinks Kenny is just a fake account for Sid?
I tried to read through this. Really.
Let's start here:
Step 1 for Complaints to the US DOJ about civil rights violations is to contact them by completing this document either in electronic format on-line or in printed format (available from the same link).
Did you do ANY actual research about filing complaints to the US DOJ before creating this document?
If you did, why didn't you follow the correct steps as outlined on the US DOJ website?
And no, Kenhyderal -- not every statement here is true.
There is no "hard evidence" that Crystal Mangum's conviction was in retaliation for her 2006 rape allegations.
There is no "hard evidence" that Crystal Mangum has been "placed in the vendetta-crosshairs of those in Duke University".
There is no "hard evidence" that the various courts "acquiesced to Duke's bidding in their Mangum rulings".
There is no "hard evidence" that Aykia Hanes committed perjury.
I could keep going, but you have eyes -- read Dr. Harr's "report" objectively and all the errors stand out.
We all know Sid reads and knows that he is following the wrong procedure. It allows him to scream and yell when Crystal doesn't get special treatment. He doesn't want any of his efforts to succeed. His goal is to keep Crystal thinking he's the only one trying to help her so she keeps in touch with him.
If he really wanted to help her, he's listen and follow advice - but he doesn't. He consistently ignores advice on what he needs - like the proper filing of a complaint.
The next post will be from Kenny complaining that technicalities are wrong and Crystal deserves special treatment, and Sid asking why they can't make an exception.
It's been like this for over a decade. Nothing has changed - Sid is just getting more desperate, because once Crystal is released, she will have nothing to do with him.
Anonymous said...
Except that pesky probable cause - if Crystal hadn't stabbed Daye, he wouldn't have been in the hospital, Duke couldn't have made the mistake, and he wouldn't have died.
But we know you ignore that.
Anyone notice that Sid and Kenny always post about the same time - if we don't hear from Sid, we don't hear from Kenny. Who thinks Kenny is just a fake account for Sid?
February 8, 2024 at 10:17 AM
Hey, Anony.
As has been previously mentioned, the stab wound was nonfatal and successfully treated with a postoperative prognosis for a complete recovery. The proximate, or intervening cause of Mr. Daye's death was an errant esophageal intubation in treating his delirium tremens that resulted in his brain-death and comatose state. His elective removal from life-support was Daye's direct cause of death. There was no nexus between the stab wound Ms. Mangum inflicted and Mr. Daye's death.
With regards to kenhyderal's comments, the timing of postings by him and me is unrelated. For what purpose would I post a comment as a phantom commenter?
dhall said...
I tried to read through this. Really.
Let's start here:
Step 1 for Complaints to the US DOJ about civil rights violations is to contact them by completing this document either in electronic format on-line or in printed format (available from the same link).
Did you do ANY actual research about filing complaints to the US DOJ before creating this document?
If you did, why didn't you follow the correct steps as outlined on the US DOJ website?
And no, Kenhyderal -- not every statement here is true.
There is no "hard evidence" that Crystal Mangum's conviction was in retaliation for her 2006 rape allegations.
There is no "hard evidence" that Crystal Mangum has been "placed in the vendetta-crosshairs of those in Duke University".
There is no "hard evidence" that the various courts "acquiesced to Duke's bidding in their Mangum rulings".
There is no "hard evidence" that Aykia Hanes committed perjury.
I could keep going, but you have eyes -- read Dr. Harr's "report" objectively and all the errors stand out.
February 8, 2024 at 10:35 AM
Hey, dhall.
To begin with, the report began as a letter, which because of its length, I transformed basically to a formal document. Whether or not I used a DOJ Civil Rights form to express my concerns is essentially moot because it was assigned a report number: 406781-GSG.
With regards to "hard evidence," the hard evidence of perjured testimony by Dr. Clay Nichols and the hard evidence of a fraudulent official document (autopsy report) by Dr. Nichols are infinitely of more import than trial testimony by a cowered prosecution witness badgered on direct exam. For example, Aykia Hanes stated that she did not see Ms. Mangum, but her boyfriend did and that Mangum spoke to her boyfriend before returning inside the apartment. Why was not her boyfriend interviewed by the prosecution or placed on the witness stand? Also, I contend that Ms. Mangum saw no one and spoke to no one on fleeing the apartment and leaving Mr. Daye behind. The state's scenario has Mr. Daye fleeing with Ms. Mangum following him to the door threshold, speaking to Ms. Hanes' boyfriend, withdrawing inside the apartment and closing the door. I would like you to tell me to which scenario you subscribe... who first fled the apartment... Mangum or Daye? (Logic clearly shows that Mangum fled the apartment leaving Daye behind.)
The thirty plus exhibits of evidence represent "hard evidence" in support of Ms. Mangum's absolute innocence. Clearly kenhyderal's comment is totally accurate.
As has been previously mentioned, the stabbing by CGM (which was not self defense) put Daye in the hospital. Medical malpractice is not an intervening cause.
But for the stabbing, Reginald Daye would not have been in the hospital and subject to medical malpractice, which resulted in his brain death. This is your nexus.
She stabbed him, he died.
Dhall said: " I could keep going, but you have eyes -- read Dr. Harr's "report" objectively and all the errors stand out" -----. Perhaps no "hard" evidence, as to the veracity of the examples you gave, only common sence but, none of those examples speak to the critical question ( Did Crystal Mangum murder Reginald Daye). That's what she has been, wrongly, found guilty of and for which she is being wrongly imprisoned for. "You have eyes to read" so You know this as well as anybody does and everyone involved in the N.C. Justice System also knows this, that her imprisonment is a shameful miscarriage of justice. One can only speculate as to why this is allowed to continue. My personal speculation is, that it has to be an orchestrated vendetta. And yours?
"...Aykia Hanes stated that she did not see Ms. Mangum, but her boyfriend did and that Mangum spoke to her boyfriend before returning inside the apartment. Why was not her boyfriend interviewed by the prosecution or placed on the witness stand? "
Her statement is not perjury. You've claimed she committed perjury in your "Report on Injustice...." in the summary and conclusion section. You didn't provide ANY evidence to back this claim.
This one example proves that Kenhyderal's claim that "Every statement contained, therein, is true and with hard evidence to support it" is false.
No judge's order and no letters written in response to you that you have included as exhibits support Crystal Mangum's absolute innocence.
Your claim that thirty plus exhibits of evidence represent "hard evidence" in support of Ms. Mangum's absolute innocence" is false.
I asked this on your previous blog entry, and you never responded, so I'm asking again.
You stated on Jan 26 that you "plan to file, a civil brief next month as a plaintiff pro se"
Which of your civil rights have been violated? By who?
Speculate: to take to be true on the basis of insufficient evidence.
Both you and Sid do a lot of speculating when you should be looking for sufficient evidence.
With friends like you, Crystal Mangum doesn’t need enemies.
Could it be any clearer? Rae Evans is responsible for this miscarriage of justice.
“Perhaps no "hard" evidence, as to the veracity of the examples you gave, only common sence but, none of those examples speak to the critical question ( Did Crystal Mangum murder Reginald Daye).””
It appears we are in agreement that your statement “ There you have it. Every statement contained, therein, is true and with hard evidence to support it.” is false. Good. That’s a start.
Now- common sense regarding these so-called “hard evidence” exhibits shows that many of them do not even address the critical question, “Did Crystal Mangum murder Reginald Daye?”
The court’s opinion regarding Dr. Nichols’ testimony was addressed in response to one of Crystal Mangum’s MARs (thanks for sharing, Prince Humperdinck). Those arguments can be thrown out.
As pointed out some time ago, Wecht’s opinion can’t possibly be considered new evidence to gain Crystal Mangum a new trial. That argument can be thrown out..
So what can be done?
Believe it or not, Dr. Harr has been aware of what could be done for years now. He even mentions it in passing in this document. Can you even guess what it is?
Instead of focusing on that, he chooses to focus on things like the Duke LAX case, and the ridiculous claims he’s making regarding Duke University, judges, and the NC DOJ. Why is that?
@ Anonymous: 2-9-24 You have speculated that Crystal was guilty of murder on the basis of no evidence as to that and also plenty of evidence to the contrary. Unlike you, the Jury is not at fault because they were given false information
Dhall said: "So what can be done?"---- Direct us please, to what you believe is the solution for Crystal, supposedly mentioned in passing by Dr.Harr, in his post.
P.S. to Dhall: Just a caveat to your suggestion, "we" (ie you and I) agree that not "every" statement was proven to be true. I said "perhaps" and also put "hard" in quotation marks.
"You have speculated that Crystal was guilty of murder on the basis of no evidence"
Crystal Mangum was found guilty of murder by a jury of her peers. That's not speculation.
"Unlike you, the Jury is not at fault because they were given false information"
That is speculation.
Do you see the difference?
@ Anonymous 2-11-24: No ! The Jury never heard the words delirium tremens, the Jury never heard the words errant oesophageaL intubation, the Jury never heard the words cerebral anoxia, the Jury never heard the words irreversible brain death, the Jury never heard the words elective removal from life support, all substatiated by the Medical Records. Instead they were told Daye died of a post operative infection as a consequence of the wound repair, totally untrue and totally unsubstatiated by the Medical Records. This blog has provided you with all the information. Do you conclude the Jury got it right?
Sorry, Kenny -- You stated:
"There you have it. Every statement contained, therein, is true and with hard evidence to support it."
No quotation marks, no "perhaps". Dhall proved this statement was incorrect.
He's proven you wrong on a number of other ridiculous statements you've made. You should be used to it by now.
Dr. Harr has been aware of the what can be done. he mentions it in this document, although he doesn't pursue it.
Why are you asking me, and not Dr. Harr?
Right on Cousin Kenny.
Kenny - Do you have the Nichols testimony transcript proving your accusations?
From what I've read from reliable news sources,
Nichols told the court (including the jury) that Daye died as a result of complications from his stab wounds.
Under cross examination, Mangum's lawyer Daniel Meiers pointed out discrepancies between Dr. Nichols' autopsy and a report from the hospital.
Dr. Harr, Dr. Wecht and the DUMC's medical records have all proven, absolutely, that all those, who concluded that the Jury got it right, are wrong. We all know the Jury was given
information easily provable to be false. Dr. Nichols, Dr. Roberts and any one else who looks at the Medical records can easily tell that there is zero, evidence that a post-operative infection following repair of the stab wound was a cause death. Dr. Wecht, the eminent medico-lgal scholar, carefully explained that Daye's chronic alcoholism causing him to lapse into acute alcohol withdrawal was an absolute intervening cause. Look for yourself. This blog has presented to you all the information. One does not need a medical degree to determine that. You and also any Jury, if not misled by false information and shown the actual medical record
could only conclude Daye died of an accident and was not murdered.
@ dhall 2-12-24 11:27 : I suspect that Dr. Harr has no more idea than I do at to what you are referring to.
@ Nifong Supporter: Did you receive my replies to Anonymous 2-12-24 11:00 AM and to dhall 2-12-24 at 11:17 AM ?
Yo Sid, release the comments.
It is good to see kenhydural posting again. Have you been consulting with him when you prepare your filings? He is certainly a legal wiz kid.
"I suspect that Dr. Harr has no more idea than I do at to what you are referring to."
I don't think I can help you with your reading comprehension, Kenhyderal, but I'll try. Dr. Harr mentions in this document a specific occurrence that, if pursued, could greatly help Crystal Mangum. Here's a hint -- he even blogged about this in the past.
Crystal Mangum's supporters casting blame on the various judges, courts, and other state officials rather than focusing on this issue has been a huge mistake for Crystal Mangum.
I find it insulting that you suspect Dr. Harr is guilty of writing comprehension. Dr. Harr mentions this occurrence in this document, and blogged about it, and you suspect he has no idea? You should apologize to Dr. Harr.
"Dr. Nichols, Dr. Roberts and any one else who looks at the Medical records can easily tell that there is zero, evidence that a post-operative infection following repair of the stab wound was a cause death. "
Can you post the link to Dr. Nichols' testimony where he stated in that testimony that "a post-operative infection following repair of the stab wound was a cause death."?
I also can't find Dr. Roberts' autopsy review (there are links on this blog site, but none of them work). Can you post that document for us to read?
Blogger dhall said...
"...Aykia Hanes stated that she did not see Ms. Mangum, but her boyfriend did and that Mangum spoke to her boyfriend before returning inside the apartment. Why was not her boyfriend interviewed by the prosecution or placed on the witness stand?"
Her statement is not perjury. You've claimed she committed perjury in your "Report on Injustice...." in the summary and conclusion section. You didn't provide ANY evidence to back this claim.
This one example proves that Kenhyderal's claim that "Every statement contained, therein, is true and with hard evidence to support it" is false.
No judge's order and no letters written in response to you that you have included as exhibits support Crystal Mangum's absolute innocence.
Your claim that thirty plus exhibits of evidence represent "hard evidence" in support of Ms. Mangum's absolute innocence" is false.
February 9, 2024 at 10:23 AM
Hey, dhall.
Below is a link to the totality of Ms. Hanes' trial testimony on November 18, 2013, including the pathetic cross-exam by Mangum's defense attorney Daniel Meier. I have made notes regarding it.
LINK: Trial Testimony of Aykia Hanes
With regards to Hanes' testimony, do you believe that Daye fled his apartment leaving Mangum behind and that she spoke to Hanes' boyfriend before returning inside the apartment she shared with Daye and slamming the door shut? Or do you believe the reasonable scenario that Mangum, after poking Daye with a steak knife, grabbed her purse and fled the apartment leaving Daye behind... and not speaking with anyone as she went to her friend's residence in the adjacent complex?
Regarding Mangum's absolute innocence, the truth to support it is the October 25, 2019 report by world-renowned forensic pathologist Dr. Cyril H. Wecht... or do you believe Dr. Clay Nichol's fraudulent autopsy report that claims Daye's death was a homicide resulting from an unidentified complication related to the stab wound? I believe a reasonable person would place more credibility in the report and opinions of a highly revered forensic pathologist physician/attorney over a medical examiner who was fired prior to Mangum's trial and under consideration for criminal investigation for his work in other cases.
"With regards to Hanes' testimony, do you believe that Daye fled his apartment leaving Mangum behind and that she spoke to Hanes' boyfriend before returning inside the apartment she shared with Daye and slamming the door shut? Or do you believe the reasonable scenario that Mangum, after poking Daye with a steak knife, grabbed her purse and fled the apartment leaving Daye behind... and not speaking with anyone as she went to her friend's residence in the adjacent complex?"
Do I believe her testimony or do I believe a "reasonable scenario"? Where does this "reasonable scenario" come from? You weren't there.
Obviously I'm going to believe her testimony -- she WAS there, after all.
It's rather simple -- find a witness (not Crystal Mangum) who offers a testimony that disproves Aykia Hanes. If you can't find this witness then you honestly can't say she committed perjury.
Why is this so difficult for your to understand? Nothing in your trial testimony documents shows Aykia Hanes committed perjury, yet you keep making that claim. It's ridiculous. It's one of the reasons no one takes you seriously.
For the record (and for the last time), I've never believed nor have I stated that Crystal Mangum was guilty of 2nd degree homicide. I DO believe she is guilty of a crime -- the one she was originally charged with -- assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill or inflicting serious bodily injury.
@dhall 2-15-24 6:15 AM : I doubt if Dr. Harr felt insulted about my suggestion he may not of, without further clarification, understood what you were referring to in your non-specific, oblique statements that he was aware that the key to correcting Crystal not being exhonerated was known to him. Then you speculate that it lies in the Hanes' testimony and with an implied accuation that it was a deliberate failure by him not to "further" persue the issues around her testimony. It all plays into the cruel, unconscionable, disgusting and mean-spirited implication, by many here, that he does not desire to free his fiancée. Please don't contribute to that.
@ Anonymous 2-15-24 6:43. I do not have the transcript. Listen to the live coverage of his testimony and it's cross-examination at the trial, which can be found on Youtube.
It has nothing to do with the Aykia Hanes testimony. Dr. Harr knows this.
Speaking of Dr. Harr, why haven’t you asked him if he knows what I’m writing about?
Kenny -- Even Sid states that Dr. Nichol's autopsy report claims that "Daye's death was a homicide resulting from an unidentified complication related to the stab wound?"
How did you get from "unidentified complication" to "post-operative infection"?
I tried looking up Nichols' testimony on youtube by looking for "Crystal Mangum murder trial Clay Nichols testimony", and couldn't find anything. There were some "Day X Part y" videos, but I have no idea what day Nichols testified.
Any suggestions or links to that youtube video?
"Listen to the live coverage of his testimony and it's cross-examination at the trial, which can be found on Youtube."
I watched the Nichols' testimony...From what I recall, Nichols at no time states that Daye died from a "post-operative infection".
The subject "post-operative infection" is brought up by both the prosecution and defense attorneys, but not Dr. Nichols.
dhall said: "For the record (and for the last time), I've never believed nor have I stated that Crystal Mangum was guilty of 2nd degree homicide. I DO believe she is guilty of a crime -- the one she was originally charged with"------ -Then why, after Daye was killed by intervening medical malpractice, not related to his repaired stab wound, was she charged with murder. Charged with muder, a crime that you, like Dr. Cyril Wecht, do not believe happened and convicted of that crime because her Jury was given, easily provable to be wrong, information that complications, following the successful repair to the wound, was what killed Daye. As someone who believes she is "not guilty of 2nd degree homicide" why are you not advocating for her exoneration. If you believe she is guilty of assaullt with a deadly weapon with intent to kill then take that charge to court; or give her a new trial on the murder charge and then give the Jury all the facts. Dr. Wecht has given the assurance he would testify at such a re-trial.
Please respond to kenhydural’s post on 2/15 at 2:44 PM.
Thank you.
Every few months I drop in here to see if anything has changed.
Nothing ever does.
“ As someone who believes she is "not guilty of 2nd degree homicide" why are you not advocating for her exoneration.”
For the same reason you are not.
At least I try to help Dr. Harr. You should consider doing the same.
”If you believe she is guilty of assaullt with a deadly weapon with intent to kill then take that charge to court..”
No one here can charge Crystal Mangum with a crime and take that charge to court, Kenhyderal. That’s not how criminal law works - not even in Canada.
@ Dr. Calligari| : You are so right. Everyone knows that Crystal Mangum is absolutely innocent of 2nd degree murder and has been wrongly convicted of that crime; including the Governor and all his minions; officials who are resposnsible for the administration of Justice in North Carolina. They refuse to act and steadfastly use every scheme available to them to prevent her exoneration. History will make them pay.
@dhall 2-18-24 5:45 AM : I disagree with your implied premise but, anyway, tell us what do you believe are "our" reasons.
" I disagree with your implied premise but, anyway, tell us what do you believe are "our" reasons."
Who is "our"? Is there more than 1 kenhyderal?
Am I correct in that you are questioning my "implied premise" that I'm not "advocating for [Crystal Mangum's] exoneration.” for the same reason that you are not?
It's quite simply, really. I don't see any advocacy from me worthwhile for exonerating Crystal Mangum. Since I see nothing from you advocating for her release, I assume you feel the same.
But enlighten us -- show us all something (a petition you've created, a petition you've signed, a letter you've written) that proves me wrong.
@dhall -19-24--- Huh? (advocate -transient verb) Merriam-Webste- definition: "to support or argue for a cause, policy, etc." Qq.v., the many hundreds of posts, I've made here on this blog, calling for justice for Crystal. Such advocasy by you and others would be beneficial. Let's create a ground-swell, demanding justice, by all of us who believe Crystal is innocent of murder and has been wrongly convicted and wrongly incarcerated. Getting that truth out to the American people will force those responsible for administrating justice, who also know she is innocent, to stop stonewalling and to act.
@dhall -19-24--- Huh? (advocate -transient verb) Merriam-Webste- definition: "to support or argue for a cause, policy, etc." Qq.v., the many hundreds of posts, I've made here on this blog, calling for justice for Crystal. Such advocasy by you and others would be beneficial. Let's create a ground-swell, demanding justice, by all of us who believe Crystal is innocent of murder and has been wrongly convicted and wrongly incarcerated. Getting that truth out to the American people will force those responsible for administrating justice, who also know she is innocent, to stop stonewalling and to act.
You honestly consider posting comments on this blog site advocacy?
Calling yourself an advocate is an insult to true advocates.
In the years since you began posting, can you name a poster whose opinion regarding Crystal Mangum’s innocence you have changed? Can you point to any one thing you’ve done that has helped Crystal Mangum?
So, you believe that by posting on a blog called “Justice4Nifong,” you will get the truth out to the American people and create a groundswell of support for Mangum that will lead to her release?
"Information about the secret project will be released as soon as I received clearance from the project director to do so. This project was not originated by me, but one which I believed will be of immense help in getting Ms. Mangum released." (January 8, 2024)
You got that clearance yet?
"Consultation with an attorney about Crystal's case was not held this week due to scheduling problems. Hopefully an appointment will be held next week. (February 1, 2024 )
You haven't said anything about this lately..How'd the appointment go?
Kenny -- Why haven't you taken your advocating for CGM to other platforms, like Twitter (X, whatever), TikTok, or Youtube?
For that matter, you can start online petitions for free...I believe Sid started one back in the day.
Tyrone -- has 80+ followers on X.
From what I saw, there appears to be some....advocating there, but definitely not for CGM.
@Anonymous 2-23-24, 8:34 AM :== I'm not on Twitter aka X or any other social media platform including Facebook. Like the Kilgo imposter on this blog, this person is also an imposter. I have determined they are posting from Raleigh but (twitter) will not stop them from using my Google registered user name. I have my suspicions about the identity of that person but I can't locate them to question their motive.
Anonymous Tyrone Rugen said...
Kenny -- Why haven't you taken your advocating for CGM to other platforms, like Twitter (X, whatever), TikTok, or Youtube?
For that matter, you can start online petitions for free...I believe Sid started one back in the day.
February 22, 2024 at 2:40 PM
Hey, Tyrone.
I am not very sophisticated when it comes to social media. I have uploaded my YouTube videos to Facebook. The limited number of characters in Twitter (X) has been a disincentive to use that platform. I don't know about Tik-ToK or Instragram.
I did try an online petition many years ago, but got fewer than twenty signers.
I believe my time is better spent with correspondence, blog posts, and litigation... and a few secret projects.
Anonymous Prince Humperdinck said...
"Information about the secret project will be released as soon as I received clearance from the project director to do so. This project was not originated by me, but one which I believed will be of immense help in getting Ms. Mangum released." (January 8, 2024)
You got that clearance yet?
"Consultation with an attorney about Crystal's case was not held this week due to scheduling problems. Hopefully an appointment will be held next week. (February 1, 2024 )
You haven't said anything about this lately..How'd the appointment go?
February 22, 2024 at 1:35 PM
Hey, Prince Humperdinck.
Haven't received clearance yet to divulge the secret project. Should get it anytime now.
Regarding the attorney appointment with Ms. Mangum, I should be able to let you know about it within a week... it's been scheduled.
Blogger dhall said...
You honestly consider posting comments on this blog site advocacy?
Calling yourself an advocate is an insult to true advocates.
In the years since you began posting, can you name a poster whose opinion regarding Crystal Mangum’s innocence you have changed? Can you point to any one thing you’ve done that has helped Crystal Mangum?
February 22, 2024 at 5:01 AM
Hey, dhall.
Posting a comment now and then is meant to show that visitors to this blog site have insight into Ms. Mangum's murder case that is lacking by those who are unfamiliar with its content. I used kenhyderal's comment because it is very informative and supportive of Mangum's innocence. I have no problem with posting contrary opinions because they usually show an understanding of Mangum's case far beyond those who have never accessed this blog site and have only been informed by other media outlets.
Dr. Harr,
All of the kenhyderal haters and doubters need to remember that he is working on his secret plan to win Crystal a new trial and compensation from North Carolina. He is unwilling to discuss his plan on this blog because his posts are monitored by the Durham District Attorney, the North Carolina Attorney General and the Duke Lacrosse apologists. The results of kenhyderal’s efforts will be evident soon.
Sid - That question was for Kenny. We all know what you’ve done as CGM’s advocate.
Dr. Harr - I’m not questioning your advocacy, or the use of comments posted here as part of that advocacy.
I’m questioning Kenhyderal’s supposed “advocacy”. Apparently he considers comments on this little read blog site “advocacy”. I do not.
He says “ Let's create a ground-swell, demanding justice”. “Let’s” being short for “Let us”. I see no “us”. I see him asking for everyone else to do something he’s either afraid or ashamed to do himself.
And I’m calling him out on it.
And I’ll note that I made a comment stating I’d give Kenhyderal information he. Asked for in his post on February 11, 2024 at 4:45 PM.
For some reason, that comment hasn’t been posted. He can contact you for my email address. The reason why I won’t post that information is in the comment.
Did Sid just admit to being Kenny? It sure looks that way to me.
dhall said:"in the years since you began posting, can you name a poster whose opinion regarding Crystal Mangum’s innocence you have changed? Can you point to any one thing you’ve done that has helped Crystal Mangum?========All of you. Go back and look at the posts by former posters like Walt and Dr. Anonymous. Initially they were stoutly defending the eroneous notion. backed-up and cheered on by most here, that Daye died as a result of the stab wound. Once that notion was completely discredited by all the evidence and was no longer tenable they switched to declare a Holsclaw or Welch precedent was in play. In view of reknown expert Medico-legal professor, Dr. Cyril Wecht's careful and complete explaination as to why that does not apply in this case, given with examples any lay person or any juror could understand, I doubt if they can still, reasonably, continue to hold on to that position as a rationale for declaring Crystal guilty. It seems they chose to withdraw rather then admit they have been wrong all along.
Sid my man, why won’t you release comments?
FYI -- No movement on Mangum v. Aurelius
Kenhyderal - You can’t point to the work Dr. Harr has done and claim you’re responsible for it.
Where’s your advocacy? Whose opinion here have YOU changed?
@dhall I'm not looking for credit. I'm just one person who realized, at once, Dr. Harr was correct in showing that Crystal did not murder Daye. He provided all the information any reasonable person would need, supported by all the available evidence to conclude that to be true. I was convinced and debated here with Dr. Anonymous, who identified himself as a cardio-vascular surgeon and with Walt from Durham. By now everyone familiar with this blog, including you knows the truth and sometimes albeit grudgingly and half-heartedly admit that Dr. Harr has been correct all along. Whether you changed your mind by seeing what Dr. Harr posts or by my defence of the obvious correctness of his discoveries or by Dr. Cyril Wecht's confirmation that Dr. Harr's finding are correct, is inmaterial i.e she is innocent of that charge and is being wrongly incarcerated for that crime.
Kenny’s statement from February 25, 2024 at 4:18 PM makes sense.
….If Kenny and Sid are, in fact, the same person.
"Whether you changed your mind by seeing what Dr. Harr posts or by my defence of the obvious correctness of his discoveries or by Dr. Cyril Wecht's confirmation that Dr. Harr's finding are correct, is inmaterial.."
Hey -- You're the one claiming that all of the posters here changed their minds due to your advocacy. (See your comment from February 25, 2024 at 4:18 PM -- something you've never offered any proof of, BTW).
That sure appears to be looking for credit where credit isn't due.
The sad truth is, for all your commenting here, you've never done anything that could be remotely considered "advocating" for Crystal Mangum.
I'll ask again -- Where’s YOUR advocacy? Whose opinion here have YOU changed?
All you've done is ride Dr. Harr's coattails or try to get others to do the advocating you're either too afraid or too lazy to do yourself.
@dhall 2-28-24 1:32 : Posters here have changed their minds. What directly caused them to do so I can't say nor can you. Maybe you can tell us what changed your mind or are you saying you always did believe Crystal was innocent of murder. You have stated on occasion you believe she is guilty of a lesser but included crime like asasult with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. But, as you know, she was charged and convicted of second degree murder and as you know she has been wrongly convicted of that particular crime. Maybe in America that can stand. I believe, though, she should have to be charged with whatever crime the Prosecution thought they had evidence for. Which they did. Originally they decided that was second degree murder. As we agree, that was a charge all available evidence shows she can not possibly be guilty of; therefore she was wrongly convicted and is wrongly incarcerated. This happened when the jury was wrongly told the cause of Daye's death was due to the stab wound. Something the evidnce proves untrue. What should happen when a jury convicts on information easily provable to be untrue. Even lay people like you and I can determine this by looking at the evidence ourselves. Do it yourself and see. You seem more interested in playing semantics by questioning me as an advocate vs. calling for justice for someone wrongly convicted I believe I am advocating and I am trying to get people like you, who know the truth, to also do so. Both Crystal and Dr. Harr believe I have been an advocate for them. What you think about that is immaterial. I just hope your thoughts about this are not based simply on ill-will towards me.
You made the claim that you changed their minds, Kenhyderal.
I’m glad you now admit that was a lie.
I’m not playing semantics - I’m not arguing what the meaning of “is” is.
What I’m showing everyone here is that you cannot and should not be trusted.
You claim the hard work Dr.. Harr is doing is yours. You claim you are advocating for Crystal Mangum. You claim to be calling for justice.
I claim that’s all bullsh*t and I detest liars. I am however, unlike you, willing to be proven wrong. The key being proof.
Stand up. Be a man.
Channel your inner Daniel Paul, your inner Ida B. Wells, and show us true meaningful advocacy. The kind you only claim to be doing now.
Maybe then you’ll get people to stand with you. Maybe then you’ll have earned more than simple Ill-will.
But I doubt you will.
I believe that kenhyderal is an extraordinary advocate and he has convinced me that his positions regarding this case are correct. I look forward to working with kenhyderal to win Crystal a new trial and compensation from North Carolina.
@dhall I believe I have changed minds here and have done so without resorting to personal attacks such as liar, untrustworthy, a bull-sh*ter etc. Maybe somebody who did find my arguements helpful in convincing them of Crystals's innocence, as was proven by Dr. Harr and Dr. Wecht, will post and tell us so. I don't think Dr. Harr himself considers me as someone who is taking credit for his valient efforts, with skills and understanding far beyong what I am capable of. I do take credit, though, in recognizing Dr. Harr would be the right person to help Crystal and I took the liberty of intoducing them. The rest being history. While most of you cruelly mocked his efforts, he, beyond any doubt, showed to anyone willing to see Crystal's innocence. A man of forebearance he rarely defends himself against mean-spirited attacks and when I do so I earn the ill-will of those who choose to mock him
Kenny, you haven't changed any minds ... people who paid attention from the beginning have known that malpractice by Duke killed Daye, but had Crystal not stabbed him he wouldn't have been in the hospital, so she is still responsible.
Had she not stabbed Daye, he would not have been in the hospital. That's the entire issue, which you and Sid ignore.
You're beliefs don't matter. Results do.
For all your comments, you have no results.
Ms. Mangum has needed a lawyer for quite some time -- now she has one.
Perhaps as a true friend, you can assist her (and Dr. Harr) by paying for this lawyer. Then you can claim to have actually done something other than make comments on this blog.
By all means, email me and I'll answer your question from February 11, 2024 at 4:45 PM. As an added bonus, I'll give you my thoughts about what Ms. Mangum and Dr. Harr will be working on with her lawyer.
As I stated in my original (unposted) comment, I don't want to post them here, as they may impact the work Dr. Harr is doing now.
@ Anonymous 3-3-24 Please read Dr. Wecht's report. What you suggest would only be the case if the Medical Mistake that killed Daye had occured while he was being treated for the consequences of the stab wound. Lawyers reading this please advise the poster that that he is mistaken and Dr. Wecht is specifically correct in the case of Daye as he clearly stated in his comprehensive report.
@ Nifong Supporter: Dear Dr. Harr, did you receive my reply to Anonymous 3-3-24 3:05 PM sent 3-4-24 ?
Today I received notice that there is movement in the Mangum v. NC DHHS case filed with the NC Office of Administrative Hearings. An Order for Status Report was filed on March 1, 2024.
LINK: Order for Status Report
I was under the impression that this case was at a total standstill. Pleased that it looks like it will proceed... hopefully to a hearing.
As you were.
They’re asking for a status on the MAR…this is the Apr 15 MAR, correct?
I can’t find any information on that one. Has there been something that’s occurred with it that would warrant a status report?
Blogger dhall said...
They’re asking for a status on the MAR…this is the Apr 15 MAR, correct?
I can’t find any information on that one. Has there been something that’s occurred with it that would warrant a status report?
March 7, 2024 at 5:45 PM
Hey, dhall.
I was pleasantly surprised for the Order seeking a Status Report on the MAR filed on April 25, 2024 in the Durham Superior Court. It was my understanding that no action would take place until after a ruling was made on the MAR... and no action has been taken because the Durham Senior Resident Superior Court Judge O'Foghludha has refused to assign the case per N.C.G.S. Statute 15A-1413(d).
Crystal will timely file her status report, and I will be interested to see the report by the NC DOJ. Will plan to publish all on this blog site once they are filed.
The status wil be: the MAR is still pending. Cause that is the status.
There isn’t going to be anything else in there.
And I am sure you will be suing Judge O’Fighludha soon.
The update from DOJ will be the same as the update from you: The MAR is still pending. They won't go into more detail like you. They have nothing to do with the Court or the Judge.
I had to look this up.
According to, the Status Report Law and Legal Definition is:
"...a report that summarizes a particular situation as of a stated period of time. A court while considering a question before it may order any concerned party to file a status report before it, so that the court can consider the report while arriving at a decision on any issue before it."
..And I still don't understand why the OAH is asking for a status report from both Crystal Mangum and the NC DHHS (not the NC DOJ) regarding this MAR.
A MAR is a motion to correct errors that occurred before, during, or after a criminal trial and asks the court for relief. So in Mangum's case the State is the plaintiff and Crystal Mangum in the defendant...
What kind of status report can DHHS give, when they're neither defendant nor plaintiff for the MAR?
What kinds of status report can Crystal Mangum give, when no action has been taken on the MAR?
What is the best strategy for responding to the Order for Status Report?
I’m with dhall - the court order is for CGM and DHHS to submit status reports. There won’t be a status report from the NC DOJ.
Does the blog home screen ( look messed up to anyone else?
Just the home screen (with the newest blog entries)...If you select the "Older Posts" link the blog site looks fine.
I've tried on multiple browsers (Chrome, Edge, Firefox) and it's the same on all of them.
That’s going to be the status - Sid will go into some long screed about how it hasn’t been assigned and make all kinds of accusations. DHHS will say they called the Clerk’s office and it hasn’t been ruled on.
Kenny will scream discrimination.
Sid’s response will run for pages, DHHS will be a sentence or two.
Sidney’s readers and I are waiting for your response.
Sid on February 25, 2024 at 5:40 AM:
"Haven't received clearance yet to divulge the secret project. Should get it anytime now.
Regarding the attorney appointment with Ms. Mangum, I should be able to let you know about it within a week... it's been scheduled."
Thaw was over 2 weeks ago. Any updates?
"...and no action has been taken because the Durham Senior Resident Superior Court Judge O'Foghludha has refused to assign the case per N.C.G.S. Statute 15A-1413(d)."
I think that's about the worst thing I've ever heard.
How marvelous.
Sid -- You're cherry picking the parts of the general statutes you want everyone to read, and ignoring the whole of the statute.
For those of you interested:
§ 15A‑1413. Trial judges empowered to act; assignment of motions for appropriate relief.
(a) A motion for appropriate relief made pursuant to G.S. 15A‑1415 may be heard and determined in the trial division by any judge who (i) is empowered to act in criminal matters in the district court district as defined in G.S. 7A‑133 or superior court district or set of districts as defined in G.S. 7A‑41.1, as the case may be, in which the judgment was entered and (ii) is assigned pursuant to this section to review the motion for appropriate relief and take the appropriate administrative action to dispense with the motion.
(b) The judge who presided at the trial is empowered to act upon a motion for appropriate relief made pursuant to G.S. 15A‑1414. The judge may act even though the judge is in another district or even though the judge's commission has expired; however, if the judge who presided at the trial is still unavailable to act, the senior resident superior court judge or the chief district court judge, as appropriate, shall assign a judge who is empowered to act under subsection (a) of this section.
(c) Repealed by Session Laws 2012‑168, s. 2(a), effective December 1, 2012.
(d) All motions for appropriate relief filed in superior court shall, when filed, be
referred to the senior resident superior court judge, who shall assign the motion as provided by this section for review and administrative action, including, as may be appropriate, dismissal, calendaring for hearing, entry of a scheduling order for subsequent events in the case, including disclosure of expert witness information described in G.S. 15A‑903(a)(2) and G.S. 15A‑905(c)(2) for expert witnesses reasonably expected to be called at a hearing on the motion, or other appropriate actions.
All motions for appropriate relief filed in district court shall, when filed, be referred to the chief district court judge, who shall assign the motion as provided by this section for review and administrative action, including, as may be appropriate, dismissal, calendaring for hearing, entry of a scheduling order for subsequent events in the case, or other appropriate actions.
(e) The assignment of a motion for appropriate relief filed under G.S. 15A‑1415 is in the discretion of the senior resident superior court judge or chief district court judge as appropriate. (1977, c. 711, s. 1; 1987 (Reg. Sess., 1988), c. 1037, s. 71; 2012‑168, s. 2(a); 2017‑176, s. 1(a).)
You see, N.C.G.S. Statute 15A-1413(e) is the section that applies, and it plainly states that the assignment of the MAR to a judge is at the discretion of Judge O'Foghludha
Why? N.C.G.S. Statute 15A‑1415 is the statute that covers MAR time limitations, and includes the grounds which a defendant may assert by a motion for appropriate relief made more than 10 days after entry of judgment. In other words this statute every MAR Sid has logged since CGM's conviction.
Sid -- You gonna post your (I mean Mangum's) status report? it was due 3 days ago...I realize it may take some time to get DHHS' status report, but are you going to post it, too?
Why do you have a link on the blog to an "enlightened" comment where "kenhyderal" states that "Every statement contained, therein, is true and with hard evidence to support it.", when he later states "Perhaps no "hard" evidence, as to the veracity..." of the comments contained in your report to the U.S. AG.
An "enlightened" comment would be one based on full comprehension of the issues referenced in your report.
It's not "enlightened" if he later has to retract it.
Anonymous Tyrone Rugen said...
"...and no action has been taken because the Durham Senior Resident Superior Court Judge O'Foghludha has refused to assign the case per N.C.G.S. Statute 15A-1413(d)."
I think that's about the worst thing I've ever heard.
How marvelous.
Sid -- You're cherry picking the parts of the general statutes you want everyone to read, and ignoring the whole of the statute.
Restatement of entire comment whittled down to accommodate limit of characters.
Why? N.C.G.S. Statute 15A‑1415 is the statute that covers MAR time limitations, and includes the grounds which a defendant may assert by a motion for appropriate relief made more than 10 days after entry of judgment. In other words this statute every MAR Sid has logged since CGM's conviction.
March 13, 2024 at 3:32 PM
Hey, Tyrone Rugen.
From my reading of the statutes, I believe that you have misinterpreted them. It is my belief that according to the statutes Judge O'Foghludha has the discretion to assign the MAR to a Superior Court judge of his choice... not that he has the discretion of whether or not to assign the case or rule on it himself.
Regardless, what is inexcusable is the inaction on the MARs by O'Foghludha, thereby obstructing Mangum's access to her right to relief. All O'Foghludha has to do is assign the MAR, Motion for Writ of Coram Nobis, and Motion seeking access to Brady Material, is take a minute or two and assign the motions to other superior court judges.
How do you justify Judge O'Foghludha's inaction on Mangum's MAR of April 25, 2023? It's approaching a year with no activity, and I would be interested in hearing your explanation.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
That’s going to be the status - Sid will go into some long screed about how it hasn’t been assigned and make all kinds of accusations. DHHS will say they called the Clerk’s office and it hasn’t been ruled on.
Kenny will scream discrimination.
Sid’s response will run for pages, DHHS will be a sentence or two.
March 10, 2024 at 4:31 PM
Hey, Anony.
Mangum's response to the Status Report order consists of a brief about ten pages long and four exhibits of 21 pages. Although the deadline for filing the response was due on March 12th, I have not seen a response by the State.
Your beliefs don’t matter.
Show me where in the statute it states who the MAR cannot be assigned to.
As to justifying his inaction, my opinion is that he’s tired of putting up with your ridiculous lolsuits, and letting real lawsuits take precedence over yours.
Anonymous Tyrone Rugen said...
Your beliefs don’t matter.
Show me where in the statute it states who the MAR cannot be assigned to.
As to justifying his inaction, my opinion is that he’s tired of putting up with your ridiculous lolsuits, and letting real lawsuits take precedence over yours.
March 15, 2024 at 4:56 PM
Hey, Tyrone Rugen.
The statute clearly states to whom a senior resident superior court judge can assign a MAR or post-conviction motion... specifically an appropriate superior court judge. What the statute fails to aver is that a senior resident superior court judge is obliged or obligated to review and provide administrative action on the MAR/post-conviction motion him/herself.
Your excuse to justify inaction by O'Foghludha because he is tired of putting up with "ridiculous lolsuits" is illogical because he has no mandate to review and provide administrative action on the MAR... all he is required to do is refer or assign it to another superior court judge. That should take no more than a couple of minutes at the most. After all, that is what his predecessor Orlando Hudson did with two MARs filed by Mangum; he assigned them to another superior court judge.
I rest my case.
Thanks for answering my question.
The statute does not state who the MAR cannot be assigned to. It’s at the discretion of the judge. The judge doesn’t have to assign it to anyone.
And yes, this is a ridiculous lolsuit. Ask the lawyer you (presumably) hired for CGM.
I rest my case.
@ Anonymous 3-15-24 1:18 Your quote of me is presented out of context "Perhaps no "hard" evidence, as to the veracity of the examples you gave, only common sence but, none of those examples speak to the critical question (Did Crystal Mangum murder Reginald Daye). What I claimed was that everything Dr. Harr presented in regard to the critical issue of the innocence of Crystal was provably true and supported by hard evidence. Those non- critical issue, given as examples, I speculated were also true but perhaps wiithout hard facts to support them; only common sense.
Sid - if the Senior Resident can't grant MARs, then Judge Hudson could never have granted all he did.
Of course the Senior Resident can keep it himself.
It could be that there's the ongoing Mangum v. Aurelius case...And the Writ of Coram Nobis. Maybe another MAR in there somewhere as well....
When you file frivolous "lolsuits", expect them to be treated as such.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sid - if the Senior Resident can't grant MARs, then Judge Hudson could never have granted all he did.
Of course the Senior Resident can keep it himself.
March 16, 2024 at 12:01 PM
Hey, Anony.
The fact is that the statute specifically states that the senior resident is to assign the case to an appropriate superior court judge. There is nothing in the statute that states the senior resident is allowed to review and take administrative action on a MAR and post-conviction motions.
Also, I am unaware of any MARs upon which Hudson made rulings... And, even if he did, that doesn't preclude him from not complying with the statutes. Are you able to provide examples wherein, as senior resident, Judge Hudson ruled on MARs?
Anonymous said...
It could be that there's the ongoing Mangum v. Aurelius case...And the Writ of Coram Nobis. Maybe another MAR in there somewhere as well....
When you file frivolous "lolsuits", expect them to be treated as such.
March 16, 2024 at 2:35 PM
The federal Mangum v. Aurelius case should have no bearing on the state case of State v. Mangum. As far as frivolity goes, the "lolsuits" should be handled pursuant to statutes. Just because a judge may feel a lawsuit is frivolous, that doesn't give him authority to deprive the litigant of his/her due process rights.
Anonymous Prince Humperdinck said...
Sid -- You gonna post your (I mean Mangum's) status report? it was due 3 days ago...I realize it may take some time to get DHHS' status report, but are you going to post it, too?
March 15, 2024 at 1:01 PM
Hey, Prince H.
As soon as I receive the state's status report, I will post both sets. Haven't received a copy of it as of yet.
You stated “There you have it. Every statement contained, therein, is true and with hard evidence to support it”
That’s not out of context. You later came back and made your correction when it was proven that the statement was not true.
Check the comment. Nowhere does it state “ everything Dr. Harr presented in regard to the critical issue of the innocence of Crystal was provably true”
The post where you modified your stance isn’t identified as the “enlightened” one.
Sid -- The Mangum v. Aurelius and the subsequent MAR cover essentially the same issue -- The response (or lack of) to your set of affirmatives.
If Mangum loses her case against Aurelius, the MAR becomes moot.
Since Mangum v. Aurelius was filed first, I don't think the federal court can rule on the MAR until that case is decided.
Apparently CGM has a lawyer, why don't you ask this lawyer?
"Are you able to provide examples wherein, as senior resident, Judge Hudson ruled on MARs?"
Hmm. March 2021 -- A MAR was submitted for Abdul Rasheed asking for all of his convictions to be vacated. Judge Orlando Hudson's ruling granted the Consent Motion for Appropriate Relief, and Abdul was officially released from prison.
That's just the one off the top of my head...A little research I'm sure could provide more. You should try it sometime.
Dr. Harr - I wasn’t familiar with Judge Hudson’s rulings, so I checked the veracity of the comment from Anonymous @ March 18, 2024 at 8:28 AM. It appears to be correct based the article I found here:
dhall said...
Dr. Harr - I wasn’t familiar with Judge Hudson’s rulings, so I checked the veracity of the comment from Anonymous @ March 18, 2024 at 8:28 AM. It appears to be correct based the article I found here:
March 19, 2024 at 5:15 PM
Hey, dhall.
Thanks for the link. I looked it up and noticed significant differences. When he filed his first MAR it was denied on July 10, 2000. No information is available about it, but I would bet that the senior resident Durham superior court judge assigned the case to another superior court judge.
Fortunately for inmate Abdul Rasheed the NC Center on Actual Innocence took his case, unlike Mangum's. It did work and got his ex-girlfriend witness to recant incriminating testimony and in the wake of destruction of key evidence by the State following its memorandum of cooperation with NCCAI, the State really had no case.
Procedurally, senior resident Judge Hudson received from NCCAI a consent Motion for Appropriate Relief wherein Mr. Rasheed had agreed to accept a plea deal, so the issue was, in essence, a fait accompli, so rather than assign it to another judge, he just signed off on it himself.
There is much not known from the linked source. For example, could Judge Hudson have been presiding over the Rasheed trial? Did the 2000 MAR ruling to deny come from Hudson?
This situation represents an acceptable variance with the statutes, but one which I would find objectionable if Rasheed's MAR been denied. I would bet that an overwhelming majority of MARs, especially those filed by attorneys, as opposed to pro se, follow statutes and are referred by a senior resident judge to another superior court judge.
That is my take. I still believe Judge O'Foghludha is in violation of N.C.G.S. Statute 15A-1413(d) by his refusal to assign Mangum's post-conviction motions to the appropriate superior court judge.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sid -- The Mangum v. Aurelius and the subsequent MAR cover essentially the same issue -- The response (or lack of) to your set of affirmatives.
If Mangum loses her case against Aurelius, the MAR becomes moot.
Since Mangum v. Aurelius was filed first, I don't think the federal court can rule on the MAR until that case is decided.
Apparently CGM has a lawyer, why don't you ask this lawyer?
March 18, 2024 at 7:12 AM
Hey, Anony.
The two cases are in two different courts and are about two different issues. Not having reviewed the Durham Superior Court case, I believe it was about Dr. Wecht's responses to Mangum's Requests for Admission - which exonerated Ms. Mangum, and the refusal, at the time, of the State to respond to the Requests. The NC Office of Administrative Hearings is one wherein Mangum contested the Chief Medical Examiner's decision to support the Nichols autopsy and oppose the report by Dr. Wecht which was critical of Dr. Nichols.
A ruling in favor of Mangum would very well serve as basis for filing another MAR in the Durham Superior Court. Any ruling in the Durham court would have no bearing on the one in the NC Office of Administrative Hearings.
Let me know if further elucidation is required.
Dr. Harr - I realize there are differences between the cases.
You asked “Are you able to provide examples wherein, as senior resident, Judge Hudson ruled on MARs?"
Thanks to the Anonymous commenter, you have your example.
If Judge O'Foghludha is in violation of N.C.G.S. Statute 15A-1413(d) by his refusal to assign Mangum's post-conviction motions to the appropriate superior court judge, then so was Judge Hudson for not assigning the Rasheed MAR to the appropriate superior court judge.
If it’s acceptable for the judge to grant the MAR, it’s acceptable for the judge to deny it.
Let me get this right.
The MAR from April 2023 is based on the lack of response to the 25(?) affirmatives in the OAH contested case.
These affirmatives were never submitted in Mangum v. Aurelius.
is that correct?
In referring to "the Durham Superior Court case", you're referring to the MAR, correct?
What do you mean "Not having reviewed the Durham Superior Court case..." Didn't you write all of these? Don't you have it posted on this blog with an introduction, the MAR, and the various exhibits?
“Sid’s response will run for pages…”
- Anonymous @March 10, 2024 at 4:31 PM
“Mangum's response to the Status Report order consists of a brief about ten pages long and four exhibits of 21 pages…”
Sid -March 15, 2024 at 3:10 PM
Good call, Anonymous, we know that by “Mangum’s response” Sid is talking about his response..
“ Haven't received clearance yet to divulge the secret project. Should get it anytime now.
Regarding the attorney appointment with Ms. Mangum, I should be able to let you know about it within a week... it's been scheduled.”
Sid-February 25, 2024 at 5:40 AM
It’s almost a month later.. Any updates?
Where is kenhyderal? Has he abandoned Crystal? I expect more from a fighter for justice.
Anonymous A Habba Esquire said...
Where is kenhyderal? Has he abandoned Crystal? I expect more from a fighter for justice.
March 23, 2024 at 8:35 AM
Hey, A Habba.
Not to worry. When kenhyderal has something to say, he will make a comment.
Anonymous Prince Humperdinck said...
“ Haven't received clearance yet to divulge the secret project. Should get it anytime now.
Regarding the attorney appointment with Ms. Mangum, I should be able to let you know about it within a week... it's been scheduled.”
Sid-February 25, 2024 at 5:40 AM
It’s almost a month later.. Any updates?
March 23, 2024 at 8:03 AM
Hey, Prince Humperdinck.
Not yet cleared to discuss secret project.
Attorney has not yet visited Ms. Mangum. That is out of my control.
As an update, Ms. Mangum did file a motion with the NC Office of Administrative Hearings on March 15, 2024. I will put a link to it below.
LINK: Ms. Mangum's motion
Let me know what you think about it.
NOTICE: In the above post, the "LINK: Ms. Mangum's motion" contains three links. These links will take you to the three exhibits, but it will be necessary for you to scroll back upward to find your place in the text as the "Click to Return to Text" button will not work.
Sorry 'bout that.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Let me get this right.
The MAR from April 2023 is based on the lack of response to the 25(?) affirmatives in the OAH contested case.
These affirmatives were never submitted in Mangum v. Aurelius.
is that correct?
In referring to "the Durham Superior Court case", you're referring to the MAR, correct?
What do you mean "Not having reviewed the Durham Superior Court case..." Didn't you write all of these? Don't you have it posted on this blog with an introduction, the MAR, and the various exhibits?
March 21, 2024 at 8:54 AM
Hey, Anony.
When I stated "not having reviewed the Durham Superior Court case..." my intent was to let you know that I did not review it prior to answering the comment and to let you know the answer might not be completely accurate and that I based my answer basically on my recollection.
The April 25, 2023 MAR to the Durham court was filed after the Chief Medical Examiner's April 10, 2023 two-page letter/"report" which was essentially useless. The MAR included the response to the Requests for Admission (of Affirmatives as I referenced them) by Dr. Cyril Wecht which were exonerative of Ms. Mangum and noted that the medical examiner refused to respond to them.
On about June 5, 2023, Ms. Mangum filed the Requests for Admission with both the NC Office of Administrative Hearings and the U.S. District Court's Eastern District. The medical examiner only responded to the Requests in the NC Office of Administrative Hearings court.
So, your grand plan is to ask the Court to compel someone, who is not a party, to respond to questions? Not going to happen. They have no authority to do so.
And, it was noted, many times, that the lawsuit had been served improperly, so they did not have to respond to those requests - but instead of fixing service, which would have been easy, and which was clearly explained, you and Kenny chose to whine and whine and whine (and are continuing to whine).
Again, you clearly are not interested in helping Crystal at all - you just want her to think you are. If you wanted to help, you'd actually listen to people trying to help.
Dr. Roberts is an expert witness - She doesn’t work for the DHHS. I find it difficult to believe that the OAH can compel a private citizen to do anything.
You could just pay her to complete your affirmatives, just like you paid Wecht for his testimony.
"... The MAR included the response to the Requests for Admission (of Affirmatives as I referenced them) by Dr. Cyril Wecht which were exonerative of Ms. Mangum and noted that the medical examiner refused to respond to them."
The MAR more than "noted" that the ME refused to respond on them, it is BASED on the fact that they didn't respond to them.
Is it safe to say that the case you're referring to that the ME / DHHS didn't respond to is the Mangum v. Aurelius case?
You know, the one you failed to serve properly.
If so, then losing that case renders the whole MAR moot. So yeah, I'd say that the decision regarding the MAR is dependent on the outcome of the Aurelius case.
Dr. Harr -- My hope is that the one of the things that the lawyer obtained for Crystal Mangum is doing is assisting her with gaining access to her medical records (something I find deplorable -- regardless of circumstance, no one should need a lawyer to access their own health information).
I do find it concerning that, if this is indeed the case, the attorney has yet to visit her. Can you provide more insight?
"Not yet cleared to discuss secret project."
Given your history of disclosing privileged information, I'm not surprised.
I wouldn't be surprised if you file a lolsuit against these unknown persons when their secret project fails, either.
dhall said...
Dr. Harr -- My hope is that the one of the things that the lawyer obtained for Crystal Mangum is doing is assisting her with gaining access to her medical records (something I find deplorable -- regardless of circumstance, no one should need a lawyer to access their own health information).
I do find it concerning that, if this is indeed the case, the attorney has yet to visit her. Can you provide more insight?
March 25, 2024 at 8:15 AM
Hey, dhall.
Yes, the fact that inmates are not allowed access to their medical records is horrific. Did I provide a link to that statute? If not, I will put a link to it now.
LINK to Statute about Inmate Records
I am hopeful an attorney will be available to meet with her soon.
You are saying that you are hopeful an attorney will be available to meet soon? I thought you had a specific attorney. Has that fallen through and you just aren't being honest?
Posted this comment on the wrong blog...
Not only are you asking the OAH to compel Dr. Roberts to respond to your affirmatives, you're asking them to pay for her time to do so?
I think that's about the worst thing I've ever heard.
How marvelous.
Still no movement on MANGUM v. AURELIUS
Since kenhyderal has nothing to say, can you provide us an update regarding your secret projects?
Dr. Harr,
I visited your blog today for the first time in several years and was happy to see no sign of g the evil duke troll who in the past was guilty of committing hate crimes against kenhyderal and me and also trolled me by copying my posts and reposting them in an attempt to convince your readers that I was constantly repeating my comments when in fact that was not the case. I suspect that you decided that g’s trolling and hate crimes have no place on your blog and you told him to go elsewhere and troll with his other duke troll friends who like to do nothing more than harass your readers and commit hate crimes against them in a way that distracts from the serious discussion that you are trying to have on your blog with the non duke trolls. As long as g is not here to act as an evil duke troll and troll me and commit hate crimes I will continue to read your blog because I will not be subject to the trolling and hate crimes that g committed in the past against kenhyderal and me. Thank you.
Hey Sid - You posted this on February 1, 2024:
"With regards to the attorney, I sought his assistance for a specific and limited endeavor that is unrelated to the other objectives. The subject on which the attorney is focused is probably one, it not the, most important issue regarding Ms. Mangum. Will reveal it once it is completed... hopefully within a couple of weeks at the most."
It's been 2 months since that post, and now you're saying "I am hopeful an attorney will be available to meet with her soon..."? How could this lawyer be "focused" on a subject when he hasn't even met with her?
Just a minor correction -- the link you posted is not a statute, it's a policy and procedure.
A "statute" is a law written by the state or federal legislative branch.
A "policy and procedure" document is a document created by an agency (like the NC DCDP) to provide additional definition to an existing law.
With that said, I can't find the NC state-defined law regarding inmate access to medical records, but the federal regulation is 28 CFR § 513.42.
Inmates aren't denied access to their medical records by either regulation or policy. They are allowed to review those records (provided they perform the appropriated request).
So they can review their medical records, but can't keep them, and there's nothing in the policy document that states otherwise.
I don't think she can show those medical records to you, and I don't think any lawyer could, either...Attorney/Client privilege. If you were her spouse, I think she could allow it. If she wants you to see her medical records, have her ask her lawyer.
Here we are in April 2024.
No new blog entries by Sid in 2 months
No update on the "very significant project that is in its homestretch". (In its homestretch as of January 29, to be exact).
No update on Sid's an attempt to get an appointment with a state agency to discuss Mangum's case.
No real update on the action(s) by an attorney (who apparently has never met with Mangum).
No update (that I can find) on the civil brief you planned to file "next month [February] as a plaintiff pro se."
I'm starting to think there's nothing new because Sid hasn't actually done anything.
The section you have highlighted in pink with the statement "inmates are denied access to their records" is specific to "administrative and operational" files (not medical records).
These records ARE accessible, but require authorization from the Division of Prison Administration.
So, the policy clearly contradicts your statement that "inmates are denied access to their records".
On a slightly different subject, why does Crystal Mangum need a physical copy of her medical records?
In a document you filed in the NC OAH contested case (dated July 24, 2023), you stated that Crystal Mangum "requested a copy" of a colonoscopy report because she wasn't sure if there was a biopsy performed to rule out cancer.
I agree this is information she should know -- there's no way she can make an informed decision without this information.
She doesn't need a physical copy to get this information or make any healthcare decision. She can review her medical record in accordance with both 28 CFR § 513.42 and the aforementioned policy and procedure.
I can't find any post or filing that states she's been denied the opportunity to review her medical records, only that she's been denied a copy of them.
Have I missed something?
Sorry I have not been responding to comments, but have been extremely busy. Work to be done on many fronts, but there are two that are pending: (1) On April 8, 2024, Investigation Discovery is supposed to show an episode titled "Dirty Dancing," a defamatory regurgitation against Crystal for the purpose of rekindling hatred towards her (and I don't think I'll be able to prevent its airing although I have tried for weeks to have it postponed); and (2) a second hearing date has been set in the NC Office of Administrative Hearings scheduled for this July. So, I will be extremely busy getting prepared for events. I think the hearing has potential to lead to Crystal's release from prison and her exoneration.
I will try to respond to some comments over the weekend.
As you were.
You've tried for weeks to postpone a show on a channel that (if lucky) gets 7000 less viewers per day than the Durham Herald-Sun gets in weekly readers?
That's pathetic, given the so-called "projects" that have been ongoing.
Where's the "very significant project that is in its homestretch"? Was this "very significant project" the one trying to postpone the TV show?
Where's the update on your attempt to get an appointment with a state agency to discuss Mangum's case?
Where's the update on Mangum's attorney?
How, exactly, will the NCOAH contested case hearing "lead to Crystal's release from prison and her exoneration."? As you yourself have disclosed, Dr. Aurelius delivered her report, and, as others pointed out, your "affirmatives" weren't delivered until after (IIRC) the Mangum v. DHHS case was dismissed -- at CGM's request.
CGM isn't going to win the contested case.
Kenny is too busy advocating for Crystal Mangum to respond to any questions.
Did anyone read Sid’s document for this blog entry? He was told back in 2022 by this same Assistant Attorney General that they can’t authorize an investigation into any civil rights complaints because he can’t provide ANY evidence that Mangum’s prosecution was retaliatory in nature, and any evidence he can provide doesn’t prove a violation of federal civil rights.
So what does he do? The same thing that drew the original response.
I think that's about the worst thing I've ever heard.
How marvelous.
When will you be filing the lawsuit against Investigation Discovery?
And why did you not appear in the program?
Anonymous Tyrone Rugen said...
You've tried for weeks to postpone a show on a channel that (if lucky) gets 7000 less viewers per day than the Durham Herald-Sun gets in weekly readers?
That's pathetic, given the so-called "projects" that have been ongoing.
Where's the "very significant project that is in its homestretch"? Was this "very significant project" the one trying to postpone the TV show?
Where's the update on your attempt to get an appointment with a state agency to discuss Mangum's case?
Where's the update on Mangum's attorney?
How, exactly, will the NCOAH contested case hearing "lead to Crystal's release from prison and her exoneration."? As you yourself have disclosed, Dr. Aurelius delivered her report, and, as others pointed out, your "affirmatives" weren't delivered until after (IIRC) the Mangum v. DHHS case was dismissed -- at CGM's request.
CGM isn't going to win the contested case.
April 5, 2024 at 6:33 AM
Hey, Tyrone Rugen.
Although I did not see the Lethally Blonde episode titled "Dirty Dancing" about Crystal Mangum which aired last night on Investigation Discovery Channel, I was told by someone who did that the show was quite sympathetic towards Crystal. Unfortunately it did not, to my knowledge, even mention Dr. Cyril H. Wecht and his exonerative report or discuss the facts about Reginald Daye's death. So, it is likely Crystal will not pursue any legal action regarding the documentary.
The attorney I tried to get to help Crystal has not yet visited her and I do not know when or if he will. So that's pending and unreliable.
It appears that the contested case hearing before the NC Office of Administrative Hearings will be scheduled around mid-July 2024. That will be very important, and I believe it could very likely result in Ms. Mangum's release from prison. So, that is what we will be the object of our focus.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Here we are in April 2024.
No new blog entries by Sid in 2 months
No update on the "very significant project that is in its homestretch". (In its homestretch as of January 29, to be exact).
No update on Sid's an attempt to get an appointment with a state agency to discuss Mangum's case.
No real update on the action(s) by an attorney (who apparently has never met with Mangum).
No update (that I can find) on the civil brief you planned to file "next month [February] as a plaintiff pro se."
I'm starting to think there's nothing new because Sid hasn't actually done anything.
April 2, 2024 at 11:51 AM
Hey, Anony.
My apparent silence on the blog site doesn't signify idleness, but the exact opposite. It means that I am too involved doing other things to even have time to upload blogs. There are many filings, letters sent, complaints lodged, and preparations being made for the contested case hearing that is currently scheduled to be held in mid-July 2024.
So, a lot is going on, and everything should culminate at the July hearing. Just stay tuned.
"...I believe it could very likely result in Ms. Mangum's release from prison. So, that is what we will be the object of our focus."
That didn't answer the question. Your beliefs don't matter.
I'll ask again:
How, exactly, will the NCOAH contested case hearing lead to Crystal's release from prison and her exoneration?
"The attorney I tried to get to help Crystal has not yet visited her and I do not know when or if he will. So that's pending and unreliable."
Did you pay this attorney?
If not, how did you "try" to get them to help CGM?
When you create a new blog entry you can literally copy/paste the contents of those "filings, letters sent, complaints lodged" into seconds.
You're not "too involved". You're either too lazy or too indifferent.
...And for all your preparations, the contested case hearing will not free CGM, even if she wins (and I NAMATH-guarantee she won't).
As I recall, virtually everyone who was interviewed during the episode concluded that Crystal lied during the lacrosse investigation. I would not call that a sympathetic view of Crystal’s behavior.
Did anyone find it odd that Sid is admitting to acting as a lawyer in a complaint to the US DOJ?
He's telling a part of the government branch responsible for enforcing the laws of the land that he's violating state law.
Just me, but I think admitting to breaking the law to any department of the Executive branch (federal or state) is not a good idea.
Were I Kristen Clarke, my response would be to hand this document off to the appropriate NC executive branch department and tell them to act on Sid's admission of state law violations.
Prince Humperdinck said...
Did anyone find it odd that Sid is admitting to acting as a lawyer in a complaint to the US DOJ?
He's telling a part of the government branch responsible for enforcing the laws of the land that he's violating state law.
Just me, but I think admitting to breaking the law to any department of the Executive branch (federal or state) is not a good idea.
Were I Kristen Clarke, my response would be to hand this document off to the appropriate NC executive branch department and tell them to act on Sid's admission of state law violations.
April 10, 2024 at 9:14 AM
Hey, Prince Humperdinck.
Unfortunately, the US DOJ is not interested in Crystal Mangum's case. It simply doesn't want to get involved because of politics. Why should I be shaking in my boots regarding the US DOJ's Civil Rights Division when it is afraid to even communicate with me?
It should be noted that I have contacted three different executive directors of the NC Innocence Inquiry Commission about Crystal's case, and all three have refused to meet with me and refused to consider her case. I even requested from the NC State Bar a referral of an attorney for Crystal... it refused.
Prince, also note that Crystal was abandoned by the NC Prisoner Legal Services on January 17, 2017.
Anonymous A Durham Man said...
As I recall, virtually everyone who was interviewed during the episode concluded that Crystal lied during the lacrosse investigation. I would not call that a sympathetic view of Crystal’s behavior.
April 9, 2024 at 3:44 PM
Hey, Durham Man.
When I refer sympathetic, I mean that my understanding is that the documentary was more or less fair... that it presented her side of the case.
I do not consider conclusions by interviewees that Crystal lied to be problematic, but what I object to is, what I believe to be the failure of the documentary to mention Dr. Cyril Wecht's report and his conclusions.
I will view the documentary within the next couple of hours and will be better able to assess it. From what I've heard, it does not seem to meet defamatory standards to warrant a lawsuit.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"The attorney I tried to get to help Crystal has not yet visited her and I do not know when or if he will. So that's pending and unreliable."
Did you pay this attorney?
If not, how did you "try" to get them to help CGM?
April 9, 2024 at 1:33 PM
Hey, Anony.
I am not the former president. I pay my attorneys.
So far, the attorney hasn't done anything and has not submitted a bill to me.
"It should be noted that I have contacted three different executive directors of the NC Innocence Inquiry Commission about Crystal's case, and all three have refused to meet with me and refused to consider her case. I even requested from the NC State Bar a referral of an attorney for Crystal... it refused."
You weren't involved in any way with either the Duke Lacrosse case or Crystal Mangum's murder trial.
It should be noted that you've injected yourself into the murder conviction to the point of filing legal briefs on her behalf (to the point of filing lawsuits without her knowledge or consent and filing civil cases she had no way of winning). I've lost count of the number of MARs you've filed on her behalf that are simply regurgitations of all other lawsuits you've filed.
You have no legal standing WRT her trial and conviction, yet you're acting as her lawyer. This is why organizations like the NC Innocence Inquiry Commission, the Innocence Commission, and others won't get involved. It's not Crystal Mangum or her situation -- it's you.
Referring back to the Abdul Rasheed MAR, one of the things that happened in that case was that the ex-girlfriend recanted her testimony, stating in an affidavit that she "...testified because [she] felt threatened by the police...The police told [her] if she did not cooperate [she] would be charged as an accessory to the crimes and...would lose [her] children".
Now, getting back to the Mangum case, Dr. Harr stated in his report to the US DOJ that "Milton Walker, MANGUM's former boyfriend, was forced by prosecutors to testify against her, and under prosecutor duress falsely stated that Mangum lunged towards him with a knife in a February 2010 domestic incident"
What's the difference? The affidavit.
Sworn testimony trumps out-of-court unsworn statements.
IIRC, (lawyers, please correct me) an affidavit recanting sworn testimony can be considered "new evidence". and can be used by defendants to challenge their convictions and sentences.
Quite frankly, it amazes me that Dr. Harr makes the claim that Milton Wagner was forced to testify against her (as Amy Messer was forced to testify in the Abdul Rasheed case), but doesn't go any further.
All you need to do is get sworn testimony from Milton Walker stating that Dr. Harr's claim is true. that's it.
Walker would never face perjury charges -- in fact, the prosecutors themselves could be accused of subornation of perjury. Stating that he won't sign an affidavit because he fears perjury charges is just being ignorant of the law.
Why has it gone this long without someone asking Milton Walker for an affidavit stating that his testimony was coerced by the prosecutors?
Virtually all Lawyers in North Caroline are reluctant to run afoul of Governor Cooper and AG Stein ; therefore most are loath to touch Crystal's case with a "ten foot pole". I venture that some are also aware, or at least speculate, that for political and financial reasons getting vigorously involved would be, professionally and monetarily, in North Carolina, an unfavorable career choice for them.
dHall - Sid was told long ago to get an affidavit from Walker - he has refused to do so. As always, when Dr. Harr is told what he can do to actually help Crystal, he refuses, because it's clear to everyone that he wants her locked up. She is literally a captive audience for him.
You are right, a sworn affidavit from Walker would go a long way to helping.
Sid refused to do it then, he will refuse now.
Right on kenhyderal.
Kenhyderal -- I doubt you've ever set foot in North Carolina, nor do you personally know any lawyers practicing in North Carolina.
If you were familiar with North Carolina, you'd know that organizations with lawyers (like the NC Chamber of Commerce) have no problem handling legal matters against Cooper.
Josh Stein has also run into legal battles over an allegedly false campaign ad.
Lawyers are loath to touch Crystal's case with a "ten foot pole" (or rather, a ten foot tongue depressor) for 1 specific reason. Sidney Harr.
Read my enlightened comment from April 11, 2024 at 6:15 AM.
You are making things up again.
Lawyers represent people against the State of North Carolina, its Governor, AG and various officers, elected officials, departments and agencies all the time, without reluctance or issue. Doing such work is not only challenging and rewarding, but can be very financially lucrative and can help a lawyer advance his or her career.
Fear of Governor Cooper and the AG are not why Sid can't find a lawyer to represent Mangum. Governors and AG's get sued in their official capacities hundreds, if not thousands, of times during their term. They don't take it personally. The state has various departments, with teams of lawyers, to handle suits brought against the State and its officials.
Abe Froman
Chicago, IL
@ Abe and the Prince : Again, I speculate, in North Carolina, Lawyers pobably have to take into account where Duke fits into the equation. The question, though, remains since Cooper and Stein both know, with absolute certainty, just like you two also know, Crystal is innocence of murder and is being wrongly incarcerated. Enquiring minds also want to know what could be their possible motive for not acting and also why any and all attempts, by Dr. Harr, to see that justice be served are being thwarted, using the most superficial legaleese, as a "wink-wink" rationale, in order to deny justice and run out the clock, hoping whatever consequences they might face will disappear, once her sentence for this wrongful conviction expires.
Waiting for Kenny's "No True Scotsman" defense of his April 11, 2024 at 2:17 PM comment....
Ignore the negative posts by Abe and the Prince. You know far more about North Carolina lawyers than either of them.
Again you speculate incorrectly.
Why don’t you try speaking to a lawyer in North Carolina, rather than speaking about them.
CGM was found guilty in court by a jury of her peers.
Sid is not a lawyer and doesn’t bother to do any actual legal research.
Kenny -- What's your "wink-wink" rationale for not getting a sworn affidavit from Milton Walker stating this is testimony was forced to commit perjury under prosecutor duress?
Surely you know subornation of perjury (it may be called "incitement to perjury") is a crime in Canada as well....
You have turned into quite the lay advocate.
Your posts never disappoint.
@ The Prince 4--12-24 5:49 AM I have had dealings with one NC Lawyer Mark Simeon regarding funds raised and held in Trust for Crystal's bail in 2011 and @ Tyrone 4-12-24 12:16 : Wrong, there was no "True Scotsman Falacy", since I used the words "virtually, most, some and I speculate"
I am glad to see that you are back and making your thoughtful posts. Keep up the good work. It can be discouraging sometimes to advocate for an unpopular public figure. However, you can be proud that you are a fighter for justice.
So, you interacted with 1 lawyer in NC that had no issues doing something for Crystal Mangum's case.
And from that interaction with one lawyer, you come to the conclusion that "Virtually all Lawyers in North Caroline are reluctant to run afoul of Governor Cooper and AG Stein ; therefore most are loath to touch Crystal's case with a "ten foot pole"."
I think that's about the worst thing I've ever heard.
How marvelous.
Mangum V. Aurelius (from April 12, 2024):
ORDER - The court DISMISSES WITHOUT PREJUDICE the action in part for lack of jurisdiction and in part for failure to state a claim pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1915A(b)(l), and DENIES AS MOOT the pending motions [D.E. 31, 34]. The clerk shall close the case. Signed by District Judge James C. Dever III on 4/12/2024. Sent via US Mail to Crystal Gail Mangum #0801264 at North Carolina Correctional Insitution[SIC] for Women, 1034 Bragg Street, Raleigh, NC 27610.
You can read the court's decision here.
Some thoughts:
""court DISMISSES WITHOUT PREJUDICE the action in part for lack of jurisdiction and in part for failure to state a claim pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 1915A(b)(l)..."
The reasons offered, I think, are due to the following relief sought:
Lack of jurisdiction:
"Compel the court to unseal and provide MANGUM with the 18-page document copy" (of Dr. Nichols' personnel file)
"Compel ISHEE to arrange for MANGUM to get appropriate outside medical assessment"
The defendant (Dr. Aurelius) doesn't have the ability to grant this relief, and the District Court can't force her to grant relief outside her abilities.
failure to state a claim:
"compel AURELIUS to expeditiously complete a total of tewenty-five affirmatives"
"Failure to state a claim" means that, even if the "factual allegations in a complaint are true, they are insufficient to establish a cause of action".
"Cause of action" is also a legal term, meaning that "the factual elements...come from a constitution, statute, judicial precedent, or administrative regulation".
Dr. Harr's lawsuit doesn't establish a cause of action, because he can't provide any proof that Dr. Aurelius NOT completing the affirmatives violates the Constitution, federal statute, judicial precedent, or administrative regulation.
Kenny @ April 14, 2024 at 9:07 AM
"since I used the words 'virtually, most, some and I speculate' "
I see you, using the most superficial "legaleese"
Dr. Harr,
There is no question that you and kenhyderal are the dream team of lay advocates.
I speculate that virtually all Canadians who know Crystal Mangum from their time spent working in Bremerton, WA are morons.
The question, though, remains since you claim Crystal is innocent of murder and is being wrongly incarcerated, what are you doing about it?
@ Tyrone: In response to your rejoinder thereunto set forth on the time, day, month and year predetermined, I unfeignedly retort that; "virtually", "most", "some" "and "I speculate" are all compellingly stipilated plain, clear English verbage and henceforth, semantically substatiate, incontrovertably, I have not, illogically, perpetrated the "No True Scotsman" fallacy.
You still fail for your spelling, but congratulations on getting the name of the fallacy correct this time, Kenny.
@ Anonymous 4-15-24 1:12 PM I speculate that any Canadian, or for that matter any American, who knows the facts and still believes Crystal murdered Reginald Daye is either a moron or is complicit in having an innocent American kept in prison for a crime that never happened. Unlike Cooper and Stein, certainly not morons, both knowing full well of her innocence and having the authority and duty to act wont do so ; with the only possible reason for that having to be nefarious. As to the remaining question, I, like you, lack any authority to correct this injustice but in your case, as an elector of these derelicts, do have a civil duty to question this outrage that's being perpetrated on a fellow American Citizen.
Kenhyderal -- As I see it, there are 2 elephants in the room neither you or Dr. Harr have addressed.
The first (see my comment from April 11, 2024 at 10:10 AM) is the lack of affidavit from Milton Walker. I think Walker's testimony was a key factor in Crystal Mangum's conviction, and I believe most here will agree.
Why wasn't Walker asked to validate via affidavit that he "... was forced by prosecutors to testify against her, and under prosecutor duress falsely stated that Mangum lunged towards him with a knife in a February 2010 domestic incident".
Confirmation from Walker that he was a victim of subornation of perjury would bolster the attempt to get Crystal Mangum a new trial. Why has no one addressed this?
The second is the dismissal of Mangum v. Aurelius. I've stated my reasoning for why the complaint was dismissed. Why hasn't anyone identified reasons why the complaint dismissal is wrong?
"As to the remaining question, I, like you, lack any authority to correct this injustice but in your case, as an elector of these derelicts, do have a civil duty to question this outrage that's being perpetrated on a fellow American Citizen."
So you're not doing anything.
Looks like dhall was correct in his analysis of your "advocacy"
@ Anonymous 4-17-24 Why not outline what you think I should do. Keep in mind, I have full confidence in Dr. Harr, who has absolutely shown Crystal to be innocent. Or, do you think any errors in filings should trump the freeing of a wrongly convicted person. Meanwhile, do you have any opinion about what Gov.Cooper and/or AG Stein should do who, like you, know full well that an innocent person has been wrongly convicted and wrongly incarcerated? 2nd degree murder, a verdict by a jury given, easily demonstrable, false information. Cooper knows it, Stein knows it, Dr. Nichols knows it, Dr. Roberts knows it, Dr. Aurelius knows it, D.U.M.C knows it and you know it too. Their reputations are obviously at stake, but hey, it's only the life of Crystal Mangum a person they consider to be of no consequences compared to them.
@dhall Getting an affidavit from Walker could be problematic. At present he has no incentive to do so. He may fear doing that would pit him against the authorities who he reputed coerced him. Sadly many Black Americans fear challenging their treatment as they seldom win. It appears he has moved on and for him sees no upside. In a new trial he could be subpoenaed.
Once again - when Kenny/Sid are given something that could help Crystal, they make excuses for why they won't do it.
Why doesn't someone at least try and ask Walker? If you follow the news, and look at exonerated people, it's often witnesses providing affidavits. It happens all the time.
Once again, proof that they want to keep Crystal right where she is, and have no interest in really helping her, just making her think they are.
”Getting an affidavit from Walker could be problematic.”
You have no idea that getting an affidavit from Walker is “problematic” until you actually ask him for one.
”At present he has no incentive to do so.”
He reportedly confessed to being forced to lie in his testimony in a phone call to Crystal Mangum.
”He may fear doing that would pit him against the authorities who he reputed coerced him. Sadly many Black Americans fear challenging their treatment as they seldom win.”
Abdul Rasheed’s case shows otherwise. His ex girlfriend had no problems recanting her testimony.
”It appears he has moved on and for him sees no upside. In a new trial he could be subpoenaed.”
How does Mangum get this new trial? The ONLY substantive claim that can get her a new trial is (drum roll)
….Walker stating that he was coerced into giving his testimony.
You get that, you get a new trial, and you can put Wecht on the stand.
@ dhall 4-18-24 4:17 AM The substantive claim that should ensure Crystal gets a new trial is, as is clearly shown, for anyone to see, by the medical records, Daye's death was an accident not a murder. Look at the law; see if the medical, mishap, that killed him, was related to the stab wound, administered, by the way in self defence, with sufficent reasonable doubt, as to self-defence at the very least, given the evidence of Daye's prior violence and extreme intoxication at the time being sufficent to raise that issue. I challenge you, look at the trial transcript, look at the medical records, look at medico-legal expert Dr. Cyril Wecht's report and then see if you can conclude Crystal was correctly convicted. After doing so if you agree she was not, I ask,"is it reasonable to reject calls for her to get a new trial on the basis of filling errors". At present you are giving more weight to Walker's testimony about a different case at a different time on a charge she was accquited of, than to the solid obvious evidence that no murder occured. The Jury heard about that from reluctant wittness Walker but were given false, unsubstatiated information, about the cause of Daye's death and were not given what Dr. Harr has made accessible to one and all; solid, clear, irrefutable, evidence that she did not murder Daye.
dhall -- Don't bother explaining this to Kenny or Sid. Kenny's not going to do anything with this information, and Sid's already confirmed he's not going to do any research.
Sid will continue to have no proof that any of his so-called "facts" (Hayne's perjury, Walker's coerced, etc) are true.
Sid just isn't going to change his approach, and CGM is going to sit in jail until 2026.
Indeed, Kenhyderal. Look at the law. Specifically N.C.G.S. 15A-1415(c).
Notwithstanding the time limitations herein, a defendant at any time after verdict may by a motion for appropriate relief, raise the ground that evidence is available which was unknown or unavailable to the defendant at the time of trial, which could not with due diligence have been discovered or made available at that time, including recanted testimony, and which has a direct and material bearing upon the defendant's eligibility for the death penalty or the defendant's guilt or innocence. A motion based upon such newly discovered evidence must be filed within a reasonable time of its discovery. (emphasis mine)
ALL the items you brought up (even Cyril Wecht's opinion) are based on evidence available at the time of the trial.
It doesn't matter how I feel about Mangum's conviction - It doesn't how anyone feels about this conviction. The bottom line is that she was convicted and her appeal failed.
Walker's 404(b) testimony had material bearing on the jury's decision. Getting him to recant that testimony is THE ONLY thing that will get her a new trial.
If you claim otherwise, cite the statute or federal law that backs your claim.
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