Saturday, October 24, 2015

Obstruction of justice in the Mangum case

The correspondence above was posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2016
The correspondence above was posted on Tuesday, January 5, 2016
The correspondence above was posted on Friday, January 1, 2016
The correspondence above was posted on Saturday, December 29, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Saturday, December 19, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Thursday, December 17, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Tuesday, December 15, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Friday, December 11, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Wednesday, December 9, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Thursday, December 3, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Friday, November 27, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Wednesday, November 25, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Saturday, November 21, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Tuesday, November 17, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Thursday, November 12, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Monday, November 9, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Saturday, November 7, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Thursday, November 5, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Tuesday, October 27, 2015
The correspondence above was posted on Monday, October 26, 2015


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Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Hey idiot - you know Duke University and Duke Energy have absolutely no relationship to each other right?"

Hey idiot - you know the Duke family founded the Southern Power Company, now known as Duke Power, one of the companies making up Duke Energy, right?

Anonymous said...


Was it Randolph or Mortimer Duke who founded Southern Power?

And how do the Dukes of Hazzard fit in to this?

Anonymous said...

Apparently you missed the episode where Bo and Luke raped a black hooker and Uncle Jesse had Roscoe fired for arresting them.

Anonymous said...

December 6, 2015 at 9:20 AM

I have absolutely no idea. Never watched the show - and it wasn't me who posted the 'real' scoop on the Duke Energy origins. I just knew they were the same because in this state they wouldn't be called Duke if they weren't.

Anonymous said...

There's no way Bo and Luke or any other white man would touch a black hooker like Crystal Mangum.

Anonymous said...

Committing crimes and going to prison are just part of black identity.It's in the African blood.

kenhyderal said...

Dr. Harr: Please remove these despicable posts and report this racist blogger to Google who will probably ban him from posting on all their hosted blogs. I also ask that other bloggers here condemn this ignorant individual. Failing to do so tars all Americans.

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"Dr. Harr: Please remove these despicable posts and report this racist blogger to Google who will probably ban him from posting on all their hosted blogs. I also ask that other bloggers here condemn this ignorant individual. Failing to do so tars all Americans.

December 6, 2015 at 9:24 PM"

All racist comments are inappropriate.

That said, this is a gross piece of hypocrisy on the part of kenny hissy fit, who has shown himself on multiple occasions to be guilt presuming racist.

Anonymous said...

kenny hissy fit expressed his admiration for Al Sharpton, who knowingly pushed the Tawana Brawley hoax and never apologized for doing it. That is a racist act on the part of kenny hissy fit. He also claims that crystal was raped by white men, even though there is absolutely no evidence to support that. His only evidence is the finding of sperm fraction dna on the rape kit materials taken on the night of 13/14 March 2006. Even before the Lacrosse party, crystal was sexually active. Finding sperm fraction dna on her person is as remarkable as finding she had ovaries. It does not establish she was raped.

But kenny hissy fit continues to insist she was.

He laments that no attempt was made to identify the source of the male dna found on her person while ignoring the fact that corrupt nifong had knowledge of and custody of the dna evidence but chose to name as suspects three men whose dna did not match that evidence. And kenny hissy fit claimes he did it because he felt he had probable cause to suspect them.

A Lawyer said...

Committing crimes and going to prison are just part of black identity.It's in the African blood.

There are plenty of reasons (which I try to articulate on this blog) to criticize Dr. Harr's and Ken Hyderal's positions on issues relating to the Lacrosse case and Crystal Mangum's latest conviction. Ignorant racism is not one of them. I, for one, condemn the troll who posts racist garbage on this blog.

To the Anonymous Ass who posted at 7:54 and 7:55 PM on December 6: get lost! (Or, as we used to say in my 'hood: gey kokken offen yahm!

Anonymous said...

Dr. Harr,

In your recent letter to the Durham Clerk of Court you mention an investigative report done on Dr. Nichols that has been kept from Ms. Mangum. So is it a MAR that must be filed in order to gain access to this report or another separate appeal citing new evidence withheld from the defendant? This is the first mention of that report that I am aware of. Can you elaborate on it a bit on this blog? Why didn't the letter to Judge Ridgeway from Ms. Mangum get sent?

guiowen said...

I have no idea who posted yesterday at 7:54 and 7:55. I agree with a Lawyer's comment: get lost! That said, it would be good to know just who posted this, and what his purpose was. I'm not suggesting that Kenhyderal posted this, but I would not be at all surprised if it was one of Kenny's friends. We all know about agents provocateurs.

Anonymous said...

Yeah right g... - like you don't know it's the same evil duke troll that you are in league with most of the time on this blog who does the same thing every few weeks or so for years when it runs out of other things to troll about. Never bothered you before.

guiowen said...

Maybe anonymous 12:00 did it?

Anonymous said...

No g... - you know that isn't true or right you evil duke troll it g... hatemonger blogmonger you. Never stop do you? It is probably you all along since you always troll in tandem with the other evil duke troll you are suddenly now complaining about. Why don't you find another blog to troll if that is all you are doing here - there are way too many important issues that effect all negatively on this blog to have to put up with you and your evil counterpart - nonstop - without fail.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous December 7, 2015 at 1:27 PM

Either harr the hypocrite or kenny hissy fit posting anonymously again to create the illusion that people support them.

Walt said...

A lawyer wrote: "To the Anonymous Ass who posted at 7:54 and 7:55 PM on December 6: get lost!"

Ding-Ding-Ding, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!

guiowen said...

Anonymous 1:27
So are you Cry-bully Tinfoil, or just another Cry-bully?

kenhyderal said...

What's nasty are your disgusting comments. What is gross to think about is the wrongful imprisonment of Crystal for a crime she did not commit.

Anonymous said...

Of course she did.Daye didn't stab himself.You're probably dumb enough to believe OJ was innocent but he had to go to prison too like most blacks do at some point in their lives.All of the young men at the party found Crystal to be repulsive.No way would they ever touch her.

Anonymous said...

December 8, 2015 at 12:47 AM

Were you there?

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"What's nasty are your disgusting comments. What is gross to think about is the wrongful imprisonment of Crystal for a crime she did not commit."

What is gross is that you accuse Caucasian men of raping crystal in the face of overwhelming evidence that she lied about being raped and then try to get her a pass after she murdered Reginald Daye.

Anonymous said...

December 8, 2015 at 3:33 AM

This blog has presented evidence from the discovery files that beyond a shadow of a doubt Ms. Mangum did NOT murder Mr. Daye - he died because of the Duke documented malpractice that was kept from the jury and lied about and covered by judicial officials and legal representatives. No one knows if Ms. Mangum was raped or not, and therefore, there is no overwhelming evidence that she lied because those things were hidden from the public. Please understand that now as it has been explained to you quite extensively on this blog already, and that your comments merely reflect your own ignorance of the issues and overwhelming prejudices and biases about people in general.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said

"This blog has presented evidence from the discovery files that beyond a shadow of a doubt Ms. Mangum did NOT murder Mr. Daye - he died because of the Duke documented malpractice that was kept from the jury and lied about and covered by judicial officials and legal representatives."

This blog has presented NO EVIDENCE that medical malpractice occurred. mr. harr the hypocrite calls it malpractice. harr the hypocrite is a graduate of the Medical School at the University of Oregon who was never accepted into residency training, never achieved medical specialty board certification, and who spent most of his post medical school career filing and losing frivolous, non meritorious lawsuits. harr the hypocrite is totally unqualified to determine whether or not malpractice occurred. keny hissy fit also calls it malpractice. No medical training, no medical experience kenny hissy fit is less qualified than harr the hypocrite to determine what is and what is not malpractice.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"No one knows if Ms. Mangum was raped or not, and therefore, there is no overwhelming evidence that she lied because those things were hidden from the public."

Absolutely false.

The evidence is public and is overwhelming that crystal lied about being raped.

I say again that crystal alleged a brutal gang rape in which multiple assailants attacked her, penetrated her and deposited their dna upon her. The medical exam in the DUMC ER showed no evidence of the trauma that kind of attack would have left. The testing of the rape kit material showed no evidence of dna deposition from the people she wrongfully accused of raping her. The only male dna found on her person did not match the dna of those accused of raping her.

This whole post reeks of either harr the hypocrite or kenny hissy fit posting anonymously, trying to create the illusion that people support their views.

Anonymous said...

December 8, 2015 at 4:36 AM

Duke themselves document their own malpractice in the discovery medical records posted on this blog and repeated by the defense medical examiner's autopsy report, both of which were kept from the jury and covered up and lied about by the state's medical examiner system, judicial system, and legal representatives. Those are the facts of this case, which is what this blog is currently discussing and focused on - not the other case. The only reason to bring the other case into the current is to show (which you do quite well) how disturbed and vengeful some have become because of the lacrosse case - in relation to what has been seen in the current case with the malpractice death at the hands of Duke, the lies and cover ups by the state's medical examiner system, duke, and the same in-justice system which you too are ultimately complaining about in the other case.

Anonymous said...

If Trump bans all muslim visitors and immigrants, how the heck is he going to talk to any of the leaders of muslim countries? He says his plan is to bomb the "shit" (his words) out of them. WWIII anyone? - that is what he should be saying - Vote for me and I promise you WWIII within the first year of my presidency, and to fire all of ya'll! Wonder how many would support him then?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said

"Duke themselves document their own malpractice in the discovery medical records posted on this blog and repeated by the defense medical examiner's autopsy report, both of which were kept from the jury and covered up and lied about by the state's medical examiner system, judicial system, and legal representatives."

No they didn't.

mr. harr the hypocrite said they did.

That is like a deaf blind man saying, I see and hear everything.

Agan,this reeks of either harr the hypocrite or kenny hissyfit posting anonymously.

Anonymous said...

December 8, 2015 at 8:07 AM

All you had to do is actually read the medical reports, which apparently you have never done. The malpractice is clearly documented.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"All you had to do is actually read the medical reports, which apparently you have never done. The malpractice is clearly documented."

I have read the reports, which harr the hypocrite himself posted. All that is documented is that harr the hypocrite called it malpractice. That does not establish that it is malpractice. I do know more about medicine and surgery than do either mr. harr the hypocrite or kenny hissy fit.

And it does seem that either harr the hypocrite or kenny hissy fit are posting anonymously again.

kenhyderal said...

So, Dr. Anonymous, do you consider esophageal intubation, instead of tracheal, that was performed by a respiratory technician and was unrecognized in a timely fashion, resulting in cerebral anoxia and brain death, not a case of medical malpractice?

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"So, Dr. Anonymous, do you consider esophageal intubation, instead of tracheal, that was performed by a respiratory technician and was unrecognized in a timely fashion, resulting in cerebral anoxia and brain death, not a case of medical malpractice?"

Considering the description in the report of defense expert Dr. Roberts and the description given in the records posted by your master harr the hypocrite, it did not rise to the level of malpractice. Neither you nor harr the hypocrite have the expertise to establish that it was malpractice. That neither of you can recognize malpractice, contrary to your delusions, does not establish the incident as malpractice.

Malpractice has to be established in court and it takes the testimony of expert witnesses(which neither you nor harr the hypocrite are). Thus far the Daye family has neither retained an attorney nor filed a malpractice action. One possible reason is, lawyers have reviewed the case and have determined there is no malpractice.

Can you cite any legal or medical expert who has called it malpractice. Citing some article, which you are not competent to understand, which does not specifically refer to this incident, does not establish it as malpractice.

You are no medical expert. Neither is harr the hypocrite.

Anonymous said...

kenny hissy fit, there is another aspect of the case of which you choose to be willfully ignorant. Walt has tried to explain it to you. A lawyer has tried to explain it to you. However, because of your crusade to get your favorite murderess/false accuser a pass for her crimes, you believe said murderess/false accuser is above the law and that your interpretation and harr the hypocrite's interpretation is what should apply.

The doctrine is, the victim of a violent crime who requires medical care because of the crime would never have been exposed to complications, including complications due to negligence, if he had not been the victim of a violent crime. A medical complication does not relieve the perpetrator of the crime of responsibility. A negligent complication, if negligence can be established in court, would leave the treating physicians liable for damages. But it would not relieve the perpetrator of the crime of criminal responsibility.

Anonymous said...

Yet something more:

harr the hypocrite likes to preach that the injury was successfully and a full recovery was expected. That is just a manifestation of how ignorant and incompetent harr the hypocrite is with regard to matters of surgery and trauma.

According to the documents published by harr the hypocrite, Reginald Daye did suffer a laceration of the colon as a result of the stab wound inflicted by crystal. There was an unavoidable delay of hours of getting Reginald Daye to surgery, meaning there was an interval of hours during which the abdominal cavity was exposed to colon contamination. A few minutes of contamination from an unprepped colon sets a patient up for a post operative infection. That surgery was successful is not equivalent to saying there was no possibility of complications following surgery.

Mr. Daye's symptoms were consistent with a post operative infection,and the treating physicians would have been negligent had they not evaluated him for it, and the esophageal intubation was a complication of that evaluation.

And again, there would have been no risk of intra abdominal infection had crystal not stabbed Reginald Daye.

Walt said...

Anonymous at 8:32 wrote: "The doctrine is, the victim of a violent crime who requires medical care because of the crime would never have been exposed to complications, including complications due to negligence, if he had not been the victim of a violent crime. A medical complication does not relieve the perpetrator of the crime of responsibility. A negligent complication, if negligence can be established in court, would leave the treating physicians liable for damages. But it would not relieve the perpetrator of the crime of criminal responsibility."

Ding-Ding-Ding, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!

Anonymous said...

December 8, 2015 at 10:43 AM

Yes, but a CAT scan - with dye introduced the way it was would not in any way detect infection in the abdominal cavity. And antibiotics were given at surgery, and there was no noninvasive tests for infection documented before subjecting the patient to such a risky test - so the negligence is obvious from that alone - if not from the faulty procedure in and of itself. How many other people does Duke kill with this procedure? Is it a regular occurrence?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Yes, but a CAT scan - with dye introduced the way it was would not in any way detect infection in the abdominal cavity."

Wrong. I speak from experience. A CAT scan with contrast introduced into the GI tract is not invasive. Invasive means actually poking something into a body cavity or into a blood vessel. And such a CT scan can can show evidence of an intra-abdominal infection.

"And antibiotics were given at surgery, and there was no noninvasive tests for infection documented before subjecting the patient to such a risky test - so the negligence is obvious from that alone"

Wrong again, and again I speak from experience. Giving pre or intra operative antibiotics does not absolutely preclude a post op infection. Some years ago I underwent a major surgical procedure on my head. I was given antibiotics during and after surgery. I still developed an infection. AAgain, an abdominal CT scan with contrast in the GI tract is not an invasive test. If you are such an expert, tell me what test could have been doone to rule in or rule out an intra abdominal infrction? Reginald Daye was at much greater risk from amajor post operative infection than I was

"- if not from the faulty procedure in and of itself. How many other people does Duke kill with this procedure? Is it a regular occurrence?"

Why don't you tell me. You are making the assertion. You have the obligation to prove, and you seem to think you are such an expert.

Again, this has the stench of either harr the hypocrite or krnny hissy fit posting anonymously.

Anonymous said...

December 8, 2015 at 12:26 PM

I think having to stick a tube up someone's nose to introduce dye is rather invasive - not to mention the intubation tube shoved down the patients throat to mitigate the risk from the vomit that would naturally occur after you introduce the dye into the stomach in such a manner. I also think all this should have been discussed and determined at the trial, not on a blog, so I don't have an obligation to prove anything. Why did the state's medical examiner lie about it and everyone else cover up those lies if there wasn't a problem with the procedure? That in itself says there is a problem with the procedure and with the fairness and accuracy of the charges and the trial that glossed right over, deliberately covered up, and even lied about all these issues. Anyone saying Ms. Magnum stabbed Mr. Daye to death, especially the lawyers and judges, is uninformed and/or committing defamation against Ms. Mangum in a seriously harmful manner.

So what did they do to cure the infection you had? Introduce dye into your head, or just give you more antibiotics?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"I think having to stick a tube up someone's nose to introduce dye is rather invasive"

Well, you think wrong.

"- not to mention the intubation tube shoved down the patients throat to mitigate the risk from the vomit that would naturally occur after you introduce the dye into the stomach in such a manner."

Again wrong. Introducing contrast into the stomach via a naso gastric tube does not invariably induce vomiting. harr the hypocrite claims that the treating physicians did not get the tube in quickly enough. You seem to be saying it was an inappropriate invasive procedure to intubate Mr. Daye after he vomited.

"I also think all this should have been discussed and determined at the trial, not on a blog, so I don't have an obligation to prove anything."

Again you think wrong. First off, if you assert, no matter where you assert, you do assume an obligation to prove. And, as you make such a statement, you admit you can not prove. You admit you know nothing about this kind of a situation. How many times have you ever had hands on responsibility for this kind of situation? If you are harr the hypocrite or kenny hissy fit posting anonymously, and I think that likely, you havehad none. Even if there had been negligenc, and it has not been established as negligence and your inadequate thinking does not establish it as negligence, it would not have relieved crystal of criminal responsibility for Reginald Daye's death.

"Why did the state's medical examiner lie about it and everyone else cover up those lies if there wasn't a problem with the procedure? That in itself says there is a problem with the procedure and with the fairness and accuracy of the charges and the trial that glossed right over, deliberately covered up, and even lied about all these issues. Anyone saying Ms. Magnum stabbed Mr. Daye to death, especially the lawyers and judges, is uninformed and/or committing defamation against Ms. Mangum in a seriously harmful manner."

Did they? harr the hypocrite said they lied. harr the hypocrite is not competent to determine whether or not they lied.

"So what did they do to cure the infection you had? Introduce dye into your head, or just give you more antibiotics?"

They picked it up on a CT scan and surgically drained it.

Anonymous said...

For Anonymous December 8, 2015 at 12:54 PM:

The deal at Crystal's trial was, harr the hypocrite and kenny hissy fit said crystal acted in self defense.

As I understand it, self defense is an affirmative defense. If the defendant offers an affirmative defense, the obligation is upon the defendant to prove the affirmative defense. This does not relieve the prosecution of its obligation to prove guilt. But if the defendant offers an affirmative defense, the prosecution is not obligated to disprove it. The defendant has to prove it.

Judging from he videos of the trial and the accounts of crystal's testimony, crystal failed to prove she acted in self defense. If it was proven beyond reasonable doubt that she did stab Reginald Daye and that he died as a result of the stab wound, then she was criminally responsible for his death.

And I advise you to read Walt's comment from earlier. A medical complication, even one due to medical negligence does not relieve her of criminal responsibility.

Anonymous said...

December 8, 2015 at 1:36 PM

You seriously take things and manipulate them to the most negative without trying to understand in the least don't you, re: "You seem to be saying it was an inappropriate invasive procedure to intubate Mr. Daye after he vomited." No. I do think it was negligent not to test Mr. Daye for an infection in a more non-invasive and non life threatening manner than to introduce the dye for a CT scan - like I said. They could have picked up the infection, if there was one, with a MRI that posed considerably less risk, or with a blood test, etc.

Anyway, they never did anything to 'cure' the infection if there was one - and even caused an infection in the lung from what they did according to the medical reports and the autopsy report - so that too is negligent. In addition, they mutilated Mr. Daye according to the state's medical examiner's autopsy report and never even performed the CT scan or the intubation procedure. There is a great discrepancy between the autopsy report and medical reports. That alone is cause for in-depth questioning and testimony at the trial - which as you know - did not happen because of the cover ups and lies by the judicial system.

And has been explained extensively on this blog, the law is not stated correctly by Walt on this blog according to the judge at the trial. So Walt can ding a ling all he wants, but he is not correct on that matter.

Anonymous said...

December 8, 2015 at 1:36 PM

In addition, the judicial system by law has to provide equal protection and legal representation to all accused of crimes. That was not done in this case in the least. Ms. Mangum, as do all, has the right to have a lawyer who will present her case of self-defense and the major issues of the discrepancies between the medical and autopsy reports in a fair and adequate manner. That has not happened to date.

guiowen said...

Anonymous 2:22 ,
So are you going to sue Daniel Meier? Ask for Petersen's disbarment? Or are you simply going to sit and whine?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"You seriously take things and manipulate them to the most negative without trying to understand in the least don't you, re: 'You seem to be saying it was an inappropriate invasive procedure to intubate Mr. Daye after he vomited.'"

No I don't distort things. I call you out for your obvious total ignorance.

"No. I do think it was negligent not to test Mr. Daye for an infection in a more non-invasive and non life threatening manner than to introduce the dye for a CT scan - like I said. They could have picked up the infection, if there was one, with a MRI that posed considerably less risk, or with a blood test, etc."

Please state your qualifications for saying that. Have you ever had hands on responsibility for handling this kind of situation? Can you cite a reference which shows that a blood test or MRI can localize or rule out an intra abdominal infection with more accuracy or reliability than a CT scan?

One thing about intra abdominal infection, one can use ct guidance to drain an intra abdominal infection. Can mri be used? I have researched the topic. What is recommended is either ct scan or ultra sound. Your invalid opinions notwithstanding, choice of a ct scan with contrast does not rise to the level of negligence.

"Anyway, they never did anything to 'cure' the infection if there was one - and even caused an infection in the lung from what they did according to the medical reports and the autopsy report - so that too is negligent. In addition, they mutilated Mr. Daye according to the state's medical examiner's autopsy report and never even performed the CT scan or the intubation procedure. There is a great discrepancy between the autopsy report and medical reports. That alone is cause for in-depth questioning and testimony at the trial - which as you know - did not happen because of the cover ups and lies by the judicial system."

Totally irrelevant and meaningless statement. Because of the complication, they did not get the chance t do so. If you ever had hands on experience with this kind of scenario you would have known that. You are showing a definite lack of qualification o understand the situation. Your ignorance does not establish negligence on the part of the treating physicians.

"And has been explained extensively on this blog, the law is not stated correctly by Walt on this blog according to the judge at the trial. So Walt can ding a ling all he wants, but he is not correct on that matter."

It is no legal training no legal experience harr the hypocrite who says the law was not stated correctly. I say again, that is like a deaf blind man saying I see and hear everything.

The law is, and this is correct, that a medical complication, even one due to negligence, does not relieve a defendant of criminal responsibility for killing a person. It was proven in open court beyond a reasonable doubt that crystal was criminally responsible.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"In addition, the judicial system by law has to provide equal protection and legal representation to all accused of crimes. That was not done in this case in the least. Ms. Mangum, as do all, has the right to have a lawyer who will present her case of self-defense and the major issues of the discrepancies between the medical and autopsy reports in a fair and adequate manner. That has not happened to date."

You misrepresent the situation. crystal had more thanna year to prepare her defense. She refused to cooperate with her attorneys. She sabotaged her own defense. She does not get a pass for that.

Her case for self defense was presented. She was unable to prove she acted in self defense. As this was an affirmative defense, she did have the obligation to make her case.

That harr the hypocrite, with minimal medical training and minimal medical experience is the one who claims there were serious discrepancies between the medical record and the autopsy report. It would have taken the testimony of a medical expert to establish that. The defense never provided one. harr the hypocrite would never have been able to qualify as a medical expert witness.

Your argument is one of willful ignorance of the law and of the events.

Anonymous said...

December 8, 2015 at 2:57 PM and 3:07 PM

That's what I meant to say, but did include it in the etc. I attached to the end of the sentence ... re: about ultrasound. I was thinking about your brain infection.

Ultrasound would have been a more reasonable choice because it is less risky. Duke's choice of the CT scan should have included adequate mitigation of the risks posed by the very real possibility of someone throwing up the medium, being immobilized by drugs and then intubated in a faulty manner. That is negligence, especially in this case where they then allowed their negligent choice to be lied about by the state's medical examiner in order to frame Ms. Mangum for a murder by their malpractice. It is not only negligent for Mr. Daye, but for Ms. Mangum, both families, the entire public, and even duke itself ... Everyone was negatively affected by that risky and negligent choice.

There was no defense since Ms. Mangum never received adequate legal defense in the first place. No-one has to accept that for themselves, by law. In this case, wouldn't Ms. Mangum have the greater responsibility to be truthful to the facts and not allow Duke to kill Mr. Daye and then the state medical examiner to lie about it in order to frame her so as to prevent that in-justice from happening to her and to others, including Mr. Daye? If she didn't, she could then be accused of accessory to those crimes by Duke and the medical examiner, be they criminal or civil, right?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Ultrasound would have been a more reasonable choice because it is less risky."

Not necessarily.

"Duke's choice of the CT scan should have included adequate mitigation of the risks posed by the very real possibility of someone throwing up the medium, being immobilized by drugs and then intubated in a faulty manner."

It was a complication, yes. Did Duke ignore the possibility.You have not established that. What do you know about intubation. I suspect you have never done an intubation in your life. our pinion does not establish negligence.

"That is negligence,"

No it isn't."

"especially in this case where they then allowed their negligent choice to be lied about by the state's medical examiner in order to frame Ms. Mangum for a murder by their malpractice."

Again, harr the hypocrite, the minimally trained minimally experienced hypocrite is the one who says it was negligence, the one who says that Duke framed crystal. The bottom line is that harr the hypocrite is not competent to form such an opinion. His desire to get crystal a pass for her crimes amounts to nothing.

"It is not only negligent for Mr. Daye, but for Ms. Mangum, both families, the entire public, and even duke itself ... Everyone was negatively affected by that risky and negligent choice."

You have not established that negligence happened. And again, if it did, it did not relievecrystal of criminal responsibility for Reginald Daye's death.

"There was no defense since Ms. Mangum never received adequate legal defense in the first place."

Crystal does not get a pass for sabotaging her own defense.

"No-one has to accept that for themselves, by law. In this case, wouldn't Ms. Mangum have the greater responsibility to be truthful to the facts and not allow Duke to kill Mr. Daye and then the state medical examiner to lie about it in order to frame her"

The Medical examiner did not lie and crystal was not framed.

"so as to prevent that in-justice from happening to her and to others, including Mr. Daye?"

No injustice happened to crystal.The only injustices inflicted on Reginald Daye were those inflicted by crystal(she murdered him(and harr the hypocrite(who defamed hi in as part of his attempt to get crystal a pass for her crime).

"If she didn't, she could then be accused of accessory to those crimes by Duke and the medical examiner, be they criminal or civil, right?"

There were no crimes or torts by Duke or by the Medical Examiner.

Anonymous said...

Correction of typos:

It was a complication, yes. Did Duke ignore the possibility.You have not established that. What do you know about intubation. I suspect you have never done an intubation in your life. Your opinion does not establish negligence.

Anonymous said...

Did you watch the trial? Meier presented self-defense. Even Sid and Kenny admit that.

Anonymous said...

I don't have to establish anything, that is the job of the defense lawyers who did not do their job in that regard, so therefore did not provide adequate legal defense. Why do you treat this blog like a court room or a trial? It is not. Don't you think that all these arguments should have been in the trial and not on this blog? You sit on these blogs and argue day after day over the same things. My argument is that these things should be handled more professionally, without so much corruption, lies, and in-justice, and lack of adequate legal representation, equal protection and fair and non-biased legal venues and systems in the first place. If they were, Duke wouldn't feel so free to cause so much harm to so many on such a frequent basis ... perhaps. Maybe causing harm, arguing incessantly, causing and participating in corruption, killing people needlessly, wrongly accusing, over-charging, etc., etc., etc. is what they are about and they are darn proud of it although only if their donors don't find out. If so, the judicial system is where these things have to be sorted out and stopped obviously, not on these blogs.

Nifong Supporter said...

kenhyderal said...
Dr. Harr: Please remove these despicable posts and report this racist blogger to Google who will probably ban him from posting on all their hosted blogs. I also ask that other bloggers here condemn this ignorant individual. Failing to do so tars all Americans.

Hey, kenhyderal.

I agree with you that some of the comments on this blog site are despicable and racist, but unfortunately there are many bigoted racists with gutter mentality. My belief is that these disgusting posts adversely reflect on those who are responsible for them.

I definitely applaud you, and others such as A Lawyer and Walt, who speak out against these malicious commenters with hearts filled with hate. At this point, I will tolerate anything short of the use of the N-word before employing the kenhyderal Doctrine.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Dr. Harr,

In your recent letter to the Durham Clerk of Court you mention an investigative report done on Dr. Nichols that has been kept from Ms. Mangum. So is it a MAR that must be filed in order to gain access to this report or another separate appeal citing new evidence withheld from the defendant? This is the first mention of that report that I am aware of. Can you elaborate on it a bit on this blog? Why didn't the letter to Judge Ridgeway from Ms. Mangum get sent?

Prior to the beginning of Mangum's trial, an investigation into Dr. Nichols was being conducted for his handling of a Cumberland County case in which he allegedly mishandled evidence... evidently a bullet fragment taken from the brain of a gunshot victim. Because of this case, Nichols was under close scrutiny by the media and under investigation by the Orange County District Attorney Jim Woodall. (As soon as the media learned that Dr. Nichols was involved in the Mangum case, it abruptly discontinued its coverage on Dr. Nichols.)

Meier asked Judge Ridgeway for a continuance until the investigation into Nichols was completed... which was denied. Then during the trial, a report on the Dr. Nichols investigation was compiled and given to the judge. Ridgeway reviewed it, and allowed attorneys on both sides to see the document in his chambers... then he sealed it. Mangum never saw the document about Nichols and her attorney Meier did not share with her any information about it. So, now Mangum is attempting to get access to the report on Dr. Nichols that was sealed by Judge Ridgeway.

Let me know if further edification is required.

Nifong Supporter said...

Oops. Follow up on previous comment.

Because of the nature and contents of the letter from the Clerk of Court, Mangum and I did not know if the letter she wrote would be appropriate to deliver directly to Judge Ridgeway. However, the six page handwritten letter is accessible online and is included with the letter to the Clerk of Court.

Nifong Supporter said...

Comment December 7, 2015 at 4:29 pm was in violation of the kenhyderal Doctrine and has been deleted as it was a personal, hateful, and racist to the extreme.

Nifong Supporter said...

Walt said...
Anonymous at 8:32 wrote: "The doctrine is, the victim of a violent crime who requires medical care because of the crime would never have been exposed to complications, including complications due to negligence, if he had not been the victim of a violent crime. A medical complication does not relieve the perpetrator of the crime of responsibility. A negligent complication, if negligence can be established in court, would leave the treating physicians liable for damages. But it would not relieve the perpetrator of the crime of criminal responsibility."

Ding-Ding-Ding, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have a winner!

Walt, what you refuse to acknowledge is that the surgical treatment for the stab wound was successful and without complications. The stab wound to Daye's torso had nothing to do with his delirium tremens. It was during treatment for this condition that Daye was intubated in the esophagus.

Let me know if further elucidation is required.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"I don't have to establish anything,"

That is a de facto admission that you can not back up waht you say.

"that is the job of the defense lawyers who did not do their job in that regard, so therefore did not provide adequate legal defense."

Crystal sabotaged her own defese. You are saying sha should get a pass for that. She does not.

"Why do you treat this blog like a court room or a trial? It is not."

Why do you treat harr the hypocrite and kenny hissy fit as legal experts?Why do you regard yoourself as a legal expert? None of you are legal experts. Yet you criticize what happened in the court room. I merely point out your criticism is invalid and irrelevant. If you don't like it, don't try to pass yourselves off as legal experts.

"Don't you think that all these arguments should have been in the trial and not on this blog?"

You are arguing that isues like medical negligence should have been brought up at trial. Walt in Durham and A Lwyer have explained rather clearly that edical negligence does not have any significance in determining criminal guilt or negligence. Someone who criminally kills another human being, as crystal did to Reginald Daye, does not get a pass for exposing the victim to the risk of negligence.

"You sit on these blogs and argue day after day over the same things. My argument is that these things should be handled more professionally, without so much corruption, lies, and in-justice, and lack of adequate legal representation, equal protection and fair and non-biased legal venues and systems in the first place."

These issues you cite, "corruption, lies, and in-justice, and lack of adequate legal representation, equal protection and fair and non-biased legal venues and systems", never happened. harr the hypocrite and kenny hissy fit alleged, without proving, that these were issues. That is legally meaningless.

"If they were, Duke wouldn't feel so free to cause so much harm to so many on such a frequent basis ... perhaps. Maybe causing harm, arguing incessantly, causing and participating in corruption, killing people needlessly, wrongly accusing, over-charging, etc., etc., etc. is what they are about and they are darn proud of it although only if their donors don't find out. If so, the judicial system is where these things have to be sorted out and stopped obviously, not on these blogs."

Again, you are asserting that these things happened. As you do assert, you do assume an obligation to prove. When you are reminded of that, you say you have no obligation to prove anything. Which means you believe your uncorroborated presumptions of guilt are relevant. They are not.

If you are not harr the hypocrite posting anonymously, or kenny hissy fit posting anonymously, you are an equally corrupt guilt presuming racist.

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"Hey, kenhyderal.

I agree with you that some of the comments on this blog site are despicable and racist, but unfortunately there are many bigoted racists with gutter mentality."

What you choose to remain willfully ignorant of and in denial of is that you and kenny hissy fit are two of the more obnoxious "y bigoted racists with gutter mentality".

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"Meier asked Judge Ridgeway for a continuance until the investigation into Nichols was completed... which was denied. Then during the trial, a report on the Dr. Nichols investigation was compiled and given to the judge. Ridgeway reviewed it, and allowed attorneys on both sides to see the document in his chambers... then he sealed it."

Which should have been a clue to you that this investigation had no relevance to the Reginald Daye stabbing.

Considering your track record as a leagal advocate, a long history oof filing and losing frivolous, non meritorious lawsuits, presuming the innocent Lacrosse players guilty of a crime which never happened, claiming the exculpatory evidence corrupt nifong illegally withheld from the defendants was not withhrld and was not exculpatory, it is no surprise you are so clueless.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
December 8, 2015 at 12:26 PM

I think having to stick a tube up someone's nose to introduce dye is rather invasive - not to mention the intubation tube shoved down the patients throat to mitigate the risk from the vomit that would naturally occur after you introduce the dye into the stomach in such a manner. I also think all this should have been discussed and determined at the trial, not on a blog, so I don't have an obligation to prove anything. Why did the state's medical examiner lie about it and everyone else cover up those lies if there wasn't a problem with the procedure? That in itself says there is a problem with the procedure and with the fairness and accuracy of the charges and the trial that glossed right over, deliberately covered up, and even lied about all these issues. Anyone saying Ms. Magnum stabbed Mr. Daye to death, especially the lawyers and judges, is uninformed and/or committing defamation against Ms. Mangum in a seriously harmful manner.

So what did they do to cure the infection you had? Introduce dye into your head, or just give you more antibiotics?

You are correct that the medical issues involving Daye's treatment should have been discussed at trial, but attorneys on both sides knew that that would be to Mangum's favor. Clearly the problem with the intubation was responsible for Daye's brain death... not the stab wound.

The mainstream media, though aware of the circumstances of Daye's death, conspired to mislead the public by describing Daye's demise as a "stabbing death," or reporting that he was "stabbed to death." Totally false, bigoted and unscrupulous.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
December 8, 2015 at 1:36 PM

You seriously take things and manipulate them to the most negative without trying to understand in the least don't you, re: "You seem to be saying it was an inappropriate invasive procedure to intubate Mr. Daye after he vomited." No. I do think it was negligent not to test Mr. Daye for an infection in a more non-invasive and non life threatening manner than to introduce the dye for a CT scan - like I said. They could have picked up the infection, if there was one, with a MRI that posed considerably less risk, or with a blood test, etc.

Anyway, they never did anything to 'cure' the infection if there was one - and even caused an infection in the lung from what they did according to the medical reports and the autopsy report - so that too is negligent. In addition, they mutilated Mr. Daye according to the state's medical examiner's autopsy report and never even performed the CT scan or the intubation procedure. There is a great discrepancy between the autopsy report and medical reports. That alone is cause for in-depth questioning and testimony at the trial - which as you know - did not happen because of the cover ups and lies by the judicial system.

And has been explained extensively on this blog, the law is not stated correctly by Walt on this blog according to the judge at the trial. So Walt can ding a ling all he wants, but he is not correct on that matter.

I believe that it is very telling that there is no record of an infectious disease specialist being called for consultation... only a neurologist. There was no infectious disease complication related to the stab wound or its treatment. It's really that simple.

Anonymous said...

December 9, 2015 at 3:39 AM

I am not asserting anything, as noted by the addition of perhaps and If so on my sentences. Do you have a problem with reading after your brain surgery, or are you just looking for something else to falsely accuse and complain unjustly about? I am not corrupt, nor am I a guilt presuming racist ... but you do seem to be judging by the content of your posts, one of which was just deleted. Maybe you should give yourself a break and take a vacation from the blog for a bit. It might do you some good. That is not meant in a mean way btw.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Nifong Supporter said...

"Walt, what you refuse to acknowledge is that the surgical treatment for the stab wound was successful and without complications. The stab wound to Daye's torso had nothing to do with his delirium tremens. It was during treatment for this condition that Daye was intubated in the esophagus."

harr the hypocrite, what you choose to be willfully ignorant of is that Reginald Daye had a laceration of his unprepared colon, and that there was an unavoidable delay in getting him to treatment. That meant, even if the laceration had been sutured without complications, that DID NOT mean there was no further possibility of complications. That statement on your part is nothing but a manifestation of your lack of medical training and lack of medical experience. I am speaking from experience.

The intubation WAS a complication of the stab wound inflicted by crystal. As Walt and A Lawyer have clearly explained to you, a complication does not relieve crystal of criminal responsibility for Reginald Daye's death.

Neither does your willful ignorance and your lack of medical experience and medical training relieve crystal of responsibility.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
December 8, 2015 at 1:36 PM

In addition, the judicial system by law has to provide equal protection and legal representation to all accused of crimes. That was not done in this case in the least. Ms. Mangum, as do all, has the right to have a lawyer who will present her case of self-defense and the major issues of the discrepancies between the medical and autopsy reports in a fair and adequate manner. That has not happened to date.

Absolutely correct and worthy of repeating. Mangum was represented throughout her case by turncoat attorneys who placed protecting Duke University Hospital and the medical examiner ahead of their client's best interests. That's crystal clear.

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"I believe that it is very telling that there is no record of an infectious disease specialist being called for consultation... only a neurologist. There was no infectious disease complication related to the stab wound or its treatment. It's really that simple."

I say again, Reginald Daye had a laceration of his colon. There was an unavoidable delay of hours between the injury and the treatment. That meant that there was an interval of hours during which his abdominal cavity was exposed to contaminatoion from his colon. If you really were an experienced, trained physician, you would be aware that there is a significant bacterial population in the colon. That is why surgeons who electively operate on the colon prepare the colon, try to reduce the bacterial population of the colon, to minimize the possibility of contamination. There was no chance of preparing Reginald Daye's colon before crystal stabbed hum.

If there had been an infectious disease consult, the consultant would have agreed that there was a significant possibility of an infection.

Again, your demonstrable, woeful lack of training, your woeful, demonstrable lack of experience, your willful ignorance DO NOT establish that medical negligence occurred.

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"Absolutely correct and worthy of repeating. Mangum was represented throughout her case by turncoat attorneys who placed protecting Duke University Hospital and the medical examiner ahead of their client's best interests. That's crystal clear."


What is crystal clear is that cruystal, with the connivance of harr the hypocrite, sabotaged her own defense.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Nifong Supporter said...

"You are correct that the medical issues involving Daye's treatment should have been discussed at trial, but attorneys on both sides knew that that would be to Mangum's favor. Clearly the problem with the intubation was responsible for Daye's brain death... not the stab wound."

That is nothing more than another manifestation of your total inadequacy, as a physician and as a legal advocate.

Again, your woeful and willful ignorance do not get crystal a pass for her crimes.

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"The mainstream media, though aware of the circumstances of Daye's death, conspired to mislead the public by describing Daye's demise as a "stabbing death," or reporting that he was "stabbed to death." Totally false, bigoted and unscrupulous."

What you have described as the circumstancesof Reginald Daye's death, are figments of your megalomaniacal deluded imagination, nothing more. It is a manifestation of your belief that your favorite murderess/false accuser should get a pass for her crimes, nothing more.

Walt said...

Sid wrote: "Walt, what you refuse to acknowledge is that the surgical treatment for the stab wound was successful and without complications. The stab wound to Daye's torso had nothing to do with his delirium tremens. It was during treatment for this condition that Daye was intubated in the esophagus."

DT's, are assuming facts not in evidence. But, for the sake of argument, let's say DT's did lead to the intubation. He only got the DTs because he was in the hospital. He was only in the hospital because he was stabbed by Crystal. The law requires that an intervening cause to be a complete break in the chain. Here, it was not, even assuming the facts that are not in the record. What is in the record is two qualified physician's opinions that Daye died as a result of complications from stab wound inflicted by Crystal.

"Let me know if further elucidation is required."

You have again failed to provide cogent argument. You have proven incapable of learning even the most simple of legal concepts. Instead, you are fixated on a false belief that has no basis in fact.


A Lawyer said...

I also think all this should have been discussed and determined at the trial, not on a blog, so I don't have an obligation to prove anything.

If by "all this" you mean your claims that Duke committed malpractice, that would have been irrelevant at Mangum's trial.

guiowen said...

So far as I can see you have had absolutely no luck with all your letters.
Maybe if you write Loretta Lynch and/or Barack Obama, you will have more luck.
And then again, if you write Lynch and Obama, and neither one of them helps you, then perhaps you'll stop railing against the Rae-Evans-led conspiracy.

kenhyderal said...

Anonymous said: "Someone who criminally kills another human being, as crystal did to Reginald Daye, does not get a pass for exposing the victim to the risk of negligence"..................... But, Crystal did not, in fact, kill Daye. It was the negligence by Duke that did that. According to Judge Ridgeway the Jury had to find that the stab wound was the proximate cause of his death. Here is where, in Crystal's case, a Welch ruling, a reasonable principle of criminal law, has no application. For it to apply, one must show that a post-operative infection was what Daye was being treated for. He was in fact being treated for alcohol withdrawal making the proximate cause his chronic alcoholism, completely divorced from Crystal's self-defensive action, that sent him to hospital. The Jury never heard the words acute alcohol withdrawal or delirium tremens. The presumptive diagnosis was impending D.T.'s with an intra-abdominal infection as a possible alternative. For a Welch ruling to be used to convict Crystal one must confirm this speculation by Nicholls that Daye was suffering from a probable infection and not the D.T.'s. Otherwise Crystal, the defendant, should receive the benefit of any doubt.

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"Anonymous said: "Someone who criminally kills another human being, as crystal did to Reginald Daye, does not get a pass for exposing the victim to the risk of negligence"..................... But, Crystal did not, in fact, kill Daye."

Crystal did in fact kill Reginald Daye.

"It was the negligence by Duke that did that. According to Judge Ridgeway the Jury had to find that the stab wound was the proximate cause of his death. Here is where, in Crystal's case, a Welch ruling, a reasonable principle of criminal law, has no application."

The Welch decision did apply. Neither you nor harr the hypocrite is competent to say it did not.

"For it to apply, one must show that a post-operative infection was what Daye was being treated for."

Speaking as one with experience in this type of scenario(kenny hissy fit has zero experience) the treating physicians would have been negligent if they had not worked up Reginald Daye for a possible intra abdominal infection.

"He was in fact being treated for alcohol withdrawal making the proximate cause his chronic alcoholism, completely divorced from Crystal's self-defensive action, that sent him to hospital."

It has not been established as fact that Reginald Daye was being treated for alcohol withdrawl. The opinions of minimally trained, minimally experienced harr the hypocrite and no medical training, no medical experience kenny hissy fit do not establish that he was being treated for alcohol withdrawl. Even if he had been under treatment for alcohol withdrawl, he was still at risk for an intra abdominal infection and the treating physicians would have been negligent had they not evaluated him for that.

"The Jury never heard the words acute alcohol withdrawal or delirium tremens. The presumptive diagnosis was impending D.T.'s with an intra-abdominal infection as a possible alternative."

It has not been established that Reginald Daye was being treated for alcohol withdrawl. Again, even if he was, it would have been negligence not to evaluate him for an intra abdominal infection. He was at risk for intra abdominal infection because the stab wound inflicted by crystal resulted in a laceration of the colon.

For a Welch ruling to be used to convict Crystal one must confirm this speculation by Nicholls that Daye was suffering from a probable infection and not the D.T.'s."

Again, even if Reginald Daye were being treated for alcohol withdrawl, the risk of intra abdominal infection was still there, whether or not untrained uinexperienced kenny hissy fit says it was not.

"Otherwise Crystal, the defendant, should receive the benefit of any doubt."

There was no doubt. Doubt on the part of kenny hissy fit, whose agenda is to get crystal a pass for her crimes, does not amount to reasonable doubt.

kenny hissy fit must take some kind of masochistic pleasure in showing the world how ignorant he is.

The Rectumfinder said...

Kenny couldn't find his own ass with two hands and a map.

But have no fear, I will find it for him.

Because I am...


The Rectumfinder said...

...and a Lay Acrobat!

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Nifong Supporter said...

"I believe that it is very telling that there is no record of an infectious disease specialist being called for consultation... only a neurologist. There was no infectious disease complication related to the stab wound or its treatment. It's really that simple."

I say again, Reginald Daye had a laceration of his colon. There was an unavoidable delay of hours between the injury and the treatment. That meant that there was an interval of hours during which his abdominal cavity was exposed to contaminatoion from his colon. If you really were an experienced, trained physician, you would be aware that there is a significant bacterial population in the colon. That is why surgeons who electively operate on the colon prepare the colon, try to reduce the bacterial population of the colon, to minimize the possibility of contamination. There was no chance of preparing Reginald Daye's colon before crystal stabbed hum.

If there had been an infectious disease consult, the consultant would have agreed that there was a significant possibility of an infection.

Again, your demonstrable, woeful lack of training, your woeful, demonstrable lack of experience, your willful ignorance DO NOT establish that medical negligence occurred.

In other words, you believe an unsubstantiated infection within Daye's abdominal cavity, and not a verified esophageal intubation is responsible for his diffuse brain death?

Nifong Supporter said...

guiowen said...
So far as I can see you have had absolutely no luck with all your letters.
Maybe if you write Loretta Lynch and/or Barack Obama, you will have more luck.
And then again, if you write Lynch and Obama, and neither one of them helps you, then perhaps you'll stop railing against the Rae-Evans-led conspiracy.

gui, mon ami, I have tried to contact the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in the past, and got absolutely no where. I doubt that he, personally, even saw my letter as some underling more likely than not diverted it. I would probably have the same results in writing to Lynch or Obama.

There is no doubt in my mind that the impetus behind the media barrage against Nifong and Mangum is due to the Carpetbagger Jihadists, inspired by Rae Evans.

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"In other words, you believe an unsubstantiated infection within Daye's abdominal cavity, and not a verified esophageal intubation is responsible for his diffuse brain death?"

No, I believe you are a minimally trained, minimally experienced graduate of the Medical school at the University of Oregon who was never accepted into residency training and who was never able to achieve medical specialty board certification and who is totally incapable of understanding medical situations and whose agenda is to get his favorite murderess/false accuser a pass for her crimes and I reject your contrived account of the events for a more logical and accurate assassment of the situation.

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"There is no doubt in my mind that the impetus behind the media barrage against Nifong and Mangum is due to the Carpetbagger Jihadists, inspired by Rae Evans."

Which leaves no doubt in a lot of minds that you are a racist, delusional megalomaniac, in addition to being a minimally trained, minimally experienced medical school graduate who was never accepted into residency training and who never achieved board certification.

You base your delusions on Mrs. Evans' statement to 60 Minutes. Mrs. Evans made that statement AFTER it became obvous to the general public that corrupt nifong was a corrupt da who had wrongfully prosecuted innocent men and after the State Bar had investigated corrupt nifong and had filed ethics charges against him, for making inflammatory, public guilt presuming statements, for concealing exculpatory evidence from the innocent men he had indicted for the non existent crime.

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"I have tried to contact the U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder in the past, and got absolutely no where. I doubt that he, personally, even saw my letter as some underling more likely than not diverted it. I would probably have the same results in writing to Lynch or Obama."

Which is but more evidence that people consider you nothing but a delusional megalomaniac, in addition to being a minimally trained, minimally experienced medical school graduate who was never accepted into residency training and who never achieved board certification and whose post medical school career consisted of filing and losing frivolous, non meritorious lawsuits.

Anonymous said...

Hey mr. harr the hypocrite, did you ever a;;ly for residency training?

The overwhelming majority of people who apply for and are accepted into residency training do go into residency training.

Were you accepted into a residency and then fired because of poor performance? Is that why you never completed residency training?

Anonymous said...


Nifong Supporter said...

"There is no doubt in my mind that the impetus behind the media barrage against Nifong and Mangum is due to the Carpetbagger Jihadists, inspired by Rae Evans."

Which leaves no doubt in a lot of minds that you are a guilt presuming racist, delusional megalomaniac, in addition to being a minimally trained, minimally experienced medical school graduate who was never accepted into residency training and who never achieved board certification.

Anonymous said...

Mr. harr the hypocrite, you have said no one has proven that crystal lied about being raped.

How have you proven she told the truth?

Corrupt DA Nifong had the defective photo lineup done so he could have something to present to the Grand Jury, which did amount to corrupt nifong manufacturing evidence, and corrupt nifong did conceal evidence that the only male dna found on crystal's person did not match the dna of the people he wanted to prosecute. That was a de facto admission on the part of corrupt da nifong that even he could not prove crystal was telling the truth. His prosecutor's obligation to prove the crime beyond a reasonable doubt meant he was obligated to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that crystal was telling the truth.

Maybe you understand why I and a lot of other people reject your delusional ramblings about the murder of Reginald Daye.

Anonymous said...

harr the hypocrite:

With regard to your imaginary, non existent carpetbagger jihad, before Mrs.Rae Evans made her statement to 60 Minutes in late January of 2007, it was public knowledge that corrupt nifong had no probable cause to prosecute the three Lacrosse players he had indicted, that before he indicted them he had made multiple inflammatory guilt presuming statements directed at the entire Lacrosse team(and you claim said guilt presuming statements were not improper because he had not indicted anyone at the ttime he made them), that he had made statements to the effect that any Lacrosse team member who in response to those statements retained counsel must be doing so because he was guilty, that any Lacrosse player who refused to talk to the authorities was doing so because he was guilty, and corrupt nifong did conceal evidence from the men he had indicted because it did exonerate them.

Your claim of a carpetbagger jihad is but another manifestation of your guilt presuming racism. You do presume guilt because te false accuser is black and the men she falsely accused were Caucasian.

Anonymous said...

mr. harr the hypocrite, while we are at it, what established that the evidence, of which corrupt nifong was convicted of concealing, was not exculpatory?

guiowen said...

In other words, what you're saying is that Rae Evans and her minions have agents controlling the mail at the Department of Justice and at the White House.

Walt said...

Guiowen wrote: "Sidney,
In other words, what you're saying is that Rae Evans and her minions have agents controlling the mail at the Department of Justice and at the White House."

Anonymous at 6:50 wrote: "Maybe you understand why I and a lot of other people reject your delusional ramblings about the murder of Reginald Daye."

Guiowen is right for the reason Anon at 6:50 wrote - Sid suffers from a fixed false belief delusion. No matter how often he is shown the facts, he rejects them in favor of his fixed false belief. A form of mental illness. That said, it is important for rational people like Guiowen and Anon at 6:50, A lawyer, Dr. A, Lance and others to keep posting the facts. Just in case someone stumbles across this blog and mistake's Sid's delusional ranting for the truth.


Anonymous said...

Anyone who believed the lacrosse players raped Crystal Mangum is a black racist and a moron.

kenhyderal said...

Walt said: "No matter how often he is shown the facts, he rejects them in favor of his fixed false belief:...................................... What facts are those? It has never mean ascertained as factual that Daye died of unknown complications to his stab wound. Nicholls opined that it was "obviously" some sort of infection or some other catastrophic illness". Any attempt to question the real cause of his death was objected to by Coggins-Franks and sustained by Judge Ridgeway. That Welch rulings are established law is a fact but since the medical malpractice that occurred was not proven to be in treatment of a complication to the stab wound but to a unrelated medical condition that arose independent of the stab would. That wound may well not of been a proximate cause of his unfortunate death due to malpractice.

Anonymous said...

There are very few cases of white men raping black women.Cases of black men raping white women number in the thousands every year.Most likely this is due to the fact that white men don't find black women sexually attractive.

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"Walt said: "No matter how often he is shown the facts, he rejects them in favor of his fixed false belief:...................................... What facts are those?'

The facts of which you and harr te hypocrite choose to be willfully ignorant.

"It has never mean ascertained as factual that Daye died of unknown complications to his stab wound."

Correct. It has been established Reginald Daye died as a result of obvious complications of his stab wound.

"'Nicholls opined that it was "obviously" some sort of infection or some other catastrophic illness'. Any attempt to question the real cause of his death was objected to by Coggins-Franks and sustained by Judge Ridgeway."

Who established the real cause of Reginald Daye's death? You? harr the hypocrite? Neither one of you have the competence or expertise to determine the cause of death.

"That Welch rulings are established law is a fact but since the medical malpractice that occurred was not proven to be in treatment of a complication to the stab wound but to a unrelated medical condition that arose independent of the stab would."

Who established that medical malpractice happened? You? harr the hypocrite? You have zero medical training and zero medical experience. harr the hypocrite is a minimally trained minimally experienced graduate odf a mrdical school. Neither one of you has the expertise or competence to establiish malpractice happened. Your combined willful ignorance of matters medical and legal does not establish that medical malpractice happened. Neither does your combined passion to get your favorite murderess/fase accuser a pass for her crimes.

"That wound may well not of been a proximate cause of his unfortunate death due to malpractice."

Here you show again how grossly and willfully ignorant you choose to be. There was no malpractice. Even if there had been, it would not have relieved crystal of criminal responsibility for Reginald Daye's murder.

Nifong Supporter said...

guiowen said...
In other words, what you're saying is that Rae Evans and her minions have agents controlling the mail at the Department of Justice and at the White House.

gui, mon ami, that is not precisely what I'm saying. Rae Evans basically called for the jihad by the vitriol in her statements against Mike Nifong... saying, for example, that she wished he would "pay every day for the rest of his life." (It seems to me that many people who have wealth and power are more likely than others to rise quickly to vengeance in executing retribution. Donald Trump, for example, I believe would not hesitate to retaliate against any perceived slight against him.)

The underlings at the U.S. Justice Department and the White House who sort through mail, I believe, are likely to divert the mail I send from the addressee and to an aide or paralegal for response or directly to the trash bin. They are likely motivated by the demonized characterization of Mangum and the overall public scorn generated by the mainstream media.

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"Rae Evans basically called for the jihad by the vitriol in her statements against Mike Nifong... saying, for example, that she wished he would 'pay every day for the rest of his life.'

Again, harr the hypocrite ignores the fact, that Mrs. Evans made her statement AFTER the NC State Bar had investigated corrupt nifong and had filed ethics charges against him. And harr the hypocrite ignores the fact that corrupt nifong wrongfully prosecuted innocent men for a crime which never hapened. I have said that harr the hypocrite wants his favorite murderess/false accuser to get a pass for her crimes. He wants his favorite corrupt prosecutor to get a pass for his crimes.

"(It seems to me that many people who have wealth and power are more likely than others to rise quickly to vengeance in executing retribution."

Again, harr the hypocrite ignores the established fact that corrupt nifong wrongfully and willfully prosecuted innocent men for a crime which never happened. When challenged to provide evidence that the crime did happen, harr the hypocrite ducks and runs behind a fabrication, that the case file is sealed and the evidence is not available. The evidence is a matter of public record, and it shows overwhelmingly that crystal lied about being raped.

"Donald Trump, for example, I believe would not hesitate to retaliate against any perceived slight against him.)"

Which might be true.But thenharr the hypocrite tries to retaliate againdst anyone who does not buy onto his willful, racist guilt presumption, e.g.Mrs Rae Evans.

"The underlings at the U.S. Justice Department and the White House who sort through mail, I believe, are likely to divert the mail I send from the addressee and to an aide or paralegal for response or directly to the trash bin."

Another manifestation of harr the hypocrite's megalomaniacal deluded imagination.

"They are likely motivated by the demonized characterization of Mangum and the overall public scorn generated by the mainstream media."

Except nio one demnized crystal.She was exposed as a false accuser who lied about being raped. harr the hypocrite believes that because crystal is black and the people she falsely accused are white the accused should beproclaimed guilty and sentenced.

harr the hypocrite, I again challengeyou to provide evidence that crystal told the truth.

Walt said...

Kenhyderal wrote: " What facts are those? It has never mean ascertained as factual that Daye died of unknown complications to his stab wound."

Yes, it was. As Kenhyderal admits: "Nicholls opined that it was "obviously" some sort of infection or some other catastrophic illness"."

That was the only testimony at trial. Dr. Nichols was sworn to tell the truth. Dr. Nichols examined the decedent. He conducted an autopsy. He wrote up his report and reached a diagnosis. His testimony was admitted into evidence. Further, the defense through her own independent medical examiner reached the conclusion that Dr. Nichols diagnosis of death was correct. So yes, those are the facts, undisputed facts at that. Your and Sid's speculations in an attempt to gain Crystal a new trial are not facts. Worse, your contentions ignore the facts reported to you many times.

"Any attempt to question the real cause of his death was objected to by Coggins-Franks and sustained by Judge Ridgeway."

As it should have been. We do not try cases based on speculation.

"That Welch rulings are established law is a fact but since the medical malpractice that occurred was not proven to be in treatment of a complication to the stab wound but to a unrelated medical condition that arose independent of the stab would. That wound may well not of been a proximate cause of his unfortunate death due to malpractice."

You again misrepresent the law. But, even if you are right that there was malpractice, contributory negligence has no place in the criminal law. That too has been explained to you above. Rather well, I should add. Just because you seek injustice does not mean it will happen. Thankfully, our courts are not chambers of injustice where killers are set free because the delusional and the biased seek their freedom.


Anonymous said...

I do like how Idiot Sid keeps flogging the Felony Murder, even to the Chief Justice, who will immediately know it doesn't apply, and will realize that Sid is incapable of basic understanding, and destroy his credibility on everything else. That's the problem with constantly pushing stuff that is wrong - it destroys the credibility of everything else you try to do.

That's why we point it out, and try to get you to correct.

Anonymous said...

Kenny - you and Sid keep saying "unknown complications" but you've never asked Dr. Roberts, the attorneys, or anyone else, if they know what those complications were.

You refuse to ask, because you know the answers would be bad for your delusions and Crystal.

You and Sid need to find another target to abuse.

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to that idiot Nifong?

Anonymous said...

harr the hypocrite persists in claiming nifong was railroaded, as a result of a non existent carpetbagger jihad.





Anonymous said...

Eiter harr the hypocrite or kenny hissy fit is back to posting anonymously again.

Anonymous said...

You would think even harr the hypocrite or kenny hissy fit would pick someone other than kilgo to emulate. kilgo is the equivalent of a deaf blind man who says, I see and hear everything.





The Great Kilgo said...

Please help mpkdnbofiuuh





Anonymous said...

either haee the hypocrite or kenny hissy fit or both are decompensating.



Anonymous said...

Correction of typo:

Anonymous Anonymous said...

either harr the hypocrite or kenny hissy fit or both are decompensating

Anonymous said...

the original kilgo was the original deaf blind man who told everyone he saw and heard everything.

Anonymous said...


Can you please explain how continuously misrepresenting the law in your letters and to the Court helps Crystal?









The Great Kilgo said...

That's not the real Kilgo. I'm the Great Kilgo!


No you aren't!

The Great Kilgo said...

Yes I am! Yes I am! YES I AM!



A Lawyer said...

There are very few cases of white men raping black women

Hey, Mr. Racist Anon, I have two words for you: Daniel Holtzclaw.

Then I have two more words for you: Get lost!




The Great Kilgo said...

You're not the real Kilgo!

Anonymous said...

Either harr the hypocrite or kenny hissy fit or both must be really stressed out and decompensated today.

UBES said...

It looks like Kilgo ate (or drank) something he shouldn't.

Anonymous said...

Maybe harr the hypocrite and kenny hissy fit are just too terrified to post today.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can you please explain how continuously misrepresenting the law in your letters and to the Court helps Crystal?

My letters are to those individuals who are unfamiliar with the Mangum murder case, and what my intent is in writing them is to give them enlightenment that cannot be found by going to the mainstream media or other sources. Providing enlightenment... that is what I do by my letters.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Kenny - you and Sid keep saying "unknown complications" but you've never asked Dr. Roberts, the attorneys, or anyone else, if they know what those complications were.

You refuse to ask, because you know the answers would be bad for your delusions and Crystal.

You and Sid need to find another target to abuse.

First of all, neither kenhyderal nor I should be compelled to seek out what those so-called "complications of a stab wound to the chest" are. Dr. Nichols should have given an adequate explanation about the complications in his autopsy report... but he didn't. That's because he knew that there were no complications from the stab wound or its treatment. If there had been an infection, he should have said so... and gone on to explain how it caused Daye's brain death. If it were from hemorrhagic shock with concomitant shutdown of vital organs which led to Daye's brain death, then he should have said so. Simple fact is that the stab wound was successfully treated by Duke University Hospital trauma surgeons and was without any complications.

Keep in mind... the truth will set Crystal Mangum free. And I deal in the truth.

Nifong Supporter said...

Walt said...
Kenhyderal wrote: " What facts are those? It has never mean ascertained as factual that Daye died of unknown complications to his stab wound."

Yes, it was. As Kenhyderal admits: "Nicholls opined that it was "obviously" some sort of infection or some other catastrophic illness"."

That was the only testimony at trial. Dr. Nichols was sworn to tell the truth. Dr. Nichols examined the decedent. He conducted an autopsy. He wrote up his report and reached a diagnosis. His testimony was admitted into evidence. Further, the defense through her own independent medical examiner reached the conclusion that Dr. Nichols diagnosis of death was correct. So yes, those are the facts, undisputed facts at that. Your and Sid's speculations in an attempt to gain Crystal a new trial are not facts. Worse, your contentions ignore the facts reported to you many times.

"Any attempt to question the real cause of his death was objected to by Coggins-Franks and sustained by Judge Ridgeway."

As it should have been. We do not try cases based on speculation.

"That Welch rulings are established law is a fact but since the medical malpractice that occurred was not proven to be in treatment of a complication to the stab wound but to a unrelated medical condition that arose independent of the stab would. That wound may well not of been a proximate cause of his unfortunate death due to malpractice."

You again misrepresent the law. But, even if you are right that there was malpractice, contributory negligence has no place in the criminal law. That too has been explained to you above. Rather well, I should add. Just because you seek injustice does not mean it will happen. Thankfully, our courts are not chambers of injustice where killers are set free because the delusional and the biased seek their freedom.


Walt, what you seem to ignore, as does Medical Examiner Dr. Nichols, is that the initial intubation of Daye was esophageal. Even Dr. Roberts agrees with that. It was simply the errant esophageal intubation that was the cause of Daye's brain death, not some sort of infection or vague catastrophic event. Truly Occam's Razor sides with henkyderal and my version of events that the esophageal intubation resulted in Daye's brain death which led to his removal from life-support and subsequent death.

Let me know if further elucidation is required on this particular point.

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"My letters are to those individuals who are unfamiliar with the Mangum murder case, and what my intent is in writing them is to give them enlightenment that cannot be found by going to the mainstream media or other sources. Providing enlightenment... that is what I do by my letters."

You get it wrong again.Your letters reveal that you know nothing about the Mangum murder case(and you justdid admit crystal murdered Reginald Daye). Ergo you do not and can not reveal the truth about the case.

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"First of all, neither kenhyderal nor I should be compelled to seek out what those so-called "complications of a stab wound to the chest" are."

Which is an admission that you and ken hissy fit know nothing about what actually happened and care to know nothing.

"Dr. Nichols should have given an adequate explanation about the complications in his autopsy report... but he didn't. That's because he knew that there were no complications from the stab wound or its treatment. If there had been an infection, he should have said so..."

He has. That you and ken hissy fit are able to comprehend the report means nothing other than the both of you are unable to comprehend medical matters.

"and gone on to explain how it caused Daye's brain death. If it were from hemorrhagic shock with concomitant shutdown of vital organs which led to Daye's brain death, then he should have said so. Simple fact is that the stab wound was successfully treated by Duke University Hospital trauma surgeons and was without any complications."

The brain death and organ failure were complications of the stab wound. Reginald Daye was being worked up for an intra abdominal infection. That you and ken hissy fit are unablre to comprehend that means nothing.

"Keep in mind... the truth will set Crystal Mangum free."

The truth is, crystal killed Reginald Daye.

"And I deal in the truth."

You deal in lies motivated by your agenda, to get your favorite murderess/false accuser a pass for her crimes.




Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"Walt, what you seem to ignore, as does Medical Examiner Dr. Nichols, is that the initial intubation of Daye was esophageal. Even Dr. Roberts agrees with that. It was simply the errant esophageal intubation that was the cause of Daye's brain death, not some sort of infection or vague catastrophic event. Truly Occam's Razor sides with henkyderal and my version of events that the esophageal intubation resulted in Daye's brain death which led to his removal from life-support and subsequent death."

mr. harr, the hypocrite, you are not and never have been a competent, capable, knowledgeable physician. You are nothing but a minimally trained, minimally experienced graduate of a medical school who was never accepted into any residency program and who never achieved medical board certification. You are incapable of understanding what happened, as is evidenced by your ignorant statements that surgery ended the risk of an intra abdominal infection. It did not.

What put Reginald Daye at risk for an intra abdominal infection was thwe stab wound crystal inflicted upon him. The knife lacerated his colon. His abdominal cavity was exposed to colonic contamination for a number of hours, the time necessary to transport him to the Hospital, get him ready for the OR, and get him to surgery.

The aspiration, the necessity for intubation was a result of the stab wound. Reginald Daye would have never been exposed to the risk of infection had crystal never stabbed. Your complete medical ignorance does not change that.

"Let me know if further elucidation is required on this particular point."

Again, you are not and never have been a competent, capable, knowledgeable physician, and you are incapable of elucidating anything.

Anonymous said...

mr. harr the hypocrite, I seeagain you resort to posting anonymously.

Anonymous said...

My letters are to those individuals who are unfamiliar with the Mangum murder case, and what my intent is in writing them is to give them enlightenment that cannot be found by going to the mainstream media or other sources. Providing enlightenment... that is what I do by my letters.

But, it's not enlightening to say that Felony Murder, or other issues are present when they aren't - it's idiotic and detracts from your overall message. You refuse to explain why you keep pushing incorrect, and clearly erroneous, legal theories - which have been pointed out to you repeatedly.

Felony Murder was NEVER at issue here ... why do you keep pretending it was?

Anonymous said...

Keep in mind... the truth will set Crystal Mangum free. And I deal in the truth.

You deal in lies, obfuscation, and abuse. You are a disgrace as a human being who has zero care for Crystal, only your own ego. Everyone but your fellow abuser, Kenny, knows that.

You are a pathetic excuse for a human being.








Anonymous said...

harr the hypocrite decompensating, impersonating a deaf blind man.

Anonymous said...


harr the hypocrite has no need to impersonate a deaf blind man who says he hears and sees everything.

He is the equivlent of a deab blind man saying, i see and hear everything.

The Great Kilgo said...

The 4:44 and 4:46 is not the real Kilgo!

UBES said...

I wonder what Kilgo's drinking? or smoking?

The Great Kilgo said...

Oh No !

Ubes has lapsed into his

notorious Crank mode !


You're not the real Kilgo!

Anonymous said...

Researchers measure NC psychiatric bed shortage, the News and Observer

Rep. Gary Pendleton, a Raleigh Republican says about the state providing mental health emergency beds at smaller non-psychiatric hospitals while waiting for a bed to become open up at a state mental hospital so that a patient can spend a few more days being 'helped' there: “It would be helping the little hospitals survive and the bigger ones unclutter their emergency departments,” he said.

Ubes, The Great Kilgo, and the real Kilgo - if in need of 'help' - are considered "clutter" in NC by republican spokesperson, especially at Duke.

Anonymous said...

A lot of confusion on this blog while harr the hypocrite and kenny hissy fit try to dodge the truth, seeing all sorts of bogeymen which are not really there.

The Great Kilgo said...

Good morning Quasi

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Researchers measure NC psychiatric bed shortage, the News and Observer

Rep. Gary Pendleton, a Raleigh Republican says about the state providing mental health emergency beds at smaller non-psychiatric hospitals while waiting for a bed to become open up at a state mental hospital so that a patient can spend a few more days being 'helped' there: “It would be helping the little hospitals survive and the bigger ones unclutter their emergency departments,” he said.

Ubes, The Great Kilgo, and the real Kilgo - if in need of 'help' - are considered "clutter" in NC by republican spokesperson, especially at Duke.

What the State should have done is upgrade Dorothea Dix Hospital to be a top notch mental health facility with enough beds and professional staff to provide care. Instead, a ridiculous decision was made to turn it into a "destination park" -- whatever that is. Surely, Dorothea Dix is turning over in her grave.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
My letters are to those individuals who are unfamiliar with the Mangum murder case, and what my intent is in writing them is to give them enlightenment that cannot be found by going to the mainstream media or other sources. Providing enlightenment... that is what I do by my letters.

But, it's not enlightening to say that Felony Murder, or other issues are present when they aren't - it's idiotic and detracts from your overall message. You refuse to explain why you keep pushing incorrect, and clearly erroneous, legal theories - which have been pointed out to you repeatedly.

Felony Murder was NEVER at issue here ... why do you keep pretending it was?

Let me attempt once more at elucidation. The Larceny of Chose in Action charge was absurd to begin with as there was no probable cause for it. If the charge was really a legitimate one, it would have been made against Mangum along with the assault with a deadly weapon charge upon her arrest. The Larceny of Chose in Action charge was made only as a companion charge with the murder charge in order to justify upgrading the murder charge to first degree. There was no other way for the murder charge to be designated as first degree without use of the "felony murder rule."
Seriously ask yourself the following:
Was the larceny charge legitimate?
If so, why not charge Mangum with it upon her arrest along with the assault charge?
If not, why bother to bring the charge in the first place?

It is crystal clear that the only reason that the Larceny of Chose in Action charge was made was for the purpose of elevating the murder charge to first degree.

Hopefully, for you, enlightenment will follow.

Anonymous said...

So Ubes, are you really Quasi in disguise?

Anonymous said...

When it actually does become that long imagined "destination park", just think of the mentally ill homeless that can occupy the benches. In the end, it will probably become a "park to avoid at all costs" given the number of mentally ill who will be killed there by the cops or the frequency of those thrown in jail on the charge of just being there. Some destination, eh? "The graveyard for the mentally ill" will probably be publicity for the 'destination park' and central theme!

Anonymous said...

What are ubes?

What is a quasi?

or that matter, what is a kilgo, other than an alias for either harr the hypocrite or for kenny hissy fit?

Anonymous said...

harr the hypocrite, the minimally trained, minimally experienced graduate of a medical school who was never accepted into residency training and who never achieved board certification, why should anyone believe you are capable of understanding a comples medical situation as the stab wound which killed Reginald Daye?

Anonymous said...

Ubes, why are you ignoring the question?

Anonymous said...

harr the hypocrite posts anonymously again.

Anonymous said...

Ubes, even if I am Harr (and I am not), why are you ignoring the question?

Anonymous said...

harr the hypocrite again posts anonymously

Anonymous said...

harr the hypocrite runs and hides.

Anonymous said...

Except it can't be used for feliny murder, which has been shown. It was never at issue, and was never even instructed on. You are either seriously mentally ill an incapable of comprehension, or you are exposing this entire blog as a joke and ruse to emotionally abuse Crystsl.

UBES said...

Ich bin der Unbekannte. Deshalb nennt mich man "Ubes".
Kilgo war einmal ein ser geruehmter Mann hier in NC. Dieser "Great Kilgo" ist er leidernicht.
Quasi ist ein Freund meiner, "Quasimodo".
Ist alles klahr?

Anonymous said...

If you are Unbekaante, what was your password?

unbekannte said...

Ich bin der treue Unbekannte

unbekannte said...

December 13, 2015 at 10:47 AM is ersatz Unbekannte.

guiowen said...

Halo, Unbekannter,
Es freut mich, dich wieder zu sehen! Wirst du bleiben?

Walt said...

Sid wrote: "Walt, what you seem to ignore, as does Medical Examiner Dr. Nichols, is that the initial intubation of Daye was esophageal."

There you go again Sid, misrepresenting the facts. I have always assumed the initial intubation was esophageal. I have written that ever since you brought it up. Assuming an esophageal intubation, that is not enough to relieve Crystal of criminal liability. As I have written time and time again, the law does not allow for contributory negligence in a criminal case. Medical malpractice alone is insufficient. The fact that you continually misrepresent what I and others say is a discredit to you. Further, it is proof of your fixed false belief delusion.

"Even Dr. Roberts agrees with that. It was simply the errant esophageal intubation that was the cause of Daye's brain death, not some sort of infection or vague catastrophic event. Truly Occam's Razor sides with henkyderal and my version of events that the esophageal intubation resulted in Daye's brain death which led to his removal from life-support and subsequent death."

There you go again Sid, misrepresenting Dr. Roberts. She does not agree with your conclusion. In fact, her conclusion agrees with Dr. Nichols. Daye died of complications related to a stab wound. That you cannot write without misrepresenting Dr. Roberts is yet even more proof of your fixed false belief.

"Let me know if further elucidation is required on this particular point."

Expressions of the same old fixed false belief are not elucidation.


Walt said...

Sid wrote: "It is crystal clear that the only reason that the Larceny of Chose in Action charge was made was for the purpose of elevating the murder charge to first degree."

Except that's not what happened in real life. Why the state charged larceny is not clear, but it was never used to raise the charge to murder in the first degree. Read the jury instructions.


Anonymous said...

Holtzclaw was bi-racial.I didn't say there no cases of white men raping black women just very few.Compare that to the thousands of black men who rape white women. However stats like that can never be used in any individual case.I wouldn't have believed Crystal's story if she had been a drunk white prostitute who had falsely accused three innocent black men of a gang rape that never happened.

Anonymous said...

Use enslaved black persons to grow tobacco and a billion dollar tobacco industry, then make billions more 'curing' and performing research on the black slave descendants and cancer patients.

Use the mentally ill to make billions off of research trials for the pharma & co. industry, and then kill them with their medicines they help get approved and in the mental hospitals, deny them access to their university and healthcare, and use and abuse them by creating a social/judicial system that kills them with cops and falsely overcharges them to fill up the privatized penal system, turning being mentally ill into a crime in addition to making billions claiming to be experts on the mentally ill.

Make billions providing legal education and degrees, and then corrupt the judicial system in order to get away with the many crimes and malpractice they commit, all the while denying adequate legal services to those whom they help to accuse.

Place their coal ash in ponds that will have to eventually be moved, and then make billions off of moving these faulty coal ash ponds into more faulty coal ash ponds.

Make billions providing treatment for the illnesses that occur from their faulty coal ash ponds dumping toxins into rivers and ground and well water.

Use and abuse a black rape victim to get a black president elected who pushes for a national healthcare system that makes billions off the nations citizens in order to line their pockets further and create an insurance plan to profit from the other billions in profit from the healthcare insurance system forced upon the nation, and then turn around and kill a black man with their avoidable and malicious malpractice, get the state's medical examiner's system and the state's judicial system to lie and cover-up their malpractice in order to get the black rape victim they used and abused in a major way for political and financial gain framed for a murder by their malpractice, all the while denying the framed defendant adequate legal representation.

... ... ... etc. etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

either harr the hypocrite or kenny hissy fit ranting anonymously again.

Anonymous said...

What black rape victim do you mean? Crystal Mangum was a false accuser and now a convicted murderer.

Anonymous said...

So, it begs the question: why would anyone in their right mind sign up for the Duke Insurance Plan? Imagine paying into an insurance system that also provides the health services and life and death decisions in ways that Duke does. That IS insane. If you get sick and start costing their insurance company too much money - they will simply kill you with their health services. Judging from this current Mangum/Duke case, there will be nobody to stop them from doing just that.

Anonymous said...

Either harr the hypocrite or kenny hissy fit or both again posting an anonymous screed.

Nifong Supporter said...

Walt said...
Sid wrote: "It is crystal clear that the only reason that the Larceny of Chose in Action charge was made was for the purpose of elevating the murder charge to first degree."

Except that's not what happened in real life. Why the state charged larceny is not clear, but it was never used to raise the charge to murder in the first degree. Read the jury instructions.


Hey, Walt.

Thank you for admitting that Durham prosecutors had no probable cause for charging Crystal Mangum with Larceny of Chose in Action... that the crime, in fact, never even occurred. It was malicious prosecution at best. I am sure that other commenters possessing a modicum of reasoning capabilities, such as gui, A Lawyer, and maybe even Abe, would agree with you.

That established, I proposed my theory on why the charge was made... for the purpose of elevating the murder charge to First Degree by use of the "felony murder rule." You have been unable to come up with a logical reason for why the charge was made... ergo, until I hear from a commenter with a more reasonable explanation about why the Larceny of Chose in Action charge was filed, then I will stick with my own premise.


Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
When it actually does become that long imagined "destination park", just think of the mentally ill homeless that can occupy the benches. In the end, it will probably become a "park to avoid at all costs" given the number of mentally ill who will be killed there by the cops or the frequency of those thrown in jail on the charge of just being there. Some destination, eh? "The graveyard for the mentally ill" will probably be publicity for the 'destination park' and central theme!

Hmmm. Definitely food for contemplation. In a perversely paradoxical way, you are probably not far off the mark. I appreciate your insight.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Nifong Supporter said...

"until I hear from a commenter with a more reasonable explanation about why the Larceny of Chose in Action charge was filed, then I will stick with my own premise."

harr the hypocrite, you have heard a more reasonable explanation and you have rejected it, just like you have rejected all the evidence that crystal lied about being raped.

Walt said...

Sid wrote: "Thank you for admitting that Durham prosecutors had no probable cause for charging Crystal Mangum with Larceny of Chose in Action..."

That is most certainly not what I wrote. There was probable cause, just barely. She took the checks. When she invoked her right to remain silent, there was not much left for the State to do with investigating the larceny charge. Had she given the explanation she offered in court to the police, the state would have lacked probable cause. However, her explanation reeks of a good lawyer's advice. She could not have known about the commercial law implications of the manner in which the checks were drafted and the statute is less than clear on its face.

"... that the crime, in fact, never even occurred. It was malicious prosecution at best. I am sure that other commenters possessing a modicum of reasoning capabilities, such as gui, A Lawyer, and maybe even Abe, would agree with you."

There you go putting words in people's mouths that they never wrote.

"That established, I proposed my theory on why the charge was made... for the purpose of elevating the murder charge to First Degree by use of the "felony murder rule." You have been unable to come up with a logical reason for why the charge was made... ergo, until I hear from a commenter with a more reasonable explanation about why the Larceny of Chose in Action charge was filed, then I will stick with my own premise."

Another example of Sid's fixed false belief. Larceny is not one of the underlying charges to support the felony murder rule in NC. So, that is not the reason for filing. More likely this is a continuation of the Nifong legacy of over charging defendants.


A Lawyer said...

More likely this is a continuation of the Nifong legacy of over charging defendants.

My own theory was that it was to offer the jury another potential motive for the stabbing. But whatever the reason, it's clear it wasn't to charge felony murder, or the charge would have been robbery of the check, not larceny.

Anonymous said...

The only thing that is clear - it wasn't charged to elevate the stabbing to felony murder - because the Larceny could not. The State argued 1st Degree on Premeditation and Deliberation.

Sid just continues to use this to turn Crystal against anyone actually trying to help her - because if you do not believe this lie Sid has told, you are betraying her, and wanting her to be set-up for murder.

Sid is devious in his continued efforts to abuse Crystal and isolate her from others.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous A Lawyer said...
More likely this is a continuation of the Nifong legacy of over charging defendants.

My own theory was that it was to offer the jury another potential motive for the stabbing. But whatever the reason, it's clear it wasn't to charge felony murder, or the charge would have been robbery of the check, not larceny.

Hey, A Lawyer.

C'mon... get real. A felony is a felony... be it Class H or Class B, or Class F. And a felony plus a homicide equals a First Degree murder charge.

As far as a motive for the stabbing... it's simple. It's called self-defense. According to Mangum, Daye was astride her choking her when she stabbed him once in the left side. That's a motive that makes since.

The prosecution never even really gave a motive for Mangum stabbing Daye. (The prosecution would have the people believe that for no reason Mangum went into the kitchen, grabbed several knives, and attacked Daye.)

Furthermore, I don't see how a Larceny of Chose in Action charge could present a motive for stabbing Daye. For one thing, both cashier's checks could not be converted to Mangum's benefit as she was neither the payee nor remitter.

Additionally, Daye admitted in an April 4, 2011 interview with police officer Marianne Bond that he gave the cashier's checks to Mangum to hold onto. Upon receipt, Mangum put both checks in her purse and never removed them. Therefore, when she grabbed her purse after stabbing Daye and fled the apartment, that could not be construed, even in the most liberal interpretation, as being taking the cashier's checks unlawfully or stealing them.

Also, if your theory of wanting to provide a motive is true, why not charge Mangum immediately with the Larceny of Chose in Action charge instead of waiting until fifteen days after the event and then charging Mangum with it along with the first degree murder charge?

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
The only thing that is clear - it wasn't charged to elevate the stabbing to felony murder - because the Larceny could not. The State argued 1st Degree on Premeditation and Deliberation.

Sid just continues to use this to turn Crystal against anyone actually trying to help her - because if you do not believe this lie Sid has told, you are betraying her, and wanting her to be set-up for murder.

Sid is devious in his continued efforts to abuse Crystal and isolate her from others.

If that's the case (that the first degree is based on premeditation and deliberation), then why even charge Mangum with two counts of Larceny of Chose in Action... a Class H felony?
Give me a reason that makes sense for the larceny charge... especially since no probable cause existed for it as Daye admitted to giving the cashier's checks to Mangum.

Also, I'm not trying to isolate Crystal from anyone. The fact is that no one wants to do anything to help Crystal but me and a few other of her close friends.

Anonymous said...

Duke will probably kill the patient if they reach a certain limit on their Duke health insurance plan and they still have viable organs to make money off of to recoup some of their 'loss', regardless of whether the patient is terminally ill (as determined by Duke of course), or not, or even agrees to donate organs quite possibly (who is going to know or say ... right). Wonder if Duke gives a sign-on bonus for agreeing to donate organs?

Anonymous said...

kenny hissy fit probably posting anonymously again

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"As far as a motive for the stabbing... it's simple. It's called self-defense. According to Mangum, Daye was astride her choking her when she stabbed him once in the left side. That's a motive that makes since."

So says no legal training, no legal experience harr the hypocrite, the filer and loser of multiple frivolous, non meritorious lawsuits.

At trial, crystal could not prove she acted in self defense. What she said on the stand was not supported by any evidence and did not impeach what the prosecution presented.

Fake Kenhyderal said...

FWIW, Both Duke Regional and Duke University hospital have higher safety ratings than the UNC Hospital in Chapel Hill, WakeMed, and a host of others.

Anonymous @ 1:31 -- Feel free to take yourself to WakeMed or Granville Med, especially if you need surgery.

guiowen said...

Sidney said,

"The fact is that no one wants to do anything to help Crystal but me and a few other of her close friends."

I don't know who her friends are. I imagine she's told them that her friend Sidney is taking care of everything. So they ask themselves, why bother doing anything if Sidney's in charge of it all?

Sidney, please leave the poor benighted woman alone!

Walt said...

Sid wrote: "C'mon... get real. A felony is a felony... be it Class H or Class B, or Class F. And a felony plus a homicide equals a First Degree murder charge."

Sid your ignorance is staggering. Long ago it was explained to you that under NC law, only certain violent or enumerated felonies will suffice for the felony murder rule here. Again, you refuse to learn. Sad really.

A lawyer is quite correct, if the state wanted to use the checks, to elevate to felony murder, they would have had to charge robbery.


Anonymous said...

December 14, 2015 at 1:47 PM

Duke are big liars and know how to skew the system very well - just like they do the in-justice system, so those ratings mean nothing where they are concerned.

Anonymous said...

Now that Ubes has confirmed he never left, it is only a matter of time before he admits that he is Quasi.

Nifong Supporter said...

guiowen said...
Sidney said,

"The fact is that no one wants to do anything to help Crystal but me and a few other of her close friends."

I don't know who her friends are. I imagine she's told them that her friend Sidney is taking care of everything. So they ask themselves, why bother doing anything if Sidney's in charge of it all?

Sidney, please leave the poor benighted woman alone!

gui, mon ami, let's try a little hypothetical.

For the sake of this example, let's assume that you were wrongly convicted of a crime and sentenced to serve eighteen years in jail... and that no one individual or organization would lift a finger to help you. No one that is, except the Committee on Justice for Mike nifong. Would you want me to idly sit on my hands with my mouth closed and say and do nothing, or would you prefer to have me fight to help you gain justice and freedom?

guiowen said...

But Sidney,
The point is precisely that nothing you do is helping her.

kenhyderal said...

Walt said: " But, even if you are right that there was malpractice, contributory negligence has no place in the criminal law. That too has been explained to you above. Rather well".......................... Explained well and understood. There has to be a proximate cause, though and that needs to be direct and can not be as tenuous as Crystal's action that sent him to hospital for treatment of that wound. In the case of Daye's death the proximate cause was chronic alcoholism totally unrelated to a stab wound. I can assure you that in Crystal's new trial if and when justice prevails this diagnosis of chronic alcoholism, acute alcohol withdrawal and impending delirium tremens will be confirmed. If the Welch and Holsclaw case rulings are to be applied in this case a Court needs make a ruling based on the facts in this case to determine if the principle should apply. I'm sure a Jury would not see any justice in seeing a murder conviction where the defendant's action did not cause the death even proximately.

guiowen said...

Kenhyderal said,
"I'm sure a Jury would not see any justice in seeing a murder conviction where the defendant's action did not cause the death even proximately."

That's precisely the point, Kenny: the jury did find (beyond reasonable doubt) that Crystal caused Reginald Daye's death.

kenhyderal said...

Walt said: "Why the state charged larceny is not clear, but it was never used to raise the charge to murder in the first degree. Read the jury instructions"................ They may have been wrong but that's why they did it. Subsequently, they did not want to drop this unjustified and unnecessary charge exposing their miscalculation so they let it stand.

kenhyderal said...

Guiowen said: "
That's precisely the point, Kenny: the jury did find (beyond reasonable doubt) that Crystal caused Reginald Daye's death'.... they did so without being given all the facts.

guiowen said...

If you really want to help Crystal, then help her prepare for life once she gets out of prison.
Encourage her to learn some reasonable activities so she can support herself. (At 50, I doubt she'll do well as an escort.)
Get her to understand that she can't go around attacking everyone who offends her in any way.
Get her to stop taking or smoking whatever it is that puts her in such evil moods.

guiowen said...

Kenhyderal said
" they did so without being given all the facts."

That's why I never bother to give you any advice.

Anonymous said...

Everyone on this blog KNOWS that duke killed Mr. Daye, that the jury was duke and durham biased and illegally prejudiced against Ms. Mangum by one of the jurors (the wife of the head of the department who actually killed Mr. Daye perhaps???) and terrorized into making durham (re: duke) 'look good' (sic!), and that the prosecution, judge, and defense council purposely covered-up and hid exculpatory evidence from the jury (as IF they actually needed to with that jury, but OK (again ... sic!). Ya'll argue for the sake of arguing and trying to make duke 'look good', which will never be a possibility again after all they have done to harm so very many and most in this state ... so why bother now?

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"Walt said: " But, even if you are right that there was malpractice, contributory negligence has no place in the criminal law. That too has been explained to you above. Rather well".......................... Explained well and understood. There has to be a proximate cause, though and that needs to be direct and can not be as tenuous as Crystal's action that sent him to hospital for treatment of that wound. In the case of Daye's death the proximate cause was chronic alcoholism totally unrelated to a stab wound. I can assure you that in Crystal's new trial if and when justice prevails this diagnosis of chronic alcoholism, acute alcohol withdrawal and impending delirium tremens will be confirmed. If the Welch and Holsclaw case rulings are to be applied in this case a Court needs make a ruling based on the facts in this case to determine if the principle should apply. I'm sure a Jury would not see any justice in seeing a murder conviction where the defendant's action did not cause the death even proximately."

Again, no medical training, no medical experience, no legal training, no legal experience kenny hissy fit gets it totally wrong in yet another attempt to get his favorite murderess/false accuser a pass for her crimes.

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...

"Guiowen said: "
That's precisely the point, Kenny: the jury did find (beyond reasonable doubt) that Crystal caused Reginald Daye's death'.... they did so without being given all the facts."

Totally irrelevant statement, as no legal training, no legal experience, no medical training, no medical experience kenny hissy fit has shown on many occasions he is unaware of the facts.

Hey kenny hissy fit, your uninformed denial does nt impeach the facts.

Anonymous said...


December 15, 2015 at 2:01 AM

Again, either harr the hypocrite or kenny hissy fit or both posting anonymously again.

Nifong Supporter said...

guiowen said...

If you really want to help Crystal, then help her prepare for life once she gets out of prison.
Encourage her to learn some reasonable activities so she can support herself. (At 50, I doubt she'll do well as an escort.)
Get her to understand that she can't go around attacking everyone who offends her in any way.
Get her to stop taking or smoking whatever it is that puts her in such evil moods.

gui, mon ami, during the past four years, I have probably spent more time with Crystal than anyone outside the prison or jail confines. In that span of time, I have gotten to know her much better than the biased media-types, the public it supposedly serves, and the psychiatrists who have evaluated her. Let me tell you that she is a remarkable young lady. I am amazed by her strength, which is religious-based. Believe me, she does not just go around willy-nilly stabbing anyone who offends her. In both the Daye and Walker instances she claims that she was defending herself from being brutalized in a domestic situation, and I believe her. The evidence supports her more directly in the case involving Daye.

Because I know her conviction was conspiratorial and criminal fraudulently based, it behooves me to see that she receives justice... exoneration and freedom at the earliest possible moment. I believe that she would appreciated being freed soon rather than learning a skill-set for use after being released from prison in fourteen years.

Nifong Supporter said...

guiowen said...
But Sidney,
The point is precisely that nothing you do is helping her.

gui, mon ami, the Roman Empire was not built in one day. Let's see what transpires if anything, this Friday with the NC Supreme Court.

Anonymous said...

Crystal never faced the felony murder rule. Everyone who reads this blog but Sid knows that - everyone with basic legal training knows that. Whatever the original motive for charging, felony murder was never in play. I think Sud knows it as well - he just includes it because it's part of his ruse to keep Crystal under his thumb, but it's also a signal to everyone he sends the letter to that its all a big joke and not to be taken seriously.

If Crystal were offered that plea she'd have been an idiot to refuse it because she wasn't focused on self-defense - she was focused on framing Duke - and she could only do better than that had she prevailed on self-defense even if Duke admitted to murdering Daye. I doubt it was ever offered, which is why I am sure it isn't in the record.

Nifong Supporter said...

Walt said...
Sid wrote: "Thank you for admitting that Durham prosecutors had no probable cause for charging Crystal Mangum with Larceny of Chose in Action..."

That is most certainly not what I wrote. There was probable cause, just barely. She took the checks. When she invoked her right to remain silent, there was not much left for the State to do with investigating the larceny charge. Had she given the explanation she offered in court to the police, the state would have lacked probable cause. However, her explanation reeks of a good lawyer's advice. She could not have known about the commercial law implications of the manner in which the checks were drafted and the statute is less than clear on its face.

"... that the crime, in fact, never even occurred. It was malicious prosecution at best. I am sure that other commenters possessing a modicum of reasoning capabilities, such as gui, A Lawyer, and maybe even Abe, would agree with you."

There you go putting words in people's mouths that they never wrote.

"That established, I proposed my theory on why the charge was made... for the purpose of elevating the murder charge to First Degree by use of the "felony murder rule." You have been unable to come up with a logical reason for why the charge was made... ergo, until I hear from a commenter with a more reasonable explanation about why the Larceny of Chose in Action charge was filed, then I will stick with my own premise."

Another example of Sid's fixed false belief. Larceny is not one of the underlying charges to support the felony murder rule in NC. So, that is not the reason for filing. More likely this is a continuation of the Nifong legacy of over charging defendants.


Walt, you said Crystal "took the checks." That is not in dispute. They were voluntarily handed over to her by Reginald Daye and she accepted them. The point is that she did not take them illegally or steal them... ergo, the Larceny of Chose in Action charge is baseless.

Secondly, the State never investigated the "larceny charge." The Durham Police never believed Daye when he stated that Mangum stole his money. Thirdly, the Durham police never conducted any investigation period... the police automatically took the position that Mangum had committed a crime in stabbing Daye after hearing only his version (while being obviously intoxicated) of the incident, and Mangum was arrested on sight. After being cuffed , it was prudent of her to remain silent.

You wrongly give Nifong credit for the prosecution/policing culture of overcharging suspects. That has been going on in this state and country long before Nifong entered law school. As a prosecutor, Nifong had integrity and did not overcharge... he certainly had nothing to do with Mangum being overcharged in the Daye or Walker case.

Anonymous said...

Nifong Supporter said...

"In both the Daye and Walker instances she claims that [crystal] was defending herself from being brutalized in a domestic situation, and I believe her. The evidence supports her more directly in the case involving Daye."

Hardly. Especially in the murder of Reginald Daye the evidence shows she was the aggressor.

"Because I know her conviction was conspiratorial and criminal fraudulently based, it behooves me to see that she receives justice... exoneration and freedom at the earliest possible moment. I believe that she would appreciated being freed soon rather than learning a skill-set for use after being released from prison in fourteen years."

You know nothing. You base what you do not know on your contention that crystal was the "victim/accuser in the Duke Rape case. The evidence in the Duke case, which is a matter of public record and of which you choose to be overwhelmingly and willfully ignorant shows overwhelmingly there was no rape and shows overwhelmingly that crystal was the false accuser/victimizer.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Crystal never faced the felony murder rule. Everyone who reads this blog but Sid knows that - everyone with basic legal training knows that. Whatever the original motive for charging, felony murder was never in play. I think Sud knows it as well - he just includes it because it's part of his ruse to keep Crystal under his thumb, but it's also a signal to everyone he sends the letter to that its all a big joke and not to be taken seriously.

If Crystal were offered that plea she'd have been an idiot to refuse it because she wasn't focused on self-defense - she was focused on framing Duke - and she could only do better than that had she prevailed on self-defense even if Duke admitted to murdering Daye. I doubt it was ever offered, which is why I am sure it isn't in the record.

The prosecution plea deal was not put in the record because to do so would expose the weakness of the charges against Mangum. Her refusal to accept the plea deal shows her strong conviction that she was totally innocent.
"It is of benefit for the guilty to accept a plea deal, not the innocent." -- Harrism

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