Saturday, April 18, 2020

Crystal Mangum's Motion to Recuse Judge Ridgeway: The Hudson to Ridgeway Pipeline


Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
"there are many times when a suspect, though innocent, will admit to a crime he/she did not commit."

Trust me, Ol' Mikey knows this better than most. He taught it to his protege, Tracy Cline, as well. You can see where it got them both.

To quote ol' Mikey :
"I agree with the attorney general's statement that there is no credible evidence that Mr. Seligmann, Mr. Finnerty and Mr. Evans committed any crimes for which they were indicted – or any other crimes against Ms. Mangum – during the party."

"They were entitled to the presumption of innocence when they were under indictment," Nifong continued. "Surely, they are entitled to more than that now as they go forward with the rest of their lives."

April 15, 2020 at 9:50 AM

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does your tux match her jumpsuit?

April 15, 2020 at 10:09 AM

Hey, Anony.

Sorry... can't tell you that. I'm not a fashionista. I don't own a suit or a sports coat, and my pitiful wardrobe consists of two categories... regular clothing and dress clothing. Dress clothes are those without holes in them.

For me, the purpose of clothes is to cover up and keep warm.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous @ Apr 15 10:09 --

Orange IS the new black...

April 16, 2020 at 10:07 AM

Hey, Anony.

Okay, but the dress attire of inmates at Anson Prison is purple.

Nifong Supporter said...

kenhyderal said...
2 Anonymous 4-156-20 9:50AM Yep, it's the good old American way, regardless of what the truth is make a deal or say what you need to in order to mitigate your penalty, especially gaol time. Justice and deal making never coincide. This is true ,especially for the innocent.

April 16, 2020 at 3:52 PM

Nifong Supporter said...

kenhyderal said...
Had former DA Nifong not have been hijacked by the powers that be, with their money,their hired guns and their political influence, there would have been the chance of a just outcome to the Duke Lacrosse debacle; where the only victims were a crusading DA and a poor marginalized African American mother and where perpetrators went free and, in fact, even profited from it.

April 17, 2020 at 3:10 PM

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you planning to post anything new this year? All you have done is pass along quotes from your Google searches and repeat the same old tired comments. Can’t you do better than this?

April 17, 2020 at 4:10 PM

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Kenny - Are you now saying the 3 accused Duke LAX players were “perpetrators”? I’m pretty sure you’ve stated they were not guilty in the past.

Were you lying then, or are you lying now?

April 17, 2020 at 8:12 PM

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Kenhyderal -

Are you calling Mike Nifong a liar?

April 17, 2020 at 8:14 PM

Anonymous said...


You can do better than this. Who are the "powers that be" who hijacked Mikey? Although I know you avoid original thinking whenever possible, let's see if you can provide a little critical analysis in your posts.

Anonymous said...

Sid - A judge is not disqualified from hearing a case just because the judge is aware of evidentiary facts from a previous involvement with the case or because the judge ruled against one of the parties in an earlier phase of the case.

kenhyderal said...

@ Anonymous posters 4-18-20 11:23AM and 12:19 PM (Last thread): The only time I ever delete a post is when I discover a typo or grammatical error. Then I immediately correct and re-post it, usually within the same hour. I'm not like the prolific registered poster Kilgo who spent scores of hours deleting months and months of posts one by one. Crystal was told, "the three persons who assaulted you are in this photo line-up so point them out"; breaking every protocol around this famously flawed, prone to error, method of identifying perpetrators. DA Nifong, like Crystal, was given the advice, by their Counsel, without concern for veracity as to what to say. DA Nifong probably heeded this counsel whereas Crystal displayed "Nifongian Courage" and rejected Meier's advice to plead guilty to a lesser charge for time served

kenhyderal said...

Anonymous said: " Kenny, You can do better than this. Who are the "powers that be" who hijacked Mikey? Although I know you avoid original thinking whenever possible, let's see if you can provide a little critical analysis in your posts":======== Where to begin? Maybe with Duke University, Duke Energy, The Republican Party of North Carolina, the "blue dog faction" of the Democratic Party of North Carolina, Reynolds,The North Carolina Law Society, The Charlotte Observer, The News and Observer etc. Not to mention Rae Evans and CBS who vowed to make DA Nifong pay every day of his life for daring to indict her angel

guiowen said...

nony 11:23,
I've told you Kenny misinterprets half of what he sees. See how right I am?

Anonymous said...

"Harr manuallt filed...","Harr information and advice...", "Harr...Helped Mangum file a Motion for Appropriate Relief...",

Do you realize this entire document is simply one long admission that you have violated the February 2013 permanent injunction that prevents you from engaging or aiding with “acts and activities constituting the practice of law.” ?

Violating a permanent injunction for a "Chewbacca defense" is destined for failure.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
"Harr manuallt filed...","Harr information and advice...", "Harr...Helped Mangum file a Motion for Appropriate Relief...",

Do you realize this entire document is simply one long admission that you have violated the February 2013 permanent injunction that prevents you from engaging or aiding with “acts and activities constituting the practice of law.” ?

Violating a permanent injunction for a "Chewbacca defense" is destined for failure.

April 26, 2020 at 10:48 AM

Hey, Anony.

I don't know what a "Chewbacca defense" is. Could you enlighten me on that?
As far as helping my fiancee file the Motion for Appropriate Relief, I would agree with your assessment that it is in violation of the court order issued seven years ago. You and I are not the only ones aware of this fact.

In my opinion, the reason the State Bar and the courts do not plan to challenge me on my representation of her is due to the fact that she'd been abandoned by the NC Prisoner Legal Services, that we have been unable to obtain legal counsel in a good-faith effort, and that the legal representation she had received was substandard... how else can you justify allowing a person to be convicted of second-degree murder in a case in which the manner of death is an accident by a third party? Don't anticipate any action being taken against me on this matter.

Now, what do you think about Mangum's motion to recuse Judge Ridgeway on the MAR?

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Sid - A judge is not disqualified from hearing a case just because the judge is aware of evidentiary facts from a previous involvement with the case or because the judge ruled against one of the parties in an earlier phase of the case.

April 18, 2020 at 5:42 PM

Hey, Anony.

What you say may be true, but that doesn't give it the appearance of impartiality. Ridgeway was the trial judge in a case that was unfairly run. Problem is that he was assigned to the first MAR having to deal with recantation of a witness who stated that he was threatened by the police to provide false and damaging testimony against Mangum. This phone conversation is recorded, but despite the fact that should've been grounds for ordering a new trial, Mangum's MAR was denied. Then this second MAR is again assigned to Ridgeway. That's twice in a row... for him to rule on overturning his own trial's conviction and ordering a new trial.

Clearly keeping Mangum tied to Ridgeway does not pass the smell test when it comes to justice.

Anonymous said...

No, Sid, what I stated IS true -- it's directly from The North Carolina Superior Court Judges' Benchbook.

You state here in your comments that "a witness" stated he was threatened to provide damaging testimony and that this conversation is recorded.

In the MAR, you state the he "felt threatened"...Which is it? "Feeling threatened" ≠ "threatened".

You also state in the MAR that there is no indication whether or not "it" (the phone conversation? it is hard to tell based on your writing style) was saved or deleted.
Here you say it's recorded. So which is it?

Anonymous said...

"Chewbacca defense" : When you use a totally bullshit argument that has absolutley nothing to do with the case.

"...we have been unable to obtain legal counsel in a good-faith effort"

How much have you offered to pay that legal counsel?

Anonymous said...

Sid, you never provided an affidavit, nor the recorded phone call, therefore the Court would not, and could not, legally consider the alleged Milton statements. This was explained to you, you were told how to get the recording preserved, and a copy of it.

You did none of it.

When you are told how to actually help Crystal, you don't do it. This is why we all think you are just in this to abuse and emotionally manipulate Crystal, not to actually help her. You refuse to do anything that can actually help her, and instead do all your nonsense that you claim is helpful, but which isn't.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
No, Sid, what I stated IS true -- it's directly from The North Carolina Superior Court Judges' Benchbook.

You state here in your comments that "a witness" stated he was threatened to provide damaging testimony and that this conversation is recorded.

In the MAR, you state the he "felt threatened"...Which is it? "Feeling threatened" ≠ "threatened".

You also state in the MAR that there is no indication whether or not "it" (the phone conversation? it is hard to tell based on your writing style) was saved or deleted.
Here you say it's recorded. So which is it?

April 27, 2020 at 9:09 AM

Hey, Anony.

Sorry for any confusion.

As you may be aware, all calls made by inmates from prison are "monitored and recorded." Such acknowledgement precedes each call made. Because inmates can't be reached by phone, Mangum's friend Milton Walker requested that she phone him... which she did. During the phone conversation he apologized to her for lying at trial and stated that he did so because he felt threatened by the police officer (Marianne Bond).

Whether he was threatened or felt threatened is a matter of semantics, but the end result of either is that he made false statements on the witness stand. He did so reluctantly because he knew it was wrong and because he considered Mangum a friend.

Neither Crystal nor I know policy with regards to recorded phone conversations of inmates. Are the reviewed and stored for any particular length of time and then erased, or are they deleted after a quick evaluation of their content. What Crystal asked in her MAR was that the recording be saved and not destroyed. We don't know whether the recording has been saved or not. Hopefully it has been saved.

Does this clarify things or is more elucidation required?

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
"Chewbacca defense" : When you use a totally bullshit argument that has absolutley nothing to do with the case.

"...we have been unable to obtain legal counsel in a good-faith effort"

How much have you offered to pay that legal counsel?

April 27, 2020 at 9:37 AM

Hey, Anony.

Hardy-harr-harr! Very funny. Luv'd the link.

As far as legal counsel goes, Crystal has had legal counsel and look what it got her so far. Convicted of second-degree murder for an accident by Duke University Hospital. And appellate defense attorney who didn't timely file a malicious prosecution lawsuit. By not hiring an attorney, I just saved attorney fees.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Sid, you never provided an affidavit, nor the recorded phone call, therefore the Court would not, and could not, legally consider the alleged Milton statements. This was explained to you, you were told how to get the recording preserved, and a copy of it.

You did none of it.

When you are told how to actually help Crystal, you don't do it. This is why we all think you are just in this to abuse and emotionally manipulate Crystal, not to actually help her. You refuse to do anything that can actually help her, and instead do all your nonsense that you claim is helpful, but which isn't.

April 27, 2020 at 12:12 PM

Hey, Anony.

Your reasoning makes no sense. Why should I do things to emotionally abuse and manipulate Crystal? Have you forgotten that we're engaged?

Even more important than the phone call is the report by Dr. Wecht! Is it your opinion that that was useless? The problem is that the media is conspiring to keep it hidden from the people to protect Duke University Hospital's responsibility for Daye's death.

None of Crystal's attorneys ever got a report as important as the one I obtained from Dr. Wecht. I'm sure we can agree on that.

guiowen said...

I think that Anony is worried that you seem to get some good material but never actually do anything with it. Milton's testimony could have done a lot for Crystal,but you never got him to sign an affidavit, or offer to testify. Wecht's testimony could have done wonders, but you never actually presented it to the court. So people who would like to see Crystal get out of jail feel quite disappointed in you.

kenhyderal said...

@ Guiowen: Milton Walker is unlikely to confess, in a sworn affidavit, that he committed perjury nor, as a Black man, is he willing to accuse Durham Police of coercing him to do so. He did however, unsolicited, confess this to Crystal and this conversation was with out a doubt recorded. Lawyers defending Crystal shied away from defending Crystal at the expense of Duke and in the weak defense they put up refused to even consider involving Duke in Daye's death. Yes, Dr. Wecht's report and for that matter Dr. Harr's findings, if presented to a Jury, would have resulted in Crystal's acquittal. Now, everyone in the administration of Justice in North Carolina, from the Governor on down, know the truth; as does all the media but all of them WITH "fear or favor" refused to go after all powerful Duke. Let me warn you, though, this will not go away. Not by obfuscation, delay tactics or the misuse of processing red-tape. Crystal is innocent and eventually those who conspired to "put her away" are going to pay. Those of you who know the truth, especially the readers of this blog, should get on the right side of history or you'll face the shame of failing to stand up for truth and justice.

guiowen said...

I simply want to know why you do nothing with all this information you have. Those who see this blog site are really wondering whether you have some secret plan which requires keeping Crystal locked up.

Anonymous said...

Unwilling to confess in a sowrn affidavit, but willing to confess on a phone call that notifies him he is being recorded?

To quote the fictional Johnnie Cochran from the Southpark link above, " does not make sense!"

Sid -- Why are you not posting my comments?

kenhyderal said...

Guiowen said: " So people who would like to see Crystal get out of jail feel quite disappointed in you.".................................. So, Guiowen does that include you?............ Guiowen also said "I simply want to know why you do nothing with all this information you have. Those who see this blog site are really wondering whether you have some secret plan which requires keeping Crystal locked up" ............ All the information is known by all concerned, thanks to Dr. Harr. Those who have the power to do something about it are using every artifice available to them to keep Crystal locked up. Your question should be directed towards them.

Anonymous said...

So, Sid is admitting that despite many people telling him that he needed to take steps to preserve the alleged phone call with Milton, and explaining exactly what he needed to do, he did none of that, so the call is gone. Sid will claim that is some sort of conspiracy against Crystal when it was clearly intentional on his part. He was told exactly what to do, and he refused to do it.

guiowen said...

The question is,why don't you hire a lawyer?

kenhyderal said...

Yeah, of course, that's the typical solution for you advocates of the broken and corrupt US Justice System, universally held in contempt. Crystal has had several Lawyers, none of whom did anything at all for her and who, in fact, failed to get her justice by actually damaging her case. The simple matter is I, like Dr. Harr and Crystal do not have the resources to squander money. Crystal has already been proven innocent so she does not need a Lawyer. That's been established, thanks to the work of Dr.Harr. The real question is what is the Justice System going to do about it. Maybe because she is poor,Black and marginalized they just don't care. It's going to come back on North Carolina soon and they will have to live with the shame.

kenhyderal said...

@ Anonymous 11:58: It was included in the MAR, dismissed on a technicality. Justice be damned. Is it process über alles or is process, in America, simply used to deny Justice

guiowen said...

Are we here again?

Sidney: "I have some powerful arguments that will get CGM free within two weeks if not sooner."
Sidney: "Please, everybody, tell me the color of your favorite crying towel."
Kenny: "The evil Duke lacrosse apologists have been successful up to now, but will now suffer as the arc of justice bends in Crystal's direction."
Some time later:
Others: "So tell us Sidney how things went?"
Sidney: "I clearly failed to take into consideration the evil behavior of the justice system, and/or the way CGM's attorneys betrayed her!"
Kenny: "What can you expect from the U.S. system? This would never happen in Canada, or any other reasonable country! Reform reform! Drain this swamp!"

Anonymous said...

Just so we’re all on the same page:

You’ve never contacted Milton Walker to have him corroborate the statement the he was either “threatened” or “felt threatened” to commit perjury during Crystal Mangum’s trial

All you have currently is Crystal’s version of the conversation. You did not participate in the conversation, nor have you heard it or read a transcript.

Neither you nor Crystal contacted the prison or the company that manages the phone system to ensure the recording or transcription of the phone call was kept.

Are all the above statements correct?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous on May 3 @ 9:32 am:

Sid has no legal standing to access either a recording or transcript of Crystal Mangum's phone call. Even if he did request it, they couldn't give it to him.

Crystal Mangum or her lawyer would have had to request it.

Obviously, since Sid won't hire a lawyer to represent her, a lawyer's not going to do it.

So why hasn't Crystal Mangum requested this information?

Anonymous said...

Sid in October 2018:

"Tell you what I shall do:
(1) Since I lack direct access to Milton Walker, I will have Mangum contact him. Besides, she should be in better position to encourage him to produce an affidavit about his false testimony at her 2013 trial.
(2) If Mr. Walker is agreeable and produces an affidavit, I will place my grubby hands upon it as soon as possible.
(3) Once a physical hard copy of the affidavit is in my possession, I will travel to Durham (I'm not a Durham man) and file it with Mangum's MAR case.
(4) I will keep commenters aware of the stages as they progress, and if they progress, on this blog comment section.

I will broach the topic of the Walker affidavit the next time I communicate with Ms. Mangum.

I believe that there is nothing more I can do regarding this issue. Let me know if you consider my proposal to be satisfactory.

October 1, 2018 at 5:08 AM"

Did you, at any time, actually do this?

Anonymous said...

You and Crystal going to adopt Shan Carter after the wedding?

Ronnie Long Supporter said...

If you didn’t get a chance to listen live, here’s the link to the Ronnie Long en banc hearing this morning:

Dr. Harr, this is Crystal Mangum needs a lawyer.


Robert Allen Zimmerman said...

You know, I once knew a woman who looked like you
She wanted a whole man, not just a half
She used to call me sid daddy when we made love
You kind of remind me of her when you laugh
In order to deal in this game, got to make the queen disappear
It’s done with a flick of the wrist
What’s a sweetheart like you doing in a dump like this?

You know, a woman like you should be at home
That’s where you belong
Watching out for someone who loves you true
Who would never do you wrong
Just how much abuse will you be able to take?
Well, there’s no way to tell by that first kiss
What’s a sweetheart like you doing in a dump like this?

Anonymous said...

Sid -- I know you're monitoring the blog, because comments are being approved.

Why haven't you addressed any comments?

I'm specifically talking about those from:
Anonymous @ May 3, 2020 at 9:32 AM
Anonymous @ May 4, 2020 at 1:44 PM
Anonymous @ May 4, 2020 at 2:53 PM

Nifong Supporter said...

guiowen said...
I think that Anony is worried that you seem to get some good material but never actually do anything with it. Milton's testimony could have done a lot for Crystal,but you never got him to sign an affidavit, or offer to testify. Wecht's testimony could have done wonders, but you never actually presented it to the court. So people who would like to see Crystal get out of jail feel quite disappointed in you.

April 29, 2020 at 11:48 PM

Hey, gui, mon ami.

I think the phone conversation between Mangum and Milton Walker was valuable and germane, but there's no way that I'm going to be able to get Mr. Walker to sign an affidavit or agree to testify at a hearing. To do so would be implicating himself in a crime, wouldn't it? The audio recording should stand on its own, and Judge Ridgeway should have granted Mangum's MAR the last time.

Dr. Wecht's report of October 25, 2019 came well after Mangum's November 2013 trial... nearly six years later. Am incorporating Dr. Wecht's report as the basis for Mangum's MAR filed on October 31, 2019... so, in actuality, I have presented it to the court.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Unwilling to confess in a sowrn affidavit, but willing to confess on a phone call that notifies him he is being recorded?

To quote the fictional Johnnie Cochran from the Southpark link above, " does not make sense!"

Sid -- Why are you not posting my comments?

May 1, 2020 at 9:07 AM

Hey, Anony.

First of all, I post all comments that pass the kenhyderal doctrine. However, some posts, by Anonys are so silly that I just don't bother. Some posts by Anonys, I feel, are made to diminish the serious nature of the blog site. Bottom line is that if you identify as Anony, there is less likely a chance that I will post a silly comment. If you use a tag name or alias, I will more likely than not post your comment regardless of its content... and your true identity remains hidden.

Also, when Milton Walker asked Mangum to call him, it was his intention to apologize to her as a friend. I'm sure that he was not thinking about the legalities of his apology, which I believe he tendered in good-faith. I would not want him to be further mired in a criminal situation when the State and Courts are doing their best to protect Dr. Nichols and Officer Marianne Bond. Believe me, the State would prosecute Mr. Walker on a perjury charge in a heartbeat because he is an African American. Same goes for Aykia Hanes.

Anonymous said...

But you never dithered to get the audio recording even though you were told exactly how to get it.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
So, Sid is admitting that despite many people telling him that he needed to take steps to preserve the alleged phone call with Milton, and explaining exactly what he needed to do, he did none of that, so the call is gone. Sid will claim that is some sort of conspiracy against Crystal when it was clearly intentional on his part. He was told exactly what to do, and he refused to do it.

May 1, 2020 at 11:58 AM

Hey, Anony.

For reasons stated in my comment above, I wouldn't try to get an affidavit from Mr. Walker. Even if he signed one, I would be reluctant to use it because of unfair jeopardy in which it would place him.

As far as the status of the phone call I don't have a clue. It could have been deleted... it could have been saved. I don't know the procedures related to inmate phone calls, other than that they are monitored and recorded.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Just so we’re all on the same page:

You’ve never contacted Milton Walker to have him corroborate the statement the he was either “threatened” or “felt threatened” to commit perjury during Crystal Mangum’s trial

All you have currently is Crystal’s version of the conversation. You did not participate in the conversation, nor have you heard it or read a transcript.

Neither you nor Crystal contacted the prison or the company that manages the phone system to ensure the recording or transcription of the phone call was kept.

Are all the above statements correct?

May 3, 2020 at 9:32 AM

Anony, all of the above statements are correct. We're on the same page.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Anonymous on May 3 @ 9:32 am:

Sid has no legal standing to access either a recording or transcript of Crystal Mangum's phone call. Even if he did request it, they couldn't give it to him.

Crystal Mangum or her lawyer would have had to request it.

Obviously, since Sid won't hire a lawyer to represent her, a lawyer's not going to do it.

So why hasn't Crystal Mangum requested this information?

May 4, 2020 at 1:44 PM

Hey, Anony.

If I'm not mistaken, Mangum did request preservation and a copy of the phone call and/or its transcript in motions filed with her MAR. Keep in mind that regardless of what Mangum does, despite it being supported by the rule of law, the courts do not feel compelled to treat her justly, especially with the silence of the media in her case.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sid in October 2018:

"Tell you what I shall do:
(1) Since I lack direct access to Milton Walker, I will have Mangum contact him. Besides, she should be in better position to encourage him to produce an affidavit about his false testimony at her 2013 trial.
(2) If Mr. Walker is agreeable and produces an affidavit, I will place my grubby hands upon it as soon as possible.
(3) Once a physical hard copy of the affidavit is in my possession, I will travel to Durham (I'm not a Durham man) and file it with Mangum's MAR case.
(4) I will keep commenters aware of the stages as they progress, and if they progress, on this blog comment section.

I will broach the topic of the Walker affidavit the next time I communicate with Ms. Mangum.

I believe that there is nothing more I can do regarding this issue. Let me know if you consider my proposal to be satisfactory.

October 1, 2018 at 5:08 AM"

Did you, at any time, actually do this?

May 4, 2020 at 2:53 PM

Hey, Anony.

I completed step (1) by having Mangum try to contact Mr. Walker, however, he refused to accept her calls, so that put an end to steps (2), (3), and (4).

I have no contact information on Mr. Walker, and would not expect him to reply to me. As it is, I can't get Governor Cooper, A.G. Stein, or Durham D.A. Deberry to respond to me.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
You and Crystal going to adopt Shan Carter after the wedding?

May 6, 2020 at 11:45 AM

Hey, Anony.

Towards what end would we adopt Mr. Carter? After all, he's an adult. After our wedding, I do not plan on adopting Crystal's children, nor would I expect her to adopt mine.

(I know this was not a serious question, and being an Anony, I almost did not publish it. As it is, I've wasted a valuable five or six minutes responding to it.)

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Ronnie Long Supporter said...
If you didn’t get a chance to listen live, here’s the link to the Ronnie Long en banc hearing this morning:

Dr. Harr, this is Crystal Mangum needs a lawyer.


May 7, 2020 at 7:31 PM

Hey, Ronnie Long Supporter.

Thank you so much for the LINK to the recording. I listened to half of it, but I plan on listening to it all as soon as time permits. Busy working on a project which should be completed in a couple of days.

I thought it would be a slam dunk on the rehearing en banc, but after hearing the first half of the recording, I could tell by the tenor and content of some of the questions that its likely the ruling will fall along ideological lines... Hopefully there are more Democrats on the Fourth Circuit than Republicans.

The Fourth Circuit should have reversed and remanded the lower court ruling at the three-judge panel level. Racism exists in the justice system, unfortunately... as is evidenced recently by the Georgia jogger Ahmaud Arbery's case.

I'm not eschewing legal representation for Mangum; I merely want any legal counsel representing her to do so aggressively and with her best interests, and not Duke University Hospital's, as a priority.

Crystal, with some coaching and instruction, would be able to do a reasonable job representing herself before the judges. I think she did a remarkable job at her August 15, 2018 hearing where she was forced to present her case from memory.

Nifong Supporter said...

Robert Allen Zimmerman said...
You know, I once knew a woman who looked like you
She wanted a whole man, not just a half
She used to call me sid daddy when we made love
You kind of remind me of her when you laugh
In order to deal in this game, got to make the queen disappear
It’s done with a flick of the wrist
What’s a sweetheart like you doing in a dump like this?

You know, a woman like you should be at home
That’s where you belong
Watching out for someone who loves you true
Who would never do you wrong
Just how much abuse will you be able to take?
Well, there’s no way to tell by that first kiss
What’s a sweetheart like you doing in a dump like this?

May 8, 2020 at 7:03 AM

Hey, Robert Allen Zimmerman.

Don't understand your comment.

I'd like to know your opinion about the integrity, or lack thereof, of the NC Court of Appeals.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
Sid -- I know you're monitoring the blog, because comments are being approved.

Why haven't you addressed any comments?

I'm specifically talking about those from:
Anonymous @ May 3, 2020 at 9:32 AM
Anonymous @ May 4, 2020 at 1:44 PM
Anonymous @ May 4, 2020 at 2:53 PM

May 8, 2020 at 9:02 AM

Hey, Anony.

Apologies for delay in reply to comments. There are times when I am concentrating on a project and lack the time to address the comments. Currently, I am in a brief lull, so I'm taking time to respond to all comments addressed to me specifically. I usually do not respond to comments directed towards kenhyderal.

I do appreciate comments and take them seriously. Time constraints often determine when I am able to respond.

Anonymous said...

Let me get this right -- NO ONE contacted the prison OR the company that manages the prison phone system to ask that the phone call or its transcript be preserved?

Why am I not surprised....That's on you and CGM -- not on the legal system.

Anonymous said...

You were told explicitly that you (or Crystal) needed to send a letter to the prison to preserve and obtain a copy of the phone call. You were told including it in the MAR was not sufficient. You intentionally ignored the advice because you truly have no intention of trying to help Crystal. You were told what to do and refused to do so, and you are going to try blame others. It’s pathetic.

guiowen said...

On the one hand, you say the telephone call (if saved) would set Crystal free. On the other hand, you say you will not try to get Miton to sign an affidavit, or testify in court because it would place him in jeopardy for perjury. Wouldn't the phone call put him equally in jeopardy?

Anonymous said...

A few things:

1. They won't prosecute for perjury (despite Sid's fevered conspiracy dreams);

2. The call itself would do nothing, Milton would still have to be interviewed and testify at the hearing;

3. Sid intentionally refused to do anything to secure this phone call, having been told exactly who to contact, and what to say, and that putting it in the MARs would not be sufficient;

4. The failure to preserve the call is because of Sid's inaction and refusal to do what is necessary, not some anti-Crystal plot, not some flaw in the Justice system, nothing else he and Kenny will try to blame it on. Sid was told what to do, he was told what not to do. He intentionally chose what not to do; and

5. Sid's continued refusal to do anything that experts and people with knowledge tell him to do that might help Crystal is further proof she's right he wants her.

kenhyderal said...

Such calls are not only recorded they are monitored and reviewed. One would think, ideally, there is a duty to pass on such information that suggests a miscarriage of Justice to the Attorney General. It's obvious that, in this pivotal case it's the Department of Justice who has Crystal "right where they want her". For North Carolina, sweeping injustice under the rug is a ticking time bomb that will, when revealed, be a lasting disgrace to this State.

Anonymous said...

Kenhyderal -
The North Carolina Dept of Corrections states only that phone calls "may be monitored"
("Handbook for Family and Friends of Inmates").

You state that they ARE recorded, monitored AND reviewed.

Where did you find this information?

guiowen said...

Anony 11:30,
It's just that Kenny misunderstands half of what he reads, because of context.

Anonymous said...

Kenhyderal. - That’s not a “gotcha” question. I seriously do want to know. If the DOC is telling us “may be monitored “, but they ARE definitely not only monitored, but recorded and reviewed, we certainly have an issue with the DOC.


Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Let me get this right -- NO ONE contacted the prison OR the company that manages the prison phone system to ask that the phone call or its transcript be preserved?

Why am I not surprised....That's on you and CGM -- not on the legal system.

May 9, 2020 at 8:39 AM

Hey, Anony.

An attempt has been made by Crystal, with my assistance, to contact the appropriate party to preserve and obtain a copy of the phone call. Such a letter is dated May 29, 2018 can be found on the following LINK

So, in answer to your question, my answer would be "No, you are incorrect. An attempt was made to contact the prison (at the highest level) or the appropriate party."

Consider yourself elucidated.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
You were told explicitly that you (or Crystal) needed to send a letter to the prison to preserve and obtain a copy of the phone call. You were told including it in the MAR was not sufficient. You intentionally ignored the advice because you truly have no intention of trying to help Crystal. You were told what to do and refused to do so, and you are going to try blame others. It’s pathetic.

May 9, 2020 at 1:37 PM

Hey, Anony.

As I explained in the previous comment, a good-faith effort was made to contact the appropriate person to obtain and preserve a copy of the March 30, 2018 phone call that Crystal Mangum made to Milton Walker. Surely the Secretary for the Department of Public Safety, Mr. Erik A. Hooks, who is in charge of the NC Correctional Institutions, should be able to have one of his assistants supply information to Mangum as to the proper person and address to whom she should direct her requests for a copy or transcript of the phone call. Neither Mangum nor I can do anything if Mr. Hooks elects to ignore us.

LINK to letter from Mangum to Mr. Hooks dated May 29, 2018

This explanation should be sufficient, but let me know if further elucidation is required.

Nifong Supporter said...

guiowen said...
On the one hand, you say the telephone call (if saved) would set Crystal free. On the other hand, you say you will not try to get Miton to sign an affidavit, or testify in court because it would place him in jeopardy for perjury. Wouldn't the phone call put him equally in jeopardy?

May 11, 2020 at 1:41 PM

Hey, gui, mon ami.

First, as you know, I am not an attorney. However, I believe that an affidavit carries more legal weight than would a statement over the phone. On a phone call one can offer the excuse that one misspoke. An affidavit in writing, I think, would leave much less wiggle-room.

With Dr. Wecht's report representing a howitzer in comparison with Walker's phone call being a pea shooter, focusing on the phone call is now relatively speaking, a waste of time. And, the report by Dr. Wecht doesn't put Mr. Walker in legal jeopardy.

Anonymous said...

A 2 minute google search woulf have given you the phone number to access the warden: 910-572-3784.

This "attempt" was made 2 MONTHS after the alleged phone call, and to a person in no position to provide Crystal Mangum with the assistance she needed to recover the phone call.

But you know all this -- I think you're doing this intentionally.


Consider yourself elucidated

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
A few things:

1. They won't prosecute for perjury (despite Sid's fevered conspiracy dreams);

2. The call itself would do nothing, Milton would still have to be interviewed and testify at the hearing;

3. Sid intentionally refused to do anything to secure this phone call, having been told exactly who to contact, and what to say, and that putting it in the MARs would not be sufficient;

4. The failure to preserve the call is because of Sid's inaction and refusal to do what is necessary, not some anti-Crystal plot, not some flaw in the Justice system, nothing else he and Kenny will try to blame it on. Sid was told what to do, he was told what not to do. He intentionally chose what not to do; and

5. Sid's continued refusal to do anything that experts and people with knowledge tell him to do that might help Crystal is further proof she's right he wants her.

May 12, 2020 at 4:38 AM

Hey, Anony.

Some clarification in response to your comments:
1. I would not want Mr. Walker not Ms. Aykia Hanes prosecuted for perjury because I believe they were under duress to do so. If it would free Mangum or get her a new trial, I would not mind if Dr. Nichols or Officer Marianne Bond were prosecuted for perjury. But as long as Mangum gets freedom and justice, I would not want Nichols or Bond to be prosecuted. To an extent, I believe them to be victims, too, by going along with the State's overwhelming desire to punish Mangum in retaliation for her role as accuser in the Duke Lacrosse case.

2. The purpose of using the call in the MAR was to obtain a new trial and freedom for Mangum.

3. Your premise is incorrect, as the May 29, 2018 letter shows. Advising me to contact the prison or the phone company is pretty vague. Better advice would have consisted of a name and specific contact information. I did the best I could by contacting the Secretary of the Department of Public Safety.

4. Actually, the justice system failed Mangum by ignoring her letter of May 29, 2018.

5. Again, your premise is incorrect. I often take commenters' advice. In fact, I welcome it. To suggest that I want Mangum in prison is ludicrous considering that we are engaged to be married. That doesn't make any sense... at least not to me.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Kenhyderal -
The North Carolina Dept of Corrections states only that phone calls "may be monitored"
("Handbook for Family and Friends of Inmates").

You state that they ARE recorded, monitored AND reviewed.

Where did you find this information?

May 12, 2020 at 11:30 AM

Hey, Anony.

I haven't seen the Handbook, but from my recollection the introductory message on the phone call states "your call will be monitored and recorded!"

I assume all my calls to Mangum are monitored, recorded, and very carefully reviewed. They may not do so for other inmates, but Mangum is not treated like other inmates.

Anonymous said...

Sources other than your recollection, please.

kenhyderal said...

@ Guiowen and assorted Anonymouses(May 9-13): "Admit nothing, deny everything, attack all, make counter accusations and defend the indefensible" (from the playbook of dirty trickster Roger Stone) It's a creed adopted by the Crystal Mangum hating Duke Lacrosse apologists. History is going to make you all look quite pathetic. "There are none so blind as those who will not see". I guess,you have been taken in by some very evil people. Yes, "The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing"... Albert Einstein

guiowen said...

Did someone predict this?

Kenny: "The evil Duke lacrosse apologists have been successful up to now, but will now suffer as the arc of justice bends in Crystal's direction."

Anonymous said...

Kenhyderal - I can only assume you will not or cannot answer my question regarding the phone call monitoring situation for NC inmates.

kenhyderal said...

@ Anonymous 5:00 AM 5-14-20:..... I though Dr.Harr answered that question @ 7:03 AM 5-13-20 (ie. "WILL be monitored and recorded"). Seems to be a reasonable assumption but, I guess, it's not something a Duke Lacrosse Apologist, according to their observed strategy, could ever let stand. Like Anonymous @ 7:11 AM 5-13-20, demand to hear the recorded message and demand to see the written policy.

Anonymous said...

Making an assumption that something that *may* happen is something that *will* happen is an error that the CGM Apologists, according to their observed strategy, keep making.

Another error the CGM Apologists are wont to commit is trusting Dr. Harr's "recollections".

Oh well -- hope,as they say, springs eternal.

kenhyderal said...

"Where love, there hope is also"---- Guy de Maupassant.

Anonymous said...

"Shooby doo bop shoo doo bop I want to love you
Shooby doo bop (I want to love you) computer love" -- Roger Troutman (Zapp)

Anonymous said...

It's been approximately 2 months since this motion was filed.

What's the current status?

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
It's been approximately 2 months since this motion was filed.

What's the current status?

May 19, 2020 at 5:04 PM

Hey, Anony.

It is my understanding that both the Motion to Recuse and the MAR have been denied by Judge Ridgeway. I haven't yet seen the documents and will comment on them once I have.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Making an assumption that something that *may* happen is something that *will* happen is an error that the CGM Apologists, according to their observed strategy, keep making.

Another error the CGM Apologists are wont to commit is trusting Dr. Harr's "recollections".

Oh well -- hope,as they say, springs eternal.

May 14, 2020 at 12:41 PM

Hey, Anony.

I listened carefully to the promo on the phone call from prison which specifically stated "This phone call will be monitored and recorded." That should clear all doubt.

Anonymous said...

No, Sid, it doesn't, even if monitored they aren't going to do your work for you. You were told who to contact, and what to say, and you intentionally chose to ignore that, and instead put it in an MAR and a letter to the head of DPS. Why? Because you want to pretend you are doing something, even though you know it won't help, but then you can blame others for the failure and pretend there is some vast anti-Crystal conspiracy out there.

The reality is you have her right where you want her, and you are terrified that married or not, the second she isn't captive, she will run as far away from you as she can, so you want her to stay as long as possible. You are just upset she didn't get life.

But, to keep her happy you lie to her and pretend you are helping and blaming the powers that be for your failures, instead of your own intentional acts.

Anonymous said...

Well we got the handbook, which states what it states for everyone to read.

....And we got your recollection.

Give us something MORE -- Give us something in writing from the state we can compare to the state's handbook.

Oh -- and just so everyone is elucidated -- neither you nor Crystal contacted the Warden of the prison she is in when the "confession" via phone call was made. No discussion with the guards or the telephone system managegement company?

Just a letter, 2 months after the phone call, to the man responsible for managing and staffing the ENTIRE NC state prison system.

kenhyderal said...

Admit nothing, ie "no Sid it doesn't" (Ah but yes it does.) Deny everything ie. "neither you or Crystal contacted the Warden" (But his boss Hooks was contacted.) Attack all, ie "You are just upset she didn't get life".( Regardless of how ludicrous and mean spirited the attack is.) Dirty tricks for dirty motives.

guiowen said...

Why don't you actually do something, instead of just lying on the beach in Dubai? As I've told you before, I'll even forgive your racism, if only you'll stop whining.

Anonymous said...

Has Crystal Mangum ever said why she lied about the lacrosse players raping her?

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Has Crystal Mangum ever said why she lied about the lacrosse players raping her?

May 23, 2020 at 5:39 PM

Hey, Anony.

Crystal Mangum has steadfastly maintained that she told the truth about being sexually assaulted at the Duke Lacrosse Spring Break bash in 2006.

Many in the media, such as Megyn Kelly, have stated as fact that Crystal Mangum lied without having any proof to support it. Ms. Kelly has never even spoken with, communicated with or interviewed Crystal Mangum, so she, like many others, is not in position to make such an inflammatory claim.

Consider yourself elucidated.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
Well we got the handbook, which states what it states for everyone to read.

....And we got your recollection.

Give us something MORE -- Give us something in writing from the state we can compare to the state's handbook.

Oh -- and just so everyone is elucidated -- neither you nor Crystal contacted the Warden of the prison she is in when the "confession" via phone call was made. No discussion with the guards or the telephone system managegement company?

Just a letter, 2 months after the phone call, to the man responsible for managing and staffing the ENTIRE NC state prison system.

May 21, 2020 at 6:42 AM

Hey, Anony.

My recollection was refreshed when I paid specific attention to the preliminary recorded message and it stated verbatim "this phone call will be monitored and recorded."

With regards to the letter sent to Mr. Erik Hooks, the Secretary of the Department of Public Safety, he has a staff at his disposal which should have forwarded the letter to the appropriate individual for response. Following the sending of the Mangum letter to Hooks, the onus was on the State to inform her about the phone recording.

Nifong Supporter said...

Anonymous said...
No, Sid, it doesn't, even if monitored they aren't going to do your work for you. You were told who to contact, and what to say, and you intentionally chose to ignore that, and instead put it in an MAR and a letter to the head of DPS. Why? Because you want to pretend you are doing something, even though you know it won't help, but then you can blame others for the failure and pretend there is some vast anti-Crystal conspiracy out there.

The reality is you have her right where you want her, and you are terrified that married or not, the second she isn't captive, she will run as far away from you as she can, so you want her to stay as long as possible. You are just upset she didn't get life.

But, to keep her happy you lie to her and pretend you are helping and blaming the powers that be for your failures, instead of your own intentional acts.

May 21, 2020 at 4:32 AM

Hey, Anony.

Hah! You have quite a fertile imagination with respect to my relationship with Crystal Mangum. You should consider a career as a soap opera writer. Very creative. However, the reality is that our relationship is boringly straightforward and based on love.

Anonymous said...

So the answer is NO. Neither you nor Crystal contracted the prison director (I think that’s the correct title, not “warden”). Nor did you contact the company managing the prison phone system....Nor did you attempt to identify the resources responsible for “monitoring and recording” the phone calls. Consider us elucidated.

What prison is Mangum in now? The one she was in at the time of the phone call is now an all male prison, correct?

Oh, you know NC prisons don’t allow conjugal visits, right? I’m sure Mangum does....

Anonymous said...

So you admit you expected someone else to do your work for your. Your obligation was to make the request properly and you refused to do that. That’s 100% on you. Don’t try to blame others.

kenhyderal said...

@ Anonymous 11:55 5-24-20 :---- You know and we all know that had Dr. Harr contacted those two entities, instead of Director of Prisons Eric Hooks, a Roy Cooper appointee, the outcome would have been no different. As Anonymous at 5-25-20 4:45 noted process and protocol are supreme and these are used at will to deny Justice and achieve desired outcome. In this case, keeping innocent Crystal Mangum incarcerated.

Anonymous said...

Crystal Mangum has steadfastly maintained that she told the truth about being sexually assaulted at the Duke Lacrosse Spring Break bash in 2006.

....Which version? The one where she was sexually assaulted by 3 men? 5 men? 20 men?

Or this one?

FWIW, I don't think this last version was even in her book, and as the article states, none of the records of the medical exams verify this version.

Anonymous said...

Ken-ny Ken-ny Ken-ny

Anonymous said...

kenhyderal said...
"I agree that Colin Finnerty , being wrongly identified in the flawed photo line-up, was innocent. I also agree that Evans and Seligmann were innocent of rape..."

November 9, 2015 at 2:15 PM

kenhyderal said...

@ Anonymous 5-28-20 2:15 PM ...........................But, in my opinion, not necessarily of sexual assault, kidnapping and theft. As well, in all probability, they know who the rapists were

guiowen said...

Anony 11:29
Please forgive Kenhyderal. He never lies but, because of context, he misinterprets half of what he hears or sees.

Anonymous said...

....But it was perfectly fine to charge them with rape.

Not sexual assault, or kidnapping, or theft, or misprision of felony.

That’s a rather....unusual opinion you got there, Kenny.

kenhyderal said...

The rape charges were dropped when DA Nifong decided he had insufficient evidence to meet the burden of proof for rape by these three individuals but he did proceed with charges of sexual assault and kidnapping. The theft of Crystal's money was an open and shut case but unfortunately he decided not to proceed with that