Friday, August 30, 2024

Plaintiff Pro Se's Response and Motion in Harr v. NC Judicial Standards Commission - filed August 21, 2024


Anonymous said...

The Eastern District is about to hit Harr with the same gatekeeper Order the Middle District already has. This is weak and whiney by even Sid’s standards. And, let’s be clear: nowhere do you provide any verification or indication that Crystal wants to be added. No matter what you claim your relationship is, or who you are to someone, you can’t add them to a lawsuit without their explicit consent. Not because of bias, or whatever nonsense Sid/Kenny throw out there, but basic logic and fairness.

Have you ever considered getting Crustal to provide an affidavit or letter saying she supports your efforts? Cause there is no proof in this court file, so this request will be rejected out of hand. It would be rejected anyway because legally it’s nonsense - you’ve been shown, repeatedly, that the Senior Resident can, and does, assign MARs to themselves. Just like felony murder - just cause you want to keep bleating out that your interpretation is right (despite clear law), you are wrong.

This is weak even by your low standards.

A Durham Man said...

Kenhyderal Lay Advocate:

Have you studied Sid’s motion to add a plaintiff? Will the judge grant the motion?

Nifong Supporter said...


On Sunday, September 8, 2024, as 7:00 p.m., EDT, Oxygen Channel will air Snapped: Behind Bars, an episode about Crystal Mangum.

I have not seen the episode and know little about what it will contain, but was somewhat disheartened by an article about the true crime documentary.

I was reticent about discussing the broadcast for fear that it might be cancelled. However, after reading the article, i do not know how much it will contain regarding the truths of Daye's death.

As you were.

Anonymous said...

Sid said: "Hey, Anony.
I was pretty much out of the loop with the production, so I know very little of the specifics. Haven't previewed it, and don't know what the documentary will present."

Seems like your contact with Mangum(your fiance) is not going well. She does an interview for Oxygen and you have not talked about this together? And seems you have not coached her for the interview either. Ah oh...

Anonymous said...

It’s interesting - for all you claim Crystal supports your efforts, she doesn’t ask that you be included in her interview or these shows.

Does she really know what you are doing allegedly on her behalf?

How many of those documents did she actually review and sign, and how many did you sign her name for her?

Anonymous said...

Where is Kenny? Why is he hiding?

dhall said...

I'm pretty sure Crystal Mangum has to petition the court (in writing) to join the lawsuit as a co-petitioner.
Of course, you should ask a lawyer first.

Anonymous said...

You absolutely need something from her indicating she wants to be added. Sid claiming he is her fiance and speaking for her with nothing affirmative from her doesn't cut it. It's a joke that will fail, and not because of injustice, but people can't be added as plaintiffs to lawsuits without their express consent, which Sid never seems to provide. Makes you wonder how much Crystal really knows about what he's doing, and if she actually did sign any of those documents, or if he is forging her name.

Tyrone Rugen said...

Anonymous @ September 4, 2024 at 4:42 PM -- Sid's forged her name and filed motions without her knowledge or consent in the past.

Just ask any of her former lawyers from the murder trial.

Nifong Supporter said...

Tyrone Rugen
Anonymous @ September 4, 2024 at 4:42 PM -- Sid's forged her name and filed motions without her knowledge or consent in the past.

Just ask any of her former lawyers from the murder trial.
September 5, 2024 at 8:56 AM

Hey, Tyrone Rugen.

The legal definition is: "Forgery is a criminal act that takes place when a person falsifies something with the intent to deceive another person or entity." Forgery requires the intent to deceive, something which cannot be supported by you or anyone.

Nifong Supporter said...

It’s interesting - for all you claim Crystal supports your efforts, she doesn’t ask that you be included in her interview or these shows.

Does she really know what you are doing allegedly on her behalf?

How many of those documents did she actually review and sign, and how many did you sign her name for her?
August 31, 2024 at 12:06 PM

Hey, Anony.

Ms. Mangum is aware of all documents that are filed, however to get her signature on documents in a timely manner it is unreliable and impractical to do so due to delays within the prison and with USPS.

Nifong Supporter said...


Be sure to watch the Snapped: Behind Bars documentary on Crystal Mangum which is scheduled to air on Sunday, September 8, 2024 at 7:00 PM EDT on Oxygen Channel.

I am relieved and pleased to announce a correction has been made to the August 28th Oxygen article... the correction being the removal of the adverb "fatally."
LINK to corrected article

Anonymous said...

You want them to believe SHE reviewed them and personally signed them. That is intent to deceive. If you didn't want to deceive the proper way to do it is sign their name and then say "with permission by" and sign your name. The fact you only sign hers is why it is legally wrong.

Anonymous said...


Will you be suing the Oxygen Channel again?

Nifong Supporter said...


Will you be suing the Oxygen Channel again?

September 7, 2024 at 6:12 AM

Hey, Anony.

Why should I sue Oxygen Channel? It already made the correction which I sought by removing the adverb "fatally." What would be the purpose. Keep in mind that I am not a frivolous and vexatious litigant as some courts would have one believe. In fact, in the first defamation lawsuit, it was more than a year after my initial request for a correction before I filed a lawsuit.

I believe the when the October 7, 2018 article was written, Oxygen actually believed that Mangum's stab wound was fatal. However, after its research for the August 28th article and Snapped: Behind Bars documentary, it was either convinced of Mangum's innocence or questioned her guilt. Whatever, the adverb was removed in the latter situation.

When I have the time, I may revisit the 2018 article and again request a correction. Right now I am laser focused on getting Ms. Mangum released.

Nifong Supporter said...


This evening, Sunday, September 8, 2024, at 7:00 PM EDT, Snapped: Behind Bars will air on the Oxygen Channel. Would very much like to hear your reviews on the documentary.

As you were.

Nifong Supporter said...


Here's a LINK to the Snapped: Behind Bars episode on Crystal Mangum.

I would be very interested in hearing your comments.

As you were.

Prince Humperdinck said...

Tried to watch the link Sid posted.
Some talking heads kept interrupting the commercials, so I gave up on it.

Tyrone Rugen said...

Why didn't you post my reply to your comment from September 6, 2024 at 6:16 AM??

Tyrone Rugen said...

FYI -- Some of Sid's history of filing motions without CGM's knowledge or consent can be read about here. Lance and others noted in April 2012 that Mangum denied signing these motions.

Anonymous said...

She says one of the best things about being in custody is the support she has received from those who are helping her - guards and fellow inmates. Why didn't she mention Sid?

Nifong Supporter said...

Tyrone Rugen
Why didn't you post my reply to your comment from September 6, 2024 at 6:16 AM??
September 9, 2024 at 12:11 PM

Hey, Tyrone Rugen.

I would not purposely not post your comment. Please resubmit it.

Nifong Supporter said...

Tyrone Rugen
FYI -- Some of Sid's history of filing motions without CGM's knowledge or consent can be read about here. Lance and others noted in April 2012 that Mangum denied signing these motions.
September 9, 2024 at 12:39 PM

Hey, Tyrone Rugen.

Just because Ms. Mangum may have denied actually signing documents does not mean that she lacked knowledge and didn't give her consent for their filing.

Whether or not Ms. Mangum actually signed the documents is really a petty issue. The motions and documents I filed for her were for her benefit. Unfortunately, the NC Innocence Commission and the NC Prisoner Legal Services had more allegiance to the state than their client, ergo I had not alternative than to file and sign documents. Comprende?

dhall said...

Dr. Harr -- It's not whether or not the motions were filed for Crystal Mangum's benefit.
The fact that (according to the article), her lawyer states that these specific specific motions "were filed...without her knowledge or consent..." is the true issue.
That casts all the other lawsuits and motions you filed under her name in question.

Anonymous said...

Even if she knew, even if she consented - Sid is committing a fraud upon the court by signing her name without any indication it is not actually her signing it. If any of the lawyers in those cases read this blog (doubtful), they could strike everything he has filed and seek sanction.

He has no right to sign her name - and it definitely makes you wonder if she has any idea what he is doing. He says she does - but interesting she never named him or thanked him in her interview - she did others.

I suspect she has no idea how badly he has damaged her chances of early release.

Nifong Supporter said...

Dr. Harr -- It's not whether or not the motions were filed for Crystal Mangum's benefit.
The fact that (according to the article), her lawyer states that these specific specific motions "were filed...without her knowledge or consent..." is the true issue.
That casts all the other lawsuits and motions you filed under her name in question.

September 10, 2024 at 9:54 AM

Hey, dhall.

Ms. Mangum's situation is somewhat singular in that she is incarcerated and has been deprived by the State of legal representation. Ergo, the avenues of communication are encumbered, i.e., I am unable to contact her and USPS communication is often delayed or not delivered. In addition, many briefs are filed in response to time-limited orders. When opportunity presents, Ms. Mangum is always informed of actions I take on her behalf, whether preemptively or belatedly.

Nifong Supporter said...

Even if she knew, even if she consented - Sid is committing a fraud upon the court by signing her name without any indication it is not actually her signing it. If any of the lawyers in those cases read this blog (doubtful), they could strike everything he has filed and seek sanction.

He has no right to sign her name - and it definitely makes you wonder if she has any idea what he is doing. He says she does - but interesting she never named him or thanked him in her interview - she did others.

I suspect she has no idea how badly he has damaged her chances of early release.
September 10, 2024 at 1:55 PM

Hey, Anony.

In this era of electronic filing, hardly any real-life, old-fashioned signatures are placed on documents. So, I do not believe that argument has much relevance.

True, Ms. Mangum did not thank me in the final edited documentary, but I take no offense at that. The way I interpreted her answer was with regards to the support she received within the correctional institution... and obviously that excludes me from consideration in her response.

dhall said...

it's been explained to you that Crystal Mangum's filings are considered timely if they are mailed from the prison before the time limit has expired -- not when the court receives them.
Ms. Mangum could read the motions from the defendant(s) as you bring them to her (provided you do so in a timely fashion yourself), write her motions in response and mail them.
Inmates do this all the time -- ask your friend, Shan Carter.

dhall said...

Electronic filing for lawsuits treat the use of the attorney's unique system login and password as a signature. They ARE signed by the attorney.

The bottom line is that every pleading, written motion, and other papers must be personally signed if the party is not represented by a lawyer.

Prince Humperdinck said...

Sid on Jan 8:
"Information about the secret project will be released as soon as I received clearance from the project director to do so. This project was not originated by me, but one which I believed will be of immense help in getting Ms. Mangum released."

Sid on Feb 25th:
"Haven't received clearance yet to divulge the secret project. Should get it anytime now."

Sid on Mar 23rd :
"Not yet cleared to discuss secret project."

Sid on Apr 21st:
"I have not received permission to announce the project yet. However, I will say that the project will be accessible sometime this fall... around September. So I will guess that I will be able to discuss it in more depth several weeks to a couple of months before then."

Sid -- It's September. What happened to this so-called "secret project"?

Nifong Supporter said...


Here is a LINK to an online article about the Crystal Mangum documentary.
I think this article is extremely good and enlightening.

As you were.

Tyrone Rugen said...

For those who haven't bothered to read Sid's link to the article (Really, Sid -- why take to time to create a document like you did, when you can actually link to the article directly?), I can sum it up in 10 words:
"Mangum is expected to be released from prison in 2026."

I totally agree with therapist Latoya Smith -- "Even after all these years of being in prison, with all the things she's been's hard for her to accept responsibility for any of her actions."

Anonymous said...

This is the best press coverage any American Media has given, to date. It stll, though, is not giving one important aspect of the wrongful conviction and wrongful incarceration of Crystal, an aspect that is well know to " the powers that be" and to the Political rulers , especially Gov. Cooper and AG Stein, that it was false and totally unsubstantiated testimony, given by Dr. Nicholls and Dr. Roberts, that the stab wound was the cause of death. That's why a mis-informed Jury found her guilty and that's why the American people need to know what those in power know and demand an answer as to why they wont act to correct this miscarriage of Justice. This is a start but the 5th Estate needs to dig deeper and expose and hold responsible those who are "guilty" of this. Crystal innocent of any crime the Politicians guilty.

kenhyderal1 said...

?? The post labeled Anonymous at 9-12- 24 :9:37 AM is miy post. Kenhyderal

Prince Humperdinck said...

Anonymous @September 12, 2024 at 9:37 AM (Who I'm sure is Kenhyderal):

Sid's tried the "5th Estate" option with this blog, Facebook, and Youtube. How'd that work out?

You have internet access -- where's your "5th estate" approach? Where's your attempt to "dig deeper and expose and hold responsible those who are "guilty" of this."??

kenhyderal said...

This is the best press coverage any American Media has given, to date. It stll, though, is not giving one important aspect of the wrongful conviction and wrongful incarceration of Crystal, an aspect that is well know to " the powers that be" and to the Political rulers , especially Gov. Cooper and AG Stein, that it was false and totally unsubstantiated testimony, given by Dr. Nicholls and Dr. Roberts, that the stab wound was the cause of death. That's why a mis-informed Jury found her guilty and that's why the American people need to know what those in power know and demand an answer as to why they wont act to correct this miscarriage of Justice. This is a start but the 5th Estate needs to dig deeper and expose and hold responsible those who are "guilty" of this. Crystal innocent of any crime the Politicians guilty.

Kenhyderal Lay Advocate said...


Be sure to read the Kenhyderal comment on Crystal Mangum from September 13, 2024 at 6:31 am on this blog.

As you were

Anonymous said...

Right on kenhyderal.

Kenhyderal Lay Advocate said...


Read Kenhyderal's comment on Crystal Mangum from September 13, 2024 at 6:31 am on this blog.
I think this comment is extremely good and enlightening.

Also, it appears there is someone attempting to imitate Kenhyderal. Ignore those attempts by "Anonymous" and "kenhyderal1". Dr. Harr, I suggests you modify your "kenhyderal rule" to ensure such imitations do not get posted!

As you were.

Kilgo1 said...


If you contact me, I will provide the information about the party that you need.

Walt1 said...

Despite his rare excursions toward justice, Sid is most concerned about the unfair an unequal application of the law in favor of his causes, no matter how unjust they are.

Lance1 said...

“But the most brilliant propagandist technique will yield no success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly and with unflagging attention. It must confine itself to a few points and repeat them over and over.”

This appears to be a lesson Sid has learned well....

kenhyderal said...

Crystal is a murderer. "In the size of the lie there is a certain factor of credibility, because, with the primitive simplicity of their feelings the masses fall victim more easily to a big lie than to a small one" Hitler Cooper and Stein have learned well.

Tyrone Rugen said...

Interesting take, Kenny.
"Crystal is a murderer."

In this comment, where is the "...certain factor of credibility"?
Without that "certain factor" your whole argument falls apart.

Anonymous said...

NC Judicial Standards Commission submitted a motion on Sep 19th regarding Sid's recent attempt to amend/correct his original complaint.
It looks like they also submitted a motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction and a motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim.

Other than allowing comments, Sid hasn't posted anything since 9/11/2024. Perhaps he'll post NC JSC's recent motions.

Nifong Supporter said...

NC Judicial Standards Commission submitted a motion on Sep 19th regarding Sid's recent attempt to amend/correct his original complaint.
It looks like they also submitted a motion to Dismiss for Lack of Jurisdiction and a motion to Dismiss for Failure to State a Claim.

Other than allowing comments, Sid hasn't posted anything since 9/11/2024. Perhaps he'll post NC JSC's recent motions.
September 20, 2024 at 8:58 AM

Hey, Anony.

Thanks for informing me about the NC JSC filing. I was unaware of that. I will pick up a copy on Monday. On September 19th I also filed a document in that case. I will try to have it posted sometime this weekend.