Saturday, February 1, 2025

Harr Update

Update! As some of you have alluded to, Sid has not posted recently. Sid is currently at the Wake Detention Center in Raleigh serving a 30 day contempt of court sentence. He will be released on February 17, 2025. He is in contact with friends and family, is in good spirits, and is doing well. He looks forward to telling you all about this experience and what led to it, when he returns!


Dr. Caligari said...

For years (literally), I have been urging Dr. Harr to obtain legal counsel before doing things that could constitute the unauthorized practice of law. I pray that, upon his release, he ceases his filing of legal actions on Mangum's behalf. The penalty will be harsher next time.

Doogie Howser said...

With a tip of the hat to Sonny Curtis and the Crickets:

Breaking rocks in the hot sun
Sid fought the law and the law won
Sid fought the law and the law won

dhall said...

Dr. Caligari -- You haven't been the only one. I know That Walt-In-Durham and Lance The Intern both told him the same.

Dr. Harr stated in his >i>Let's Talk Durham interview that he would like to see "full and good-faith compliance to judicial codes and rules currently in place for attorneys and judges...", yet he completely refuses to comply to codes and rules currently in place for him.

He truly expects special treatment and when he doesn't get it, the fault lies in "technicalities".

I'm sad that Dr. Harr has found himself in this situation, but I'm hopeful it forces him to realize that there are codes and rules he has to abide by.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully this ends Sid's lawfare. If he wants to help he can direct his time, effort and talents towards helping Mangum prepare for her release next year and the next stage(s) of her life. In my non-professional opinion, I think the biggest problem most prisoners face post release is the absence of any kind of (positive) support, exacerbated by the fact that they suddenly have a lot of time on their hands and no way to channel it productively. Mangum needs to move forward with her life - not slip into the old routines and habits that cost her her freedom and children and ruined so many lives. I think Sid could be a positive force in that respect.

Abe Froman
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

@dhall Selectively applied to achieve wanted results ie, In this case keeping a wrongly convicted person in prison.

kenhyderal said...

Post at 2-3-25 is mine

Doogie Howser said...

Who is the person behind the curtain releasing comments while Sid is locked up?

dhall said...

Anonymous@ February 3, 2025 at 2:04 PM (I assume Kenhyderal):

If you believe that a court has "selectively applied [laws] to achieve wanted results" against you, there are specific steps you can follow. Note -- YOU can follow. Not your advocate, not your fiancee. You. One of those steps?Obtain legal counsel.

Tying this back to the topic at hand, Dr. Harr, by taking actions that should have been taken by Crystal Mangum or her legal counsel, has put himself in this situation.

He's been warned MANY times that what he was doing was going to lead to the situation he's found himself in now. He chose to ignore those warnings.

He chose...poorly.

Anonymous said...


With your finely honed Google skills, you should be able to determine that the Governor Livingstone High School Alumni Association is not a North Carolina institution. We don’t call you Copy ‘N Paste Kenny for nothing.

Anonymous said...

To be clear - as was made explicit in the Order - Sid was repeatedly offered the assistance of counsel and refused. He was warned, but FAFO.

Prince Humperdinck said...

Anonymous @February 5, 2025 at 1:29 PM:

Sid admitted his guilt well before the Order to Show Cause hearing -- and his record for filing lawsuits and motions on CGM's behalf speaks for itself. There's really nothing counsel could do for him.

Doogie Howser said...


Are you being investigated by the Governor Livingstone High School Alumni Association?

Prince Humperdinck said...

The program for cognitively-impaired students at Governor Livingstone High School is pretty well known. Maybe the alumni association is looking for a mascot to represent it?

kenhyderal supporter said...

I read on the Internet that Rae Evans is a graduate of Governor Livingstone High School. This would explain why the Alumni Association is harassing kenhyderal.

Doogie Howser said...


What is your problem with the Governor Livingstone High School Alumni Association?

Prince Humperdinck said...

Reposting here so the discussion doesn't get lost...
"...the so-called criminal contempt conviction for violation of a 2013 permanent injunction against unauthorized practice of law," was mainly a pretext upon which to incapacitate me by making me unavailable to be a witness at Ms. Mangum's Petition for Judicial Review hearing "

That's a rather ridiculous statement, as you have admitted on this blog that your actions were (and have been) in violation of the permanent injunction. it's not "so-called" when it's true.

With regards to the delay, DA Deberry can't explain why it took 2 months to serve her with the summons and complaint.

MOO, the sheriff's department prioritizes summons with domestic violence and child custody cases getting priority, and while YOU think this should've been done quicker, the sheriff's office gave it a much lower priority.
If you didn't file so many frivolous lolsuits, this probably wouldn't be the case.

Anonymous said...

Today is Sid's release date. How long before he violates the injunction again? I give it a week.

Anonymous said...


What can you tell us about the Governor Livingstone High School Alumni Association? Is the group biased against Canadians?

Kenhyderal Lay Advocate said...

The the Governor Livingstone High School Alumni Association are friends of Roy Cooper and Josh Stein, like Duke Energy , Duke Health, Duke University, Lowes, SAS, the News and Observer and of course the NCDP.

But not to worry. Kenhyderal Will be in the process of making lemonade soon.

As you were.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if this ever came up, but Harr v. N.C. Judicial Standards Commission was DISMISSED WITHOUT PREJUDICE for lack of subject matter jurisdiction pursuant to Rule 12(b)(1) on 11/27/2024. The opinion can be found here:

Sid filed a motion for reconsideration on 12/13/2024. This motion was denied on 02/06/2025.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Dr. Caligari.

I appreciate your advice, but the problem has been trying to obtain legal counsel for Mangum... as everyone's afraid. She was abandoned by NC Prisoner Legal Services, NC Innocence Inquiry Commission received $50,000 from the city of Durham in a settlement with the Duke Lacrosse defendants who were trying to squeeze $10 million each but dropped their pursuit after several years, and attorneys from civil rights/social justice organizations as well as from the private sector.

Clearly Judge Clayton D. Somers was recruited by Administrative Law Judge Linda F. Nelson and/or the Wake County Trial Court Administrator Kellie Z. Myers to attack me using the old court order. The outcome was preordained and was cruel, unwarranted, but not without purpose as the conviction and confinement prevented me from appearing as a witness at Mangum's January 27, 2025 hearing.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Doogie Howser.

Au contrare, mi amigo. The actions by Judge Somers only strengthened my case and resolve. Not only that, but while in the hoosegow I picked up a few more clients who were wrongly prosecuted. I will upload one of them in the next blog.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, dhall.

I don't expect special treatment, I only expect to be treated fairly. The fault doesn't lie with technicalities per se, it lies with the utilization of technicalities and outright violation of rules and laws in the State's attempt to obstruct justice in Mangum's criminal case. Consider just the three following:
(1) Wake County Superior Court refusing to issue subpoenas and requiring my motion to compel to get relief LINK

(2) Wake County Superior Court making fraudulent entries on my record to make it appear a gatekeeper order was filed in March 20, 2023 LINK
(3) Durham Sheriff's Department and Durham D.A. Satana Deberry colluding to delay service of the summons and complaint of Crystal and my civil rights lawsuit against the district attorney Link

What I have gone through is something for which others have not been subjected.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Abe.

I'm not into lawfare. I'm into justice. Crystal is innocent and she deserves to be freed and exonerated. Sadly the State is using all sources at its disposal, including racist judges, to achieve its evil and inhumane telos.

Nifong Supporter said...

Obtaining legal counsel to defend Mangum is not an easy task as she has been made a societal pariah by a biased corporate media.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Anony.

I didn't need legal assistance. No one knows my case better than I do. The only way the State could possibly win against me was for the judge to grant a Motion in Limine to prohibit me (with the threat of contempt) from
talking about or mentioning Crystal Mangum's case and for the judge to quash all subpoenas to prevent me from proving Mangum's innocence.

Don't you realize that Judge Clayton D. Somers was recruited for the explicit purpose of having me jailed to prevent my appearance at Mangum's hearing on January 27, 2025?

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Prince Humperdinck.

What I admitted was that I was unable to procure legal counsel for Mangum after she was abandoned by the NC Prisoner Legal Services and the compromised NC Innocence Inquiry Commission, civil rights/social justice organizations and others refused to represent her. The Motion in limine, which was arbitrary and capricious, essentially prevented me from presenting a defense. In the courtroom, the judge is in charge... not justice.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Prince Humperdinck.

The fact is the lawsuit against Deberry was filed at U.S. District Court on November 22, 2024, the Durham County Sheriff's Department received the Summons and Complaint on November 22, 2024, the Sheriff's officer received the summons/complaint on January 21, 2025 and served it personally on Deberry, but neglects to note the date of service. However the document was signed on January 21, 2025, but by not filling in the date of service he avoids perjury. Right? LINK

So your theory is as legitimate as the undated proof of service by the Sheriff's department.

Nifong Supporter said...

Hey, Anony.

While in the Wake County Hoosegow I did pick up a few more clients. My next post will be about one of the more egregious miscarriages of justice of the many whose stories of wrongful prosecution I've heard.
Let's see what happens.

Prince Humperdinck said...

“MOO” is an acronym for “My Opinion Only”. It’s an opinion, and as such is legitimate- certainly more legitimate than your opinion that the “Motion in limine…was arbitrary and capricious”.

I can at least point to the sheriff department’s website to show their priorities, which I based my opinion on.

Anonymous said...

Clients? You did tell them why you were in jail, didn’t you?

Nifong Supporter Supporter said...

Dr. Harr:

Given that the sole purpose of the order finding you in contempt was to prevent you from testifying at the January 27 hearing, why didn’t you appeal the order? In addition, have you discussed with kenhyderal whether you have a claim for compensation against North Carolina and the Governor?

dhall said...

You do expect special treatment. You expect that you can practice law without a license with absolutely no repercussions. You were wrong.

There are a number of people in North Carolina who have gone to jail for Unauthorized Practice of Law. In fact, 1 person served 16 consecutive 30 day sentences for this. To claim that "others have not been subjected" to jail time and a fine is false.

Now, consider the three following:

#1- The person who originally took your documents should not have taken them. Human error. It happens.

#2 -- The link you posted clearly states the gatekeeper order is from 2/18/2013. The truth is, you were the subject of a gatekeeper order from your Harr v. Duke III lawsuit in addition to the permanent injunction you received from your Mangum filings. I wouldn't be surprised if there's more.

#3 - There is no evidence of collusion between the sheriff's dept and DA Deberry. If it's such a concern for you, you have the deputy (?) sheriff's name. Ask him why there was a delay in service.

Anonymous said...

The order to show cause was about your actions.
There’s no one you could have subpoenaed that could testify that you haven’t been practicing law. Mentioning CGM’s trial has nothing to do with this one - other than to prove you were violating the court order.

You were jailed because you were guilty. Time to accept it.

Anonymous said...

I’m convinced you don’t understand the words “arbitrary” or “capricious”.

Anonymous said...

What was this Jan 27 hearing about, anyway? Was it Mangum v. Nelson?