Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Letter from Dr. Harr to NC Judicial Standards Commission -- July 11, 2022


Anonymous said...


Is this the Super Secret Project?

Anonymous said...


Kenny confirmed in a comment posted in the last thread that Duke Energy is one of the powers that be. If that is the case, it opens up additional opportunities for you to file motions to disqualify judges. And I am certain you will be able to create new conspiracy theories about the conflicts of interest that existed for attorneys who represented Crystal.

Anonymous said...

Nice going, Sid.

While rescinding your complaint, you manage to STILL accuse Jodge Sternlicht of conducting an ex parte hearing, impartiality, and that his actions, while acceptable, were neither fair nor just.

You then go on to accuse Judge Dever (who had nothing to do with your Sternlicht grievance) of using his judical disgression to "justify a desired outcome favorable to his alma mater", when his alma mater (Duke) didn't have anything to do with the civil lawsuit in question.

And you admitted to attempting to address the court from the gallery, preparing Mangum's legal documents, and discussing "our legal strategy". The first an admission of potential comtempt of court, and the latter two an admission of practicing law without a license.

You are a piece of work.

Anonymous said...

Dominion Energy supplies natural gas to the triangle -- They're headguartered in Richmond, VA.

You know what else is in Richmond, VA? The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals...

BOOM! We got us a conspiracy theory!

Anonymous said...


Since you are making a list of the powers that be who are sabotaging Sid’s litigation, let’s not forget Duke Realty, David Duke and the Duke Brothers.

Anonymous said...

I read that Duke Energy is responsible for all of the fracking in Durham.

Anonymous said...

Duke's Mayonnaise? I've always been suspicious of them.

kenhyderal said...

cf. my reply on the last thread.

Anonymous said...


See my reply on the last thread.

Anonymous said...


See my reply on the last thread.

A Durham Man said...

Poster at 3:50:

I have found that pointing out to Kenny the errors in his posts is a waste of time. He is as dumb as a box of rocks.

Anonymous said...


Your debating skills (master or otherwise) are failing you. See my reply on the last thread.

kenhyderal supporter said...

Dr. Harr,

Why are you failing to enforce the kenhyderal supporter doctrine?

kenhyderal supporter said...

Right on kenhyderal.